Ma hui chuan 2014 portfolio

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HuiChuan Ma Portfolio Aug.2014

About me


Personal Profile


Design Project PUBLIC ENVIROMENT Human Care Green eco Culture


02 Design Project

01 About me 6 Profile





Life Trail


Rocking PAD


BUS COming


Blind Guider






Caring Stick










Charging Clip


City Gophers










03 Skill 202

Let's talk somthing About me. 4


HUI CHUAN MA +886-961-013-979


Hey, I'm Hui-Chuan Ma,

I must say that I'm not a special person, but I am working hard. I think Doing is better than waiting, and that is my principle. I was born in 1989 in ChangHua City, Taiwan. There are 6 people in my family, including parents, 1 older sister and 2 younger sister and myself. My father was a business man, and he is retirement now, my mother is a housewife. Both of them are good in painting and they influenced on me so much when I was a child.

3 years ago, I graduated from college, between the Bachelor and master degree, I star ted working in a design studio as an Assistant d e s i g n e r f o r 1 y e a r. I l e a r n e d k n o w l e d g e o f m a n u f a c t u re a n d production much. I very thanks for my co-workers, they taught me so much.

When I was junior high school student, my grade was very poor. But I didn't give up. Finally, I got into DAAN vocational high school and majored in Graphic Art Communication. I found that I was interested in Graphic Design.

2 years ago, I began the master degree in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology and still majored in industrial design. But Now I know myself better, and catching on the difference between lectures in school and actual design in industry. I use those knowledge which I learned those years into all of my design project now. I'm willing to try anything with enthusiasm. Such as internship project at HAITEC, this project is about car interior design of future. Begin, I am not familiar with this area, and it is full of test for my in the process, but at last I overcome it. I also participated a project of bamboo craft, learning and experiencing local bamboo craft techniques in Taiwan. In addition, I was very actively to participated

7 years ago, I got into National Taipei University of Technology, and I majored in Industrial Design. Begin, I didn't know what is industrial design, and I didn't like it, I think it so difficult to me. Because, it needs build 3D modeling and rendering, always spends much time. However, one of my college teacher, she just said: Design is not Art, Do the design which can help the most people, and to do something meaningful and touching design. I have remembered what she said by now, I think that was influenced on me deeply.

many design competitions, and won some of domestic and international awards. I’m very like challenge myself. Even though, In order to finish those projects spends much time, worked around the clock for several days. but I never complained, and I made it. I think I should create more innovation and possible thing in the future, and keep making selfexamination to adjust my attitude and direction. And I also hope my design project could be seen by the world. Therefore, I hope my design not just design the shape of the product, I wish my design will help a lot of people in the future.

Doing is better than waiting. 7

P P EDUCATION National Taiwan University of Science & Technology Department of industrial & Commercial Design ( MA 2012 - Present ) / National Taipei University of Technology Department of Industrial Design ( BA 2007-2011 ) / Daan Industrial Vocational High School Department of Graphic Arts Communication ( 2004-2007 )

LANGUAGE English Chienese Taiwanese

INTEREST Photography Travel Movie


e r

r o

s f

EXHIBITION Young Design Exhibition ( 2014/05/06 - 07/06 ) Taichung Cultural & Creative Industries Park Caring Stick / Asia Talents Culture Effects ( 2014/04 ) Bangkok, Thailand Studio Loud / Young Design Exhibition ( 2013/11- 2014/02 ) Taiwan Design Museum Caring Stick / Taipei Design Award Exhibition ( 2013/10-11 ) Taipei EXPO PARK City Gophers / Young Designers' Exhibition ( 2013/05 ) Taipei World Trade Center Heartfelt wishes / Young Designers' Exhibition ( 2011/05 ) Taipei World Trade Center Caring Stick & Double Protector

o n a i l e

l -

EXPERIENCE ITRI Medical Design Project Designer ( 2014/05-2014/12 ) / NTCRI Craft Project Studio Loud - Bamboo Craft Design ( 2013/07-2014/05 ) / HAITEC & PEGA Internship Project Car Interior Design intern ( 2012/10-2013/01 ) / NDD Design Taipei Assistant Industrial Designer ( 2011/08-2012/06 ) / JIVA Design Industrial Design intern ( 2011/08-2012/06 )





Photoshop illustrator inDesign Pro-Engineer Autodesk Alias -Keyshot Showcase modo After Effect Premiere iMovie



Taiwan Craft Design Competition - Finalist ( Re-Round ) Taiwan Craft Design Competition - Finalist ( Begin ) Red dot Award : Design Concept 2014 - Winner ( Rocking Pad ) Red dot Award : Design Concept 2014 - Winner ( Caring Stick ) Red dot Award : Design Concept 2014 - Winner ( Charging Clip ) International Design Excellence Award - Finalist ( Life Trail ) iF concept award - 300 entries ( iWash ) iF concept award - 300 entries ( Bus Coming ) iF concept award - 300 entries ( Blind Guider ) iF concept award - Special award - Pre-selection ( iShower ) iF concept award - Special award - Pre-selection ( iWash )


Uneec Applied Design Award - Merit Award ( Bus Coming ) Sichuan-Taiwan industrial design award - Bronze Award ( Right Way ) Sichuan-Taiwan industrial design award - Bronze Award ( Cuckoo Medi ) Taipei international design award - Distinction ( City Gophers ) Liteon award - Merit Award ( Charging Clip ) Liteon award - Merit Award ( Right Way ) NSC Forward Planning - Excellence Award ( Heartfelt wishes ) Gigabyte Great-design Competition - Silver Award ( Cuckoo Medi ) Gigabyte Great-design Competition - Special Award ( Heart Hot ) iF concept award - 340 entries ( Caring Stick ) iF concept award - 340 entries ( Blind Guider )


Sichuan-Taiwan industrial design award - Finalist ( Rolling Life ) Cultural and Creative Design Competition - Winner ( Acne Face ) Bicycle Design Competition - Merit Award ( Pioneer ) Taiwan Tech v.s Art Center Cultural and Creative Workshop - Bronze Award ( Bubble Typhoon )


Qualia Design Competition - Merit Award ( Caring Stick ) International Conference of Innovation and Design - Beneficence Design Award ( Caring Stick ) Young design competition - Finalist ( Caring Stick ) Young design competition - Finalist ( Double Protector )



Bicycle Racks Design Competition - Special Award ( Vine Rack )


meet 2010 My Story - Finalist ( Childhood innocence )


Design in my Life Project 12



Life Trail Blind Guider ROCKING PAD iWash bus coming



Life Trail Refuge route guider

BRIEF Life Trail traffic signs function as standard road signs, but they can quickly convert to evacuation signs in case of emergency. The signs activate automatically once a disaster warning alert is received from the Disaster Prevention Center. The signs will adjust to show the most efficient route to the nearest shelter.

DIMENSION 900 (L) X50 (W) X 3000 (H) mm

MATERIAL Aluminum / E-paper / LED

Member Hui-Chuan, Ma / Yan-Jang, Cheng /

AWARD 2014 International Design Excellence Award - Finalist 2013 Sichuan-Taiwan design award - Bronze Award 2013 Liteon award - Merit Award


Background During an unexpected disaster situation, such as war, natural disaster...etc. There is a very short window of time to escape. The most vulnerable people are those with the most limited ability to respond quickly, such as Elderly, Disabled, and foreigners. If roads and telecommunication systems are down, emergency information may not be available through the normal channels. People may be particularly prone to panic, making them very difficult to find the way of shelter, often resulting in death.


What's the problems?

Couldn’t find the emergency shelter sign.

Lost the direction. Go to the wrong direction.

Some people with limited ability to respond quickly.




Concept Life Trail is a directional and escape system that leads people to shelters quickly in an emergency situation. It combines functions of traffic signs and emergency routes, and it’s a general traffic signs at peacetime in the city.



When the emergency situation occur The sign will convert into the evacuation sign with warning sound immediately, and the arrow will rotate with flash light to guide people the precise way of shelter. The dual mode of communication (flash light and sound alert) allows the system to be understood by those with visual or hearing impairments. The lack of complex language or lettering also allows foreigners to readily understand it.







How it works? It will activate automatically when receive a disaster warning alert signal from “Disaster Prevention Center� by satellite, and then start to plan the most efficient route. The general traffic signs will convert into the evacuation sign with warning sound immediately. Meanwhile, the arrow will rotate to guide people to the nearest shelter.

Disaster Occur


Disaster Prevention Center


Life Trail


Trail combined with the traffic signs and 1. Life it’s installed on everywhere in the city. the most efficient route, Let people 2. Guide find the way of shelters easily and quickly.

The arrow of Life Trail will guide people to the closest shelter.


If the route is blocked, Life Trail will updates and leads people to the next closest shelter immediately. 28

Make the connection with the satellite to g e t t h e n e w e s t i n f o r m a t i o n a n d according to the road’s situation to change the direction of arrow.


Detail and Technology

360o rotating arrow

Guide the direction of shelter > No blind spot to guide people refuge quickly. > Flash light (LED), clear guideline. > Make the connection with the satellite.

E-paper > Traffic signs convert into evacuation sign by using e-paper. > The power consumption, only the screen convert instant. > It also in the normal ambient light can be identifiable clearly .


Solar Panel Life Trail’s battery is charged by the city’s electricity supply as well as by solar power, so even if the city’s power grid goes down, it can still function.

Warning Sound Both sides with speaker. When the emergency situation occur, t h e w a r n i n g s o u n d to a l e r t people must to refuge soon.

Maintenance and Repair


Maintenance and Repair

Life Trail with the maintenance area, make the technician to repair and maintenance.


mockup In this mock up, we tried to use LED to present the situation of real environment. After we try it, we found the Green light is good display in day and night. Nowadays the e-paper hasn't display clear, but we believe that it will better than present in the future. 33




Title / Life Trail Full-length film / 3:16 Film link / 37


Rocking Pad Seesaw + pad game

BRIEF Rocking Pad combines the entertainment facility and advanced technology to develop a new way to play. User can choose the built-in games or link the games from personal digital device and open up in Rocking Pad. There're different game mode to play, such as contest or team work. Rocking Pad is not only bringing children to the reality and interacting with others but also making them exercise outdoor while playing.

DIMENSION 250(L) x 130(W) x 60(H) mm

MATERIAL Plastic / Touch Screen / Solar panel

Member Hui-Chuan, Ma / Yan-Jang, Cheng / Mu-Chern, Fong /

AWARD 2014 Red dot Award : Design Concept - Winner


Background The generalization of digital electronics causes children to indulge in digital pad. This phenomenon makes them go out for sports and interact with peers less often, which influent their future development in school and social relationships.


Concept Rocking Pad combines the traditional entertainment facility and advanced technology to develop a new way to play. It set up at outdoor such as park, it just like a seesaw, but it with new way to play. Nowaday the seesaw no more attract the children to play it. Therefore, the design of Rocking Pad, combine the tablet and seesaw to give children more and more fun. Let children play and interactive with others. Rocking Pad need to two children to play it. Children can play with other children. User can choose the built-in games or link the games from personal digital device and open up in the Rocking Pad. In the game, it may have different mode to participate, such as contest or teamwork. Rocking Pad is not only bringing children to the reality and interacting with others but also making them exercise outdoor while playing.


How to use

Touch to operate the game to b e p e r f o r m e d . I t h a s built-in games to choose.


360 o menu, user can stand any position to choose the game which they want to play. Users just slide their finger on the screen of Rocking Pad to choose the game.


Choose the "More game" icon, it will display 4 different game mode for user. Users can enjoy different game mode.




Add 43

Game mode

Competition Game to compete with each other like Pinball, balance games, etc.

V 44

S . V

Cooperation Adjust the seat and sit with partner as a team to participate in the game such as racing car, etc.

Contest Rocking Pad can connect to each machine which adds more possibilities to play.






1 Touch Panel 2 Solar Panel 3 Speaker

ADD Rocking Pad cannot only choose the built-in games but link to personal digital device for games.


360 o Swivel Seat

Press the button to adjust the seat along the rail according to the game mode.

Leaking Hole At the base of the host with a leaking hole design, which makes Rocking Pad places outdoor without water concerns.

Sphere Pivot The sphere pivot design performs various angle to play.



Bus Coming A bus stop

BRIEF Passengers at bus stop, just scan the QR code, as registered record of taking the bus. When the bus coming user's smartphone will vibrate and jump out the message to remind user Bus is coming, don't miss the bus. On the other hand, Bus Coming will be arranged and displayed the sequence of arrival bus on the screen of stop, people can see it to know which one is their bus quickly.

DIMENSION 400 (L) X 200 (W) X2000 (H) mm


Member Hui-Chuan, Ma / Yan-Jang, Cheng /

AWARD 2014 iF concept award - 300 entries 2013 Uneec Applied Design Award - Merit Award


Problem We waited for the bus with some problems: 1. Be a Smartphone Addicts caused to miss the bus. 2. When the Night or rainy blurred vision, the driver did not see you waving. 3. Many buses come at the same time, so we don't know which bus is own to take quickly.


To avoid the problem of over-stations, make the bus every station stop. It seemingly convenient, but extend another problem. If the bus each station stop for 10 seconds, it will increase 10 minutes whole travel time, and it will increase fuel consumption more than 30%.


Concept Passengers at the bus stop, just scan the QR code, as registered record of taking the bus. When the bus arrive the bus stop, the passenger's smartphone will vibrate and jump out the message to remind the user “Bus is coming soon, don’t miss the bus!� On the other hand, Bus Coming will be arranged and displayed the sequence of arrival bus on the screen of stop, people can see the screen to know which one is own to take quickly.

Bus map information

Station Name

Bus Number

1. Different color, different bus line / Make people easy to identify. 2. Direction of travel clearly / By real line and dashed line and the arrow, avoid people taking wrong direction. 3. The same bus route / If different bus line with the same bus stop, it will show the concentric on the bus map. Make people to find the different choices to take the bus more easily.


How to use

Look on the bus map.

Scan the QR code as registered record.

Check the bus number and transfer info to bus.

Bus coming, the smart phone will vibrate and jump out the message.



Arranged the sequence of arrival bus

Arranged the sequence of arrival bus, let the passenger who near the bus stop or distant to know which one is own to take quickly.





When the bus leave, the bus number of screen will disappear at the same time.




Screen display

Display the bus arrival time, and the sequence of arrival bus.

The next sequence or more than 10 minutes arrival bus.




Passengers don’t need to wait in line to see the map information and scan QR code.

Technical note

GPS for bus + QR code

Scan QR code Better for user to scanning QR code. On the other hand to fit the human factors, can use of different heights people.



Blind Guider blind brick

BRIEF Design a innovative guide brick to be able to guide blind and provide the street names and direction information to blind, it is using the technology of RFID on the guide brick. The guide brick design make the blind can confirm the direction easily.

DIMENSION 300(L) X 300 (W) X 30 (H) mm


Member Hui-Chuan, Ma / Yan-Jang, Cheng / Chih-hao, Wang / Yin-Kai, Lee / AWARD 2014 iF concept award - 300 entries 2013 iF concept award - 340 entries


Problem Nowaday the guide brick indication direction only, and it can't give blind road name information.The blind going out still need other people to help him and guide him to go anywhere.


Concept Design a innovative guide brick to be able to guide blind and provide the street names and direction information to blind, it is using the technology of RFID on the guide brick. The blind can induced the guide brick by the bottom of the guide cane, and it will transmission information to the earphone. Blind can recieve guide brick info. Not only he can know where he is clearly,but also let him know where to go next. The guide brick design with a sunken , so that the blind can confirm the direction easily.


my s i e r e wh I know clearly ! n locatio


Detail and Technology

Take the Bluetooth earphone on the guide cane

Sound button

Press the Sound button, Blind can listen to the info.

Bluetooth earphone Recive information

Size : 40 x 20 mm


The RFID Reader induction to RFID Tag. It will transmission information to earphone by Bluetooth.

RFID Reader

Read information


Set up On corner guide brick or around the warning guide brick

Corner guide brick

Warning guide brick

Size : 300 x 300 mm



iWash faucet

BRIEF iWash is a faucet design used in public which integrates the Digital Microscope and Project technology to display the germs quantity of both hands on the transparent screen while washing hands. The germs die down gradually in the handwashing process that user may see clearly on the screen. iWash helps people to understand well the sanitation and ease the threat of disease causing by germs.

DIMENSION 200 (L) X 300 (W) X 300 (H) mm

MATERIAL Aluminum / Tempered glass / LED

Member Hui-Chuan, Ma / Yan-Jang, Cheng / Mu-Chern, Fong / Pei-Chih, Deng / AWARD 2014 iF concept award - 300 entries 2014 Hansgrohe Preis special award - 178 entries



Challenge There are more than 500 millions people die per year because of the germ infection. The best way to fight the germs is washing hands often. Restrooms in public places, such as a i r p o r t s , t ra i n s t a t i o n s , h o s p i t a l a n d restaurant, pose the highest risk for the indirect spread of disease and viruses. Germ crisis hidden in places where we can’t see, or places where we think is safe.

of people use hand cleanser to wash hands, because they think wash hands with cleanser is cleaner. However, based on the report of 2013 china Beijing airport, the germs in the cleanser are 600 times more than the standard. People wash hands with hand cleanser are dirtier than those who don’t even wash hands. The design of iWash helps reveal the hidden germs so that people can wash hands correctly.

According to the survey, average of 66.9%






Germs are hidden everywhere around us.



Germs Quantity > Standard

In process

Almost clean

iWash turns on by the infrared sensor and starts scanning the hands.



It displays the germs condition of both hands on the transparent screen and shines the red light as warning.



Germs Quantity < Standard

Germs die down in the hand washing process which user may see the outcome on the screen clearly.


The red light changes into green when the germs on the hands have been washed away. It indicates the warning is dismissed.


Structure & Technical note

Transparent Screen



Digital Microscope


LED Light

Project the bacteria image on the transparent screen.

Project Scan

A digital microscope is a variation of a traditional optical microscope that uses optic and a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera to output a digital image to a monitor, sometimes by the means of software running on a computer or other device for different usage.






Caring Stick Elders' stick

BRIEF The design of Caring Stick emphasizes that using a stick is no longer a symbol of aging. Caring Stick can help the elders walk and stand up easily, and it also equipped with a flashlight. When the elders walk at night, the flashlight will turn on automatically. It make the elders more safety.

DIMENSION 200 (L) x 40 (W) x 1170 (H) mm

MATERIAL Aluminum / LED light

Member Hui-Chuan, Ma / Yan-Jang, Cheng /

AWARD 2014 Red dot Award : Design Concept - Winner 2013 iF concept award - 340 entries 2011 Qualia Design Competition - Merit Award 2011 Young design competition - Finalist

Exhibition 2014 Young Design Exhibition 2013 Young Design Exhibition 2011 Young Designers' Exhibition



Problem - Difficult to stand up, it might injury to the waist. - The stick’s height make elders to hold the stick uncomfortable. - It will lack a sense of self-confidence for elderly people.


When people becoming old, it will produce physical and psychological problems.

Memory loss Inferiority

Deterioration of eyesight Walking inconvenience

Feel Worthlessness



Get sick Senile psychosis

Weakened immunity




Lack of self-confidence

Lack of exercise

Feel lonely

lay on the bed for a long time

Felt fear

Get sick

Improvement the psychological, the physical will be changed.




Caring Stick Caring Elders’ Everyday



Concept Nowadays is a aging society, therefore, the elder who should be important. Most of people think that taking a stick symbol of aging. The design of Caring Stick not only let the stick no longer a symbol of aging, but also help the elders walk and stand up convenience. It makes the elder be able to more independent and security when they going outside.

Reduce the support height of stick.


Help elders stand up easily.

Storage box



The button of flashlight






Cuckoo Medi Elders' medicine box

BRIEF Cuckoo Medi is a medicine box. It helps the elders to take their medicine in time. When it's time for medicine the Cuckoo bird on the clock will jump out and sing to remind elderly.

DIMENSION 335 (L) x 112 (W) x 562 (H) mm

MATERIAL wood / metal / led / clock

Member Hui-Chuan, Ma / Yan-Jang, Cheng / Hsin-Ya, Huang /

AWARD 2013 Great-design Competition - Silver Award 2013 Sichuan-Taiwan design award - Bronze Award


Background When people getting old, their memory will be degraded, so that those problems happen frequently. Therefore, taking medicine becomes dangerous or the burden of body to elders. For the elderly, the most important thing is families' care and reminders, and always be aware of and observe the elders' medication habits and security. As a family member, these things we should be done.


Problem Repeat medication : Forget whether taken the medicine or not, caused to repeat medication. Poor memory : Forgot to take medicine or delay to take medicine. Wrong medicine : The medicine information so complex to understand, caused them to take wrong medicine.




Existing products Lack of emotional level design, and after forget to take medicine, how to notice the elderlys' family or social workers?


Concept Cuckoo Medi is a electronic medicine box. It helps the elders to take their medicine on time. When it's time for medicine the Cuckoo Medi on the clock will jump out and sing to remind elderly. At the same time the medicine will fall down to the transparent cup at the bottom of clock, and the cup will glow in a warm light. If the elders still forget the medicine and they did not take the medicine out in 10 minutes, Cuckoo Medi will automatically contact their family or family doctor to remind the elders by Cuckoo medi APP. Through simple and intuitive interactions, Cuckoo Medi greatly stop these common medicine-misusing problems such as repeating, forgetting to take the medicine and even taking the wrong ones. Moreover, it can simply work with a few steps which makes their caretaking easier.

How to use

Step 1

When filling in the one week medicine. Open the front cover of the clock by the elders' family.


Step 2

Place the medicine in the right order. Different colors represent different day. 4 times / 1 day.


What time for medicine ?

Step 3

Oh! Now I know it’s time to medication !


Thank you CUCKOO MEDI !

Step 4


Touch Screen



Replace the medicine box back to the clock. Touch the touch screen to set up time, and drag the four icons according to the medicine-taking time. When it's time for taking the medicine, Cuckoo Medi will sing.

When time to medication, it will jump out from the clock. the medicine in it will drop to the medicine cup. Warm light will light on and flash as double remind. It's easy for the elders to put the magnetic cup back to the clock. 95

Notice system

1. If the elders still forget the medicine and they did not take the medicine

out in 10 minutes, Cuckoo Medi will automatically contact their family or family doctor to remind the elders.

elderly has not been dispensary, CUCKOO MEDI will not continue 2. Iftothe fall the medicine, thereby avoiding duplication elderly medication.

3. If

the elderly not at home,the family members can be contacted by Cuckoo Medi APP, let CUCKOO MEDI notice system suspend or adjust medication time.


Caring the elderly


Social Worker

Cuckoo Medi App


Home Page

The popularity of smartphones, therefore Cuckoo Medi connect the networks, and combine with the App to enhance the Cuckoo Medi convenience, so that the elder's family can be easily adjusted in accordance with the elderly to do the daily situation.

Over 10 min Message reminder

Dial & Contact

Adjust the medication time


Cuckoo Medi Structure Size : 335(L)x112(W)x562(H) (mm)

Transparent cover of the medicine box


Medicine box

Touch Scren

Drop the medicine

Transparent cup of the medicine

Metal & magnet





Title / Cuckoo Medi Full-length film / 2:05 Film link /



Heart Hot

Food thermal insulation stoves

BRIEF Heart hot is a food thermal insulation stoves design, it makes the people who go home late, make them feel happiness. It with warm-shimmer, and sweet message and warm food. When people go home, they will see a warm-shimmer, make them enjoy the sweet food.

DIMENSION 380 (L) X 340 (W) X 45 (H) mm

MATERIAL LED light / High technology ceramics / Glass

Member Hui-Chuan, Ma / Chih-Hao,Wang / Yan-Jang, Cheng / Yin-Kai, Lee / AWARD 2013 Great-design Competition - Special Award


Background There are so many double-income family in Taiwan. Parents have to work, and children need to go to the cram school after school, resulting family eat dinner together seldom. As the head of a family, work hard and busy, it's in order to give the family able to have plenty of food and clothing. It make them without shortage of material, but make them the emotional isolation. According the database of Taiwan's Academia Sinica. It surveys almost two million people ( junior high school and senior high school students ).


The result shows that the average eat dinner with family above 5 days per week, the proportion of young people only 40.7%. 9.8% is 4 days per week. 13.7% is 3 days per week. 18.6% is 2 days per week. 8.3% is 1 day per week. Never eat dinner with family up to 8.4%.

Warm Shimmer


Sweet message


warm food

Concept The children or the parents who back home late, it always make the family emotional isolation.

food at the same time. It is some one who care you. User can reply to message,too.

The design of Heart Hot have 3 point, warm-shimmer, sweet message and warm food, it makes the children who back home late feel happiness.

Hear t Hot make people robust their emotional indirectly, and their relations more compact!

When the user back home and go through table, Heart hot will project a warm-shimmer to remind user there is a warm food and sweet message, some one prepare it for you. User just open the insulation cover and listen to the message, enjoy the warm


How to use


Step1 Parents prepare a food and thermal insulation to their children. Press the microphone icon to record a message which they want to say to their children, and then the play icon will light up red light, it indicates there is a message.


Step2 Close the cover, and adjust the temperature. It will light up a warm-shimmer and start to thermal insulation.


Step4 Press the play icon which with red light. Children can enjoy the food, and listen to the message which record by their parents.

Step3 When children back home, he will see the warm-shimmer, and then he can open the cover to enjoy the warm and delicious food.

Children can record the feedback for their parents, as between parentoffspring some happiness exchange.


Adjust the Temperature

slide finger on the screen of Touch panel to set up the temperature. The range of temperature between 20-90 degree.


Thermal insulation area

Thermal insulation button

Record & Play button When it has message, the play button will light up a red light, to remind user there is a message.

Project a warm-shimmer with Heart shape

By pressing the Thermal insulation button to open the warm-shimmer. Heart hot has a projector, it will project a Red Heart shape. It use of mist generated by heat food, therefore the heart shape can project on the glass cover.



mockup The mock up of this project, we face a problem that project a Heart shape on the glass cover. We try different project angle and different size to Project the Heart shape on the glass cover. Finally we made it ! 113




Title / Heart Hot Full-length film / 3:00 Film link /



Touch Sign pregnancy tests

BRIEF Touch Sign is a pregnancy test design which utilizes the image of the pregnant woman's body. After dropping the urine within a moment, the chemistry causes the reacting part of the product to grow like a belly gradually, which indicates the sign of successful pregnancy. The surface expansion replaces of 2 line is especially beneficial to the visual impairment. They can realize the result by touching the product and also read the instruction in Braille illustrated on the surface.

DIMENSION 380 (L) X 340 (W) X 45 (H) mm

MATERIAL Plastic / Latex

Member Hui-Chuan, Ma / Mu-Chern, Fong / Yan-Jang, Cheng /


Background The original pregnancy test takes time to understand how it works. And it causes trouble understanding the uncertainty when the outcome is ambiguous. Particularly for special user like the visual impairment, it’s impossible to use.


Concept Touch Sign is a pregnancy test design which utilizes the image of the pregnant woman's body. After dropping the urine within a moment, the chemistry causes the reacting part of the product to grow like a belly gradually, which indicates the sign of successful pregnancy. The design features the growing belly which in replace of 2 line is especially beneficial to the visual impairment. They can realize the result by touching the reacting part of Touch Sign and also read the instruction in Braille illustrated on the surface. Moreover, user may remove the test strip part and keep the rest part as a memorial.

Not Pregnant



How to use

Step 2

Step 3

Step 1

Touch Sign illustrates the steps clearly and makes pregnancy test easier for the visual impairment.






Follow the instructioin on the product and drop the urine on the test strip.


Within a moment, the reacting part will grow like a belly as the sign of successful pregnancy.

Remove & Memorial

Remove the test strip part, user can keep the pregnancy test as a memorial.


How it works Pregnant woman secretes human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) which composed of amino acid can be detected in the urine. hCG interacts with chemicals and performs decarboxylation. The chemistry produces carbon dioxide which triggers the surface expansion of the product. Urine

Chemicals Hydrolase

Drop the Urine which contents hCG on the test strip.

Reacting Part


hCG interacts with chemicals (Hydrolase) and performs decarboxylation.

The carbon dioxide produced by the chemical reaction triggers the surface to expand.


Memorial Touch Sign becomes a piece of memory puzzle during the pregnancy for mothers. It can be kept as a memorial, which adds more emotion and stories in the pregnancy test design.






Charging Clip ECO Mobile power pack

BRIEF Charging Clip is like a normal clip that we use. Clip it on the bicycle rims. When the wheel is rotating, it will transfer kinetic energy to electricity and store it for other purpose. It can also generate alert light ring to warn other cyclists around. Charging Clip not only supply the cyclists to charging their 3C product, but also protect the cyclists safety during night.

DIMENSION 45 (L) x 60 (W) x 30 (H) mm

MATERIAL Plastic / OLED / rechargable battery

Member Hui-CHuan, Ma / Yan-Jang, Cheng /

AWARD 2014 Red dot Award : Design Concept - Winner 2013 Liteon award - Merit Award


Global Population Smart phone user

Feature phone

According TomiAhonen 2013 report noted that the current world population of 7.1 billion, and 4.3 billion people are using mobile phones, of which 1.3 billion people are using smartphones, but the smartphones user population will continue to grow. 7.1 billion

4.3 billion

1.3 billion

People use the smartphone wherever and whenever, the smartphones are power-hungry products , so it result need to charge twice in average everyday.


Power consumption for charging The iPhone charger, for example

A Dead flat iphone to full charge takes at least three hours. A man in charge of the electricity is wasted 0.03 kWh a day, it looks very tiny.

3 hours

Dead flat

100% Power


Seemingly tiny, but it will add up However, the 1.3 billion population to do so, the tiny numbers cumulative , and it's about 14.2 billion kwh wasted per year. It's impact on the environment invisible.

Environmental Impact 14.2billion kwh, what can we do? The electricity can be supplied to about 100 million household electricity consumption. It can be reduced more than 10million tons of carbon dioxide. It can replace 48 nuclear power plants. A bit of waste , caused such a big impact on the environment.


House power 100,000,000 family

Save Electricity for 100 million domestic electric power use every year.

CO2 10,650,000 tons

Reduce the emission of carbon dioxide of 10,650,000 tons every year.

Nuclear power 48 plants

Equivalent to 48 nuclear power plants electricity generated every year.

Commuter Transportation trend it can be seen from the chart, the bicycle has gradually become a trend, it is because the bicycle very convenient, lightweight, inexpensive and environmentally friendly, and gradually people of all ages.



x both of two thing is increasing, so that we combine it. Use of the bicycle to generate green power to charge our mobile phone.




Green Power Press the button of two sides, and it will stretch, and then clip on the bicycle rims. When the bike is stopped, it will not charge.


20% of the electricity

When riding bicycle, the Charging Clip will begin to charge. The power of electricity below than 20% is red, so the bicycle rims will rotate red ring.

60% of the electricity

The power of electricity over than 20% is green, so the bicycle rims will rotate green ring. Riding the bicycle continued, and the light will not go out.

Users can take advantage of the bicycle rim rotation to get the natural power for Charging Clip to charge. 137

Eco-Friendly The green power savings into own 3C products, reduce unnecessary waste, and more eco-friendly to the environment.



Transfer kinetic energy to electricity

Magnet Coil Spring

Rechargeable battery pack

Miniaturization Reciprocating Electric Generator

Between magnet and coil movement to generate electromagnetic induction, and it will transfer kinetic energy to electricity. Bicycle rim rotated a circle and it will generate electricity twice. 139

Riding Safety General bicycle with bicycle headlight and bicycle tail light only, and the side of bicycle doesn't have any warning lights. When the bicyclists is riding, Charging Clip could light on and make the bicyclist ride more safety in the night . That is different with others.




View the residual capacity Press the both sides buttons of the Charging Clip,and it will display the residual capacity.

USB Port


OLED light display

View the residual capacity


Plug the charger into Charging Clip, and it will start to charge.

















144 asm


Rubber cover





Title / Charging Clip Full-length film / 2:00 Film link /



City Gophers Outdoor trash can

BRIEF City Gophers like gophers which eat the trash and bring the trash back to their cave. City Gophers down to underground and lock could prevent to people still throw the trash and emitting a stench ,breed the vermin, rummaging trash. It make our city more clean & make the street cleaners more convenience !

DIMENSION 800 (L) x 800 (W) x 1150 (H) mm

MATERIAL Aluminum / Tempered glass

Member Hui-Chuan, Ma / Yan-Jang, Cheng /

AWARD 2013 Taipei international design award - Distinction

Exhibition 2013 Taipei Design Award Exhibition


Problem insight In our beautiful city, the outdoor trash can brought people convenience, but also lead to some problem: About Environmental /

Dumping trash can and the homeless rummaging trash can causes environmental mess. The trash can has been over flowing, people still throw rubbish. The trash can also emit a stench. Those make dirty and affect the city appearance. About Work Efficiency /

For example,Taipei city, there are more than 2300 trash can. In order to avoid overflowing trash, the street cleaner must patrol from A.M 7:00 to P.M 8:00. Because they don't know which the trash can is overflowing, so they must spend much time to check whether the trash can is full, and must to make it clean.


About Eco-Friendly /

The street cleaners clean the trash can in the city, often rely on their memory and intuition to determine whether the trashcan clean, so that the trash trucks need to run around in the city frequently to check whether the trash can is full. It wastes the fuel and make the air pollution caused by vehicle exhaust.


Work Efficiency


City Gophers

How it works? When the Infrared sensor detects when the overflowing trash will down to the underground.


Concept City Gophers like gophers, they eat the trash which was thrown by people and they bring trash back to their cave. After locked the City Gophers, it will deliver a signal to the Gophers Probe (a device in the hands of street cleaner) to remind street cleaner where trash can is full, and City Gophers down to underground also prevent to people still throw the trash and emitting a stench or other problems. City Gophers prevent those problems. 152


How to use

After unlock, it will rise up the upper half of City Gophers with the garbage bag, let the street cleaner clean the trash easily.

upper half

lower half

After the street cleaner clean finish, pressed the red lock button of Gophers Probe. Let the lower half of City Gophers rise up,and it will locked when the upper and lower combined together.


Press the green button of Gophers Probe to unlock which has locked.


Product Target From early morning to late at night, we can see the street cleaners who focus on clean the road and trash collection. They have responsibility and mission, so they work hard and keep the city tidy. We expect the City Gophers can reduce the manpower and time on patrol, and reduce time to clean the trash can to increase their work efficiency significantly. In addition, it also reduces the frequency of driving the trash trucks, and reduces the vehicle of fuel consumption and emissions of carbon dioxide produced at the same time. City Gophers also prevents to emit stench,breed the vermin and prevents rummaging trash. It could be eco-friendly and make the city tidy. Overall, the advantage of City Gophers which can save cost and time, increase work efficiency, reduce vehicle fuel consumption and emissions of carbon dioxide produced.





Carbon dioxide

Compared with existing trashcan


General trashcan more laborious, and time-consuming


City Gophers 360o Open space to cleanup. Street cleaner can clean the trashcan easily, and save effort.

Material & Manufacture Solar Panel

Infrared sensor

Aluminum extrusion

Support Aluminum pressing & Bending

Mask spray Aluminum Aluminum extrusion

Rail Aluminum pressing

Screen Printing

LED light

Tempered glass

Light off

Light on


Design and Technology

Infrared sensor

Solar panels The panels save solar energy during the day and use the energy to rise and fall, and it also generate light.

Infrared sensor When the infrared sensor (inside of tras can) detects the trash can is full, and the it will begin to down underground.


LED The colors of the LED lights (Red means the trashcan is full and locked) Remind the passers-by there are a trashcan in night.



360o Open cleanup. Enhanced street cleaner work efficiency. 360o open cleanup let the street cleaner clean and replaced the garbage bag more convenience. City Gophers lift rails City Gophers use the rails to lift, and it can two-stage lift.

Front View

Side View


Solar Power

How can City Gophers work when it rains ?

Solar Panel Generator

Solar panel is the main power source of City Gophers. The panels save solar energy during the day and use the energy to rise and fall, and it also generate light.


When it rains, the supply power of City G o p h e r s , w i l l b e c o n v e r te d to p u b l i c facilities to supply the required power to keep working (such as: street light, smart bus stop ...)

Rise and fall mechanism


2 1


Rail mechanism

Supply the power Solar generator


Gophers Probe - Street cleaners can view the map to know the situation of City Gophers in the city . - Street cleaners can plan the route to clean City Gophers. It's also save unnecessary fuel wastage. - They can use Gophers Probe to control locked and unlocked, and it makes them clean quickly, also enhances their work efficiency.

Wireless Communications

Gophers Probe control the City Gophers

upper half

lower half

the upper half lift up


the upper and lower combined together.

Gophers Probe information display

isn’t full yet

Overflowing trash

street cleaner's location

need to fix

A device called Gophers Probe (street cleaner’s handheld device) 163




Title / City Gophers Full-length film / 1:25 Film link / 167


iShower Shower

BRIEF iShower is an intelligent bathroom equipment which memorizes the favor of different user. It utilizes the Fingerprint recognition technology to design a shower system which memorizes different water temperature of each family members. To login the system by the fingerprint, it supplies the water temperature which the user've adjusted the previous time. Particularly for the special user, caretaker can help adjust the safe water temperature in advance and avoid the accident happening.

DIMENSION 160 (L) x 30 (W) x 30 (H) mm

MATERIAL Chrome-plated brass / LED

Member Hui-Chuan, Ma / Yan-Jang, Cheng / Mu-Chern, Fong /

AWARD 2014 Hansgrohe Preis special award - 178 entries


Challenge Every person has different temperature preferences. However, user has to adjust the water temperature every time they take a shower. It takes time to adjust water to the appropriate temperature. Furthermore, for user like the elderly and the diabetic who suffer from the degeneration and inconvenience are insensitive to temperature. Therefore, the scald happened usually.


8 / 70 L wasted

16.7% death

In average, we use 70L water for shower a day, in which 8L is wasted.

The death rate of the elderly get scalded is up to 16.7%.

Every person has different temperature preferences.


Control the water

Pull the right side of the faucet to control the water.

Adjust water temperature Adjust the appropriate water temperature according to users favor.



User can login iShower by the fingerprint.

Enjoy the shower iShower’s system supplies the water temperature that the user has adjusted the previous time.



Care for special user

Save water resource

Considerate user experience


Culture bamboo craft 176

Re-Round Begin



Re-Round Bamboo mirror

BRIEF Making a unique shape of bamboo tube by reinterpreted skill from traditional bamboo tube furniture. Re-round not only keeps original features of bamboo tube, but display a unique modern face.

DIMENSION 370 (L) X 190 (W) X 470 (H) mm

MATERIAL Bamboo tube / Metal

Member Studio Loud : Hui-Chuan, Ma / Yan-Jang, Cheng / Cheng-Tsung, Fang / Jhih-Jie, Liou / Jr-Feng, Kwan / EXHIBITION Asia Talents Culture Effects

AWARD 2014 Taiwan Craft Design Competition - Finalist


Bamboo tube

Cutting special shape

Heating and bending

Perfect circle

We attempt to present the par ticularity and aesthetic of traditional bamboo furniture elbow tactics through our design. RE-ROUND is a desk mirror design applied by traditional bamboo craft. In manufacture, the mirror frame is made by following steps: first, cutting the bamboo tube with special shape; then, bending it by following a perfect circle, and retaining the original material as a feature.


We learning from Taiwanese craftsmanship and transform the experiences into modern design.



Learning bamboo tube heating and bending method


Try differnet cutting methods

Try different Heating and Bending methods

We fail many times!


Process Choose one of cutting shape and cut the bamboo tube


The mold makes the bamboo tube becoming perfect circle

The components making (Metal & Mirror)

Assemble and Finish







Exhibition Asia Talents: Culture Effects in 37th BIG-BIH 19th - 23rd April , 2014 Bangkok, Thailand




Bamboo stool

BRIEF The basic bamboo weaving of Begin is Hexagonalholes method. Inspiration from this method, the stool is made of bamboo lumber weaving an enlarge Hexagonal-holes to complete a stool.

DIMENSION 320 (L) X 300 (W) X450 (H) mm

MATERIAL Laminated bamboo

Member Studio Loud : Hui-Chuan, Ma / Yan-Jang, Cheng / Cheng-Tsung, Fang / Jhih-Jie, Liou / Jr-Feng, Kwan /

AWARD 2014 Taiwan Craft Design Competition - Finalist


T h e H ex a g o n a l - h o l e s i s o n e o f bamboo weaving method. However, the weaving always use of bamboo basket...Therefore, we think maybe it can transform into other material, such as Laminated bamboo, becoming a large weaving.




Learning bamboo basic weaving


Choose one of bamboo weaving method to make the design

Model Making







Basic Skill




Software 3D model : Pro-E 3D Rendering : modo



Software 3D model : Pro-E 3D Rendering : modo



Software 3D model : Alias 3D Rendering : Showcase


Software 2D Rendering : Photoshop 210

Software 2D Rendering : Photoshop & illustrator 211

HuiChuan Ma HuiChuan Ma HuiChuan Ma

I Am not a special person But I Am Working Hard Hui-Chuan, Ma 2014 / 08 / 14 Thank you !

馬 彗 娟

M H C A u H i U A N Portfolio Aug.2014

+ 886 961 013 979 ( Taiwan )

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