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On the Internet at www.MISSIONTIMESCOURIER.com
Volume XIX – Number 9
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7 Deadly Mistakes That Will Cost You Thousands When You Sell Your Home San Diego - A new report has just been released which reveals 7 costly mistakes that most homeowners make when selling their home, and a 9 Step System that can help you sell your home fast and for the most amount of money. This industry report shows clearly how the traditional ways of selling homes have become increasingly less and less effective in todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s market. The fact of the matter is that fully three quarters of homesellers donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get what they want for their homes and become disillusioned and - worse - financially disadvantaged when they put their homes on the market. As this report uncovers, most homesellers make 7 deadly mistakes that cost them literally thousands of dollars. The good news is that each and every one of these mistakes is entirely preventable. In answer to this issue, industry insiders have prepared a free special report entitled â&#x20AC;&#x153;The 9 Step System to Get Your Home Sold Fast and For Top Dollarâ&#x20AC;?. To hear a brief recorded message about how to order your FREE copy of this report call toll-free 1-800-270-1494 and enter 1000. You can call any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get your free special report NOW.
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San Carlos Area Council News
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Del Cerro Action Council
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8 College Area, from page 7 *,0*)($ $ D%0$ ".$ &30$ )0*&/%#$ *,0*)$ /)$ ",/0%&01$ &"$ &*;0$ *1J*%&*#0$ ".$ &30$ J/0')$ ".$ H"'-0)$ Z"6%&*/%$ /%$ &30$ 1/)&*%+09$*%1$&30$+3/-1,0%S)$ 7-*5#,"6%1$ +-")0,$ /%($ N30$ 10)/#%$ '*)$ *77,"J01$ '/&3$ &30$ ,0]6/,080%&$ &3*&$ &30$ ÀHOG EH D JUDVV ÀHOG UDWKHU
The church across from Patrick Henry High School 6556 Park Ridge Blvd. San Diego, CA 92120 619-460-6442
Everyone Welcome. Come & See!
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Best Barber
Pizazz Hair and Nail Salon
Allied Gardens Barber Shop
7676 Jackson Dr. San Diego, Calif. 92119 (619) 582-2275 www.pizazzsalonandspa.com
5142 Waring Road San Diego, Calif. 92120 (619) 582-6842
Shear Brilliance Salon La Mirage Hair Design
The place around town for a cut and a lively debate on local politics. With all of Bob Filner’s antics, how could you not enjoy taking a step into Allied Gardens Barber Shop, where you can get a good buzz without almost falling asleep to the sounds of silence? Forget impersonal chain stores; Allied Gardens Barber Shop has the character and warmth you’d expect for a Neighborhood Best.
Best Place to Clean Your Ride
Village Gym
Stadium Car Wash
7439 Jackson Dr San Diego, Calif. 92119 (619) 937-5196
10383 Friars Road San Diego, Calif. 92120 (619) 280-5577
Jazzercise College Area Platinum Fitness
Close to home and affordable, Stadium Car Wash has found a loyal following among Mission Times Courier readers who long for a hand-washed car. Regulars know to avoid the place on Friday and Saturday since that’s when it’s busiest, but Sunday through Thursday still gives drivers plenty of time to clean the car.
Best Place to Fix Your Ride
Dan Paterson
8865 Lake Murray Blvd. San Diego, Calif. 92119 (619) 464-1234 There are several people you really need in your life: your mama, your papa, a good dentist and a trustworthy auto mechanic. The mechanics at San Carlos are professionals who get the job done quickly. It takes just one frantic call to San Carlos Auto Service to get an immediate appointment for the next morning. That kind of service reaps its own rewards, as proven by its loyal customers, who know exactly where to go when the old
Toyota of San Diego Lee’s Auto Repair
5587 Red River Dr. San Diego, Calif. 92120 (619) 481-9978 Dan Paterson is a handyman who can do it all, including carpentry, plumbing and electrical repair. Paterson grew up in Allied Gardens and has spent the last 18 years in construction. He’s installed doors, water heaters, windows, cabinets, flooring and fencing. No job is too small for the Jack of all trades, which means you can aim for the dream remodel without worrying about a minimum cost.
Best Bank
Grantville-Allied Gardens Kiwanis Club
2245 Fenton Parkway, Suite 107 San Diego, Calif. 92108 www.sdccu.com
Bank of America Wells Fargo
www.alliedgardenskiwanis.org The Grantville-Allied Gardens Kiwanis Club has it all – kindness, compassion and a deep love for community. Chartered in San Diego in 1960, the volunteer community service organization strives to make its neighborhood and the City of San Diego better places to live and work. Among the club’s many good deeds are participation in and contribution to Rady Children’s Hospital’s Miracle Mile of Quarters, New Entra Casa and the Meals-onWheels Program.
Best Plumber
Toyota of El Cajon
5161 Waring Road San Diego, Calif. 92120 (619) 583-7963 idealsvc.com
Dan Paterson Pykle’s Plumbing
San Carlos United Methodist Church Lake Murray Playground Project
Best Place to Buy Your Ride
Ideal Plumbing
Award-winning Ideal Plumbing, Heating, Air and Electrical takes its role in the community seriously. In addition to providing service its customers can count on, Ideal also engages in philanthropic efforts around the neighborhood. And while its community service is admirable, its plumbing work is what earned it this award. Among Ideal’s plumbing services are repairs, installation and updates.
Ideal Plumbing, Heating, Air and Electrical Paul R. Smith Complete Home Improvement
Best Do-Gooder Organization
San Diego County Credit Union
It’s a no brainer that the best bank around is a credit union. Low rates, great customer service and helpful programs continue to help San Diego County Credit Union grow its influence in the community. In addition to being a comprehensive online financial resource for its customers, SDCCU members have access to discounts at several venues, including Valley View Casino, Broadway San Diego and Padres games.
Santee Car Wash Soapy Joe’s Car Wash
Best Home Repair
San Carlos Auto Service
Shearology Salon Sport Clips
Best Gym
It all comes down to what you want in a gym. If you’re looking for a widely recognized chain, Village Gym probably isn’t for you. But if you’re looking for a relaxed atmosphere, where you can do cardio and free weights, look no further than Village Gym.
Best Hair Salon
Not only does Pizazz Salon owner Nancy Losek know her stuff, but she also has her finger on the pulse of the community. Friendly and stylish, Losek runs what could only be described as San Diego’s version of the salon in Steel Magnolias, except it’s actually a stand-alone business and not run out of its owner’s home.
965 Arnele Ave. El Cajon, Calif. 92020 (866) 821-4241 www.toyotaofelcajon.com Unsurprisingly, Toyota of El Cajon picked up the win for Best Place to Buy Your Ride. The company, which plants a tree for every vehicle sold, has sprouted 13,489 seedlings as of the date of publication. It may be a generalization, but that’s the kind of environmental stewardship that attracts customers to Toyota of El Cajon. After all, the Prius is the most popular hybrid car. The dealership also sells used Toyota cars, inspected and tested by their professional mechanics to keep them up to standards, and features an onsite service and repair center.
Toyota of San Diego Marvin K. Brown Auto Center
Best Senior Discounts
Best Doctor
D.Z. Akin’s
Dr. Ellyn B. Levine, M.D.
6930 Alvarado Road San Diego, Calif. 92120 (619) 265-0218
6280 Jackson Dr. San Diego, Calif. 92119 (619) 464-1608
While not called a “senior discount” D.Z. Akin’s offers an early bird special that invites patrons of all ages to come in for dinner a bit earlier than the normal rush. From 4 – 6 p.m. their dinners typically priced $15.95 to $18.95 are discounted to 11.95 and steak dinners are lowered to $17.95. These ample portions of everything from homestyle baked meatloaf to corned beef and cabbage include a tossed green salad, bread and butter, plus a side dish.
Dr. Ellyn B. Levine is a board-certified internal medicine doctor who practices with Sharp Community Medical Group. In practice since 1991, Levine focuses on preventative medicine and weight management. According to Healthgrades.com, Levine is currently accepting new patients and accepts Aetna, Blue Cross, Blue Shield, CIGNA, HealthNet, MultiPlan and UnitedHealthCare insurance. Levine was educated at Wayne State University in Detroit and Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago.
Brother’s Family Restaurant Marie Callender’s
Dr. Roger Thorne, MD Dr. Rebecca Zener, MD
Best Dentist
Best Chiropractor
Dr. Brian Asbury, D.D.S
Dr. Barker at Fletcher Hills Chiropractic
7301 Girard Ave. Ste. 200 La Jolla, Calif. 92037 (866) 976-3521 Dr. Brian Asbury practices dentistry at Braces San Diego with Dr. Gary Hirsh. Asbury graduated magna cum laude with his doctorate in dental surgery from UCLA. Asbury spent another three years training in orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics at Harvard University. Asbury earned a master’s degree in medical science from Harvard as a result of his research to develop a new treatment for osteoarthritis. Asbury also attended the United States Military Academy at West Point and served in the U.S. Army.
Dr. Ronald S. Lessem, DDS Dr. William K. Larson, DDS
566 Hosmer St. El Cajon, Calif. 92020 (619) 464-6781 Dr. Dennis H. Barker, D.C. is the son of Dr. Dennis W. Barker, D.C., who founded Fletcher Hills Chiropractic in 1987. The younger Barker studied at Cleveland College of Chiropractic, graduating cum laude as valedictorian of his class. Barker practices a variety of chiropractic techniques, including diversified technique, activator technique and Thompson terminal point technique. Barker is trained to work with pregnant women as well as children.
Dr. Marc Lewis, DC Goswan Chiropractic
Liveliest Place for Live Music
Best Casino
Pal Joey’s Cocktail Lounge
Viejas Casino and Resort 5000 Willows Rd. Alpine, Calif. 91901 (800) 847-6537 The Viejas Band of Kumeyaay Indians runs Viejas Casino and Resort, which celebrates its 22nd anniversary this year. In 2000, Viejas became the first tribal gaming facility in California to offer Las Vegas-style coin-operated slot machines. Last year, Viejas opened its new bingo hall with 340 seats. Earlier this year, Viejas opened a new hotel with 128 rooms. For those more interested in drinking and dancing, the V Lounge offers a club atmosphere with live local entertainment on weekend evenings.
5147 Waring Road San Diego, Calif. 91210 (619) 582-6699 The dance floor at Pal Joey’s gets plenty of action, and that is not just because of the alcohol at the bar. Pal Joey’s puts a premium on live musical entertainment, whether that’s karaoke on Sundays, Wednesdays and Thursdays or live bands on Fridays and Saturdays. Customers say Pal Joey’s has one of the best karaoke selections in the region, and the live rock bands are always playing something you can dance to.
Barona Sycuan
Bistro Sixty The Go Lounge
Best Grocery Store Best Sports Bar
Windmill Farms
San Diego Brewing Co.
6386 Del Cerro Blvd. San Diego, Calif. 92120 (619) 287-1400
10450 Friars Road, Ste. L San Diego, Calif. 92120 (619) 284-2739 Down the road from Qualcomm Stadium finds MTC readers’ favorite spot to watch all the big games. Over twenty TVs, a large bar area, and up to fifty beers on tap entice sportslovers from all over. The menu offers game day favorites like nachos and hot wings plus burgers, sandwiches and more. We recommend going with the Sampler Plate and San Diego Brewing CO’s own Grantville Gold as a lighter beer option or their Infinitude IPA if you’re a hop head.
For their second award Windmill Farms beat out a wealth of competition in big grocery stores around town. Their health-conscious variety along with hard-to-find items sets them apart from the pack. An extensive supply of vitamins and supplements plus everyday necessities make them a great stop for busy neighborhood shoppers. We highly recommend perusing their beer and wine selections, which boast local producers and rare finds. Don’t forget to check their ads for weekly bargains
Oggi’s Bridges
Vons (on Lake Murray Boulevard) Keil’s
Best Veterinarian
Best Place to Feed The Kids Souplantation
Rancho San Carlos Pet Clinic
6171 Mission Gorge Road San Diego, Calif. 92120 (619) 280-7087
7850 Golfcrest Dr. San Diego, Calif. 92119 (619) 462-6820
Picky eaters have much to pick from at Souplantation, a buffet-style restaurant that serves salads, soups and breads made from scratch. Souplantation changes its menu every few weeks to keep things interesting for dining guests. The August menu, for example, was based on an Asian theme and featured items such as Thai Peanut & Red Pepper Tossed Salad and Oriental Noodle & Green Bean Hot Pasta. The restaurant plans a Mediterranean theme for September.
For over 35 years this pet clinic has cared for animals in San Carlos and the surrounding neighborhoods in a variety of ways. The husband and wife team of Dr. Jeff and Dr. Shannon Reh offers grooming and boarding along with medical, dental, and surgical veterinary services. In addition to their personalized care they also host a comprehensive website full of resources. Pet owners can request appointments online plus read helpful articles and blog posts.
Round Table Pizza Chick-fil-A
Dr. Brian Peterson Fletcher Hills Animal Hospital
Best Place to Work Out for Free
Best Park
Lake Murray
Mission Trails Regional Park
Tai chi practitioners use the park to go through their morning sets; locals run the seven odd miles to keep in shape; and bicyclists pedal fast around the path for good heart health. All of this costs nothing but time. There’s no annual fee nor is there constant solicitation for a six-week training program. Using Lake Murray for your fitness needs frees your from harassment and monthly payments.
If you have a day to spare, plan to spend some time at Mission Trails Regional Park. If you’re jonesing for jazz or classical music, the monthly lineup of free concerts will satisfy your craving. If you’re more of a nature lover, you can sign up for any of the walks or bird-watching tours. And if you cherish your solitude, there are a number of opportunities for quiet meditation. It’s no surprise Mission Trails Regional Park was named best park.
Best Thing About SpringFest The Food Every year SpringFest blooms in Allied Gardens, bringing with it games, rides, live entertainment and fair food. Although the games, rides and entertainment are all fine and good, it’s hard not to rank the food as No. 1 among its offerings. Warm funnel cake with powdered sugar, juicy hot dogs, cotton candy and a variety of beers at the Beer Garden make SpringFest that much more of a celebration of good ol’ American fun.
Best Thing About Being an Aztec
Best Place to Be Seen Lake Murray More than just a reservoir serving water customers in San Diego, Lake Murray also functions as habitat for wildlife, a place to get some free exercise and even a place to be seen. Lake Murray attracts so many visitors that you’re bound to see a friend or neighbor here walking along the 3.2 miles of paved waterfront pathways.
Best Place to People Watch
Aztec Pride
Cowles Mountain
What’s school spirit without personal pride? Aztecs have both in spades. Some wear the pride on their sleeves – literally. Attend a football or basketball game and witness the glorious spectacle that is Aztec pride. SDSU students sport red and black painted faces, temporary tattoos – at least, we think they’re temporary – and head-to-toe school-related garb.
Some come to Cowles Mountain to be a part of San Diego’s natural habitat. Others come for the panoramic views of the city. Still others come to this urban mountain because the sheer volume of visitors makes a great place for people watching. The trails on Cowles Mountain attract a diverse crowd of San Diegans, so you’re bound to see moms in yoga pants, shirtless men in running shoes, teenagers, overweight folks and people who, for some reason, thought it would a good idea to wear flip flops on a trail hike.
Favorite Activity at Lake Murray Walking It’s at least Mission Times Courier columnist Barbara Cleves Anderson’s favorite activity. Walking around beautiful Lake Murray brings you closer to nature and your neighbors. Catch a glimpse of hawks, turkey vultures, ducks and geese, or witness amazing mommy groups pushing past the sixth mile with their enthusiastic kids in tow. Walking for 30 minutes a day can also reduce your risk for heart disease, diabetes and certain types of cancer. Couple that with the lake as a backdrop and you’ve got a winning combination.
Best Day Spa
Favorite Politician Susan Davis Democratic U.S. Rep. Susan Davis has a long history of public service in San Diego. She has represented San Diego in Congress since 2001. She serves on the House Armed Services Committee and the Education and the Workforce Committee. Before her election to Congress, Davis served six years in the California State Assembly and nine years on the San Diego Unified School District Board of Education. Davis has lived in the same house in San Diego since 1972.
Pizazz Hair and Nail Salon Pizazz Hair and Nail Salon features the Mira Day Spa, a full-service day spa that offers everything the day spa at the mall offers, but for a better price. You can get waxed, peeled and wrapped. Even better, after you’ve taken great pains for beauty, you can get massaged, which then pays you in dividends for such a sacrifice.
Best Place to Spend Five Bucks Windmill Farms Windmill Farms in Del Cerro took home two great awards from MTC readers this year. This one comes from all the local bargain-hunters. With a great variety of items large and small- which are reasonably priced, it’s easy to shop here on a budget. Some of our favorite inexpensive items include fresh produce, bulk candy and snacks and pantry staples. Just the variety of chocolate at the check out line gives you a tasty way to spend five bucks!
Best Place To Take The Kids Sea World SeaWorld has been a central part of San Diego’s identity since it first opened in 1964. Most famous for its Shamu show featuring orca whales, SeaWorld appeals to young imaginations with other shows as well, featuring acrobatic dolphins, comedic sea lions and even energetic dogs, cats, birds and potbellied pigs. SeaWorld’s family-friendly rides, such as the imposing Journey to Atlantis and the exhilarating Shipwreck Rapids, also keep kids coming back for more.
Best Place To Groom Fido Petco Petco in Grantville earned one of their awards this year for primping and preening four legged residents of the area. They offer full-service grooming for animals with prices that vary according to size. Of course all the bells and whistles to really pamper your pooch or kitty are offered– nail clipping, teeth brushing, and more. Plus the large central location gives you plenty to do while your pet is cared for.
Best Golf Course Torrey Pines Golf Course Spread atop the bluffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean, the Torrey Pines Golf Course is one of the most tranquil and scenic places to play golf in the country. The sight of dolphins or whales splashing in the water just beyond the green is not uncommon. Torrey Pines is also the site of some of the biggest professional tournaments in the world, including the U.S. Open. Due to the quality and popularity of Torrey Pines, reservations are usually necessary.
Best Staycation Spot Campland by the Bay One of the best things about living in San Diego is that you don’t have to go far if you need a break from the daily grind. Why bother spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on airfare when you can drive just a few minutes to the beach? Campland on the Bay offers a variety of campsites, including some on the beach front with views of the bay. The resort includes volleyball courts, a skate park, and a marina that rents boats and other water toys.
Best Preschool
Best Place to Get a Burger
San Carlos United Methodist Preschool
Longhorn Cafe and Saloon
6554 Cowles Mountain Blvd. San Diego, Calif. 92119 (619) 464-4335
6519 Mission Gorge Road San Diego, Calif. 92120 (619) 283-0831 LonghornCafeAndSaloon.com
Preschool classes at San Carlos United Methodist Preschool are based on “learning and growth through hands-on experience” in a range of subjects: literature, language, math, science, creative art, dramatic play and tactile and manipulative activities. Of course, the preschool standbys of circle time, snack time and playground time are offered too. Tuition here is more expensive than other preschools in the area, but parents say the extra expense is worth it.
Longhorn is an ideal blend of a neighborhood haunt, sports bar, and traditional eatery. Centrally located, it attracts patrons from all around whether it’s for a weekday lunch, a weekend breakfast or a hearty dinner any night. Their burger and fries have been a go-to for patrons for over 40 years. The “Burger Bar” section of their menu boasts choices from bison burgers to meatless veggie patties to good ol’ ground beef.
Ascension Lutheran Preschool St. Martin of Tours Academy Preschool
Beef and Bun San Diego Brewing Co.
Best Breakfast
Best Spot to Get Your Drink On
The Trails Eatery
KnB Wine Cellars
7389 Jackson Dr. San Diego, Calif. 92119 (619) 667-2233 The Trails starts serving up breakfast early (7 a.m.) and doesn’t stop all day. Like any good neighborhood eatery they offer a cozy atmosphere and friendly service, plus a wide range of dishes to start your day. We’re partial to a classic eggs benedict or omelette filled with tasty ingredients. But you can also walk on the wild side with a choice like Elvis cakes- pancakes made with chocolate chips and bananas topped with peanut butter and powdered sugar.
Brothers Omelette Factory
6380 Del Cerro Blvd. San Diego, Calif. 92120 (619) 286-0321 While their impressive retail selection KnB may get overlooked as a hangout spot, but locals know better. With a prime location in the Del Cerro Shopping Center they offer a great lineup of craft beers on tap and wines by the glass. They also host many drinkrelated special events including beer, wine, and spirit tastings. They are open seven days a week with several weekday specials - a perfect place to pick your poison.
Pal Joey’s Cocktail Lounge Bridges Bar & Grill
Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth
Best Coffee
Foster’s Freeze
Cowles Mountain Coffee Co.
5129 Waring Rd San Diego, Calif. 92120 (619) 583-4684
7290 Navajo Road San Diego, Calif. 92119 (619) 462-2233 Cowles Mountain Coffee Co. finds an ideal location on Navajo Road just across from the Cowles Mountain Trailhead. A great stop for locals on the go or those that want to spend some quality time with their caffeine fix. It features park-like surroundings and outdoor seating with gorgeous views. They carry locally roasted coffee and pastries from a local bakery to support the community they call home. Plus with free wi-fi you have a built in excuse to stay for a second cup of coffee.
For over 60 years Foster’s Freeze has been a family favorite for sweet treats. Their classic ice cream cones are made even more delicious when dipped in rich chocolate. But, if your sweet tooth is feeling adventurous they have plenty of other choices. Shakes, sundaes, and smoothies are other popular picks. And our favorite- a Twister made with your favorite candy or fruit to satiate multiple cravings at once.
Peabody’s Organic Coffee Cuppa Cuppa
Fiji Yogurt Baskin Robbins
Best Pizza Best Ethnic Restaurant
Nicolosi’s Italian Restaurant
Mona Lisa Italian Foods
7005 Navajo Road San Diego, CA 92119 (619) 461-5757
5156 Waring Road San Diego, Calif. 92120 (619) 286-2242 For over 40 years Mona Lisa Italian Foods has been the go-to for homestyle Italian food in Allied Gardens. Their extensive menu includes all your favorite pastas, pizzas, and more served up in their cozy dining room with comfy seating (or available to go). They’re especially sknown for their hearty Lasagna layered with cheesy goodness and baked just right. We recommend taking home leftovers and saving room for a traditional treat like cannoli or tiramisu. Buon appetito!
Nicolosi’s has a long history all around San Diego, finding their latest home in San Carlos. With lots to offer, one item they’re most popular for is pizza. They offer thin and thick crust with their own creations ready to order. If you’re feeling creative go for the “craft your own” option and build a masterpiece with the crust, sauce, and toppings of your choice. They even have eggs benedict “pizza” for brunch-time pizza-lovers.
Ra-ka-de-ka Fresh Thai Kitchen Troy’s Greek Restaurant
Best Seafood Restaurant Pt. Loma Seafood
Best Place To Get A Steak
2805 Emerson St. San Diego, Calif. 92106 (619) 223-1109
Black Angus 10370 Friars Rd San Diego, Calif. 92120 (619) 563-5862 Black Angus has been satisfying carnivorous cravings for years. Centrally located on Friars Road in Grantville this location brings in meat-eaters from all around. They serve up standard steak cuts like top sirloin, prime rib, and filet mignon, plus some creative steak options. You could start with a steak quesadilla for a south-of-the-border spin on steak or try the filet mignon cobb salad for some fresh greens with your savory steak.
Vine Cottage Pinnacle Peak
Mona Lisa Italian Foods Mountain Mike’s Pizza
Mission Times Courier readers opted for a seafood spot a little outside of their neighborhoods. Point Loma Seafood boasts beautiful views along with their selection of underwater favorites. Their large menu has everything from seafood salads to fish plates and even a selection of sushi and sashimi was recently added. Party trays offer another way to enjoy their fresh fish at dinner parties and celebrations away from the water.
Fish Market Anthony’s Fish Grotto
Off-campus fill-up at Buddies Burgers H*8/#,*(% &,/% 1#)1'#% 1&((: LQJ E\ WKH &ROOHJH $UHD GRQ·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Photo By David Cooksy
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20 !"#$%&##' ())*+,"%$,Will your job alone allow you to live the lifestyle you deserve? Create wealth and long term residual income in a part-time home based business. Will train and help support you to success. Call 858-278-2120 (12/13)
Collecting gently used shoes. Your Converse can buy our clarinets, your Pumas our piccolos, your Sketchers our saxophones, your Filas our flags. Drop off shoes, and boots, of all sizes. Help those less fortunate and support the arts at Patrick Henry. Saturday September 14th @ 10am (09/13)
San Carlos 2BR 2BA house $1800, near schools and shopping, 2 car garage, A/C, washer/dryer hook-ups, no pets. 858-349-6362 (09/13)
Jenna’s Barber Shoppe. Styling for men, women & children. Wheelchair friendly. Old time expert haircuts at affordable prices. Colors & perms. 7424 Jackson Dr.#1A (across from Keil’s in Bank of America lot) Tues-Fri., 8:30-5:30pm; Sat. 8:30-noon. Walk-ins or By appt., 619-644-3669. (12/13)
.*+'012& Kinkade Paintings. Have The Golden Gate Bridge, Stepping Stone Cottage, End of a Perfect Day II and III. All are original sold out paintings. 619-286-0140 (09/13)
3*,$4&# Celebrate Rosh Hashanah with us! Free services September 4-7. Chabad East County, 8691 La Mesa Blvd, La Mesa. Jewishec. com, 619-647-7042, info@ jewishec.com (09/13) Have a question or dispute with your energy bill? Call Alliance for African Assistance: 619-286-9052. We can help for FREE! Www.alliance-for-africa. org. (09/13) The League of Women Voters will meet Thursday September 12 between 1-3pm at the College-Rolando library, 6600 Montezuma Rd (09/13) Free Voice Lessons. Women of all ages invited. Sept. 9, 16, and 23, La Mesa. 7pm. Experienced instructor with a women’s a cappella chorus. 619-972-7989 (09/13) Free field hockey sessions for girls grades 6-9 in the Henry HS area, every other Sunday afternoon starting 9/8. Contact julia24peters@gmail.com for more information. (09/13) Shoe Drive supporting music at Patrick Henry High School.
Roofing Lic# 691295-C39. Veteran Owned, Allied Gardens based. Celebrating 20 years in business. Full roof & repairs. Free Est. Veteran and Senior discounts. 619-823-7208. (07/14) Gardening Service: Lawns, hedges, weeding, trimming, we do it all! 25 years experience, Allied Gardens resident since 1983. Weekly/bi-weekly service. Licensed/insured. Free estimates. 619-287-6947 (07/14) Pet/Housesitting Services. Est. 1983, Bonded. Pet-tenders offers feeding, walking, plant care, housesitting-and above all... spoiling...in your own home! www.pet-tenders.com 619-2983033. (04/14) Locksmith Discount Deadbolts & Rekeying - security door viewers, patio door locks, simulated alarms, magnetic door stops. Cliff Henderson 619-8403327 - Lic #LCO4353 - Bonded - Never a trip charge! (04/14) Quality exterior carpentry. Decks, Fences, Patio Covers and Termite Repair. Lic365241. www.aactionbuildersofsandiego. com. Bob 619-275-1493 (4/14) Roofing, licensed, bonded, second generation Allied Gardens roofer. Over 100 homes in Allied Gardens roofed. Repairs, all types of roofing. Free estimates. Call 619-287-7149. (03/14) Linda’s Puppy Love, licensed,
insured pet sitting service offers daily walks, cat care, overnight stays-your home. Lots of Love. 619-857-3674. mellinsmith@cox. net. www.lindaspuppylove.com (01/14) German Setter Tile and Marble. Professional marble/tile setter with 28 years experience. European craftsmanship. Punctual & dependable. License# 872804. Contact Jens Sedemund: 619-415-6789 or jens@germansetter.com (12/13) Professional Flute/Piano Instruction. 32 years experience. Beginner to advanced. Music Education. B.A. Degree. Reasonable rates. Teaching in your home or mine. Rick, 619-286-8012. (12/13) Dan Patterson Handyman/ Carpentry: Repair and replacement of plumbing, electrical repair, installation of water heaters, doors, windows, cabinets, flooring, fencing. Pressure washing of driveways, all phases of home repair. And remodel including kitchen and bathroom remodel. No job too small, free estimates. Raised in Allied Gardens, 17 years in construction. Dan Paterson 619-481-9978. (12/13) Bathtubs and Sinks refinished like new without removal. 25 years under same ownership. Lic 560438. Cory Tatz Bathtubs & Sinks Refinishing 619-464-5141 (12/13) BARGAIN BOYZ REPAIRS/ CONSTRUCTION- Specializing in all home repairs Interior and Exterior. Fixture upgrades, Painting, Electric, Plumbing, Carpentry complete remodeling. Family owned and operated! No job too big or too small! Licensed/Bonded/Insured License #828251B Call for a free estimate. Office 619-741-2012 or Toll free 877-412-BOYZ (2699) (11/13) Mature Jill of all Trades offering efficient home care services with affordable rates. Services provided include cooking, cleaning, laundry, organizing, pet care, errands and transportation to appointments. Call Charlotte Booth at 619-867-1272. (11/13) Roy L. Schwarz Tree Service. I.S.A. Certified Arborist.
Dependable service since 1977. 60-foot aerial truck. WE-6180A. Lic #775662. 619-282-3562. ARoyLTreeSVC.com. (10/13) Hauling, construction and yard clean-up. demos, light maintenance. Call Carlos 858 4950548, cellular 619 813-9988, E-mail chiripas1@aol.com (10/13) Keith Everett Construction and Handyman Service: All phases of home remodeling and repair. Window and door replacement specialist. Repair or build any style of fence, deck, or patio cover. Kitchen and bath remodels. Senior discount, references. No job too small. Lic#878703. Call 619-255-3499 (09/13) San Carlos Handyman Service: Reliable, affordable, licensed and insured. No job too small. Call Dan @ 619-994-5680 (09/13) Sharpening Service.“Professional”. Same person that used to be at Kiel’s Market. Tuesdays 10am - 4pm Windmill Farms, 6386 Del Cerro Blvd. (09/13) Mr. Eli is a gardener and an Allied Garden’s resident. He owns and operates a licensed and insured company. He offers complete gardening services and specializes in abused, neglected, and abandoned flowers and plants. He loves plants and flowers and he believes that, just like people, they need lots of TLC. Please call for a free estimate. Your plants and flowers will thank you for that. (619) 284-4551. (09/13)
Next Publication Date: Sept. 27 Display Ad Space Reservation: Sept. 10
Article Deadline: Sept. 17 Classified Deadline: Sept. 20
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MISSIONTIMESCOURIER.COM — SEPTEMBER 16, 2013 Lake Murray, from page 21
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