18 minute read

The Origins of

5Jamadi ul II 2,1442 Jan 15, 2021 f AIT h


On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (R.A), who said that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: Allah (mighty and sublime be He) says: My faithful servant’s reward from Me, if I have taken to Me his best friend from amongst the inhabitants of the world and he has then borne it patiently for My sake, shall be nothing less than Paradise. It was related by al-Bukhari. H.Q #29

The Origins of Islamophobia

By: Spahic Omer Islamophobia can be defined as the excessive and empirically unjustifiable fear, hatred tions. Neither imperialism nor colonization furthermore was an Islamic way. Muslims merely aspired to generate environments where people could freely see Islam in its then Ottoman Turkish) advances. Islam was perceived as the biggest problem in Europe. It was a scourge and also a curse. Its culture and civilization were seen as alof, or bias against Islam, Muslims, proper light and willingly accept or reject it ien and vicious, despite the overwhelming and Islamic civilization. These are as the final revelation to humanity. empirical evidence to the contrary. translated into policies, attitudes, The Qur’an is unequivocal that there is no Some people even thought that soon there language, literature, and into con- compulsion in religion (al-Baqarah, 256). would be no Christianity and Christians doned individual as well as collec- It also proclaims: “And say: ‘The truth is left in the world. All of them will be contive behavioral patterns. from your Lord, so whoever wills - let him quered and then converted by force to IsIslamophobia is a new term for a believe; and whoever wills - let him disbe- lam. Before long, there will be only Islam centuries-old idea and phenom- lieve” (al-Kahf, 29). (Muhammadanism) and Muslims enon. Its evolution was steep and Defending the “truth” by untruthful means (Saracens or Muhammadans). dynamic. Differences from one era denotes that there is something seriously “The image of Islam throughout most of and its context to another were in nuances and methods, rather than magnitudes and goals. While at first and for a long time Islamophobia was in the spirit of “us versus them,” in recent times, it came to be “them among us.” The seeds of Islamophobia were planted as soon as Muslims started to assert themselves as equal protagonists on the global cultural and civilizational stage, threatening international order. As the followers of the final Prophet and the emissaries of the final heavenly message to mankind, Muslims were destined to be looked down upon in the “elite club” and to be dealt with suspiciously. However, due to the profoundly unique nature of worldly and otherworldly relationships between Muslims and Christians, it is no wonder that the whole Christendom was quickly transformed into the home and incubator of the latest sentiments. At first, the reaction to Islam and Muslim spectacles was one of awe and amazement, subsequently morphing – and understandably so – into panic and dread. Edward Said wrote: “Yet where Islam was concerned, European fear, if not always respect, was in order.” After Prophet Muhammad died in 632, the military and later the cultural and religious domination of Islam grew exponentially, bringing Persia, the Middle East, Turkey, North Africa, and substantial parts of Europe (Sicily, Spain, and parts of France) to its fold.” “By the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, Islam ruled as far east as India, Indonesia, and China. And to this extraordinary assault, Europe could respond with very little except fear and a kind of awe. Christian authors witnessing the Islamic conquests had scant interest in the learning, high culture, and regular magnificence of the Muslims… Not for nothing did Islam come to symbolize terror, devastation, the demonic hordes of hated barbarians. For Europe, Islam was a lasting trauma” (Edward Said). It is on this account that Islamophobia is identifiable even with specific thought patterns from the 11th through to the 13th centuries, for it was during the Crusades (1095-1291) that trepidation, hate, and prejudices against Islam and Muslims (embryonic forms of Islamophobia) peaked and never dwindled afterward. Today’s Islamophobia is but an upshot, as well as extension, of the legacies of medieval interreligious relations and their extremist together with aggressive polemical thought. It is an effect that issues from age-old causes. The scope of the evolution of Islamophobia incorporated Christian radical and virtually fanatical polemics and apologetics, linking Islam and its rise with the Apocalypse and providing erroneous descriptive accounts of Islam, the Muslim world, and its societies along with cultures. Islamophobia and polemics Some people are happy to confine medieval and early modern Muslim-Christian intellectual, interreligious, and missionary relations – and tensions - to the realm of polemics. Yet some preface the word “polemics” with “anti-Islamic.”........... The process of polemics is still expected to be infused with rationality, fairness, and balance, and to be supported by sufficient evidence, while at the same time tearing down the edifice of its antitheses, is the goal of the whole exercise. If the goal of polemics is not the vast orb of the truth, that then defeats the purpose of both polemics and the truth. No sooner does that happen than polemics as constructive energy turns into a juggernaut. The less genuinely polemical polemics is the more repellent to the truth it becomes. Indeed, two wrongs do not make a right. Christians are supposed to be acquainted and very comfortable with the idea, perhaps more than anybody else. It is stated in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 as follows: “For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” The strongholds, arguments, and pretensions of falsehood and ignorance are to be countered and disposed of with the weapons of sheer faith, piety, wisdom, guidance, and knowledge of God. Doing otherwise is un-Christian. It is ungodly and wrong. It follows that there is no place in polemics for bigotry, lies, excessive hate, insults, fabrications, deceits, cheatings, unsubstantiated hyperboles, preconceptions, ignorance, and distortions. If the truth is defended by truthful means, it is bound to prevail, sooner rather than later, causing the falsehood realm to be exposed and perished. Just as the truth fears nothing, so do its people: followers, leaders, and preachers alike. The truth and falsehood are irreconcilable. The role of freedom The truth needs neither defense nor enforcement. It only needs freedom as regards its portrayal, presence, and function. As such, not only is it able to defend itself, but it also easily conquers the minds and hearts of its own accord. In passing, that is exactly what Islam wanted from the very beginning. But since the members of the “elite club” persisted in placing insurmountable obstacles in the path of Islam’s freedom, the barriers had to be removed forcibly. Conquests for conquests’ sake were never the goal in Islamic civilization - with some unfortunate excepPrayer Schedule in Greater Vancouver Prayer Schedule in Greater Vancouver For such Prayers are enjoined on believers at stated times: Quran ,n 4:103 Source: BCMA Day Date Isl. Dt. Sunr Zawal Dhuhr Asar MaghribFajar Isha Jan 15-29, 2021 Jamadi ul II 2-16,1442 H Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thus Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thus Fri Dhur Asar Shafi / Hanfi 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 wrong with the alleged “truth” and its defenders. To intentionally have recourse to inappropriate methods and measures signifies a severe vulnerability and lack of faith. Such “defenders” need to examine their fidelity, wisdom, and, above all, self-worth. No amount of fake pretexts, such as freedom of thought, conscience, and speech, can disguise reality. Parenthetically, freedom is supposed to breed more freedom and afford more opportunities in lieu of impeding the former and diminishing the latter. It is supposed to inspire, press forward, and unite. Freedom is likewise meant to pave the way for and lead to the sphere of the truth. The truth and freedom are twins, needing one another, apart from mere continued existence, for self-actualization too. A rupture in this relationship undermines the integrity of ways in which equally the truth and freedom are approached and handled. In Islam’s case and its relations with others, the components of outright lies, insults, abuses, falsifications, prejudices, animosities, and injustices on the latter’s part disqualify an action from being either polemics or apologetics. Instead, they render it a form of Islamophobia regardless of the circumstances within which the same may be affected and by whom. Without a doubt, the spirit of Islamophobia is always one and abides; what changes are forms, linguistic expressions, intensities, and some other minor temporal variants. Medieval Europe gripped by fear of Islam and Muslims The unprecedented supremacy of Islam struck fear into the countries of Christendom, in particular, those European countries as stood next to or close to the seemingly unstoppable Muslim (firstly Arab Western Europe before and during the crusading period was severely distorted if not completely fictitious, the product of a vivid imagination of the religious other” (Adam S. Francisco). Muslims were deemed morally-depraved pagan idolaters and Sataninspired barbarians. Islam and its place in history were explained away in relation to the Apocalypse (the total destruction and end of the world) and the Book of Revelation’s eschatological prophecies as the last book in the Bible. That was the background of the proliferation of Islamophobia. Islam and Muslims were frequently used as decoys and distractions from the real religious and political affairs. The whole thing was manipulated for the sake of advancing hidden agendas and protecting ulterior motives. Within the spectrum of raging Islamophobia, and within the internal affairs of the Church and its Papal States, indeed, the last thing that was desirable was the truth and its transparency. Islamophobia was coming home and was becoming part of Europe’s ethos. The case of Martin Luther Martin Luther (d. 1546), a seminal personality in the Reformation, perfectly encapsulated the European (Christian) phobia about Islam and Muslims when he said that Muslims (the Turks) was such a mighty lord that no kingdom or land was strong enough to resist them alone, “unless God will do a miracle.” ............... Since its fruition during the Crusades era, the outlook and trajectory of Islamophobia fundamentally neither changed nor veered off. It stayed the course while infinitely enriching its stock with newly-acquired proficiencies and experiences. Modern Islamophobia is nothing but the latest phase in the centuriesold evolution. Unfortunately, we are yet to see and hear the last of it. Source:islamicity.org

6Jamadi ul II 2,1442 Jan 15, 2021 Na T & I NT NEWS Americas warned that 2021 pandemic could be ‘Kashmiri Lives Matter’ displayed on ‘far worse,’ amid surge in most nations UK Parliament MEXICO CITY -- A surge in COVID-19 LONDON: Kashmiri rights groups in the cases is hitting nearly all countries in the UK have organised a digital campaign with Americas, the head of the Pan American the hashtag #KashmiriLivesMatter and Health Organization (PAHO) said Wednes- #KashmirSiegeDay. The slogan was disday, adding that the pandemic’s toll in 2021 played on the British Parliament, Marble could be worse than last year if containment Arch, 1 Marylebone and various other Cenefforts relax. tral London locations.The event marked the From Canada to Argentina, coronavirus in- one year anniversary of India’s stripping of fections are spiking, with particularly alarm- occupied Kashmir’s semi-autonomous staing jumps documented across Caribbean is- tus. Pakistan marked the day as Youm-eland nations, even as the first vaccine doses Istehsal. Genocide Watch had earlier issued are being administered, PAHO Director a warning on the present genocide going territory. Carissa Etienne told reporters on a webcast Bonaire, St. Vincent as well as her native Dom- on by the Modi led government in Kashmir Member, House of Lords, Lord Nazir Ahmed news conference. inica, she said. and special rapporteurs and UN experts and Kashmir Council Europe Chairman Ali “If we remain diligent, we have the power All countries in South America have seen a rise slammed the Indian government for revok- Raza Syed also appealed to the international to control this virus,” she said. “If we relax, in infections over the past few weeks, Etienne ing the rights of Kashmiris, calling it a “free community to take notice of Indian atrocities make no mistake, 2021 could well be far said, even those where cases had previously fall” of human rights. In a joint statement, and inhumane acts in Indian occupied Kashworse than 2020.”Etienne pointed to data been declining, like Chile and Argentina. they said: “If India will not take any genuine mir. Kashmir, British Kashmiri novelist and from earlier this month showing an increase The summer months in the southern hemi- and immediate steps to resolve the situation, academic Nitasha Kaul said: “Parallels with in infections in Costa Rica and Belize in Cen- sphere will likely make limiting gatherings and meet their obligations to investigate historic Nazi Germany and the holocaust are very tral America. The same data shows particularly travel more difficult, she added, which would and recent cases of human rights violations apt because the RSS in India is a nationwide concerning spikes in the Caribbean’s Cayman could “fuel infections for weeks and months to and prevent future violations, then the in- paramilitary that is the ideological parent of and Virgin Islands, Barbados, the Grenadines, come.”Source: ctvnews.ca ternational community should step up. the current ruling party. The RSS has vowed Man carrying Confederate flag inside Criticising the Indian government’s unilateral siege of Kashmir, British Kashmiri novelist to turn India into a Hindu nation.” Previously, the Indian government imposed the U.S. Capitol during riot arrested and academic Nitasha Kaul said: “Parallels with Nazi Germany and the holocaust are a curfew in Kashmir to prevent people from coming out in the streets and protesting The FBI has arrested Kevin Seefried, seen carrying a Confederate flag inside U.S. Capitol Hill, according to a federal criminal complaint. Seefried had been a focus of the FBI’s efforts to get the public to help them identify riot participants. The complaint identifies him as the man seen in the photos, widely circulated online, carrying a large Confederate flag inside the US Capitol during the No Parler ? No problem, as more apps very apt because the RSS in India is a nationwide paramilitary that is the ideological parent of the current ruling party. The RSS has vowed to turn India into a Hindu nation.” Previously, the Indian government imposed a curfew in Kashmir to prevent people from coming out in the streets and protesting against the illegal occupation of the disputed against the illegal occupation of the disputed territory. Member, House of Lords, Lord Nazir Ahmed and Kashmir Council Europe Chairman Ali Raza Syed also appealed to the international community to take notice of Indian atrocities and inhumane acts in Indian occupied Kashmir.”Source:apnews.com Jan. 6 siege. Kevin Seefried told the FBI he had brought the Confederate flag with him building with his father on January 6. It was not immediately clear if the two men claim to allow ‘free speech’to Washington from his home in Delaware, where he normally displays it outside. Seefried was charged with knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority, and violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds. Seefried’s son, Hunter, was also arrested and charged with the same offenses, according to the complaint. The FBI learned of the men’s names after a coworker of Hunter Seefried reported he had bragged about being inside the Capitol had an attorney. The New York Times was the first to identify Kevin Seefried as the individual carrying the flag. Some people who stormed the Capitol have already come forward or have been identified by CNN and other news organizations. Many face criminal charges, and some have lost or left their jobs because of their participation. Anyone with information about people who participated in the Capitol siege can contact the FBI at 1-800-CALL-FBI. Tips can also be submitted by clicking here or going to tips.fbi.gov. Source: ctvnews.ca Amazon removed Parler, a messaging app popular with supporters of US President Donald Trump, from its internet hosting service. Big tech’s decision to ban the Parler app and block outgoing U.S. President Donald Trump is stoking support for alternative social networking sites and apps that bill themselves as promoting free speech and privacy. Facebook Inc. and Twitter Inc. took the strongest action yet to address accusations that their platforms are being used to stoke conspiracy theories, misinformation and incite violence after a mob at a Trump rally broke into the U.S. Gab.....Telegram....Rumble.....MeWe...... 2nd1st Created by Howly Inc., 2nd1st says it offers

‘At 6 p.m., life stops’: Europe Capitol last week. Right-wing users have felt maligned and moved to alternative sites like uncensored news and tells users on its app “we must not yield to advertisers or cancel culture.” uses curfews to fight virus Parler, backed by Rebekah Mercer, the daughter of hedge fund investor Robert Mercer. A The app costs 9.99 pounds for a subscription in the U.K. Top posts on the app on Monday rush to the site late last year made Parler the included mock-ups of Jesus standing behind PARIS -- As the wan winter sun sets over top downloaded app following President-elect President Trump, vague warnings about a revoFrance’s Champagne region, the countdown Joe Biden’s victory. lution or history changing event tied to Trump clock kicks in. Trump, who was banned permanently from and skepticism about requirements to wear Labourers stop pruning the vines as the light Twitter, said he may build his own social plat- masks to prevent Covid-19. fades at about 4:30 p.m., leaving them 90 min- form. “We will not be SILENCED,” he said in None of the companies listed here, aside from utes to come in from the cold, change out of a Twitter post from the official presidential ac- MeWe, responded to a request for comment. A their work clothes, hop in their cars and zoom count that has since been removed. representative for 2nd1st couldn’t be found and home before a 6 p.m. coronavirus curfew. With Parler out of the game, here’s where users an email address for Gab’s press office appeared Forget about any after-work socializing with are going instead: to be faulty. Source: aljazeera.comfriends, after-school clubs for children or doing any evening shopping beyond quick trips for essentials. Police on patrol demand valid reasons from people seen out and about. For those without them, the threat of mounting fines for curfew-breakers is increasingly making life outside of the weekends all work and no play. ”At 6 p.m., life stops,” says Champagne producer Alexandre Prat. Newsletter sign-up: Get The COVID-19 Brief sent to your inbox Trying to fend off the need for a third nationwide lockdown that would further dent Europe’s second-largest economy and put more jobs in danger, France is instead opting for creeping curfews. Big chunks of eastern France, including most of its regions that border Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and Italy, are living under 6 p.m.-to-6 a.m. restrictions on movement. At 12 hours, the curfew is the longest anywhere in the European Union’s 27 nations. Starting Saturday, the rest of France will follow suit. The prime minister announced Thursday an extension of the 6 p.m.-to-6 a.m. curfew to cover the whole country, including zones where the nightly deadline for getting home hadn’t started until 8 p.m. French shops will have to close at 6 p.m. Outdoor activities will stop, with the exception of quick walks for pets. Workers will need employers’ notes to commute or move around for work after curfew. Those who have lived with the longer curfew for the past couple of weeks say it’s often bad for business and for what remained of their anemic social lives during the pandemic. Until a couple of weeks ago, the nightly curfew didn’t kick in until 8 p.m. in Prat’s region, the Marne. Customers still stopped to buy bottles of his family’s bubbly wines on their way home, he said. But when the cut-off time was advanced to 6 p.m. to slow viral infections, the drinkers disappeared. “Now we have no one,” Prat said. The village where retiree Jerome Brunault lives alone in the Burgundy wine region is also in one of zones already shutting down at 6 p.m. The 67-year-old says his solitude weighs more heavily without the opportunity for early evening drinks, nibbles and chats with friends, the so-called “apero” get-togethers so beloved by the French that were hurried but still feasible when curfew started two hours later.“With the 6 p.m. curfew, we cannot go to see friends for a drink anymore,” Brunault said. “I now spend my days not talking to anyone except for the baker and some people by phone.” By extending the 6 p.m. curfew nationwide, for at least 15 days, the government aims to limit infections in the country that has seen over 69,000 known virus deaths. It also wants to slow the spread of a particularly contagious virus variant that has swept across neighbouring Britain, where new infections and virus deaths have soared. An earlier curfew combats virus transmission “precisely because it serves to limit social interactions that people can have at the end of the day, for example in private homes,” French government spokesman Gabriel Attal says. Source: ctvnews.ca

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