Ict capability learning continuum simple version for printing

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Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability Learning Continuum (ACARA)

Applying social and ethical protocols and practices when using ICT

Organising Elements Recognise intellectual property

Stage e Typically by the end of Foundation Year, students:

Stage 1

follow class rules about

Apply digital follow class rules about using applying selected standard information digital information guidelines and techniques to security practices secure digital information

Apply personal security protocols

Identify the identify how they use ICT in impacts of ICT in multiple ways on multiple devices society

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Typically by the end of Year 2, Typically by the end of Year 4, Typically by the end of Year 6, Typically by the end of Year 8, Typically by the end of Year 10, students: students: students: students: students:

recognise ownership of digital products that others produce recognise ownership over their and that what they create or own digital work provide can be used or misused by others

follow class rules when sharing personal information with known audiences and demonstrate an awareness of applying social protocols when using ICT to communicate

Stage 2

follow class guidelines when sharing personal information and apply basic social protocols when using ICT to communicate with known audiences

identify how ICT is used at home and at school

acknowledge when they use digital products created by someone else, and start to indicate the source

identify the legal obligations regarding the ownership and use of digital products and apply some referencing conventions

apply practices that comply identify and describe ethical with legal obligations regarding dilemmas and consciously the ownership and use of apply practices that protect digital products resources intellectual property

independently apply strategies independently apply strategies for determining the independently apply standard for determining and protecting appropriate type of digital guidelines and techniques for the security of digital information suited to the particular digital systems to information and assess the location of storage and secure digital information risks associated with online adequate security for online environments environments

use a range of strategies for securing and protecting information, assess the risks associated with online environments and establish appropriate security strategies and codes of conduct

apply standard guidelines and take action to avoid the common dangers to personal security when using ICT and apply appropriate basic social protocols when using ICT to communicate with unknown audiences

identify the risks to identity, privacy and emotional safety for themselves when using ICT and apply generally accepted social protocols when sharing information in online environments, taking into account different social and cultural contexts

independently apply identify and value the rights to appropriate strategies to identity, privacy and emotional protect rights, identity, privacy safety for themselves and and emotional safety of others when using ICT, and others when using ICT and apply generally accepted social discriminate between protocols suitable for different protocols when using ICT to communication tools when collaborate with local and collaborating with local and global communities global communities

identify the value and role of ICT use at home and school

explain the main uses of ICT at school, home and in the local community, and recognise its potential positive and negative impacts on their lives

assess the impact of ICT in the explain the benefits and risks workplace and in society, and of the use of ICT for particular speculate on its role in the people in work and home future and how they can environments influence its use

From bit.ly/acict ‐ version as of 27/04/2014 ‐ adapted from www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/GeneralCapabilities/information‐and‐communication‐technology‐capability/ by Rob McTaggart. Share freely.

Organising Elements

Stage e Typically by the end of Foundation Year, students:

Investigating with ICT

Define and plan use ICT to identify where information information is located searches

Stage 1

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Typically by the end of Year 2, Typically by the end of Year 4, Typically by the end of Year 6, Typically by the end of Year 8, Typically by the end of Year 10, students: students: students: students: students:

use ICT to identify, record and classify textual and graphic information to show what is known and what needs to be investigated

Locate, generate use icons to locate or generate locate information from a and access data required information given set of digital sources and information

Select and explain how located data or evaluate data information was used and information

Stage 2

explain the usefulness of located data or information

use ICT to plan an information search or generation of information, recognising some pattern within the information

use a range of ICT to identify and represent patterns in sets of information and to pose questions to guide searching for, or generating, further information

select and use a range of ICT use a range of ICT to analyse independently and information in terms of implicit collaboratively, analyse patterns and structures as a information to frame questions basis to plan an information and plan search strategies or search or generation data generation

locate, retrieve or generate information from a range of digital sources

locate, retrieve or generate information using search engines and simple search functions and classify information in meaningful ways

locate, retrieve or generate information using search facilities and organise information in meaningful ways

explain why located data or information was selected

develop and use criteria assess the suitability of data or assess the suitability of data or systematically to evaluate the information using a range of information using appropriate quality, suitability and appropriate given criteria credibility of located data or own criteria information and sources

use advanced search tools and techniques or simulations and digital models to locate or generate precise data and information that supports the development of new understandings

Creating with ICT

select and use ICT to articulate

Generate ideas, use ICT to prepare simple plans use ICT effectively to record use appropriate ICT to use ICT to follow or contribute ideas and concepts, and plan use ICT to generate ideas and to find solutions or answers to ideas, represent thinking and collaboratively generate ideas plans and to a simple plan for a solution the development of complex plan solutions questions plan solutions and develop plans processes solutions Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks

experiment with ICT as a use ICT as a creative tool to creative tool to generate generate simple solutions, simple solutions, modifications modifications or data or data representations for representations for personal or particular audiences or school purposes purposes

create and modify simple digital solutions, creative outputs or data representation/transformat ion for particular purposes

independently or collaboratively create and modify digital solutions, creative outputs or data representation/transformat ion for particular audiences and purposes

design and modify simple Design, modify and manage digital solutions, or multimodal complex digital solutions, or creative outputs or data multimodal creative outputs or transformations for particular data transformations for a audiences and purposes range of audiences and following recognised purposes conventions

From bit.ly/acict ‐ version as of 27/04/2014 ‐ adapted from www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/GeneralCapabilities/information‐and‐communication‐technology‐capability/ by Rob McTaggart. Share freely.

Managing and operating ICT

Communicating with ICT

Organising Elements

Collaborate, share and exchange

Stage e Typically by the end of Foundation Year, students:

use purposefully selected ICT tools safely to view information shared by trusted adults

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Typically by the end of Year 2, Typically by the end of Year 4, Typically by the end of Year 6, Typically by the end of Year 8, Typically by the end of Year 10, students: students: students: students: students:

use purposefully selected ICT tools safely to share and exchange information with appropriate local audiences

select and use appropriate ICT tools safely to lead groups in use appropriate ICT tools select and use appropriate ICT sharing and exchanging safely to share and exchange tools safely to share and information, and taking part in information with appropriate exchange information and to online projects or active safely collaborate with others known audiences collaborations with appropriate global audiences

understand that computer mediated communications may be received later by the receiver

understand that particular understand that computer forms of computer mediated mediated communications are communications and tools are directed to an audience for a suited to synchronous or asynchronous and one‐to‐ one purpose or group communications

understand that there are various methods of collaboration through computer mediated communications that vary in form and control

understand that computer mediated communications have advantages and disadvantages in supporting active participation in a community of practice and the management of collaboration on digital materials

identify and independently select from, and safely operate a range of devices, software, functions and operate, a range of devices to commands, taking into undertake specific tasks and consideration ergonomics use basic troubleshooting when operating appropriate procedures to solve routine ICT systems, and seek solutions malfunctions when encountering a problem

independently select and operate a range of devices by adjusting relevant software functions to suit specific tasks, and independently use common troubleshooting procedures to solve routine malfunctions

justify the selection of, and optimise the operation of, a selected range of devices and software functions to complete specific tasks, for different purposes and in different social contexts

Understand computer mediated communications

understand that messages are recorded, viewed or sent in computer mediated communications for others to receive

Select and use hardware and software

identify and safely operate a identify and safely operate ICT selected range of appropriate systems to complete relevant devices, software, functions simple specified tasks and seek and commands when help when encountering a operating an ICT system and problem attempt to solve a problem before seeking help

Understand ICT systems

identify the main components identify and compare identify common consumer ICT of common consumer ICT networked ICT system identify and compare the use identify, compare and classify systems with input and output systems, their fundamental components including of the main components of basic ICT system components functions between hardware, software functions, and describe them different ICT systems and data using basic ICT terminology

Manage digital data

save and retrieve digital data with support

manage and maintain digital data with guidance

manage and maintain digital data using common methods

select and use a range of ICT tools efficiently and safely to share and exchange information, and to collaboratively and purposefully construct knowledge

apply an understanding of networked ICT system components to make changes to functions, processes, procedures and devices to fit the purpose of the solutions

manage and maintain data on manage and maintain data for manage and maintain data different storage mediums – groups of users using a variety securely in a variety of storage mediums and formats locally and on networks of methods and systems

From bit.ly/acict ‐ version as of 27/04/2014 ‐ adapted from www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/GeneralCapabilities/information‐and‐communication‐technology‐capability/ by Rob McTaggart. Share freely.

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