AIESEC - Colliers presentation

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AIESEC Bucharest presentation

Presentation summary


AIESEC General presentation


AIESEC Bucharest presentation


Projects presentation


Our members and the development process


Partners and partnerships presentation


AIESEC is the world’s largest student-run organization. Active in over 1700 universities across more than 110 countries and territories, our international platform enables young people to explore and develop their leadership potential for them to have a positive impact in society. In partnership with business and higher education, AIESEC has over 60 years of experience in developing high-potential students into globally minded responsible leaders. AIESEC' s innovative development process consists of unmatched international opportunities and a global learning environment.

leadership experiences,

AIESEC uses an innovative approach to engaging and developing today’s youth. By offering opportunities to build extensive international personal networks and explore leadership opportunities, we provide a platform for young people to discover direction and ambition for their futures.

110 Countries

44.104 Members

1715 universities

1.089.046 alumni

4255 partners


As the first international student NGO in Romania, starting with the 90s, AIESEC Bucharest has constantly helped students and communities fill in the gap between formal education and the market needs. The aim of our activities has been unchanged in the last 20 years : empowering youth and developing their change agents potential. Nevertheless we adapted our approach at the same pace as the Bucharest needs changed. If in the previous decade we brought to Romania new concepts at that time such as Career Fair and youth online platforms, the present finds our energies invested in the nests of the future : international youth exchange, physical and virtual learning spaces, entrepreneurship culture among technical students, sustainability and career planning. In 2009 we facilitated learning experiences for more than 7000 students, out of which 100 were selected to join us as full time members. The brand awareness we have, the success of our alumni , the increasing reach among students and the number of members in international leadership positions give us no other choice than to reach even higher in 2010.

120 members

>1000 alumni

4 major universities

20 years

25 partners



For over 20 years, AIESEC Bucharest choses to transmit his positive impact inside the community, by developing and running various projects on issues like: leadership, corporate social responsibility, finance, sales, management and human resources In this period, our projects brought innovation, we were the first organization in Romania addressing the CSR issue, inspiration and valuable soft and hard skills for the student environment in Bucharest.

More then 15.000 students participated in our projects throughout the years, being trained and inspired by over 300 guests and speakers, represented by alumni, corporate representatives and personalities from different environments.

“The CSR project, already at it's third edition, aims to provide an intense learning experience with impact on the community, through events that will develop a sustainable mindset. Life Portraits, a 2 hour-event in which 80 students will discuss about the different types of discrimination and Bucharest Whistles Fault(more then 1000 people marching for 6 important issues that the city needs to be aware of) are the main parts of this project.”

“InPower project aims to contribute to the development of 60 students from Polytechnics University, both on personal and professional level, trough soft skills trainings, study-case debates and the interaction with corporate environment in a concept called Coffee Talks.”



Being the largest student run organization in the world, AIESEC has a complex and evolved member’s development systems and strategies. Our members have diverse academic background and represent the people that dream and act in order to have a positive impact in the society. We provide our members with an integrated learning experience, called the AIESEC eXperience. This offers them the opportunity to take responsibility as part of a project team, lead international teams and experience a intense intercultural working experience as part of an international NGO or company.

Global Learning Environment From virtual global discussions, virtual team work experiences, online knowledge management to hundreds of physical meetings/conferences, team experiences, coaching with top executives and more‌..AIESEC offers them a unique global learning environment to explore and develop your potential!


Partnering with AIESEC Today, more than 4.000 organizations - from multinational to small and medium scale business, nonprofit to government and the UN - are partnering with AIESEC. AIESEC's unique network offers unique opportunities for organizations to co-operate with AIESEC and obtain value.

“We partnered with AIESEC Bucharest as we have seen in them the enthusiasm, great talent and creativity we cherish. It is impressive how a group of young volunteers manage to organize such diverse events in a very professional manner and be an inspirational voice in the student environment. We share similar values and have both international expertise and local know-how. “ Ruxandra Scortea, Managing Director Action Global Communications Romania “The partnership with AIESEC has shown us how to identify and to work with great talents and gives both organizations the opportunity to benefit from each other.” Frank Wagenbauer, CEO Capgemini Services Romania

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