Susanna Dickinson Hanning. Sobreviviente de El Álamo

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Susanna Dickinson Hanning The following account appears in an 1875 book by James M. Morphis entitled History of Texas. As in the case of all other accounts by Mrs. Dickinson, this version is recounted by a third party.1 I will now describe the memorable Fall OF THE ALAMO as related to me by Mrs. Susan Hanning, formerly Mrs. Dickinson, who witnessed it. "On February 23d, 1836, Santa Anna, having captured the pickets sent out by Col. Travis to guard the post from surprise,2 charged into San Antonio with his troops, variously estimated at from six to ten thousand, only a few moments after the bells of the city rang the alarm.3 "Capt. Dickinson galloped up to our dwelling and hurriedly exclaimed: "The Mexicans are upon us, give me the babe, and jump up behind me." I did so, and as the Mexicans already occupied Commerce street, we galloped across the river at the ford south of it, and entered the fort at the southern gate, when the enemy commenced firing shot and shell into the fort, but with little or no effect, only wounding one horse. "There were eighteen guns mounted on the fortifications, and these, with our riflemen, repulsed with great slaughter two assaults upon them before the final one. "I knew Colonels Crockett. Bowie and Travis well. Col. Crockett was a performer on the violin, and often during the siege took it up and played his favorite tunes. "I heard him say several times during the eleven days of the siege: 'I think we had better march out and die in the open air. I don't like being hemmed up.' "There were provisions and forage enough in the fort to have subsisted men and horses for a month longer. "A few days before the final assault three Texans entered the fort during the night and inspired us with sanguine hopes of speedy relief, and thus animated the men to contend to the last. "A Mexican women deserted us one night, and going over to the enemy informed them of our very inferior numbers, which Col. Travis said made them confident and emboldened to make the final assault, which they did at early dawn on the morning of the 6th of March. "Under the cover of darkness they approached the fortifications, and planting their scaling ladders against our walls just as light was approaching, they climbed up to the tops of our walls and jumped down within, may of them to their immediate death. "As fast as the front ranks were slain, they were filled up again by fresh troops. "The Mexicans numbered several thousands while there were only one hundred and eighty-two Texans. "The struggle lasted more than two hours when my husband rushed into the church where I was with my child, and exclaimed: 'Great God, Sue, the Mexicans are inside our walls! All is lost! If they spare you, save my child.' "Then, with a parting kiss, he drew his sword and plunged into the strife, then raging in different portions of the fortifications. Soon after he left me, three unarmed gunners who abandoned their then useless guns

came into the church where I was, and were shot down by my side. One of them was from Nacogdoches and named Walker.4 He spoke to me several times during the siege about his wife and four children with anxious tenderness. I saw four Mexicans toss him up in the air (as you would a bundle of fodder) with their bayonets, and then shoot him. At this moment a Mexican officer came into the room, and addressing me in English, asked: "Are you Mrs. Dickinson?' I answered "Yes.' Then said he, 'If you wish to save your life, follow me.' I followed him, and although shot at and wounded, was spared. "As we passed through the enclosed ground in front of the church, I saw heaps of dead and dying. The Texans on an average killed between eight and nine Mexicans each-182 and 1,600 Mexicans were killed.5 "I recognized Col. Crockett lying dead and mutilated between the church and the two story barrack building, and even remember seeing his peculiar cap lying by his side. "Col. Bowie was sick in bed and not expected to live, but as the victorious Mexicans entered his room, he killed two of them with his pistols before they pierced him through with their sabres. "Col. Travis and Bonham were killed while working the cannon, the body of the former lay on the top of the church.6 "In the evening the Mexicans brought wood from the neighboring forest and burned the bodies of all the Texans, but their own dead they buried in the city cemetery across the San Pedro [creek]."

Footnotes 1. J[ames]. M. Morphis, History of Texas, From Its Discovery and Settlement (NY: United States Publishing Company, 1875), 174-177. For a biographical sketch of Morphis, see back to text 2. No other person contends that Santa Anna's troops captured any Texan pickets as they approached BĂˆxar. back to text 3. Richard G. Santos, Santa Anna's Campaign Against Texas, 1835-1836 (Waco, TX: Texian Press, 1968), 60, 71. Santa Anna arrived on February 23, 1836, with the Vanguard Brigade, which numbered 1,541 men, and a fifty-man personal escort. Reinforcements arrived on March 3, 1836, which consisted of 864 infantrymen and officers accompanied by about 150 mule herders. These two forces united meant that the total number of troops in BĂˆxar was approximately 2,500--not the 6,000 or more claimed by some early writers. back to text 4. Bill Groneman, Alamo Defenders (Austin: Eakin Press, 1990), 117. This man appears to have been Jacob Walker. back to text 5. The number of slain at the battle has been debated for years. For a discussion on the topic, see back to text 6. This statement places Travis' body "on top of the church," something that contradicts Joe's account, which contends that Travis was killed on the north wall. back to text

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