Hida Behzadi Portfolio

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Hida Behzadi MA. RGD. Graphic Designer . Creative Director 519.701.7703 | hida@creativecocoa.com www.creativecocoa.com

hida behzadi | creative cocoa | www.creativecocoa.com


Client: Various . Identity design


hida behzadi | creative cocoa | www.creativecocoa.com

New Identity for the Municipality of Dutton Dunwich Client: Municipality of Dutton Dunwich Role and contribution creative direction, research, design, presentation, production, client relation Project objectives to renew/redesign the existing logo and identity of Dutton Dunwich. The new logo will represent the desired qualities and characteristics of the Municipality, it has to be minimal, modern, elegant, timeless, and has to be able to lend itself to various communication means required by today’s modern media. The objective is to have a more up-to-date, current, and fresh looking symbol, an image that existing residents can proudly identify with, attract and excite potential new residents and business investors and create an appeal for them to explore and learn about DD. The new logo will lend itself to all the common logo usage, such as stationery, website, and other printed or web marketing and communication material. Target audience prospective new home owners, businesses, and existing tax payers. Concept the logo has been created based on the first initial letters of the two communities of Dutton and Dunwich. We wanted to make sure that we show two visibly defined elements (representative of the two communities) that are conjoined beautifully to make one stronger united element (representing the amalgamation of the two communities). As a result the logo

shows that both communities are equal, in harmony, and moving in the same direction. The slight slant of the letter Ds to the front, and the swish at the end of the curved lines of the top of the letter Ds, create the feel of a forward movement, to show a community that is ever changing and progressive. The lines are designed in such a way that they softly take your eyes around the logo in a circular motion to keep the viewers attention on the symbol. The letter Ds in the symbol are intentionally left open on top to convey the feeling of openness, friendliness, and acceptance, of the two communities. The roundness of the letters will suggest an encompassing, safe and happy feeling. These qualities will be reassuring to the existing community residents and inviting to the new and potential residents. The two parallel swishes on the top part of the letter Ds are created to resemble the natural and agricultural elements in the area. Looking at the Dutton Dunwich geographical coordinates, the Municipality is located between two bodies of water (Thames River and Lake Erie). The two parallel elements subtly suggest the wavy movements of water and wind simultaneously. They also symbolize the furrows created on farms by a plow. The ever moving shape of the logo also represents agricultural growth. Adding the carefully chosen colours blue and green, we emphasized these natural elements, their characteristic and their importance in the area. Design issues to address all age groups individually as well as collectively through several

forms of communications to ensure one way or the other the audience comes across the info; while making sure the design is cohesive and follows the same theme though all materials. Design process to create the proposed logo, we closely looked at the 1998 Dutton/Dunwich emblem, the history of it, and the reason behind the elements used in it. We then looked at the community, its background and its desired vision for the future, the age and occupations of the community members, the geographical location, and the natural and environmental characteristics of the area. We also used the help of Dutton Dunwich community by carefully evaluating the answers to the survey ran by the Municipality of Dutton Dunwich on the municipal website, to learn what the community likes most about Dutton Dunwich and what changes they would like to see. In taking the gathered information to the drawing table, we kept in mind that beside the fact that this logo has to represent the desired qualities and characteristics of the Municipality, it has to be minimal, modern, elegant, timeless, and has to be able to lend itself to various communication means required by today’s modern media. Outcome/results the new identity for Dutton Dunwich, which was extended to new Municipal stationery, website user interface, external documents, logo manual, municipal truck graphics, sub logos for municipal departments.


hida behzadi | creative cocoa | www.creativecocoa.com

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Keep Active Enjoy the Fall! Take a walk along the many nature trails and park pathways in and around township of Southwold. more

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Dutton Dunwich Survey Regarding Wind Turbines

Cold Weather Alert Now until January 30, 2014

The Council of the Municipality of Dutton/Dunwich is encouraging citizens of the municipality over... more

Warming centre is open at the Weds Theatre, in the municipal building Monday to Friday, 8:30 - 4:30 more

New logo for the Municipality of Dutton Dunwich

Horticulture Needs Due to unforeseen circumstances, there are now 9 positions on the Horticultural Executive that... more

Please take some time reading through the background information and looking at the new logo... more Fingal Ball Park Fundraiser February 15, 2014 more

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Municipality of Dutton Dunwich

199 Currie Road, P.O. Box 329 Dutton, Ontario N0L 1J0

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Citizens of Dutton Dunwich - Please take a minute to fill out this survey about living in Dutton Dunwich....more

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Lost Pets


Dog and cat tags are available at the township office.

18.5 inch

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex each. Commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

To Report a Lost or Found Pet 519-769-2010 Top

Pet Licences Fees Dog Tags/Licences: • Dog neutered/spayed and vaccinated for rabies

21.25 inch 14 inch 9 inch

$ 35.00 $ 35.00

• Dog NOT neutered/spayed NOR vaccinated for rabies

$ 55.00

• Additional fee for late licence application/renewal

$ 10.00

Replacement Tag

$ 5.00

Kennel Licence

$ 85.00

Dangerous Dog

$ 200.00

Guide & Service Dog

No Charge


Nuisance or stray pets

3 inch

4.75 inch

Recycling makes a difference.

$ 25.00

• Dog neutered/spayed but NOT vaccinated for rabies • Dog vaccinated for rabies but NOT neutered/spayed

Fines Pursuant to Township By-Law 2005-06, it is your responsibility to keep your dog confined to your property. If your dog is found running at large you will be fined:

1st offence $ 50.00

2nd offence $100.00 3rd offence $150.00

Dutton Dunwich, Recycling Bin Diagram, First draft © Creative Cocoa/Hida Behzadi . hida@creativecocoa.com . August 19, 2014



No person shall keep a dog kennel without a licence. Every owner of a kennel shall pay to the Township of xyz an annual kennel licence fee. No kennel may be established except where it is permitted under the applicable Zoning by-law in force.

Top Top

Removing a Dog From Your Property

A dog who is regularly on your property but who never stays long may be trapped in a live trap available at the Township office. This is an excellent way to deal with nuisance dogs who wander on your property. If possible, confine the dog in an enclosed area such as a garage or shed (e.g., open a door, place an item of food inside, and close door once animal is inside). Once the animal has been captured, contact the Township of Southwold immediately to have the animal removed (519) 769-2010. Having difficulties catching and confining the dog? The Township has a cage that may be useful in catching the dog. Please contact the Township office for further information at (519) 769-2010. A deposit is required. In the event you are unable to secure the animal or if you consider the dog to be dangerous, contact the Township office at (519) 769-2010. Keep the dog in sight until Animal Control arrives. Have a description of the dog available and note direction of travel.

Municipality of Dutton Dunwich

Stray Cats

Top Top

The Township of Southwold does not pick up stray cats.


199 Currie Road, P.O. Box 329 Dutton, Ontario N0L 1J0

PHONE (519) 762.2204

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Copyright 2012, Municipality of Dutton Dunwich

Client: Municipality of Dutton Dunwich . Design and production of the new Identity (main logo, its variations, plus department logos), stationery set, truck graphics, logo manual, website user interface, other municipal internal and external branded collateral Dutton Dunwich, Water Truck Graphics, Second draft, Driver side © Creative

Cocoa/Hida Behzadi . hidacreativecocoa.com . April 9, 2014

hida behzadi | creative cocoa | www.creativecocoa.com

Silent Poetry Visual Identity Client: Silent Poetry Photography Role and contribution creative direction, design, strategy, production, client relation Project objectives new logo and brand identity for Silent Poetry Photography, to help with proper brand positioning and marketing objectives of the Silent Poetry photography Target audience Families with newborns or children of various ages, teenagers Concept to create an attractive, clean, modern, and high-end branding theme through the new logo and printed marketing material for Silent Poetry. Design issues working with a low budget and trying to create a high-end look and feel. Also trying to encourage the client to stay away from the look of the previous logo (put together by client themselves) and upgrade to a well designed logo that positions her brand as she desired. Creating various versions of the new logo i.e. vertical and horizontal, solid, and transparent, in colour and gray scale, to be suitable for light or dark backgrounds, as well as colourfull or black/white background photos. Design process Client approached me with the need for new marketing material that were

an upgrade from what she had in place, which she designed herself. I created several designs and directions for the logo to make sure I can properly capture the essence of what she had in mind, and in every step provided her with proof of what the material were going to look like at the end. Outcome/results as the pieces came together client started to relate to and appreciate the vision behind the new logo and marketing materials and felt comfortable using the logo and branded material.


hida behzadi | hida@creativecocoa.com | www.creativecocoa.com

Portraits of

who you are... not just what you look like.

www.silentpoetry.ca Studio: 519.601.0281

Client: Silent Poetry, Photographer . Design of the logo, branding and marketing material for Silent Poetry Photography


hida behzadi | hida@creativecocoa.com | www.creativecocoa.com

Womancare Midwives Visual Identity Client: Womancare Midwives Role and contribution creative direction, design, production, as well as client relation Project objectives to create a new visual identity for the Womancare Midwives practice, through the design of a new logo, stationery set, and informational pamphlet. Target audience healthy child bearing female who are going through a normal pregnancy and are looking for an alternative choice for delivering their babies. Concept the new logo shows the profile of a pregnant female, who is braced by two hands; one that is gently providing support to her back, and one that is closer to the belly which shows the midwives care for the baby as well as for the mother. The pastel colours were picked to create a serene, homely, feminine feel, based on the colours of the practice, and the caring and soft nature of the services that midwives provide to their clients. Design issues The practice was using several printed pieces - ready made business cards, a trifold pamphlet made in MS word, and other stationery pieces, none matching the other and each using a different theme. The

material needed to be all unified to create a professional look and feel to the viewers eye. Client liked the work to be modern and fresh, and a bit conservative. The silhouette of the woman in the logo had to portray a woman in a childbearing age bracket, had to cover both working and stay home mothers, and shouldn’t have any indication of ethnicity and race, and be timeless. There are 12 midwives who run the practice, plus some administrative staff. One of the design issues I came across was to fit names with different length on the same template for the business card. Some of the names were very long and I based the design on the longest name to make sure all other names will fit easily. Design process I worked closely with the members of the select committee to make sure all the design work is aligned with the objectives of the project. The elements used in the design of the stationary pieces are all taken from the logo and are resembling the curvature of a pregnant female body to emphasize on the subject of the identity work. Outcome/results all the pieces were designed and delivered same as my client had in mind and are currently being used by Womancare Midwives clinic.


hida behzadi | hida@creativecocoa.com | www.creativecocoa.com

Midwives offer women the choice between home and hospital birth. The midwives of our practice have admitting privileges at London Health Sciences Centre. Funded by: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-term Care

Womancare Midwives is an established practice, serving the London community for over 25 years, offering: Fully-funded midwifery care Education for birth Lending library of books/videos

There is no cost for midwifery services for any permanent resident of Ontario.

For more information, please contact:

Philosophy of Care

Our philosophy of care is based on respect for the natural birth process and a woman’s ability to give birth. We work toward empowering women in their individual pregnancies and births, and expanding choices that promote health and normalcy in the childbearing years.

Ontario Midwifery Provides:

What is a Midwife? A Midwife is a registered health care professional who is skilled at providing comprehensive, evidencebased care and support to healthy low-risk women, during pregnancy, labour and birth. Midwives continue to care for women and their babies for the first six weeks postpartum.

womancaremidwives@bellnet.ca www.midwives.on.ca

Midwifery care is rooted in the knowledge that pregnancy and childbirth are normal and important life events. Informed decision making, continuity of care, choice of birthplace and appropriate use of technology are essential elements of the philosophy of midwifery care in Ontario.

Other useful websites: www.aom.on.ca www.cmo.on.ca www.ontariomidwives.ca

Midwives are considered experts in normal, healthy childbearing and are skilled in careful monitoring to detect complications in pregnancy and birth.

Womancare Midwives 101 - 345 Westminster Ave. London, ON N6C 4V3 Tel: 519.645.0316 Fax: 519.645.8802

A Registered Midwife can order routine tests in pregnancy and will consult with medical specialists when necessary.

Time spent with women and their families to provide information, counselling, support and educational resources Access to prenatal blood work, ultrasounds and other diagnostic tests

The midwives at Womancare are all graduates of recognized midwifery education programs and members of the College of Midwives of Ontario and the Association of Ontario Midwives. In addition, to be registered in Ontario, a midwife must be certified in neonatal resuscitation, emergency skills management and CPR/First Aid.

Fully-funded primary care for home and hospital births for all permanent residents of Ontario Regular prenatal visits from early pregnancy to birth Continuous one-to-one care in labour and birth

Principles of Care We are guided by the principles of:

Mother and baby care for six weeks postpartum

• Respect for birth as a normal physiological process

24-hour on-call accessibility to a Registered Midwife

• Promoting women as primary decision-makers through womancentered care and informed choice

Home visits in 1st week postpartum

• Choice of birth place

In-home breastfeeding support

• Appropriate use of technology

Newborn hearing screening

• Continuity of care - the midwives attending your birth will be known to you from prenatal care

Ontario Newborn Screening

• Socially and culturally sensitive care

Client: Womancare Midwives . Womancare Midwives logo and identity, office stationery and informational brochure


hida behzadi | hida@creativecocoa.com | www.creativecocoa.com

Posters - Showcase Back Drops and Invites for John Weinzweig (1913-2006) Book Launch Display Client: McGill, Marvin Duchow Music Library Role and contribution design, production, client relation Project objectives to create a collection of five posters for John Weinzweig Book Launch. The client needed three oversize posters at a custom size (38.5x48), to be used as a backdrop for display boxes that showcased a series of material related to John Weinzweig, including his notes, music sheets, etc. They also asked for two 11x17 posters to be used as an invite and to communicate the time and location of the book launch event. Target audience McGill University students and McGill Music School faculty members Concept client provided me with excerpts from John Weinzweig’s book and his other writings plus a set of black and white negatives that had pictures of him. They asked for a design that has a retro feel and portrays the era when John Weinzweig created many of his work. I used a typewriter font, as that font was used in many of Weinzweig’s document that were on display. To create a feeling of depth and add a layer of texture, I repeated some of the quotes in the background with low opacity. The strips of negatives were use with monochrome hues,

as a texture, to emphasize on the retro feel. Also being that the whole theme was related to music, I used them in a random pattern to passively remind the viewer of musical notes on a music sheet. Design issues client provided me with small and low quality samples of the scanned negatives, and asked me make use of them in my design. There was no access to a better version of these negatives as they were old and the only version available in the archives. Therefore I came up with a design that utilized the negatives nicely but wouldn’t need them in large size, therefor the resolution issue was masked. Design process The John Weinzweig book launch posters were a collaborative project with McGill’s Marvin Duchow Music Library. I worked with the curator of the displays through e-mail, use of dropbox, and skype, and even though I worked with them remotely, I managed to have a good grasp of what they had in mind. Outcome/results the work was created as client expected and was successfully incorporated in the display showcases, and was also utilized as a vehicle to inform the target audience about the event.


hida behzadi | hida@creativecocoa.com | www.creativecocoa.com

Client: McGill, Marvin Duchow Music Library . The John Weinzweig book launch Display case back drops and event posters


hida behzadi | hida@creativecocoa.com | www.creativecocoa.com

Practical Solutions Brochures And Stationery Set Client: Practical Solutions Role and contribution creative direction, design, strategy, production, client relation Project objectives to create three informational brochures and stationery set for Practical Solutions. Target audience recently separated/divorced female and male individuals, who are in need of vocational counselling Design issues the client needed three informational pamphlets/brochures that would give their target audience an idea of what different services Practical Solutions offers. The booklets needed to be formal but with a friendly and inviting tone. Even though these brochures were going to be used at law offices, a very serious and legal look on them would be intimidating to the target audience. They also needed to be easily distinguishable from each other and at a size that is easy to read and carry. I considered and addressed all of these issues through my design concept and process. The existing stationery material for the client at the start point consisted of a one colour logo, and a stationery set, which used a pattern that was not related to the logo and didn’t look professional for a vocational counseling service.

There was no identity guidelines in place for the logo or branding either. When they talked to me in 2011, they still had plenty of the previous stationery left, and even though they were not happy with them, they decided to use them until finish. In 2012, the client came back with the need for a new stationery set that had to now match the new set with the brochures that I created. They also had a vision for what they want, and samples of other work they have seen elsewhere. The challenge was to keep with the branding and yet satisfy the client vision and need. Once more I made sure that I considered and addressed these through my design work. Design process at the start of the project (2011), together with the client we chose two additional colours for the Practical Soloutions visual identity and used them to create a brand theme through their new material. Client’s initial idea for the informational brochures was to create three trifold letter size brochures. During the design process I suggested the idea of having three small colour coded booklets instead. Client loved the idea once she saw the mock-ups and quickly accepted them over her own initial idea. Client also brought in a series of stock

illustrations that she picked online. The illustrations were not aligned with the vision for the booklets and were not the best for the project objectives either. I searched and selected a new series of stock photos that were aligned with the design vision and appropriate for the project objective. Once more, the client was very happy with the chosen pictures and went ahead with the choices. Outcome/results both booklets and stationery set were exactly on target and the client was very happy with the design process and result and is still using the created material.


hida behzadi | hida@creativecocoa.com | www.creativecocoa.com

T 226.316.0359 C 519.859.2755 F 226.663.0236 colleen@practicalsolutions.ca www.practicalsolutions.ca 30 Adelaide Street N., Unit 101 London, Ontario N6B 3N5

Direction on a Journey not Chosen


Letterheads . Practical Solutions . Forth Draft © Creative Cocoa/Hida Behzadi . July 24, 2012

T 226.316.0359 C 519.859.2755 F 226.663.0236

Colleen O’Brien President/Vocational Consultant RPN (Psych), CHRM, CDP, RVP

colleen@practicalsolutions.ca www.practicalsolutions.ca 30 Adelaide Street N., Unit 101 London, Ontario N6B 3N5 Direction on a Journey not Chosen

Client: Practical Solutions . Brochures and stationery set for Practical Solutions


hida behzadi | hida@creativecocoa.com | www.creativecocoa.com

The Real Issue Awareness Campaign Client: United Way and Child & Youth Network Role and contribution design, production, print and media coordination, client relation Project objectives branding and advertising strategy for The Real Issue awareness campaign (an initiative by United Way of London & Middlesex, for Child and Youth Network). to familiarize Londoners with the real issues behind poverty. The main information was provided through The Real Issue website, and the goal was to drive traffic to the website. Target audience community, at large. Concept creating interest and attracting attention to The Real Issue campaign and its website, via printed posters, billboards, street signs, web banners, public presentations and newspaper ads. The pieces were designed to work as a teaser. They displayed two main pieces of information: 1- the question of “What is the Real Issue?� and 2- the web address for The Real Issue website. All the designed pieces were simultaneously advertised in as many forms and locations as possible to create curiosity and drive traffic to the website and engage people in the conversation about The Real Issue. Design issues the client came to me with the primary need for a logo and branding around it. They also knew that they need several firms

of advertising to introduce the campaign to the public but were not sure of what and hoe many different vehicles. The issue was that there was already a website designed and in place. The website was using a template, and had vector illustrations and several colours used. I had to make sure that I not only come up with a proper logo and branding to fulfill the client objectives, but also make sure that all of what I design seems to be under the same branding as the website. To achieve this goal, I remade the illustration with much more fitness and used the colours presented on the website and illustration and made sure that any new colour(s) that I introduce to the branding, sits properly beside the previous ones. Design process I started the project with creating the logo, making sure that it is suitable for the purpose of the campaign, while fitting and matching the existing website. The logo was created in two different versions, one for web and one for print purposes. As my client decided to add new pieces on the fly, I kept altering and fitting the designs to different formats and sizes, while maintaining the branding. Outcome/results the final outcome was consisted of the logo, a dbl sided informational card die cut to the same shape as the logo, which was handed out in the public speech for the campaign launch and following related events and speeches, billboard(s), stand up

banner, street backlit poster(s), indoor posters, newspaper ads, web banner for London Free Press website and Twitter page background.


hida behzadi | hida@creativecocoa.com | www.creativecocoa.com

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Client: Child and Youth Network . Branding, design and production for The Real Issue awareness campaign; pieces displayed: logos, informational card, newspaper ad, street backlit poster, billboard, stand-up banner, twitter page background.


hida behzadi | hida@creativecocoa.com | www.creativecocoa.com

Play Your Way advertising campaign Client: City of London & Spectrum Role and contribution creative direction, design, production, client relation Project objectives to encourage Londoners to get familiar and take advantage of the variety of affordable and accessible recreational programs offered by City of London, in their neighborhoods. Target audience community, at large. Target age groups from teenagers, families with young children/teenage kids, adults, and seniors. Concept to create attractive and colourful printed communication pieces in the form of gym passes, flyers, stand up retractable banners, and various size posters. These pieces would be displayed publicly and offered to interested audience as a take away flyer or gym pass, in the centres run by the city, such as libraries and recreational places. The pieces only offer partial information but they encourage the viewer to see the complete info on the City of London website. Design issues to address all age groups individually as well as collectively through several forms of communications to ensure one way or the other the audience comes across the info; while making sure the design is cohesive and follows the same theme though all materials.

Design process client approached me with the need for print material that could make the community aware of the variety of affordable and accessible recreational programs offered by City of London, through Play Your Way/ Spectrum programs. They initially asked for one complementary gym pass and one flyer design. Through working with the client and asking about their target audience, they identified four distinct age groups for their audiences. They then requested that to design a set of flyers instead, to target each of these four groups individually, as well as collectively. To achieve this goal, I designed the flyers in 4 categories, with similar design but colour coded and with imagery specific to each group. As we worked on the project, extra pieces were added, such as stand up banners and posters (in two different sizes). Outcome/results four flyers, two gym passes, ten posters, and four stand up banners were produced, using large colourful photos related to each category, legible and clean typography, active coloures and an energetic overall theme. All pieces were produced as client expected, and are still in use at the designated areas for the audience to see. When asked my client for feed back recently, she indicated that “The Parks and Rec committee like the campaign we worked on. They find them all very useful generic promo pieces.�


hida behzadi | hida@creativecocoa.com | www.creativecocoa.com

Client: City of London & Spectrum . Play Your Way advertising campaign; gym passes, flyers, banners, various size posters.


hida behzadi | hida@creativecocoa.com | www.creativecocoa.com

Client: City of London & Spectrum . Play Your Way advertising campaign; gym passes, flyers, banners, various size posters.


hida behzadi | hida@creativecocoa.com | www.creativecocoa.com

Innoversity Creative Summit 2012 Program Booklet Client: Mah Consulting - Innoversity Creative Summit 2012 Role and contribution design, production, client relation Project objectives to communicate the schedule/time table, the topics, speakers and winners, and the conference location info, with attendees of the Innoversity Creative Summit, in a minimal, clean, easy to follow and legible way. Target audience attendees of the Innoversity Creative Summit conference. Concept to create a easy to follow, legible and well designer program booklet, that has a modern look and feel, while using the elements of Innoversity logo to keep with the branding. Design issues organizing several categories and subcategories of multiple speakers, winners, and sponsors which all had to be displayed in visibly distinguishable formats yet look cohesive. Some of the third party advertising that were provided by the client were not made to the correct size and had to be redone at the last minute. It was a challenge considering the files provided were flattened pdfs, had to be dissected and reassembled to create a similar ad in a different size.

Design process client for this project was very organized and very familiar with the design process. They provided me with raw text, logos, photos and the ads form the start, properly segregated in to folders usinag drop box. The whole brief, pricing, concept and design process was done through fast and minimal, yet effective communication from both sides (myself and client). The rounds of revision also went smooth and organized to create the desired outcome. Outcome/results the booklet was designed in-line with the client objective and was used in the Innoversity Creative Summit of 2012.


hida behzadi | hida@creativecocoa.com | www.creativecocoa.com

Client: Innoversity . Innoversity Creative Summit 2012 Program Booklet.


hida@creativecocoa.com | 519.701.7703 | www.creativecocoa.com

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