Marissa Laven Dialog piece
4/27/09 89 ACE
The summer of 2002 was one of the best summers that Marissa Laven ever had. It all started in May when her grandmother asked her and her sister to come up with ideas for a vacation. “The best place to go during the summer would be Disney Land.” said the sister. “No, we should go some place tropical, like Hawaii, mom would love to go there.” “I’ve always wanted to go see Alaska and all the wonderful glaciers.” There were too many places to choose from so, it was up to her grandma to decide, she would be paying for the trip anyway. So, Marissa’s grandma decided to go to Alaska and to take a Princess Cruise around the different ports. One day, the whole family went up on the deck to see their first glacier. The glacier itself was huge; they could even see people taking a walk on it. The color was a whitish blue and the ice would sparkle in the sunlight. While on the deck the aunt had spotted something in the water. “What could it be?” “It looks like a long log or some kind of fish.” “I know what it is.” said the grandmother. “It is a whale, say hi to the whale everybody!” “This is the first time I’ve seen a whale, I’m going to name him Jacky. Hello Jacky, what kind of whale are you?”
“He is a hump back you idiot and don’t say hi to it, it can’t under stand you.” Said the annoyed sister. “He can understand me, whale are smart.” Right at that moment Jacky the whale shot up water through its blow hole, like it was saying hello back to Marissa. That was the most beautiful thing that Marissa had ever seen and she would remember that moment for the rest of her life.