Nights feel warmer together.
2 Cyclic love:
Give back to Nature
Don't just take what should be yours
And repeat.
Buen Vivir: “Good Live” [Buen Vivir means to live in plentitude, knowing how to live in harmony with the
cycles of Mother Earth, of the cosmos, of life and of history, and in balance with every form of existence in a state of permanent respect - Huanacuni Mamani, 2010
Derived from the indigenous peoples in Latin America such as the Quechua concept of
Sumak Kawsay, it simply means that good life calls for a radical break with our
understanding of development that is anchored in modern Western ideologies of society - nature dualism. Instead, it encourages us to opt for a way of life that resides in
the present and respects differences and complementarities among humans and non-humans from an ecological perspective.]
Disconnect to Connect
Pure sounds of water Smell of mint Our rivers Our leaves Our roots Nurturing our boundless love with the soil of our mothers
Long lasting touches - longer pine needles
fine and sharp
How long?
So long!
have my senses been deprived
Of a touch of life
7 Equilibrium.
Nature! Draw words from my lips with the kindness of your many fingers
Make me breathe Nature knows no boundaries It will break you, nurture you and revive you Nature brings me back to life.
Rapture - Break - Reconnect - Release - Rapture - Breath - Release
Hold Still
Project “All colours of Sharr mountain” is kindly supported by Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.