Percurso Investigativo PS1A

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Where does the rain come from ? It was a rainy day and we were unable to play in the park. The rain grew more and more and with it came thunder and lightning. From our window we watched the water running and, curious, we went to the door to get a closer look. “Where does the rain come from?” I asked the kids. “The cloud cries”, said Luigi “Did you know that in São Paulo there was a lightning bolt the size of the sky? My father said” Helena Peixoto told us, amazed by the noise of thunder. “The black cloud hits the white cloud and it rains. The cloud has lightning ”, Júlia replies. Fascinated with so much water that it fell from the sky, we went back to the classroom and sat down to record what we had just seen and heard ... clouds, rain, lightning and thunder ... and a lot of water. We went back to the classroom and sat down to record what we had just seen and heard ... clouds, rain, lightning and thunder ... and a lot of water. The little ones are always curious and delighted for everything related to the nature. They have the need to be in touch with soil, trees, flowers, bugs, water puddles and mud. They admire the life and recognise themselves as part of it, realizing the importance of caring about our world.

Uma questão fundamental para a educação da infância é o contato com a natureza. As crianças pequenas inclusive sentem-se parte da natureza e aos poucos é que vão se diferenciando e desenvolvendo a percepção da sua identidade diferenciada. As crianças te necessidade desse contato com o mundo natural. Tocar a terra, pisar em chão que não seja cimentado, pular em poça d’agua, conviver com árvores, plantas e bichos... Admirar-se com a vida inumerável, conhecer e reconhecer diferentes formas, reconhecer-se como parte dessa vida da Terra. A poética da Infância Conversas com quem educa as crianças

Rainy Painting – Júlia

From investigating the rain and the clouds from our classroom window at school the kids from preschool 1 started to observe them through the windows and balconies from their home. Because of the pandemic of the Coronavirus we all had to be at home to protect our health as well as the other people around us. This vírus spreads very fast among us and make us sick, so the best way to stop it is being with our family inside our safe places. But even being far from our school our group didn’t stop learning and being curious about the world. They are still curious, asking questions and raising their theories about the living things as well as the natural phenomenons. We keep on working a lot ! And that is what we’ve been doing during this “Remote Investigation” about the rain, the clouds and all the beauty we see in the sky ...

How is the weather today ?

The kids observe the weather from another perspective and raise theories about what they see outside. The clouds and their diferente shapes, the colors and nuances of them. Each point of view is a view of a point .

Escrever sobre a investigação das nuvens De onde vem Quais formas tem Como se movimentam Para onde vao

JĂşlia realized that clouds have different shapes and sizes, and softly move acrosss a blue sky !

E de repente a a chuva virou gelo

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