Inma San Ginés Architecture Portfolio

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architecture portfolio Inma San GinĂŠs Bahillo University of the Basque Country 2007-2014

Inma S an Gin é s Bah illo, Arc hi te c t (0034) 646 635 395 Bilbao, 16th December 1989 Driving License B EDUCATION 2007-2014 Master in Architecture | Univ. del País Vasco Final Master Project: “Building Crafts School” 2011-2012 Erasmus | Hogeschool Von Kunst & Weerchanst Sint Lucas (Gent) 2005-2007 Sta María High School | Branch of Science (Technology) WORK&OTHEREXPERIENCES 2014/15 Internship | San Ginés Architect | (October - August) Participant at “Urban Innovation Labs, Agora 2015” Reinventando el modelo de planificación y acción urbana Spring 2014

Internship | Gispuzkoa Council | Urbanism Planning Area

2012-2015 Participant in competitions: X Aula Cerámica Hispalyt. Hotel en la isla de Tabarca XXIII Concurso Ibérico de Soluciones Constructivas Pladur III Concurso Steelcase Schindler Award 2012 2010

TOOLS | SKILLS Autodesk Autocad A. Photoshop/InDesign Craft/Model making Freehand drawing Microsoft Office Revit/A. Illustrator 3D Studio IDIOMAS Spanish English (C1) French Basque INTERESES Urbanism and society. Photography. Music. Cinema. Reading. Travel. Surf. Jane Jacobs. Alvar Aato. Glenn Murcutt. Richard Neutra. Alvaro Siza. Rafael Moneo. Henry David Thoreau. Oscar Wilde.

Exposition (teamwork) | Gernika City Council | “Urdaitopiak”

2009 Publication | ISBN: 978-84-692-6858-2 “Embarcaderos en el Puerto de Pasajes” Workshop | Aranzadi Group | Rehabilitation of and old mill OTHERATTEDANCES 2013 Youth Jury of the San Sebastian International Film Festival Youth Jury of the “11o Festival de cine y Derechos Humanos” IFAC 2013 (International Festival of Art and Construction) 2012

Advanced Photography Course: Archictecture & Landscape Other courses: Modern music, cinema, cooking.

Otoño 2010

3DStudio Max 2010 Intensive Course | San Sebastián | 80h

2006-2007 Volunteer | Red Cross | School Year English Course in London | ihInternational | 3 weeks 1995-2008

Music Studies | Santurtzi | Music Theory / Piano / Drums

Last Update: August 2015

architecture portfolio index 1. Hotel Complex 2015 2. Building Crafts School 2013-2014 3. Urban Planning Renewal 2011-2012 4. Intervention in a rural village 2010-2011 5.



Tabarca Island | Spain The compositition scheme of the plan reflects the urban and distribution plot pattern of the Tabarca Island. A great example of the geometric use in the Illustration era to organise the spaces. The election of the plot is made after an analysis of: - Succession of public and green spaces on the island. - Exes of the urban pattern. - Orientation. - Value enhancement of the historic wall. - Reclamation of a historical plot.

ELECCION DE LA PARCELA La eleccion de la parcela se lleva a cabo tras un analisis de numerosos aspectos - Sucesion de espacios libres en la isla - Ejes de la trama urbanistica - Orientacion - Puesta en valor de la muralla - Recuperacion de un punto de gran caracter historico, actualmente en desuso CONDICIONANTES




Dormitorio Baño

Comedor Cafetería

Despacho dirección


Jardín/Patio interior Habitaciones Zonas comunes Apartamento Circulaciones


El esquema de composición de la planta se organiza mediante la trama de distribución de solares subyacente en la ordenación urbana de las manzanas de la isla de Tabarca. Un ejemplo ilustrado del uso de la geometría para la ordenación de los espacios. En la planta baja se disponen espacios abiertos, comunicados mediante un corredor longitudinal separado por un muro calado de ladrillo que tamiza la luz del suroeste, logrando una división espacial y una protección solar. Estos espacios/jardín situados en el interior del complejo hotelero se integran con la trama urbana de los preexistentes espacios públicos de la isla. Las habitaciones, situadas en la segunda planta, tienen un soleamiento natural directo tanto por el sur como por el norte, donde se abren al mar unas terrazas/mirador cubiertas por la bóveda de cañón creando espacios de gran intimidad abiertos al horizonte. La estructura está resuelta mediante formas que pueden ser ejecutadas casi exclusivamente con piezas cerámicas. La cubierta, con formas que asemejan gigantescas tejas curvas, pretende resolver diversos problemas: - Evacuación del agua - Refrigeración natural - Aprovechamiento del viento para generar electricidad, haciéndolo pasar por una turbina que se encuentra en los espacios cónicos. La elección de los colores es una interpretación del entorno marino que defina la isla de Tabarca.


BIBLIOTECA DE MATERIALES Los materiales que se utilizan en el proyecto son casi en su totalidad materiales cerámicos. De esta manera, se logra: - Empleo de los materiales tradicionales de la isla. - Aprovechamiento de los recursos naturales de la isla. - Utilizacion intensiva de mano de obra. (1) “Toberas” Cubrición con revestimiento de gresite (2) Cubierta bóveda de cañón con revestimiento de gresite

(3) Tabiques interiores ladrillo hueco doble D3 D5 D1 (4)Tablero cerámico armado (5) Costillas de sustentación ladrillo hueco doble (6) Bóvedas de crucería. Doble rasilla e=3cm D2 D4 LIBRO DE COLORES DEL GRESITE DE CUBIERTA D1 (1) Enfoscado (2) Ladrillo hueco doble (3) Aislamiento térmico-acústico (4) Capa de mortero (5) Ladrillo caravista Protección de la incidencia solar en las bóvedas


Corredor de aire Refrigeración Turbina de energía eléctrica

(1) Tablero madera laminada (2) Suelo radiante (3) Tablero cerámico armado (4) Bóveda de doble rasilla, e=3cm

(1) Gresite (2) Enfoscado e=5cm (3) Lámina impermeabilizante (4) Capa de regularización y rasilla. (5) Aislamiento térmico (6) Bóveda de cañón, doble rasilla e=3cm.

Zona fresca Iluminación natural directa Aprovechamiento solar

D4 (1) Muro calado de ladrillo hueco doble

Superficie protegida de soleamiento directo Refrigeración natural

D5 (1) Teja cerámica curva (2) Capa de mortero (3) Tablero cerámico armado (4) Enlucido y pintura


Los jardines / patios que se proyectan en el interior del edificio pretenden desahogar el interior y servir como zonas frescas dentro del complejo. A su vez, se aprovechan para plantar especies vegetales propias del entorno de Tabarca, algunas comunes y otras especies que han ido perdiendo presencia para asi potenciar la flora vegetal y crear pequenos puntos de concentracion de estas especies. Mesembryanthemum crystallinum Silene cerastioides Asphodelus fistulosus Frankenia corymbosa Alyssum maritimum Heliotropium curssavicum

Diplotaxis erucoides Ononis natrix Astragalus Spergularia diandra Torilis nodosa Malva parviflora Galium valantia Echium parviflorum

Eryngium maritimum Convulvus siculus Echium vulgare Anagallis arvensis

Convolvulus althaeoides Lavatera mauritanica Antirrhinum orontium Fumaria

building crafts school

Sopuerta | Spain A public work program which aims to qualify unemployed youth (ages 16-25) through theori based education and professional practice in order to favour their job opportunities. The workshops are related to restoration or promotion of the artistic, natural or cultural inheritance as well as the urban and environment surroundings and the city life condition improvement. From the starting point, I understood this project as a valid and feasible solution to be a social project and a local progress promoter.


The plot is surrounded by public buildings. Currently, it is hidden by a vegetable barrier that hampers any use. The project makes the most of the plot to transforme it into a public space and the centre of the neighbourhood life. In the region, isolated buildings are gathered forming small public spaces. The idea of the project and the building arrangement tries to adjust that characteristic in the plot.



1. Residence 2. Main building (conferences, administration, co-working oďŹƒces) 3. Library 4. Workshops 5. Kitchen 6. Shop. Sale of the harvest.


specialized practice

specialized theory specialized classrooms


The building craft school is a type of formation where construction methods are taught in order to promote the restauration and recovery of the the built heritage. In this project, considering the surroundings and the materials that are normally used, 4 activities will be oered: 1. Stonecutting 2. Bricklaying 3. Woodwork 4. Gardening There will be a limited amount of students who will work and learn in each workshops: - 15 students - 1 professor (theory)

Each workshop has an available green space (1) where the interior can be extended by the big window made to be open. This space, orientated to southeast is protected from the sun by a vine (2), preventing the interior from overheating.

The workshops have big open-windows to the south and the east. These big windows, as well as to increase the workshop area, will be used to:

This space is situated above a water tank (3), a reinterpretation of the roman impluvium which takes and acumulates the roof and garden water to use it later as watering system for the vegetable garden.

- Heat buildup and posterior distribution to the coldest rooms.

The west wall separates the parking place from the tracks and protects the garden from rain and wind.

- Cross ventilation.

The space dedicated to the workshops is located in the western part of the area to protect the rest of the space from the unfavourable weather conditions from the west and north (wind and rain) and to make the most of the south-east orientation destined for public use, and the classrooms inside the buildings.

The openings on the south facade take up a high percentage on facade, which guarantees the air entrance. The facade openings disposition on the opposite side of the workshop on a higher level produce an air stream that allows a complete air renovation.

- Capture of sunlight

- Temperature regulator.

The watering system is based on the law of connected vessels. Each level supplies the lower one thanks to the water tank, located under the garden, which collects the rain water from the adjacent roofs, as the roman impluvium.

The garden is covered with a vine which shadows the place in summer, avoiding overheating. The temporary character that every workshop has is a strong condition to design an open space which allows free furniture disposition that favours the area to be adapted to every need. Though there are no partitions, the workshop has 3 main areas: 1. Classrooms 2. Workshop 3. Storage The big open-window makes it possible to expand the workshop area to the garden space in the outside fading the exterior-interior barriers.

A skylight is opened on the roof of the main building to take all the possible natural lighting to light up the offices in the third and fourth floor and enhance longer perspectives through the building.

Ground floor. Temporary exhibitions for public. Conference room. First floor. School administration Second floor. Business Incubator Every floor has great flexibility and transformational capacity, enabling it to respond to the temporary needs of its users. As each floor has its own independent function, a free-standing distribution centre is designed, on the grounds of creating an unique vertical circulation which frees up space inside the building and avoids any unwanted relation between the different uses and employees.

intervention in a rural village

Baldatika | Spain Determined rural villages in Urdaibai were studied in order to design their possible and suitable future development, capable of combining harmoniously, their already existing domestic architectures with new residential developments adapted to their scale, accompanied by new public buildings and public spaces respectful of the village dimensions and character.

Site Plan

THE PROJECT The project aims to connect the different spaces on the village, which are currently unrelated due to the level differences. A stepped plaza is proposed so it connects the church, an old water tank which will be used as a fronton and a public space which will serve as the welcome place to Baldatika. Common green areas for native trees and private vegetable gardens in every plot to be used for ecological farming are also planned. PROGRAM House 1 2 Studios:

Kitchen Living room Main bedroom Studio room

House 2 2 family houses:

Kitchen/Dining room Toilet Main room 2 individual bedrooms

1 house for a young couple: Kitchen Living/Dining room Main bedroom 2 rooms LAYOUT GUIDELINES The staircase and the service core are located in the centre of the floor, which is 17m depth. because it is the farest area from the natural lighting entrance. The bay, which is 6m, allows the circulation in both sides of the central core. This layout permits to organize an area without subdivisions in the living room nor in the kitchen on the ground floor and a conventional layout with three bedrooms and a bathroom on the first floor. HOUSE 1 STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION Foundation

Shallow foundation with braces isolated footing are projected in order to provide greater stiffness to the structure.


Astrip footing is built to support the retaining wall in the north part. Traditional framework of small beams and top slabs. 30x30cm pillars.


Wooden facade


Ceramic tiles gable roof is supported by the lateral walls of the building. The interior of the roof is opened.


Conventional system of double hollow bricks.

*Note. The structure system is similar in house 2


BB’ Section

AA’ Section

urban planing renewal

Bern | Switzerland Restauration of the space that lies between the bridges “Lorraine” and “Eisenbahn”. The area is surrounded by cultural buildings, such as universities, libraries, museums... and the central place is the Reitschule. The plot is currently limited by the valley down to the river Aare and the rail tracks area that acts as a barrier. We proposed connecting all the elements of the area, trying to respect the existing elements, and giving a new use (such as railroads) to enhance the cultural aspect we want to keep.




(6) (1)



ELEMENTS (1) Agora An open space, centre of the commerce and the cultural life, surrounded by public and private buildings, reminiscent of the ancient Greek agora. (2) Pergola through the Agora to the Reitschule Emphasizes the principal walk from the Pnyx to the Sports Facilities Centre while crossing the Reitschule. (3) Pnyx and drug centre The principal buildings of the project are put together in a big building which underlines the starting point of the cultural space that is open onto the agora, going through the Reitschule and arriving at the sports facilities centre. (4) Walk with valley views (5) Slope connection to the riverside


(6) Children Playground One of the targets we aimed to achieved was to turn the existing area into a big cultural spot, destined to be enjoyed by anyone.

- New utilization concept with the focus on urban repair and quality of public space.

(7) Reitschule (Preexistence)

- Find the balance between maximum suistanable density and protection of the nearby cultural heritage.

(8) Railway Cultural Area (9) Sports Facilities Centre Due to the fact that the area is surrounded by educational buildings, we proposed a sport centre to be used by the students.

- Mix of functions proposal to attractive day and night-time use for a wide variety of users, visitors and passers-by. - Weave the social services buildings into the city traďŹƒc pattern.



Surf. Punta Galea, Spain. 2013

Walk. Sopuerta, Spain 2014

Dom Luis I Bridge. Porto, Portugal. 2012

Sunflower. Palencia, Spain. 2013

Concentration Camp. Dachau, Germany. 2012

Skogskyrkog책rden (The Woodland Cementery). Stockholm, Sweeden. 2011

Frozen Lake. Suttgart, Germany. 2012

Cathedral. Bordeaux, France. 2011

Kursaal. San Sebastiรกn, Spain. 2012

Textures. Sopuerta, Spain. 2014

Kursaal. San Sebastiรกn, Spain. 2012

Shore. Sopelana, Spain. 2015

Lightning. San Sebastiรกn, Spain. 2012

Window. San Sebastiรกn, Spain. 2012

Movement. Nรถrdlingen, Germany. 2012

Surf, Punta Galea Challenge. Punta Galea, Spain. 2013

thank you for your time architecture portfolio Inma San GinĂŠs Bahillo 0034 646 635 395

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