Miruna Mazilu Part 2 sample portfolio

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mirunamazilu@gmail.com +44 7 51 7 861 642

AA SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE 5th year project, RIBA PART 2 2016

The Artifice of Place The thesis crafts the line between the seen and the actual, as a method of constructing place and its identity.

It establishes that the places we construct expand beyond the borders of the site of inspiration or the site they are found in. They engage with the world outside and negotiate a fundamental exchange.

Thourgh model making, collaging, 1 : 1 installation and animation, the project creates instances of ambiguity and of misplacement which imply multiple readings of our surroundings.

The architecture of artifice builds place through a process of patchwork of disconnected states. Therefore, the proposal moves away from a room, building or landscape per se, towards designing the ground which connects them, offering an extension of the context in which they are found.

These moments challenge thresholds of proximity, framing, boundaries, materiality & duration. Conditions which define a particular relation between the place and inhabitant. They shift a moment from its usual state, by introducing another.

Miruna Mazilu www.mirunamazilu.net

AA SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE 5th year project, RIBA PART 2 2016

The Artifice of Place Creating the effect of vastness into the city responds to the desire of escaping into ‘the other’. By deconstructing foreground, middleground and background, the city falls away as you surface on to the fields that stretch towards the horizon of rolling hills. You escape by artificially creating a view you rarely get in the city. The project establishes place as a dynamic and fragmentary construct, using forced perspective and alignments. As you navigate through the terrain the fragments form instances of continuity, presenting a continuous narrative. It is a constant process of constructing landscape as a discontinuous geography which reveals itself as a seamless experiential & visual ground. Photograph of sequence of 1 : 100 , 1 : 300 and 1 : 3000 scale models

Miruna Mazilu www.mirunamazilu.net

AA SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE 5th year project, RIBA PART 2 2016

The Artifice of Place We experience terrain by movement. We move through a landscape or a building and its visible form alters constantly, as do its internal relationships. The subject is constantly redefined through changing sets of relationships.


As the platforms come together as one for the audience’s experience, they also engage with each other into a cycle of disabling place from being established at one end in order to form the identity of a place at another.

The continuity of the view relies on the elements being aligned. Once the alignments is broken, we have a clash between two worlds.


Miruna Mazilu www.mirunamazilu.net





AA SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE 5th year project, RIBA PART 2 2016

The Artifice of Place Philip Johnson builds the Glass house as a house in which to die. In the house, Poussin’s painting, “The burial”, hangs in perfect alignment with the horizon to extend the exterior view. The narrative of the painting envelopes the reality of Johnson’ s death, whom died in 2005 in the Glass House.

Miruna Mazilu www.mirunamazilu.net

Two completely different worlds and realities which are combined and disrupted by a 10 cm frame. By collapsing thresholds multiple readings of a scene create an expanse of context.

They connect an object, an interior, a building and the landscape.

WORKING EXPERIENCE - Proctor and Matthews Architects RIBA PART 2 Architectural Assistant 2013 - 15

Winning competition entry - Residential & Masterplanning The project comprises of two development plots and will provide 155 dwellings consisting of a wide range of housing types from courtyard clusters to larger family courtyard houses.

The 21st Century design achieves Code for Sustainable Homes Level 5.

Miruna Mazilu www.mirunamazilu.net

Each cluster of dwellings is arranged around a central shared court. A semi-private communal space designed to accommodate residents’ parking and support neighbourly interactions.

Each typology is provided with either a private courtyard garden or terrace (or both).

WORKING EXPERIENCE - Proctor and Matthews Architects RIBA PART 2 Architectural Assistant 2013 - 15

Winning competition entry - Residential & Masterplanning I followed from the competition stage up until its Planning stages,

Built Form

developing typology plans and elevations to a high level of detail.


The proposed facades transition from a gault brick to the more red hues of nearby distinctive stone and red brick buildings.

Ground Floor

1st Floor

2nd Floor

Type B

Type C1

Miruna Mazilu www.mirunamazilu.net

WORKING EXPERIENCE - PMA RIBA PART 2 Architectural Assistant 2013 - 15

Developing design for competition entry - on left page The proposal offers a mix of housing types, including apartments, terraces, semidetached and detached houses for the scheme which range from 1 & 2 bedroom apartments to 3, 4 & 5 bedroom houses.

Proposal for Sea World India Oceanarium - on right page The Oceanarium comprises of four intertwined buildings, like a family of ocean creatures swimming together.

The dramatic entrances of the bridges set across a moat lead to separate ticketing areas for the aquarium and conference venue. The proposal also includes research, conference and education facilities.

The visitors’ journey through the atmospheric spaces, which include the external exhibition areas, designed to entertain and educate.

Miruna Mazilu www.mirunamazilu.net

WORK EXPERIENCE - Practice Architecture On-site assembly 2012

Building Frank ‘ s Cafe and auditorium The project comprised of the design and construction of a reception area, a hay auditorium and a rooftop cafe.

Applied valuable creativity and teamwork skills as part of the 8 week project led by a group of young architects.

I gained valuable organisational and problem solving skills, following the project from design phase to building and completion.

Client: Bold Tendencies Location: London

Miruna Mazilu www.mirunamazilu.net

Miruna Mazilu www.mirunamazilu.net

AA SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE 3rd year project, RIBA PART 1 2013

Aalto’ s Crepuscular Loyly Town hall extension proposal, re-appropriating redundant sections of Alvar Aalto’s Town Hall in Saynatsalo, creating the effect of the building leaking into the forest.

The proposal extends the traditional concept of a Loyly (a Finnish word associated with the experience of steam and heat) - typically experienced in Finnish saunas.

Wall buildup




Solidity of wall - combination of ceramic and framework

17 m


Sauna Chamber 4

Wall layers: Wall solidity Skin has a slit becomes an opening



Sauna Chamber 3

Sauna Chamber 2

Sauna Chamber 1

Saynatsalo Town Hall


Ground level plan Scale 1:100 Saynatsalo Island Finland, 62.8°N 25.46°E

Steam chambers

Miruna Mazilu www.mirunamazilu.net

AA SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE 3rd year project, RIBA PART 1 2013

Aalto’ s Crepuscular Loyly To develop the design, multiple techniques were used: lasercutting, 3D modeling the proposal and its mould, 3D scanning and CNC milling the moulds for the model and slipcasting ceramics to make the 4 ceramic 1:50 tower models.

Brick 1 Porous ceramic bricks

Galvanised smooth reinforcement

30 cm

Galvanised steel angles


6.5 cm The geometry derived from the surface area studies as well as the previous light studies.

Brick 1

Brick 2

AA SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE 4th year project, RIBA PART 2 2015

From Fleeting to Fixed The project examines what we make, how we make and where we make it. Exploring the space of production -the studio- where identity is shaped through the making of immaterial & mass; what sits between making event and artefact?

The primary precedent was Donald Judd’s 101 Spring St. which is an example of a landform, his house, bringing together a series of independent objects in a permanent installation.

It is interesting to clash this with another major ideology that was taking form in New York simultaneously. While Judd was transforming the building into a home, a studio and a laboratory of ideas, the explosion of consumerism reverberated in Andy Warhol’s “Factory”. Here event becomes simulation of place, generating 15 minutes of fame and the nomad artwork assembly line.

Pairing the two, I question instances of permanence within a collection of work, in relation to place. Clashing the fleeting with the fixed, these experiments interrogate the issue of identity and become my collection which remains to be sited.

Miruna Mazilu www.mirunamazilu.net

AA SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE 4th year project, RIBA PART 2 2015

From Fleeting to Fixed The continuous landform, where objects are reintroduced in tension with each other is revealed in the form of a continuously changing panorama view which discloses the unexpected. It is potentially infinite and in constant redefinition through the different interactions.

Miruna Mazilu www.mirunamazilu.net

The focus becomes the interaction between event and environment. They are in constant exchange, knitting the ground on which I, as an architect, navigate, oscillating between ways of arranging the cultural and physical world.

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