How to Start a Title I Funded Pre-K Program

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HOW TO START A TOOLKIT Title I Funded Pre-K Program



Rachel Canter is the Executive Director. She is the author of all of Mississippi First reports, including the State of Pre-K and Mississippi Voices. Rachel founded Mississippi First in 2008.

use, reproduction, and distribution of our ideas, perspectives, and analyses. We require attribution for all use. Commercial use is not allowed. 125 S. Congress Street, Suite 1510 Jackson, MS 601.398.900839201•

Angela Bass is the Deputy Director of Policy. She is the co-author of many of Mississippi First's reports, including the State of Pre-K and Mississippi Voices.

This report was made possible by the generous support of the Alliance for Early Success. The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors alone. We extend special thanks to Meghan Tooke and Jessica Benson of the Tallahatchie River Foundation; Cathy Grace of The Graduate Center for the Study of Early Learning, University of Mississippi; Joyce Greer, Laura Dickson, and Jill Dent of the Mississippi Department of Education; and Holly Spivey of the Head Start Collaboration Office.

About Mississippi First Mississippi First is a 501c3 public policy nonprofit specializing in improving public education in Mississippi. Mississippi First is a leading voice for state-funded pre-K, highquality public charter schools, and rigorous state learning standards.

MacKenzie Stroh Hines is the Director of Communications. MacKenzie designs all Mississippi First materials, including this report, and leads Mississippi First’s communications mackenzie@mississippifirst.orgstrategy.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 What is Title I Pre-K? ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Program Requirements ................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Teacher and Assistant Teacher Qualifications 2 Professional Development 2 Standards................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Curriculum ............................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Assessment .............................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Class Size and Student-Teacher Ratios ...................................................................................................................................... 3 Screening and Referrals ........................................................................................................................................................... 3 Provision of Meals 4 Instructional Minutes ............................................................................................................................................................... 4 Family Engagement ................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Enrollment ............................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Transportation ......................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Facility ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Monitoring 5 Supplement, Not Supplant Regulations 6 Budgeting ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Appendix A: General Information .................................................................................................................................................. 7 Appendix B: Getting Started ......................................................................................................................................................... 9 Appendix C: Pre-K Budget Narrative Tool..................................................................................................................................... 21

Title I pre-K refers to pre-K programs funded exclusively with dollars from Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). School districts may also blend Title I funds with another source of funds to operate a pre-K program. These programs, which we refer to as “blended Head Start” if they blend Title I and Head Start dollars or “hybrid” programs if they blend Title I dollars with any other source, must also follow all of the requirements of programs funded exclusively by Title I. Title I pre-K programs are operated by local school districts and monitored by the Mississippi Department of Education (MDE). There is no pre-K-specific application process to start a Title I pre-K program, but MDE must approve the district’s general plan for all Title I funds (called a district’s Consolidated Federal Programs Application, or CFPA) for these funds to be available. The list below briefly describes the most important factors differentiating Title I pre-K from other Mississippi pre-K programs:


The best way to use this toolkit is to read it in chronological order; however, as authors, we have assumed readers have a certain level of background knowledge. If readers are looking for basic information about pre-K—such as the research base or common practices—these toolkits were not designed for that purpose. We suggest general resources about pre-K in Appendix A: General Information.

• Funding: To operate Title I pre-K programs, school districts may use school-wide program funding, targeted assistance program funding, or district-wide program funding. Depending on the type of Title I dollars the district uses, different children may be eligible to attend and additional regulations may apply. Please see the sections on Supplement, Not Supplant Regulations; Enrollment; and Budgeting for further information.

In addition to a basic level of knowledge about pre-K, we assume that readers of this toolkit are seriously considering or have decided to start a Title I pre-K program. Readers who are still unsure what type of program they may wish to start should consult Appendix B: Getting Started for two tools that will help a community begin its work to start or improve a pre-K program. The first tool is a needs assessment that will help communities identify strengths and weaknesses for starting or improving a pre-K program. The second tool is a program selection tool that explains the different types of pre-K programs in Mississippi and helps users select their best pre-K program type based on their context. Only if Title I pre-K is among a reader’s top scores should the reader continue using this toolkit. Finally, being able to operate a Title I pre-K program is dependent on available Title I funding, which is managed by local school districts. Please see the Budgeting section of this toolkit for more information on Title I funding.

• Quality: Pre-K programs funded with Title I dollars—whether funded exclusively by Title I or only in part—must meet both federal guidance for Title I, Part A pre-K programs as well as MDE’s Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines for Classrooms Serving Three- and Four-Year-Old Children (2018). Between these two sets of standards, Title I pre-K programs must meet the highest standards for quality, including the 10 quality benchmarks identified by the National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER).

This toolkit is part of a series intended to help communities understand how to launch different types of pre-K programs. This toolkit focuses on starting a Title I pre-K program. Some aspects of this toolkit are the same as each toolkit in the series while others are unique. Every toolkit is intended to stand alone, such that a person reading one toolkit will not need to refer to another to grasp all of the important information. Nonetheless, where appropriate, the toolkits each refer to relevant outside resources.



By 2022, 100% of lead teachers in public school pre-K classrooms must meet the following requirements:*

• 12 early childhood college credit hours from an institution granting bachelor’s degrees in early childhood; or

• Elementary Education K-6 (120)

† The N-1 endorsement may only be added to a K-6 (120) license.

‡ By 2020, 50% of assistant teachers in public school pre-K classrooms must meet these requirements.

• a bachelor’s degree in early childhood or related field;

Title I pre-K programs must follow federal guidance for pre-K programs as well as the MDE Guidelines for all public school pre-K programs. In this section, we outline the basic regulatory requirements for Title I pre-K programs. Please consult the MDE Guidelines for more detail.

All public school pre-K instructional staff must participate annually in at least 15 hours of training related to early childhood. This training can be delivered in a combination of ways, including from the school or district, MDE, or other agencies or organizations that provide training related to early childhood. MDE provides both calendared and on-demand professional development free to school districts.

• Elementary Education K-4 (152)

The MDE Guidelines require high standards for lead teacher and assistant teacher qualifications. MDE has created additional support documents, such as a two-page graphic and a list of approved courses, to assist school districts in complying with these requirements.

1. Possess an associate’s degree in early childhood education, child development, or an equivalent field or 2. Possess an associate’s degree in any field or 60 college credit hours and 12 early childhood college credit hours, a Child Development Associate credential, a Montessori certification, or an equivalent certification, including completion of MDE’s intensive specialized early childhood training program.

• Elementary Education K-3 (116)

By 2022, 100% of assistant teachers in public school pre-K classrooms must meet one of the two following requirements:‡

* By 2020, 50% of lead teachers in public school pre-K classrooms must meet these requirements.

Teacher and Assistant Teacher Qualifications

• a valid pre-K endorsement (153) or Nursery through Grade 1 endorsement (N-1); †

• completion of an approved program, such as a Child Development Associate (CDA), National Board Pre-K Certification, Director’s Credential, Montessori Credential, or MDE’s intensive specialized early childhood training program.

1. Possess a minimum of a bachelor’s degree

Additionally, lead teachers must hold one of the following valid licenses prior to any endorsements:

Specialization in early childhood includes

2. Demonstrate a specialization in early childhood education


Professional Development

3. Hold a valid license



Public school pre-K programs must use a curriculum aligned to the Mississippi Early Learning Standards for Classrooms Serving Infants through FourYear-Olds. As of May 2018, MDE is in the process of revising its list of approved curricula. Updates may be found on MDE’s website.

Public school pre-K classrooms must have a student-teacher ratio of one adult for every 10 children, with a maximum class size of 20 children per classroom. At least one adult who meets lead teacher qualifications must be assigned to each classroom, with a second adult meeting at least the assistant teacher qualifications. Occasional visitors and parents are not counted as adults in each classroom’s student-teacher ratio. Please see Teacher and Assistant Teacher Qualifications for requirements for adults.


Public school pre-K programs must use assessments aligned to the Mississippi Early Learning Standards for Classrooms Serving Infants through Four-Year-Old Children. All four-year-old children in a public school pre-K program must take the required state kindergarten-readiness assessment in both the fall and spring of each year. Currently, MDE uses the MKAS2 as the state’s kindergarten-entry exam. The MKAS2 was developed by Renaissance Learning, the same national testing company that developed STAR Reading. MDE has purchased MKAS2 for each child in a public school pre-K program. Public school pre-K programs must also use the Brigance Early Childhood Screen III (3-5), which is the state-adopted comprehensive early learning assessment (CELA). Finally, public school pre-K programs should use developmentally appropriate techniques on an ongoing basis to measure children’s progress. Such techniques could include “portfolios of children’s work, age-appropriate checklists, performance scales, anecdotal records, observational reports, video and audio tape recordings, experience charts, photographs, and other formal and informal assessments.”1


Screenings and Referrals

Screenings for vision and hearing are required within the first 45 days of school, with any needed referrals required in the 30 days following the screening. A comprehensive health screening (e.g., EPSDT) is strongly recommended. In addition to conducting screenings, schools may partner with another organization, such as the health department or Head Start, to conduct screenings or may accept screenings from private physicians, as long as each child is screened.

Class Size and Student-Teacher Ratios

Public school pre-K programs must use the state’s early learning standards, which are the Mississippi Early Learning Standards for Classrooms Serving Infants through Four-Year-Old Children (2018). These standards are aligned to the Mississippi College and Career Readiness Standards for K-12. Programs should also incorporate the Mississippi Early Learning Teaching Strategies for Classrooms Serving Four-Year-Old Children.

Children who are enrolled in a Title I-funded pre-K program must be “at risk of failing to meet the State’s academic achievement standards,”2 according to the U.S. Department of Education. Determining which children are eligible for Title I pre-K depends on the type of Title I funding to be used for the program: school-wide program funding, targeted assistance program funding, or district-wide funding.

• District-wide Program Funding: Districts may only serve all children in a district-funded Title I program if all schools within the district qualify for school-wide Title I programs. Similarly, districts with a Title I program for a portion of schools may only serve all children in the attendance zones of those schools if all of the schools qualify for school-wide programs. Otherwise, only children who qualify as at risk of failing to meet state standards are eligible to attend.

Family Engagement

To determine eligibility for a targeted assistance or district-wide Title I pre-K program (or to prioritize among children in any Title I pre-K program), programs must use “multiple, educationally related, objective criteria.”3 Examples of educationally related, objective criteria include the results of academic and developmental screeners, such as the Brigance screener and the ASQ, or parent questionnaires. Poverty status may not be used as a sole criterion to indicate need, although it may be taken into consideration when prioritizing among eligible children.

All public school pre-K programs must provide opportunities for family engagement. MDE requires that pre-K programs create a parent handbook that includes the program’s philosophy, goals, policies, and unique program information and distribute it to parents. Programs must also schedule at least three face-to-face parent-teacher conferences throughout the year and be able to provide MDE with documentation of these meetings.

Pre-K programs must notify parents of their child’s progress, including their child’s formal assessment results, at least three times per year. Pre-K programs must also facilitate a parent satisfaction survey once a year.

Full-day programs must offer at least one meal meeting state and federal nutritional guidelines. Students may pay for these meals or may qualify for free or reduced-priced meals.

• School-wide Program: All children living within the attendance zone of a school with a school-wide program are eligible to attend its Title I pre-K program. If the school’s program has more applicants than available spaces, the program must prioritize students based on those most at risk of failing to meet state standards.

• Targeted Assistance Program: Children seeking to attend a Title I program in a targeted assistance program school are eligible only if they qualify as at risk of failing to meet state standards. If the school’s program has more applicants than available spaces, the program must prioritize students based on those most at risk of failing to meet state standards.


Provision of Meals


Instructional Minutes

Full-day programs must complete at least 1,080 hours a school year, which is 360 minutes per day for 180 instructional days. Half-day programs must complete 540 hours a school year, which is 180 minutes per day for 180 instructional days.

Transportation Transportation is optional. School districts providing transportation must follow the National Highway Transportation Safety Association (NHTSA) guidelines. These guidelines recommend placing four-year-old students in the first few rows of a school bus as well as utilizing properly secured Child Safety Restraint Systems (CSRS). Caregivers should be 18 years of age or older and an employee of the school district. In addition, school districts must follow the caregiver ratio below:

Some children are automatically eligible. Children who attended Head Start within the prior two years, who were served by Part C of Title I (migrant education) within the prior two years, children who are homeless, or children who attend a “local institution for neglected or delinquent children and youth or attend a community-day program for these children”4 are automatically eligible. Automatically eligible does not mean automatically served, as the program must still prioritize children based on need if more children are eligible than can be served. Some automatically eligible children may be more ready for school, for example, than children who are not automatically eligible. If more children are eligible than available spaces, some school districts assign points for each indicator of need exhibited by a child and then accept the children with the most points into their Title I pre-K program.


• When transporting 5 to 16 four-year-olds on a bus, one caregiver in addition to the driver should be on the bus.

• When transporting 17 to 32 four-year-olds on a bus, two caregivers in addition to the driver should be on the bus. Facility Mississippi public school pre-K classrooms must contain at least 35 square feet per child and a minimum of 600 square feet,§ as well as meet other facility requirements as detailed in the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines for Classrooms Serving Three- and FourYear Old Children. The maximum number of children enrolled in each classroom may not exceed 20, regardless of the square footage. Non-public school spaces must also follow the physical structure components in the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines for Classrooms Serving Three- and Four-Year-Old Children.


The school district must develop an internal procedure for monitoring pre-K classrooms. In addition, early childhood staff members from MDE will conduct an annual effectiveness evaluation. The effectiveness evaluation combines child outcome data from the kindergarten-readiness assessment (MKAS2), the comprehensive early learning assessment (Brigance), and a measure of classroom quality (CLASS). The effectiveness evaluation requires MDE to conduct CLASS observations in each school district. In addition, MDE will conduct on-site monitoring to determine the program’s adherence to program standards (i.e., Public Standard 17.2) as part of the district’s periodic audit through MDE’s Office of Accreditation. § Classrooms constructed after July 2017 must contain a minimum of 1,000 square feet.

• There is no state law requiring pre-K services.

1 Wright, Carey M., and Kim S. Benton. 2016. “Appendix C: Audit Checklist for 17.2-Pre-Kindergarten.” In Effectiveness Evaluation for Early Learning Collaboratives and Other Pre-K Classrooms. Jackson, MS: Mississippi Department of Education.


Schools receiving Title I, Part A funds remain capable of operating a viable school-wide program, including providing services required by law under ESEA section 1114(a)(2)(B) (school-wide model) for students in K-12.

• Where a state law is applicable, Title I, Part A funds are used to implement pre-K programs to the extent federal dollars supplement the state requirements.

• In instances of schools operating a state-approved early learning collaborative, federal funds may be used to supplement, as well as to match, state funding to advance early childhood programs.

A Title I pre-K classroom of 20 students that meets MDE Guidelines will cost approximately $100,000 per year, largely dependent on teacher and assistant salaries. This does not include a one-time start-up cost of $23,500 for the purchase of educational materials, furniture, equipment, and technology to stock a classroom. Appendix C: Pre-K Budget Narrative Tool includes a realistic, itemized estimate of what a pre-K classroom meeting MDE Guidelines might cost. Please refer to the appendix to find a list of suggested and required expenses as well as an estimate of their cost.

The following link provides additional federal guidance for Title I-funded pre-K programs: preschoolguidance2012.pdf.

Title I pre-K programs are funded by federal Title I dollars received by local school districts. School districts may use Title I funds for a school-wide program, targeted assistance program, or district-wide program to operate pre-K classrooms. The choice of which type of Title I funds to use will impact which students are eligible to attend the program, as explained in the Enrollment section. School districts may decide the amount of Title I money to provide to the pre-K program without additional oversight, provided that the program abides by supplement, not supplant regulations and the district provides enough funding to cover the costs of meeting MDE Guidelines for each planned classroom.

3 Ibid. 4 Ibid.


If a district chooses to fund its program in whole or in part with Title I funds, it must ensure the program meets federal regulations. These regulations allow school districts to operate a preschool program funded by Title I as long as the following criteria are met:


2 U.S. Department of Education. 2012. Serving Preschool Children through Title I Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as Amended: Non-Regulatory Guidance. Washington, D.C. Accessed June 26, 2018.

The State of Preschool is an annual publication that tracks the funding, access, and policies of state-funded pre-K programs. In addition, NIEER identifies 10 research-based program standards linked to highly effective programs and ranks each state-funded program across the nation according to these 10 standards.

Barnett, Steven W., Allison H. Friedman-Krauss, G.G. Weisenfeld, Michelle Horowitz, Richard Kasmin, and James H. Squires. 2018. The State of Preschool 2017. Research report, New Brunswick, NJ: National Institute for Early Education Research, Rutgers University. Accessed April 18, 2018.

The State of Pre-K in Mississippi 2014-2015 quantifies pre-K access—whether public or private—in every Mississippi community. Additionally, the report includes detailed programmatic and contextual information about pre-K programs and the communities they serve. It is released every three Canter,years. Rachel, and Angela Bass. 2017. The State of Pre-K in Mississippi 2014-2015. Research Report, Jackson, MS: Mississippi First. Accessed April 13, 2018.


New America Foundation

The New America Foundation’s website offers a clear, simple write-up about pre-K. New America Foundation. 2018. “Pre-K.” Accessed April 13. pre-k/.

Pre-K Benefits features a summary of some of the most recent, high-quality research studies pertaining to the benefits of pre-K programs for Durrance,children. Samantha. 2018. Pre-K Benefits: 2018 Update. Research report, Atlanta, GA: Southern Regional Education Board. Accessed April 13, 2018.

The Current State of Scientific Knowledge on Pre-Kindergarten Effects provides a comprehensive description of the pre-K landscape in America today. In addition, the report presents some of the most prevalent issues and challenges in early education along with a summary of the research findings pertaining to each issue. Brookings Institute. 2017. The Current State of Scientific Knowledge on Pre-Kindergarten Effects. Research Report, Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institute. Accessed April 13, 2018.


Mississippi First

This appendix is intended to provide general information about pre-K for toolkit readers who know very little about the topic. Below, we provide links for a beginner’s study of current information about pre-K, both nationally and in Mississippi.


Brookings Institute

The National Institute for Early Education Research



Southern Regional Education Board

The Mississippi Head Start Collaboration Office is located in the Office of the Governor. The office develops collaborative partnerships with early childhood and family service providers, educators, advocates, and agencies statewide. Website:

The First Five Years Fund advances federal investment in quality early childhood education for disadvantaged children from birth to age five. Additionally, it provides policymakers, advocates, and the public with the research and information necessary to make informed investments in quality early childhood development.

Mississippi Department of Human Services, Division of Early Childhood Care and Development

Mississippi First Mississippi First is a state-based policy and advocacy 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Mississippi First has been an advocate for early childhood education in Mississippi since our founding in 2008. The organization advocates for the expansion of high-quality, state-funded pre-K and tracks pre-K access and quality in the state.


The Office of Early Education at the Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) provides regulatory guidance for pre-K programs implemented in public school settings. Additionally, they provide resources for families and providers to prepare children to be ready for kindergarten. MDE disseminates federal and state funds for early childhood programs in Mississippi. Website:


United States Department of Education, Office of Early Learning

Mississippi Department of Education, Office of Early Childhood

The Office of Early Learning at the United States Department of Education is charged with supporting the department’s early learning initiatives and its goal of improving the health, socio-emotional, and cognitive outcomes for children from birth to third grade. The office is also responsible for the discretionary grant programs exclusively focused on early learning. Website:


Alliance for Early Success

First Five Years Fund


The Division of Early Childhood Care and Development at the Mississippi Department of Human Services tracks the licensed childcare services available to young children in Mississippi communities. Additionally, they administer the Child Care Development Fund program, which provides assistance to working families in need of childcare services. Website:


Mississippi Head Start Collaboration Office

The Alliance for Early Success brings early education leaders together in innovative ways to advance state policies leading to improved health, learning, and economic outcomes for young children, starting at birth and ending at age eight. Website:

Thisinstead.information is collected by Mississippi First every three years and published in the State of Pre-K report. The latest report can be accessed here: only.students.informationAsstate-pre-k-mississippi-2014-2015/,youshouldhavemorerecentdata.Besuretogatheraboutpre-KofferedtobothregulareducationandspecialeducationSomedistrictsofferpre-Kserviceslimitedtospecialeducationstudents



Enrollment information is readily available on the MDE website. You can access it by going to this link: Be sure to include both special education and regular education kindergarten enrollments.


This appendix contains two important tools: a needs assessment tool and a program selection tool. It also contains a short explanation of the different types of public school pre-K programs.


This needs assessment tool provides a list of data that school districts should use to evaluate the need for pre-K in their communities. Additionally, we provide data guidelines for how to use the information collected. A template for organizing the data can found at http://www.


Number of Seats Available in District Pre-K Program (Capacity) We use present-year capacity to demonstrate capacity prior to any proposed program. If you know that your school district plans to grow or shrink its pre-K program in the next year without a new Title I program, use the planned capacity


Number of Students Enrolled in Kindergarten (Present Year) We use present-year enrollment to estimate the number of children likely to be in kindergarten next year. If your school district is experiencing rapid declines or growth in enrollment, you may want to determine the average percentage change over a three-year period to raise or lower the present-year enrollment (Present Year*% Change + Present Year = Projected Enrollment).

An effective program aligns services to community needs. As a part of the Consolidated Federal Programs Application, a school district must assess its need to use Title I dollars for a pre-K program.


Head Start eligibility is countywide, so counties with multiple school districts share the overall number of Head Start seats available. Some school districts in a county may have better access to seats, depending on where centers are located. This makes it hard to determine a separate Head Start “capacity” figure from an “enrollment” figure in most instances, as most counties have multiple school districts. As a result, we recommend using enrollment in Head Start in nearly all instances (if you are in a single-district county, you can decide between “capacity” and “enrollment”).

We use present-year enrollment to assess access prior to any proposed program.

In some cases, your district may have a pre-K program operated by a nonprofit organization and funded by philanthropic dollars. These seats may not show up as either “district” seats or “licensed childcare” seats. If such a program exists in your community, you should include these seats as part of your evaluation of access. The State of Pre-K report may include information about these types of programs if they existed in 2014-15.

This information is collected by Mississippi First every three years and published in the State of Pre-K report. The latest report can be accessed here: district.transitionyourstate-pre-k-mississippi-2014-2015/,youshouldcontactlocalHeadStartcenter(s).AskthemhowmanychildrentransitionedorwilltoyourtargetschooldistricttoestimateHeadStartenrollmentforyour

Total Number of Seats Available in Other Public Pre-K Programs (Capacity)

If your school district is experiencing rapid declines or growth in enrollment, you may want to determine the average percentage change over a three-year period to raise or lower the present-year enrollment (Present Year*% Change + Present Year = Projected Enrollment).

Number of Students in Local Head Start Centers

Number of Students Enrolled in Other Public Pre-K Programs (Enrollment)


Number of Students Enrolled in District Pre-K Program (Enrollment in Present Year)

Enrollment information is readily available on the MDE website. You can access it by going to this link: Be sure to include both special education and regular education pre-K enrollments.

Remember to include the enrollment of any other public pre-K program within the district.



Number of Four-Year-Old Children in Licensed Childcare Centers In addition to public pre-K, licensed childcare offers access to early childhood experiences. The State Department of Health maintains a listing of all the licensed childcare centers currently in operation in your county at https://www.msdh. (Please note that some Head Start centers are required to be licensed. Exclude those centers that you have already counted in your Head Start data collection.) The capacity data listed on the State Department of Health website is not specific to four-year-olds. Mississippi First collects four-year-old capacity data for licensed childcare centers every three years for our State of Pre-K report. (When childcare centers did not provide a response about capacity, we used four-year-old enrollment.) Using the list of active providers from the State Department of Health, add up all the relevant capacity numbers from the State of Pre-K report. The latest report can be accessed here: incomplete.thisincludingInprek-publications/state-pre-k-mississippi-2014-2015/,districtscollectinformationonstudentattendanceinpre-Kprograms,childcare,priortoenteringkindergarten.However,pleasenotethatinformationmayhavelowvalidityasitisself-reportedbyparentsandoften


Quality of Licensed Childcare Programs Quality data for childcare centers has become harder to find since the state halted the star rating system. We suggest visiting childcare centers in your area. Consider administering a survey to childcare providers to capture information on how well they fare against the NIEER benchmarks. Also consider how many of your childcare providers are accredited by national organizations with high standards (such as NAEYC, AMS, etc.) You can find some accreditation data in the Mississippi First State of Pre-K report, accessed publications/state-pre-k-mississippi-2014-2015/

Number of NIEER Benchmarks Met by District Pre-K Program This information is collected by Mississippi First every three years and published in the State of Pre-K report. The latest report can be accessed here: tostate-pre-k-mississippi-2014-2015/,youshouldbeabledeterminewhetheranyrecentprogramchangeshavechangedthisnumber.




Average CLASS Score from Heat Start Most Head Start centers in Mississippi also use CLASS to measure classroom quality. Contact your local Head Start center(s) to request average CLASS scores.

Average CLASS Score from District Pre-K Program CLASS is a classroom quality measure used by MDE to evaluate all public school pre-K programs. As a local school district, you should have access to average CLASS scores.

Percentage of Children in Poverty (U.S. Census) To quantify the percentage of children communitywide who live in poverty, use child poverty estimates for each school district provided by the U.S. Census. This information is readily available through the online Kids Count Data Center. You can access this data by district here: tailed/5/3914-3995/false/870,573,869,36,868/255,2713,214/13287,,573,869,36,868/any/16733bles/8215-poverty-by-school-district?loc=26&loct=10#detailed/10/7461-7612/



District Dropout Rate

The district retention rate is the rate of students who have repeated a grade at least once since starting kindergarten. This information is available through the online Kids Count Data Center. You can access this data here: tailed/10/7461-7612/false/871,870,573,869,36/any/

Achievement Gaps (gaps in achievement between different subgroups)


Percentage of Students with Disabilities (IEP or 504 plan) As a local school district, you should have access to this information.


Percentage of Students in Poverty (Identified Student Percentage) Due to the growing use of the Community Eligibility Provision, free or reduced-price lunch data is becoming less valid as an indicator of poverty. As an alternative, we suggest using your district’s identified student percentage, which means the percentage of students whose families participate in other government-funded poverty programs. This will provide a more accurate estimate of the percentage of children experiencing the effects of poverty. MDE annually publishes estimates of each district’s identified student on_20180418101541_381861.pdf?sfvrsn=2

District Retention Rate

This information is readily available on the MDE website. You can access it by going to this link:


Percentage of Students “Ready” for Kindergarten (scoring 530 or above on the MKAS2) As a local school district, you should have access to this information. MAAP Proficiency Rates Proficiency information is readily available on the MDE website. You can access it by going to this link:

Achievement gap information is readily available in the MDE Achievement Gap Report. You can access it by going to this link: student-assessment/2017-assessment-achievemnet-gap-analysis.pdf?sfvrsn=2

Percentage of Racial Minority Students This information is readily available on the MDE website. You can access it by going to this link:



Percentage of Children in Foster Care, Identified as Homeless, or Identified as Migrant As a local school district, you should have access to this information.

Determine whether to highlight access needs, quality needs, or both.

to Demonstrate Community Need Access Rate = # of entering kindergarteners this year - # of public pre-K seats last year # of entering kindergarteners this year MISSISSIPPI FIRST I PAGE 13


The first step in assessing the pre-K needs in your community is to understand the level of access that parents have to existing public pre-K services. In general, you calculate this by subtracting the previous year’s number of pre-K seats available in your defined service area (county or district) from the total number of kindergarten students entering the school district in the current year. To calculate an access rate, you simply divide the difference by the total number of entering kindergarteners and multiply by 100. See our worksheet to help you analyze access rates.


Guidelines for Using Data


It is good practice to assess the needs of the community prior to drafting a plan. The community needs you identify should align to your proposed program. For example, if your proposed program focuses on improving quality and not expanding access, you should sufficiently demonstrate the need for higher quality programs in your community.

Other Factors Related to Children At Risk Other indicators, such as teen pregnancy rates, unemployment rates, percentage of children with no parent in the workforce, percentage of families using TANF and SNAP, food insecurity data, maternal education data, etc., can be found through the online Kids Count Data Center. You can access this information by county here:

There are two ways to demonstrate the need for Title I pre-K in your community. If your community does not have many public pre-K options available to families, then you can demonstrate the need for pre-K by highlighting access needs. If your community has high access rates to pre-K, but your student outcome data shows low rates of school readiness or school achievement, then you can demonstrate the need to increase the quality of existing pre-K programs. Your community may have low access and poor outcomes; in this case, you can highlight needs in both access and quality.


Calculating Public Pre-K Access

The state measures the quality of pre-K programs in part by their adherence to the NIEER quality standards. To assess existing quality in your community, you should evaluate how programs perform against the standards. More information about the NIEER standards can be found in their most recent evaluation of Mississippi’s program:

To get a comprehensive view of what pre-K looks like in your community, you should consider the enrollment rates of four-year-old children in licensed childcare centers as well as enrollment in public pre-K. We know that, on average, the greater a school district’s public pre-K access, the smaller its four-year-old childcare enrollment.5 This may be due to low demand for licensed childcare. It may also occur because districts with high public pre-K capacity are more likely to have high poverty rates,6 and tuition-based licensed childcare centers are less accessible to consumers. Additionally, areas with large licensed childcare sectors may face more political barriers to expanding public pre-K programs. A careful analysis of licensed childcare’s role in offering pre-K access to four-year-olds in your community should be an essential part of your needs assessment. In cases where access to licensed childcare and public pre-K are both low, you might choose to highlight licensed childcare access rates in the needs assessment section of your application.

• NIEER Quality Standards

If you determine that pre-K expansion is not aligned to your community’s needs or your school district’s current goals, you need to demonstrate the need to increase the quality of existing programs. Conversely, you might decide to expand access while increasing quality at the same time. To demonstrate the need for improved quality, you must make a case to MDE that current programs are not meeting the 10 NIEER benchmarks and/or producing favorable student outcomes among the population you wish to serve. You should also demonstrate that the population you wish to serve may be at risk of academic failure without an early intervention.

Considering Enrollment vs. Capacity


Demonstrating Need for Quality

Considering Licensed Childcare Enrollment in Your Evaluations of Access

The state requires pre-K programs to meet the “current” NIEER benchmarks, but the state is working to meet all 10 of the “new” benchmarks as well. You should evaluate your community’s current programs against both sets of standards to see what their strengths and weakness are.


In these guidelines and the worksheet, we recommend the use of capacity data (the actual number of seats available) instead of the use of enrollment data to measure access. However, we recommend that you carefully analyze enrollment data as well, especially if enrollment data is much lower than capacity data. You may need to investigate the underlying reasons for low enrollment because lower enrollment figures can have important implications for actual access. For instance, a district pre-K program may have 20 seats available but only eight students enrolled in the program. Further investigation might reveal that a lack of transportation is an enrollment barrier for families who wish to send their children to the program. As a community group, you must then decide if you would consider a capacity of 20 seats to be a true measure of access in this scenario.


Canter, Rachel, and Angela Bass. 2017. The State of Pre-K in Mississippi. Research Report, Jackson, MS: Mississippi First. Accessed on April 19, 2018. education-policy/pre-kindergarten/msf-prek-publications/state-pre-k-mississippi-2014-2015/ 6 Ibid.

Analyzing Data on At-Risk Populations

Although Mississippi no longer uses a robust quality rating system for childcare, some centers may be nationally accredited. For example, the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) offers an accreditation program that is considered a national leader in quality. The NAEYC search function provides up-to-date information about accredited programs: A good list of national accreditation programs can be found here: Centers without national accreditation may still be high quality, but a community will have to work harder to measure that quality. Evaluating local childcare centers against the NIEER standards may be one simple alternative to accreditation to determine quality.

• Assessing Student Outcomes

• CLASS Scores CLASS is an early childhood classroom quality measure that the state uses for all public school pre-K programs. Head Start centers also frequently use CLASS. CLASS measures several dimensions of classroom quality, such as the quality of adult-child interactions. If your community has an existing public school pre-K program, the program should have CLASS scores for its classrooms. Head Start centers in your area are also likely to have CLASS scores for their classrooms. If the programs in your area have average scores of less than a 4, this may indicate the need to increase quality.



• Nationally Accredited Licensed Childcare Centers

Alongside the NIEER standards and CLASS scores, the state examines student outcomes to measure quality. In this tool and the worksheet, we provide a comprehensive list of student outcome data you should use to identify the need for pre-K. It is important to look at aggregate data—i.e., data for entire populations in your district or community—as well as disaggregated data—i.e., information used to compare various student subgroups. See the worksheet to help you with this analysis.

The presence of a high rate of at-risk populations can show a compelling need for pre-K. In this tool and the worksheet, we provide a comprehensive list of demographic data you can use to gain a deeper understanding of your community and the at-risk populations that may be present. See the worksheet to help you with this analysis.

Tuition paid by parents of enrolled children supports these programs.



7 Externally Funded GETTING


5 Hybrid

All funds utilized to support this program are Title I dollars. Title I Pre-K programs must follow the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines for Classrooms Serving Three- and Four-Year-Old Children and Title I, Part A –Basic Guidelines. These programs are typically located on campus at one or more elementary schools in a given district.


These programs are supported by state pre-K funding that is matched with any eligible source. Most often, matching funds come from Title I. All state collaborative pre-K programs must follow the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines for Classrooms Serving Three- and Four-YearOld Children. Any collaborative program that uses Title I dollars must also follow the Title I, Part A – Basic Guidelines. Head Start or blended programs within a collaborative must additionally follow the Head Start Performance Standards. These programs may be located on campus at one or more elementary schools in a given district, in a Head Start center, or in a private childcare center. These programs are funded partially by sources outside of the school district and exclude Head Start funds. Examples of externally funded pre-K programs are those that are partially funded through grants, private donations, and nonprofit organizations. Externally funded pre-K programs must follow the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines for Classrooms Serving Three- and Four-Year-Old Children. These programs may be located on campus at one or more elementary schools in a given district or in a donated space (e.g., apartment complex).


6 State Collaborative


Title I

Title I and Head Start dollars are blended to support these programs.

These programs are funded by multiple sources, such as Title I and district dollars, district dollars and tuition, external sources and Title I, etc. Any program that uses Title I dollars must follow the Title I, Part A – Basic Guidelines. Children supported through Title I dollars must also meet Title I eligibility requirements. All hybrid pre-K programs must follow the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines for Classrooms Serving Three- and Four-Year-Old Children. These programs may be located on campus at one or more elementary schools in a given district or in a donated space (e.g., apartment complex).


4 Blended Head Start

Tuition-based pre-K programs must follow the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines for Classrooms Serving Three- and Four-Year-Old Children. These programs are typically located on campus at one or more elementary schools in a given district.

District dollars are utilized to support these programs. Local district pre-K programs must follow the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines for Classrooms Serving Three- and Four-Year-Old Children. These programs are typically located on campus at one or more elementary schools in a given district.

2 Local District

Blended programs must follow the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines for Classrooms Serving Three- and Four-Year-Old Children, the Head Start Performance Standards, and Title I, Part A – Basic Guidelines. These programs are located either on campus at one or more elementary schools in a given district or at a local Head Start agency.

Our student population is high need, as defined by having a high rate of one or more of the following: poverty; percent of children in foster care, identified as homeless, or identified as migrant; percent of children not “ready” for kindergarten; percent of children with disabilities; and the number or percent without quality pre-K options.


How do you plan to include partnerships in the operation of your program?

We want to independently operate our programs. We want to collaborate with partners to ensure community-wide quality, but we do not want to jointly operate our programs. We want to jointly operate our programs with one or more local partners. Continue on the next page



How would you describe your relationship with Head Start?

How would you describe the student population you plan to serve?

Our student population is low need, as defined by having a low rate of most of the following: poverty; percent of children in foster care, identified as homeless, or identified as migrant; percent of children not “ready” for kindergarten; or percent of children with disabilities; and the number or percent without quality pre-K options.

How closely do you work with partners in early childhood? We have a strong history of collaboration with early childhood partners. As part of our collaboration, we meet regularly to discuss common goals, define interrelated roles, develop joint strategies, and share decision-making. We are actively building stronger collaboration among partners. We have begun regular meetings to increase collaboration and are working to develop common goals and strategies. We have little to no history of collaboration among partners. In the past, we have cooperated on an as-needed basis or coordinated with each other on specific projects.

We have a very strong relationship with Head Start and frequently closely collaborate. We have a working relationship with Head Start and collaborate as needed. We have a limited relationship with Head Start in that we only work together as required by law.


Our student population is average need, as defined by having an average rate of most of the following: poverty; percent of children in foster care, identified as homeless, or identified as migrant; percent of children not “ready” for kindergarten; or percent of children with disabilities; and the number or percent without quality pre-K options.

PROGRAM SELECTIONAPPENDIXTOOLB QUALITY How many of the MDE Guidelines can you meet? QUALITY Are you willing to meet the Head Start Performance Standards? We will meet all of the MDE Guidelines from day one. We will meet most of the MDE Guidelines but will need time to meet all. We will meet less than half of the MDE Guidelines and will need time and technical assistance to meet all. FUNDING FUNDING Is Title I funding available for your program? Aside from Title I funding, what other sources of funding could support your program in total or in part? (Check all that apply.) Local district dollars Title I funding will cover all of our expected expenses. Title I funding will cover some of our expected expenses Title funding will cover none of our expected expenses. External philanthropy OtherState pre-K dollars None CLASSROOM SPACE What classroom space meeting MDE Guidelines is available for use? (Check all that apply.) District classroom space Classroom space in on-site Head Start facilities Classroom space in off-site Head Start facilities Donated space not located on a district campus Classroom space in partnerMISSISSIPPIproviderFIRST I PAGE 18 GETTING STARTED We will meet all of the Head Start Performance Standards from day one. We will meet most of the Head Start Performance Standards but will need time to meet all. We will meet less than half of the Head Start Performance Standards and will need time and technical assistance to meet all. We will not meet the Head Start Performance Standards if it’s not a requirement for our program.

ITITLE Points DISTRICTLOCAL Points TUITION Points BLENDED Points HYBRID Points COLLABORATIVE Points EXTERNAL Points NEED High need X X X X X X Average need X X X X X Low need X X X X HISTORY OF COLLABORATION Strong history X X X X X X X Actively building X X X X X X X Little to no history X X X X X HEAD START PARTNERSHIP Very strong X X X X X Working X X X X X X Limited X X X X X PARTNERSHIPS Independently operate X X X X X Collaborate with partners X Jointly operate X QUALITY READINESS (MDE) All of MDE's Guidelines X X X Most of MDE's Guidelines X X X X X X Less than half of MDE's Guidelines QUALITY READINESS (HEAD START) All of Head Start standards X Most of Head Start standards Less than half of Head Start standards Will not meet if not required X X X X X X PAGE 1 TOTAL DIRECTIONS: Using the answers from the Program Selection Tool, calculate your total points and identify what type of pre-K program is best for your community. Give yourself one point for every “X” according to your answers. PROGRAM SELECTION TOOL MISSISSIPPI FIRST I PAGE 19 APPENDIX B GETTING STARTED

ITITLE Points DISTRICTLOCAL Points TUITION Points BLENDED Points HYBRID Points COLLABORATIVE Points EXTERNAL Points TITLE I FUNDING All expenses X Some expenses X X X None X X X X X OTHER FUNDING AVAILABLE District X X X State pre-K X Philanthropy X X X None X X Other X X X CLASSROOM SPACE District X X X X X X X On-site Head Start X X Off-site Head Start X Donated space X X X X X Partner provider X X PAGE 2 GRANDTOTALTOTAL (Pages 1 & 2) What type of pre-K program is the best fit for your community?REVIEWREFLECTIONANSWERS:OUR TYPES OF PRE-K PROGRAMS DOCUMENT TO LEARN MORE. 3.2.1. MISSISSIPPI FIRST I PAGE 20 APPENDIX B GETTING STARTED PROGRAM SELECTION TOOL

In the table below, “Title I revenue” represents how much in Title I funds a district will need to meet the requirements of this sample budget. Title I revenue was rounded to the nearest $250 to provide a small cushion each year.

SUMMARY Start-Up Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Salaries and Wages $0.00 $66,000.00 $66,660.00 $67,326.60 Fringe Benefits $0.00 $18,480.00 $18,664.80 $18,851.45 Student Transportation $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Travel $0.00 $2,729.00 $2,729.00 $2,729.00 Educational Materials $19,793.37 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 Consultants and Contracts $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Program Evaluation $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Equipment or Technology $2,111.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 Professional Development $0.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Student Assessment $0.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Other $0.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 TOTAL BUDGET $22,904.37 $97,209.00 $98,053.80 $98,907.05 TITLE I REVENUE $23,000.00 $97,250.00 $98,250.00 $99,000.00 Revenue Over Expenses $95.63 $41.00 $196.20 $92.95



This budget and accompanying narrative is intended to provide a realistic estimate of how much a new pre-K classroom meeting MDE Guidelines may cost to operate. This budget assumes that the pre-K program is housed within a school that is already paying for overhead costs, such as rent, utilities, and maintenance, as well as general administration. If a school district expects to add multiple classrooms, then the district should multiply each line item by the number of classrooms except for the “student assessment” line. Please see the “student assessment” section to determine how to increase this amount as the program grows. Furthermore, if a district has three or more classrooms, then the district should consider a part-time or full-time pre-K coordinator, depending on the number of classrooms.

Lead Teacher $0.00 $45,000 $45,450.00 $45,904.50 Assistant Teacher $0.00 $21,000 $21,210.00 $21,422.10 TOTAL SALARIES/WAGES $0.00 $66,000.00 $66,660.00 $67,326.60

PLEASE NOTE: Salary for a pre-K coordinator is not included, but many school districts designate a pre-K coordinator who may have other responsibilities, such as the federal programs director.

Assistant Teacher: Salary for an assistant teacher is estimated at $21,000.00 per year. This reflects the additional qualifications required for pre-K paraprofessionals but is on the high end of what school districts typically pay assistant teachers.


Lead Teacher $0.00 $12,600.00 $12,726.00 $12,853.26 Assistant Teacher $0.00 $5,880.00 $5,938.80 $5,998.19 TOTAL FRINGE $0.00 $18,480.00 $18,664.80 $18,851.45

Justification: Fringe benefits per FTE are estimated at 28% of salary per year as follows: Salary * %Fringe = Fringe. Because salaries increase at a rate of 1% annually, the cost of fringe benefits is also estimated to increase by 1% per year. MISSISSIPPI


Position Title and Name (January-June)Start-Up Year (July-June)1 Year (July-June)2 Year (July-June)3

Position (January-June)Start-Up Year (July-June)1 Year (July-June)2 Year (July-June)3

Justification: Salaries comprise the largest single item in the budget. We budget for two full-time employees (FTE) for each pre-K classroom: a lead teacher and an assistant teacher. For both lead teachers and assistant teachers, we estimate that salary will grow by 1% annually (Year 1 Salary * 1.01Year-1= Annual Salary). Salaries are estimated conservatively by assuming higher pay as noted below:

Lead Teacher: Salary for a lead teacher is estimated at $45,000.00 per year. A lead teacher in a public school classroom must hold a valid pre-K license. A salary of $45,000 assumes the teacher holds a bachelor’s degree with more than 15 years’ experience or a master’s degree with more than 10 years’ experience.

Per Diem: We use the government in-state rate of $41 per day for meals and incidentals. Trips planned per staff member are as follows:

Lead Teacher: The lead teacher will take two trips of 1.5 days each, equaling three total travel days, for professional development opportunities. Each of these trips will require overnight stays. ($41 per diem *3 travel days)+($0.545 mileage*400 miles*2 trips)+(2 overnights*$89 per hotel night)=$737

TRAVEL Travel (January-June)Start-Up Year (July-June)1 Year (July-June)2 Year (July-June)3 Pre-K Coordinator $0.00 $1,255.00 $1,255.00 $1,255.00 Lead Teacher $0.00 $737.00 $737.00 $737.00 Assistant Teacher $0.00 $737.00 $737.00 $737.00 TOTAL TRAVEL $0.00 $2,729.00 $2,729.00 $2,729.00 Staff Member # of Trips Total Days Hotel Per Diem Mileage Rate # of Miles Annual Travel Pre-K Coordinator 4 5 $89 $41 $0.545 400 $1,255.00 Lead Teacher 2 3 $89 $41 $0.545 400 $737.00 Assistant Teacher 2 3 $89 $41 $0.545 400 $737.00 TOTAL $2,729.00 Justification: We estimate $2,729 in Years 1-3 for in-state travel to meetings, conferences, or trainings. We use state government rates for travel for budgeting purposes. More details on these estimates are provided below:



Mileage: State government policy mandates the state mileage rate when traveling in state in a privately owned vehicle. The approved mileage rate is $0.545/mile in 2018. Since school districts may be located in any part of the state, a round-trip of 400 miles is estimated per Hoteltrip.:We assume a government rate of $89 for in-state hotels.


Assistant Teacher: The assistant teacher will take two trips of 1.5 days each, equaling three total travel days, for professional development opportunities. Each of these trips will require overnight stays. ($41 per diem *3 travel days)+($0.545 mileage*400 miles*2 trips)+(2 overnights*$89 per hotel night)=$737

Pre-K Coordinator: The pre-K coordinator will take four trips (two 1-day trips and two 1.5-day trips), equaling five total travel days, for meetings or conferences. Two of these trips will require overnight stays. This will allow the pre-K coordinator to take one round-trip per quarter between the pre-K site and the meeting or conference location. ($41 per diem *5 travel days)+($0.545 mileage*400 miles*4 trips)+(2 overnights*$89 per hotel night)=$1,255

Play: We estimate $250 in annual replacement costs for damaged, worn, or missing items.

Item Requested Start-Up Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

OWL Curriculum $3,100.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Classroom Environment $7,236.44 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Language & Literacy $1,858.35 $369.60 $369.60 $369.60 Dramatic Play $1,980.20 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 Blocks $958.60 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Math $763.74 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 Science (sensory) $396.80 $22.95 $22.95 $22.95 Science (general) $279.06 $59.99 $59.99 $59.99 Arts (general) $511.70 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 Arts (consumables) $997.46 $997.46 $997.46 $997.46 Music $615.65 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Physical $314.92 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Technology $780.45 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL $19,793.37 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00

Math: We estimate $250 in annual replacement costs for damaged, worn, or missing items. Science (sensory): We budgeted $22.95 in annual replacement costs for sand for the water table.

Science (general): We estimate a small budget of $59.99 in annual replacement costs for damaged, worn, or missing items. Arts (general): We estimate a small budget of $50 in annual replacement costs for damaged, worn, or missing items.


Arts (consumables): As consumables are expected to be used within 12 months, all of these items must be replenished annually.


Language and Literacy: We budget $119.60 annually for consumables, such as paper, pencils, and other writing instruments. We estimate an additional $250 in replacement costs for damaged, worn, or missing Dramaticitems.

Justification: We estimate significant costs in Educational Materials for start-up—$19,793.37. A detailed list of items serving as the basis for these estimates is provided in this toolkit under “Start-Up Costs.” In Years 1-3, we budget for consumables and replacement costs only, as follows:

PROGRAM EVALUATION Item Start-Up Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 CLASS $0.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 TOTAL $0.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Justification: Every pre-K classroom in a Mississippi public school is monitored by MDE using the CLASS evaluation. This evaluation is also common among Head Start classrooms. We estimate a budget of $1,000 a year to help teachers prepare for their CLASS evaluation, which is conducted by MDE. This budget can be used for CLASS resources, such as the video library or training workshops. EQUIPMENT & TECHNOLOGY Item Requested Start-Up Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Desktop/Laptop/Tablet $395.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Tablets (4) $1,716.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 EQUIPMENT AND TECHNOLOGY TOTAL $2,111.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 Justification: We estimate significant costs in Equipment or Technology for start-up. In Years 1-3, we budget for periodic replacement only. Desktop/Laptop/Tablet: We budget for one desktop, laptop, or tablet for staff use per classroom. We estimate replacement of this staff machine every five years, which is beyond the scope of this budget. Tablets (4): We estimate that each pre-K classroom will need a minimum of four tablets for assessment purposes, as well as any desired technology center. Annual replacement costs are estimated at $500. This will cover full replacement of an iPad as well as any needed repairs. MISSISSIPPI FIRST I PAGE 25 PRE-K BUDGET NARRATIVE TOOL STUDENT ASSESSMENT Item Requested Start-Up Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 New License $0.00 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 STUDENT ASSESSMENT TOTAL $0.00 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000

Teacher Office Supplies $0.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 OTHER TOTAL $0.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00

Justification: Teacher office supplies are estimated at $500.00 per classroom. These office supplies include printer paper, pens, staples, ink cartridges, tape, etc., for each pre-K classroom.

New License:

Existing License: If a school district wants to “add on” to their existing Renaissance Learning licenses for their pre-K students, then the pricing structure is straight forward: school districts can add on to their existing licenses at a rate of $4.70 per child.


STAR Early Literacy pricing is based on the number of children to be assessed as part of a single license. Below, we provide pricing estimates based on whether the program will need a new license or the program can use the school’s existing one.


The cost will be a flat fee based on the total number of children in the program unless that number exceeds 250, at which point pricing is per pupil with lower pricing as the volume rises above certain benchmarks. The flat fee is an annual cost and includes any necessary set up. (See the table below for pricing.) In this budget, we have assumed that programs will need to purchase a new license. To conservatively estimate a classroom cost, we use a cost of $1,000 ($50 per child) which is higher per child than the highest flat-rate cost for a program with 0-50 children. Programs should not multiply this $1,000 cost by the number of classrooms to find an overall program cost; doing so will wildly inflate the overall cost of assessment. Instead, use the flat rate corresponding to the number of pre-K children for your overall assessment cost. Size Cost Up to 50 $1,969.00 flat fee Up to 75 $2,363 flat fee Up to 150 $2,780 flat fee Up to 250 $3,116.00 flat fee $12.00 per pupil 1,000+ Contact Renaissance Learning.



Justification: Pre-K programs commonly use literacy and math progress-monitoring assessments throughout the year. We estimate costs for the use of STAR Early Literacy (which also contains early math skills) because it is commonly used for this purpose in Mississippi. Title I pre-K programs intending to use a different assessment should contact the vendor to determine the cost structure. This is the only budget line item that we do not recommend multiplying by the number of classrooms for an overall program cost. See below for the best way to determine an overall program cost based on the pricing structure.

Item Requested Start-Up Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

PRE-K the purposes of this budget, we use the OWL curriculum as the example curriculum because many programs use it. The OWL curriculum costs $3,100 and comes with most of the items needed to implement it. OWL also sells a manipulatives kit that bundles all additional items. The kit costs $397.97, which is more cost-effective by our estimates than purchasing each item separately ($857.65). The table below compares the cost of purchasing OWL and the manipulatives kit (instead of the comparable items) with the other essential items or with all of the other items versus the cost of purchasing OWL without the manipulatives kit and the essential items or all of the items. In the main budget narrative, we use the cost of OWL without the manipulatives kit and with all of the items in order to be conservative.

implement the


This section provides a list of items, organized by center type, for furnishing a new pre-K classroom meeting the MDE Guidelines. All example items were estimated using prices from Kaplan Early Learning Company, except where otherwise noted. Pre-K programs may find many comparable items at a lower cost from other vendors, such as Creative Playthings, Scholastic, Lakeshore, Walmart, Target, or Amazon. Items marked in green are specifically required by the MDE Guidelines, while items marked in yellow are specifically recommended;7 the brand may be substituted for items marked in green or yellow. To fully furnish a classroom, pre-K programs should purchase more than the essential items (those in green or yellow). This means the total cost of furnishing a start-up classroom will be somewhere between the essential items’ cost and the recommended items’ cost, after curriculum materials are accounted for. Items that appear in the “Equipment and Technology” line of the budget (fixed assets for public schools) are marked with an asterisk; all other items fall under “Educational Materials” in the budget. See the main budget narrative for more information on all expenses, including expenses beyond start-up. $12,193.11 = $21,444.69 = $12,652.79 $3,100+$18,804.37 = $21,904.37 addition to specifically in MDE staff a selection of additional required to pre-K required

Guidelines, MDE

standards or

7 In


With OWL without Manipulatives Kit $3,100+$9,552.79

SUMMARY OF CENTER COSTS Center Type Essential Items All Items Classroom Environment $5,708.74 $7,236.77 Language & Literacy $875.40 $1,858.35 Dramatic Play $139.95 $1,980.20 Blocks $279.95 $958.60 Math $480.34 $763.74 Science (sensory) $129.95 $396.80 Science (general) $63.51 $279.06 Arts (general) $511.70 Arts (consumables) $997.46 Music $119.95 $615.65 Physical $314.92 Technology $1,755.00 $2,891.45 TOTAL $9,552.79 $18,804.37 Essential Items All Items With OWL and Manipulatives Kit $3,100+$397.97+$8,695.14 =








CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT Item Kaplan Cost per Item Number of Items Total Cost 2 rectangle tables $199.95 for 30X60 rectangle table, seats 8 2 $399.90 1 U-shaped table $269.95 for 36X72 half-moon table, seats 4 1 $269.95 Chairs (1 per student, up to 20) $27.95 for 13 ½” chair 20 $559.00 Cubbies/Lockers (1 per student, up to 20) $459.95 for 5-section locker, fully assembled 4 $1,839.80 Large storage shelf $379.95 for multi-section storage unit 1 $379.95 Storage shelves (1 per area—dramatic play, science, art, math, and blocks) $179.95 for 8-cubbie storage unit 5 $899.75 Containers/bins for materials $9.95 for 1-cubbie tub 40 $398.00 Child-size wooden table and chairs $299.95 for child-size table and two chairs 1 $409.90 $109.95 for two additional chairs 1 Child-size soft seating for reading $359.95 for chair, sofa, and ottoman 1 $359.95 Reading pillows $159.95 for set of 6 soft pillows 1 $159.95 1 large rug $399.95 for 7’6”X12’ rectangle rug 1 $399.95 2 small rugs $89.95 for a 4X6 rug 2 $179.90 Safety covers8 HOME DEPOT: $3.88 for 4 safety covers 4 $3.88 Teacher desk AMAZON: $495.91 for double pedestal desk 1 $495.91 Teacher chair AMAZON: $54.98 for office chair 1 $54.98 Teacher file cabinet AMAZON: $281.77 for lateral file cabinet 1 $281.77 Clock $8.95 for classroom clock 1 $8.95 Bulletin board $134.95 for 3’X5’ bulletin board 1 $134.95 Essential Items (Required or Recommended) $5,708.74 All Items $7,236.44 While there are no comparable OWL curriculum or manipulatives kit items, the OWL curriculum comes with a class schedule sign (Ollie’s Classroom Schedule) as well as a set of classroom routine picture signs (Envision It! Learning Strips) for use in the classroom. Please also note that the MDE Guidelines require that any closets, cabinets, or bathroom doors have latches that can open from the inside. 8 Existing pre-K classrooms that do not have tamper-resistant electrical outlets are required to use safety covers. New classrooms must have tamper-resistant electrical outlets. PRE-K BUDGET NARRATIVE TOOL: START-UPAPPENDIXCOSTSC MISSISSIPPI FIRST I PAGE 28

LANGUAGE & LITERACY In addition to the OWL curriculum items below, the OWL curriculum comes with a Read Aloud Anthology of additional books and poems. Item OWL Curriculum OWL Manipulatives Kit Kaplan Item Included Item Included Cost per Item Number of Items Total Cost 2 bookstands $189.95 for large 5-shelf book display 2 $379.90 Children’s books (at least 100) 32 trade books9 $142.95 for set of 13 library starter books 1 $426.65 11 books in two sizes10 $57.95 for Eric Carle set of 8 1 8 Ollie and Friends readers $42.95 for Ezra Jack Keats set of 6 1 4 “Read more about it” books $56.95 for Lois Ehlert set of 8 1 $47.95 for at home with diversity set of 7 1 $42.95 for learning about math set of 6 1 $34.95 for in my neighborhood book set of 5 1 Alphabetic principle props $19.95 for ABC picture boards 1 $234.60 Alphabet cards $55.95 for Scholastic alphabet letters & pictures set 1 $14.95 for Wikki Stix alphabet cards 1 $17.95 for alphabet and numbers puzzle pairs 1 $9.95 for alphabet bingo 1 $103.95 for set of 12 magnetic dry erase boards 1 Uppercase magnetic letters $27.95 for uppercase magnetic letters 1 Lowercase magnetic letters $27.95 for lowercase magnetic letters 1 Phonological and phonemic awareness Picture cards Rhyming and sounds bingo $12.95 for rhyming words puzzles, set of 30 1 $12.95 Language development props Retelling storyboards $23.95 for favorite stories flannelboard set 1 $133.90 Ollie puppet $109.95 for Kaplan kids puppets, set of seven 1 Listening station or headset jack with player $279.95 for six-person listening center with CD/ mp3/USB player 1 $279.95 Headsets (2-4) Included with listening station 9 List of trade books includes Call Me Alex!; Corduroy; Oscar is Cold; Matthew and Tilly; Quinito Day & Night (Quinito dia y noche); Onga Bonga; Kevin and His Dad; Antonio’s Birthday Fiesta; The Two-Promise Walk; A Day in the Life of a Firefighter; The Little Red Hen (Makes a Pizza); The Ugly Vegetables; Farm; Otis; Click, Clack, Moo Cows That Type; Apple Farmer Annie; Amazing Jungle!; Chameleon’s Colors; Two Cool Coyotes; The Gingerbread Cowboy; Night Shift Daddy; One Dark Night; A Tree for All Seasons; Think Green!; Whistle for Willie; Moonbear’s Shadow; Raccoon on His Own; The Puddle Pail; Oscar and the Cricket; A Little Bit More; Gilberto and the Wind; and The Cool Pool.


10 List of big and little books includes My Friends; Farmer John; Desert Quails Hit Jungle Trails; Tiny Mouse, Roaring Lion; When Tomo Moves; Push! Pull! Go!; The Armadillo Family’s Colorful Picnic Countdown; Our ABC Friends; Tasting Time on Harmony Street; Trucktown Helpers; and Friends Have Feelings

LANGUAGE & LITERACY, CONT. Item OWL Curriculum OWL Manipulatives Kit Kaplan Item Included Item Included Cost per Item Number of Items Total Cost Audio recordings of books AudioText Audio CD $85.95 for classroom listening library, set of eight 1 $250.85$84.95 for listening fun set of eight 1 $79.95 for fairy tale set of nine 1 Pencils, various sizes $17.95 for 72 number 2 pencils 1 $23.90 $5.95 for 12 large grip pencils 1 Writing instruments, various sizes $7.95 for set of 4 dry erase markers with erasers 1 $70.85$54.95 for Crayola dry erase washable crayon classpack 1 Cards with words and pictures Concept Word Cards Amazing Word Cards $19.95 for early literacy flash card set 1 $19.95 Story Time Cards, for each of 32 Poetrytradebooksposters Paper $8.95 for 500 sheets of practice ruled paper 1 $24.85$8.95 for 500 sheets of storybook ruled paper 1 $6.95 for 500 sheets of practice handwriting paper 1 Essential Items $875.40 All Items $1,858.35 In order to encourage student engagement with books during free-choice center activity time, the Tallahatchie Early Learning Alliance, a pre-K collaborative, purchased supplemental materials that can be used with each OWL unit. These are provided in the table below but are not included in the summary totals on page 21 or 27. Items that are recommended in a different section are noted in the cost column. All items listed below link to Amazon, Lakeshore, Kaplan, or Walmart. PRE-K BUDGET NARRATIVE TOOL: START-UP COSTS SUPPLEMENTARY LANGUAGE & LITERACY MATERIALS FOR EACH OWL UNIT MISSISSIPPI FIRST I PAGE 30

Jamaica and Brianna Book $6.95 1 $6.95

Crayons Story Prop—Call Me Alex See Art Red Blanket Story Prop—Oscar is Cold $8.97 1 $8.97

On the Town: A Community Adventure Book $14.21 1 $14.21

Stuffed Corduroy Story Prop—Corduroy $23.40 1 $23.40

Die Cast Race Car Assortment Art $12.99 for 30 1 $12.99

Purple Crayon Story Prop—Matthew and Tilly $5.88 for 12 crayons per pack 1 5.88 2 Nana Upstairs and Nana Downstairs Book $6.99 1 $6.99

Whose Hat Is This? Book $7.95 1 $7.95 Playdoh Art See Art Places in My Neighborhood Book $6.95 1 $6.95 Metallic Cone Hats Math $4.99 for 12 1 $4.99 Beatrice’s Goat Book $6.87 1 $6.87

All Kinds of Families Puzzle Set Puzzle $79.99 1 $79.99 Julius, Baby of the World Book $6.99 1 $6.99 Bigmama’s Book $6.99 1 $6.99

Dolls Story Prop—Onga Bonga See Dramatic Play Spray, Squirt & Squeegee Story Prop—Kevin and His Dad See Dramatic Play Sombrero Story Prop—Antonio’s Birthday Fiesta $29.99 for 12 hats 1 $29.99 3 Child-Sized Aprons Dramatic Play $13.99 for set of 12 1 $13.99 Country Kid, City Kid Book $13.96 1 $13.96

Swimmy by Leo Leonni Book $4.63 1 $4.63 It’s Mine by Leo Leonni Book $6.99 1 $6.99

Felt Food Pizza Story Prop—The Little Red Hen (Makes a Pizza) $16.96 1 $16.96

Community Helper Puzzles Fine Motor $8.99 1 $8.99

All Kinds of Families! Book $13.79 1 $13.79

Create your own Night and Day Cards Story Prop—Quinito, Day and Night Printing Expense

Unit Item Material Type Cost per Item Number of Items Total Cost 1 Leo the Late Bloomer Book $6.99 1 $6.99 Chrysanthemum Book $6.00 1 $6.00 Balls Management $4.99 for 5 1 $4.99 Scarves (12 pack) Music/Movement See Music

Differing Abilities Puzzle Set Fine Motor $59.99 for set of 6 1 $59.99

Pinky Promise picture Story Prop—The Two-Promise Walk Printing Expense Fire Hat Story Prop—A Day in the Life of a Firefighter $6.49 for 12 1 $6.49

Unit Item Material Type Cost per Item Number of Items Total Cost 4

Cocky the Stuffed Rooster Dramatic Play $4.99 1 $4.99 Mini Moo the Stuffed Cow Dramatic Play $4.99 1 $4.99 Lana the Plush Lamb Dramatic Play $4.99 1 $4.99

Otis Tracker Toy Story Prop—Otis $14.45 1 $14.45

The Milk Makers Book $6.09 1 $6.09 On the Farm Book $6.99 1 $6.99

Brown paper lunch bags ABC Fun $15.30 1 $15.30 Packing peanuts Sand and water table $44.89 1 $44.89

One Peck Basket Story Prop—Apple Farmer Annie $3.95 1 $3.95

Fake Green Apples Story Prop—Apple Farmer Annie $5.14 for 12 1 $5.14

It’s Time to Combine Book $13.95 1 $13.95 Fake eggs Dramatic Play $7.35 1 $7.35 Giggle Giggle Quack Book Book $15.38 1 $15.38 Food From Farms Book $5.99 1 $5.99

Create your own typed letter from cows Story Prop—Click, Clack, Moo, Cows that Type Printing Expense

Fake Red Apples Story Prop—Apple Farmer Annie $8.99 for 6 1 $8.99

Tin Plates (for feeding animals) Dramatic Play $10.99 1 $10.99 Farm Cube Puzzle Fine Motor $12.95 1 $12.95

Big Blue Ziploc Bags Organization $11.50 for set of 4 1 $11.50

Percy the Plush Pink Pig Dramatic Play $4.99 1 $4.99

Coin Envelopes Story Prop—The Ugly Vegetables $13.95 for 50 envelopes 1 $13.95

Wool from Sheep Story Prop—Farm $12.00 for 12 oz. 1 $12.00

Fake Pink Apples Story Prop—Apple Farmer Annie $ 9.99 for 30-piece set 1 $9.99

Fuji Apples Story Prop—Apple Farmer Annie $3.62 for 6 1 $3.62


Farm Animals Dramatic Play See Blocks and Accessories Farm Animals Puzzle Math $12.99 1 $12.99

Prancer the Stuffed Horse Dramatic Play $4.99 1 $4.99 Red Bandanas Dramatic Play $10.99 for 12 1 $10.99 The Rusty Trusty Tractor Book $9.95 1 $9.95

Zoo Animals Lacing Boards Fine Motor $19.95 for 4 1 $19.95 Animals Up Close Puzzle Set Fine Motor $99.95 1 $99.95 Stuffed Coyote Dramatic Play $7.99 1 $7.99 Stuffed Javelina Dramatic Play $7.99 1 $7.99

Unit Item Material Type Cost per Item Number of Items Total Cost 5 Rumble in the Jungle Book $7.95 1 $7.95 Backyard Safari Scoop Net Dramatic Play $8.70 1 $8.70

Baby Stuffed Cheetah Dramatic Play $8.99 1 $8.99 Ozzi the Stuffed Ostrich Dramatic Play $4.99 1 $4.99 Stuffed Elephant Dramatic Play $7.99 1 $7.99 Stuffed Chameleon Dramatic Play $8.99 1 $8.99 Stuffed Lion Dramatic Play $7.99 1 $7.99 Plastic Shovel Dramatic Play See Science

Cuddlekins Chimpanzee Dramatic Play $12.99 1 $12.99 Over in the Jungle Book $8.95 1 $8.95 Walking through the Jungle Book $8.90 1 $8.90 Here is the Southwestern Desert Book $9.96 1 $9.96 Cactus Hotel Book $7.99 1 $7.99

Chameleon Puppet Story Prop—Chameleon’s Colors $27.99 1 $27.99 Sloth Stuffed Animal Story Prop—Amazing Jungle! $13.02 1 $13.02

The Rainforest Grew All Around Book $8.95 1 $8.95 Stuffed Zebra Dramatic Play $8.49 1 $8.49

Little Howard the Stuffed Hippo Dramatic Play $4.99 1 $4.99

Shutter Sunglasses Story Prop $8.99 for 12 1 $8.99


Colored Bandanas Story Prop $37.99 for 50 1 $37.99

Cowboy Hats Story Prop—The Gingerbread Cowboy $23.99 for 12 1 $23.99

Plastic Pail with Handle Dramatic Play See Science Yellow Rubber Gloves Dramatic Play $10.45 for 6 1 $10.45

The Three Little Javelinas Books $11.72 1 $11.72 Attribute Beads and Pattern Cards Math See Math

Nothing Sticks Like a Shadow Book $7.52 1 $7.52 White Sheet Dramatic Play $9.47 1 $9.47 Gregory’s Shadow Book $6.99 1 $6.99 What Makes a Shadow? Book $15.66 1 $15.66

Construction Worker Role Play Set Dramatic Play $24.66 1 $24.66 Caution Tape Dramatic Play $7.49 1 $7.49 Clipboards Dramatic Play $11.84 for 3 1 $11.84 Canvas Work Apron Dramatic Play $0.77 1 $0.77 Toolbox Dramatic Play See Dramatic Play

Binoculars Dramatic Play $29.99 for 6 1 $29.99 Tent Dramatic Play $29.99 1 $29.99 Flashlights Dramatic Play See Science Pretend and Play Camping Gear Dramatic Play $19.76 1 $19.76

Pinwheel Story Prop—Gilberto and the Wind $1.39 1 $1.39 Simple Machines Set Story Prop—The Cool Pool $29.95 1 $29.95

What Makes Day and Night Book $5.99 1 $5.99 Flash, Crash, Rumble, and Roll Book $5.99 1 $5.99

Rubber Ball Story Prop—Oscar and the Cricket See Physical Development TOTAL $1,382.91


Plastic Popcorn Containers Dramatic Play $9.15 1 $9.15 Guess Whose Shadow? Book $8.88 1 $8.88 Light: Shadows, Mirrors, and Reflections Book $7.00 1 $7.00

Photograph of cats in the rain Story Prop—One Dark Night Printing Expense 7 Shadows and Reflections Book $13.05 1 $13.05

Our Seasons Book $7.95 1 $7.95 Why Should I Recycle? Book $7.99 1 $7.99

Photograph of recycling containers Story Prop—Think Green! Printing Expense

Unit Item Material Type Cost per Item Number of Items Total Cost 6

Sea Shells Story Prop—The Puddle Pail $14.99 for 150 1 $14.99 Feathers Story Prop—The Puddle Pail $5.99 for 600 1 $5.99 Plush Dog Story Prop—Whistle for Willie $15.40 1 $15.40 8

Melissa & Doug Deluxe Construction Puzzles Fine Motor $11.97 1 $11.97

1 kitchen set $599.95 for all-in-1 kitchen set 1 $599.95

Dress-up clothes $179.95 for career set of 5 1 $179.95

Cost per Item Number of Items Total Cost

There are no comparable OWL curriculum or manipulatives kit items. Item Kaplan

Clothing storage rack with mirror $139.95 for dress-up unit 1 $139.95

Kitchen play items (eating utensils, dishes, pots & pans, play food, cooking utensils) $49.95 for kitchen set, including eating utensils, dishes, pots and pans, and cooking utensils 1 $85.90 $35.95 for 101-piece play food assortment 1

Empty containers (cereal/food, detergent, milk, etc.)

Cleaning play items (dish cloths/towels, sponges, mop and bucket, broom and dust pan, child-size vacuum) $29.95 for dust, sweep, & mop 1 $84.95$19.95 for spray, squirt, & squeegee 1 $34.95 for vacuum 1

Additional housekeeping accessories (child-size ironing board/iron, telephone, cash register) $69.95 for ironing board/iron 1 $123.85$13.95 for set of 2 cell phones 1 $39.95 for large calculator cash register 1

Prop boxes (grocery, restaurant, doctor’s office, veterinarian’s, tool box) $39.95 for doctor kit 1 $242.75 $41.95 for vet kit 1 $35.95 for supermarket set 1 $99.95 for Duplo café set 1 $24.95 for tool box 1 Essential Items $139.95 All Items $1,980.20

Doll play items (bed or cradle, high chair, blankets, bottles, diaper bag, baby clothes) $79.95 for doll bed 1 $247.95 $69.95 for high chair 1 $24.95 for set of four doll blankets 1 $22.95 for doll care accessories 1 $49.95 for set of 10 doll clothes 1


Dolls, variety $274.95 for 10 13” multiethnic dolls 1 $274.95


BLOCKS & ACCESSORIES There are no comparable OWL curriculum or manipulatives kit items. Item Kaplan Cost per Item Number of Items Total Cost Wood unit blocks, standard size $279.95 for Classroom Set I of 107 pieces, 28 shapes 1 $279.95 Large wooden hollow blocks (11”L X 11”W X5 ½” H) $399.95 for hollow block set of 20 1 $399.95 Block accessories (vehicles, animals, dinosaurs, traffic signs, play people) $25.95 for wooden vehicles and traffic signs 1 $226.75 $39.95 for set of 20 farm animal families 1 $53.95 for set of 11 sea animals 1 $69.95 for set of 21 zoo animals 1 $36.95 for set of 11 dinosaurs 1 $69.95 for 42-piece wooden village people 1 Additional blocks $51.95 for brick block set of 44 1 $51.95 Essential Items $279.95 All Items $958.60 Item OWL Manipulatives Kit Kaplan Items Included Cost per Item Number of Items Total Cost Counting materials ManipuLite cubes in 10 colors, set of 102 $29.95 for set of 1,000 interlocking unit cubes 1 $85.84 Snap cubes in 10 colors, set of 100 Two-color counters, package of 200 $6.99 for set of 200-piece foam counters 1 $11.95 for counters tub of 200 1 Jumbo Cuisenaire Rods, set of 56 ETA hand2mind: $36.95 Cuisenaire rods, set of 56 1 Numbers Magnetic numbers $14.95 for magnetic numbers, set of 30 1 $14.95 PRE-K BUDGET NARRATIVE TOOL: START-UP COSTS MATH MISSISSIPPI FIRST I PAGE 36

MATH, CONT. Item OWL Manipulatives Kit Kaplan Items Included Cost per Item Number of Items Total Cost Sorting materials (at least 3 different counters and sorting trays) Farm animal counters, set of 72 $19.95 for backpack bears with sorting bowls 1 $69.80 $19.95 for transportation counters, set of 72 1 $19.95 for set of 90 buttons 1 $9.95 for circular sorting tray 1 Play money Bills/coins, set of 100 paper bills and 96 coins $9.95 for Pretend & Play® Money (150 Pieces) 1 $9.95 Shape-recognition materials Tangrams, 2 sets of 4 $28.95 for tangrams classroom set 1 $111.80 $19.95 for pattern blocks and board sets 1 Attribute shapes in 3 colors and 6 shapes, set of 288 $44.95 for attribute beads 1 Geometric solids, set of 7 $17.95 for geometric solids 1 Hand-eye coordination materials $14.95 for lacing & tracing jumbo set 1 $77.85$32.95 for 1-10 peg boards and pegs 1 $29.95 for 432-piece connecting and lacing beads box 1 Scales Bucket balance $24.95 for Buggy balance set 1 $24.95 Measuring tools $4.95 for set of 12 wooden rulers 1 $22.90Measuring worms in four lengths, set of 72 $17.95 for measuring worms, set of 72 1 Time keepers Timer $11.95 for activity timer 1 $11.95 Puzzles, varying difficulty Numbers puzzle, digits 0-9 $209.95 for classroom puzzle set of 24 with rack 1 $209.95Shapes puzzle Games $29.95 for 168-piece jar of dominoes 1 $123.80 $45.95 for Match it! Set of 4 math games 1 $19.95 for Let’s Size It! 1 $27.95 for jumping jacks and pattern cards 1 Essential Items $480.34 All Items $763.74 PRE-K BUDGET NARRATIVE TOOL: START-UP COSTS MISSISSIPPI FIRST I PAGE 37

SCIENCE (SENSORY & GENERAL) Item OWL Manipulatives Kit Kaplan Items Included Cost per Item Number of Items Total Cost Sturdy sensory (sand and water) table with top that accommodates four children at one time $194.95 for sand & water tub and stand 1 $243.90 $48.95 for lid 1 Sensory table materials $22.95 for 25 lb.-bag of sand 1 $22.95 Items for digging/measuring (scoops, ladles, sifters, strainers, spoons, and measuring cups) Measuring cups, set of 4 $129.95 for classroom sand and water tool set 1 $129.95Measuring pitchers, set of 3 Funnels, 8 oz. and 16 oz. Measuring spoons, 5 sizes Essential Items $129.95 All Items $396.80 Item OWL Manipulatives Kit Kaplan Items Included Cost per Item Number of Items Total Cost Basic materials Hand lenses, set of 3 $14.95 for set of 12 student magnifiers 1 $70.46 Magnetic wands, set of 3 $27.95 for magnetic discovery board 1 $9.95 for set of 18 color paddles 1 $4.95 for set of 12 crystal prism scopes 1 Flashlights, set of 2 AMAZON: $12.66 for 2 flashlights 1 Discovery experience materials $34.95 for 95-piece gear set 1 $147.70 $21.95 for MyPlate felt set 1 $13.95 for animal match game 1 $22.95 for super bug set 1 $15.95 for outside sounds listening lotto 1 $43.95 for scents sort match-up kit 1 Thermometer $7.95 for classroom thermometer 1 Science/nature pictures and collections $20.95 for 48-piece sorting shells 1 $60.90 $39.95 for rock and mineral set 1 Essential Items $63.51 All Items $279.06 PRE-K BUDGET NARRATIVE TOOL: START-UP COSTS

There are no comparable OWL curriculum or manipulatives kit items.


Drying rack or space Included in easel above 1 Included in easel above

Item Kaplan Cost per Item Number of Items Total Cost

Child-safety scissors, left/right $24.95 for set of 12 left/right scissors with stand 1 $24.95

Paint easel, full-sized (holds 16x22 or 18x24 paper) $389.95 for 2-sided easel & drying rack combo 1 $389.95

Brushes, various sizes $11.95 for 24-piece brush assortment 1 $11.95

All Items $511.70 Item Kaplan Cost per Item Number of Items Total Cost Crayons, basic eight colors and people colors $69.95 for 800 count, Crayola classpack of 16 colors 1 $89.90 $19.95 for multicultural crayons, set of 96 1

Markers, various sizes, basic eight colors and people colors $99.95 for 200 count, Crayola classpack of 8 colors 1 $141.90 $41.95 for 80 count, Crayola classpack of 8 colors 1

Paper of different sizes, colors, textures $13.95 for 700-sheet assorted pack of construction paper, 14 colors 1 $36.35 $10.95 for 500-sheet white drawing paper 1 $4.50 for 50 sheets of 12X18 tissue paper in assorted colors 1 $6.95 for 500 sheets of manila paper 1 Collage materials $32.95 for art start kit with variety of materials 1 $134.75 $59.95 for big box of art materials 1 $9.95 for 400-piece pipe cleaner set 1 $11.95 for 400 squares of fabric 1 $19.95 for pom-poms value tub 1


Dough/clay tools $32.95 Play-Doh tools 100-piece set 1 $32.95 Paint smocks $29.95 for set of 4 art aprons 1 $29.95 Paint cups $21.95 for 10 non-spill paint pots & brushes 1 $21.95

ART (GENERAL & CONSUMABLES), CONT. Item Kaplan Cost per Item Number of Items Total Cost Play-Doh, at least red, yellow, green, blue, and orange $21.95 for set of 20 Play-Doh 1 $21.95 Glue bottles, small and refillable (at least 8) $13.95 for Elmer’s gallon 1 $21.87 $.99 for 4 oz. glue bottle 8 Liquid tempera paint $29.95 for 16 oz., washable tempera paint, set of 8 1 $29.95 Easel paper (2 rolls) $25.95 for easel paper (24”X 200”) 1 $25.95 Colored butcher paper $79.99 per roll of 36”X1000’ 6 $479.94 Materials for three-dimensional creations $3.95 for 150 colored craft sticks 1 $14.90 $10.95 for jumbo natural craft sticks 1 All Items $997.46 Item OWL Curriculum OWL Manipulatives Kit Kaplan Items Included Items Included Cost per Item Number of Items Total Cost Music player (CD player or iPod) $169.95 for CD/FM/cassette/SD/ USB boom box 1 $169.95 Musical props $59.95 for set of 12 ribbons and 12 scarves 2 $119.90 Musical instruments Set of 5 musical instruments $119.95 for 25-player rhythm band kit 1 $119.95 Age-appropriate CDs $106.95 for dance, movement, exercise CD set of 7 1 $205.85Sing along songs and poems audio CD $39.95 for everyday CD set of 20 1 $58.95 for global CD collection 1 Essential Items $119.95 All Items $615.65 PRE-K BUDGET NARRATIVE TOOL: START-UP COSTS MUSIC (IF NO SEPARATE MUSIC CLASS AVAILABLE) MISSISSIPPI FIRST I PAGE 40

P.E. (IF NO SEPARATE P.E. CLASS IS AVAILABLE) There are no comparable OWL curriculum or manipulatives kit items. Item Kaplan Cost per Item Number of Items Total Cost Age-appropriate mobile equipment $179.97 for gross motor skills set of balls, hoops, bean bags, jump ropes, sidewalk chalk 1 $314.92$134.95 for 20-handle parachute 1 All Items $314.92 There are no comparable OWL curriculum or manipulatives kit items. Item Kaplan Cost per Item Number of Items Total Cost Digital camera $199.95 for Canon PowerShot ELPH180 1 $199.95 Memory card AMAZON: $21.75 for 32GB memory card 1 $21.75 Desktop/Laptop/ Tablet* $395 for Prowise Chromebook laptop/tablet 1 $395.00 Tablets (4)* APPLE: $429 for 128 GB iPad with Wi-Fi 4 $1,716.00 Tablet accessories APPLE: $79.95 for Otterbox case 4 $319.80 Headsets for Tablets (if listening center headsets not compatible) AMAZON: $9.75 for Snug Plug n Play Kids Headphones for Children DJ Style 4 $39.00 Printer $199.95 for PIXMA iP7220 Wireless Inkjet Photo Printer 1 $199.95 Essential Items $1,755.00 All Items $2,891.45 *Equipment and Technology items. Public schools must inventory all computers or computer equipment above $250. PRE-K BUDGET NARRATIVE TOOL: START-UPTECHNOLOGYCOSTS MISSISSIPPI FIRST I PAGE 41

The entire toolkit can also be found online at Mississippi First is a nonpartisan, nonprofit that champions transformative policy solutions ensuring educational excellence for every Mississippi child.

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