Masters in Architecture

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Crazed Buses. An apocalyptic scenario based in Belfast - arising from negative human activity. Expressing the results of development in pollution and technology. An illustrative narrative inspired by the cultural awareness of Maze Runner, Hunger Games and Mortal Engines. A confined scenario where ‘destroying things is much easier than making them’. An extract from a POWER survivor... ‘Only we are to blame. It feels like decades ago when in 2018 the brand new Belfast Rapid Transit (BRT) Glider network launched, the grand opening took place in front of the iconic city hall, which we have now made our safe house. Futuristic buses interlinked the East and West of Belfast. 5 years on and signs of life had emerged. Stories of these machines awakening flooded the media. As it happened, the speculative media was a warning sign we failed to acknowledge. These machines had been collecting data from the human race. With onboard Wi-Fi and charging capabilities, they were able to extract tonnes of data from the millions that used the service creating a data centre - a brain. At first there was panic, but the Gliders were working alongside humans. After a year of controversial debates on the morals of robots and humans being equals, the situation deepened. With Belfast known for high Nitrogen Oxide levels, the Gliders began to mutate and react to these gases. Indirectly, we had poisoned our questionable colleagues. From having the power to make decisions for them, we became the hunted. They sensed the electrical impulses in our bodies. Fear led to more motor neurons within our nervous system, highlighting our presence.

The gliders became power hungry predators, dominating the roads but only along their respective routes. It seems they were restrained by the kerb. They soon capitalised on the Metro network and grew their army. We were left in a Maze Runner situation, where we were secluded by the complexity of the city’s’ bus network. Our city transformed. The network confined us of our freedom. Trapped. Our streets became tracks for the Gliders. With their electric engines, they had electrifying speed whilst being able to charge wirelessly using the electrical grid. Hunting humans allowed for them to grow in power and intelligence. No one (except a few) dared to step in their world. Now the problem has begun. Belfast has developed into a board game of sorts. The vicious network has created voids within the city, superstitiously; 13 to be precise. I am living within the Hunger Games. Voids are now attacking each other. Risking our lives to avoid the Gliders in a hunt for resources. Me being in the city hall, I am in one of the smallest voids with the most people. It won’t be long before we start attacking each other within our voids. Money is worthless. Time is of essence. Survival is the objective. The human race is under scrutiny.’ (David Hughs - 2023)



Glider Route Metro Route (Varied Colour Code) Trapped Area (VOID) (Varied Colour Code)



What is a Void? Voids A void is an area entrapped by the bus network. As the Gliders hunt the humans, this creates divides across the city. Trainslink, we are gathered today to prevent this disaster occurring, however, the goal is also to prepare for the worst. This diagram shows the secluded voids 1-13. They are numbered in order of area. These voids result in a cumulative area of 18.45km2, equating to 21% of the total area of Belfast, as the table shows. Using an even population density, this results in 58,844 people being trapped and fighting for survival. Belfast


Area (km2) Population 115


280,211 58,844

My architectural intervention proposes a series of repeatable units which act as safeguards for the people of Belfast. They will essentially follow this criteria: • Safely establish a link between voids - allowing humans to cross the Gliders paths. • Assist in neutralising the cities pollution levels. • Should utilise innovative construction methods which are time efficient.


With this in mind I am proposing ‘Safe Links’ along major routes and junctions. These Safe Links will act as bridges for humans to gain access to alternative voids. Furthermore, these will assist in neutralising the pollution levels of Belfast.

The Strategy Glider Link

Stage 1 As shown in the diagram, the links will be located along the network in heavily populated locations to significantly neutralise pollution levels. These links will act as pedestrian bridges to safely cross the road into different voids. There will be 3 types of links: 1. Glider Link - A single link allowing safe access across the road. These will be positioned at major Glider bus stops. 2. Metro Link - These single links will be positioned at major Metro bus stops. 3. Metro Quad Link - A link positioned at major junctions on the Metro network. These will safely connect 4 points. Stage 1 concentrates on the route of the problem - the glider network. 13 Glider Links will be introduced which will free 5 voids. These links will act as a PREVENTION method for this intervention strategy. Glider Links will aim to neutralise pollution levels before this catastrophe can unfold.

Glider Link Metro Quad Link


Stage 2 Stage 2 targets SURVIVAL and is introduced if stage 1 is not as successful as we hoped at prevention. 5 Quad Links will be located at targeted Metro junctions. The aim of this stage is to allow for all voids to be interconnecting. Stage 2 delivers a survival network within Belfast. As the diagram suggests, all voids are now connected to free areas. Furthermore, with more links in the city at prominent locations, they will assist in neutralising pollution levels a lot quicker.


The Strategy Glider Link Metro Link Metro Quad Link

Stage 3 Stage 3 deals with a matter of PRECAUTION. This stage provides 18 more links across the dominated Metro network. It offers free movement between voids using multiple links. Furthermore, introducing more links will have a positive impact on pollution levels. A precautionary measure if pollution levels do exceed the guidelines. However with a total of 35 air purifying links growing from the city centre, pollution will be neutralised. This will stop the Gliders mutating and causing chaos. At the same time, there is reassurance that if this scenario does occur, the city will remain well linked.


Art in Belfast Culture

Belfast has a huge diversity in Art including wall art, graffiti, sculptures, statues and ornaments. With this in mind, I intend to add to this cultural art of Belfast with my intervention. Furthermore, I aim to create links with sculptural qualities which look to personify Belfast.

Precedents - Innovative Technology Drone 3D printed bridge (AA School of Architecture) A pedestrian bridge between 2 cliffs to allow for a short cut alternative for an existing route. The stages show how drones are used to construct the bridge from both ends. It starts as 2 canti-levering structures eventually joining to form a bridge. The drones use programming which uses an algorithm that can adapt the design to real time contingencies. For example, if there are points at which the load becomes uneven, the drones can correct this with adaptable construction.

Swarm Printing allows the structure to be constructed from either side. The 3D printing drones allows for a strong inter-locking mesh which improves structural strength

Cladding is coated with PURETI which acts as a catalyst for radiation which destroys organic matter. The condo also exploits green space to further bolster improvement of the environment.

570 Broome, New York, USA (2018 SOM) A luxury condo in West Soho. This residential building utilises air purifying technology. In this case the facade is coated with PURETI. This is a water based substance with photocatalytic properties. Pureti destroys Nitrous Oxides and volatile organic compounds. By harnessing the energy from sunlight, this substance acts as a catalyst in the chemical reaction behind solar radiation. Furthermore, this also allows the facade to be self cleaning and reduces maintenance.

Concept Development Concept 1 An experimental 3D printed mesh cage which will be coated with PURETI. Steel trusses which will be constructed using 3D printing technology. This will provide additional support to the bridge. Concrete bases will be used to support the bridge. These will be constructed using drones.

Concepts Beginning to experiment with form and function, I was able to develop a series of concept ideas. Keeping construction methods in mind in relation to form and function was crucial. This allowed me to create possible ideas for these links. All concepts use drone 3D printing technology. They will use a method called swarm printing where multiple drones work in collaboration. With this method, the drones use algorithms that allow them to construct using real time data. As a result, they are able to adapt to real time contingencies.

Final Concept A mesh formed by using a single material. This design utilises a continual form which adds structural properties. The structure will harness drone 3D printing using swarm printing. This will be fed on real time data. A combination of a mesh and a continual form. This idea consists of a mesh structure which is embedded with a continual surface. The base forms the underside of the bridge creating a flat platform to walk on. As each link will be constructed using live data, each will be unique. Each link will act as sculptures scattered around Belfast. This will add to the rich artistic city and personify Belfast.

Concept 2 A mesh formed by using a single material. This design utilises a continual form which adds structural properties. The structure will harness drone 3D printing using swarm printing. This will be fed on real time data. The design consists of 2 large bases which will feature a staircase. Furthermore an access route through the base to allow pedestrian movement.

How will these Links be built? Timescale These diagrams show the construction phases and how two canti-levered structures form to create a Link. The drones will use precise nozzles to lay concrete with quick drying aggregates to create a mesh structure. Furthermore, they will use an algorithm which allows them to adapt construction to real time data. This allows the design to be flexible and unique as the design becomes adaptable to the individual sites. Uniqueness is key due to the sculptural quality we want to bring to Belfast. A generous estimation of 4 weeks has been calculated for each link. Drones could potentially operate 24 hours a day to reduce this estimation further.

Phase 1

Drones begin construction on two separate structures either side of the road - beginning to construct a mesh. They work simultaneously using a technique called ‘Swarm Printing’. This improves efficiency.

10th January 2023 (TODAY)

Phase 2

They resume construction on either side of the link working on two canti-levering structures. This strategy works in both time-zones. The Gliders WILL NOT attack drones as they are a form of technology. Furthermore, the road can still be operational if implemented today.

17th January 2023

Phase 3

Eventually, construction is complete and the two cantilevering structures merge together to form one unified structure - the proposed LINK.

7th February 2023

Why should we intervene today?

Time scale This atmospheric drawing shows the heavy atmospheric contrast due to time of intervention. Intervention is vital. If we intervene now, we could progress to prevent this scenario playing out. Furthermore, we can start to develop a breathable city. However, if we fail to intervene now, we will have to fight the chaos in worse conditions. In addition, living to regret the decision of not preventing this catastrophe when deemed a threat.



The VITALS - STAGE 0 What Should Stage 0 Achieve? The 10th Man Fund will be prioritised on Stage 0 which is effectively the solution These are the crucial criteria: Ulster University Campus

• RESEARCH - Vital to allow the human race a head start in the race against technology. We need to research innovative technology such as 3D drones, purification and the gliders themselves is fundamental. • REHABILITATION - Whilst we have control over the Gliders, we need to focus on a proposal which allows for the Gliders to be cleaned of pollution and re-distributed into the network. • PURIFICATION - A recurring criteria from the intervention. The solution must assist in reducing pollution levels to neutralise the Gliders.

Belfast Met College

LOCATION With the criteria in mind, I have assessed 3 possible site locations. These are all bases in proximity of educational facilities for research power to be maximised. It also allows younger generations to be involved with research. Furthermore, these locations are dense where pollution is greater. • ULSTER UNI CAMPUS - A densely populated campus with a current £250M development under construction. Several Latent Dynamic sites in close proximity with several bus routes surrounding the site.

Queen’s University Campus

• BELFAST MET COLLEGE - A key stop on the Glider network. However, limited bus access and located in a safe zone. • QUEEN’S UNI CAMPUS - Historical campus with vast spaces to intervene. This site joins 2 voids together however is quite distant from the busy city centre.

Site Location - Ulster University Campus Ulster University Development

Proposed Site


ULSTER CAMPUS proves to be a suitable site which meets the vital criteria. Research will be heavily utilised due to the new development. A busy location with the need for pollution to be neutralised.

Outline Brief & Concept Site - The Sixth, Royal Avenue.

• A corner plot adjacent to the immense £250M Ulster University development. Clear opportunity to capitalise on stage 0 of this intervention.


• My client would be a joint venture between Belfast City Council (BCC) and Ulster University. BCC will ultimately aim to improve the provision of jobs in Belfast. Whereas Ulster University will look to exploit the opportunity of valuable research.

Proposal - A Mixed-Use Hub

• Essentially I am proposing an extension to the Ulster University Development. This should relate to the criteria on the VITALS page. • Providing space for offices and retail is also key for BCC. This will increase employment and revenue for Belfast. • Has to assist in purifying Belfast. This includes simply exploiting greenery to improve wellness.

Concept - Connectivity

• With the proposal of an extension to Ulster University, it is vital to highlight connection through-out the development. FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT has to be heavily achieved. • This will also allow safe access into voids within the POWER scenario.

Metro Network (Dominated by Gliders)


432 8

The Site

The Sixth A great opportunity adjacent to the Ulster Development. The site is located in void 2 !"4 10 with the Ulster University development in void 13.

Ulster University Campus Construction is under way of the new ÂŁ250M Ulster University Campus building. Architects Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios are redeveloping the huge site.

0123462789 4 2

3 4

4 2 8 8 4 0 4 2 3 4 8 448 4 9

0123462789 4 9 3 4

Freedom of Movement

The Ulster campus previously had a bridge linking key buildings together. The new development also has plans for a connecting bridge.

Site Location Plan


Precedents - Design DnB West-Building, Norway (2012 - Dark Arkitekter) Mixed-use office building. This scheme inspired me due to the exposure of roof terraces. Each office subsequently has its own roof terrace. This promotes well being and therefore efficiency of those employed. Furthermore, greenery is fundamental in purifying the atmosphere. This idea could dwell deeper within my proposal.

Staggered form allows light to penetrate all offices at every level. This will allow the form to function with more levels due to sufficient lighting. This also allows for roof terraces for each office. Promoting natural purification with green space and improving well-being.

Courtyard Kindergarten, Beijing (2018 MAD Architects) A project featuring a dynamic roof which surrounds a historic traditional siheyuan site dating back to 1725. The proposal uses fluid shapes to blend the new with the old. The dynamic roof creates a ‘multi-layered urban narrative’ where the old and new co-exist. It uses playful landscaping techniques to allow children to express themselves with freedom.

Fluid green space in this case acts as a playground. It integrates through different functioning elements such as the nursery buildings and the historical town.

Concept Experimentation (Layering) Massing by Layering

Space by Layering

I began conceptually experimenting by massing the site using layers. This created a dense volume.

To develop this idea of layering, I implemented achieving well lit space into my experimentation.

Freedom of Movement A bridge would simply connect to the newly built development.


University Communal / Public

Problematic Lighting Due to dense build up - this creates poorly lit spaces.

Glider Friendly In order to protect the people, the connection has to avoid the road. In this case it is a bridge link.

Freedom of Movement A layer/floor would connect to the newly built development. This prevents creating a confined space.


University Communal / Public

Light Voids To allow light to penetrate lower levels, I played with forms and volume using horizontal planes.

Concept Experimentation (Extrusion) Negative Space

With the idea negative space can create a volume of purpose - I extruded a cube to create an experimental volume.

Landscaping In this case negative space creates an opportunity for landscaping. This can be used to naturally purify the atmosphere.

Sculptural Form Developing a unique volumetric form strengthens the idea of adding to the Art of Belfast. Multiple Levels Due to the variety of voids, there are multiple levels equipped with outdoor space.

Site Extrusion

Moving on to a mass in the shape of the site - this allowed me to create voids with functional elements in mind.

Landscaping Negative space would represent landscaping and promote well-being. Positive space will create volume for the necessary elements.

Freedom of Movement This idea allows for movement through the site - as well as possible extrusion to connect to the development.

Concept Experimentation (Communal City) City of Elements

Developed City

By narrowing down the different functional elements my proposal requires, I was able to create a mini city with the necessary spaces required.

A continuation of this idea. This development looks into a different type of connection.

Elements of Use Each building represents a different function. This allows each building to be accessed by public or private. Freedom of Movement Bridges link each element together. However this may be problematic for security. Offices

Communal / Public EXISTING




Freedom of Movement Elements are all connected by individual bridges which ultimately connects to the development.

Communal / Public EXISTING



Freedom of Movement Rather than several connecting bridges, I aimed to have one which demonstrates fluidity. This organic form connects all elements together as well as the development. Furthermore, It allows for great landscaping in the form of a roof garden. Lighting Due to the large central open space, there is sufficient light to all the elements. However, due to the roof garden, lower levels are limited to light. Therefore, I created voids in the model to experiment.

Development (Form & Function)


Staggered Effect

Contextual Grain

I began by massing out elements which will serve a purposeful function. In this case University, Offices & Public/Communal Space.

Considering my precedents, I developed the form into a staggered volume. This will allow roof terraces for most elements.

Taking the site in mind, I followed the grain of the site to allow my form to be consistent with the surrounding buildings.

Development (Fluidity)

Ground Floor Movement

Levitated Movement

Fluid Roof Garden

This diagram shows freedom of movement throughout my proposal. It highlights the fluid movement on the ground floor.

Mapping out the movement allowed my fluid roof garden to develop. From this movement diagram I was able to generate a fluid form. I also created a central piece which will act as a vertical garden.

As shown, the diagram expresses freedom of movement between the university development, as well as throughout my hub. The movement and form are super-imposed.

Schedule of Accommodation Public Hub

This element includes a public Cafe & restaurant space. Furthermore it will hold shared communal space. The existing face will be retained with additional structure implemented. There will also be retail units used by the public.

Roof Garden

A fluid, levitated roof garden which demonstrates freedom of movement between developments. The raised platform will also free up voids.

Roof Terrace

Research Facility

Vertical Garden

Ulster University

An accumulation of roof terraces across the proposal. These are situated on multiple levels for most offices, open plan uni spaces and for the communal hub.

A lift leads the 18M Glider to an underground bunker which acts as a research & rehabilitation facility. With this we aim to research the Glider, purification & drone technology which will give us the head start in the battle of POWER.




Roof Garden

This open space has the opportunity to be landscaped to invite people through the complex implementing freedom of movement.

A sculptural form which adds to the art of Belfast. It serves as a vertical garden which assists in the form of natural purification.

This element will look to extend the Ulster campus. It will include study space, lecture halls, a cafe and the all important research & rehabilitation facility.

Exploded Elements Diagram

Research, Rehabilitation & Redistribution REDISTRIBUTION


Gliders have been CLEANSED and can now be REDISTRIBUTED into the GLIDER NETWORK. They are at a mutational level of PEACEFUL.

Gliders whilst at WARNING stage are brought into the HUB. They are taken underground to a RESEARCH LAB via the Glider lift.

This process allows the Glider NETWORK to be DILUTED with cleansed Gliders. The hub will assist in preventing the POWER scenario by continually redistributing cleansed Gliders. Furthermore, at the same time, we can gather important intelligence on these machines.

Students and professionals are able to LEARN from the Gliders at this CRITICAL POINT in the timeline. This allows us to exploit intelligence AGAINST TECHNOLOGY. Tests on the Gliders are undertaken and any other valuable INTELLIGENCE against the Gliders is researched.


After research, MUTATIONAL LEVELS are restored to PEACEFUL as the scales below represent. This effectively CLEANSES the Gliders of inhaled pollutants. If Gliders do reach DANGER level, they can be contained in the BUNKER.







Vertical Garden Purification? Pollution

Polluted air including CO2, NOx and particulates enters the vertical garden. Natural forms of purification purify this air. Furthermore, the vertical garden is coated with PURETI which destroys harmful organic matter.

Natural Purification

Purified air is released into the atmosphere through the mesh of the vertical garden. Greenery also assists with this process as plants absorb CO2 and release oxygen into the atmosphere as shown.


The vertical garden operates naturally as well as mechanically. It will use a similar system to the ‘SMOG FREE TOWER’ by Daan Roosegaard. This includes a radial ventilation system which pulls air down the tower. This will be powered by wind energy. The PURETI coated mesh structure then purifies the air.

Final Design - Model FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT A raised roof garden bridges over the Glider dominated road. This allows movement through the Ulster Uni development to the proposed hub. PURIFICATION The vertical garden and the roof terraces allow greater areas for greenery which contribute towards natural purification to neutralise NOx levels.

REHABILITATION This garage leads to an underground bunker which allows for the Gliders to be worked on to be neutralised and redistributed into the network. It also leads to the RESEARCH lab. Furthermore, if the Gliders do mutate, they will be trapped underground.

Site Plan


Ground Floor Plan



9 2 4 8

1 3 10





Uni Entrance Uni Cafe Open Lobby Core with offices

1 2 3 4

Glider Lift to Research Bunker


Public Cafe Entrance / Lobby

6 7

Retail Units To Let Office Core

8 9

Vertical Garden 10

Roof Terrace Plan (4th Floor)



3 8


3 1


2 7


Open-Plan Study Space


Meeting Rooms Office Space To Let

2 3

Office Core Garden Terrace for Offices

4 5

Vertical Garden Fluid Roof Garden Roof Garden Connecting With Development

6 7 8

Section A’A



Section B’B



Isometric Drawing


The Vision - A Hub for BOTH Worlds

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