MISD Cosmetology Course Catalog

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Course Catalog

Mesquite Independent School District * Career and Technical Education * Cosmetology Located at the campus of: West Mesquite High School * 2500 Memorial Parkway, Mesquite, TX 75149 P a g e |2







Student Expectations


Grading Information


Course Policies


Manicuring and Related Theory (MANI 1)


Manicuring Advanced (MANI 2)


Satisfaction of T.D.L.R. Requirements for Manicuring


Introduction to Cosmetology (COSM 1A)


Cosmetology Science (COSM 1B)


Cosmetology Techniques (COSM 2A)


Advanced Cosmetology Techniques/Testing (COSM 2B)


Satisfaction of T.D.L.R. Requirements for Cosmetology


Module Completion Document


Sign In Sheet


Links and Testing Information


Mesquite Independent School District * Career and Technical Education * Cosmetology Located at the campus of: West Mesquite High School * 2500 Memorial Parkway, Mesquite, TX 75149 P a g e |3

West Mesquite High School Cosmetology Department 2500 Memorial Parkway Mesquite, TX 75149 (972) 882-7600 T.D.L.R. License # 702260

COURSES: MANICURING Manicuring and Related Theory (MANI 1) (9 Credit Hours – 337.5 Clock/Contact Hours – 3 High School Elective Credits) Manicuring Advanced (MANI 2) (7 Credit Hours – 280 Clock/Contact Hours – 3 High School Elective Credits) TOTAL MANICURING 16 Credit Hours – 600 Clock/Contact Hours Required For State Exam Hours 6 High School Elective Credits

COSMETOLOGY Introduction to Cosmetology (COSM 1A) (8 Credit Hours – 300 Clock/Contact Hours – 3 High School Elective Credits) Cosmetology Science (COSM 1B) (8 Credit Hours – 300 Clock/Contact Hours – 3 High School Elective Credits) Cosmetology Techniques (COSM 2A) (8 Credit Hours – 300 Clock/Contact Hours – 3 High School Elective Credits) Advanced Cosmetology Techniques/Testing (COSM 2B) (3 Credit Hours – 112.5 Clock/Contact Hours – 3 High School Elective Credits) TOTAL COSMETOLOGY 27 Credit Hours – 1000 Clock/Contact Hours Required For State Exam 12 High School Elective Credits

Mesquite Independent School District * Career and Technical Education * Cosmetology Located at the campus of: West Mesquite High School * 2500 Memorial Parkway, Mesquite, TX 75149 P a g e |4

Instructor(s) Information: Name: Melba Hitt MISD Email: mhitt@mesquiteisd.org Office Address: 2500 Memorial Parkway, Mesquite, TX 75149 – V108 (972) 882-7629 Office Hours: Posted on Office Door Name: Renda Songer MISD E-Mail: rsonger@mesquiteisd.org Office Address: 2500 Memorial Parkway, Mesquite, TX 75149 – V108 (972) 882-7629 Office Hours: Posted on Office Door

Prerequisites: Students that are interested in the manicuring or cosmetology course must have excellent attendance, citizenship, discipline and grades to participate. Students should meet with their CTE counselor prior to their freshman year to begin planning completion of their required electives (PE, fine arts, technology, speech, foreign language and health) to allow room in their schedule for the manicuring or cosmetology course work. Summer coursework may be required. Manicuring course takes place during the senior year of high school. Cosmetology course takes place during the junior and senior year of high school. Student Expectations: • Attend each class meeting and arrive on time and stay the entire class period. If an emergency arises that prevents class attendance, late arrival, or early departure, inform the instructor as soon as possible. Keep in mind if you are absent, you cannot participate and this will affect your participation grade. • Turn all cell phones and pagers off during class. If you are involved in a crisis situation and need to be available via cell phone, please talk to instructor prior to the start of class. • Close laptops during class activities requiring active participation (e.g., dialog, discussions, activities). • Be actively involved in class by thoughtfully contributing to discussions, tasks, and assignments. • Support the development of a classroom community of mutual respect, collaboration and support. • Complete all assignments on time. Late assignments will not be given credit except under extreme circumstances as approved by the instructor. • It is the student’s responsibility to contact a class colleague to catch up on missed class content and/or to obtain class handouts. • No make‐up opportunities for assignments are provided for absences, late arrival and/or early departures unless otherwise approved by instructor. • Type all assignment using 12‐point standard font (e.g., Times or Times New Roman) with margins no greater than one‐inch and double‐spaced. Hardcopies of assignments should be turned in during class unless otherwise announced in class. If an assignment is submitted by email as an attachment, it must be sent prior to the beginning of the class period in which it is due. Assignments should have the student’s name in the header and electronic files should be labeled with the student’s name, for example: smithsally‐rpt1.doc.

Course Grading Information: Student learning outcomes will be measured by the instructor. The final course grade will be based on the following grading percentages: 1. Theory 70% 2. Skills 20% 3. Attendance 10% A=100-90 B=89-80 C=79-70 F=69 or below I - INCOMPLETE- This grade is given when a course in incomplete because of student’s absences caused by illness or other reasons acceptable to the Instructor. To be eligible for this grade, the student must have essentially completed the course. The work remaining should be of such a nature as to not require class attendance. If the work is not made up with in the following long semester, the “I” will be changed to a “F” and the course must be repeated if credit is to be given.

Mesquite Independent School District * Career and Technical Education * Cosmetology Located at the campus of: West Mesquite High School * 2500 Memorial Parkway, Mesquite, TX 75149 P a g e |5

Courtesy & Respect Students should demonstrate courtesy and respect to all instructors, guests, and fellow learners. While honest discussion and debate of topics is expected and encouraged, such interactions should not involve aggressive, derogatory, or hostile behaviors (verbal or otherwise). The instructor reserves the right to act to protect the decorum of the learning environment and the image of MISD Cosmetology. Student Behavioral Expectations or Conduct Policy: In general, students are expected to maintain classroom decorum that includes respect for other students and the instructor, prompt and regular attendance, and an attitude that seeks to take full advantage of the education opportunity. MISD Cosmetology Integrity Statement: The Center for Academic Integrity, defines academic integrity as “a commitment, even in the face of adversity, to five fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. It is from these values flow principles of behavior that enable academic communities to translate ideals into action.” Individual faculty members determine their class policies and behavioral expectations for students. Students who commit violations of academic integrity should expect serious consequences. Attendance Policy: Regular and punctual attendance is expected of all students, and each instructor will maintain a complete record of attendance for the entire length of each course, including online and hybrid courses. Students will be counted absent from class meetings missed, beginning with the first official day of classes. Each course offered has modules with which credit hours are assigned. Completion with a passing grade is required before this credit may be given and submitted to the TDLR. The scope and sequence of each class requires that one module must be completed with a passing grade before the student may advance to the next module. Students, whether present or absent, are responsible for all material presented or assigned for a course and will be held accountable for such materials in the determination of course grades. MISD recognizes that the Cosmetology Department has a unique attendance policy. PLEASE NOTE: ATTENDANCE OF 96% IS MANDATORY IN ORDER TO COMPLETE COURSEWORK BEFORE HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION. Unfortunately, there are no exceptions to this policy. In the event of an emergency, serious illness or other event that prevents a student’s attendance, the modules that have been completed by each student prior to high school graduation will be submitted to T.D.L.R. However, if the student wishes to complete their course and become licensed, they will be required to attend a cosmetology school at their own expense after graduation to do so. Although we do offer limited opportunities to make up an absence, we do not offer class during the summer months.

ADA Statement: Equal access to Career and Technical programs and activities is assured students in Mesquite Independent School District without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, or disability. Open Door Policy: MISD Cosmetology Department maintains an open door policy for all students. It is the goal of this department to teach and license prospective cosmetologists and manicurists as a part of their high school course work. We recognize that this is not only a privilege, but also presents unique challenges. Each instructor is available at any time to discuss any problem or issue as they arise.

Mesquite Independent School District * Career and Technical Education * Cosmetology Located at the campus of: West Mesquite High School * 2500 Memorial Parkway, Mesquite, TX 75149 P a g e |6

Manicuring and Related Theory (MANI 1) Course Description: This course is an overview of the fundamental skills and knowledge necessary for the field of nail technology. Topics include anatomy, physiology, theory, and related skills of nail/esthetic technology.

General Course Information Title: Manicuring and Related Theory Course Number: MANI I Contact Hours: 337.5 Semester Credit Hours: 9 High School Elective Credit: 3

Required Course Readings and Material/Equipment: Milady's Standard Nail Technology, 6th Edition

ISBN-10: 1-4354-9768-6

Workbook for Milady's Standard Nail Technology

ISBN-10: 1-4354-9764-3

Exam Review for Milady's Standard Nail Technology ISBN-10: 1-4354-9763-5 Milady’s Standard Cosmetology Online Licensing Preparation Access Internet and computer access is required outside of scheduled classroom time. Campus libraries have computers for student use available. Hours vary depending upon campus. Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation – Cosmetology Laws and Rule Book, latest ed. Cosmetology Kits (purchased from department) required uniforms, and misc. supplies.

Methods of Teaching and Learning: The instructor will use lecture, labs, practical skills, computer assignments, videos, role playing, clinic labs, and class demonstrations to present the material. Periodic guest speakers and/or field trips may be scheduled during this course. Each task will be assigned a maximum point value. The performance of each student in be evaluated against that maximum value and a percentage will be assigned. More detail on this grading process is provided later in the syllabus.

Course Objectives and/or Competencies: Student Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of MANI I, the student should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Observe and perform all safety and sanitation measures as set forth by T.D.L.R. Perform a plain manicure to the satisfaction of their instructor. Perform a plain pedicure to the satisfaction of their instructor. Use a nail drill safely and correctly. Apply nail wraps correctly. Apply artificial nails using UV gel, monomer and polymer products. Design and demonstrate various creative nail art expressions and techniques. Satisfactorily complete written/computer assignments and/or tests on each of the subject matters listed in the course outline and schedule below.

Mesquite Independent School District * Career and Technical Education * Cosmetology Located at the campus of: West Mesquite High School * 2500 Memorial Parkway, Mesquite, TX 75149 P a g e |7

Learning Assessments: The student learning activities are designed to correlate directly to each learning outcome. 1. Assignments/Examinations to assess outcomes. 2. Institutional observations made with an established checklist to assess outcomes. Calendar Manicuring and related Theory (MANI 1) meets during 3A, 3B, 4A and 4B from 12:30 until 3:45. There is also one mandatory after school lab per week from 4:00 pm until 6:00 pm. Our current course sequence and course outline is very rigorous and requires good attendance. PLEASE NOTE: ATTENDANCE OF 96% IS MANDATORY IN ORDER TO COMPLETE COURSEWORK BEFORE HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION. Please refer to the attendance section of the course catalog for further details. Course Outline/Schedule: The following is a TENTATIVE schedule. Circumstances may cause the schedule to be modified. These learning activities are designed to lead the student to the successful acquisition of the student learning outcomes. Each module is represented by a specific color and the hours attached to each module are prescribed accordingly.



TOPIC Orientation I: Local and State expectations, rules and regulations. History and Opportunities

Orientation II: Life Skills Your Professional Image Communicating For Success


Understand the general objectives. Recognize needed lifestyle changes as a full-time student. 3. Understand the various rules and policies implemented by the school. 4. Know the completion, licensure and placements rates of the school. 5. Understand the importance of consumer safety and general safety procedures 6. Describe the origins of personal beautification. 7. Name the advancements made in cosmetology during the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. 8. List the career opportunities available to a licensed manicurist. 1. List the principles that contribute to personal and professional success. 2. Create a mission statement. 3. Explain how to set shortterm and long-term goals. 4. Discuss the most effective ways to manage time. 5. Describe good student habits. 6. Define ethics. 7. List the characteristics of a healthy, positive attitude 8. Understand personal hygiene. 9. Explain the concept of dressing for success. 10. Demonstrate an understanding of ergonomic principles and ergonomically correct postures and movements. 11. List the golden rules of human relations.


Mesquite Independent School District * Career and Technical Education * Cosmetology Located at the campus of: West Mesquite High School * 2500 Memorial Parkway, Mesquite, TX 75149 P a g e |8


3, 4, 5

6 7, 8, 9

Infection Control: Principles and Practices

12. Explain the definition of effective communication. 13. Conduct a successful client consultation/needs assessment. 14. Handle unhappy clients. 15. Build open lines of communication with coworkers. 1. Understand state laws and rules and the difference between them. 2. List the types and classification of bacteria. 3. Define hepatitis and HIV and explain how they are transmitted. 4. Explain the differences between cleaning, disinfecting, and sterilizing. 5. List the types of disinfectants and how they are used. 6. Discuss Universal Precautions. 7. List the responsibilities of a salon professional. 8. Describe how to safely clean and disinfect salon tools and implements

Review for 6 Week Exam General Anatomy and Physiology

YES 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

8. 10



2. 3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8.

Define and explain the importance of anatomy and physiology to the cosmetology profession. Describe cells, their structure, and their reproduction. Define tissue and identify the types of tissues found in the body. Name the 11 main body systems and explain their basic functions. List the ways in which muscles are stimulated. Name the types of muscles that are affected by massages. Name the divisions of the nervous system and explain the function of each division. Identify the chief functions of the blood. Identify the four types of nail technology tools required to perform a manicure. Demonstrate the correct handling of nail technology tools. Exhibit the proper set up of a manicuring table. Demonstrate the necessary procedure requirements for nail services. Create the five basic nail shapes. Perform a basic and reconditioning hot oil manicure incorporating all safety and sanitation requirements. Demonstrate the correct technique for the application of nail polish. Perform the five basic nail polish

Module: 2 TOTAL : 115 HRS


Mesquite Independent School District * Career and Technical Education * Cosmetology Located at the campus of: West Mesquite High School * 2500 Memorial Parkway, Mesquite, TX 75149 P a g e |9

applications. Perform movements associated with manicuring. 10. Perform a paraffin wax hand treatment. 11. Display all sanitation and safety requirements essential to nail and hand care. 9.

11,12 13

Review for 6 Weeks Exam Pedicuring

YES 1.


Electric Filing


Nail Tips and Wraps

Identify the equipment and materials needed for a pedicure and explain what they are used for. 2. List the steps in the pedicure preservice procedure. 3. Demonstrate the proper procedures and precautions for a pedicure. 4. Describe the proper technique to use in filing toenails. 5. Describe the proper technique for trimming the nails. 6. Demonstrate your ability to perform foot massage properly. 1. Determine if electric files are safe. 2. Identify which types of electric files have grown in popularity. 3. Define torque. 4. Define RPMs. 5. Explain “diamond� bit. 6. Determine the grits of a carbide bit. 7. Explain the application technique used to ensure safety. 1. Identify the supplies needed for nail tips and explain what they are used for. 2. Identify the two types of nail tips. 3. Demonstrate the proper procedure and precautions to use in applying nails tips. 4. Describe the proper maintenance of tips. 5. Demonstrate the proper removal of tips. 6. List four kinds of nail wraps and what they are used for. 7. Explain benefits of using silk, linen, fiberglass, and paper wraps. 8. Describe the maintenance of fabric wrap. Include a description of the two-week and four-week follow-up. 9. Explain how fabric wrap is used for crack repair. 10. Demonstrate the proper procedure and precautions for fabric wrap removal. 11. List the supplies used in paper wrap. 12. Demonstrate proper procedures for paper wrap application.


Module: 3 TOTAL : 115.5 HRS



Mesquite Independent School District * Career and Technical Education * Cosmetology Located at the campus of: West Mesquite High School * 2500 Memorial Parkway, Mesquite, TX 75149 P a g e | 10


Monomer Liquid, Polymer Powder, and UV Gel Nail Enhancements


The Creative Touch


Review for Semester Exam

13. Define liquid nail wrap and describe its purpose. 1. Explain the origin of acrylic nail chemistry and what makes it work. 2. List the supplies needed for acrylic nail application. 3. Demonstrate the proper procedures for applying acrylics, using forms, over tips, on natural nails, 4. and on bitten nails. 5. Practice safety precautions involving the use of primer. 6. Describe the proper procedure for maintaining healthy acrylic. 7. Demonstrate the proper procedure and precautions for acrylic nail application over bitten nails. 8. Perform regular maintenance procedures and repairs. 9. Implement the proper procedure for removal of acrylic nails. 10. Explain how the application of odorless and light-cured acrylics differs from the application of 11. traditional acrylics. 12. Describe how the dipping method of using acrylics differs from all other methods. 13. Describe the chemistry difference between U.V. gel and a no-light gel. 14. Identify the supplies needed for gel application. 15. Demonstrate the proper procedures for applying lightcured gels using forms, over tips, and to natural nails. 16. Demonstrate the proper procedures for applying no-light gels over tips and to natural nails 17. Explain how both kinds of gels are removed. 1. Describe the different nail art supplies. 2. Describe the techniques for using these supplies. 3. Demonstrate one nail art application. 4. Describe the use of the color wheel. 5. Describe the basic nail art brushes and their uses. 6. Describe airbrush equipment. 7. Demonstrate proper airbrush techniques. 8. Describe the two color fade TOTAL T.D.L.R. HOURS




Mesquite Independent School District * Career and Technical Education * Cosmetology Located at the campus of: West Mesquite High School * 2500 Memorial Parkway, Mesquite, TX 75149 P a g e | 11


Manicuring Advanced (MANI 2) Course Description: This course is an overview of the fundamental skills and knowledge necessary for the field of nail technology. Topics include anatomy, physiology, theory, and related skills of nail/esthetic technology.

General Course Information Title: Manicuring Advanced Course Number: MANI 2 Contact Hours: 280 Semester Credit Hours: 7 High School Elective Credit: 3

Required Course Readings and Material/Equipment: Milady's Standard Nail Technology, 6th Edition

ISBN-10: 1-4354-9768-6

Workbook for Milady's Standard Nail Technology

ISBN-10: 1-4354-9764-3

Exam Review for Milady's Standard Nail Technology ISBN-10: 1-4354-9763-5 Milady’s Standard Cosmetology Online Licensing Preparation Access Internet and computer access is required outside of scheduled classroom time. Campus libraries have computers for student use available. Hours vary depending upon campus. Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation – Cosmetology Laws and Rule Book, latest ed. Cosmetology Kits (purchased from department) required uniforms, and misc. supplies.

Methods of Teaching and Learning: The instructor will use lecture, labs, practical skills, computer assignments, videos, role playing, clinic labs, and class demonstrations to present the material. Periodic guest speakers and/or field trips may be scheduled during this course. Each task will be assigned a maximum point value. The performance of each student in be evaluated against that maximum value and a percentage will be assigned. More detail on this grading process is provided later in the syllabus. Course Objectives and/or Competencies: Student Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of MANI 2, the student should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Observe and perform all safety and sanitation measures as set forth by T.D.L.R. Perform plain, hot oil and paraffin manicure to the satisfaction of their instructor. Perform plain, paraffin and an advanced pedicure to the satisfaction of their instructor. Use a nail drill safely and correctly. Apply nail wraps correctly. Apply artificial nails using UV gel, monomer and polymer products using both nail tips and forms for extensions. Design and demonstrate various creative nail art expressions and techniques. Design and demonstrate various nail art techniques and polish techniques both free hand and using an air brush machine. Effectively construct a resume for seeking employment in the field.

Mesquite Independent School District * Career and Technical Education * Cosmetology Located at the campus of: West Mesquite High School * 2500 Memorial Parkway, Mesquite, TX 75149 P a g e | 12

10. Satisfactorily complete written/computer assignments and/or tests on each of the subject matters listed in the course outline and schedule below. Prepare for both the written and practical portion of the state licensing exam. Student should schedule and pass both exams during the last semester of this course.

Learning Assessments: The student learning activities are designed to correlate directly to each learning outcome. 1. Assignments/Examinations to assess outcomes. 2. Institutional observations made with an established checklist to assess outcomes. Calendar Manicuring Advanced (MANI 2) meets during 3A, 3B, 4A and 4B from 12:30 until 3:45. There is also one mandatory after school lab per week from 4:00 pm until 6:00 pm. Our current course sequence and course outline is very rigorous and requires good attendance. PLEASE NOTE: ATTENDANCE OF 96% IS MANDATORY IN ORDER TO COMPLETE COURSEWORK BEFORE HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION. Please refer to the attendance section of the course catalog for further details. Course Outline or Schedule: The following is a TENTATIVE schedule. Circumstances may cause the schedule to be modified. These learning activities are designed to lead the student to the successful acquisition of the student learning outcomes. Each module is represented by a specific color and the hours attached to each module are prescribed accordingly.

WEEK 1,2

TOPIC Seeking Employment



3. 4. 3

On The Job


2. 3.


5. 4,5

The Salon Business

1. 2.

Understand what is involved in securing the required credentials for cosmetology in your state and know the process for taking and passing your state licensing examination. Start networking and preparing to find a job using the Personal Inventory or Characteristics and skills. Describe the different salon business categories. Write a cover letter and resume. Describe what is expected of a new employee and what this means in terms of your everyday behavior. List the habits of a good salon team player. Describe 3 different ways in which salon professionals are compensated. Explain the principals of selling products and services in the salon. List the most effective ways to build clientele base. Identify 2 options for going into business for yourself. Understand the responsibilities of a booth r\



Module: 4 TOTAL : 105 HRS



Mesquite Independent School District * Career and Technical Education * Cosmetology Located at the campus of: West Mesquite High School * 2500 Memorial Parkway, Mesquite, TX 75149 P a g e | 13

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

6 7, 8, 9, 10

11,12 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18

enter. List the basic factors to consider when opening a salon. Distinguish the types of salon ownership. Identify the information that should be in a business plan. Understand the importance of recordkeeping. Recognize the elements of successful salon operations. Explain why selling products and services is a vital aspect of a salon’s success.

Review for 6 Week Exam


Professional, Practices, Procedures & Exam Review


Review for 6 Weeks Exam Preparation and Review for the state exam. Continue mastery of procedures, professional practices, safety and sanitation.


Module: 5 TOTAL : 105 HRS Module: 6 TOTAL : 70 HRS




Satisfaction of T.D.L.R. Requirements Satisfactory completion of all modules in the manicuring course of Mesquite Independent School District satisfies the requirements as set forth by Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation in the following areas: a. procedures: basic manicure and pedicure, oil manicure, removal of stains, repair work, hand and arm massage, buffing, application of polish, application of artificial nails, application of cosmetic fingernails, preparation to build new nail, and application of nail extensions, sculptured nails, tips, wraps, fiberglass/gels and odorless products-320 hours b. bacteriology, sanitation and safety: definitions, importance, rules, laws, methods, safety measures, hazardous chemicals and ventilation odor in salons-100 hours c. professional practices: manicuring as a profession, vocabulary, ethics, salon procedures, hygiene and grooming, professional attitudes, salesmanship and public relations-80 hours d. arms and hands: major bones and functions, major muscles and functions, major nerves and functions, skin structure, functions, appendages, conditions and lesions, nails structure, composition, growth, regeneration, irregularities and diseases-70 hours e. orientation, rules, laws and preparation-15 hours f. equipment, implements and supplies-15 hours

Mesquite Independent School District * Career and Technical Education * Cosmetology Located at the campus of: West Mesquite High School * 2500 Memorial Parkway, Mesquite, TX 75149 P a g e | 14

Introduction to Cosmetology (COSM 1A) Course Description: This course is an introduction to the cosmetology industry and the basic services cosmetologists perform. Coursework covers the history of cosmetology, career opportunities within the beauty industry, rules and regulations set forth by the state board of cosmetology, bacteriology and sanitation, communication skills, and professional image., manicures, hair care services, basic haircutting, shampoo techniques, draping, and client protection and safety. The course also includes basic instruction in anatomy and physiology, nail structure and disorders. General Course Information Title: Introduction to Cosmetology Course Number: COSM 1A Contact Hours: 300 Semester Credit Hours: 8 High School Elective Credit: 3

Required Course Readings and Material/Equipment: Milady's Standard Cosmetology 2012

ISBN-10: 1439059292

Workbook for Milady's Standard Cosmetology 2012 Exam Review for Milady's Standard Cosmetology 2012

ISBN-10: 1-4354-9764-3 ISBN-10: 1-4354-9763-5

Milady’s Standard Cosmetology Online Licensing Preparation Access Internet and computer access is required outside of scheduled classroom time. Campus libraries have computers for student use available. Hours vary depending upon campus. Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation – Cosmetology Laws and Rule Book, latest ed. Cosmetology Kits (purchased from department) required uniforms, and misc. supplies.

Methods of Teaching and Learning: The instructor will use lecture, labs, practical skills, computer assignments, videos, role playing, clinic labs, and class demonstrations to present the material. Periodic guest speakers and/or field trips may be scheduled during this course. Each task will be assigned a maximum point value. The performance of each student in be evaluated against that maximum value and a percentage will be assigned. More detail on this grading process is provided later in the syllabus. Course Objectives and/or Competencies: Student Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of COSM 1A, the student should be able to: 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Observe and perform all safety and sanitation measures as set forth by T.D.L.R. Perform a successful 90 degree layered haircut, a 45 degree layered haircut and a blunt haircut. Perform a plain pedicure to the satisfaction of their instructor. Perform a plain manicure to the satisfaction of their instructor. Perform a basic facial to the satisfaction of their instructor. Satisfactorily complete written/computer assignments and/or tests on each of the subject matters listed in the course outline and schedule below.

Mesquite Independent School District * Career and Technical Education * Cosmetology Located at the campus of: West Mesquite High School * 2500 Memorial Parkway, Mesquite, TX 75149 P a g e | 15

Learning Assessments: The student learning activities are designed to correlate directly to each learning outcome. 1. Assignments/Examinations to assess outcomes. 2. Institutional observations made with an established checklist to assess outcomes. Calendar Introduction to Cosmetology (COSM 1A) meets during 1A, 1B, 2A and 2B from 8:35am until 11:50am. There is also one mandatory after school lab per week from 4:00 pm until 6:00 pm. Our current course sequence and course outline is very rigorous and requires good attendance. PLEASE NOTE: ATTENDANCE OF 96% IS MANDATORY IN ORDER TO COMPLETE COURSEWORK BEFORE HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION. Please refer to the attendance section of the course catalog for further details. Course Outline or Schedule: The following is a TENTATIVE schedule. Circumstances may cause the schedule to be modified. These learning activities are designed to lead the student to the successful acquisition of the student learning outcomes. Each module is represented by a specific color and the hours attached to each module are prescribed accordingly. WEEK 1


TOPIC Orientation I: Local and State expectations, rules and regulations. History and Opportunities

Orientation II: Life Skills Your Professional Image Communicating For Success


Understand the general objectives. Recognize needed lifestyle changes as a full-time student. 3. Understand the various rules and policies implemented by the school. 4. Know the completion, licensure and placements rates of the school. 5. Understand the importance of consumer safety and general safety procedures 6. Describe the origins of personal beautification. 7. Name the advancements made in cosmetology during the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. 8. List the career opportunities available to a licensed cosmetologist. 1. List the principles that contribute to personal and professional success. 2. Create a mission statement. 3. Explain how to set short-term and long-term goals. 4. Discuss the most effective ways to manage time. 5. Describe good student habits. 6. Define ethics. 7. List the characteristics of a healthy, positive attitude 8. Understand personal hygiene. 9. Explain the concept of dressing for success. 10. Demonstrate an understanding of ergonomic principles and ergonomically correct postures and movements. 11. List the golden rules of human relations.


Mesquite Independent School District * Career and Technical Education * Cosmetology Located at the campus of: West Mesquite High School * 2500 Memorial Parkway, Mesquite, TX 75149 P a g e | 16


3, 4, 5

6 7, 8, 9

Infection Control: Principles and Practices

12. Explain the definition of effective communication. 13. Conduct a successful client consultation/needs assessment. 14. Handle unhappy clients. 15. Build open lines of communication with coworkers. 9. Understand state laws and rules and the difference between them. 10. List the types and classification of bacteria. 11. Define hepatitis and HIV and explain how they are transmitted. 12. Explain the differences between cleaning, disinfecting, and sterilizing. 13. List the types of disinfectants and how they are used. 14. Discuss Universal Precautions. 15. List the responsibilities of a salon professional. 16. Describe how to safely clean and disinfect salon tools and implements

Review for 6 Week Exam General Anatomy and Physiology

YES 9.

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

16. 10, 11

Skin Structure and growth


Review for 6 Weeks Exam

1. 2.

13, 14

Skin Disorders and Diseases

Define and explain the importance of anatomy and physiology to the cosmetology profession. Describe cells, their structure, and their reproduction. Define tissue and identify the types of tissues found in the body. Name the 11 main body systems and explain their basic functions. List the ways in which muscles are stimulated. Name the types of muscles that are affected by massages. Name the divisions of the nervous system and explain the function of each division. Identify the chief functions of the blood. Describe the structure and composition of nails. Discuss how hair and nails grow.

Module: 2 TOTAL: 100 HRS


YES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Recognize common skin lesions. Describe the disorders of the sebaceous glands. Name and describe changes in skin pigmentation. Identify the forms of skin cancer. Understand the two major causes of acne and how to treat them. List the factors that contribute to the aging of the skin. Explain the effects of overexposure to the sun on the skin.


Mesquite Independent School District * Career and Technical Education * Cosmetology Located at the campus of: West Mesquite High School * 2500 Memorial Parkway, Mesquite, TX 75149 P a g e | 17

Module: 3 TOTAL: 100 HRS



Nail Structure and Growth



Nail Disorders and Diseases

2. 1.


17 18

Understand what contact dermatitis is and how it can be prevented. Describe the structure and composition of nails. Discuss how nails grow. List and describe the various disorders and irregularities of nails. Recognize diseases of the nails that should not be treated in the salon.

Review for Semester Exam SEMESTER REVIEW AND EXAM





Mesquite Independent School District * Career and Technical Education * Cosmetology Located at the campus of: West Mesquite High School * 2500 Memorial Parkway, Mesquite, TX 75149 P a g e | 18


Cosmetology Science (COSM 1B) Course Description: This course is a continuation of exploration into the cosmetology industry. Observing all safety and sanitation measures that are approved and recommended by Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, students will continue to learn about and master many different services within the beauty industry. The focus will be on developing an expertise of basic skills and knowledge of other more advances areas of Cosmetology Science. These areas will include specialized permanent texture techniques, makeup application, artificial nail application and much more. The details of this course offering may be found in the Course Outline and Schedule below. General Course Information Title: Cosmetology Science Course Number: COSM 1B Contact Hours: 300 Semester Credit Hours: 8 High School Elective Credit: 3

Required Course Readings and Material/Equipment: Milady's Standard Cosmetology 2012

ISBN-10: 1439059292

Workbook for Milady's Standard Cosmetology 2012 Exam Review for Milady's Standard Cosmetology 2012

ISBN-10: 1-4354-9764-3 ISBN-10: 1-4354-9763-5

Milady’s Standard Cosmetology Online Licensing Preparation Access Internet and computer access is required outside of scheduled classroom time. Campus libraries have computers for student use available. Hours vary depending upon campus. Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation – Cosmetology Laws and Rule Book, latest ed. Cosmetology Kits (purchased from department) required uniforms, and misc. supplies.

Methods of Teaching and Learning: The instructor will use lecture, labs, practical skills, computer assignments, videos, role playing, clinic labs, and class demonstrations to present the material. Periodic guest speakers and/or field trips may be scheduled during this course. Each task will be assigned a maximum point value. The performance of each student in be evaluated against that maximum value and a percentage will be assigned. More detail on this grading process is provided later in the syllabus. Course Objectives and/or Competencies: Student Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of COSM 1A, the student should be able to: 17. Observe and perform all safety and sanitation measures as set forth by T.D.L.R. 18. Performance and execution of many specialized techniques, such as: foil highlighting, specialty permanent texture, facial and body waxing and all aspects of artificial nails. 19. Makeup application including special effect application and daily wear. 20. Satisfactorily complete written/computer assignments and/or tests on each of the subject matters listed in the course outline and schedule below.

Mesquite Independent School District * Career and Technical Education * Cosmetology Located at the campus of: West Mesquite High School * 2500 Memorial Parkway, Mesquite, TX 75149 P a g e | 19

Learning Assessments: The student learning activities are designed to correlate directly to each learning outcome. 1. Assignments/Examinations to assess outcomes. 2. Institutional observations made with an established checklist to assess outcomes. Calendar Cosmetology Science (COSM 1B) ) meets during 1A, 1B, 2A and 2B from 8:35 until 11:50. There is also one mandatory after school lab per week from 4:00 pm until 6:00 pm. Our current course sequence and course outline is very rigorous and requires good attendance. PLEASE NOTE: ATTENDANCE OF 96% IS MANDATORY IN ORDER TO COMPLETE COURSEWORK BEFORE HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION. Please refer to the attendance section of the course catalog for further details. Course Outline or Schedule: The following is a TENTATIVE schedule. Circumstances may cause the schedule to be modified. These learning activities are designed to lead the student to the successful acquisition of the student learning outcomes. Each module is represented by a specific color and the hours attached to each module are prescribed accordingly. WEEK 1,2

TOPIC Properties of The Hair and Scalp

SPECIFIC GOALS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


Basics of Chemistry

1. 2. 3.


5. 4 5 6 7, 8

Name and describe the structures of the hair root. List and describe the three layers of the hair shaft. Describe the three types of side bonds in the cortex. List the factors that should be considered in a hair analysis. Describe the hair growth cycles. Discuss the types of hair loss and their causes. Describe the options for hair loss treatment. Recognize hair and scalp disorders commonly seen in the salon and school and know which can be treated by cosmetologists. Explain the difference between organic and inorganic chemistry. Explain oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions. Discuss the different forms of matter: elements, compounds, and mixtures. Explain the difference between solutions, suspensions, and emulsions. Explain pH and the pH scale.



Basics of Electricity Review for 6 Week Exam Scalp Care, Shampooing and Conditioning

YES 1. 2. 3.

Explain the two most important requirements for scalp care. Describe the benefits of scalp massage. Know how to treat scalp and hair that are dry, oily, or dandruff ridden.

Mesquite Independent School District * Career and Technical Education * Cosmetology Located at the campus of: West Mesquite High School * 2500 Memorial Parkway, Mesquite, TX 75149 P a g e | 20

Module: 5 TOTAL: 100 HRS

4. 5. 6. 7.


9, 10, 11

Haircutting, general principles and beyond.


2. 3. 4. 5.

12 13, 14

Review for 6 Weeks Exam Hairstyling


3. 4.

5. 6.

Braiding and Braid Extensions

1. 2.


Wigs and Hair Additions

1. 2. 3. 4.

17 18





Explain the role of hair brushing to a healthy scalp. Discuss the uses and benefits of the various types of shampoo. Discuss the uses and benefits of the various types of conditioner. Demonstrate the appropriate draping for a basic shampoo and draping for a chemical service. Demonstrate the Three-Part Procedure and explain why it is useful. Identify reference points on the head form and understand their role in haircutting. Define angles, elevations, and guidelines. List the factors involved in a successful client consultation. Explain the use of the various tools of haircutting. Name three things you can do to ensure good posture and body position while cutting hair.

Demonstrate finger waving, pin curls, roller setting, and hair wrapping. Demonstrate various blowdry styling techniques. Demonstrate the proper use of thermal irons. Demonstrate various thermal iron manipulations and explain how they are used. Describe the three types of hair pressing. Demonstrate the procedures involved in soft pressing and hard pressing Explain how to prepare the hair for braiding. Demonstrate the procedure for cornrowing. Explain the differences between human-hair and synthetic wigs. Describe the two basic categories of wigs. Describe the various types of hairpieces and their uses. Explain several different methods of attaching extensions.

Review for Semester Exam SEMESTER REVIEW AND EXAM


Module: 6 TOTAL: 100 HRS





Mesquite Independent School District * Career and Technical Education * Cosmetology Located at the campus of: West Mesquite High School * 2500 Memorial Parkway, Mesquite, TX 75149 P a g e | 21


Cosmetology Techniques (COSM 2A) Course Description: This course will take each student down the path of basic and advanced practical techniques. Basic techniques that have already been taught will be perfected. Advanced techniques will be explored. Finally, at the end of this course the class will begin to prepare to sit for the written and practical exam to obtain licensing. General Course Information Title: Cosmetology Techniques Course Number: COSM 2A Contact Hours: 300 Semester Credit Hours: 8 High School Elective Credit: 3

Required Course Readings and Material/Equipment: Milady's Standard Cosmetology 2012

ISBN-10: 1439059292

Workbook for Milady's Standard Cosmetology 2012 Exam Review for Milady's Standard Cosmetology 2012

ISBN-10: 1-4354-9764-3 ISBN-10: 1-4354-9763-5

Milady’s Standard Cosmetology Online Licensing Preparation Access Internet and computer access is required outside of scheduled classroom time. Campus libraries have computers for student use available. Hours vary depending upon campus. Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation – Cosmetology Laws and Rule Book, latest ed. Cosmetology Kits (purchased from department) required uniforms, and misc. supplies.

Methods of Teaching and Learning: The instructor will use lecture, labs, practical skills, computer assignments, videos, role playing, clinic labs, and class demonstrations to present the material. Periodic guest speakers and/or field trips may be scheduled during this course. Each task will be assigned a maximum point value. The performance of each student in be evaluated against that maximum value and a percentage will be assigned. More detail on this grading process is provided later in the syllabus. Course Objectives and/or Competencies: Student Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of COSM 2A, the student should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Successfully complete and understand chemical texture services on all hair types. Describe the different types of haircoloring and the proper uses and applications of each. Have a complete understanding of basic color theory. Understand how to safely and effectively perform various services of hair removal. Perform and understand all safety and sanitation precautions of a basic and advanced manicuring and pedicuring service. Understand and perform all types of artificial nail enhancements. Describe and perform basic and advanced facial techniques. Describe and perform basic and advanced facial makeup techniques.

Mesquite Independent School District * Career and Technical Education * Cosmetology Located at the campus of: West Mesquite High School * 2500 Memorial Parkway, Mesquite, TX 75149 P a g e | 22

Learning Assessments: The student learning activities are designed to correlate directly to each learning outcome. 1. Assignments/Examinations to assess outcomes. 2. Institutional observations made with an established checklist to assess outcomes. Calendar Cosmetology Techniques (COSM 2A) meets during 3A, 3B, 4A and 4B from 12:30 until 3:45 There is also one mandatory after school lab per week from 4:00 pm until 6:00 pm. Our current course sequence and course outline is very rigorous and requires good attendance. PLEASE NOTE: ATTENDANCE OF 96% IS MANDATORY IN ORDER TO COMPLETE COURSEWORK BEFORE HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION. Please refer to the attendance section of the course catalog for further details. Course Outline or Schedule: The following is a TENTATIVE schedule. Circumstances may cause the schedule to be modified. These learning activities are designed to lead the student to the successful acquisition of the student learning outcomes. Each module is represented by a specific color and the hours attached to each module are prescribed accordingly. WEEK



Chemical Texture Services




5. 6. 7.



Explain the structure and purpose of each of the hair’s layers. Explain the chemical actions that take place during permanent waving. Explain the difference between an alkaline wave and a true acid wave. Explain the purpose of neutralization in permanent waving. Describe how thio relaxers straighten the hair. Describe how hydroxide relaxers straighten the hair. Describe curl re-forming and what it is best used for.



List the reasons people color their hair. 2. Explain how the hair’s porosity affects haircolor. 3. Understand the types of melanin found in hair. 4. Define and identify levels and their role in formulating haircolor. 5. Identify primary, secondary, and tertiary colors. 6. Know what role tone and intensity play in haircolor. 7. List and describe the categories of haircolor. 8. Explain the role of hydrogen peroxide in a haircolor formula. 9. Explain the action of hair lighteners. 10. List the four key questions to ask when formulating a haircolor.

Mesquite Independent School District * Career and Technical Education * Cosmetology Located at the campus of: West Mesquite High School * 2500 Memorial Parkway, Mesquite, TX 75149 P a g e | 23


Module: 7 TOTAL: 100 HRS

11. Understand why a patch test is useful in haircoloring. 12. Define what a preliminary strand test is and explain why it is used. 13. List and describe the procedure for a virgin single-process color service. 14. Understand the two processes involved in double-process haircoloring. 15. Describe the various forms of hair lightener. 16. Understand the purpose and use of toners. 17. Name and describe the three common methods for highlighting. 18. Know how to properly cover gray hair. 19. Know the rules of color correction. 20. Know the safety precautions to follow during haircoloring. 6 7, 8

Review for 6 Week Exam Hair Removal

YES 1. 2.



9,10, 11

Facials, Facial Makeup

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 5. 6.

7. 8.


Review for 6 Weeks Exam

Describe the elements of a client consultation for hair removal. Name the conditions that contraindicate hair removal in the salon. Identify and describe three methods of permanent hair removal. Demonstrate the techniques involved in temporary hair removal. Describe the different types of cosmetics and their uses. Demonstrate an understanding of cosmetic color theory. Demonstrate a basic makeup procedure for any occasion. Understand the use of specialoccasion makeup. Identify different facial types and demonstrate procedures for basic corrective makeup. Demonstrate the application and removal of artificial lashes. Explain the importance of skin analysis and client consultation. Understand contraindications and the use of health-screening forms to safely perform facial treatments. List and describe various skin types and conditions. Describe different types of products used in facial treatments.


Module: 8 TOTAL: 100 HRS



Mesquite Independent School District * Career and Technical Education * Cosmetology Located at the campus of: West Mesquite High School * 2500 Memorial Parkway, Mesquite, TX 75149 P a g e | 24

13, 14

Manicuring, Pedicuring



3. 4.

5. 6. 7.


9. 10. 11.

12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

15, 16

Artificial Nail Enhancements







Identify the types of nail implements and/or tools required to perform a manicure and pedicure Explain the difference between reusable and disposable implements. Describe the importance of hand washing in nail services. Explain why a consultation is necessary each time a client has a service in the salon. Name the five basic nail shapes for women. Name the most popular nail shape for men. List the types of massage movements most appropriate for a hand and arm or foot and leg massage. Explain the difference between a basic nail service and a spa nail service. Describe how aromatherapy is used in nail services. Explain the use and benefits of paraffin wax in nail services. Name the correct cleaning and disinfection procedure for nail implements and tools. Describe a proper setup for the manicuring or pedicuring service List the steps in the post-service procedure. List the steps taken if there is an exposure incident in the salon. List the steps in the basic manicure and pedicure. Describe the proper technique for the application of nail polish. Describe the procedure for a paraffin wax hand treatment before a manicure. Explain monomer liquid and polymer powder nail enhancement chemistry and how it works. Describe the apex, stress area, and sidewall and where they are located on the nail enhancement. Demonstrate proper procedures for applying one color monomer liquid and polymer powder nail enhancements over tips and on natural nails. Identify the supplies needed for nail tip application and explain why they are needed. Name and describe the types of nail tips available and the importance of proper fit. List the types of fabrics used in nail wraps and explain the


Module: 9 Total: 100 HRS


Mesquite Independent School District * Career and Technical Education * Cosmetology Located at the campus of: West Mesquite High School * 2500 Memorial Parkway, Mesquite, TX 75149 P a g e | 25


8. 9. 10. 11.

12. 13. 14.

15. 16. 17. 18.


Salon Business Practices


benefits of each. Demonstrate the stop, rock, and hold method of applying nail tips. Demonstrate the Nail Tip Application Procedure. Demonstrate the Nail Tip Removal Procedure. Demonstrate the Nail Wrap Application Procedure. Demonstrate the differences between performing the TwoWeek and the Four-Week Fabric Wrap Maintenance Procedures. Demonstrate how to remove fabric wraps. Describe the chemistry and main ingredients of UV gels. Describe when to use the onecolor and two-color methods for applying UV gels. Name and describe the types of UV gels used in current systems. Identify the supplies needed for UV gel application. Determine when to use UV gels. Discuss the differences between UV light units and UV lamps.

Understand what is involved in securing the required credentials for cosmetology in your state and know the process for taking and passing your state licensing examination. 2. Start networking and preparing to find a job using the Personal Inventory or Characteristics and skills. 3. Describe the different salon business categories. 4. Write a cover letter and resume. 5. Describe what is expected of a new employee and what this means in terms of your everyday behavior. 6. List the habits of a good salon team player. 7. Describe 3 different ways in which salon professionals are compensated. 8. Explain the principals of selling products and services in the salon. 9. List the most effective ways to build clientele base 10. Identify 2 options for going into business for yourself. 11. Understand the responsibilities of a booth renter. 12. List the basic factors to consider when opening a salon.


Mesquite Independent School District * Career and Technical Education * Cosmetology Located at the campus of: West Mesquite High School * 2500 Memorial Parkway, Mesquite, TX 75149 P a g e | 26

13. Distinguish the types of salon ownership. 14. Identify the information that should be in a business plan. 15. Understand the importance of recordkeeping. 16. Recognize the elements of successful salon operations. 17. Explain why selling products and services is a vital aspect of a salon’s success 18




Mesquite Independent School District * Career and Technical Education * Cosmetology Located at the campus of: West Mesquite High School * 2500 Memorial Parkway, Mesquite, TX 75149 P a g e | 27


Advanced Cosmetology Techniques/Testing (COSM 2B) Course Description: This final course in the sequence of cosmetology coursework will complete the focused instruction of advanced techniques. Each student will perfect each section of the cosmetology practical exam and prepare for each section of the written exam. General Course Information Title: Advanced Cosmetology Techniques/Testing Course Number: COSM 2B Contact Hours: 100 Semester Credit Hours: 6 High School Elective Credit: 3

Required Course Readings and Material/Equipment: Milady's Standard Cosmetology 2012

ISBN-10: 1439059292

Workbook for Milady's Standard Cosmetology 2012 Exam Review for Milady's Standard Cosmetology 2012

ISBN-10: 1-4354-9764-3 ISBN-10: 1-4354-9763-5

Milady’s Standard Cosmetology Online Licensing Preparation Access Internet and computer access is required outside of scheduled classroom time. Campus libraries have computers for student use available. Hours vary depending upon campus. Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation – Cosmetology Laws and Rule Book, latest ed. Cosmetology Kits (purchased from department) required uniforms, and misc. supplies.

Methods of Teaching and Learning: The instructor will use lecture, labs, practical skills, computer assignments, videos, role playing, clinic labs, and class demonstrations to present the material. Periodic guest speakers and/or field trips may be scheduled during this course. Each task will be assigned a maximum point value. The performance of each student in be evaluated against that maximum value and a percentage will be assigned. More detail on this grading process is provided later in the syllabus.

Course Objectives and/or Competencies: Student Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of COSM 2B, the student should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Observe and perform all safety and sanitation measures as set forth by T.D.L.R. Perform all sections of the Texas Cosmetology Practical Exam to the satisfaction of their instructor. Successfully pass a written test covering each section of the Texas Cosmetology Operator Written exam. Have a clear understanding in what is required to obtain the credentials for cosmetology employment in the state of Texas. Have a basic understanding of the licensing and skills required to obtain employment. By completion of this module, the student should have scheduled and scored a passing grade on both the written and practical examination required for licensing by the State of Texas.

Mesquite Independent School District * Career and Technical Education * Cosmetology Located at the campus of: West Mesquite High School * 2500 Memorial Parkway, Mesquite, TX 75149 P a g e | 28

Learning Assessments: The student learning activities are designed to correlate directly to each learning outcome. 1. Assignments/Examinations to assess outcomes. 2. Institutional observations made with an established checklist to assess outcomes. Calendar Advanced Cosmetology Techniques/Testing (COSM 2B) meets during 3A, 3B, 4A and 4B from 12:30 until 3:45 There is also one mandatory after school lab per week from 4:00 pm until 6:00 pm. Our current course sequence and course outline is very rigorous and requires good attendance. PLEASE NOTE: ATTENDANCE OF 96% IS MANDATORY IN ORDER TO COMPLETE COURSEWORK BEFORE HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION. Please refer to the attendance section of the course catalog for further details Course Outline or Schedule: The following is a TENTATIVE schedule. Circumstances may cause the schedule to be modified. These learning activities are designed to lead the student to the successful acquisition of the student learning outcomes. Each module is represented by a specific color and the hours attached to each module are prescribed accordingly. WEEK




Course completion including scheduling of written and practical exam. Licensing and employment seeking.



Module: 10 TOTAL : 112.5 HRS




Satisfaction of T.D.L.R. Requirements Satisfactory completion of all modules in the cosmetology course of Mesquite Independent School District satisfies the requirements as set forth by Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation in the following areas: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i.

haircutting, styling, and related theory-400 hours hair coloring and related theory-150 hours cold waving and related theory-100 hours manicuring and related theory-100 hours orientation, rules and laws-75 hours shampoo and related theory-75 hours chemical hair relaxing and related theory-50 hours facials and related theory-25 hours hair and scalp treatment and related theory-25 hours

Mesquite Independent School District * Career and Technical Education * Cosmetology Located at the campus of: West Mesquite High School * 2500 Memorial Parkway, Mesquite, TX 75149 P a g e | 29

West Mesquite High School Cosmetology Department 2500 Memorial Parkway Mesquite, TX 75149 (972) 882-7600 T.D.L.R. License # 702260




Mesquite Independent School District * Career and Technical Education * Cosmetology Located at the campus of: West Mesquite High School * 2500 Memorial Parkway, Mesquite, TX 75149 P a g e | 30

Module Grade Hours

West Mesquite High School Cosmetology Department 2500 Memorial Parkway Mesquite, TX 75149 (972) 882-7600 T.D.L.R. License # 702260

CLASS SIGN IN SHEET CLASS:______________________________________ DATE:___________________ MODULE:________ LESSON:_________ INSTRUCTOR:_____________________

Mesquite Independent School District * Career and Technical Education * Cosmetology Located at the campus of: West Mesquite High School * 2500 Memorial Parkway, Mesquite, TX 75149 P a g e | 31

Links and Testing Information:

Mesquite Independent School District www.mesquiteisd.org West Mesquite High School Cosmetology Page www.mesquiteisd.org/wmhs/cosmo.html Mesquite Independent School District – Cosmetology – Student Site www.misdcosmetology.com Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) www.license.state.tx.us Milady Online Access www.delmarlearning.com/dl_login.aspx Edmodo http://mesquiteisd.edmodo.com/ Facebook Group for Students www.facebook.com/groups/MISDCOSMETOLOGY/ MISD Cosmetology Twitter https://twitter.com/MISDCosmetology SkillsUSA National Site http://www.skillsusa.org/ SkillsUSA Texas Site http://www.skillsusatx.org/ American Association of Cosmetology Schools http://www.beautyschools.org/ Paul Mitchell Professional www.paulmitchellpro.com Redken Professional www.redkensalon.com Step By Step Procedures Online www.myhairdressers.com MISD Cosmetology Video Channel www.vimeo.com/channels/misdcosmetology

Mesquite Independent School District * Career and Technical Education * Cosmetology Located at the campus of: West Mesquite High School * 2500 Memorial Parkway, Mesquite, TX 75149 P a g e | 32

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