Miranda Schmidt
Miranda Schmidt University of Oregon, Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, expected graduation 2014 mirandaschmidt545@gmail.com 785.691.6191
Seeking internships and entry-level positions in landscape architecture and design.
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University of Oregon | School of Architecture and Allied Arts Bachelor of Landscape Architecture | March 2014 expected graduation
2009- 2011
University of Nebraska- Lincoln | School of Architecture Landscape Architecture | Beginning Studios; no degree
2007- 2009
Lawrence High School | Lawrence, KS
ss cchhool alras hr si phs iapnsd aa wnadr das w a r d s 2013
Recipient of the Dor thy Mar tone Scholarship in Landscape Architec ture | University of Oregon
R e c i p i e n t o f t h e B a r b a r a Fe a l y S c h o l a r s h i p i n L a n d s c a p e Architec ture | University of Oregon
Recipient of the Nathan Muggy Memorial Scholarship | University of Nebraska
work experience wpor irl k2 0e1x4p- Jeurni ee n2 0c1e4 A Sept. 2011- Present
City of Eugene | Eugene, OR | Urban Design Intern University of Oregon | School of Architecture and Allied Arts Office of Development | Office Assistant and Graphic Designer
Sept. 2011- Present
University of Oregon | Dining and Catering Autzen Stadium | Ser ver
May 2007- June 2009
S c h m i d t D e s i g n G r o u p , L LC Lawrence, KS | Office Assistant
aacct ti vi ivt iietsi e s 2013
O v e r l o o k F i e l d S c h o o l | Fu l l e r C e n t e r f o r P r o d u c t i v e L a n d s c a p e s S t u d e n t P a r t i c i p a n t | D a l t o n , PA
2012- 2013
American Society of Landscape Architecture Student Secretary | University of Oregon Chapter
Edible School Gardens Design Project | Kalapuya High School Independent Study | Eugene, OR
C o n f e d e r a t e Tr i b e s o f U m a t i l l a I n d i a n R e s e r v a t i o n P r o j e c t Student Leader | Holden Leadership Center: Alternative Breaks
sskki lillsl s A u t o C A D | S k e t c h U p | A d o b e P h o t o s h o p , I l l u s t r a t o r, I n D e s i g n | R h i n o | Microsoft Office | Arc GIS | Envision | Revit Hand Drafting and Modeling | Graphic Design | Photography | Biking
Patterns of the Braided R iver
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Industrial Revelation
The Disappearing Landscape
11 Patterns of the Braided R iver
13 Professional: South Willamette
15 Legacy Landscape
I ndustr ial R evelation: The Expansion of Downtown Universit y of Oregon BLA Urban Design Studio, 2012 I N S T R U C T O R : A n i t a Va n A s p e r t LO C AT I O N : S p r i n g f i e l d , O R : B o o t h K e l l y S i t e Recovering timber industry site, Booth Kelly holds promise with architectural integrity, ecological integrity in a riparian landscape, and location- just south of downtown Springfield, OR. Although past its prime in productivity, I have proposed a programmatic living space for the foreseen population growth of downtown. Human presence in this area will give this place a new palette of opportunity with small business, light-manufacturing, creative space, living space, and ecological restoration. With a large rail-yard separating downtown from Booth Kelly, I have proposed a pedestrian viaduct into the site bringing people to a series of productive spaces in a safe and inviting way. Small businesses and studio spaces will keep the architectural integrity of the historic timber site and a skate park coupled with a youth after-school program building will provide the youth of the area a safe space. Housing units along the millrace create new living spaces for residence. Expanding Downtown Springfield is necessary and Booth Kelly has much potential to do so.
Booth Kelly High School Downtown
Main St.
Willamette River
Springfield, OR
riparian ecological integrity youth development
Willamette RIver
community growth
Booth Kelly Sit Site
industry/ business Millrac Millrace
1� = 100’
crane-shed skate-park Millrace elevated walk light industry
residential urban farm
R e l o c a l i z a t i o n : E x p a n s i o n o f t h e L o c a l Fa r m e r ’s M a r k e t Universit y of Oregon BLA Landscape Planning Studio, 2012 INSTRUC TOR: Ron Lovinger LO C AT I O N : E u g e n e , O R : L o c a l Fa r m e r ’s M a r k e t S i t e 8th ave. and Oak st. in Eugene, OR is an important place each Saturday. After measuring the success of the neighboring farmer ’s market and its need for expansion, I believe relieving the existing space from its parking garage and replacing it with open space and an indoor market is necessary in order to accommodate a growing market in Eugene.
W i l l a m e t t e Va l l e y
expand food vending
open space
indoor market
oak st
water feature
8th st
Relocalization: technical abilities University of Oregon BLA Landscape Te c h n i c a l S t u d i o , 2 0 1 3 INSTRUC TORS: Brad Stangeland, Ron Lovinger LO C AT I O N : E u g e n e , O R : L o c a l Fa r m e r ’s M a r k e t S i t e Continuing with the exploration of open spaces in the Eugene Farmer ’s Market space, this symmetrical park block design includes storm water planters, an interactive fountain, bathrooms, and pavement suitable for pedestrians and vehicular traffic. This design can be enjoyed on weekdays as well as the busy market days.
2. 1. 5.
SITE PLAN 1 . interactive fountain 2. lawn 3 . stormwater planter 4. planter with curb 5 . concrete pavers- vehicular access 6 . concrete pavers- pedestrian access 7. bench 8 . concrete pavers 9 . tactile warning strip pavers
4. 7.
6. 3. 8. 9. site plan
interactive fountain detail
fountain stone schedule
Relocalization: technical abilities continued
planting plan
B. trench grate section
B planter bed with curb
bench detail
A. infiltration planter section
The Disappear ing Landscape: Enhancing the Oak Savannas U n i v e r s i t y o f O r e g o n B L A A p p l i e d E c o l o g y, 2 0 1 3 INSTRUC TOR: Bar t Johnson LO C AT I O N : E u g e n e , O R The historic trajectory of the South Eugene hills was dominant by oak savanna; however the vegetative structure has changed since 1851 due to human settlement. The cessation of fir trees has changed the landscape from an open oak savanna structure to predominately closed-canopy forests with threat of forest fires. Myself and a group of students mapped the historic oak savannas, existing savannas as well as potential areas for savannas in the South Hills of Eugene, OR, and a possible corridor connection s. A short-term set of goals for this project is to bring the oaks back by disturbance regime, thinning, and planting new oaks. We demonstrate this at Elliott Hill Park in Eugene. The next goal would be to integrate this with the urban matrix by enforcing corridor development, developing key acquisitions, and managing public lands as oak savanna. For residents, the goal is to promote supporting habitat and to adopt the desire for the oak savanna’s aesthetic & experiential quality. With population growth and climate change, the great Oregon Oak Savanna is an important ecosystem to protect and enhance. The legacy of the Oregon Oak is important to maintain in the Willamette Valley for the health of humans and native species.
Potential Oak Savanna
GIS analysis overlay Elliot Hill
1851 Vegetation Classes Savanna Upland Prairie
Closed Upland Forest Woodlands
Wet Prairie
Riparian Forest
Cooperative Management
Green indicates potential for realized oak savanna and connectivity beyond the UGB
Public Lands
Parcels for Acquisition Parcels for Cooperation
Elliot H ill Park : management regime through tier analysis
Historic Tier 1 Tier 1 Oak Savannah Oak Savannah (Naturally Managed) (Naturally Managed)
The transect shows the historical vegetative structure of Elliot Hill in 1851. By the time, the park was managed under nautural disturbances regimes. Fire regime specifically provides an important ecological process for Oaks (Quecrucs garryana) to thrive
Existing Tier 11 Tier Oak Savannah Oak Savanna (Well Managed) ( Well Managed)
Tier 2Tier 2 Mixed Woodland Mixed Woodland (Managed)
Tier Tier 33 Conifer Woodland Conifer Woodland (Poorly Managed) (Poorly Managed)
Tier1 1 Tier Upland Prarie Oak Savannah (Well ( Well Managed) Managed)
The section shows the existing condition of Elliot Hill. The current condition indicates that the historic oak savannah is decreasing, and the site is tend to dominanted by conifers, such as Douglas-fir (Psudotsuga menziesii).
Desired Future Conditions Tier 1 Tier 1 Oak Savannah Oak Savanna (Well Managed)
( Well Managed)
Tier 1 Tier 1 Oak +Pine Savannah Oak +Pine Savanna (Well Managed)
( Well Managed)
Tier 2 Tier 2 Oak Savannah Oak Savanna (Managed)
Tier 1 Tier 1 Oak Savannah Oak +Pine Savanna (Well Managed) ( Well Managed)
The Braided R iver : Reimagining the edge Universit y of Oregon BLA Comprehensive Projec t Studio, 2014 INSTRUC TOR: Rober t M elnick LO C AT I O N : L a w r e n c e , K S The presence of the Kansas River carves into the urban interface Lawrence, KS while showing signs of degradation and channelization by evidence of levees, polluted water, lack of ecologic interaction, and defined edges that consist of post-industrial sites. In this project, I am interested in exploring the potential of the river, both in its historic and present state in order to manifest design through the pattern language of the historic braided prairie river on the riverfront in the Downtown distric of Lawrence.
braided river overlay
breaking the edge concept illustration
site plan
Professional: South Willamette Concept Plan Urban Design Intern, 2014 Planning & Development Department, City of Eugene Code Figures & Diagrams LO C AT I O N : E u g e n e , O R
S-SW ZONE Regulating Plan
Building Heights
KEY Build-To-Line Property Line Building Area
NOTES Street-Facing Property Line Setbacks
Optional Setback Area
S-SW ZONE GeneralRow House Configuration
Building Set-backs
S-SW Zone Street Type 2 Willamette Street 88’ R.O.W. (Final Condition)
Legac y Landscape: An Olmsted Planting Assessment U n i v e r s i t y o f O r e g o n B L A O v e r l o o k F i e l d Tr i p 2 0 1 3 INSTRUC TOR: R oxi Thoren LO C AT I O N : D a l t o n , PA : O v e r l o o k Situated just Northwest of Scranton, PA, the Overlook property is home to 400 acres of maple, ponderosa pine, and ash tree forests. The property was designed by Olmsted & Associates in 1906 with serpentine paths, beautiful view sheds to Lily Lake, and comfortable allees on the hillside. I stayed here on the property for a month on student fellowship and much of my time here focused on documenting trees and comparing it to the site’s historic planting plans done by the landscape architects in 1906. I was drawn to the legacy of the place and its story.
“ O u r a b i l i t y t o p e r c e i v e q u a l i t y i n n a t u r e b e g i n s , a s i n a r t , w i t h t h e p r e t t y. I t e x p a n d s t h r o u g h s u c c e s s i v e s t a g e s
o f t h e b e a u t i f u l t o v a l u e s a s y e t u n c a p t u r e d b y l a n g u a g e .� - A l d o L e o p o l d , T h e R o u n d R i v e r
Thank you.