Portfolio - Mischelle Mulia

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1. House of Rituals --

the study and development of space through the exploration of concrete as a material and personal daily living ritual as deďŹ ned programs

2. Urban Activity Center--

the study of active building envelope through the exploration of structure and infrastructure and community centered activity as deďŹ ned programs

3. Multi-family Residentialthe study and development of green multi-family residential through the use of pre-fabricated and sustainable materials




Curated Academic and Professional Work -for more work, please visit mischellemulia.me

Contact Information -909.965.2617 mischelle.mulia@gmail.com

House of Rituals --


left --

final project representation rendering

focal point --

potential location, main entrance to the building, and the textural difference between the concrete "site" and the woven fabric "prosthetic" -- rendered user serves as main scale

software used overall --

- Modo and Rhinoceros 4.0 for 3D modelling - VRay plug-in for Rhinoceros for all rendering - Adobe Photoshop to touch up all renderings - AutoCAD Architecture for all plans and detailed drawings - Adobe Illustrator for final CAD drawings - Model making and concrete work for final model

HOUSE OF RITUALS the study and development of space through the exploration of concrete as a material and personal daily living ritual as defined programs


1: Exploded Axon --

initial position


1.1 first alteration



1.2 Ritual Prosthetic

fann ed o ut

final position

1.3 Casted Object 1.4 Carve Site



increasing in surface area

2 1.4

- houses sleeping, resting, and eating rituals - the geometry of this prosthetic mimics the folding and repetition on the casted object - houses bathing ritual

second alteration


shows the relationship between prosthetics that house rituals, the casted object, and the carved site. 1.1 Ritual Prosthetic

initial base level

final base level

- this site was carved out of wood to elongate the folding and repetition that persists on the casted object

2: Structural Ateration--

in order to cast the object, there were some structural modification that had to be done to ensure its structural stability: 2.1 Initial Position: 2.2 First Alteration: - the curved side had to be fanned out in order to balance the structure 2.3 Second Alteration: - after a failed cast, the curved side had to be fanned further as well as adding to the base 2.4 Final Alteration: - additional thickness on the bottom added and curved side pushed out further. this redesign was successful in casting this final object

alert; rapid resting; calm House of Rituals --



the color gradient represents gradual change in the alertness when someone walks into the house to when he begins to relax and unwind. after a night sleep, he is re-energized and the next ritual (bathing) will prepare him to exit the house and seize the day.

Order of Rituals (chronologically) -- entry - sitting - resting - sleeping - resting - sitting + eating - bathing - exit

Ritual Collage and Diagram --

the ďŹ xed entry and exit deďŹ nes the linear sense of ritual. as one will enter from the entrance, he would slowly be molded into a relaxation position (from sitting upright--to lounging--to sleeping position). as one proceed to exit the space, he would be prompted the reverse position and be brought to the bathing ritual; thus, preparing him for the life outside.

1. Zoomed in ďŹ nal cast --

this zoomed in picture shows the repetition of the ribbing and the subtle curve along the ribs and the bottom plate.

2. Formwork Pictures --

the formwork was created with the combination of both wood and foam cores. Plywood was cut into solid triangles to create the ribbing, bent sheets of wood was used to create the subtle curve, and the foam cores were used to provide most of the structure to hold the weight of the concrete.

<<1 2>> Final Casted and Form Work Pictures -several alterations had to be done to the initial geometry of the object in order to make it cast-able.


Urban Activity Center -left --

final project representation rendering in the actual location

location --

Mission St. and 8th Street, SOMA, San Francisco

focal point --

main entrance to the building, and the contextual relationship with the surrounding buildings. the building picks up on the vertical grid from the building around it.

software used overall --

- Rhinoceros 4.0 for 3D modelling - VRay plug-in for Rhinoceros for all rendering - Adobe Photoshop to touch up all renderings - AutoCAD Architecture for all plans and detailed drawings - Adobe Illustrator for final CAD drawings - Model making including plexyglass and woodworking used for final model

URBAN ACTIVITY CENTER the study of active building envelope through the exploration of structure, infrastructure, and community centered activity as defined programs


1.1 1.2 IS SI O


1: Transverse Sections -1.1 Section cuts through --


- the pool - translucent pool bottom - roof garden - gym - bleacers - basketball court




1.2 Section cuts through -- parking structure - cafeteria above bleachers - pool - 2nd oor locker rooms - rooftop patio - basketball court



Location Map and Transverse Sections with Renderings --

the location map shows the scale of this project while the transverse cuts show the volumetric space of the building.

1 grass soil drainage system


steel clamp glazing exterior fin green roof structure

green roof surface and exterior glazing/fin detail



operable opening insulation pool details structural reinforced concrete steel member high pressure resistant glazing

Conceptual Cut + Detailed Drawings --

the conceptual cut begins to show how the system of the building functions, from the rooftop garden, to the underflooring detail



1: Plans (l-r)--

1.1 Parking 1.2 First Floor program list: -

basketball court bleachers food court bike racks public restrooms

1.3 Second Floor programs:

filtered outlet

underfloor air circulation and pool detail

conceptual cut

- lap pool and shallow kid pool - male and female locker room - gym - multifunctional gym room for floor workout (yoga/pilates, etc)

1.4 Third Floor program list: - office, conference, and multifunctional room - rooftop garden

2: Perspective Rendering-a cut through the building shows the building in a three dimensional sense


1: Plans (l-r)--


1.1 Parking 1.2 First Floor program list: -

basketball court bleachers food court bike racks public restrooms

1.3 Second Floor programs:





- lap pool and shallow kid pool - male and female locker room - gym - multifunctional gym room for floor workout (yoga/pilates, etc)

1.4 Third Floor program list: - office, conference, and multifunctional room - rooftop garden

2: Perspective Rendering-a cut through the building shows the building in a three dimensional sense

2 Plans + Rendered Perspectile --

these plans began to show the organization of the building while the rendered perspectile begins to show the relationship between the different material that the building utilized.

1 4




1: Basketball Court--

the entrance brings you up to the basketball court immediately which encourages spontaneous participation by the community.

2: Circulation Ramp--

1 3

the ramp takes you vertically through the building. the ramp portrays the nuance of the building itself: transparent and open to public, while its haze keeps it separate enough to be an escape from the city.

3: Community Pool--

the pool is directly under the roof cuts, providing ample daylighting, while keeping it indoor increased its season's versatility.

4: Rooftop Garden + Community OďŹƒces--

the top of the building housed the garden and the oďŹƒces that are opened to the skylights to increase daylighting use.

2 4 Rendered Progression --

these rendered moments begin to display the transparent quality that opens itself to the community while the exterior ďŹ ns project artistic shadow play throughout the building



Multi-Family Residential -left --

final project representation rendering

focal point --

potential location, main entrance to the building, and the textural difference between the concrete "site" and the woven fabric "prosthetic" -- rendered user serves as main scale

software --

overall apartment was designed, drafted, and rendered on Revit with final touch up that was done in Photoshop

MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL the study and development of green multi-family residential through the use of pre-fabricated and sustainable materials

Shopping Areas Eateries

Eateries --


this apartment is surrounded by two blocks of local and chain restaurants, all within walking distance from the apartment.

Local Shops --


plenty of local hobby and specialty craft stores are within the same block.


Temescal Plaza --

one of the larger plaza on Telegraph Avenue is less than ten blocks away from the apartment, easily a leasure walk away or a quick five minute drive.

Commute --

the apartment is right off of the Freeway 24 and a bus stop is located in front of Temescal Plaza.


Neighborhood --

the apartment is surrounded by other dense living apartments, increasing the chance for a community to be born.

Detailed Plan --

rendered plan view over a detailed drafted floor plan drawing. the grid used on the plan optimized the number of individual units that the building could house.

Location Map and Site Analysis --

the apartment is located in a walking distance to an array of eateries and the Temescal Plaza

Type I

Type II

Type III

Type IV

Type V

*1 Bedroom - 685 SQFT - 1 Bedroom - 1 Full Bathroom - Open floor plan - Large living area - Dishwasher

* 1 Large Bedroom - 696 SQFT - 1 Large Bedroom - 1 Bathroom with Shower - Open floor plan - Large living area - Dishwasher

* Junior 1 Bedroom - 370 SQFT - 1 Bedroom - 1 Full Bathroom - Open floor plan - Dishwasher

* Large Jr. 1 Bedroom - 495 SQFT - 1 Bedroom - 1 Full Bathroom - Open floor plan - Dishwasher

* Studio - 380 SQFT - 1 Bedroom + Livingroom + Kitchen - 1 Full Bathroom - Open floor plan - Dishwasher

*Total per floor: 5 Units *Total overall: 15 Units

*Total per floor: 1 Units *Total overall: 3 Units

*Total per floor: 1 Units *Total overall: 3 Units

*Total per floor: 1 Units *Total overall: 3 Units

*Total per floor: 2 Units *Total overall: 6 Units

**Total overall based on 3 stories configuration. Each floor contains 10 units in different types.

Unit 10 Unit 1

Unit 3

Unit 5


Unit 2

Unit 4

Unit 6

Unit 9 Unit 8 Unit 7 Detailed Apartment Types --

the location map shows the scale of this project while the transverse cuts show the volumetric space of the building.


Apartment Types --

the apartment has been divided into five different types based on the allocated square footage that each unit can hold. this variety allows for a different pricing option and use.

Community Ammenities --

*to be shared with all residents - second and third floor balconies - sunroom area behind the stairs - 18 parking spots are reserved for Type I and Type II residents - 2 extra parking spots are leased on a first come-first serve basis annually

3 1 UP


1: Longitudinal Section Cut -a cut through the stairwell, living room, kitchen, and bathroom across the units facing north


2: Longitudinal Section Cut --

a cut through the lobby area, living room, kitchen, and bathroom across the units facing south

3: North Elevation--

2 3

Longitudinal Elevation and Renders --

renders are displayed with mock-up interior furniture to provide a sense of space and function to each room displayed

an elevation of the north side of the building display the play of dierent materials for the facade. the size of the glazing is based on the program within the facade--the larger glazing allows a relatively public living area, whereas the smaller glazing provide privacy in the bedroom and bathroom area





1: West Section Cut --



a cut through the hallway, living room, kitchen, and bathroom across the units facing west

2: East Section Cut --

a cut through the hallway, living room, kitchen, and bathroom across the units facing east

3: West Elevation--

an elevation of the west side of the building display the play of dierent materials for the facade. glazing were used in the main circulation to emphasis the use of public space in the building by increasing daylighting and providing a safe outdoor space (patio)

3 Longitudinal Elevation and Renders --

renders are displayed with mock-up interior furniture to provide a sense of space and function to each room displayed

ďŹ n. thank you.

for additional work, please visit mischellemulia.me

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