25 minute read
fiscal responsibility B.C.’s regional COV ID-19 orders getting
7Rabi ul II 5,1442
Nov 20, 2020 C O VID / LOCAL
10 deaths and 762 new cases as B.C. breaks COVID-19 records again
British Columbia’s COVID-19 surge showed requires a sustained effort by all of us,” pro- Interior Health region, 20 on Vancouver Isno sign of slowing down Wednesday, as the vincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry and land and 13 in the Northern Health region. province broke another record with 762 new Health Minister Adrian Dix wrote. “This sec- There were also a record number of people in cases of the virus in a 24-hour period. ond surge is putting a strain on our health- hospital, up 11 overnight to 209. Fifty-eight In a written statement, health officials said care system, our workplaces and us all. We people were in critical or intensive care with there were 10 new deaths, bringing the prov- need to ease this pressure so we can continue COVID-19.A new outbreak involving one paince’s total to 320. It was the second day in a to manage the virus in our province and also tient at Surrey Memorial hospital was also derow that B.C. reported double-digit deaths continue to do the many activities that are im- clared. Fraser Health said the unit, which was from the virus.“We have seen a rising number portant to us.” not identified, was closed but that the emerof new cases of COVID-19 across the prov- The majority of the cases were in the Fraser gency department remained open and other ince and we need to slow this down. We need Health region (481) and Vancouver Coastal hospital operations were unaffected. to put the brakes on the virus and doing this Health region (210). Another 38 were in the Source.globalnews.ca
B.C.’s regional COVID-19 orders getting ‘second component,’ premier says
VANCOUVER -- The tough regional restric- place on Nov. 9,” Horgan said. “Dr. Henry socialize with their “core bubble,” which for tions in B.C.’s Lower Mainland that were put will have more to say on orders tomorrow.” most people means members of their own in place less than two weeks ago have a “sec- The current public health order is scheduled household. ond component,” Premier John Horgan said to end on Nov. 23, though coronavirus case Residents are also asked not to travel between Wednesday. The premier didn’t provide any numbers have continued to swell since it was health authority regions, except for essential further details, but said the public would be first announced. Just this week, B.C. broke its and business purposes.In addition, the order hearing more at Thursday’s COVID-19 brief- previous records for active coronavirus cases, forced gyms and fitness facilities throughout ing with provincial health officer Dr. Bon- hospitalizations, daily increases and daily fa- the Lower Mainland to temporarily close unnie Henry. “We have a significant two weeks talities.Under the existing restrictions, people til they could get a new COVID-19 safety plan ahead of us as we look at the second compo- living in the Vancouver Coastal Health and approved by local health officials. nent of the regional orders that were put in Fraser Health regions are only supposed to Source.bc.ctvnews.ca
Budget 2021 pairs fiscal responsibility with strong community investment
balanced budget that holds the line on prop- 1. Newton Community Centre & Land with 2 sheets of ice (budgeted for 2022/23) erty taxes. The rate set in the 2019 and 2020 Acquisition The operating budget for police related serbudgets was 2.9% and is, once again, the rate 2. City Centre Sports Complex Phase 1 vices, which include the Surrey Police Serproposed for the 2021 budget,” said Mayor 3. Bear Creek Park Athletics Centre vice, was forecasted at $189.6 million in the Doug McCallum. “There is no question that 4. South Surrey Athletic Park Track Replace- 2020 budget. City staff has been continually COVID-19 has hit all of us hard economi- ment & New Artificial Turf Field reviewing this item as more information becally and Council recognizes the importance 5. Newton Turf & Washroom/ came available and has recalculated the opof not increasing the burden to our ratepay- Changeroom erating budget for police related services for ers. The adversity that we face now with the 6. Artificial Turf Field Replacements at Five 2021 at $184.1 million, a decrease of $5.5 pandemic will eventually come to an end, Locations million from the projection in the previous Surrey, BC – The City of Surrey’s proposed and Budget 2021 plans for life after COVID 7. Indigenous Carving Centres budget cycle. Budget 2021 has set a general property tax by investing in public projects in the form 8.Newton Athletic Park Walking Track “On behalf of Council, I would like to thank increase of 2.9%, which is consistent with of facilities, parks and other infrastructure 9. Sunnyside Reservoir Pickleball & all of our city staff for the steps they have takthe rate that was set by Council in the two projects. Surrey has weathered the economic Bike Park en to ensure that the core services and proprevious budgets. Despite the challenges storm caused by COVID and Budget 2021 10. New Park Washrooms grams are delivered in the most cost effective that have been brought on by the COVID-19 puts us on a steady and stable course to navi- 11. Biodiversity Preserve Park manner during this time of pandemic,” said pandemic, Surrey’s Budget 2021 is balanced gate the new year and beyond.” Improvements Mayor Doug McCallum. “I want to give a in accordance with the Local Government Budget 2021 proposes a Capital Parcel Tax 12. Trail & Path Development special thank you to the staff of the City’s FiAct and the Community Charter. increase of $200. Below are some of the pro- 13. Crescent Park Studio/Building nance Department for their comprehensive “It has been Council’s approach to manage jects that will benefit all citizens of Surrey Renovation and meticulous work on Budget 2021.” our public dollars prudently and it is a tes- that the levy will help fund. 14. Outdoor Volleyball Courts Source.Oliver Lum Senior Manager, tament to the economic strength of Surrey All of the following projects are budgeted to 15. New Park Shelters Communications and Media Relations that we have been able to bring in a fully ensure work can get underway next year: 16. Cloverdale Sport & Ice Complex
Biden filling top White House team with campaign veterans
sion. The Democrat will be inaugurated Jan. 20. Late last week, Biden tapped former senior campaign adviser Ron Klain to serve as his chief of staff. The latest round reflects Biden’s stated commitment to diversity in his staff - the team includes four people of colour and five women. “America faces great challenges, and they bring diverse perspectives and a shared commitment to tackling these challenges and emerging on the other side a stronger, more united nation,” Biden said in a statement. O’Malley Dillon, 44, was the first woman Continued from Page 1 to manage a successful Democratic presidential campaign. She is a veteran political operative who worked on both of Barack Obama’s White House bids. Rodriguez, granddaughter of the late farmworker union leader Cesar Chavez, was national political director on Sen. Kamala Harris’ 2016 presidential team before coming to the Biden campaign, and served in the Obama administration. Richmond, a 47-year-old African American, will be a senior adviser to the president and director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, the role Valerie Jarrett filled in the Obama administration. He’s expected to engage with Congress and focus on the Black community and other minority groups. Richmond formally announced that he was taking the position at a news conference at a regional airport in eastern New Orleans, not far from his home. He said he will step down from his congressional post in January. Richmond said he believes having Biden’s ear in a West Wing office will enable him to help Louisiana and other Southern states with similar problems, including poverty, poor health outcomes and ineffective education.“This new role will allow me to offer advice to the president when he wants it - maybe sometimes when he doesn’t want it,” Richmond said. A former chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, Richmond was among Biden’s earliest high-profile supporters and served as his campaign co-chair. Richmond has scheduled a Tuesday news conference in which he’s expected to announce that he’s leaving his congressional seat. Richetti, Donilon, Tomasini and Bernal all have longstanding relationships with the Biden family. Ricchetti was Biden’s chief of staff during Obama’s second term, while Donilon has advised him in various roles since 1981, and Tomasini served in communications roles for Biden when he was still a senator. Source. ctvnews.ca
Coronavirus infections over 56 million worldwide
8Rabi ul II 5,1442
Nov 20, 2020 N ATIONAL & I NT A ‘crackdown’ on journalism is dangerous to Lacking clarity on scope of study into feds’ pandemic response, Pfizer concerned democracy: PM on global media freedom about implications for COVID-19 program OTTAWA -- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau highlighted the work of journalists working TORONTO -- Pfizer says it under pressure in Hong Kong and Belarus has yet to receive any guidance at Monday’s international conference on or clarity from the Canadian media freedom. Canada has been vocal in government regarding the condemning the clampdowns on democracy scope of a wide-ranging oppo- and free expression by the Chinese governsition request for documents ment in the former British colony of Hong as part of House of Commons Kong and the fraudulent presidential elecHealth Committee study into tion in Belarus that has given rise to proOttawa’s response to the pan- democracy protests. demic. This has prompted new “Today, we see citizens calling for change, concerns for the drug manu- from Hong Kong to Belarus, only to have the officials from his government. facturer, saying the release authorities attack the freedom of the press,” “It is never acceptable for a journalist to be of certain information could Trudeau told the conference co-hosted by attacked for doing their job,” said Trudeau. have “unintended conse- that: “without further details, we are still Canada and Botswana on Monday.Trudeau “A crackdown on the media puts democracy quences” on its COVID-19 vaccine program. concerned with the implications and unin- denounced the imprisonment of Reuters in danger. It puts lives in danger.” The opposition motion, which passed last tended consequences of the motion on our journalists Kyaw Soe Oo and Wa Lone for At the same event, a coalition of internationmonth, generated concerns from the Liberal COVID-19 vaccine program.” reporting on military atrocities committed al lawyers, led by a former Canadian attorgovernment and various stakeholders that The company said it supported the idea of against the Rohingya people in Myanmar, ney general, called for a new global charter to sensitive or proprietary business information lawmakers examining Canada’s response to and of Philippine journalist Maria Ressa. protect the rights of imprisoned journalists could be made public and not only interfere COVID-19 and that it would be happy to The Reuters journalists have since gained in an increasingly hostile world. Irwin Cotwith contract negotiations, but also hamper collaborate with the committee if asked, but freedom and have been awarded a Pulitzer ler, the former Liberal justice minister and Canada’s overall efforts to conduct business is worried about the implications, without Prize. In June, Ressa was convicted of “cyber international human rights lawyer, made the with global companies. offering specifics. libel” and sentenced to six years behind bars recommendation in a report he authored for With the deadline looming for the release “It is difficult to elaborate further without after complaints from her country’s strong- a coalition of independent international leof emails, documents, notes, and other re- more guidance from the government on the man president, Rodrigo Duterte, and other gal experts....... Source: .ctvnews.ca cords from various departments and agencies including Health Canada and the Pubscope of this motion,” said the pharmaceutical giant. In an interview on CTV’s Power Calls for clarity on provincial mask-wearing lic Health Agency of Canada, Pfizer says it remains concerned the government would be required to release confidential informaPlay on Monday, Public Services and Procurement Minister Anita Anand said that since the motion passed, the government had policy in B.C. tion belonging to the pharmaceutical com- heard from one vaccine supplier expressing VANCOUVER -- Concerns about confupany and other third parties. In an email to concern about the sensitive information in sion and calls for clarity are coming in the CTVNews.ca Pfizer Canada spokesperson its contract being released to the public.“We wake of the provincial health officer’s stateChristina Antoniou said that the company are working with that vaccine supplier to as- ments on mask-wearing in B.C. has yet to hear from the government, the sure it and Canadians that the information Dr. Bonnie Henry has said mask mandates Parliamentary Law Clerk, or the commit- that needs to be kept confidential will be,” already exist through businesses and other tee about the impact of the motion, and Anand said. Source: ctvnews.ca organizations, and she’s previously recommended mask-use in indoor public spaces. Scheer fires sister-in-law after questions However, some would like to see the province go further. raised about her employment in his office While pandemic precautions such as hand sanitizer, distancing markers and limiting ness senior policy analyst Muriel Protzer occupancy numbers are now standard at said her organization is calling for more coto let her go after first hiring her in 2007 to businesses across B.C., masks are still not hesiveness and clarity when it comes to the do bookkeeping.“I understand that in this required by the province. At New Westmin- province’s message on mask-wearing. case, following the rules may not have been ster clothing boutique Mila + Paige, owner “What we’re hearing from small businesses enough. Even the perception of a conflict con- Anita Dunn said they implemented a mask repeatedly is that in those events where cuscerns me. As such, I have met with Erica and policy for staff when customers are in the tomers are reluctant to wear masks or refusI have ended her employment in my office,” store when they reopened in the spring. ing to, that they do say there’s no law forcing Scheer said. As an elected official, I understand “We haven’t implemented a mandatory cus- me to, you can’t make me do this,” Protzer expectations on me are high. Whenever there tomer policy for wearing masks,” Dunn said. said. “A lot of small businesses are having has ever been a question of following the letter “Having said that, I would say 95 per cent to enforce a policy that is essentially nonand the spirit of the rules, I checked with the of the people that come in here are wearing existent.” Ethics Commissioner first,” Scheer said. a mask.”Dunn said while there is room for On Monday, Dr. Henry addressed the issue Capital Dispatch: Stay up to date on the latest distancing in the store, and they also open of mandated mask-use in her daily public news from Parliament Hill the doors when the weather is decent, a pro- briefing. “I have been asked many times OTTAWA -- Former Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer has fired his wife’s sister after questions were raised about him having employed her in his constituency office. The Saskatchewan MP said in a statement issued on Tuesday that he has spoken with his sister-in-law, Erica Honoway, who had been working as a constituency assistant in his Regina—Qu’Appelle riding office, and decided His office noted that Scheer sought clarity from both the ethics watchdog and the House of Commons administration about his hiring decisions and was told no rules would be violated by employing her. Further, Scheer’s staffer Kenzie Potter confirmed to CTVNews. ca that between 2008 and 2012 Scheer had employed his sister. Source.dawn.com Source: .ctvnews.ca vincial mask mandate would make things easier for small businesses. “We dont really want to get into that argument with people who are anti-maskers, or don’t want to wear them,” Dunn said. “So if it was something that came from the government, it would make it a lot easier on the small business.” Canadian Federation of Independent Busiabout why we do not have a provincial order mandating mask use here in B.C.,” Dr. Henry said. “And the answer is, as I have said many times, in many locations, we already do.” Henry also repeated the sentiment in a recent opinion piece on mask mandates, where she referred to safety plans belonging to businesses and other organizations. Source: bc.ctvnews.ca Trudeau government ready to usher in new privacy legislation OTTAWA -- The Trudeau government is the parliamentary notice paper to introduce a binding orders to companies and to levy fines poised to introduce legislation aimed at bet- bill that would create the Consumer Privacy for non-compliance with privacy legislation. ter safeguarding the privacy of Canadians in Protection Act and the Personal Information Therrien also wants powers to inspect the inthe digital era.The bill, to be tabled as early and Data Protection Tribunal Act. formation-handling practices of organizations. as this week, would be a step toward realizing It is not immediately clear how the new legisla- John Power, a spokesman for Bains, said last commitments set out in the mandate letter of tion would mesh with existing federal privacy month that Canadians are understandably Innovation Minister Navdeep Bains. It would laws. anxious about how their data is being used in also flesh out the 10 principles -- from control The Privacy Act covers government agen- an increasingly digital world, adding the govover data to meaningful penalties for misuse of cies and federally regulated industries such as ernment was moving to strengthen the priinformation -- that make up the federal digi- banks and airlines. The Personal Information vate-sector privacy law. tal charter. The plan for a legislative overhaul Protection and Electronic Documents Act ap- “Our government will ensure respect for the follows repeated calls from federal privacy plies to private-sector organizations. privacy of Canadians, support responsible incommissioner Daniel Therrien to modernize Therrien says Canada’s information-protection novation and enhance reasonable enforcement Canada’s aging privacy laws. laws lag behind many others around the globe. powers,” he said.“We expect to have more to The Liberals have signalled their intention on He has pressed for new authority to issue say on this soon.”............Source:ctvnews.ca
9Rabi ul II 5,1442
Nov 20, 2020 MIDDLE EAST
US slaps Iran-related sanctions on Khamenei-linked foundation
Khamenei-linked foundation and Iran’s intel- Khamenei to enrich his office, reward his drew from the Iran nuclear deal with world ligence chief are the latest targets of Trump political allies, and persecute the regime’s powers back in 2018 and has imposed round administration’s relentless ‘maximum pres- enemies”, according to a statement on the after round of sanctions geared towards cripsure’ campaign of sanctions. Treasury’s website. pling Iran’s economy and financially punishThe administration of President Donald Some 50 subsidiaries and 10 individuals ing its most powerful figures in an effort to Trump on Wednesday continued its relent- associated with the Foundation were also force Tehran back to the nuclear negotiating less “maximum pressure” campaign of sanc- sanctioned. As part of Wednesday’s action, table.Protests swept Iran in November 2019 tions targeting Iran, blacklisting a founda- the US Treasury also blacklisted Mahmoud after the government announced a surprise tion controlled by the country’s Supreme Alavi. He is the head of Iran’s Ministry of petrol price increase to raise revenue to help Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei over alleged Intelligence and Security, which Treasury the country’s poorest. human rights abuses. claims “has played a key role in the Iranian Iranian authorities responded with a violent Iran’s intelligence chief was also part of regime’s brutal human rights abuses against crackdown that human rights group AmWednesday’s blacklistings by the US Treas- the Iranian people”, including beatings, sex- nesty International said killed more than 300 and members of their immediate families ury Department. In a statement on its web- ual abuse, prolonged interrogations, and co- protesters, including 23 children. from entering the US. site, the Treasury described the Islamic erced confessions. Firms, individuals and oth- Iran has disputed Amnesty’s figures. “The Iranian regime maintains its grip on Revolution Mostazafan Foundation as “an er entities targeted by US sanctions are subject The US State Department on Wednesday power through brute force, with no concern immense conglomerate” with 160 holdings to asset freezes and Americans are generally also blacklisted two Iranian Revolutionary for the wellbeing of the Iranian people,” said in key sectors of Iran’s economy covering fi- barred from doing business with them. Guard Corps (IRGC) officials over last year’s US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in a nance, energy, construction and mining. Trump, who is set to leave office on January protests, accusing them of complicity in the statement on the department’s website. “The Treasury alleges that Foundation holdings 3 when President-elect Joe Biden is sworn killing of 148 civilians in the city of MahUnited States will continue to stand with the earmarked to help the poor and oppressed in, has taken a hardline stance against Iran shahr and imposing an internet blackout to Iranian people and demand the regime treat are “expropriated from the Iranian people throughout his presidency. conceal evidence of the crackdown. its own people with the respect and dignity and are used by the Supreme Leader Ali The Trump administration unilaterally with- The action bars the blacklisted individuals they deserve.” Source: aljazeera.com
UAE suspends issuance of visit visas to 12 countries including Pakistan, says fO
second wave of Covid-19”, Chaudhri said in were on the rise, UAE airline Emirates had positivity rate of the disease has increased, esa statement.“We are seeking official confir- announced temporary suspension of pas- pecially in major cities including Karachi, Lamation from the concerned UAE authori- senger services from Pakistan till July 3. The hore, Islamabad, Faisalabad, Hyderabad etc. ties in this regard,” he said. In a statement, decision came after around 30 Pakistanis On Monday, Prime Minister Imran Khan Chaudhri clarified that the suspension will who arrived in Hong Kong onboard an had urged the people to “act as a nation” in not apply to visas that have already been Emirates flight tested positive for the virus. order to curb the spread of the novel coroissued. The development was confirmed The airline resumed its flights in July. navirus. The premier announced new reby Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) In August, Kuwait’s aviation banned com- strictions on public events, including the spokesperson Abdullah Hafeez, who said mercial flights to 31 countries, including suspension of his party’s political rallies, that written instructions had not been is- Pakistan, regarded as ‘high risk’ due to the and stressed the implementation of masksued to the airline so far. He said that people spread of the coronavirus wearing and social distancing to control the The United Arab Emirates has temporar- holding iqama, transit and work visas were The number of infections has been rising in spread of the virus. “This is the time to take ily suspended the issuance of visit visas to still allowed entry in the UAE. Pakistan since late last month and authori- precautions. If we do, we can slow down the a dozen countries, including Pakistan, un- It was not immediately clear how many ties have declared that the country was wit- virus. Just like earlier we were saved due to til further notice, Foreign Office Spokes- categories of visas would be affected by the nessing the second wave of Covid-19. following precautions, that time has come person Zahid Hafeez Chaudhri confirmed suspension. The UAE has various visa cat- For the past six days, Pakistan has recorded again,” he said, noting that Covid-19 cases in on Wednesday. The decision by the UAE egories including business, tourist, transit, more than 2,000 daily cases of the novel coro- Pakistan had increased by four times in the authorities is “believed to be related to the student etc. In June, when cases in Pakistan navirus and officials have warned that the past two weeks. Source: dawn.com Qatar: Normalisation with Israel undermines Palestinian statehood Foreign minister calls for united Arab front The UAE, Bahrain and Sudan broke with “it is up to them at the end of the day to de‘to put the interests of the Palestinians [first] this position, which had demanded Israeli cide what is best for their countries”, he said. to end the occupation’. Qatar’s Foreign Min- withdrawal from already illegally occupied UAE officials have said the Gulf state reister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman territory and the acceptance of Palestin- mains committed to Palestinian statehood, Al Thani has said Arab states that establish ian statehood in return for normal relations and that its deal with Israel had stopped ties with Israel undermine efforts for Pales- with Arab countries. further annexation of lands that Palestintinian statehood. “I think it’s better to have a united [Arab] ians seek for a state.Until this year, Israel had In recent months, the United Arab Emir- front to put the interests of the Palestin- only current formal relations with just two ates (UAE), Bahrain and Sudan agreed to ians [first] to end the [Israeli] occupation,” Arab states – its neighbours Egypt and Jorformal relations in deals brokered by United Sheikh Mohammed told the online Global dan – established under peace deals reached States President Donald Trump’s adminis- Security Forum on Monday. decades ago. US and Israeli officials have tration. The Palestinians have denounced He said that division was not in the interest said more Arab states could soon follow af- as humanitarian needs or development prothese agreements as a “stab in the back” and of concerted Arab efforts to get the Israelis ter the recent deals. jects. Qatar supports a two-state solution a betrayal of their cause. They fear the moves to negotiate with the Palestinians and re- Sheikh Mohammed said Doha maintains with occupied East Jerusalem as the capital by Bahrain and the UAE will weaken a long- solve the decades-long conflict. some relations with Israel, though only on of a Palestinian state, a stance the foreign standing pan-Arab position. However, for the states who established ties, matters concerning the Palestinians, such minister reiterated. Source: aljazeera.com
Samoa records first positive Covid test result Iran urges US’s Biden to lift sanctions,
Samoa has recorded its first positive test for Covid-19, Prime Minister Tuila’epa Sa’ilele rejoin nuclear deal Malielegaoi announced in a live address to Iran Foreign Minister Zarif did not insist the nation this morning. He confirmed one on any compensation from the US – unlike patient in a quarantine facility tested positive other Iranian leaders who demanded ‘damto the coronavirus on Wednesday night. ages’ for sanctions. Iranian Foreign MinisHowever Tuila’epa said a second confirmato- ter Mohammad Javad Zarif said Iran would ry test came back negative when conducted fully implement its 2015 nuclear deal if US this morning. The man was a sailor who ar- President-elect Joe Biden lifts sanctions on rived in Samoa on a repatriation flight from Tehran, which Zarif said could be done swiftly Auckland last Friday. He has been placed in through “three executive orders”. an isolation ward at Tupua Tamasese Mo- Biden has pledged to rejoin the historic 2015 tootua hospital. accord – agreed to by six world powers known for the lost oil revenues. The prime minister said the country would not take any chances as the man could transmit the coronavirus to others. Seventeen sailors, who had been stranded at overseas ports, arrived on the Friday flight and have been in quarantine with the close to 300 passengers. Tuila’epa urged people not to panic and to heed advisories from the National Emergency Operations Centre and the Ministry of Health. “Let us keep the faith and wear masks and wash our hands as advised,” he urged. Officials have started the contact tracing process. The Cabinet is meeting this afternoon to consider further safety measures as well as to review the first repatriation flight from Los Angeles next Friday. The interim chairman of the National Emergency Office Center, Agafili Shem Leo, told reporters on Tuesday the number of returning citizens on the flight could be more than 400. Source:fijitimes.com as the P5 + 1 – if Iran also returns to compliance. But diplomats and analysts have said it was unlikely to happen overnight as the distrustful adversaries would both want additional commitments from each other. Zarif did not insist on any compensation from the United States – unlike leaders such as President Hassan Rouhani who have demanded it in exchange for the “damages” Tehran has suffered under the renewed US sanctions, implicitly arguing Washington should repay it “If Mr Biden is willing to fulfill US commitments, we too can immediately return to our full commitments in the accord … and negotiations are possible within the framework of the P5 + 1,” Zarif said in an interview posted on the website of the state-run daily Iran on Wednesday. “We are ready to discuss how the United States can re-enter the accord,” Zarif said. “The situation will improve in the next few months. Biden can lift all sanctions with three executive orders.” Source: aljazeera.com