Architectural portfolio

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Anna Misharina


Education M.Arch | LiAi (Laboratory of Immediate Architectural Intervention),


# +15102585377; @; 360 N Civic Drive, apt. 206, Walnut Creek, CA 94596, USA. Languages: Russian (native), English (fluent), Swedish (basic)

Umeå School of Architecture, Sweden B.S.Arch | Moscow Architectural Institute, Russia

2011 - 2013 2007 - 2011

Current and Previously Held Positions

Designer | Architectural Studio CRIT, Russia, USA and Sweden. 2013 - Currently Research and Project Assistant | infrastructural project “Interaktiva Miljöer“, HumLab, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden. 2014- 2016 Teaching Assistant | Umeå School of Architecture, Umeå, Sweden. 2014 Project Assistant | HumLab, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden. 2013 - 2012 Laboratory Assistant | Department of Higher Mathematics and Structural Mechanics, Moscow Architectural Institute, Moscow, Russia. 2011 - 2006

Selected Competitions

Shortlist runner | Public Fountain ‘Voda-Gora’, Khnask, Russia. Honorable mention | The Tired Column, Honorable mention | Knauf Energy-Efficient Reconstruction, Kolomna, Russia. 3rd place | Architectural Image of Russia, Moscow, Russia. 3rd place | Energy-Efficient Reconstruction of School, Moscow, Russia.

Held Workshops

Sensory city (with Dr. Eleanor Betts) | Kent University, England. Interacting with space: senses and technology | HUMlab, Umeå, Sweden. Story-Umeå-Heart (public workshop) | Umeå City Library, Umeå, Sweden.

Participation in Exhibitions

Eco-shore | Baku, Azerbaijan. Work in Progress | Bildmuseet, Umeå, Sweden. Future Development of Sochi | Moscow, Russia. Architectural Image of Russia | Ulianovsk and Moscow, Russia.

Conference Papers and Invited Talks

Emergent Environments | Nordic Digital Humanities Conference, Oslo, Norway. Traditional Values in Russia? | Event on Gender and Sexual Diversity, SI, Umeå, Sweden. My Body is Every Body. Dialogue with Carolina Bäckman and Shannon Mattern | GOSKP2014, Umeå, Sweden. Space and Knowledge Production | GOSKP2014, Umeå, Sweden. Arts Campus as Heterotopia. Dialogue with Janek Ozmin and Nomodaco | Sliperiet, Umeå, Sweden.

2015 2014 2012 2011 2011 2015 2015 2012 2016 2013 2012 2011


Circular Evolution Baikal Hotel Non-figurative Urban Commons Vernacular Metropolis Traditional Living Flashback Library Heir Emergent Environments

Baku waterfront revitalization Umea island alternative scenario Busan cultural-business center Baikal lake hotel Moscow mediateque Assessing flexible university spaces

2016 2015

Architectural Interventions


2014 2014





Baku Waterfront Reconstruction

Foka, A., Misharina, A. (tba) ‘Digital Infrastructure and Knowledge Production in Sweden’ IS. Misharina, A., Chung, K. (tba) ‘Digital Past as Prologue‘ DHQ. Chung, K., Misharina, A. (2014) ‘Paradoxes Of Archetypes: The Urban And The Forest’ Scenario Journal, Spring 2014. Misharina, A. (2011) ‘Современная гетеротопия (Сontemporary Heterotopia)’ Science, Education and Experimental Design, Vol.2. CAD, Adobe Suite, Rhino, Sketchup, MS Office; Model-making (cnc-machines, laser-cutter, 3d-printer, 2d-cutter, hand-tools); Hand-drawing; Arduino and Processing (basic).

Circular Evolution Baku waterfront revitalization Baku, Azerbaijan, 2016

Collaborators: Keith Chung, Olga Oreshkina The project is based on a concept of “circular” ecological, economical and cultural development. The concept emphasizes the value of both accumulated over the years material and social resources in place and latest technologies. It returns to what is already there, forgotten or hidden to elevate and evolve on its basis. Taking industrial, wasteland and illegally occupied territories, this project proposes to gradually modify, strengthen and improve given spaces, soil, community and material structures by a range of architectural and landscape interventions. The first interventions begin with the “ecological corridor” along the sea and its pedestrian and transport connections to the rest of the city. In parallel, buildings present at the site are evaluated and gradually transformed; new areas (e.g. social housing for Internally Displaced People) are constructed. 1


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1. Street intersection proposal 2. Waterfront development proposals 3. Waterfront development proposals 4. Business district promenade view 5. Baku waterfront revitalization main strategies (left); existing fabric analysis (right) 6. Plan of industrial area reconstructed into cultural -scientific district 7. Baku waterfront revitalization master plan with three main areas: business, cultural-scientific and residential area (left to right)

Non-figurative Urban Commons Umea island alternative scenario Umea, Sweden, 2013

Supervisors: Oren Lieberman, Alberto Altes This project is a reaction to changes in public life such as individualization of Western society with the effects those changes have had on public space, such as an overwhelming privatization of those spaces and an increasing threat to their very existence. Proposal for the island in Umea (generic post-political Swedish city) is an imaginary projection onto the current situation of intuitions, ideas and ideals, which are integral for what I call Urban Commons. The Urban Commons I propose are connected to public life and social behaviour in public spaces and reflect on the possibilities of new ways of commonality. Utopian projection criticises existing construction of public spaces and society. Even once being built, U C embodied in the spaces on the island are never seen as a silent background but as a pliant substance, responsive environment and potentially implemented but developing manifestation of the lives and desires of those who are building and inhabiting them. 3 1




1. left to right top to bottom: existing residential area, island’s core, fields, forests, suggested sites, connecting existing residential areas, new roads, restrictions 2. Urban fabric of historical city center vs. the island 3. View of new areas 4. Communal living housing and public buildings diagrams and plans (top to bottom, left to right) 5. Masterplan and section (bottom)

Vernacular Metropolis Busan cultural-business center Busan, South Korea, 2015

Old and new, history and future perspectives oppose one another. On this square, one collides with the other, and the time collapses. Hyperbolic picture of the whole city, of the beginning and the end, in one block. Vernacular architecture attentively follows the natural landscape. In the hyper urbanized area, it starts to adapt to human and machine created environment, rational landscape, the grid. The building consists of five towers, interconnecting bridges, podium and group of buildings (top of the podium) that follows principles of vernacular architecture in Busan. The building combines five intermixed programs: work and education, leisure, entertainment, retail and temporary residency. 4 1 5 2

1. Cross section 2. Ground floor plan 3. Bridge floor plan 4. Typologies diagram 5. Overall view



Podium Podium

Vernacular Vernacular Tower Vernacular Tower Vernacular Tower Podium

Prevalent Busan Prevalent typologies Busan typologies Prevalent Busan Prevalent typologies Busan typologies


Synthesis ofSynthesis typologiesof typologies Synthesis of Synthesis typologiesofGround typologies floor circulation Ground floor circulation Ground floor circulation Ground floor circulation Multilevel circulation Multilevel Multilevel circulationcirculation Multilevel

Traditional Living Flashback Baikal lake hotel Turka, Russia, 2016

Collaborator: Olga Oreshkina The architectural solution stems from the specific features of the environment: particular town-planning structure, Turka village history and culture of Baikal region. Three main ideas combined in the project are the famous local hospitality, the combination of the two traditional for the area architectural typologies (yurt and peasant’s house) and the peculiarity of the village fabric. Thus, the proposed architectural solution is connected with the environment on the socio-cultural, architectural and urban levels. 1

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1. Urban fabric (top), traditional typologies (bottom) 2. Ground floor plan 3. First floor plan 4. Overall view 5. Front elevation 6. Overall view


Library Heir Moscow mediateque Moscow, Russia, 2012

Supervisor: Michael Eichner Mediateque is a collision of virtual and material, visible and intangible; it requires multiple and flexible spaces and surfaces among which the ones we cannot currently imagine or project. The building itself is an interaction of solid constructions and amorphous planes; produced spaces can accommodate multiple various functions such as an exhibition area, reading room etc. Mediateque, loosing many functions of a traditional library, becomes a communal and cultural center. Being placed in a small park, it both becomes familiar and appropriated by the local residents and is accessible to the visitors from other areas of the city or outside of it. Overhanging volumes produce semi-public space, expanding the inner space to the outside. Expanded thereby roof area becomes alternative public space suiting for such events as performances, lectures, etc.




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1. Conceptual model 2. Ground floor plan 3. First floor plan 4. Overall view 5. Back elevation (left), cross section (right) 6. Front elevation 7. Interior view

Emergent Environments Assessing flexible university spaces Umea, Sweden, 2014-2016

Collaborators: Roger Maehler, Jovan von Boer This research project developed a methodology to evaluate technologically enhanced multidisciplinary multi-functional spaces within academia. The methodology includes finding the original ideas and intention of the space, and the expected social values of the environment; static analysis of the architectural plan, as well as observations, interviews and tracking of the environment by using developed hard- and software. The comparative analysis of the models indicates if activities that take place in the environment conform, contradict or are indifferent to the programs implied in the space. A discrepancy between the models implies the potential for improvements in the physical space that consequently influences activities and added values. 1


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1. Hardware (tags) 2. Hardware (tracking anchor point) 3. Software while tracking 4. Methodology work-flow 5. Static analysis of existing space (left), notation system (right) 6. Notated areas of existing space (left), corresponding model (right) 7. Notates areas of proposed transformations of the space (left), corresponding model (right)

Architectural Interventions Miscellaneous processes Sweden, 2012-2015 Collaborators: Olga Oreshkina, Keith Chung, Nomodaco, LiAi-2011 These projects intervene and interrupt the regular flow of city life producing new public spaces. They are embodiment of U C - open for everyone, shared and/or actively re-appropriated. 1 2 3 4

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1. Noisy air - flexible skin for public events 2. Story heart - layered playground 3. Flyttblock - flip-and-roll amphitheater 4. Disrupted roads - scaffolding performance space 5. Open platform - portable dance floor 6, 7. Staden - architectural basics installation

Visualization Miscellaneous projects Sweden, USA; 2015-2016 Visualizations of several kinds are presented in this section. These visualizations both of architectural projects and research data (such as historical, textual, spatial and geographical data). Visualization of architectural projects also included prior making of 3d models following given plans 1


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1. Screens within Reseacrh Mapping 2. Gender and Status Competition leaflet 3. Single family house ground floor interior 4. Single family house first floor interior 5. web-design and data-visualization 6, 8. Pleasanton St.Mary and St.John Coptic Orthodox Church extension exterior 7. Pleasanton St.Mary and St.John Coptic Orthodox Church extension interior

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