ANOINTED FOR CHRIST Volume 1, Issue 2 November-December 2021
Editor: Miriam Jacob Editorial Advisor: Saira Kuruvilla
Contributors: Dr. Smita Itty Molly Jacob Jerusha Joel Miriam Jacob Eapen Alexander Benjamin Thomas
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Anointed for Christ Nov-Dec 2021
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Congratulations for bringing out a new Christian magazine 'Anointed for Christ'. And thank you for placing in my hands a copy of the very first issue of this magazine.
I find the magazine aesthetically very appealing, and content wise - relevant and inspiring. The layout is functional and pleasing to the eye.
The magazine features well written poems and articles. I look forward to the addition of more regular features like 'Testimonies', 'Children' s Corner' and 'Bible Quiz for the month'.
It is my belief that your magazine is a forerunner of bigger things to come. It could become an instrument for silent evangelism to reach thousands of souls.
'They that sow in tears shall reap in joy'. Psalms 126:5
May the Lord bless you and your work.
Eapen Alexander
Anointed for Christ Nov-Dec 2021
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Breath of God Miriam Jacob
Breath of God, Breath of Life, breathes on me until I inhale in Your Spirit and exhale Your life-giving words. Divine Lover of my soul, I lay my heart at Your feet. Touch me afresh, anew, with Your Holy Spirit. Engraft me into Your Vine, Engrave me into Your Palm, Enhance my sensitivity to Your Spirit. Enkindle my love for You, Enlarge my spiritual vision, Enlighten my understanding, Enable me to live for You.
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DEPENDENCE Dr. Smita Itty Everything is fine for me Thought the widow of Zarephath After prophet Elijah came to her house As the man of God prophesied Her jar of flour was not used up And her jug of oil did not run dry Nevertheless some time later her son dies Once again a supernatural indulgence flows And brings life back to her son She realises how she has to depend on God Almighty everyday Today Lord I confess I need God everyday, every hour I totally depend on Thy grace and power all the time Especially at times when I can do nothing else I rely on Thy power, Thy promises, Thy provision I release my fears and worries unto You And receive Thy heavenly peace which passes all understanding.
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CLAY JARS Molly Jacob
The power is poured into "clay jars," The power that strengthens us, To do what? To witness to the ends of the world. Oh! Where did it come from? Yes, it came from resurrection, It is the power of the most High. The clay jars, Fashioned by the Potter, Become alive. The jars move from place to place, From house to house, Telling people all about our Saviour. The Lord will come back To take you and me, Are you ready?
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KEEP YOUR LAMPS BURNING IN THE NIGHT Benjamin P. Thomas The darkness covers Godly and ungodly, When midnight comes to touch you, Keep your lamps burning in the night. The rain has stopped, South wind blows for scorcher, Keep your lamps burning in the night. Butterflies of Eden vanished? Has wedding feast in heaven started? Oh! Keep your lamps burning in the night. When night brings troubles and worries, Think that a great day is waiting for you and me.
When death knocks at the door, Failure surrounds like waves, When fear makes you afraid, Feel helpless in the solitude, Keep your lamps burning in the night. Patience in waiting period is so difficult But Faithfulness will be rewarded at the end The wicked will be banished with unfaithfulness The sign of Master’s return is everywhere The unexpected time is nearby, Get ready for all the time and Keep your lamps burning in the night. How God cares the beauty of lily and lotus! Which will not remain for tomorrow. Then certainly safe my life in His hands but Keep your lamps burning in the night.
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El Roi Dr Smita Itty
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A MOTHER’S LONGING Jerusha Joel Nestled in my arms, Gazing up at me, With wide unblinking eyes, Is a rosy-cheeked angel child, Her little, trusting fingers Holding on to mine; Her very sight melts my heart, I cannot behold her, but kiss her twice, Yet as I gaze at her, I cannot but sigh, And say with troubled mind, "This little child is condemned to die". Born she is, into a world of hurts and aches, Part of the wicked human race This guiltless child is a prisoner of sin, Poor, darling daughter of mine. When she views the world in all its sin and hate, How can she hope in abounding love, Unless you hold her trusting hands, Lord And enfold with your love, her tender soul. When her soul feels shattered, as it will; Will she look for respite in the fabrications of man? Help her to look fear in the face, to come to thee for aid, Thus restore her broken heart with your wondrous love. You saw this little one’s future, Even as she took shape in my womb, I do not see her life ahead, Those troubles she will have to endure, But I know that you, who hold her life, Will give at all times, strength to keep fighting on. Cradle her in your love, Lord; Fill her with your spirit, Cover her with your wings, Lord; Surround her with your grace, So that when the time has come, I can give this guileless infant in my arms back to you, Unblemished, sinless, heart made tender with Thy love!
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Light in the Manger Miriam Jacob
I stand alone beside
I squirm against a chestnut-coloured cow,
the cowshed at night,
as I worm my way into the hayrack.
watching the full moon,
The cow goes on munching, unflinchingly,
cast its silvery fragrance
as it must have done ages ago,
over the silent grounds.
Inside, the warm, cuddly smell of the cows drifts out to me, as the soft country scents of fresh milk and sweet hay
on that dark and lonesome night, when Mary sat alone in the stable, her new-born babe in her arms.
I gaze at the straw-filled hayrack, and imagine the Baby Jesus lying
refresh my awakening senses, in the manger, still and quiet, invigorating me with a new with the animals all around him. awareness of the countryside, A hole in the roof reveals a solitary star, as I slip very quietly inside. twinkling brilliantly, guiding the shepherds to the stable where the Baby Jesus lies.
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I can see them plod up the valley, anxiously looking for the manger that cradles the King of glory. The door of the cowshed swings open, as the shepherds come creeping in, their little lambs nestling in their arms.
The stable at Bethlehem is very quiet and still, as the world waits with bated breath, for God's Son, Jesus Christ, to touch the whole world with His life-changing love.
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KINGDOM PRIORITIES IN THE CHRISTMAS STORY Miriam Jacob Christ is God's gift to us at Christmas. Conceived by the Holy Spirit, Jesus was carried in Mary's womb and was born as a helpless baby. God personally supervised every single detail of His birth. Christ's birth was a reflection of God's character that expresses compassion and exalts humility. God chose simple and humble people to be the earthly parents of his son. Both Mary and Joseph had great sanctity of character. They submitted to the will of God. They obeyed God selflessly and wholeheartedly. Both of them persevered against all odds and endured great hardship and difficulty to fulfil the solemn responsibility of bringing the Son of God into the world. Mary was the humble recipient of God's favor. God partnered with her in an unprecedented act of creation, unique in the history of mankind. It was a rare honor of unparalleled distinction, never bestowed upon anyone else. The Bible says that Mary was a chaste virgin. God holds purity in high esteem because He is pure and holy. Though troubled at first at the announcement of the angel, Mary submitted obediently to the will of God. She was aware of the risk that she was taking. But she said "Yes" to God. She agreed to take up the divine assignment. Doing God's will was the top priority in her life. Nothing else mattered. When Mary submitted to God's will, she had to endure much pain. In the ninth month of her pregnancy, Mary had to travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem on a donkey to be registered in the national census of the whole Roman Empire. When the time came for her to give birth, there was no room for them to stay in the inn.
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She had to deliver her baby in a stable. There, in the most humble and lowly of places, Mary gave birth to her firstborn. She wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger. The Magnificat, Mary's hymn of praise glorifies God for what He has done, and what He is about to do. She glorifies the Lord in magnifying His goodness and love. It portrays the essential link between humility and holiness. God regarded the lowliness of His handmaid and did great things for Mary in making her the mother of God's Son, and He put down the mighty from their thrones with His own might and exalted the lowly. Joseph was a just and upright man. He was confronted with a terrible crisis and unimaginable dilemma. Imagine his utter shock and great distress on hearing that his fiancee is pregnant. God gave him a surprise, one that would shake the core of his very being. Joseph sacrificed his interests for the work of God to be fulfilled through him. He was far more concerned about Mary's reputation than about the deep, personal hurt he had to endure on account of the virgin birth. The exemplary way in which Joseph treated Mary, in the most trying and difficult circumstances, clearly indicates his kind and gentle nature. Only under the deepest scrutiny of the most severe stresses and strains of life does the true character of a man emerge. Joseph did not fail his greatest test. He believed God against all odds. That is why God entrusted him with the grandest responsibility that a man could ever have, to be the foster father of the incarnate son of God. Not a single word of his is recorded in the Gospels. Though he gently fades into the background, his attitudes and actions speak volumes of his sterling character. The Christmas event bears witness to the inversion of worldly values that characterize God's Kingdom, a kingdom where greatness is measured in terms of obedience, self-denial and humility.
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