The International Movement for the Absolute Renovation速
MIRAISM® The International Movement for the ABSOLUTE RENOVATION® Introduction . 1. 1.1. 1.1.1. 1.1.2. 1.1.3. 1.1.4. 1.2. 1.2.1. 1.2.2. 1.2.3. 1.3. 2. 2.1. 2.2.
Principles of Absolute Renovation®, of Miraism® The Concept of Absolute Renovation® The Individual Independence Unity Axiom: The acceptance of axiomatic realities Principles of Absolute Renovation® Veracity Coherence Practicality The values of Absolute Renovation® The application of Absolute Renovation®, of Miraism® Leadership Teamwork
2.3. 2.4. . 3. 3.1. 3.2. . 4. • • • • • •
Social, Community, Political, Environmental, and Comprehensive Action Assessment and Accountability Schools for Absolute Renovation® and Miraism® Characteristics of the Educational Action of Absolute Renovation® Educational Scenarios in Absolute Renovation® The System of Absolute Renovation®, of Miraism® Conflict Population Territory Subject Betterment of the Individual Harmonious Society
Miraism® is a model of human, social and political conduct that...
...finds its starting point in the inner self,...
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Happiness Human Development Effectiveness of the State Absolute Renovation® Axiom Transcendent and Trans-generational Favorable Public Opinion Communication Loyalty Satisfied Needs Benefits Solidarity Active Citizens Create and Activate Relationships Loyalty Miraists Governing Political Actions Justice Internal Conditions and Guaranteed Required Resources Allegiant Miraists Humanity that thinks, feels and acts according to the postulates of Absolute Renovation® Registering and Administering Information Applications Basedon Technology
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Honesty (integrity) Social Work or Social Action Providing Services Managing Solutions Social Leader Service Manager Community Power Organizing the Community and Creating Proposals Community Leader Political Representation Gain Access to Power Exert Power Representative Candidate Political Leader Mobilizers Circle of Interaction Sympathizers Consultants Leaders of Miraism® Context and Scenarios Environmental Analysis and Prospective Ace of Light Footprints
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Informed Interested Benefited Involved Affiliated Committed Long lasting Relationships Corporate Management Advisor Institutional Team Strategic Direction Follow up and Control Continuous Betterment Management System for Absolute Renovation® Propositional and Solidary Independence Votes Aligned with Strategic Results Vote of Opinion Vote of Gratitude Vote of Interest Own Vote Vote of Trust Truthfulness Coherence Practicality Public and Internal Communication
...and is manifested through individual and collective acts.
Miraism® answers essential questions of the human being from its different dimensions, including those inquiring about:...
iraism® is a model of human, social and political conduct that finds its starting point in the inner self, and is manifested through individual and collective acts. Individually, with each human being that strives to reach an Absolute Renovation® and collectively, as the product of the sum of particular achievements; that create as a result, a better quality of life in a broadened environment integrating society, community and culture. . The road to achieve these renewed behavioral acts, both in the private as well as the public context, is that of experience. The individual is the center of the Renovation since it proposes the consolidation of a harmonious society based on unity, transformation and improvement.
Miraism®, as a school of thought, aims to create a different reality starting from the change in the individual itself, thus fostering the Absolute Renovation® of the human being; not only at the individual level (understanding that it is the individual who should generates changes) but also at a public level, by transforming the political, economical, social and environmental reality through a new behavior that is supported by virtuous and exemplary actions and which ultimately seeks to reach a maximum level of respect for human dignity and the improvement of the quality of life. . Miraism® answers essential questions of the human being from its different dimensions, including those inquiring about (a) the meaning of the individual’s existence, (b)
how the individual, society, the community and culture could achieve this fulfillment, (c) from where does the individual’s identity come from; and whether (d) it is possible to reach coherence between thinking and behavior and (e) it is feasible to achieve the same formulation and practice at a global level and across different periods of time. . To the questions rose above, MIRAISM® presents a formula that integrates potentially all the answers: Absolute Renovation®, which emanates from human values, as an ideological and practical orientation of the individual in order to reach his fulfillment as part of society, regardless of the context. . ABSOLUTE RENOVATION® and thus, MIRAISM®, is the transformation of
the human being based on values build up from the individual itself, which then spreads to society, community and culture. . The individual defines himself, guides his fulfillment and is transformed through the appropriation of values that once implemented into his own conduct, produces a virtuous behavior that generates well-being and service not only for him but also for the society as a whole. . Society is renewed with the collective application of all values –that is, with the virtuous behavior of its individuals, until society itself becomes a suitable arena to reach quality of coexistence. . The community follows a harmonious society when among its individuals there is identity, communication, union and the capability to define itself as a common entity among its members; and when it is able to direct its own actions based on values.
Culture is the sustainability of values in the individual, the society and the community, and consequently, its transcendence and extension to other generations.
that do not perish. Thus, a globalization of ethics and history as an experience of Absolute Renovation® is edified.
Without distinctions or borders, our invitation is to travel across MIRAISM® as a MIRAISM® incorporates four main con- path to the resurgence of the individuals, cepts: principles, applied ethics, system both men and women, who are able to and school. Through each of these con- rule their own lives. MIRAISM® is to selfcepts, the individual becomes integrated behave and to become precursors of the as a protagonist of Absolute Renovation® destiny that humanity, as a whole, and formulates its own transcendence to should re-discover: The Universal Empire society, community and culture. of Values. This prelude invites to establish a dialogue for the dissemination and expansion of MIRAISM® everywhere and every time. The purpose of the following pages is to set down the foundations for a universal conversation with no caducity. This ideology sets up an axiological and applied language among individuals, societies and communities from different nations and generations, aiming atuniting continents through connections
Four components integrate this route: • The Principles and/or Ideals that Absolute Renovation®, as ideology, presents. • Applied Ethics, which explains how the concrete application of the ideology of MIRAISM® is conceived. • The System, which presents the main elements of Miraism® and the ties and relationships across them. • Finally, the School of MIRAISM®, which illustrates the model for sustainability proposed by MIRAISM®.
¿How could the individual, society, the community and culture achieve this fulfillment?
he ideals, like those establishing“the most general principles that organize and direct knowledge about as well as the Absolute reality, sense of human Renovation® actions”, are for Miraism® its is the verbal and behavioral transformation of language.
the human being Applied to through the politics, such achievement double philosophical connoof its tation (i.e. complete... knowledge and be-
havior or human actions) allows for politics to be understood as science or knowledge and as art, which then 1
serves as a motivation or an intimate guide of behavior for the selfdirection and the service to others. The individual as a political subject must be well endowed with the knowledge and the aptitude for self-governing and for helping others in order to achieve, preserve and sustain Absolute Renovation® and thus, MIRAISM®. . In order to know the reality and to guide human behavior, the Philosophy of Absolute Renovation® is linked to wisdom (Phylos = Love, Sophya = wisdom) through honesty, as an ultimate mean to reach the individual’s fulfillment. The means to achieve this are the application of the values to the knowledge and human conduct.
Based on this context, the following section presents the concept of Absolute Renovation®, the conditions for its existence and sustainability and its principles and its values. . 1.1 The Concept of Absolute Renovation® . Absolute Renovation® is the transformation of the human being through the achievement of its complete fulfillment or happiness and through the knowledge and the application of values. . As a process, Absolute Renovation® is individualistic, but it transcends to society, the community and culture, until it becomes a language which is universal and timeless.
Definition of Philosophy, taken from the Spanish Language Dictionary, Royal Academy of Spain
Three elements take place concurrently when Absolute Renovation® exists: . a) Honesty, righteousness or integrity, understood as the individual behavior with moderation and permanent respect for human values. . b) Organization of the behavior based exclusively on the values and the lack of a self-profit interest. . c) Political or individual action directed towards providing services and well-being to its fellow citizens. . The three elements mentioned above imply the same number of principles as the individual action, which will be presented in the next section. They are vera-
city, coherence and practicality. . The concept of the MIRAIST’s Absolute Renovation® incorporates four conditions, which constitute the foundation of Miraism®. They are the individual, independence, unity and acceptance of axiomatic realities. 1.1.1. The Individual The individual is the center of the Absolute Renovation®, since it proposes the consolidation of a harmonious society, based on unity and starting from its own transformation and improvement. When the individual lives under the principles of Absolute Renovation®, he passes them onto society because these principles generate changes within the individuals themselves. This transference of values is the expression
of the individual’s dignity, which for the Absolute Renovation® is the equivalent of serving and teaching others through the examples that derive from ethical behavior under which knowledge and behavior, or in other words, science and art, are merged. . A vital condition of that dignity is the ability of an individual to direct him. The individual who directs himself will have the possibility of transcending Absolute Renovation® to society and of generating politics and government for itself. To do this, the individual must incorporate the following characteristics into his actions: loving people, befriending people and recovering the demophilia (i.e. fondness for people). . Absolute Renovation® establishes a clear differentiation between the individual and the person –unders-
tanding the individual as the being within himself, and not as an apparent role before society, that is a being with independence. 1.1.2 Independence Independence is a condition that contributes to the achievement of Absolute Renovation®. It is manifested when there is a self-identity in the way an individual feels, thinks and acts, which consequently leads him to become someone different, not longer guided by temporary circumstances or personal interests. Becoming a different individual comes from adopting values and everything that is transcendent as a source of identity. . As an instrument to achieve independence, each individual has the autonomy or the power to define and rule himself, and to act with va-
lues without depending on an intimate decision taken by an outer imposition. . Through the independence preached by Absolute Renovation® it is possible ..fulfillment to achieve a dist i n c t i o n or between the individual and happiness and the person, through the because it conceives knowledge him as a and the being in himself, with his application own identity, and not as an of apparent role bevalues. fore society.
Independence is, therefore, the permanent capacity for determining and ruling oneself, based on human values. Thus, it is a constant conquest.
The independence conceived by theAbsolute Renovation® has two characteristics that define it: • It is propositional, because it formulates proposals and solutions to issues and conflicts that emerge in the community. • It is solidary; because it admits to agree on solutions with other people and organizations as to reach a common wellbeing. . In this way, Miraism® seeks to construct the best solutions for the consolidation of a harmonious society, acting neither with opposition nor with exclusion. This is because proposals for solidarity do not sacrifice values; neither do they formulate alternatives against people. . 1.1.3 Unity . Absolute Renovation® does not fracture, instead it heals, unites and brings together. It aims for a higher quality of coexistence and a better and harmonious society, understanding that harmony
begins with the individual and spreads though his virtuous behavior and with the good relationships within society and the community. Therefore, there are two characteristics pertaining to the unity that Absolute Renovation® represents: it is transcendent and trans-generational. . Transcendent, since it recognizes the individual as the main character of Absolute Renovation®, without atomizing him and it doesn’t consider his importance only revolving around himself. It rather emphasizes the individual’s transcendence because it identifies his capacity to decide based upon values and of transforming himself around those values, thus passing
Absolute Renovation®, onto society, community and culture. . Transcendence is also territorial, because Absolute Renovation® does not depend on the place, but on the individual. Wherever there may be an individual who decides based upon those values, there will be Absolute Renovation®. . Absolute Renovation® has been conceived as a long-term project. In other words, it is trans-generational and thus it has no time frame, because it’s ethical foundation so demands it. Miraism® is a lifetime project that goes beyond the self-aspirations of the individual to be part of society, community and culture, and permeates
“isMiraism® a lifetime
project that goes beyond the self-aspirations of the individual to be part...
both current and future generations. . The values become the origin of Absolute Renovation® and therefore the common ancestry of the individuals who know and apply them. That common application (permanent and shared by the individuals) of values derives in identity. When the individuals that apply it communicate among each other and share a collective project, they build affinity. . Unity means transcendence, trans-generationality and the capacity of Absolute Renovation® to provide a common origin for the individual’s fulfillment, to derive from himself its own identity and to bring forth affinity. . 1.1.4 Axiom: The acceptance of the axiomatic realities . As it has been already stated, Miraism® is based on human values. Its formation and instruction, but specially its practice, are in fact values. The facts prove so in a
direct and much more immediate manner than the rational explanations, interpretations or arguments. The effective and real fulfillment of the values is a level in which Absolute Renovation® transcends from the rational to the supra-rational. . By being implemented, Miraism® becomes an axiom, because it cannot be denied and therefore, is irrefutable, existent and real. Thus, it explains itself without the need of any rational foundation. . Miraism® is made possible through facts which make its results self-evident. This ideology taken into practice is the one that, through its functionality, proves its efficiency, efficacy and dynamism in relation to the results it has set out to achieve. . The axiomatic evidence operates through good example, services, social work, political representation, results and with the willingness for service by
those who practice Miraism®. Absolute Renovation® as an axiom is, therefore, applied values. It is the expression of dignity speaking for itself and representing itself directly. It proves itself without the need for an external validation, bearing any rebuttal thanks to the evidence of the wholesome and virtuous behavior and of its results. . Miraism®, as an axiom, adopts a supra-rational nature, being always factual and evident. If it were to be the object of reproach as an ideology, the overcoming of its disqualification would come from everything that is demonstrable, from its capacity to speak through practice, facts and results. Even if it were to reach a point
where it cannot be explained or rationalized, the evidence of its fulfillment would endow it with all forcefulness. . Miraism®, from an axiological standpoint, acquires an unquestionable originality in the reality, because it generates evidence in itself and with its concretion satisfies those who analyze it and practice it. . 1.2 The Principles of Absolute Renovation® . The three principles of Absolute Renovation® are its genetic code: veracity, coherence and practicality. As it was mentioned before, its philosophical meaning lies in
...of society, community and culture, and permeates both current and future generations.
its capacity to direct knowledge and behavior. 1.2.1 Veracity, which comes from the truth, is the proclamation of the values as axiology or knowledge, and as application. . It is linked directly with honesty or integrity, and is understood as the permanent behavior of moderation and respect for values. It implies self-conduct skills, which endow those who possess this quality, with the possibility of transmitting and taking on an external government. . Veracity, expressed as the self-direction skills of each individual, gives rise to the concept of politics: Politics is the ruling of the most exemplary people; the service provided by them to their fellow citizens, who direct themselves from an axiological stand point. . 1.2.2 Coherence means that the truth of
“Coherence means that the truth of ethics is applied, the values are lived and the speech is taken into practice. In other words, it is to back up one’s talk with actions.
ethics is applied, the values are lived and the speech is taken into practice. In other words, it is to back up one’s talk with actions. . Coherence, as the next step after the proclamation of veracity (ethics), is the application of that group of values; it is ethics applied to the actions and behavior of the individual. . This principle guarantees that thinking before concrete circumstances is instructed by the values, that individual decisions lead to acting in accordance with axiological knowledge and that actions correspond to values. . It incorporates the absence of selfmotivations or wishes of personal advantages. It guides, instead, individual actions based upon values and general interests.
achieving the citizen’s support starting from progressive acceptance and the sustained growth of Renovation. Thus, for instance, making electoral alliances that sacrifice the independence and identity of Absolute Renovation® are disregarded. . As a development of coherence, Absolute Renovation® implies merits, rewards good social examples and prioritizes them as a method for decision-making. . Coexistence with respect and without vetoes is also a feature of coherence. Miraism®, therefore, considers racism as inacceptable, as it’s a philosophy that does not discriminate nor does it segregate. . Finally, coherence is also made evident by the fact that Absolute Renovation® promotes the economical From a political practice, this princi- and social inclusion of individuals ple is explained for instance, by and communities; especially of those
that are not represented and therefore, not defended. . 1.2.3. Practicality ensures that Absolute Renovation® does not just stay as a mere theory, but that the individual takes actions leading to useful results for society. It is efficiency in both actions and behaviors that respond to a set of ethical ideas, which are given with maximum opportunity and efficiency. . Practicality ensures that political or individual actions are orientated in such a way that they services or wellbeing for all citizens. . Laws are an example of practicality in Politics, whenever they are designed and formulated as to ensure the general service to all the citizenry. . Thus, before closing this section, we consider worth mentioning that the relation between the three principles
explained above may be stated as the following:
yalty and integrity or honesty, become both priority and comprehensive.
• Absolute Renovation® is all kind of acts of value, because values come from within each individual, who is ultimately the one able to transform societies. • Absolute Renovation® is coherent practicality with veracity.
Solidarity is directed to the conquest of long-lasting relationships based on mutual support as a mean to overcome deficiencies, particularly when the objective (Absolute Renovation®) that encourages several individuals is a common one.
1.3 The Values of Absolute Renovation®
Justice is embodied through equity and equilibrium, in the impartial treatment to others and in granting the best opportunities to all individuals.
Values are existential, vital, social and political goals. They become talents or capabilities that once applied, give practical results. In each of those four axiological categories, different values might come together. Miraism® incorporates values into the individual’s actions across political, social, economical and environmental spheres, and by practicing such an exercise values such as solidarity, justice, lo-
with the willingness to serve people, who are treated without a sense of superiority, despite Absolute Renovation® being in a governing condition. Integrity or honesty is specified through merging values and through an exemplary behavior everywhere and every time. Integrity or honesty is also summarized as doing and setting up examples of the proper application of values. For Miraism®, integrity is the fulfillment or real and added manifestation of virtues and values that make the behavior of a person. It refers to the capability of the human being to act with responsibility and righteousness, both in the private and the public sphere, always thinking in the collective well-being.
Loyalty is seen as a friendship, consisting of acting with true identity, both individually and collectively, acknowledging the common origin and affinity. Loyalty allows finding in the shared values the foundation for union The application of values to the service and unity in a harmonious society. of fellow citizens is seen as the way to Applied loyalty becomes evident gain individual and collective fulfillthrough a commitment with work and ment and happiness.
“Practicality ensures that Absolute Renovation® does not just stay as a mere theory, but that the individual takes actions leading to useful results for society.
2. The application of the Absolute Renovation, about MIRAISMO®
Leadership together with vitality places forth the eagerness, the determination and the creativity to apply results and to achieve renovation.
s mentioned above, the applied ethics of Absolute Renovation® is contained within the principles of coherence and practicality. This means that the ideology of Absolute Renovation® allows MIRAISM® to be integrated by knowledge and actions. Thus, this second section presents all scenarios under which Absolute Renovation® can act or be applied. The application of Absolute Renovation® has an additional implication, as it actually paves the way for setting in motion Miraism®. . The performance of Miraism® takes place through: leadership, teamwork, social, communitarian, political and comprehensive action and accountability. . 2.1 Leadership . It is a characteristic of Absolute Re-
novation® and of the individuals who ders themselves are required. apply it. It starts by recognizing the unity of action from the values, as Leadership together with vitality places forth the eagerness, the determipreviously explained. nation and the creativity to apply Leadership gives individuals’ be- results and to achieve renovation. This havior a prominent role, and not relationship is based on conviction, oponly to the individuals as such but timism, constancy, dedication, persealso directed to the articulation verance and sustainability of both the and the collective action. For leader and the leadership. Instability, these reasons, individuals are insecurity and uncertainty, on the trained on Absolute Renovation®, other hand, inhibit the practice of Abto become leaders, to exercise solute Renovation®. leadership and to be able to pass ethics onto society. Leader merit’s result then from There are two fundamental interac- vitality and from it focus on sertions taking place within leadership. vice and on political practice The first one is the connection or with the ultimate aim of transforinteraction between vitality and ming society. leadership. The individual and collective life with values generates ethical The second interaction is between leadership. In order for Absolute Re- leadership and strategy, thus novation®, also seen as the ‘empire of between practicing Absolute Revalues’, to exist leadership and lea- novation® and doing so in order to
achieve concrete goals and results through the application of values. Thus, practicality finds its fulfillment with leadership. The latter sets up goals and objectives and organize resources, thus keeping and multiplying results. In short, practicality is achieved through managed leadership.
tions of exercising leadership can with others, thus ensuring the perbe materialized anywhere and any- manence of Absolute Renovation® time, as it is basically the applica- at a social level. tion of values to help others. As social connections are generaAn important pre-condition of the ted and strengthened, community leadership represented by Abso- ties will rise in which the identity lute Renovation® is that the indivi- of thought, behavior, and purpodual constantly analyzes the ses are much more generalized, so scenarios and behaviors where the much so that they will transcend application of values is not being into culture and be transmitted achieved. With the purpose of across generations and nations. transcending through society by setting up good examples, each in- Leadership is thus a tool for the exdividual will be able to determine pansion of Miraism®, through how willing he/she is to perform example and the construction of that implementation and axiologi- long-lasting relationships based on common values. cal perfection.
Miraism® and the leadership that comes with is based on a commitment and a way of living, in thinking, feeling and acting ethically. The leadership becomes the modus vivendi of the demophile, of the individual practicing Miraism® (called ‘Miraist’) and of the individual who applies Absolute Renovation®. Through setting up examples, Absolute Renovation® will be expanThe leadership that Miraism® dis- ded into society, allowing other seminates is that of universal com- individuals to learn and apply the prehension and application. It philosophy of Miraism®. Science unifies peoples and nations. The and art will also spread through individual and collective condi- example and trusting relationships
2.2. Teamwork A second approach for the setting up of Absolute Renovation® is teamwork. When applying and preserving values becomes a collective effort, new scenarios for
When “applying and preserving values becomes a collective effort, new scenarios for joint management and support to each individual arise.
Renovation® works with social management orientated towards the application of solidarity and the...
joint management and support to Teamwork is a task of mutual teaching and learning, which each individual arise. might lead to growth and sustaiWhen working in teams, the indi- nability thanks to the unity and vidual maintains his singularity consensus among its members. and his own axiological progress, but is integrated into interperso- 2.3. Social, Community, nal relationships so that his examPolitical, Environmental, and ple contributes to the expansion Comprehensive Action. of Absolute Renovation®. During this process, individual progress Absolute Renovation® works with includes understanding others. social management orientated towards the application of solidarity The collective process is that of and the support to individuals excompanionship, organization, periencing precarious or discrimieffort, and joint construction and natory conditions, with the not that of over-imposition or po- purpose of contributing to imsitioning. Thus, the management prove their human dignity. From model is perfectedby adding there Absolute Renovation® can ideology to the process of com- establish ties in a way that ethical munication between group mem- application inspires others and bers, and to the practicality of its contributes to the overall improactions. vement of social conditions. The activities of Non-Governmental The ethical progress of teamwork Organizations (ONGs) and, in gebecomes evident with harmony. neral, of the idea of management
without group purposes, are examples of social action. Community action aims at integrating common backgrounds and interests with identity and affinity. It promotes the establishment of ties between individuals and the possibility of applying values in a joint effort, as to achieve outcomes of mutual interest. It is based on accurate and assertive communication as well as on effective management. Starting at schools and universities, moving onto neighborhoods and ethnic organizations or unions, community action is made possible through committees and scenarios that allow the integration not only of individuals but also of their values. Political action has a wider scope in terms of individuals to be integrated and values to be applied.
Based on a democratic model, Absolute Renovation® balances respect for liberty and equality, and extends axiological application to all human rights. It recognizes public administration as responsible for providing solutions to problems and conflicts of general interest. It is exerted through organizations, state and international institutions, as well as through economic and social subjects that influence the determinations made by the public spheres of most societies.
rise to a fifth category that Absolute Renovation® calls Comprehensive Miraism®. In it, all actors, goals, values and efforts are articulated in such a way as to produce transformations from the various stages of human development.
whom its results are addressed to, can also verify it. For instance, a particular social action of Absolute Renovation® must be evaluated by those sponsoring it and by those benefiting from it, based on the knowledge of its application and its results.
2.4. Assessment and Accountability
The same will occur with community, environmental and comprehensive management practices and, in an even more demanding way, with political action. The latter is authorized by votes as an expression of citizen trust in their representatives who are in charge of managing public affairs. Hence, those who govern under the light of values must act accordingly to the power given by the people and must do their best to manage issues of general interest, by displaying their own work and especially the results being achieved.
Another hallmark of Absolute Renovation® is its constant self-assessment. The individual, society, the community and culture all driven by values, evaluate its transformation and make it subject to improvement in those areas where understanding and axiological practice might be deficient.
Environmental action is seen in Absolute Renovation® as a realization of life protection and its sustainability. All actors, arenas and management options are prone to actions aimed at maintaining and preserving life. This assessment is not limited only to self-examination but other The integration of the four types subjects, according to the type of of actions outlined above will give action being examined and to
to individuals experiencing precarious or discriminatory conditions, with the purpose of contributing to improve their human dignity.
3. THE SCHOOL OF ABSOLUTE RENOVATION® AND OF MIRAISM® The “ educational guidance allows each individual to propose and follow up a career plan.
s a school, Miraism® stands out for its capacity to educate the individual, society, the community, and culture. From this perspective, Absolute Renovation® has two dimensions: it is an axiological educational forum and an arena for the practice of values.
tion dealing with values is the best strategy to improve individuals and across all scenarios foreseen by Miraism® the ultimate instrument to teach values is the example.
• Education focused on the individual and on the development of his character and virtues. • Independent education, which is not subordinated to any content The capacity of Absolute Renova- other than values. tion® to educate in values has a framework based upon • Education for independence, The educational guidance allows characteristics taken from pedago- aimed at ensuring individual’s aueach individual to propose and fo- gical action and applied education. tonomy and identity. llow up a career plan. Additionally, the emphasis in preparing children 3.1. Characteristics of the • Open Education, so that everyone and young people ensures the may participate, without any disEducational Action of early expansion of Absolute Renotinction or discrimination. Absolute Renovation® vation ® through the generations that are involved in the educatio- The Education provided by Abso- • Social, community, and political nal processes. In turn, the conver- lute Renovation ® as a school, is education focused on the different gence of different ages around the characterized by the following as- stages of individual and collective teaching of values guarantees an pects: development. inter-generational dialogue. • Education for the knowledge, • Democratic Education based on For Absolute Renovation®, educa- application and dissemination of respect for freedom and people's
rest. Its various current organizations, and the ones to be created in the years to come, will promote 3.2. Educational Arenas in civic spaces such as university and Absolute Renovation® • Education oriented towards susneighborhood committees in tainability and environmental responsibility focused on the Miraism® as a school, not only pro- which the collective application of vides content, but also scenarios values allows the achievement of preservation of life. solutions. for its application. • Education to be practiced across specific territories, considering the • Social Scenarios: Absolute Reno- • Political Scenario: The political universal and timeless nature of vation® currently holds, and will parties and movements originated continue to hold social organiza- from Absolute Renovation® are values. tions that address the teaching of structured, so they define their • Education to achieve solutions and values and the search for direct management guidelines based on results by formulating and imple- solutions to precarious situations values. being experienced by people menting strategies. around the world. Thus, Absolute For instance, values committees • Education for leadership of the in- Renovation® provides individuals that assess the conditions and the opportunity to learn how to qualities of the candidates about dividual and of Miraism® apply values across different social to be endorsed or supported to participate in the electoral • Education for Equality between contexts. processes are established which. men and women. • Community Scenario: Miraism® Political control to those in power • Education to solve today's challen- promotes that individuals engage can also be achieved as those reges and those of the generations to in collective spaces for the solu- presenting Miraism® are free from come (e.g., city planning, innovation, tion of situations of general inte- political ties, and as such their acwill, and on the individuals’ merit as decision-making mechanisms.
technology, communication, etc.)
“ Miraism® as a school, not only provides content, but also scenarios for its application.
mation of individuals that transcends into society and the community, with worldwide presence and transfer across generations allows Absolute Renovation® • International Scenario: The pre- to find in culture a suitable scenasence of Miraism® through indivi- rio for the teaching of values. duals that live and apply its philosophy in every continent and When values are adopted by culcountry, allows Miraism® to have ture, they are then transmitted an international scope and arena. through the public and private behavior of individuals and through • Cultural Scenario: The transfor- the mechanisms of education, tion are independent and guided solely by the interest of searching the common good and the fulfillment of people needs.
The “Culture of Absolute Renovation® will also be transmitted through the creation of institutions specialized in the education.
production, and social reproduction. Thus, Absolute Renovation® can be seen as a culture in expansion. • Educational institutions: The Culture of Absolute Renovation® will also be transmitted through the creation of institutions specialized in the education, not only with a lecture on ethics, but also with the incorporation of axiological reflections to all the areas of knowledge.
A realization of Miraism® is to develop applications of axiological and ethical information that allows the preservation of the memory and the evolution of the ideology, to control the progress, assessment and accountability of Absolute RenovaFrom another approach of the syste- tion® actions, and to provide to the mic view of Absolute Renovation®, individuals, societies, and communiMiraism® conceives technological ties, virtual interactive environments applications and all sorts of innova- and transformation guided by vation as a source of value to qualify lues. ethical practices. In other words, axiology, innovation, communica- Miraism®, the International Movetions, and technology are factors in ment of Absolute Renovation®, is constant and close relationship with established as a model for human, each other that could contribute to social, and political behavior whose the universal and timeless character starting point is the inner self, and as such, it is manifested by indiviof Miraism®. s a system, Absolute Renovation® allows setting up elements and relationships that enable individual and collective transformation, through value-driven behaviors.
dual and collective actions. Individual actions, with each person that seeks Absolute Renovation®, and collective actions as the product of the sum of individual achievements that result in quality of coexistence at all levels of society, community, and culture. As a system called to manage or transform, Miraism® faces at first situations of individual, social, community, and culture precariousness. The graphic representation of Absolute Renovation® as a system is shown below. Each of the elements and relationships of the system are also explained in detail. “ established as a model for human, social, and political behavior whose starting point is the inner self...
Individuals in their own personal dimension ignore the knowledge and axiological practice and have unsatisfied needs, which cause conflicts and behaviors that lack ethical guidance. These personal disorientations transcend to society and turn it into an arena for disagreements.
The ethical and axiological gaps and their pertaining conflicts take place within a given territory in a concrete place, but are common throughout different latitudes.
POPULATION The populations are groups of people with similar characteristics, for children, adolescents, elderly, women, etc. Populations face axiological and practical deficiencies.
A specific subject matter or issue of concern arising from problems for which gaps of axiological and practical solutions exist. Some of the topics in which such gaps are seen are:
Citizen safety and coexistence Transportation and Mobility Environment Public Services Health and basic sanitation Food and agricultural safety Income and competitiveness Education Housing
Absolute Renovation® is a new universal culture through which the betterment of the individual can be achieved. The individual refers to a philosophical standpoint which differs to that of the person. Person comes from the Latin personae, which is the one who puts on masks; the individual does not put on masks, nor does he live in hypocrisies. Miraism® aims towards the betterment of the individuals, seeking that they live authentic ethics, that they develop (understood as a side growth) themselves and grow (understood as an upward bound growth which transcends) as individuals.
In order for humanity to have high standards of quality of life allowing the enjoyment of human dignity through DISSEMINATED MIRAISM®, a transformation of behavior is needed. This is conceived as a change in the community’s culture towards a lifestyle where the individuals “think, feel, and act according to Miraism®”, so that individuals have virtuous behaviors that care for the other’s well-being and thus Happiness, understood as the degree of wellness that a person perceives in regards to themselves and their context, is achieved.
HARMONIOUS SOCIETY The purpose of Miraism® is that individuals live in a harmonious society. Through Absolute Renovation®, harmony is reached with unity, and unity is reached when there are no divisions. Maintaining unity guarantees everything that is long-lasting and truthful.
HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Miraism® conceives human development as the increase of conditions and capabilities for people to carry out their purposes in life. Human Development is materialized as a greater fulfillment of people’s needs and in the enjoyment of rights and determination opportunities.
EFFECTIVENESS OF THE STATES As more people start to think, feel, and act according to the values of Miraism®, as a consequence of the dissemination of Miraism®, the possibilities that effective decisions are taken by the States will grow, since States should guarantee their citizens the enjoyment of their rights.
ABSOLUTE RENOVATION® PIn order for humanity to enjoy a betterment of the individual and a harmonious society, it is necessary to count with a Disseminated Absolute Renovation® philosophy which generates a change in culture. Miraism® allows for a change in life style where individuals “think, feel, and act according to Absolute Renovation®” and live authentic ethics. Absolute Renovation® is filled with values and is guided by the principles of truthfulness, coherence, and practicality. It is a placid and peaceful renovation, an inspiration to all of those who want to disseminate it. This is how more human beings will be able to reach a betterment to their individual and collective conditions, since there will be more virtuous behaviors that aim for the well-being of others with the purpose of achieving common Happiness. The latter understood as the degree of well-being that an individual perceives in regards to himself and his context. We say therefore that happiness exists when Absolute Renovation® is disseminated and when the right way of living and the virtuous behavior of all individuals makes States to generate effective policies and spaces to generate Human Development.
AXIOM Absolute Renovation® is axiomatic, so it does not require a rational explanation because its origin is supra rational. This means that Absolute Renovation® speaks for itself having its own beauty, being natural and self-evident, with that evidence being found in the results achieved and in the resulting acts of its fulfillment.
TRANSCENDENT AND TRANS-GENERATIONAL Absolute Renovation® is based on unity, which is achieved along with other conditions, through that which transcends and is trans-generational. That is, the individual goes beyond himself and beyond all that is common or conventional in order to place himself and influence history with a vision towards the future Thus, we work long-term and for the future generations and as a Movement, we are paving the way for future generations to carry out actions that allow the continuity of the Dissemination of Absolute Renovation ®.
FAVORABLE PUBLIC OPINION It is crucial for Absolute Renovation to create and activate connections and ties that allow the dissemination of Miraism® through service and good example. COMMUNICATION For Absolute Renovation®, communication is an element of management and the strategy in leadership. LOYALTY For Absolute Renovation®, loyalty is understood as being trustworthy. Thus, being loyal maintains union and unity.
SATISFIED NEEDS People have great resistance to social, political, cultural, and even environmental acts, because they do not solve their problems. Thus, Miraism®, which aims to help satisfying needs and expectations, both interim and structural, is always caring for the common good and general interest. BENEFITS They are short-term incentives that are offered when servicing people. SOLIDARITY It is understood as the affectionate, welcoming, reciprocal and unselfish relationship with all individuals that work together with the purpose of seeking the wellness of the whole community. Because we care about the suffering of people, we act as one to help others enjoy a more dignified life.
Within a democratic regime it is imperative for people to act as citizens, to participate in public affairs, to take initiatives and to not wait for someone else to resolve their inconformity and needs. Communities are thus called to empower themselves in regards to their rights and responsibilities.
So long as the people governing do not have virtuous political behaviors, the means they use might not be the most adequate ones. They could be adopted in an arbitrary way without a consensus within the different role players. The only way by which society can be truly represented, listened, and taken into account is by having more people working for the government having Miraism速 as their core motivation.
TO CREATE AND ACTIVATE TIES Everything that we do is done in order to consolidate long- lasting relationships. The creation and activation of ties is achieved through friendship, affinity or proximity. LOYALTY This result is linked to all the above since Miraists must be loyal to the community and to Miraism速 itself. Loyalty works in existent participative spaces when searching for the general well-being of the community.
POLITICAL ACTIONS They are actions initiated with the aim of mobilizing the community politically. JUSTICE Justice signifies taking decisions to accomplish equilibrium and social harmony. The Miraist always seeks that everyone wins.
INTERNAL CONDITIONS AND REQUIRED RESOURCES As MIRAISM® is a Movement of Values, it is key for the movement to have exemplary interpersonal relationships within its individuals and organizations, to gain resources and give those resources an efficient use.
ALLEGIANT MIRAISTS Refers to individuals that have interiorized the philosophy of Miraism® and that have reached INTEGRITY by implementing the values given by the movement. These individuals behave in accordance to the postulates of Miraism® and disseminate it through their own EXAMPLE, and through their social, community, environmental, and political work. This we see as the most important strategic and final result. HUMANITY THAT THINKS, FEELS AND ACTS ACCORDING TO THE POSTULATES OF ABSOLUTE RENOVATION® For Miraism®, integrity or honesty is the fulfillment or the real manifestation and the addition of virtues and values that make up the behavior of a person. It refers to the ability of human beings to act with responsibility and righteousness in accordance with justice, loyalty or friendship, both at the private and public arena; always thinking not only of the individual well-being but also of the collective one. TO REGISTER AND TO MANAGE INFORMATION APPLICATIONS BASED ON TECHNOLOGY Miraism® Seeks to manage information as to serve axiological and ethical purposes. HONESTY (INTEGRITY) It is understood as an exemplary behavior every time and everywhere.
Social work or social action is the attention to the needs faced by all individuals experiencing precarious situations.
The social leader organizes the services provided by Miraism® according to the needs and likes of the community. He/she refers the community to the services granted by the State within a given territory. He/she finds solutions to the needs of the community.
PROVIDING SERVICES Promoting, providing or redesigning services and products with a social focus and the purpose of generating well-being, contributing to the improvement in the quality of life and adding to the aim of satisfying needs.
MANAGING SOLUTIONS To articulate and to manage initiatives already identified in the community as to have access to outside offers from different players. This is achieved through consultation and companionship in the formulation and follow-up of projects that are expected to generate alternative solutions to real problems. Thus, peoples’ needs can be satisfied.
SERVICE MANAGER He/she provides the services granted by Miraism® directly to the community, like for example, trainings.
It is the collective capability that the community has to transform its own reality, through organized participation with proposals to fulfill common wellness and the general interests. It is framed within solidarity, trust, communication and social co-responsibility.
He/she is a member of a participative space. He/she knows how to move politically in order to liaise before the State.
POLITICAL REPRESENTATION ORGANIZING THE COMMUNITY AND CREATING PROPOSALS Organizing the community and creating proposals is understood as the integration of the community into a process of general interest. Thus, a great number of active citizens are encouraged to be aware of their own reality with the aim of reaching a collective consensus about their own wishes and the options to fulfill them. In this way the community is INVOLVED in public matters and the exercise of COMMUNITY POWER is thud exercised.
It is one of the gears that carry out the strategy of Miraism速. It can also be seen as the power given by the people to delegates who represent them in decision-making spaces across international, national, departmental, municipal and local levels. For Miraism速, this representation needs to be exercised with ethical principles and social commitment so that the elected representatives take into account the opinion of the community and the formal institutions generated from those decision-making spaces may be founded on the implementation of a joint effort among social work, community power and political representation.
To guarantee the progressive presence of Miraism® across all spaces of public and community power, we seek to promote leaders that have the capability to disseminate Absolute Renovation® and to act preventively and strategically as to visualize all likely scenarios that allow the dissemination of Absolute Renovation® as the best option. This process generates potential candidates for electoral processes based on own merits.
These are people who occupy a seat in a public corporation or in publicly elected position. They channel the feelings and needs of the communities with which they have worked through public declarations, debates and normative initiatives. They also generate immediate solutions through the processing of requests from the community.
EXERCISING PUBLIC POWER We also aim to lead the processes of exercising public power with ideological coherence, founded upon the principles and values of Miraism®.
CANDIDATES These are people who have been selected and endorsed by Miraism® to represent the movement in an electoral and democratic process with the purpose of being elected as a political representative within a Public Corporation. He/she is an expert in carrying out political actions that mobilize the community.
They teach other actor to move politically that is to approach or to come before the State.
The circle of interaction refers to those interactions among the different processes, not having a consecutive order but one of interactions that depend on each particular case.
They are responsible for politically and electorally favoring from the actions within the assigned territory. They articulate and coordinate all remaining actors as to gain a space within a given territory. They have an innate vocation to be candidates.
MOBILIZERS Mobilizers are those who participate in the scenarios set up for the teaching of values. They keep sympathizers informed about the work of Miraism速. They also rise awareness on public affairs within their circles of friends.
SYMPATHIZERS As stated by the name, sympathizers are those people who sympathize with Miraism速 but are nor mobilizers nor they participate in any scenarios where values are taught.
CONSULTANTS It is a role carried out by anyone who “knows something” in relation to a particular subject. He/she supports all Miraism® actors through his/her knowledge. His/her support is transitory.
LEADERS OF THE MIRAISM® They open the door to Miraism®, being companions for the community before, during, and after the process of going through the Management System of Absolute Renovation®. They also enlighten people by setting up examples of what is proper, honest and upright. They are distributed across ten types of actors, with all being equally important for the implementation of the Absolute Renovation ® system. They are mobilizers, institutional team, advisors, political leaders, service providers, community leaders, representatives, candidates and sympathizers.
CONTEXT AND SCENARIOS These are spaces or places for interaction where actions and/or events are carried out.
ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS AND PROSPECTIVE The leaders begin their work with the community by opening the door to Miraism®. By describing, analyzing, and comprehending their problems. In order to start dealing with community problems, an analysis of its environment is first needed. In order to visualize what is to come and what these issues may generate in the community, they use prospective, which allows them to take actions that will avoid negative consequences should serious issues may arise. ACE OF LIGHT Represents the good example provided by the leaders when applying Miraism®. This light represents the behaviors by which individuals might become interested in practicing Absolute Renovation®.
They represent the change that Miraism® promotes within each person as to change its way of thinking, feeling, and acting. To achieve these changes in people, they need to first go through a journey or route, whose stages are explained below.
The person receives social, communitarian, environmental or political benefits from Miraism®.
INFORMED The person knows that Miraism® exists.
INVOLVED The person is now aware that the State should guarantee his rights and that participation is a condition to derive general benefits from public decisions.
The person is drawn to approach individuals and organizations that embrace Miraism® by attending gathering and meetings organized by the movement.
The person recognizes the good behavior of those practicing Miraism® and Absolute Renovation® as the better option for him/her and becomes a member of the movement and its organizations.
The person is an active part of Miraism®, assuming responsibilities, promoting the work carried out by the movement and the growth of Absolute Renovation®.
It is the person who instructs mobilizers with regards to Absolute Renovation®. It is also the person in charge of inviting and motivating the mobilizers to join the organizations of Absolute Renovation®.
LONG LASTING RELATIONSHIPS Miraism® follows the path of long-lasting relationships with the community based upon relationships of trust and friendship, with the aim of strengthening loyalty to the philosophy of thinking, feeling, and acting in conformity with Absolute Renovation®.
CORPORATE MANAGEMENT It gathers all the processes supporting Absolute Renovation®, from human talent management, physical resources, financials, logistics, technical support, and information technology.
INSTITUTIONAL TEAM They support all the remaining actors of Miraism® in order to achieve their purposes of transformation upon which Absolute Renovation® has been conceived.
STRATEGIC DIRECTION Through this process the course of the organizations of Miraism速 is established as well as the objectives, goals and general guidelines to reach it.
FOLLOW UP AND CONTROL It allows the verification that what has been planned is actually carried out, as to have a reasonable view of the chances of achieving the objectives and goals set up by the movement.
CONTINUOUS BETTERMENT It is the process of carrying out corrective actions (i.e. those that eliminate the causes of an existing problem so that it does not occur again), preventive actions (i.e. those that eliminate the causes to potential problems as to prevent them from re-occurring). It also identifies success factors and carries out risk- assessments that enrich the progressive development of Miraism速 as an organization.
PROPOSITIONAL AND SOLIDARY INDEPENDENCE Independent because it is unique, different, unrepeatable, because it derives from what is transcendent. Solidary independence because we take on actions searching the benefit of common interests, avoiding those agreements that may place values at stake. Propositional independence because it is constantly making new proposals and because it does not go against the people nor does it exclude them.
VOTES ALIGNED WITH STRATEGIC RESULTS Social, communitarian and political activity carried out by Miraism速 have electoral effects and based on them the key elements of the Miraism速 systems are aligned with the type of votes they represent.
VOTE OF GRATITUDE This type of vote seeks to reach out to those who have received any type of social aid from Miraism速.
Campaigns are based on mass-media as to try influencing public opinion.
It seeks to reach out those people who have common interests and who seek to be represented in all public spaces where decisions are made (e.g.: civic committee members or neighborhood committees).
OWN VOTE It seeks that mobilizers themselves know and practice Miraism®.
VOTE OF TRUST People vote because of the trust generated by the fact that someone whom they know recommends them Miraism® as the best alternative.
TRUTHFULNESS, COHERENCE AND PRACTICALITY TRUTHFULNESS Comes from truth and values are seen as part of truth. Ethics is found in truthfulness. Thus, politics is managed by setting up examples of truthfulness. COHERENCE The main point of Absolute Renovation® is that there is coherence, that Ethics and Morality is applied and that the values are lived. All this is gathered under the expression, “think, feel and act different”. PRACTICALITY Miraism® does not stay just in theory; it actually seeks to carry out practical and useful things, useful, always thinking about the general interest and not about the personal one.
PUBLIC AND INTERNAL COMMUNICATION It is a basic macro-process needed for the proper dissemination of Miraism速. It start from the organizations within Absolute Renovation速 and goes beyond to the local, national, and international arenas under such principles as: innovation, building up, creation and knowledge.
Absolute Renovation速 is a synthesis of answers to basic human needs: -
As an ideology, it guides knowledge and action through truthfulness, coherence and practicality. As applied ethics, it is set up through leadership, teamwork, social, communitarian, environmental and political actions, and assessment and accountability reports.
As a School, it creates characterization and scenarios that are formative and derived from values.
As a system, it integrates individuals, organizations, processes and transformations, all inspired by the government of values.