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The first reference to Earth as a mother can be traced back to the ancient Greeks. This concept of Mother Earth was first introduced by Greek poet Hesiod, in the early 7th century. Hesiod recorded the story of the birth of the universe. According to Hesiod, it was only Gaia, Eros and Chaos at the dawn of creation. Therefore, this would make Gaia one of the primordial elemental deities to the Greeks She was revered as the mother of gods and living creatures The gods and goddesses we are familiar with descended from Gaia and her unions with Ouranos, Pontos and Tartaros Mortals were then birthed directly from her flesh
The Egyptians were also another culture rooted in a polytheistic religion Like the Greeks, they worshiped an array of female deities For the Egyptians, Maat represented truth, justice, balance and cosmic harmony She is often depicted with an ostrich feather atop her head The Egyptians believed the truth of the universe was supported by Maat It was believed by her devotees that after their deaths their hearts would be weighed against her white feather of judgment. If their heart was as light as the feather, they would be permitted into Osiris’ paradise kingdom.
There are many other ancient civilizations and indigenous cultures with their own versions of the Divine Femininity. The Snake Goddess of the Ancient Cretes and the Queen of the Night from Ancient Mesopotamia are just a few more examples Each civilization worshiped them through statues or spiritual work These civilizations saw them as a maternal, nurturing figure that continuously gives life in one way or another
It is important to reiterate that Divine Femininity in today’s society, is a non-denominational concept This concept is that of self exploration that is meant to restore a balance within ourselves There is no singular, concrete way to restore balance within yourself. This is something that takes practice. With these opposing yet harmonizing energies flowing within us, some may feel more in tune with their masculine energy or vice versa. Those who are more in tune with their masculine energy are often overly dominating and constantly pushing. On the other hand, if one is too passive or struggling to move forward they could be more in tune with their feminine energy. By finding balance in both, one could live a more harmonious life.
Form a Connection with Nature
Practicing Self-Love
Forming a Connection With Your Body
It is important to be aware of the lessons that run within the Divine Femininity . It is not about calculated, societal ideals, but rather embracing balance in one's life. It is about recognizing one’s intuitive strengths, sparking creativity, encouraging love in all forms, self-love and community. Embodying this energy will look different for everyone Focusing on how you celebrate your own Divine Femininity and divinity with others It is important to continue moving forward in order to fill the balance that we are all undoubtedly missing right now