Mississippi Farm Country

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Best & Brightest Young Farmer Leaders



B U R E A U:




Collegiate Discussion Meet Winner B Y G LY N D A P H I L L I P S

Caroline Kelsoe, a senior majoring in environmental economics at Mississippi State University (MSU), won the second annual Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF) Collegiate Discussion Meet held this fall at MSU. Since Caroline doesn’t come from a farming background, she says she participated in the competition in order to get to know people involved in agriculture. Caroline has an interest in water economics as it relates to resource management and agricultural production. She expresses her thanks to MFBF President Mike McCormick and to MFBF Environmental Programs Coordinator Andy Whittington for encouraging her agricultural interests. Andy took her on a tour of the Mississippi Delta, and both men have put her in contact with people who can help her further her goals in life. Caroline plans to attend graduate school either at MSU

or another school. Wherever she ends up, whether here or out of state, she says she will continue her association with Farm Bureau and hopes to one day participate in a stateYoung Farmers & Ranchers Discussion Meet. “Farm Bureau is such a great organization,” she said. “I can’t say enough about it. What I have been able to see in the farming industry through my association with Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation are wonderful people who have a passion for agriculture.” Caroline also participated in the 2015 MFBF Collegiate Discussion Meet finals. She is from Moody, Alabama. As the MFBF Collegiate Discussion Meet winner, Caroline received a $2,000 scholarship. The other three finalists in the final-four round each received a $500 scholarship. Caroline also received a Yeti cooler from the Mississippi Farm Bureau Insurance Company Sales Department. FB

For more information about this competition, contact MFBF Young Farmers & Ranchers Coordinator Samantha Laird at (601) 573-7913. MARCH/APRIL 2017







Mississippi Farm Country (ISSN 1529-9600) magazine is published bimonthly by the Mississippi Farm Bureau® Federation.


Farm Bureau members receive this publication as part of their membership benefit. Periodicals postage is paid at Jackson, MS and at additional mailing offices.

YOUNG FARMERS Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation is home to some of the best and brightest young farmer leaders in the nation. In this issue, we visit with several of these exceptional men and women.

Postmaster: Send address changes to P.O. Box 1972, Jackson, MS 39215 EDITORIAL AND BUSINESS OFFICES 6311 Ridgewood Road, Jackson, MS 39211 601-977-4153 EDITOR — Glynda Phillips ADVERTISING Angela Ellis 1-800-227-8244 ext. 4242 aellis@msfb.org FARM BUREAU OFFICERS President – Mike McCormick Vice President (North) – Donald Gant Vice President (Central) – Ted Kendall IV Vice President (South) – Reggie Magee Treasurer – Billy Davis Corporate Secretary – Kent Bloodworth FARM BUREAU DIRECTORS Carla Taylor, Prentiss Mike Graves, Tippah Jeff Hollowell, Lafayette Preston Arrington, Sunflower Gabriela Brasher, Tallahatchie Neal Huskison, Pontotoc Scott O’Brian, Clay Joe Huerkamp, Noxubee David Hayward, Grenada James Rasberry, Attala William Jones, Lauderdale Max Anderson, Newton James R. Ford, Smith Josh Miller, Sharkey Tammy Layton, Simpson Noble Guedon, Adams Pud Stringer, Marion Larry Jefcoat, Jones Clayton Lawrence Jr., George Perry Meyers, Jackson Betty Mills, Montgomery Luke Andrews, Bolivar


AG LEADERSHIP PROGRAM Leaders from Mississippi State University (MSU) and Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation gathered in the U.S. Capitol last fall to announce the new Thad Cochran Agricultural Leadership Program, developed by the MSU Extension Service and sponsored by Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation. Come with us as we learn more.

20 STATE CONVENTION Coverage of the 95th Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation can be found throughout this issue.

RECIPES Enjoy the recipes from “Country Cooking, Vol. V.” Sales of this cookbook help generate funds for the Ag in the Classroom program. Cookbooks are available at most county offices.


HONORARY VICE PRESIDENT Louis J. Breaux III Material in this publication is based on what the editor believes to be reliable information. Neither Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation nor those individuals or organizations contributing to the MFBF publication assume any liability for errors that might go undetected in the publication — this includes statements in articles or advertisements that could lead to erroneous personal or business management decisions. FARM BUREAU,®

FB® and all Farm Bureau logos used in

this magazine are registered service marks owned by the American Farm Bureau Federation. They may not be used in any commercial manner without the prior written consent of the American Farm Bureau Federation.



ABOUT THE COVER State Young Farmers & Ranchers Achievement Award recipients Levi and Shannon Rogers of Collins are pictured on their farm.





Our Outstanding Young Farmers One of the most important program areas we work with at Farm Bureau is leadership development. Each year, we strive to recognize and develop the strengths of our many volunteer leaders. Most importantly, we invest in our young farmers. The future of Farm Bureau and Mississippi agriculture rests Mike McCormick with the hardworking young President, Mississippi men and women just starting Farm Bureau Federation out in our farming industry. Because we strive to honor that truth, we are working to strengthen our Young Farmers & Ranchers (YF&R) program. We have asked for your support with this effort, and your willingness to help has been much appreciated. This year’s state Young Farmers & Ranchers winners are an impressive group. They represented us well nationally, and I know you will enjoy reading about them inside this issue of our membership publication. Last year, our state Achievement Award recipients won the national Achievement Award competition. We were also proud of how well we were represented nationally by our Discussion Meet and Collegiate Discussion Meet winners, as well as our Excellence in Agriculture recipients. Another point of pride was last year’s state YF&R Leadership and Advocacy Conference, where 500-plus young farmers were in attendance. This represented one of the largest turnouts for this meeting in the history of our organization. I expect the 2017 conference to be equally impressive. Since it takes place after I write this column, I will comment on it at a later date. I hope you will encourage the young farmers in your area to participate in our Young Farmers & Ranchers program. We welcome their excitement, their energy and their ideas. Our future depends on them. THAD COCHRAN AGRICULTURAL LEADERSHIP

Speaking of agriculture’s future leaders, Mississippi State University (MSU) recently unveiled the Thad Cochran Agricultural Leadership program, which Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation is helping to sponsor. This program is open to Mississippi’s next generation of agricultural leaders and is designed to develop their lead-



ership skills, enhance their understanding of policymaking and increase their communication and collaborative abilities. Extension will deliver the educational activities and content for nine intensive seminars over the two-year course. We are proud to be a part of this great new program, and we’re excited that it is named for U.S. Senator Thad Cochran. During his many years of distinguished service in Washington, D.C., Sen. Cochran has proven to be a true champion of agriculture. You can read more about the program inside these pages. ANOTHER SEASON

By the time you receive this magazine, spring will have arrived, and state farmers will once again be working in their fields. According to a recent report from Mississippi State University, the estimated value of state agriculture increased by 1.8 percent in 2016 to $7.6 billion. The top two commodities once again were poultry and forestry, with estimated values of $2.9 billion and $1.4 billion, respectively. Soybeans remained in the third spot, with a value of just over $1 billion. This is great news for Mississippi farmers and exciting news for our state’s economy. I wish for our farmers an equally productive and successful year in 2017.


The March/April issue of our magazine always offers highlights of our annual membership meeting. I know you will enjoy looking back at the event through the many photos and articles. One of my favorite moments at state convention is when I step up to the podium during the annual Business Session and look out at the hundreds of Farm Bureau voting delegates seated before me. Your tireless efforts to move Mississippi agriculture forward is why I love this organization so much. When I was elected your president two years ago, I told you I was passionate about Farm Bureau. I hope my efforts on behalf of this great organization have demonstrated that I truly have dedicated my life to building a stronger and more dynamic Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation. As I begin my second term in office, I look forward to continuing to work with you. We have accomplished a lot, but we still have many goals to reach. As always, I covet your prayers, and I appreciate all that you do for Farm Bureau. FB MARCH/APRIL 2017

Distinguished Service Award

Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF) presented its highest honor, the Distinguished Service Award, to Sammy Blossom of Flora, left photo, and Rep. Preston Sullivan of Okolona. Blossom, who recently retired after nearly 17 years as executive vice president of the Mississippi Cattlemen’s Association/Beef Council, grew up on a small dairy, beef and sheep farm in Scott County. He has a degree in animal dairy sciences from Mississippi State University and spent seven years managing cattle farms in Mississippi and Kentucky. He served as president of the Mississippi Cattlemen’s Association and the Mississippi Beef Council before being hired by both. Sullivan has been actively


farming for nearly half a century on a farm that his family has owned since the 1860s. He represents District 22 in the Mississippi House of Representatives. A member of eight committees, he previously served as chair of the House Agriculture Committee. Sullivan has served as a county supervisor and as a member of the school board, the county Farm Bureau board and the county water association board. The Distinguished Service Award is the highest honor Farm Bureau bestows on an individual, and it is reserved for someone who has truly made a difference in the lives of Mississippi farmers. Blossom and Sullivan are pictured with MFBF President Mike McCormick. FB




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BY JUSTIN FERGUSON Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation National Affairs Coordinator & Commodity Coordinator for Major Row Crops

Ag Exports Vital To U.S. Economy Americans just elected Donald Trump as our 45th president, following probably one of the most spirited presidential races in history. Our farmers and ranchers now have to pause to take a look at our nation’s position going forward on key issues like taxation, immigration and trade. During the campaign, both the Republican and Democratic candidates discussed their thoughts on trade. They both railed on the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement), citing numerous changes that need to be made. Additionally, both candidates indicated problems with NAFTA and vowed to renegotiate NAFTA once elected president. As a keen businessman, President Trump has a vast understanding of world trade and the unique relationships among America’s trading partners. However, what concerns our organization is that it seems, over the past several years and especially within the last year during this presidential race, trade has unfortunately become a negative word to the average American voter and a political punching bag in so many races. Many Americans have seen their jobs go overseas due to factories closing in small towns and moving elsewhere. That fact cannot be disputed. However, what is missed in this debate is the level of economic activity and how many jobs directly, and most importantly indirectly, have been, in fact, generated from export market opportunities and trade agreements, especially for agriculture. The reality is that we live in a world economy now, and the U.S. produces way more products and goods than we can consume here.



So what do we do with these excess products? We export them. According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, total exports added $2.12 trillion to the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) in 2015, or 13 percent of total GDP. These exports supported jobs for over 10 million Americans, making it very clear that our ability to access and compete in global markets is an integral part of economies in cities and towns across the country. Specifically looking at agriculture, over $130 billion worth of American agricultural products were exported around the world in 2015. About 23 percent of raw U.S. farm products are exported each year. Accordingly, roughly one in three U.S. farm acres is planted for export. The United States Department of Agriculture estimates that for each dollar of agricultural exports, another $1.27 is stimulated in non-agriculture business activity. The $130 billion of agricultural exports in calendar 2015 produced an additional $170 billion in economic activity for a total economic output of over $300 billion. Agricultural exports in 2015 required 1,132,000 full-time civilian jobs, which included 808,000 jobs in the nonfarm sector. In closing, it is our hope as an organization that President Trump understands the delicate dynamics of trade policy decisions on most sectors of the U.S economy, and, in particular, the agriculture industry. Our farmers and ranchers rely on key export markets for their livelihood. If we close our trading status as a nation to the world economy that we now live in, I am afraid that the U.S. will immediately lose its competitive edge to the detriment of our local farmers and local economies. FB


Excellence in Leadership

Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF) has presented its Excellence in Leadership Award to Jan Hill of Woodland. Hill farms cotton, corn, soybeans, cattle and timber. He has served the Chickasaw County Farm Bureau Board of Directors for more than 40 years as a board member, vice president and president. Before the committee became known as the MFBF Corn, Wheat and Feed Grains Advisory Committee, he served as chair of the MFBF Corn Advisory Committee and is a past member of the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) Corn Advisory Committee. He served on both the MFBF and AFBF Wheat Advisory committees, the State Resolutions Committee and the MFBF


Board of Directors. He is the longest-serving board member for the Mississippi Land Bank, having joined that board in 1990. He serves on the Mississippi Corn Promotion Board and has been cited by our state’s agriculture industry for his work in production agriculture. The Excellence in Leadership Award was established to recognize those Farm Bureau volunteer leaders who have made a significant contribution to Farm Bureau and agriculture in Mississippi. Their contributions have been performed as a result of an unselfish effort to strengthen Farm Bureau and to enhance rural life in Mississippi. Jan is pictured with MFBF President Mike McCormick. FB



Congratulations to Levi and Shannon Rogers, who were among the Top 10 national YF&R Achievement Award finalists. Levi and Shannon Rogers are pictured with their son, Rhett


Photo by Greg Gibson

State Achievement Award Recipients B Y G LY N D A P H I L L I P S


evi and Shannon Rogers of Collins are the recipients “In our stocker operation, we buy 400-pound yearling calves and of the 2016 Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF) raise them up,” Levi said. “We sell the steers at about 750 to 800 Young Farmers & Ranchers (YF&R) Achievement Award. pounds and the regular heifers at about 700 pounds.” The announcement was made during state convention, where the Shannon didn’t grow up on a farm, but she wanted a role in the Rogers competed with other outfamily business. In 2010, she started standing young farmers from across a volume distribution company for the state. animal health supplies in the SouthLevi and Shannon run a large east, stocking antibiotics, vaccines, Levi and Shannon run a large cattle cattle operation in several counties dewormers, AI supplies and more for in their area. Levi is a fourth-gen- operation in several counties in their livestock. She is also the bookkeeper eration cattle farmer. When he was area. Levi is a fourth-generation cattle for Levi’s cattle operation and the 17, he obtained his first USDA cattle farmer. When he was 17, he obtained his buying yard. loan and bought about 115 head of “There’s a big need for our area stocker cattle. He has continued to first USDA cattle loan and bought about to have somewhere farmers can go grow his operation over the last 16 115 head of stocker cattle. He has contin- locally to pick up something the same years, and now has about 5,000 head ued to grow his operation over the last day and not have to have something annually of his personal cattle. shipped out of a catalog with a twoAt age 15, Levi started working for 16 years, and now has about 5,000 head or three-day shipment,” she said. “It’s annually of his personal cattle. his dad’s business, and later became something I’ve done for the last six a one-third-share partner. His dad, years and continue to grow each year.” brother and Levi have grown their family cattle operation into one In 2013, Shannon and Levi’s stepmother founded a pastureof the largest stocker cattle operations in the southeastern U.S., cur- raised beef business, where they grow antibiotic-free cattle and sell rently grazing 30,000 head annually. He also operates a buying yard to local farmers markets, restaurants, butcher shops and individuals. station every Monday. This enterprise has given them the opportunity not only to provide

Levi and Shannon Rogers received 100 hours use of a John Deere 150-horse- As state Achievement Award winners, the Rogers received 250 hours use of a power tractor of their choice, sponsored by John Deere. Making the presenta- Kubota tractor of their choice, sponsored by Kubota Tractor. Making the presention is Terry Ozborn. tation is Cheri Parker. MARCH/APRIL 2017



their family but other families with the ability to purchase farmfresh, locally grown beef. Levi’s future plans include acquiring more rural real estate to graze cattle. He also constantly strives to improve soil quality through fertilizers and erosion control/prevention. Shannon would like to expand her business by constructing her own building that contains a large warehouse and walk-in coolers in order to take advantage of volume-purchasing promotions. She would also like to add an outside sales rep, an on-staff pharmacist for out-of-state veterinary prescription purchases and a delivery vehicle in order to cut shipping costs and improve delivery time to customers. Levi and Shannon are active in Farm Bureau, 4-H, the Cattlemen’s Association, Soil and Water Conservation, their community and their church. They have participated in both county and state YF&R activities, and they served a term on the State YF&R Committee, where Shannon served as second vice president. Shannon was elected to her county Farm Bureau board and would like to one day serve as an officer. She would like to even-

tually serve on the state board. She is the chairman-elect of the Farm Families of Mississippi Ag Promotion Campaign. The Rogers have one son. This year’s state Achievement Award winners received the following prize package: • 2016 Ford F-150 truck, courtesy of Southern Farm Bureau Casualty Insurance Company (Each regional winner was presented $500 from SFBCIC, and each regional winner was presented $500 from Southern AgCredit.) • 250 hours use of a Kubota tractor of their choice, courtesy of Kubota • 100 hours use of a John Deere 150-horsepower tractor of their choice, courtesy of John Deere • $1,800 toward the purchase of technological improvements to their farm, courtesy of MFBF • $500 cash prize, courtesy of Watson Quality Ford • Expense-paid trip to compete in the American Farm Bureau Federation Achievement Award competition FB

Farm Bureau sponsors the state YF&R Achievement Award contest to recognize young people for high achievement in agricultural production, management and leadership. For more information about the YF&R program, contact MFBF YF&R Coordinator Samantha Laird at (601) 573-7913.

A new Ford F-150, sponsored by Southern Farm Bureau Casualty Insurance Company, was presented to Levi and Shannon Rogers as state winners of the 2016 Young Farmers & Ranchers Achievement Award. Making the presentation is Jack Williams.

Discussion Meet Winner Strider McCrory of Sunflower County won the state Young Farmers & Ranchers (YF&R) Discussion Meet contest held in December at state convention. He also made it into the Sweet Sixteen semifinals in national competition. As the state winner, Strider received a 4-wheeler from Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company. He was also presented $500 from Southern AgCredit and $500 from Watson Quality Ford. Each Discussion Meet participant received $100 from Southern AgCredit, and each Discussion Meet finalist received $250 from Southern AgCredit. The Discussion Meet is an event that challenges contestants’ discussion skills and their ability to persuade Pictured with Strider McCrory and his wife, Jane Allen, are Joe Mallard with Southern Ag Credit and Lus Brown with others to see their side of an issue. FB Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company.





Photo by Greg Gibson

Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company presented $500 to each regional Young Farmers & Ranchers Excellence in Agriculture winner Jessica Graves received a zeroExcellence in Agriculture winner. Region 4 winner Jessica Graves, who went on to win turn lawnmower, sponsored by Southern AgCredit. Making the presentation for Southern the state Young Farmers & Ranchers Excellence in Agriculture Award, is pictured with AgCredit is Joe Mallard. Jack Williams, who made the presentation.

State Excellence in Agriculture Recipient



essica Graves of Starkville has been named the recipient of the 2016 Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation Young Farmers & Ranchers (YF&R) Excellence in Agriculture Award. She was recognized for her involvement in agriculture, her leadership ability and her involvement and participation in Farm Bureau and her community. The announcement was made during Farm Bureau’s annual membership meeting in December. She competed with outstanding regional winners from around the state. Jessica currently serves as the undergraduate coordinator and instructor for the Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences at Mississippi State University (MSU). Her time is divided between administrative responsibilities (curriculum development, student recruitment, coordinating internships and advising students) and instruction in the classroom. Jessica strives to increase both current and prospective students’ understanding and appreciation of agriculture. “I have had the opportunity to work with students who want to be involved in agriculture, but who, in many cases, come from backgrounds with limited or no prior experience in agriculture,” she said. “As the departmental advisor, I share with students the many career options available in the animal sciences. “By nature, students who aspire to attend veterinary school are attracted to the animal sciences curricula because of the hands-on learning experiences provided. I find it rewarding to see students succeed, knowing that I played a small role in shaping their futures in agriculture. “Coordinating on-campus activities for both current and prospective undergraduate students is also my responsibility, including tours and hands-on activities related to management practices and current research in animal science,” Jessica said. “My recruitment efforts extend beyond campus, as I visit high schools and FFA and 4-H events, and as I participate in other state and national industry-related outreach activities. These networking opportunities are helpful as I continue to develop and coordinate a quality internship program where students gain realworld experience and develop their skills as young professionals. “My passion for international livestock work also serves as a platform through which I am able to provide study abroad experiences for students,” she said. “In addition to having a meaningful impact on those we serve and work with in other countries, it is also important for a student's personal development when they submerge themselves in other cultures and learn about production agriculture and the global implications. Ultimately, I hope to instill and foster a more ‘global way of thinking’ among our students.” Jessica feels strongly about not only reaching students majoring in agriculture-related subjects but students with non-agriculture majors as well. MARCH/APRIL 2017

“I was motivated to develop a course that would have a meaningful impact on all students. Animal Agriculture & Society: Food for Thought provides a platform for me to introduce animal agriculture to many students on my college campus and share the many ways society relies on animal agriculture production in our daily activities.” In addition to her classroom work, Jessica coordinates farm tours at the university, so visitors (school groups, families and non-agriculture individuals) have the chance to see and experience livestock production. She also believes in helping to connect the public to agriculture through educational programs and collaborative opportunities with ag-related entities like the university, Extension, Farm Bureau and other agriculture organizations. Jessica is very involved in her county Farm Bureau. She is a past Region 4 Excellence in Ag winner (2104) and a past State Discussion Meet competitor (representing Region 4). She is an MSU FARMtastic volunteer, and she works with the local FFA and 4-H programs. This year, she helped to promote and recruit participants in the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation Collegiate Discussion Meet held at MSU. She is an active member of Artesia Baptist Church. Jessica is married to dairy farmer Kenneth Graves, who is the herdsman at the MSU Dairy (formerly known as the Joe Bearden Dairy Research Center.) They have one son, Bryar. In her personal time, she enjoys fulfilling her calling of international mission work. “I have been blessed with opportunities to learn about international livestock production systems in several countries and work alongside livestock owners,” she said. “In my personal time, I spend time fostering those international relationships that have been established.” As the state Excellence in Agriculture winner, Jessica receives the following prize package: • Zero-turn lawnmower, courtesy of Southern AgCredit • $1,000, courtesy of Southern Farm Bureau Casualty Insurance Company • Expense-paid trip to compete in the American Farm Bureau Excellence in Agriculture Contest. Each regional Excellence in Agriculture winner received a Yeti cooler from the Mississippi Farm Bureau Insurance Company Sales Department. For more information about the Young Farmers & Ranchers program, contact coordinator Samantha Laird at (601) 573-7913. FB MISSISSIPPI FARM COUNTRY


Thad Cochran Agricultural Leadership Program



ississippi State University (MSU) and Mississippi professor. When she joined MSU in 2013, MSU Extension Director Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF) leaders gathered in Gary Jackson requested that Greenhaw develop an adult agricultural the U.S. Capitol last fall to announce the new Thad leadership course similar to other such programs around the counCochran Agricultural Leadership Program developed by the MSU try. These educational seminars target agricultural professionals who Extension Service. represent the full range of the industry and have five or six years The program is open of experience in agrito Mississippi’s next culture. Generally, cangeneration of agriculdidates are between 37 tural leaders and young and 45 years old. professionals, includ“Dr. Jackson wanted ing farmers, ranchers to develop this adult and agribusiness owners agricultural leadership and operators, as well program, and he has as extended agriculture cultivated these relaindustry specialists, such tionships with Farm as foresters and conserBureau that led to its vationists. The Thad sponsorship and impleCochran Agricultural mentation,” Greenhaw Leadership Program said. “We are going to will develop this diverse serve the agricultural group’s leadership skills, industry by providing U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran, center, celebrates the establishment of the Thad Cochran Agricultural enhance their under- Leadership Program, a collaboration between the Mississippi State University (MSU) Exten- professional developstanding of policy-mak- sion Service and Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF). Joining him are, from left, MSU ment in tangible and ing and increase their President Mark Keenum, MFBF Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee members Jay and Kim applicable leadership communication and col- Jayroe, MSU Division of Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine Associate Vice Presi- skills for emerging leaddent Bill Herndon, MSU Assistant Extension Professor and Program Director Laura Greenhaw, ers that allows them laborative abilities. Extension will deliver MFBF President Mike McCormick and MFBF Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee members to serve agriculture in the educational activities David and Rebekkah Arant on Nov. 14, 2016, in Washington, D.C. advanced leadership and content for nine intensive seminars over the two-year course. Mis- roles and may propel them into further public service. sissippi Farm Bureau Federation is sponsoring the program. “Thad Cochran also comes from agricultural roots, and he has “MSU has long benefitted from our partnership on many fronts spent his life in public service,” she continued. “We want to develop with the Mississippi Farm Bureau,” said MSU President Mark E. these young leaders in public service, too, and prepare them to Keenum. “We commend the Farm Bureau for their efforts to pro- become efficient and effective leaders.” mote agricultural leadership and share their recognition of just how Greenhaw said this partnership with Farm Bureau will enable the appropriate it is to name this program in honor of U.S. Sen. Thad first participating class to begin the program this fall. A new website, Cochran. Sen. Cochran has been a real champion of U.S. and global including application materials, will launch soon, and participants agriculture for decades.” will be selected and notified by Sept. 1. A 38-year veteran of the U.S. Senate, Cochran is a longstanding Continued individual, organizational and community investment leader and advocate for agriculture, both in Mississippi and around will offer additional opportunities to the leaders of tomorrow, Greenthe country, Keenum said. Cochran’s contributions to the U.S. Farm haw emphasized. The Mississippi Program for Advancement of AgriBill and the National Flood Insurance Program, as well as his ser- cultural Leadership Fund for Excellence is available through the MSU vice as chairman of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, have Foundation to contribute to the Thad Cochran Agricultural Leadership aided Mississippi agricultural stakeholders, as well as rural produc- Program, or to other agricultural leadership initiatives at the university. ers throughout the U.S. Call (662) 325-7000 to learn more about giving opportunities, The leadership course has been in development for about three or visit http://www.extension.msstate.edu to discover more about years, said program director Laura Greenhaw, an assistant Extension Extension educational programming. FB




Farm Bureau Ambassador Beth Tillman of Yalobusha County was selected as Farm Bureau Ambassador for 2017. During the coming year, Beth will serve as a spokesperson for Farm Bureau and agriculture at meetings and events around the state. The Mississippi State University senior, who is majoring in special education, will receive a $4,000 scholarship. The Farm Bureau Ambassador contest is sponsored annually by the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF) Women’s Programs. Beth is pictured with MFBF President Mike McCormick and State Women’s Chair Betty Mills. For more information about this program, contact MFBF Women’s Programs and Ag in the Classroom Coordinator Clara Bilbo at (601) 977-4245. FB




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t was as though Cin’Kyra Mosley and her horse, Reba, had She began caring for and training Reba, and today, the horse been waiting for each other their whole lives. is a totally different animal. And to give credit where credit is due, When the school girl from Kosciusko and the Red Sorrel Reba is a stable, sensible horse. The Mosleys say she has been a joy quarter horse mare from Tupelo finally met, they hit it off instantly. to own and train. They began training together and have been working together seam“Riding for Muffin just seems to come naturally,” Bennie said. lessly ever since. Reba responds to Cin’Kyra’s every command. In “My daddy roped cows and was a very good rider. Muffin seems to many instances, she seems to read her mind. In their barrel racing have a way with animals, but maybe she inherited her ability with efforts on the local, state and regional levels, Cin’Kyra and Reba horses from her grandfather.” have racked up many awards as they whoosh around barrels in Cin’Kyra is a member of the National Barrel Horse Association the familiar cloverleaf pattern, often so close only and the Holmes County 4-H program. She coma hairsbreadth of space remains between the horse CIN’KYRA IS A MEMBER OF petes in events through both groups, and she credand barrel. its both with helping her hone her horsemanship THE NATIONAL BARREL “She is good,” says Bennie Mosely, Cin’Kyra’s HORSE ASSOCIATION AND skills. She recently placed eighth in a Mississippi dad. He widens his eyes of emphasis. “I mean THE HOLMES COUNTY 4-H Horse Show Association state competition. She has PROGRAM. SHE COMPETES also participated in a Martha Josey Clinic on Barrel REALLY good.” IN EVENTS THROUGH Cin’Kyra, 13, won the 12- and 13-year-old age Racing to sharpen her skills and techniques. division in Barrel Racing in the 2016 Mississippi BOTH GROUPS, AND SHE Holmes County Extension Director Betsy CREDITS BOTH WITH 4-H Horse Championship Show in Jackson in June. Padgett sees a lot of potential in Cin’Kyra. Betsy She advanced to the 2016 Southern Regional 4-H HELPING HER HONE HER encourages all of the kids involved in the Holmes Horse Championships in Perry, Georgia, in late July, HORSEMANSHIP SKILLS. County 4-H program to seize every opportunity where she placed in the Top 20. Kids from approxiavailable to them. mately 13 southeastern states competed in the event. Cin’Kyra was “I had never been to a regional horse show, but I knew Cin’Kyra the first African-American to win the state 4-H title in Barrels. She would gain a lot of good experience,” she said. “I encouraged her says she was one of only two African-Americans to compete in the to go, and I helped facilitate her family’s visit. As it turns out, they regional show. had a great time.” “Muffin told me when she was 9 years old, “Daddy, I want to Bennie and Cin’Kyra’s mother, Lucinda, are their daughter’s barrel race,’” said the retired maintenance worker at Holmes Com- biggest fans. She has received encouragement from others as well. munity College. “I just nodded absently and said, ‘Okay, baby, I Bennie’s brother, Neal, and his cousin, James, told him at state need to get you a horse.’ I didn’t give it another thought. competition, “We’ve got the gas and the horse trailer, let’s go to “Sometime later, she brought it up again. She asked me, ‘Daddy, regionals.” They have been supportive ever since. Horse trainers, have you found me a barrel horse, yet?’ I caught the seriousness in Tim and Goldie McCown of Kosciusko, let Cin’Kyra use their her voice, and I paid attention.” riding arena to practice. And since Bennie is a longtime Attala “I just like horses,” Cin’Kyra said. “So I looked on the Internet, County Farm Bureau member, the Farm Bureaus in both Attala and that got me into barrel racing.” and Holmes counties sponsored Cin’Kyra in the regional 4-H horse A friend of Bennie’s in Tupelo knew of someone with a quar- competition. ter horse he thought the Mosleys could purchase. So Bennie and Cin’Kyra is working with another, faster quarter horse now, and his brother, Neal, hooked a trailer to their truck and went up there has high hopes for the future. to get her. “My ultimate goal is to compete in the National Finals Rodeo,” “I almost didn’t go. I kept putting it off,” he said sheepishly. she said. “When I am grown, I want to train horses and continue “Then when we saw how puny she was, I hesitated taking her.” to barrel race.” But Cin’Kyra was thrilled. Stay tuned. FB

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Cornbread Salad

1 box Jiffy cornbread mix 1 green pepper, chopped 1 med. onion, chopped 1 c. mayonnaise ½ c. sweet pickles, chopped ¼ c. sweet pickle juice 9 slices bacon, cooked and crumbled 4 med. tomatoes, peeled and chopped Bake cornbread as directed; cool and crumble. Combine tomatoes, green pepper, onion, pickles and bacon. Mix together mayonnaise and pickle juice; stir well. Mix mayonnaise mixture into vegetable mixture. Layer half of each, vegetable mixture and cornbread, in a glass bowl. Repeat layers. Cover and chill for two hours. Toss before serving. Clara Bilbo Madison County

1 dash dried thyme ½ c. mozzarella cheese, shredded Melt butter in saucepan over low heat. Add onions and cook 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add beef broth, water, sherry, Worcestershire sauce, pepper and thyme to pot. Increase heat and bring to boil; then reduce heat. Cover and simmer for five minutes. Divide into bowls. Top with croutons, then mozzarella. Broil until cheese melts and begins to brown. Peggy McKey Hinds County Chicken Tortilla Soup

4 (6-in.) corn tortillas 1 lb. skinless chicken breasts, cut into oneinch pieces 2 (14-oz.) cans chicken broth

1 tsp. ground cumin ½ c. rice, uncooked 1 can Mexicorn, drained 1 c. chunky salsa 1 T. fresh cilantro, chopped 2 T. fresh lime juice Cut tortillas into ½-inch strips and place on baking sheet. Spray tortillas with nonstick cooking spray. Bake at 425 degrees until golden brown. Coat saucepan with cooking spray and heat over mediumhigh heat one minute. Add chicken and cook until no longer pink, stirring often. Add broth, cumin and rice. Bring to a boil. Cover and cook over low heat 20 minutes. Stir in corn, salsa, cilantro and lime juice; heat through. Top with tortilla strips. Serves 6. Betty Edwards Amite County

Friday’s French Onion Soup

2 T. butter 3 c. beef broth 1 T. cooking sherry ¼ tsp. black pepper 1 c. soft croutons 4 c. onion, sliced 1½ c. water 1 T. Worcestershire sauce 20


COUNTRY COOKING, VOLUME V: These recipes are from “Country Cooking, Volume V,” available at most county offices. The cost is $20. If you order a cookbook from the state office, you will pay $20 plus postage. For more information, contact Pam Jones at (601) 977-4854. MARCH/APRIL 2017

Andrews to Chair State YF&R Committee

Row crop farmer Luke Andrews of Bolivar County has been elected by his peers to chair the 2017 State Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee. Luke will also serve as the young farmer representative on the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation Board of Directors. Luke and his wife, Morgan, have two sons, Miller, 5, and Park, 3.


MARCH 1 Ag Day at the Capitol, Jackson

MARCH 15 Teacher of Year Deadline MARCH 15 Coloring Contest Deadline MARCH 21 Women’s Day at the Capitol & Ronald McDonald House, Jackson

APRIL 13 Magnolia Beef & Poultry Expo, Raleigh

APRIL 20 Women’s Leadership Orientation MFBF Building, Jackson APRIL 21 Women’s Leadership Conference MFBF Building, Jackson APRIL 25-26 Secretaries’ Conference, Table 100 Flowood MAY 15 Deadline for Teacher/Volunteer AITC Workshops

JUNE 1 Scholarships Deadline


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Region 1 Regional Manager

New Seed Technology: Be Viable, Valuable, Visible Mississippi’s No.1 industry in both value and jobs is agricul- advancement of our industry to more efficiently feed and clothe ture. This fact is often repeated in Mississippi Farm Country mag- the world. Viability is certainly its intent. azine, and with good reason. Matt Rush, a passionate speaker at Beyond being viable, this new technology will certainly the 2016 MFBF Convention, spoke about how the agriculture require our industry to be visible. Whether we like it or not, industry needs to stay “viable, valuable and visible.” So, I reiter- changes in the way food is grown consistently raise questions and ate that agriculture is Mississippi’s No.1 industry to show that our concerns from the consumer. History leads me to believe naysaycommunity is certainly valuable, as is our voice. In this edition ers of agriculture and anti-farming interest groups will use this as of “Notes from the Field,” I want to address another attack on the way you do business. Mississippi’s and agriculture’s next opportuWell, let’s not allow them to get out ahead nity to be viable and visible regarding new of us this time. Be visible with this techseed technology that is becoming available nology by being a good steward, a good in row crops — soybeans and cotton. neighbor and a good teacher. I have seen Herbicide-tolerant crops are nothing firsthand the damage Dicamba and 2-4D new to row crop agriculture. The Roundup can do to susceptible crops. We have seen Ready® system brought this seed technolin other parts of the country where this ogy to the forefront of the industry in the damage can cause conflict between neighmid-1990s and has drastically influenced bors. So I urge you as Mississippians growthe systems being used today. Currently, a ing over 2 million acres of soybeans and new herbicide-tolerant seed technology is hundreds of thousands of acres in cotton “I URGE YOU AS MISSISSIPPIANS being brought to market through Monsanto do our best to implement this needed GROWING OVER 2 MILLION ACRES to’s Xtend® System and Dow AgroSciences technology safely and visibly. I also urge Enlist® System. Without getting too tech- OF SOYBEANS AND HUNDREDS OF the consumers to not be fooled by trigger nical, these systems will allow herbicides THOUSANDS OF ACRES IN COTTON words like “deadly pesticide” and “harm(Dicamba in the case of Xtend®, 2-4D in TO DO OUR BEST TO IMPLEMENT THIS ful GMO.” the case of Enlist®) to be applied over the NEEDED TECHNOLOGY SAFELY AND All technologies require adaptation. top of soybeans and cotton. This is not VISIBLY. I ALSO URGE THE CONSUM­ So, utilize Mississippi Farm Bureau, your news to many producers in this state, but ERS TO NOT BE FOOLED BY TRIGGER Mississippi State University Extension perI want us to stop and consider what we are sonnel and other industry professionals to WORDS LIKE “DEADLY PESTICIDE” embarking upon. better understand this advancement and AND “HARMFUL GMO.” With any new technology implementathe farmer’s role in it. For those of you who tion comes a learning curve. When a new version of the iPhone® are merely the consumers of these products, call upon these same is released, it often has updates after its initial launch that are people, along with the farmer, to clear any concerns you may have. needed to make the phone as beneficial as it is intended. Farm Being viable, valuable and visible will be key for Mississippi’s agriBureau’s different recordkeeping programs are being upgraded to cultural and rural community moving forward, and what better better service our members, but will take our staff learning how to place to begin than with this seed technology. adapt to this advancement. These are examples of viability where If you have direct questions, please contact your regional growing and developing toward the future are beneficial, even if manager or our Environmental Programs coordinator. They do it requires a few growing pains. I hope the introduction of this a great job helping all of us understand our future in ag techseed technology will be just that for our row crop producers, an nology stewardship. FB 22



Young Farmers Visit Washington, D.C. Members of the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF) Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee traveled to our nation's capital in November to meet with lawmakers and several key federal agencies on agricultural issues. This group of young farmers met with Congressmen Gregg Harper, Trent Kelly, Steven Palazzo and Bennie Thompson, as well as Senator Roger Wicker and Senator Thad Cochran's staff. The group visited the American Farm Bureau Federation for a policy update and the Japanese Embassy for a trade briefing. They met with staff from both the House Agriculture and House Appropriations committees and visited with staff members from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Through their visit to Washington, D.C., these young farmers and ranchers helped to inform critical decision makers about real issues affecting farmers and the agriculture industry. For more information about the MFBF Young Farmers & Ranchers program, contact Samantha Laird at (601) 573-7913. FB

State YF&R Committee members who visited Washington, D.C., are, from left, Jay Jayroe, Kim Jayroe, Matt Karisch, Brandi Karisch, Cala Tabb, Rebekkah Arant, David Arant, Collin Hutcheson, Kelly Skinner, Will Skinner, Lauren Guedon, Matthew Guedon, Smith Stoner and Brian Layton.




Agriculture’s Value Important Part Of State’s Economy



he estimated $7.6 billion value of Mississippi agriculture increased by 1.8 percent in 2016, helping the industry retain its prominence in the state’s overall economy. “Agriculture’s reach in the state goes well beyond just the value of the goods produced,” said Brian Williams, an agricultural economist with the Mississippi State University Extension Service. “The ag industry helps support many of our small towns across the state, as producers purchase inputs at the local co-op, buy new vehicles at the local car dealer or hire a local accountant to help with taxes. “When all the extra economic impact of agriculture is taken into account, the total economic impact of agriculture to the state of Mississippi is actually much more than the $7.6 billion worth of agricultural products that are produced,” he said. Soybeans were the most profitable row crop in 2016, topping $1 billion in value — down just slightly from the previous year. Cotton came in next, with an estimated value of $442 million. Corn was third among the row crops at $436 million. While these three are the main row crops in the state, peanuts, rice, sweet potatoes and wheat contributed significantly to the value generated from farms in 2016, as well. Hay, catfish, cattle and specialty crops also add dollars to the state’s agricultural value. But the biggest part of the agricultural sector in Mississippi does not come from what many consider traditional farms. Poultry remains the state’s largest agricultural commodity. It was worth an estimated $2.9 billion in 2016, an increase of 8 percent. Forestry had a tough year, but it remains the state’s second-largest source of agricultural income, bringing an estimated $1.4 billion in 2016, down 15 percent from a year ago. “Poultry saw a sharp decline in the value of eggs produced, driven mostly by lower egg prices as U.S. egg production recovered from the avian influMARCH/APRIL 2017

enza outbreak a year ago,” Williams said. “That decline was more than offset by an increase in broiler production in Mississippi. We saw more birds produced this year and slightly higher broiler prices, which gave a nice boost to the industry.” Weather, insects, disease, market prices and input costs all affect the profitability of crops every year. Among the biggest winners in agriculture in 2016 were broilers, cotton, corn, sweet potatoes and peanuts. There were also losers in the annual profit battle. Grain sorghum lost an estimated 91 percent of its value compared to 2015, while the value of wheat was cut nearly in half. Livestock and catfish also suffered significant losses. “Farmers must be risk managers, knowing that some years will bring positive revenues and others significant losses, primarily due to low prices and/or yields,” said Keith Coble, head of the MSU Department of Agricultural Economics. “Farmers survive by using risk management tools and other strategies, such as self-insurance through savings, and others do better than average at keeping costs low.” FB



2016 State Convention

Marion County Farm Bureau received the President’s Award as the best over- The Reed Brothers, an award-winning country gospel group from Winston all county program. County, presented the Worship Service program.

Harrison County Farm Bureau received the J. K. Simpson Memorial Award, The Farm Credit System was honored for celebrating its 100th anniversary presented to the county with the highest numerical membership gain over the in 2016. The three Farm Credit institutions serving our state received the Ag past year by state convention. Ambassador award for their service to agriculture. They include Mississippi Land Bank, represented by Craig Shideler; First South Farm Credit, represented by John Barnard; and Southern AgCredit, represented by Joe Hayman.

Simpson County received the Mike Blankenship Outstanding County Safety Perry County received the Mike Blankenship Outstanding County Safety Award for South Mississippi. Award for South Mississippi. Rankin County Farm Bureau, not pictured, received the award for Central Mississippi. 26



2016 State Convention

The winner of the Mike Blankenship Outstanding County Safety Award for A Mississippi Pennies donation was presented to Pine Vale Children’s Home North Mississippi was Calhoun County. in Corinth. Accepting the donation was Pine Vale Children’s Home Director Randy Collum. He is pictured with State Women’s Chair Betty Mills.

Camille Young with Cornerstone Activities related to the Ag Book of the Year, “The Cow in Patrick O’Shanahan’s Kitchen,” were enjoyed during an Ag Government Affairs gave an inspira- in the Classroom Workshop. tional talk at the Women’s Breakfast.

Convention attendees participated in a contest to name the new milk cow used in the Ag Last year’s state and national Young Farmers & Ranchers Achievein the Classroom program. The winning name was Lilly Belle, submitted by Bob Work- ment Award recipients William and Cala Tabb announced this year’s man of Quitman County (whose granddaughter came up with the name). He is pictured state winners. with members of the State Women’s Leadership Committee. MARCH/APRIL 2017



2016 State Convention

The Pilgrim Family from Leake County provided music for the President’s Women’s Outstanding Achievement Awards were presented to Yalobusha Reception and led a short devotional during the Sunday evening General County for Agriculture in the Classroom; DeSoto County for Information, OrgaSession. nization and Government Relations; and Stone County for Community Service.

Lawrence County Farm Bureau received the Women’s Outstanding Achieve- A donation was presented to the Mustard Seed of Brandon during the Women’s Breakfast. Mustard Seed Director of Community Relations Mandy Sisson ment Award for Youth Safety Volunteer. and Mustard Seed Executive Director Del Harrington are shown with District 4 Women’s Chair Jody Bailey.

During the Women’s Breakfast, a donation was presented to help fund five private suites in a new Neonatal Intensive Care tower next to Children’s of Mississippi so that parents can stay near their infants. This fundraising effort is a part of The Campaign for Children’s of Mississippi. Pictured are Major Gifts Officer Thorne Butler, Courtney Baggett and her mother, Kim Martin, whose dream it Keith Heard, chief of staff for U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran, spoke at convention and was to build an “Anchor House,” where the parents of infants in intensive care accepted Sen. Cochran’s Friend of Farm Bureau award on his behalf. MARCH/APRIL 2017 could stay, and State Women’s Chair Betty Mills.

2016 State Convention

Julie White of Oktibbeha County spoke about her experience with the Partners in Agricultural Leadership (PAL) class. The 10 outstanding young farmers selected by the American Farm Bureau Federation to participate in PAL benefitted from a program designed to help agricultural leaders accelerate their leadership abilities and solidify their roles as advocates for agriculture.

Congressmen Trent Kelly and Gregg Harper participated in convention activities. These two men were formally presented the Friend of Farm Bureau award this past fall, along with Congressman Steven Palazzo, who is not pictured.

Outstanding county Farm Bureau programs in each region include: Region 1 – Hancock County Farm Bureau received the Gary Chittom Memorial Award as a DeSoto County; Region 2 – Calhoun County; Region 3 – Montgomery County; first quota county in the 1750 members and above category. Choctaw County, Region 4 – Monroe County; Region 5 – Simpson County; Region 6 – Covington not pictured, received the award in the less than 1750 members category. County; Region 7 – Marion County; and Region 8 – Stone County.

The General Store, sponsored by the MFBF Women’s Programs, enjoyed State FFA officers were in charge of the posting of the colors and the national excellent participation this year. anthem during the opening General Session. MARCH/APRIL 2017



2016 State Convention

Farm Woman of the Year Jo Lynn Mitchell received $500 from Southern Delivering the keynote address was motivational speaker Matt Rush. Rush AgCredit, represented by Senior Credit Analyst Lylla Joe, and $500 from spoke about the importance of the agriculture industry being viable, valuable the MFBF Women’s Programs. Jo Lynn is also pictured with State Women’s and visible, as farmers tell their story to consumers across the state and nation. Chair Betty Mills and MFBF President Mike McCormick.

Secretary of State Delbert Hoseman talked about the Mississippi River Flood Chef Matthew Kajdan of Parlor Market presented a Farm-to-Table Cooking Control program. Demonstration.

The Young Farmers & Ranchers Live and Silent auctions were a big success 2016 State Resolutions Committee Chair Joe Huerkamp of Noxubee County this year. presided over the resolutions process during the annual Business Session. 30



2016 State Convention

Retirees were honored during the Women’s Breakfast and Business Session. They are Carolyn Turner, District 7 Women’s Chair; Barbara Magness, Grenada County Women’s Chair; and Helen Allison, Sunflower County Women’s Chair. They are pictured with State Women’s Chair and Vice Chair Betty Mills and Shelby Williams.

Outstanding county Farm Bureau women’s programs in each district include: District 1 – Bolivar County; District 2 – Union County; District 3 – Scott County; District 4 – Montgomery County; District 5 – Marion County; District 6 – Lauderdale County; District 7 – Jackson County; and District 8 – Sunflower County.

Mississippi Commissioner of Agriculture Cindy Hyde-Smith spoke during the U.S. Sen. Roger Wicker spoke at convention and was presented his Friend of convention. Farm Bureau award.

Mark Sandridge, Madison County Sheriff’s Department, presented a program Reelected during the Women’s Business Session were District 3 Women’s Chair Peggy McKey, District 1 Women’s Chair Deniese Swindoll; and District 5 Womon crime prevention and personal protection. en’s Chair Betty Edwards (all in blue jackets). Renee Keith of Lamar County was elected District 7 Women’s Chair upon the retirement of Carolyn Turner. MARCH/APRIL 2017



Farm Families of Mississippi Fundraising Dinner

The Farm Families of Mississippi Ag Promotion Campaign held its annual fundraising dinner at Table 100 in Flowood this past fall. The event also serves to spotlight local foods and the farmers who grow them. Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation Communications Coordinator Greg Gibson, center in front, is pictured with Table 100 staff members, from left, Banquet Manager Diane Rester; General Manager Nathan Delaware; Executive Chef Mike Roemhild; and Sales Manager Mary Allen Bennett.




Ag Mags Available

The most recent issue of our Ag Mag children’s newsletter features land and water. You can order Ag Mags for your local classroom or ag promotion events from our Ag in the Classroom program. Dairy, corn, poultry, horticulture, cotton, peanut, honey bee, soil, beef and soybean editions are also available.




Contact Pam Jones at: pjones@msfb.org or (601) 977-4854.

Ag Book of the


The 2017 Ag Book of the Year is “The Cow in Patrick O’ Shanahan’s Kitchen” by Diana Prichard, illustrated by Heather Devlin Knopf. Ever wonder where your breakfast comes from? Patrick O’ Shanahan never gave it a second thought, until the morning he found a cow in his kitchen! This eye-opening romp will have kids and foodies of all ages laughing out loud and maybe asking their own questions about how those chicken fingers and pudding snacks arrived at the lunch table. “The Cow in Patrick O’ Shanahan’s Kitchen” sells for $10 and comes with a free educator’s guide. FB TO ORDER, CALL PAM JONES AT (601) 977-4854. MARCH/APRIL 2017



See Page 2 for Details on the New Member Savings App. 34



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