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[2] Missoula Independent • December 22–December 29, 2016

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Voices Lining up to watch a Watchlisted prof ’s back......................................................4 Street Talk Who should replace Zinke? ..........................................................................4 The Week in Review A councilman resigns, a cold front hits and Rogue One rules ...6 Briefs Wilderness gets wheels, a bridge in limbo and dead pets society .......................6 Etc. Bagging Bunnies’ belated blowback ........................................................................7 News Chasing mussels with UM......................................................................................8 News Richard Spencer’s unquiet storm ..........................................................................9 Opinion Playing chicken with Zinke’s seat ...................................................................10 Opinion Keeping indie bookstores alive in Billings .....................................................11 Feature How the National Park Service fails women....................................................14

Arts & Entertainment

Arts Singer-songwriter June West brings it all back home ............................................20 Music Bob Wire, Sleigh Bells and Nots ........................................................................21 Screens A tippler’s guide to holiday specials................................................................22 Film Denzel Washington’s Fences is heavy, but weighty ...............................................23 Movie Shorts Independent takes on current films.......................................................24 BrokeAss Spicy sweet potato latkes..............................................................................25 Happiest Hour Run for your beer ................................................................................27 8 Days a Week Seems like there’s a birthday somewhere in there..............................28 Agenda Carol for a cause...............................................................................................34 Mountain High Get waxed at Draught Works ..............................................................35


News of the Weird ........................................................................................................12 Classifieds....................................................................................................................C-1 The Advice Goddess ...................................................................................................C-2 Free Will Astrology.....................................................................................................C-4 Crossword Puzzle .......................................................................................................C-9 This Modern World...................................................................................................C-12

PUBLISHER Matt Gibson GENERAL MANAGER Andy Sutcliffe EDITOR Brad Tyer PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Joe Weston BOOKKEEPER Ruth Anderson DIRECTOR OF SPECIAL PROJECTS Christie Magill ARTS EDITOR Erika Fredrickson CALENDAR EDITOR Charley Macorn STAFF REPORTERS Kate Whittle, Alex Sakariassen, Derek Brouwer COPY EDITOR Amy Linn ART DIRECTOR Kou Moua GRAPHIC DESIGNER Charles Wybierala CIRCULATION ASSISTANT MANAGER Ryan Springer ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES Steven Kirst, Robin Bernard, Beau Wurster MARKETING & EVENTS COORDINATOR Ariel LaVenture CLASSIFIED SALES REPRESENTATIVE Jessica Fuerst FRONT DESK Lorie Rustvold CONTRIBUTORS Scott Renshaw, Nick Davis, Matthew Frank, Molly Laich, Dan Brooks, Rob Rusignola, Chris La Tray, Sarah Aswell, Migizi Pensoneau, April Youpee-Roll

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missoulanews.com • December 22–December 29, 2016 [3]



by Alex Sakariassen

Asked Tuesday afternoon at Draught Works Donald Trump recently named Rep. Ryan Zinke as his pick for Secretary of the Interior. What is the biggest issue facing public lands in Montana? Followup: Who do you think should replace Zinke?

Bob Ahlin: I’m an American citizen. That is my land, that is your land. Is he going to put up more gates on roads, or respect our ability to go into our lands and get firewood? Left need not apply: I have no preference at this point, but it better not be a Devil-crat.

Ali Kelly: Access. I’m just worried that access is going to be limited with him in the position, even though he says it’s not. Second chances: Denise Juneau. She’s brilliant and I think she really speaks for Montanans.

Watch me! Dear Turning Point USA: As a socialist filmmaker who advocates for women of color and attacks the dominant white corporate culture of the USA, I feel you are unfairly excluding filmmakers like me from your watchlist (“Watchlisted,” Dec. 15). Why list only college professors, who are relatively harmless? Please consider me for your watchlist, as I am fully qualified. You can check my Watchlist bonafides at my website, worldwidefilmexpedition.org. My new film, Seattle Death Trains, currently rejected at the Big Sky Documentary Film Festival, streams immediately at the website. Please watch the film and add me to your watchlist. It will be obvious within the first two minutes of the film that I qualify for your watchlist. Thank you! Gene Bernofsky Missoula

Covering all the angles I have never met Tobin Miller Shearer, though I stand beside, behind and before him. Robert Capriccio Missoula

Be bad soldiers John Havlik: The biggest issue facing public lands would be Donald Trump. I don’t know, I feel good having Zinke go in, actually. One more for Denise: I don’t really have an informed decision on that. Juneau? She seems like the most eligible politician.

If the good folks among the Germans had stood up against Hitler when he had all Jewish professors dismissed, maybe the Holocaust would not have occurred. We must resist the Trump agenda on all fronts without civility and despite our fear. Barbara Lyons posted at missoulanews.com

Defending the list Tim Doherty: Whether or not Mr. Zinke will keep his word and not sell them off to the highest bidder, i.e., Cabela’s or the Koch brothers. Self nomination? I was considering running for that very seat. Does this count toward my 15 minutes of fame?

Dan Schmautz: For me, it’s balancing all the different land uses, be it mountain bikes, motorized, non-impact like hiking. Time will tell: Undecided yet. They need to sell me.

I am a UM alum, and while I never had the pleasure of a class with him, I don't believe Dr. Shearer was added to this watchlist merely for his opinions, but because he institutionalized those opinions in an academic setting. University should be a place of rigorous fact, critical inquiry, and diversity of opinion. We cannot afford—intellectually or ethically—to base entire coursework on particular ideological narratives. There exist locations where it is to some extent desirable to have people accept the same beliefs without question, to simply “transmit” convictions: church, for example. University is not one of these. So when Dr. Shearer says “I really do believe that every institution in this country was created to serve white people. I am a self-declared feminist. I am convinced that men need to take responsibility for dealing with our sexism,” those are his personal opinions and convictions. If his goal is to transmit those to students whose grades depend on “getting it,” then this is an exercise

[4] Missoula Independent • December 22–December 29, 2016

in indoctrination, not education. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, not so much to use a position of influence to pass those opinions off as fact. That is why he is on such a list. Michael Covel posted at missoulanews.com

It affects those who do the oppressing as well as those who are oppressed. Campbell's influence is deeper than many, possibly even he, realized. Jeffrey C. Pugh posted at missoulanews.com

Being the beacon

Truth to power

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot overcome it.” But the darkness doesn't relent. Doing justice requires sacrifice and risk. And it makes it so clear: We need each other. We need to stand with each other. Thanks for being a light, and a gathering point. Steve Garnaas-Holmes posted at missoulanews.com

Tobin, thanks so much for this wonderful, thoughtful and important response. I'm grateful for this article and will be using it next year when I—another white Mennonite guy—teach my African-American history course. Your statements on white privilege are spot-on, which is why you've been targeted. Speaking truth to power, especially when you yourself are part of that power, is always a tricky business, but it's the essential work I believe we are called to do. Thanks for doing so, and for doing it with such clarity, compassion and wit. It's bastards like you that give bastards like me hope. Mark Metzler Sawin posted at missoulanews.com

“Your statements on white privilege are spot-on, which is why you’ve been targeted. Speaking truth to power, especially when you yourself are part of that power, is always a tricky business, but it’s the essential work I believe we are called to do.” Badge of honor Tobin, I've asked to be put on the list, but probably won't make it. I see it as a badge of honor. Brother to a Dragonfly and The Glad River are both powerful books that changed my life, and I've been thinking a lot lately about Will Campbell's willingness to sit with those who hated his life's work. It's always challenged me how he was able to sit down with those who were glad that Jonathan Daniels was killed, but it's helped me put aside judgment and understand that oppression is more insidious than we think.

Rocky road Tobin, it sounds like you have chosen to be on the right side of history. I applaud your stand and wish you all the best. There is likely a rocky road ahead for progressives. James Miller posted at missoulanews.com

Maybe next time? I am disappointed that I did not make the list. Maybe it's because I retired last year. But here are a few more facts about the list. A quarter of the professors on the list are either black or teach black studies. This is four times the proportion of black professors in higher education. Second, professors like my friend Tobin make the list based on one or two sentences out of millions of words that they have spoken or written. This distinguishes the list from those published by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which looks at a long track record of not just words, but actions. As Tobin noted, the Professor Watchlist is arbitrary. Some professors are on the list not because they tried to indoctrinate some poor helpless college student. Read the sins that resulted in the listing and you discover that the key sin is speaking against gun rights or in favor of gun regulation. Overwhelmingly, professors have been listed for what they said or published outside the classroom. One can see some score-settling in the listing, too, including listing those who have spoken out against the website’s owner, Turning Point USA. Jeff Renz posted at missoulanews.com



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missoulanews.com • December 22–December 29, 2016 [5]




by Amy Donovan

Wednesday, Dec. 14 A Missoula City Council committee approves the purchase of the city’s new 2017 Duramaxx pothole patcher, which cost $219,000, about $31,000 lower than the city had budgeted for. It will arrive in spring to replace the city’s 20-year-old pothole patcher.

Thursday, Dec. 15 The Department of Environmental Quality for a second time finds deficiencies in the proposal for Tintina’s Black Butte copper mine in Meagher County. Opponents of the mine cite concerns about its proximity to the Smith River.

Friday, Dec. 16 A Hamilton woman dies after being severely burned in an apartment fire. The Hamilton Fire Department says the 72 year-old woman was smoking in bed while on oxygen.

Saturday, Dec. 17 Montana is hit with an arctic front, in case you hadn’t noticed. The National Weather Service in Missoula reports a low of -43 in Wisdom.

Sunday, Dec. 18 An Indy staffer braves the cold to attend a screening of Star Wars: Rogue One. Completely unbiased, objective capsule review: It ruled.

Monday, Dec. 19 Missoula City Councilman Harlan Wells announces he’ll be resigning his Ward 2 seat just a year after taking the office. He’s been selected to be the business services director for Secretary of State-elect Corey Stapleton in Helena.

Tuesday, Dec. 20 During a news conference at Har Shalom synagogue, Missoula Mayor John Engen says police have identified the distributor of American Nazi Party fliers as an elderly man who lives in an area assisted-living home.

Mushroom guru Larry Evans performs (and informs) at Missoula's Winter Chautauqua show on Sunday, Dec. 18, at the Crystal Theatre.

Troubled bridge over water

Russell in limbo The long-awaited upgrade of Russell Street and its bridge will remain suspended in uncertainty at least until May, according to state transportation officials. State funding for a slew of infrastructure improvements has been drastically cut in the governor’s new budget proposal, and it’s already become a wedge between Gov. Steve Bullock and Republican legislators. In the meantime, the 60-year-old Russell Street bridge, which has been deemed “structurally deficient” by bridge inspectors, will continue to carry traffic on the major cross-town route. “Our bridge inspectors still keep an eye on it,” says Ed Toavs, Missoula district administrator for the Montana Department of Transportation. “At this point there haven’t been any temporary repairs recommended. But also, I think a lot of people are planning that we’re going to get this set to contract and build a new bridge so we won’t have to worry about it.”

Have you been embarrassed by a drinker’s behavior? Al-Anon is for you!

[6] Missoula Independent • December 22–December 29, 2016

Russell is one of several major projects delayed indefinitely while the MDT awaits word on how much funding it will receive from the state next year. (Construction on the Madison Street bridge and the Orange Street roundabout will continue as planned. Toavs says funds for those projects are secure.) Bullock’s budget proposal delays $144 million in planned road projects in response to depletion of the state’s highway fund due to decreasing gas tax revenues. Most projects will rely largely on federal funding, but can’t move forward without state matching funds. Toavs is optimistic that Russell will remain a “top priority” for the state. Infrastructure funding will be tackled by the Montana Legislature as soon as it convenes in January. So far, Senate Republicans have suggested a short-term solution of diverting $14 million from Bullock’s proposed pre-kindergarten Early Edge education program to highway funds. State Senate Majority Leader Fred Thomas, R-Stevensville, says that seems like a better use of the money.

“I think we’d have holes in our heads if we didn’t take care of the highway matching funds first before we start a new program,” Thomas says. The Legislature will likely hear other suggestions from the new Montana Infrastructure Coalition. MIC Executive Director Darryl James says the coalition would prefer not to pit childhood education against road repairs. The coalition, which comprises construction industry representatives and local governments, seeks to raise the state gas tax by 10 cents. By the coalition’s calculations, that increase would raise an estimated $80 million annually to divide between the MDT and local governments for road and bridge improvements. James says he’s prepared to defend the gas tax proposal from “political posturing.” “I think most of the coalition would agree [that] we’re not interested in growing government, but we are interested in investing in what we’ve built,” James says. “We can’t say ‘good luck next generation, we’re not going to give you the money to do it.’” Kate Whittle

[news] Dearly departed

Dead pets society The minute hand passed 2:30 and the chairs arranged in a half-moon around the Missoula Public Library meeting room were still empty. Janet Roper, a local businesswoman who sells “animal communication� services, sat patiently at the front, flyers and business cards still in her handbag. She recently started offering these free, public meet-ups as a way to find new clients. This month’s topic was “pet grief and the holidays,� but Roper wasn’t sure she’d have an audience. Then a woman named Molly Blazon walked in, joined a few minutes later by a man named Bill. Both had white hair. Molly wore bright red glasses and a flowing scarf. Bill’s hair looked freshly trimmed, and his shirt was buttoned up. Roper asked Molly and Bill why they had come. Blazon poured her story out. She was grieving for a chihuahua, Emmy, who died in March. “I just can’t find a way through it,� she said. Bill was more guarded, saying only that he’d come out of “curiosity.� One-on-one sessions, not group meetups, are the heart of Roper’s business. She conducts them online, via videoconference, at a cost of $99 for 30 minutes. Clients tell her their pet’s name, age, species and breed, then Roper claims to listen for messages transmitted through intuition, or telepathy. “Most people come to me out of desperation,� at wit’s end over a behavioral issue or otherwise emotionally distraught, Roper says. Earlier in the week, she’d conducted a session with a family trying to decide whether to euthanize their dog. Her clients don’t usually need much convincing that Roper’s practice isn’t a bit “woo-woo�—though Roper does discourage them from mentioning the sessions to their veterinarians. Roper, a pet lover, says she learned to talk to animals a decade ago, after an advertisement for another “animal communicator� literally fell into her lap. She moved to Missoula last year. Roper distances herself from the term “pet psychic� because it implies special powers, whereas she believes that anyone can talk with animals (she offers classes for that, too). She views intuition as humans’ untapped “sixth sense,� capable of receiving messages from other beings, alive or dead. In theory, this would suggest that Roper can speak with dead humans, too, but she says that’s not her area of focus. Instead, Roper spends much of her energy helping grieving pet owners who want to know if their pet loved them and whether they’ll be reunited in heaven. Roper

says her job, in such situations, is to reassure clients based on what she hears from the animal. “I don’t give out placebos,� she says. “I tell people as compassionately and as helpfully as I can what’s going on.� At the library, Roper didn’t attempt to commune with Emmy, Blazon’s chihuahua. But Blazon choked up when Roper told her a story about a dog of her own who shared Emmy’s name, and again as Roper described her own grieving process for a recently deceased horse. “I feel a very good connection with you,� Blazon said when the meetup ended. “I think we need to talk, Molly,� Roper replied, handing her a business card. Derek Brouwer

Wilderness with wheels

Cyclists carve out a win Eric Melson has ventured into the lion’s den quite a few times over the past year and a half. As advocacy manager for the International Mountain Bicycling Association, he’s been tasked with convincing outfitters and backcountry horsemen to carve out space for mountain bikers in a proposed stewardship project in the Blackfoot and Clearwater valleys. Negotiations turned especially tense this summer after the nonprofit Sustainable Trails Coalition pitched mountain bike access in designated wilderness to Congress—a pitch that Melson doesn’t support. At that point, Melson says, the horsemen “got really nervous.� All those difficult conversations paid off last month when the partners behind the Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Project (BCSP) formally agreed to remove 3,000 acres from the proposed wilderness area north of Ovando to create the Spread Mountain Recreation Area. Melson sees the deal as a win for collaboration, and also as a muchneeded counterpoint to the Sustainable Trails Coalition’s controversial bill. The BCSP proves that mountain bikers can make gains in access through compromise at the local level, he says. “This is a huge win for recreation, but it’s also a win for conservation, because that area’s still protected. Sure, it’s 3,000 acres that’s not wilderness. But it’s 3,000 acres that’s still in a protected designation.� Melson describes the agreement as a prime example

BY THE NUMBERS Estimated gallons of diesel fuel spilled at Montana Rail Link’s Missoula rail yard on Dec. 12, the company announced three days later.


of how recreation can serve as “a conduit for conservation� in a political climate in which stand-alone wilderness proposals have little chance of success. Lee Boman, a BCSP steering committee member and president of the Montana Wilderness Association, concurs. The BCSP, which began taking shape in 2006, was the least controversial part of Sen. Jon Tester’s Forest Jobs and Recreation Plan, Boman says. And while the mountain biking contingent came into the picture late, Boman thinks its inclusion has strengthened the BCSP’s viability as an independent piece of legislation. “There are people who are going to criticize that, but I think in the big picture we strengthened it,� Boman says. “We made it more appealing to more people. We made it a part of our recreational menu.� As Boman acknowledges, not everyone is buying what the BCSP is selling. George Nickas, executive director of Wilderness Watch, gets steamed about the concessions made to mountain bikers. In his view, the revised BCSP represents a fundamental problem with the types of collaborative conservation efforts popular today—that they seem to hinge on collaborators’ willingness to preserve wild areas only if they can access them on their terms. If groups claim to truly support wilderness ideals, Nickas says, “then sacrifice something for it.� “Yeah, the mountain bikers felt like they were left out of the deals that were cut before. ‘What about us? What about our piece of the pie?’ Well, they’re getting protected grizzly bear habitat, they’re getting protected wilderness, they’re getting protected water quality and protected fisheries. They’re getting what everybody else is getting.� Such criticisms likely won’t hamper the BCSP’s pursuit of congressional approval in 2017. Boman says the heavy lifting is already done. Or, as Melson puts it, “the skids are greased.� Alex Sakariassen

ETC. Four years ago, Outside Bozeman printed an essay, written by Drew Pogge and titled “Bagging Bunnies,â€? about how to pick up women on the ski slopes. More precisely, the essay turned the bunny metaphor into an extended riff about how dudes could get laid by stalking women and getting them drunk. Example: “Some bunnies will pull the bait-and-switch at this point, and any advance may be disdainfully chastised. Beware the complexity of the snow bunny. Feed her more beer before making a move.â€? “Bagging Bunniesâ€? sparked a few angry comments in 2012, but nothing compared to the recent social media backlash when an Outside Bozeman staffer reposted the piece on Facebook on Friday, Dec. 16. Within hours the post had been shared and commented on by hundreds, many of whom also called on local businesses to pull their advertising from the magazine. Finally, editor Mike England took down the piece and posted an apology in which he called the essay “an over-the-top satire on ski culture, sexual stereotypes, and the ancient male-female dynamic,â€? concluding that, “Alas, given the current political climate, the farcical nature of the piece was lost on many readers.â€? The suggestion that the “political climateâ€? had muddled readers’ reason provoked another round of backlash, and the magazine issued a new apology: “We realize the piece is in poor taste‌ We in no way condone the behavior described therein.â€? In the aftermath, England spoke on the phone with the Indy. He said it’s been an eyeopening experience. “We need to continue the conversation, because an inordinate number of primarily women were upset,â€? he says. “We stir the pot and try to question the status quo, but we’re trying to figure out how to gauge that in the future.â€? “Bagging Bunniesâ€? doesn’t come across as either satire or a repudiation of the status quo. It’s banal at best and a glib perpetuation of rape culture at worst. But the backlash against the piece is bigger than Outside Bozeman. A lot has happened since 2012, including the University of Montana’s mishandling of rape reports and the presidential election of a man who brags about grabbing women “by the pussy.â€? Organized reaction against sexist attitudes and “humorâ€? should be expected. And if Outside Bozeman didn’t see it coming, maybe they simply weren’t looking in the right direction. Good thing there’s an easy corrective for that. Just follow the readers.

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missoulanews.com • December 22–December 29, 2016 [7]


Needle in a haystack UM researchers hunt for invasive mussels by Kate Whittle

For a group of University of Montana researchers, the iced-over waters of Flathead Lake offer some hope that a devastating invasion can be staved off. “I don’t think I’ve ever felt such a sense of urgency,” says Gordon Luikart, a scientist and professor of conservation ecology and genetics with the Flathead Lake Biological Station. Luikart and other scientists from around the state have been on high alert since the mid-November discovery of invasive mussel larvae in the Tiber Reservoir, east of Shelby. If the mussels spread, they threaten to cost the state millions and reduce access to waterways. Right now, while the weather is too cold for the mussels to reproduce, researchers are combing watersheds statewide for microscopic evidence of their presence. “Like cancer, if it’s just one little spot in your body you can get it out, but if it spreads, the waterway is lost forever,” Luikart says. Zebra and quagga mussels, both common invasive species, can be as small as a sesame seed. Flathead Lake’s surface area is 197 square miles. Luikart employs an emerging technology called environmental DNA, or eDNA, to make the hunt easier. The eDNA process allows scientists to collect samples from air, water or soil and detect a specific organism’s presence from a mere strand of DNA. Luikart has done extensive work isolating the genetic markers that identify invasive mussels as distinct from native species. “We can detect single molecules in the air or in water, which is amazing,” Luikart says. “But the other side of that is, you’re so vulnerable to contamination, or getting DNA you thought came from the environment, but it’s from your equipment, or you, or your breath, if you’ve been in a room with lots of DNA samples.” To sample for invasive mussels in Flathead Lake and waterways around the state, Luikart’s team ventures out on a boat and drags a plankton net through the water for a few hundred yards, enabling a large sample size. Material collected by the net is rinsed in ethanol, scraped into a tube and taken back to the lab. The nets are cleaned

[8] Missoula Independent • December 22–December 29, 2016

thoroughly in a 50 percent bleach solution to prevent cross contamination. The race is on to find and eradicate invasive mussels before they can start reproducing in summer, putting most of the biological station’s other work on hold for now. Sampling in subzero winter temperatures is “interesting,” as Luikart puts it. His team plans to drill holes in the ice and set up tents to block the wind, although the tents won’t provide much protection for the scientists.

and proceeded to wreak havoc on waterways throughout the Midwest. Mussels are prolific breeders and filter feeders, consuming all available food sources and decimating fish populations. They can grow inside pipes, thus clogging irrigation systems, hydroelectric dams and municipal water sources. Beaches are ruined by the razor-sharp mussel shells. So far, Minnesota is the only example of a state that’s detected mussels and moved quickly enough to prevent a statewide infestation.

photo courtesy of U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

A single female zebra mussel can produce 1 million eggs in a five-year lifespan, causing massive overpopulation. University of Montana researchers are among scientists across the state searching for evidence of invasive mussels so they can be eradicated.

It takes about a month to get results from eDNA samples, according to Tom Bansak, assistant director of the biological station. He and Luikart are appreciative of the state’s emergency response—Gov. Steve Bullock declared a statewide natural resource emergency Nov. 30—but they’d like to obtain funding for more staff to speed up the processing of samples. Bansak—who recently published a paper on invasive mussels titled “Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid”—emphasizes that finding the mussels and preventing their spread may save the state tens of millions of dollars. Zebra and quagga mussels arrived in North America in the late 1980s

“Once you have widespread reproduction, there’s no hope of getting rid of them under current methodologies,” Bansak says. For now, the average citizen’s best defense is to “inspect, clean, drain and dry” their boats, which are the most common vectors for the mussels’ spread. Luikart says the biological station is considering a system for citizens to collect and drop off samples for testing. “It’s going to be devastating. It’s going to be nasty,” Luikart says. “Life’s going to get more expensive when these things show up in nearby lakes.” kwhittle@missoulanews.com


Signifying nothing Richard Spencer’s 15 minutes are just about up by Derek Brouwer

Donald Trump had just won the presidency by promising to ban Muslim immigrants and wall out “rapist” Mexicans, and part-time Whitefish resident and “white nationalist” Richard Spencer was eager to ride the president-elect’s coattails. Seizing the moment, Spencer led an audience at his “alt-right” conference in Washington, D.C., in a salute that would make international headlines. “Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory,” he yelled from the lectern, lifting a glass of water. Some attendees, sensing a cue, stood and returned Nazi—er, Roman—salutes. That image defined the event in media reports, but Spencer claimed that mainstream journalists had missed the joke. The attendees’ salutes were “in the spirit of ironic exuberance,” he told like-minded broadcasters with Red Ice TV soon after. “So was my call for ‘Hail Trump.’ How can you really take that too seriously?” A few weeks later, however, Spencer continues to capitalize on the media’s inclination to take him seriously as he publicly flirts with a run for Montana’s soon-to-bevacant seat in the U.S. Congress. Spencer’s desire to replace Ryan Zinke, whom Trump recently nominated for Secretary of the Interior, was first reported Dec. 16 by the Huffington Post. In the article, Spencer claimed to be thinking “very seriously” about running, while also saying that he thinks “about lots of things.” State newspapers and TV stations picked up the story in a matter of hours, as did national outlets. Suddenly, a man who dreams of a white ethno-state became the first Montanan given a platform to float his name for Congress. In the last year Spencer has become a magnet for media, which tends to situate him as the intellectual face of a fringe but ascending racist movement. Making news is easy for him. Spencer says he first discussed a hypothetical House bid with several “contacts,” which led to a Twitter post by an “alt-right” personality, which led to a call from a reporter. By the time he spoke with the Indy that afternoon, Spencer estimated he had already fielded a dozen media calls. All this for a man who, at the moment, “works” out of his house.

The interest came despite the fact that his chances as a candidate are “incredibly remote,” as political analyst Lee Banville says. In order to obtain the Republican nomination in a special election, as Spencer initially said he’d prefer, he would have to win support from the state party’s central committee. Republican Party chairman Jeff Essmann said he expected that his peers would look skeptically upon Spencer, and

“The main reason we know who Richard Spencer is isn’t because of the size of his movement, but because of the media attention he’s gotten.”

another potential candidate, Daniel Zolnikov, called Spencer an “asshat.” Spencer later said he’d instead pursue his still-hypothetical run as an independent, which would require him to collect 15,000 verified signatures just to get on the ballot. But it’s the media that Spencer sees as his most important tool—the tool he would count on to propel a foray into electoral politics. Call it the Trump formula: garner attention for his ideas, however negative the coverage, while using the platform to attack the media’s credibility. “I can get the amount of media that people with millions on Super PACs get,” Spencer says, “and I can get it for

free.” The reaction to his congressional test balloon seemed to encourage his notion that journalists would continue flocking to him. “You can’t help yourselves,” he told the Indy. Banville, an associate professor in the University of Montana School of Journalism, says Spencer poses a “nasty conundrum” for reporters. The coverage opens Spencer and his ideas to fuller scrutiny, he says, but can also create misperceptions about his influence and support. “The main reason we know who Richard Spencer is isn’t because of the size of his movement, but because of the media attention he’s gotten,” Banville says. Even if Spencer’s latest media stunt is just another attention grab, the tensions that have boiled over in Whitefish are serious. Spencer’s rising profile has renewed efforts by community members to distance themselves from his ideology, and business at his mother’s commercial building has suffered. An activist real estate agent intervened, encouraging Sherry Spencer to sell the property and denounce her son’s views, but at some point in the last month the discussion between the two soured, with Spencer claiming she was bullied. Exactly what transpired is hard to determine. Those who worked with Spencer are fearful of speaking out after members of a Neo-Nazi website responded to the incident by targeting Whitefish Jewish activists, including posting an image and social media contact information for a 12-year-old boy. Rachel Carroll Rivas, co-director of the Montana Human Rights Network, helped draft language Sherry Spencer could use to distance herself publicly from Richard. Though that effort apparently offended the Spencers, Carroll Rivas says the fact that Spencer’s mother did disavow her son’s ideas, in her own words, was lost in the ensuing controversy. “I would like to know who supports Richard Spencer,” Carroll Rivas says, ticking off the list of figures—from Whitefish’s mayor to President-elect Trump—who have denounced Spencer’s views. “So, what’s left?” dbrouwer@missoulanews.com

missoulanews.com • December 22–December 29, 2016 [9]





Playing chicken With Zinke out of the picture, who’ll rep Montana? by Dan Brooks

Last week, President-elect Donald Trump selected Ryan Zinke, Montana’s sole representative in the U.S. House, to be Secretary of the Interior. That’s great news for Zinke, who can apply the expertise he acquired during two years in Congress and 22 years as a Navy SEAL to the management of America’s public lands. But as is so often the case, what’s good for the nation is confusing for Montana. Assuming Zinke is confirmed, we will have to select a new delegate to the House. State law calls for a special election between 85 and 120 days after the seat is vacated. The same law authorizes the governor to appoint a temporary representative in the meantime, but Nancy Keenan, executive director of the Montana Democratic Party, agrees with Republican Chairman Jeff Essman that that’s probably unconstitutional. “We are headed toward an election, and that is not only the law, but the U.S. Constitution,” she told Helena’s KXLH. “Even though there’s a little bit of variability there with what the state law says, it’s not consistent with the U.S. Constitution.” That’s the kind of hard-nosed negotiation that has become synonymous with Democratic politics. With their governor in office and state law on their side, the party has agreed with Republicans’ interpretation of the Constitution and opted to save us the hassle of a lawsuit. Montana will simply go without representation in the House between Zinke’s appointment and the special election. Such razor-sharp instincts might also explain why many Democrats have suggested running Denise Juneau again. I believe Juneau would make a fine representative. As Montana’s superintendent of public instruction, she has experience forging compromises among constituents with competing interests. She is also a woman and an American Indian—two groups that are badly underrepresented in the U.S. House. The only reason I can think of for Democrats not to nominate her is that she lost an election for the same office six weeks ago. Maybe she only lost because of Zinke’s awesome power as a candidate, but Demo-

[10] Missoula Independent • December 22–December 29, 2016

crats should not test that hypothesis by rerunning a candidate who just lost by 16 points. The question of whom to run in her place is not easily answered, but there has to be a better prospect. The Republican field is more fun to consider. Unlike the Democrats, the GOP is short on recently defeated candidates,

“As a 38-year-old man who ‘works’ at a think tank of his own invention, Spencer would definitely only run for Congress to win, and not just to spend another few months without getting a job.”

but possibilities remain. Some have suggested Greg Gianforte, whose unsuccessful bid for governor has given him name recognition and the ready opposition research that goes with it. Art Wittich is also available, since the campaign finance violation that would have removed him from office had he not lost his primary still al-

lows him to seek office in the future. As much as I would welcome Wittich’s return to public life and the lively prose that would come with it, there’s a candidate who would serve my interests as a columnist even better. Richard Spencer, the white nationalist who takes credit for coining the term “alt-right” and lives part of the year in Whitefish, told the Huffington Post that he is considering a run for Zinke’s seat. “If I did this, it would not be some eccentric campaign that no one talks about and is a footnote to history,” Spencer said. “It would become a major conversation around the country … just because of my profile in the alt-right. Again, I would only do it to win it.” As a 38-year-old man who “works” at a think tank of his own invention, Spencer would definitely only run for Congress to win, and not just to spend another few months without getting a real job. He wants to do something about the difficulties facing the white man, which he understands firsthand. Spencer strongly identifies as white, despite rumors that his father is a tube of chicken semen that his mother accidentally sat on at the fair. I encourage him to run—Spencer, not the rooster—so that the voters of Montana can hear his vital message about the importance of being born to the right parents. But even if the Republican Party winds up nominating someone who doesn’t support the ideology that lost World War II, it’s going to be an interesting spring. If 2016 has taught us anything, it’s that we just can’t get enough elections. Just think: A few months from now, Montana might send the first Native American woman to Congress—or the 3,457th husky white man with rich parents. Maybe Wittich will come back and make our politics funny again. The important thing is that the process of campaigning and voting that started last year will go on, a beautiful dream from which we cannot awake, no matter how we might try to scream. Dan Brooks writes about politics, culture, and the forbidden love between woman and poultry at combatblog.net.


Flying the co-op There’s a way to keep independent bookstores alive by Carrie La Seur

It’s early October, and I’m at the High Plains Book Festival at the art museum in Billings, selling books as fast as I can handle the slippery credit-card reader. My own books are on the table with those of other regional authors and friends. Stacks of books pass to people I’ve known for years. Everyone involved is smiling, giddy to see books selling like—well, like books—in downtown Billings. In the last six months, several hundred locals and more distant friends have bought $100 shares, or made larger investments, to become co-owners of This House of Books, our new indie bookstore. Authorowners include Craig Johnson, of Longmire fame, and Jamie Ford, author of the bestseller The Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet. Back in 2011 and 2012, Billings lost its Borders, and then, more painfully, Thomas Books, the locally owned downtown bookstore we’d loved for 20 years. Many of us felt as if we’d somehow failed our bookstores, but both stores were profitable. What killed them was the corporate bookselling model, which demands ever-higher profits, and the exhausting burden of running a sole-proprietor shop. There are still a few niche and usedbook stores in town that serve their purposes wonderfully. We also have Barnes & Noble and Costco and Target, but to anyone who values a bookstore as an expression of a town’s soul—full of books chosen by a bookseller we know—they are no substitute. Writers and readers got together and moped into our beer about this sad development. We felt like a house without a cat or dog. How could we claim title to being the lively literary community we knew we were? And yet there were encouraging signs: Voters approved funding for a new downtown library, the book festival began taking off, and suddenly we had enough local authors for a good-sized party. All we needed was a bookstore. If you’ve never experienced the way a great bookstore can accelerate time,

so that two hours have passed and you’re sitting on the floor with books in your lap wondering what happened, you might find it hard to understand how we felt. But a lot of us need to get lost in rows of new books. We need to hear authors read and speak. And we love to talk about ideas. For a year or so, all we did was mutter and complain. No one was eager to throw down a life’s savings and give up all sem-

“A lot of us need to get lost in rows of new books. We need to hear authors read and speak. And we love to talk about ideas.”

blance of a normal life to start a bookstore. In some places, this might have been the end of it, but you have to remember where we live. Billings made national headlines in the 1990s for its vigorous pushback against hate groups and white supremacists. This is not a community that walks away from existential challenges—the “Not In Our Town” movement started here. At some point, former Billings Mayor Chuck Tooley, of the Not In Our Town era, wondered aloud if a cooperative would

work. Someone Googled it. Co-ops are special beasts. There are cooperatives for farmers selling grain and co-ops that sell electricity to rural residents. There are also retail varieties, such as food co-ops. Montana has a robust cooperative movement with staff to support new co-ops, so we kept researching. Could a bookstore be a co-op? Actually, they already exist, with the Harvard Co-op Bookstore being one of the best known. The key is common ownership. When we made a decision to form what we called the Billings Bookstore Cooperative, we gambled that Billings would be willing to spend money—not just on books, but on owning a little piece of a bookstore—in exchange for discounts and dividends. Oh, the magic of being right. Townspeople stepped up. Volunteers wrote a business plan, formed the cooperative, began selling shares and hired a general manager. So began the slow-motion movement that led to This House of Books opening its doors in October. We had good advice from booksellers around Montana, and member-owners volunteered hundreds of hours building out the 3,000-square-foot space. In a critical step toward sustainability, staffers are now paid for their work. The bookstore features cushy chairs, a tea bar and good lighting, and member-picked books line the shelves—my definition of paradise. This is a happy story, not just for Billings, but also for brick-and-mortar bookstores in general. In the wake of the Amazon and e-book revolutions, people have begun seeking a more personal experience, a trend that is reshaping the marketplace. The secret sauce is a bookstore that answers only to its community. It refreshes the human spirit in a fundamental way. This House of Books is that kind of gift, from the people to the people.

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Carrie La Seur is a contributor to Writers on the Range, the opinion service of High Country News (hcn.org ). She is a writer in Billings, Montana.

missoulanews.com • December 22–December 29, 2016 [11]


Hope. Joy. Harmony. May this season be special for you and yours. DIVISION OF GLACIER BANK

SUSPICIONS CONFIRMED – Evolution, according to scientists, likely explains why some “prey” develop defense mechanisms to avoid “predators,” i.e., the prey who fail to develop them are unable to procreate (because they’re dead). But a team of scientists from Sweden and Australia recently concluded that something similar happens in a species of fish in which males mate basically by hugeappendaged rape. Growing nine generations of the species in the lab, the researchers concluded that the females who can avoid the “rapist” evolve larger brains than those who fall victim. (Researchers, loosely speaking, thus concluded that as males grow bigger penises, females grow bigger brains to outsmart them.) RECURRING THEMES – Whistleblower goes to jail; responsible industry executives make millions. Long-time Mississippi environmental activist Tennie White is 27 months into a 40-month sentence (for “falsifying” three $150 tests in her laboratory), but high-ranking executives at the Kerr-McGee chemical conglomerate made millions on the case White helped expose: leakage of cancer-causing creosote into communities, including White’s Columbus, Mississippi, neighborhood. A detailed investigation by TheIntercept.com in November noted the executives’ brilliant response to the 25,000 creosote lawsuits nationwide: put all the liability into one outlying company (eventually going bankrupt) but selling off, highly profitably, the rest of the firm. COMPELLING EXPLANATIONS – Texas is among the most enthusiastic states for jailing low-income arrestees who cannot pay a money bail, especially during devastating family hardships, and the four Houston bail magistrates are particularly harsh, according to a recent report of the Texas Organizing Project. After hearing one financially overwhelmed woman beg sarcastically that $1,000 bail is “nothing” next to her other bills, unsympathetic magistrate Joe Licata shrugged, “It’s nothing to me, either. It’s job security.” PERVERT—OR NOT – When police in Port Orange, Florida, arrested Anthony Coiro, 76, in November, he admitted that he had a stash of “crazy” pornography, some featuring children. However, he adamantly insisted, “I’m not a pedophile. I’m just a pervert,” adding, “a law-abiding pervert.” He faces 52 counts. In November in Osaka, Japan, an unnamed arrestee apparently had his sexual molestation charge (against a woman on a crowded train) dramatically downgraded. “Actually,” the man indignantly told the judge, he is not a pervert—but just a pickpocket (a lesser crime). The victim had testified that the man had brushed against her for “3 seconds” and not the “30” she originally told police. WEIRD QUANTITIES RECENTLY IN THE NEWS – Price tag for one round of a 155mm projectile shot from the Navy’s USS Zumwalt: $800,000. Trees killed in California by the now-5-year-old drought: 102,000,000. Recent finding of “water” farthest from the Earth’s surface: 621 miles down (one-third of the way to the Earth’s “core”). Odds that Statistics Lecturer Nicholas Kapoor (Fairfield University, Fairfield, Connecticut) said he played against in buying a $15 Powerball ticket: 1 in 913,129 (but he won $100,000!). Speed police calculated Hector Faire, 19, reaching in an Oklahoma police chase: 208 mph (but they got him, anyway). Different languages spoken by children in Buffalo, New York, public classrooms: 85. HARDLY NEED A BREATHALYZER – Michelle Keys, 35, among those joyously caught up in Iowa’s upset win over highly ranked Michigan in football in November and celebrating that night in Iowa City, was slurring and incoherent and told police she was certain she was standing in Ames, Iowa (120 miles away), and had just watched the “Iowa State/Arizona” game (a matchup not played since 1968). (She registered .225) A 38-year-old woman was arrested in Springwood, Australia, in November when police stopped her car at 3 a.m. at an intersection—with a children’s swing set wedged onto the roof of her SUV. (She had shortly before mistakenly driven through someone’s back yard and through the swing set.) (.188.) PERSPECTIVE – “Sexually-based offenses,” a TV show intones, are “particularly heinous,” but to the small Delaware liberal arts Wesley College (according to the U.S. Department of Education) even an accusation of sexual misconduct is so heinous that there was no need even to interview the alleged wrongdoer before expelling him. (An informal meeting did occur, but only after the investigation was completed.) The expulsion occurred even though the victim herself had not originally accused that particular student. The expelled student’s offense was to have helped set up video for a consensual sex encounter that was (without consent) live-streamed. (The Department of Education accepted a settlement in which Wesley agreed to revamp its code of student rights.) Thanks this week to Seth Franklin, and to the News of the Weird Board of Editorial Advisors.

[12] Missoula Independent • December 22–December 29, 2016

These pets may be adopted at Missoula Animal Control 541-7387 SHELBY•

Shelby is hoping a bit of mistletoe will help her find someone to give a big holiday kiss! Shelby is a 7-year-old female Bulldog mix and has the muscle bound body and snorty little nose Bulldog lovers adore. She is what we like to call "intensely happy!" If Shelby could write, she'd end every sentence with a minimum of three exclamation points!!!

MAYNARD•Maynard is a 1 1/2-year-old male Pointer mix. He is a bit fearful of moving bikes, skateboards, and strollers. He is also slow to warm up to new people, especially men. Maynard is quite the athlete and is not only able to jump 6-feet in the air, he can also climb chain link! Maynard would make a great agility dog with a little training. He has a sweet soul with a fearful temperament.


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SUNNY• Sunny is a spunky little 2-year-old Calico girl! She’ll not only dance around your Christmas tree, but she may also climb it, play with all the ornaments, and drag the tinsel through the house! Life is nothing but fun with this precocious little lady. Everything is a toy and everyone is her playmate! Sunny will not only make you laugh those winter blues away, she’ll keep you entertained all year long! ERNEST• Ernest is an elf-like, older male cat, and would make the best Santa’s Helper! He’ll lie on your wrapping paper, holding it in place for you while you wrap presents. He will make sure that the gifts have a warm place to rest under the tree by curling up under the twinkle lights, and he may even help you sing a few Christmas carols. This chatty and mellow older boy would fit in well with most homes.

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LUCKY• Lucky loves to grab you with his many-toed feet and pull your hand in for a hug. Lucky was given his name by his former owner who found him and his litter mates in rather rough shape. He was the only one to survive, but a very bad case of ear mites rendered him deaf. Lucky doesn’t seem to mind that he can’t hear Christmas carols, and may be part of the reason not much seems to ruffle his feathers.

AMOS• Amos is a handsome 7-year-old male

cat with a sweetheart personality. Amos is a bit shy at first, and will hide under blankets until he adjusts to his new home. Once he settles in, Amos is a big cuddle bug, and there is a lot of him to love! This plus sized kitty needs an insideonly home, as he is declawed and lacks his primary defense.

These pets may be adopted at the Humane Society of Western Montana 549-3934 MAYA• There

is something very special about Maya. She has won the hearts of staff and volunteers alike! We want nothing more than to see Maya get her wish to be happy at home for the holidays, so we’ll waive her adoption fee and provide a free in-home consultation with our Behaviorist to help make Maya’s transition seamless!

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CHESTNUT• Chestnut sees herself relax-

ing by an open fire this holiday season- with or without you! Anyone familiar with some of the more independent dog breeds will appreciate Chestnut’s ability to entertain herself, but also her interest in receiving love when the time is right. As with all of our “Herdin' Home for the Holidays” pets, Chestnut’s adoption is waived!

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BOB• Bob is a star at lounging. This adult cat

will lounge by your fire, lounge on a deck, lounge on a book shelf, and lounge on your lap. Bob is a relaxed, friendly feline. If you are looking for a big orange cat to round out your holiday decorations, look no further than Bob!

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BUD• Bud would love to be “Herdin’ Home for the Holidays.” This dynamic, fun-loving border collie mix has a contagious smile! His passions include fetching, hiking and relaxing after a long day of outdoor activities. Bud’s adoption fee is waived until December 23rd and his adoption also comes with a free in-home private lesson with one of our Certified Professional Dog Trainers!

1600 S. 3rd W. 541-FOOD

JASMINE• This sweet, soulful girl would love to find a forever home where she could run and play all day with her person! Jazzy may be a little fearful of small children, so she would appreciate a home with older kids and no cats. She enjoys playing with other dogs and loves being super active! She has been known to chase deer, so a nice long leash might be pretty important for your adventures! SALLY• Sally is a sweet, compact hound lady who came to us as a stray and is now ready to find her forever home! This pup is enthusiastic about everything: she loves baying hello to everyone, hiking, and following her nose everywhere she goes. Sally is active and would love a home where she could get leash walks and runs daily! She is OK with other dogs and loves people! missoulanews.com • December 22–December 29, 2016 [13]


hen she was growing up in the Midwest, Olivia and her family vacationed at national parks every year. They piled into the car and drove hundreds of miles to parks and monuments and historic sites great and small—from Badlands, South Dakota, to Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico, and from California’s Sequoia to Acadia in Maine. Each time she discovered a new park, particularly the remote, low-key ones everyone else seemed to forget, Olivia would exclaim, “This is it! This is the park I’m going to work at.” In 2010, at 20 years old, she landed her dream job through the Student Conservation Association: an internship at Death Valley National Park in Southern California. A sharp-tongued, witty young woman with cascading brown hair, Olivia* packed up and drove 2,200 miles from home to one of the nation’s driest and most desolate national parks. One evening, about three weeks in, she asked her 21-year-old housemate, who also worked for the National Park Service, for a ride to a coworker’s house several miles up

photos by Laura Camden, Stuart Seegar; photo illustration by Brooke Warren/High Country News

[14] Missoula Independent • December 22–December 29, 2016

the desert road, where she was house sitting for the weekend. When they arrived, rather than just dropping her off, the young man invited himself in. Uncomfortable being alone with him, she said she was sleepy and feigned a yawn. He didn’t take the hint. He moved toward her, attempting to flirt, she thought, and suddenly started tickling her. She tried to wriggle free, pushing him several times, but he grabbed her and wouldn’t let go. Then, to her horror, he shoved her to the floor and pinned her down. Olivia yelled, kicked, screamed, but his knees pushed down harder and his tight grip held her wrists above her head. Tears in her eyes, Olivia pleaded with the man. “You’re hurting me,” she said. Olivia tells me about the incident as we sit at the kitchen table in her roomy Death Valley apartment, a mile from her old dorm as the crow flies. It’s a 120-degree evening in July, and three fans blow full-blast, scattering notes and magazines. Olivia, who just got off work, is still wearing her Park Service uniform. The year after the incident, she returned to Death Valley to work as a ranger. As the sunset turns the desert a hazy pink, Olivia takes a deep breath. Six years later, the memory of the assault still makes her shudder. “I didn’t know to call it sexual assault then,” Olivia tells me. “It took me a long time to start dealing with it, even though I worked at the park. I’d close my eyes and see him there.” I’ve heard many such stories over the last 11 months. In January 2016, the Department of the Interior released a report revealing that female employees of the River District of the Grand Canyon had been sexually harassed for years, and that park and regional administrators had known and failed to stop it. Since then, women working in parks, monuments and historic sites across the country have come forward alleging on-the-job sexual harassment, assault and gender discrimination. Many of them, like Olivia, are worried about retaliation and have asked to remain anonymous. This year, more than 60 current and former Park Service employees contacted High Country News, describing their experiences. I have interviewed many of them and others, in total at least 50 people—from park rangers and scientists to superintendents and a former Park Service director—ranging in age from 23 to 70. Their testimony reveals an agency that has failed to protect its workers from sexual misconduct. Several factors contribute to this: a murky internal process for reporting and investigating complaints; a longstanding culture of machismo that dates to the agency’s foundation; and a history of retaliation against those who speak out.

Olivia’s assailant sat on top of her for about 20 minutes. When he finally stood up, she moved to the couch. He followed, trying to kiss her and pull her on top of him. She was sure he would rape her, but eventually, after more struggle, he left. The moment the door banged shut, Olivia fell to the floor, sobbing. She walked to the bathroom and stared in the mirror, brushed her teeth harder than she ever had, as if to erase something. The next morning, Olivia took a long drive through the park’s sand dunes and salt flats with a friend, who convinced her to tell park administrators what happened. She went to the park’s chief ranger and described the

week for supervisors to act, and on the day he was supposed to leave, she found him in the dorm kitchen, eating cereal. She thought she would collapse. When he finally did move, it was to the dorm across the parking lot. Days later, according to documents obtained through a Freedom of Information request, Olivia’s supervisor emailed the chief of interpretation to tell him another intern had concerns about the same young man. He responded: “Thanks for ... trying to keep the rumors from really taking off. I’m glad to hear (Olivia) is getting back into a better frame of mind, but I hope (she) is not creating an uncomfort-

The problem may be systemic, but it impacts real people—both women and men, people who love national parks and believe that they have a vocation to protect them. They are confronted with horrible choices: Report incidents and risk retaliation; keep silent and carry on; or leave the Park Service altogether. And while the agency has promised reform time and again, dozens of interviews, incident data and documents show that it has an incredible amount of work ahead. The legal processes for handling workplace sexual harassment in federal agencies are complex and relatively new. Sex discrimination became a legally defen-

photo courtesy of National Park Service, NPS History Collection

National Park Service rangers at Walnut Canyon National Monument in 1962. Marion J. Riggs, center, is wearing a small arrowhead patch and pin in lieu of a badge, and was later selected to model and introduce the new women’s park uniforms throughout the country in 1970.

incident in detail. He jotted down notes and told her that she had a choice: She could either press charges, or let the park handle it internally. Unaware that there was a formal complaint process, Olivia said that the park could handle it, and left. Two days later, her supervisor, her alleged assailant’s supervisor and the park’s chief of interpretation—another high-level employee—asked her to recount the incident for the third time. Afterwards, the chief of interpretation told her they had talked to her alleged assailant. It was all just a “misunderstanding,” he said, and he would not move forward with her case. The park did agree to transfer the man to another dorm, but it took nearly a

able environment for (him) if it is not warranted. Something to watch out for.” The chief of interpretation encouraged her to keep quiet about the incident. Feeling ashamed, she did. She finished her internship, graduated from college and started working in other parks. She returned to Death Valley as a seasonal employee the next year and has worked there ever since. But the experience taught her to mistrust the system. “They really have no reporting mechanism,” she says. “They say, ‘Talk to your supervisor.’ What if your supervisor fails you? That’s it; you hit a brick wall, the first person you tell. It rests solely on those individuals as to whether or not they will further your cause.”

sible charge in 1964, when it was incorporated into the Civil Rights Act. In the late 1970s, the term “sexual harassment” came into use to describe unwanted sexual advances in the workplace. In 1991, Congress amended the law to include the right to jury trials and to allow plaintiffs to sue for emotional and physical suffering. The number of claims jumped from 6,883 to more than 10,000 within a year. The most common charge today is “hostile work environment,” which refers to regular or severe unwanted sexual advances, or sexually charged language or conduct. The behavior in question can range from physical touching to repeatedly asking a coworker for a date. Harassment and discrimination laws are

missoulanews.com • December 22–December 29, 2016 [15]

enforced by an independent federal agency, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or EEOC, based in Washington, D.C. It’s a presidentially appointed committee that will soon be under the Donald Trump administration. In the private sector, the EEOC process for sexual-harassment complaints is relatively simple, says Rick Rossein, an employment lawyer and professor who litigated landmark sexual harassment cases in the 1970s and 1980s. Once a charge is filed, the EEOC has 180 days to investigate, after which the complainant can sue in federal district court. But in federal agencies, it’s much more complicated, making system failures more likely. An employee who wants to file a complaint must first contact an EEOC counselor. This is typically a Park Service employee who volunteers, in addition to his or her primary job, to walk employees through the complaint process. The counselor talks to both the accuser and accused and tries to resolve the issue. If the complainant wants to move forward with an informal complaint, the parties go through more mediation. If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome and decides to file a formal complaint, the Park Service conducts an investigation. If the Department of Interior director of the Office of Civil Rights decides that the investigation

reveals discrimination, the agency can take disciplinary action against the accused, like demotion or firing—but it is not required. Afterward, the complainant is entitled to a hearing with the EEOC, adjudicated by an administrative law judge, or can sue the Interior Department in federal court. Cases tend to break down at several points. The EEOC has a reporting deadline of 45 days after an incident, but victims of sexual harassment, assault or rape com-

tractors are not aware of agency procedure or sexual harassment law, and not all seasonal employees and interns receive sexual harassment training. Fifteen women who contacted HCN—a quarter of those who did—said they had not heard of the EEOC process or ever learned how to report sexual harassment. Third, EEOC counselors sometimes lack adequate training, and they face tight deadlines to resolve complaints. There are

Finally, a victim who decides to sue in federal court must face the Department of the Interior in U.S. district court and be prepared to rehash her story repeatedly, travel long distances for hearings, and sit through numerous proceedings, a process that usually takes over a year. In some cases, plaintiffs are then placed under nondisclosure agreements. If all else fails, a victim can contact the Office of Inspector General at the Interior Department, but

In 2000, an employee survey found that more than half of female rangers and three-quarters of female park police had experienced sexual harassment on the job. monly wait months or years to report their experiences. The women who do come forward are just the tip of the iceberg, Rossein said. “Below the sea, the ice represents a large group of women that for whatever reason—usually because of retaliation, or fear for upending their careers, or these lengthy processes—a lot of people who have probably good claims aren’t filing them.” Second, victims who do want to report incidents may not know how. Many lower-level employees, interns and con-

only 47 counselors nationwide to assist the Park Service’s 23,000 employees. And Park Service employees who conduct investigations can be inexperienced in dealing with harassment. Chai Feldblum, an EEOC Commissioner, notes that investigations can be hampered by interference, bias and haste, with investigators rushing through cases. “If we get reports saying this is a systemic problem, the EEOC has the authority to do an on-site visit and look at their overall process.”

the OIG investigates the incident, files a report and turns it over to the Park Service. Even if a plaintiff eventually receives a settlement, the agency is not required to discipline the accused or to hold them accountable. In testimony before Congress in June, Park Service Director Jonathan B. Jarvis told the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee that it is “very difficult” to fire a federal employee. Instead, the Park Service has allowed alleged perpetrators to retire, resign or be

transferred to other parks. In 1998, Yellowstone Chief Ranger Dan Sholly was accused of sexual misconduct and transferred to a Florida park. This year, the superintendent of Canaveral National Seashore in Florida, who was in charge while employees were sexually harassed for years by a chief ranger, was put on a detail for the Southeast Regional Office and allowed to work from home. Grand Canyon Superintendent Dave Uberuaga was asked to leave the park in January; when offered another job in Washington, D.C., he chose retirement. The superintendent of Yosemite, Don Neubacher, was accused in September of gender discrimination and of creating a hostile work environment; he was offered a job as special assistant to the deputy director before he decided to retire. There are few satisfying outcomes for victims, and perpetrators are rarely punished. The system itself acts as a deterrent for reporting, leaving many victims frustrated and silent for years—sometimes for their entire careers.


bout an hour east of Billings, between steep canyons and the prairie grass plains of the Crow Agency Reservation, is Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument. The tiny park, managed by

First-hand accounts Since February 2016, 87 people—61 of them former or current National Park Service employees and the other 26 employed by other federal agencies, such as the BLM and Forest Service—have contacted High Country News, alleging on-the-job sexual harassment, assault or gender discrimination. A few of their reports are included here, in the employees’ own words, edited for length and clarity. HCN verified each of these incidents with official documents or interviews with witnesses. Some employees have requested anonymity. Anonymous, 2002 Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona “A male coworker asked me when I thought we would hook up. … Later, he yelled at me and snapped his fingers in my face. He backed me up against a hill, was towering over me, and I felt trapped. I squirmed away and started running back down to our quarters as he yelled after me, ‘Get back here!’ I was sobbing, and I remember feeling very afraid that he was going to hurt me. I tried reporting it twice. I was told to be nicer and to smile more. I wrote an email to (the regional office) and received this: ‘I’m so sorry to hear about your experience at the Grand Canyon. I really appreciate you informing me about this incident. We are currently looking into the trail crew and other divisions at the Grand Canyon.’” Autumn Ela, 2005 Jewel Cave National Monument, South Dakota “I was asked to train a male employee 30 years my senior. He repeatedly commented on my appearance and body. He asked me to go on a date with him. I said no and walked away. Later that evening, I looked out the window to see him pacing back and forth in front of

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photos by Andria Hautamaki, Tuxyso/Wikimedia commons; photo illustration by Brooke Warren/High Country News

the National Park Service, is a memorial to the site where thousands of Lakota and Cheyenne fought Lt. Col. George Custer’s 7th Cavalry in 1876. In August, I traveled there to speak with several current and former Little Bighorn employees who reported sexual harassment, hostile work environment and retaliation. One of them, Zoe*, met me on a Thursday night at a crowded restaurant in downtown Billings, where we sat at the bar. She was reluctant to come, she said: Nearly four years after her time at the monument, she found it difficult to forget her experience. Born and raised in Billings, Zoe is a single mother of two kids. She left her well-paying job at the Park Service in 2013 because of a hostile work environment. “I still have a sour taste in my mouth about the NPS,” she told me. “They didn’t take care of me.” In 2013, Zoe took a job as a natural resource specialist under one of the monument’s chief supervisors. Throughout the hiring process, she said, the chief texted her to ask her out for drinks, to parties, or to talk about her recent divorce. She repeatedly turned him down or made excuses to avoid meeting him. The advances continued after she began work, making her feel uncomfortable. Zoe told the park superintendent, Denice Swanke, about it, but she suspects

photo courtesy of National Park Service, NPS History Collection

The Southwest Regional Director, Frank Kowski, introduces the new women’s NPS uniforms to employees at the regional office in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

that the chief immediately found out. “After that discussion, the work environment has gotten substantially worse,” she wrote in an EEOC complaint two months later. “He is very aggressive towards me.” At the same time, Zoe’s coworker, Eric Clanton, reported his own problems with the chief, who was also his supervisor. In an interview at a coffee shop in downtown

my apartment, watching me. My park superintendent informed me that since I hadn’t been physically assaulted and there were no witnesses to the encounter, there wasn’t anything to do.” Anonymous, 2010 Arches National Park, Utah “I received this email to my personal email address from this older coworker, who I did not know at all: ‘I missed seeing you before you left Friday :( You were undoubtedly trying to get away, and I didn’t start until 11:30 that day. … I left you a phone message offering to help you pack, etc. But after I left the message it occurred (to me) that you might (be) dressed more comfortably. That might mean only wearing undies, or maybe only panties, or nothing :) After I left the message, I realized that I was also ... wearing only my hot pink Calvin Klein’s :) If I don’t hear from you, I will try to call your cell phone.’ I did not report it, because I was scared. I did not know I could file an EEO complaint.”

Billings, Clanton told me that the chief asked him to narrow down female intern applicants based on their Facebook pictures, something Clanton was not willing to do. Clanton also said that in 2013, when he was picking up a new intern at the airport, the chief texted him, asking if she was “hot like she was in her picture.” “He kept asking questions about her,” Clanton said.

After they reported the incidents to the park superintendent and called the human resources department and EEOC counselors at the Denver regional office, Clanton and Zoe each filed hostile work environment complaints. About two months later, a contracted investigator contacted them to discuss the issue, but as far as they know, he never visited the park.

Zoe offered to show him text messages, emails, notes and employee evaluations as evidence, but says he declined to take them. Discouraged, they both left the Park Service for other jobs by the end of that year. “I was disheartened talking to HR,” Clanton said. “I hung in as long as I could.” Zoe told me she kept the emails, text messages and negative evaluations until January this year, but erased them shortly before I made contact with her. Shaking her head, she said she had held out hope until then that someone from the Park Service would contact her about the case. But no one ever did. A year later, in 2014, another Little Bighorn employee, Kristine Brunsman, then 25, reported to the Intermountain Region EEOC counselor that the same chief supervisor was creating a hostile work environment for her and several female employees and interns. The EEOC counselor told her she lacked enough evidence to file a harassment complaint and advised her to talk to her superintendent first. Brunsman told Swanke she was considering filing an EEOC complaint. Brunsman remembers her saying, “Do you really want it to go this far? Because, you know, sometimes people say things and they don’t think about the consequences.” I spoke to Swanke at the park administrative office in late August and asked her

the following morning, and an investigation was conducted. The case was eventually declined because of jury bias, the he-said/she-said nature of the case and because of delayed reporting. I feel that the evidence was insufficiently investigated; for example, the bloody sheet on which the rape occurred was never examined. He wasn’t disciplined, and I endured workplace encounters with him for two years.”

time on the other coworker’s boat. He sexually harassed me, gave me a back rub and then proceeded to my lower back/upper buttocks. He patted my rear twice. I felt trapped. I filed my first EEO complaint in 2014. After retaliation, I had to file another EEO complaint in 2015. I settled my EEO claims in April 2016. Had I not settled, it would have lasted at least another six months.”

Anonymous, 2012 Gates of the Arctic National Park, Alaska “My chief law enforcement ranger came up from behind me, grabbed my ponytail, restrained me by the hair while he reprimanded me for wearing it in a particular fashion, and then pulled my ponytail when I reacted at him by reaching back. I filed (EEO complaints) twice; there was an internal investigation and OIG investigation. I had to FOIA for the results.”

Anonymous, 2016 Glacier National Park, Montana “(At the fitness center), the first squat I performed, (a male coworker) told me I was ‘sticking my ass out too far’ and that I needed to ‘drop it like it’s hot.’ He then recorded me squatting on his phone. While I am in the middle of a bench-press rep with the barbell in my hands, he puts his hands on my inner thighs and spreads my legs out wider and says, ‘Your stance needs to be wider.’ I froze; I felt violated and powerless with him touching me in my inner thighs and spreading my legs in a very sexualized manner. I don’t feel like I can tell my supervisor because … it occurred only my third week into the position, and I fear I will gain a reputation as a ‘troublemaker.’”

Zephyr McConnell, 2010 Sequoia National Park, California “One Sunday morning, I was cooking my breakfast in a shared kitchen when a man on one of the other crews came up quietly behind me, took his penis out of his pants and put it on my lower back. I turned around when I felt him and saw what he was doing and yelled at him to get off me. When I yelled, he called me a bitch and started yelling at me. I left the kitchen in tears and hid in my camper. I told my supervisor and to my knowledge, nothing happened. He never told me (about the EEO process).”

Anonymous, 2012-2016 Yosemite National Park, California A high-level supervisor “treated (certain women) poorly. We were routinely required to redo work multiple times, jump through extra, and often unnecessary, hoops, and be subject to humiliating and belittling remarks when presenting at meetings. He subjected us to overly critical and harsh feedback in public forums and was consistently condescending in his reminders about how we were failing him and the National Park Service, insinuating that our actions or inability to do our jobs were going to get him fired.”

Anonymous, 2012 Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona “I was raped by a co-worker/neighbor in my employee residence. I was not conscious for the majority of the event. I reported the rape

Rachel Brady, 2013-2014 Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona “On a river training trip with two male coworkers, one yelled at me within the first mile of the 226-mile trip. I spent the rest of the

Anonymous, 2016 NPS Denver Service Center, Colorado “During and while on maternity leave, I was left out of critical planning meetings on the program I managed, and had responsibilities taken from me. Upon my return, one senior colleague suggested the job was ‘too much of a burden’ on me because I had kids, and that I should hand over key responsibilities. I considered filing an EEO complaint, but there was a fear of retaliation. I eventually confronted supervisors and am now more involved in tasks, but I don’t feel valued or secure in my position. I don’t trust them, and I’m actively seeking other jobs.”

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about Zoe’s, Clanton’s and Brunsman’s experiences. Swanke said that only one employee had ever spoken to her about sexual harassment or a hostile work environment. In an email in November, she said that the park followed protocol for “investigations and follow up actions” regarding allegations against the chief. Today, Swanke is deputy superintendent of Denali National Park in Alaska. The chief was transferred to Shenandoah National Park in Virginia after the 2015 investigation. However, Brunsman told me that when the chief found out about her complaint, he gave her a poor evaluation and began requiring her to notify him whenever she left the park on weekends. After she made repeated calls to the regional office, alleging a hostile work environment, in mid-February 2015, the Park Service dispatched an investigator to interview employees. The interns who had been having trouble with the chief had already left the park, however, and had returned to school. Brunsman and two other former employees said they never heard from the investigator after that visit. “It was very isolating,” Brunsman told me while we talked outside Park Service headquarters in Washington, D.C., where she now works. “And at some point you start to question, am I making things up? Is this not real?” These cases show how challenging it is for employees to prove they are being mistreated. For most, it’s much easier to leave—which is partly why the agency still struggles with recruiting and retaining female employees. Before the system can change, the agency will have to confront its own macho culture, something that is embedded in its very foundation.

Top administrators expressed shock when the news of harassment at the Grand Canyon broke. Some insisted it was an anomaly. It was not. enced discrimination, and over half described the Park Service as “poor” at enforcing no-retaliation policies. In response, the Park Service created a task force that planned to implement a hotline for victims, expand harassment training, and work with individual parks to improve the agency’s culture. But these plans never came to fruition, and the task force was dismantled in 2002. Despite these findings, top administrators expressed shock when the news of harassment at the Grand Canyon broke. Some insisted it was an anomaly. It was not.

September, at least 18 women in Yosemite accused Superintendent Don Neubacher of gender discrimination, bullying and public humiliation. That same week, a whistleblower reported that supervisors at Yellowstone National Park were sexually exploiting female employees. In October, an Interior Department investigation found that a supervisor at Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, in Georgia, inappropriately touched two female colleagues several times in 2014 and 2016. When the women reported this to the superintendent, he did not investigate or report the claims to the EEOC.


he National Park Service was created in 1916. For 100 years, the agency has struggled to move beyond the male-dominated, somewhat militaristic culture established in its early days, a leftover from the late 19th century, when the U.S. Army was enlisted to protect Yellowstone, the first national park, from rampant poaching. For decades, women were involved only in a limited capacity—mostly as secretaries, tour guides and assistants to their husbands. When the 1964 Civil Rights Act forbade sex discrimination, the agency was forced to allow women to receive training and become park rangers. But even then, they were called ranger-historians or ranger-naturalists. Only in 1971 were female employees allowed to have law enforcement training, carry guns and be considered “real” park rangers. Since then, the Park Service has come a long way in recruiting and promoting women. Today, it’s easy to find women in supervisory positions in every region and almost every park. About 44 percent of supervisors and 37 percent of superintendents are women. But only two agency directors have been women, and out of 23,000 employees today, only 8,700 are female. The male-dominated culture extends beyond this gender ratio. While women are no longer prohibited from applying for positions, they are often made to feel unwelcome in other ways, according to internal documents and dozens of interviews with former and current Park Service employees. In 2000, an employee survey found that more than half of female rangers and three-quarters of female park police had experienced sexual harassment on the job. Almost three-quarters said they experi-

photos by Jason Davis, Brooke Warren; photo illustration by Brooke Warren/High Country News

In 2014, 13 employees sent a letter to Interior Secretary Sally Jewell, alleging sexual harassment, gender discrimination and retaliation by male boatmen and supervisors in the Grand Canyon’s River District. An Office of Inspector General investigation found a “long-term pattern of sexual harassment and hostile work environment,” corroborated by 22 witnesses. The report also noted that Superintendent Dave Uberuaga and Intermountain Region Director Sue Masica were aware of the hostility female employees faced, and that Uberuaga had not taken immediate disciplinary action when he learned of the problem. In June of this year, another OIG report said a chief ranger repeatedly sexually harassed female employees in Florida’s Canaveral National Seashore. In

[18] Missoula Independent • December 22–December 29, 2016

Publicly, agency leaders seemed surprised each time a new report was released. They should not have been. Many employees have spent decades, even entire careers, fighting discrimination and harassment.


n a warm August afternoon, Joan Anzelmo took me on a whirlwind tour of Wyoming’s Grand Teton National Park. Anzelmo retired from the agency six years ago after 35 years of service, but she still wears her responsibility to the agency heavily. Her car was littered with maps, but she had memorized nearly every inch of the park. Now 62, she lives in Jackson, within a short cross-country ski of the park. She walks with a cane because of aggressive arthritis in her ankles, but still moves quickly, taking hikes and bike

rides near her old cabin in Moose. She talks even more rapidly, unworried by others’ opinions and yet always filtered, trained by a career in public relations. “Looking back at my career, I feel so grateful,” she told me as she stopped the car to watch a herd of bison. “I like to acknowledge the good, but also understand the history all of this has its foundations in.” Originally from Washington, D.C., Anzelmo began her career working in the national visitor center. In 1980, two years after women were allowed to wear official ranger uniforms instead of skirts and scarves, she headed West for the first time, belting out “Home on the Range” in her new Mustang hatchback. Like most young park employees, she envisioned a lifelong career of protecting public lands. “I moved in just when women were starting to be heard about being treated more equally, respectfully,” she said. “I really worked hard to earn respect for my work.” When she began working as Yellowstone’s public information officer, she soon noticed the culture’s ingrained machismo: the crude jokes and comments, vulgar words written on the walls. But she never experienced any harassment that she felt obligated to report, she said, and she feels lucky to have had supportive male bosses. By the time she was 41, working as chief of public affairs at Grand Teton, Anzelmo’s perspective had shifted. She began paying more attention to her EEOC training courses, making sure she understood how harassment, discrimination and retaliation were manifested. When she saw comments on the walls she asked employees to remove them, or did it herself. When she heard catcalls in the field, she called people out. But tackling harassment was hard. “You’d like to think if you become aware of harassment, if employees come in and say, ‘This person is saying these things, following me down the hall, commenting on my appearance,’ and you feel those complaints are valid, it can be cleaned up pretty quickly,” she said. “That’s your hope, right?” The system wasn’t as effective as it should have been. In 2007, Anzelmo was promoted to superintendent of Colorado National Monument. By then, she finally understood why it was so difficult to fire employees. Procedurally, the process took nearly as much time outside of work as all of her other duties combined. “You have to commit yourself to go the extra mile,” she said. That’s why so many people in the agency don’t push it. Enforcing a disciplinary action can take the equivalent of several weeks’ worth of work, and the process can last from a few months to a year. It requires a review with the employee, an improvement plan, gradual withdrawal of certain duties, and, simultaneously, calls and emails to the employee relations office. The year she arrived at Colorado National Monument, a male employee took a woman to a remote location in the park after hours and assaulted her. After Anzelmo learned of it, she made many calls and sent emails, and even exchanged “fighting words” with the Intermountain Regional Office in Denver to speed up the process. Although the act was egregious and the accused had been previously reported for his behavior, the process took four months. The man resigned the day he was supposed to be fired, she says. As we hiked a short trail to the 7,720-foot summit of Signal Mountain, Anzelmo stopped, gathered her breath, and thought carefully. Her belief in the Park

Service’s mission never waned, but as she moved up the ranks, she began to consider the agency more critically. “I think if there is more of a reflection of this agency—of why, at 100 years, are we acknowledging this now—is it in the culture? Has this culture been allowed to proliferate? It has to be the wake-up call.”


long with a complicated system and a culture of machismo, one of the greatest deterrents to reporting harassment or discrimination is the fear of retaliation. According to the EEOC, this is the most common complaint in the federal sector. Retaliation can occur as a response to someone who rejects sexual advances, cooperates with investigators, files a complaint or acts as an official witness for a complainant. Of the 61 current and former Park Service employees who contacted HCN, 21 said they were retaliated against for reporting misconduct. Twenty others said they were afraid to report for fear of retaliation. A recent nationwide EEOC report found that about 85 percent of people who experienced workplace harassment—sexual or otherwise—never file a legal claim, and nearly 70 percent don’t even tell their own supervisor. “They’re afraid,” said the EEOC’s Feldblum, who co-wrote the report with EEOC Commissioner Victoria Lipnic. “And that fear is often well justified.” “It’s hard to believe there isn’t an awareness of (retaliation),” J.T. Reynolds, a former deputy superintendent of Grand Canyon, told me. In a phone interview in August, Reynolds said he either saw or experienced retaliation throughout his “entire career.” He received multiple complaints from women about the gender wage gap, unfair treatment by supervisors, sexual harassment and the lack of opportunities for promotion. Reynolds helped several female law enforcement rangers at the Grand Canyon file EEOC reports, and in 2000 he called for an investigation of the park. When the regional office found out about it, Reynolds told me, the investigators and regional office ostracized him. “There are plenty of us who will stand up for what’s right, but we have no power,” he told me. In 2002, Reynolds wrote a scathing response to the Intermountain Region’s 2000 investigation of Grand Canyon, criticizing the fact that it was done internally, rather than by an independent contractor. “Amazingly, the investigation was handled with such bias and so incompetently by regional staff and with such a predisposition to exonerate alleged violators and gloss over actual events,” he wrote. He said he never received a reply. Reynolds wasn’t alone in his concerns about the investigation. J.R. Tomasovic, the acting chief ranger at the time, told me earlier this year that he was given only 90 days to look into personnel concerns—including gender discrimination— at the park, even though it needed “long-term intervention” because “management didn’t listen to (women) or take their concerns seriously.” While working as chief ranger for the Intermountain Region and North Atlantic Region (later consolidated into the Northeast Region), Reynolds said he saw many examples of regional directors punishing the victims and witnesses rather than the men accused. For instance, he said, one woman told him her superintendent was sexually harassing her. He helped investigate the claims by talking to witnesses and building a case to get the accused fired, but the re-

gional director decided to deal with it “administratively” instead, and transferred the man to another park. Reynolds said he received a poor evaluation from his supervisor for taking action. Dozens of employees told me that retaliation remains an overwhelming fear in the agency. Dan Hall, a river guide in the Grand Canyon, claims he was a target for retaliation after he stood up against the misogyny. “In the words of the investigators, I was ‘blacklisted,’ ” he said. He was taken off river-guiding duty, even though he was often first on the list prior to his involvement in the investigation. According to the OIG report from the Grand Canyon investigation, male boatmen wouldn’t train women who reported

though it’s unclear when it will be implemented. The agency-wide survey he announced last February may help clarify the breadth of the problem, though it won’t reach some of the most vulnerable employees, such as seasonal employees or interns. Jeffrey Olson, public affairs officer for the Park Service, said that the survey will begin in January 2017. Andrew Munoz, the Pacific West Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) manager and public information officer, told HCN that in recent months there has been more pressure on EEOC specialists to follow up on harassment reports so that fewer of them slip through the cracks. Currently, there is a lack of solid data on sexual harassment in the agency. The same

agency’s responsibility is to make sure the Park Service is doing thorough investigations and that its investigators are adequately trained and able to act independently. The Park Service could also improve sexual harassment training for employees and managers. Currently, the training consists of a 30-minute click-through video on EEOC regulations—something multiple people told HCN was “a joke.” Meanwhile, managers lack training on the more subtle forms of sexual harassment and discrimination. The truth is that Park Service officials have had many years to address these flaws and have simply failed to do so. But culture and policies can be changed. Thousands of employees, including Olivia, believe in the agency and would gladly work to improve the system.


photo courtesy of National Park Service, NPS History Collection

The uniforms, which got mixed reactions from the women, were not suited for the field, and were only useful for desk and interpretive ranger jobs. By 1979, women finally had the right to wear the same uniforms and accessories as male park rangers.

them, and even withheld food on river trips. Brunsman, who worked at Little Bighorn, said she was moved to an office away from her colleagues as retaliation for filing her EEOC complaint. Reynolds, who retired from the Park Service in 2009 and is now a fourth-grade teacher in Henderson, Nevada, still gets fired up about these issues. “Not many people want to go through that, so they remain silent,” he said, his voice rising. “It’s up to superintendents, and the regional directors and the NPS director to have the integrity to not allow employees to feel as if someone’s going to get them, or lose an opportunity.”


ince the problem of gender discrimination and sexual harassment in the National Park Service hit the national spotlight with this year’s Grand Canyon investigation, the agency has started to address it. The Park Service repeatedly declined to comment on this story, but Director Jarvis promised a new direct hotline for victims to report incidents—

goes for sexual assault: Only formal complaints or investigations are tracked. In documents HCN acquired through a FOIA request, reports aren’t broken down by gender, and there is no way to know if the complaint involves discrimination or sexual harassment. From 2002 to 2016, for example, 110 formal EEOC complaints in the Park Service had the word “sex” in their description. But there are several immediate steps the Park Service could take to improve the system. The Park Service has begun “providing greater clarity to managers and employees about existing reporting and investigation options,” Olson said. “We are working with the field to continue developing consistency in reporting and accountability.” He also said the agency is hiring three new EEOC staff in the Washington, D.C., office to handle complaints. An experienced, dedicated anti-harassment task force within the Park Service would be ideal, but that depends on the agency’s budget, according to EEOC Commissioner Feldblum. For its part, she said, the

ust a week before we met in July, Olivia had a chance to face Director Jarvis. She was attending a training workshop in the Grand Canyon, surrounded by dozens of Park Service employees, and Jarvis was in his Washington, D.C., office, hosting a video-conference on sexual harassment. Olivia had planned this moment in her head for days, writing her thoughts on a scrap of notebook paper. Jarvis asked if there were any questions, and Olivia was the first to raise her hand. “We had a voluntary session about the sexual harassment issue,” she began. “I want you to know this is important. It is prevalent. And people are depending on a better environment for the future.” She asked about the survey and what he hoped to accomplish. Then, choking up, she added: “As you can see, this is a personal issue for me.” Jarvis promised that he was taking the issue and the survey seriously, but said it would be a long process. He may have been trying to manage expectations, but Olivia found it a tepid response at best. She stood a moment longer, facing the video monitor and the director. She wanted him to know her face, remember her. After six years of silence, of secondguessing herself and feeling alone, Olivia was speaking out—not just for herself, but also for the many women who have had similar, or worse, experiences. When she sat down, a wave of emotion rushed over her. The women in the class—some older, others her peers—patted her on the back and told her that she had done a great job. Some, still afraid to speak openly, shared their stories with her. Olivia had added her voice to the growing ranks of Park Service employees who want their agency, entrusted with protecting America’s greatest treasures, to finally confront its dark legacy. And, like so many others, she refuses to give up hope. “All the people who are disgusted by this, who want to effect change, we’re speaking up and moving up the ranks,” she said. “Maybe now, the tide is going to turn.” *The victim’s name has been changed to protect her identity.

Lyndsey Gilpin is an editorial fellow at High Country News. This story originally appeared in the Dec. 12, 2016 issue of High Country News (hcn.org ).

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Bringing it all back home Love conquers fear on June West’s upcoming album by Erika Fredrickson


inger-songwriter June West spent a few years during college playing nightclubs in Tucson before taking a job in a Brooklyn record shop, where she fostered a love for vintage soul music. While living in New York, she went on tour as keyboardist for Boston-based band Quilt, traveling across America and Europe. All the while she was penning songs for her own project, The June West Band, chronicling her adventures on the road and bigcity living. Many of those songs were also about escaping the hectic pace of that life and coming home. West recently did just by returning to Missoula where she grew up and first started playing music. “Coming home can be a place—for me it’s literally Missoula,” she says. “But also it can be about returning to a state of being that brings you comfort.” In a video for her song “Love Conquers Fear,” West sings about the Rio Grande and tall buildings with “perches of power that black out the sky,” while she sits contentedly strumming her guitar under the canopy of Greenough Park alongside a fast-flowing stretch of Rattlesnake Creek. She has a keen sense for lyrical storytelling in the tradition of folk artists like Woody Guthrie. “The stories I’m told, they’re hard to believe, but I keep on hoping they’ll justify me,” she sings. “Most of the time, the lessons aren’t clear, so tell me the story of how love conquers fear.” West has been away from Missoula long enough to seem like a stranger to some audiences, but her musical associations should rank her among the local scene’s royalty. She got her start in high school playing at the Boys and Girls Club in a 1990sstyle cover band called SuperPants, and then went on to play with singer-songwriter Turner Canty in Magic City Boys and with the prolific Travis Sehorn on his album Little Goth. Her band with accordion player Julie Hurd, Julie and the Wolves—“She was the Julie, I was the wolves,” West says—played the popular three-day music festival Total Fest in 2010. Most notably, West co-founded The Best Westerns with singer/guitarist Izaak Opatz after meeting him in a botany class at the University of Montana. Opatz kept the country-western band going with a lineup of renowned Missoula

photo by Cathrine L. Walters

June West is raising money on Kickstarter to produce her first album.

musicians after West moved to Tucson, where she started a rock band called Death Moth and spent her time hiking in the foothills of the Catalinas. “I moved down there for love,” she says. “For blooming cacti and a guy. And while the relationship didn’t last that long, it opened me up to an incredible community of artists and musicians.” In New York, where she moved to attend graduate school, she worked for the record shop and music label Captured Tracks. She spent her time perusing old records, which inspired her to develop a country-folk sound that incorporates elements of soul. “I have a special affinity for soul music,” she says. “It really has to come from the gut and the heart—it’s not something you can fake. It means you can have a simple song but you get the most out of

it. Charles Bradley is one of my favorite living soul singers. He’s had a such a sad life, and you can hear it when he sings. I cry listening to him.” West returned to Missoula this year for the supportive music scene. She launched a Kickstarter campaign, which ends Jan. 4, to help produce her first album, which will be recorded in Los Angeles. West will play several instruments, including guitar, cello and keys. The songs amount to a map of her past few years. “The Reach Back” imagines forgiveness as a dance move, one partner reaching for the hand of another. “Peaks and Valleys” is an introspective song written in the bustle of New York. “I was trying to hang on to who I was so I wouldn’t lose myself in everybody else’s idea of success,” she says. “It’s about dreams as being this underworld where you dis-

[20] Missoula Independent • December 22–December 29, 2016

cover a lot of truths you don’t necessarily reveal to yourself in your waking life.” West also wrote a song for Opatz called “You and Me,” which she sang for him one day when he was visiting from Los Angeles, where he now lives. “We always had feelings for one another, and he offered me his love on multiple occasions, and I wasn’t really ready for it,” West says. “We were playing songs back and forth and I played him that one. I wasn’t able to say what I felt, but I could play it.” West will play a couple of shows over the next few weeks: one on Monday, Dec. 26, at Real Good Art Space, and another, on New Year’s Eve, with Opatz and Missoula Americana stalwarts including Hermina Jean, Chris Sand and Nate Hegyi. West and Opatz plan to tour Montana together, renting Forest Service cabins and

playing small towns. The songs she’s writing now, she says, have a glow of optimism they didn’t have before. “I’ve spent my whole life loving playing music but telling myself it wasn’t practical or that I wasn’t good enough,” she says. “But that’s the beauty of Missoula. It feels good to be back here and getting that nurturing for my music, so I can live that dream through instead of just wishing for it.” June West plays Real Good Art Space Mon., Dec. 26, at 8 PM as part of a potluck. Bring a dish. West plays again at The Roxy Sat. Dec. 31 from noon to 3 PM. Donations accepted. Visit West’s Kickstarter page for info on her album. efredrickson@missoulanews.com


Gassed up Bob Wire goes full throttle on Thunderbird Bob Wire has a big, goofy, irreverent personality and an ear for clever turns of phrase. On Thunderbird, the local musician (aka Ednor Therriault, a sometimes contributor to the Indy) plays with at least a few of the usual tropes in the honky-tonk and rockabilly genres, with the usual features of fast cars, Stetsons, diners and runaway trains. Despite these familiar landmarks, Wire’s storylines are unpredictable even when the punchline is written into the title, as it is with “Settle for Asheville,” in which the narrator shoots for a career in Nashville and comes up short. Thunderbird’s highlights include “Find the Time,” a snappy, 1950s-style tune that evokes Buddy Holly or the Chordettes, and “Kitchen Radio,” a heartbreak song in which Aerosmith’s “Sweet Emotion” is

“playing on the kitchen radio”— making the situation that much more miserable. Wire sometimes turns the screw a little tight on his slap-stick delivery, as on “Mr. Bubble Saved My Marriage,” which is about wooing his wife back via bubble bath, and “Don’t Touch My Hat,” which sounds like popcountry satire. But there are some good lines in these songs, and some weird ones: Only Bob Wire would slip a reference to urinary tract infections into a song about romance. Musically, the album trots along at a nice pace with a BR549-style swing, bluesy guitar riffs, crisp drums and even some cowbell. The strength of the album is that, for the most part, Wire is able to achieve emotional and instrumental depth even while showing off his jokes. (Erika Fredrickson)

Sleigh Bells, Jessica Rabbit One of my favorite albums ever is Sleigh Bells’ first effort, 2010’s Treats. It’s a dazzling explosion of face-smashing noise-pop that I still play whenever I need to kick some ass. Disclosure: I’m listening to it now, though it’s not the album I’m reviewing. Seven years after Treats, singer/shouter Alexis Krauss and insane guitar player Derek Miller have released their fourth album, Jessica Rabbit, after experiencing the thrill of hitting a homerun on their first swing and then struggling to repeat what might have been a beautiful, perfect, one-time miracle. Jessica Rabbit feels like the time you threw a really great party–one that everyone still talks about– and then you try to recreate the party the next year,

carefully patching together all of the same elements. The album still has the speakershaking guitar work delightfully contrasted with Krauss’ strange but poppy hooks. It’s just that the sum of its parts doesn’t add up. Sleigh Bells has grown a lot. Their music is more complex and more ambitious, but they sound too self-conscious—torn between competing impulses to reproduce Treats and cover new ground. There are strong tracks, like the wailing opener, “It’s Just Us Now,” but they get lost in a mess of disconnected shots in the dark. I hope, for the good of asskicking everywhere, that Jessica Rabbit represents a transition for Sleigh Bells before they evolve into their new best selves. (Sarah Aswell)

Nots, Cosmetic Nots first showed up on my radar when the band played a Missoula show with Quintron and Miss Pussycat back in 2014 and my wife bought the album. I was blown away at how great it was—and still is—and how ready I was for an out-of-theblue punk record. Here was this band from Memphis cranking out amazing and weird two-minute punk tunes 30-plus years after the Bush Tetras, and mining that same driving, synthy, dance-punk style. The album, We Are Nots, made my year-end list, and got played a ton in our household. The new Nots record, Cosmetic, is equally compelling—once you let it grow on you. It’s a good record for different reasons, and I always get excited about bands who can make

that happen. Cosmetic reflects a band more comfortable exploring improvisation, darkness, longer tracks and floods of experimental synth. Gone are the compact two-minute bursts of song with distinct starts, middles and ends. Here are songs that seem like they might have been cut out of hour-long practice jams built around good bass parts. There are still a couple of short songs, like “No Novelty,” which has an odd pitch bend that makes the guitar sound like it’s being de-tuned as it’s being played. There’s also “Rat King,” which evokes Lost Sounds and Jay Reatard. I like where Nots is going, and I like that it takes me three or four listens for it to make any sense. ( Josh Vanek)

missoulanews.com • December 22–December 29, 2016 [21]


Drinky Christmas A tippler’s guide to the most special time of the year by Kate Whittle

With the particularly gnarly winter weather this year, it’s been all too easy to burn through the usual family-friendly holiday specials well before Christmas day arrives. You can only watch White Christmas or one of the thousand iterations of A Christmas Carol so many times before it’s necessary to dive deeper into Netflix for your yuletide-viewing fix. In that spirit, here’s a handful of holiday music specials to turn to when you’ve already exhausted Rudolph, “1978’s Star Wars Holiday Special.” Frosty and the rest of the usual suspects. And—provided you’re tucked away safely and-dance sequences from Gaga’s 2013 album Artat home for the evening—these particular shows are ripe pop. Elton John shows up, too. Drink: every time Lady Gaga changes wigs. Do a shot if you spot her alfor drinking games. Pass the ’nog. most tripping in her high heels. For Christmas traditionalists Mariah Carey lives for Christmas glamour, as she For Pee-Wee Herman nostalgists Go back in time with 1988’s “Pee-Wee’s Playproves in “Mariah Carey’s Merriest Christmas,” originally made for Hallmark in 2015 and now streaming house Christmas Special,” which is now remastered on Netflix. Mariah’s voice is in top-notch shape and streaming on Netflix. (Or find it on YouTube, throughout this array of classic Christmas songs, where the timecapsule80s account has posted the dancing children and cheesecake skits, and Mariah hour-long original VHS recording, including commerbeams with uninterrupted joy as she swans about in cials. What up, “Land Before Time.”) Expect exubergold brocade gowns and pretends to sip eggnog. The ant song-and-dance routines, slapstick comedy and special wraps up with “All I Want for Christmas is heartwarming morals about friendship. Guest stars You,” naturally. Drink: every time Mariah touches her include Annette Funicello, Oprah, Cher, k.d. lang and Zsa Zsa Gabor, who died just last week. Drink: every ear while hitting a high note. time a deceased celebrity appears onscreen. For godly Dolly Parton fans Dolly Parton seems pretty intent on putting the For hardcore Star Wars completists If you’ve never seen the legendarily bad “Star Wars Christ back in Christmas in her series of TV holiday specials. In the latest, “Dolly Parton’s Christmas of Holiday Special,” released in 1978, then pull up Many Colors: Circle of Love,” Dolly sings a few songs YouTube and prepare for a treat. The two-hour variety and narrates a treacly tale about a young version of show includes live-action skits with cameos from all the herself growing up in a poor mining family. Ricky major Star Wars actors, as well as song-and-dance rouSchroder, of “Silver Spoons” fame, plays the dad. tines and a short cartoon that introduces bounty hunter Drink: every time a character references their faith Boba Fett to the canon—weirdly—for the first time. The main thread focuses on Chewbacca’s family preparing in God. for the Wookiee holiday “Life Day” in their ’70s-style bungalow and awaiting Chewbacca’s return from the For holiday haters Sick of Christmas carols? Check out the delight- rebellion. (I think that’s what’s happening—the Wookfully campy “Lady Gaga and the Muppets Holiday iee sequences are all in un-subtitled Wookiee language.) Spectacular,” which aired on ABC in 2015 and can Jefferson Starship makes an appearance as intergalactic now be found on YouTube. The entire holiday spec- entertainment. Carrie Fisher sings a “Life Day” carol. tacular features just one Christmas song—a gender- Mark Hamill wears eyeliner. Drink: heavily throughout. swapped version of “Baby, It’s Cold Outside”—and kwhittle@missoulanews.com the rest is just awkward skits with muppets and song-

[22] Missoula Independent • December 22–December 29, 2016


Divided lives Fences asks heavy questions by Molly Laich

Fences stars Denzel Washington and Viola Davis.

In Fences, directed by Denzel Washington, a father and son labor for what seems like years on a fence in their backyard. The metaphorical implications aren’t subtle, nor are they meant to be. The film is an adaptation of a 1983 play by August Wilson that’s set in the 1950s and steeped in the tradition of domestic melodramas of that era. Washington also stars in the film as Troy Maxson, a career garbage man who could have had a career as a baseball player if not for the color of his skin— and if he hadn’t been incarcerated during his prime. (Both reasons are at play, but Troy finds it less painful to blame the forces beyond his control.) Now in his 50s, Troy has a wife named Rose (Viola Davis), a grown son (Russell Hornsby) who makes his way as a musician, and a teenage son at home named Cory (Jovan Adepo). Cory is a bright kid with a potential football scholarship in his future, which plainly threatens his father’s pride. Troy’s oldest and most loyal friend, Jim Bono (Stephen Henderson), hangs around the Maxson’s yard on Friday afternoons after the long workweek, sharing a pint of gin. And he delivers the film’s most salient metaphor: “Some people build fences to keep people out, and other people build fences to keep people in.” Finally, there’s Troy’s brother Gabriel (Mykelti Williamson), whose wartime head injury has left him childlike and mentally disturbed. Should he be allowed to roam the neighborhood fighting off the devil’s hellhounds, the film often asks, or would he be better off in an institution? Uninspired critics have complained that this adaptation is uncinematic, and that’s an observation that’s both technically true and pointless. The movie breaks one of our most precious narrative rules: You’re supposed to show the action instead of standing around talking about it. In place of cinematic action, Fences

gives us an ensemble of some of the best actors of our time, playing characters who passionately discuss the ordinary drama of their lives. Washington’s unadorned direction allows space for Wilson’s strange and powerful dialogue, at times simple and at times downright Shakespearean, to unfold. In one heated conversation about their marital difficulties, Troy tells Rose, “We go upstairs in that room at night, and I fall down on you and try to blast a hole into forever.” Spanning some 10 years, the film exquisitely captures the downtrodden spirit of black America on its way to the middle class, a time when things were bad, but maybe getting a little better. Framed photographs of Martin Luther King Jr. and John F. Kennedy on the Maxson’s kitchen wall are a nice touch. Still, it’s my job to warn that Fences may overwhelm you with its heaviness, and its old-fashioned patriarchal values are bound to horrify female audience members of a younger generation—like me, for example. Troy is bombastic and at times charming, but he’s also an incorrigible bastard who’s hard to sympathize with or love. In modern parlance, we’d probably say he suffers from PTSD, having grown up with an abusive father. Troy insists that the responsibilities of a father begin and end with bringing home a paycheck—a painstaking labor, as he repeatedly reminds his family. Troy’s inability to show love or sympathy for his son makes me unable to forgive him, even when the story asks me to. But these performances are killer, the source material is smart, and there’s a lesson beneath the heavyhandedness that makes it worth the endeavor: Life unfolds painfully and unfairly, but goddamn if we aren’t blessed to embody these ruined lives anyway. Fences opens Sun., Dec. 25, at the Carmike 12. arts@missoulanews.com

missoulanews.com • December 22–December 29, 2016 [23]


OPENING THIS WEEK ASSASSIN’S CREED Nothing is true; everything is permitted. Instead of being executed, a career criminal is tasked with reliving his ancestor’s memories as an assassin working during the Spanish Inquisition. I didn’t expect that. Rated PG-13. Stars Michael Fassbender, Jeremy Irons and Marion Cotillard. Playing at the Carmike 12 and the Pharaohplex. FENCES Based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning play by August Wilson, a failed baseball player struggles to keep his bitterness from affecting his family while working as a garbage collector. Rated PG-13. Stars Denzel Washington, Viola Davis and Stephen McKinley Henderson. Playing at the Carmike 12. (See Film) NOCTURNAL ANIMALS Second marriages are always tough, especially when your first husband keeps sending you copies of his violent and graphic novel. Rated R. Stars Amy Adams, Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Shannon. Playing at the Roxy.

If anyone asks, we’re a Bangles cover band. Assassin’s Creed opens at the Carmike 12 and Pharaohplex.

PASSENGERS Being an early riser is a good thing. Unless you’ve woken up 90 years before you’re supposed to and the rest of the spaceship’s crew is still asleep. Then you’re just screwed. Rated PG-13. Stars Chris Pratt, Jennifer Lawrence and Michael Sheen. Playing at the Carmike 12 and the Pharaohplex.

COLLATERAL BEAUTY Following the death of his daughter, a distraught businessman writes letters to Death, Time and Love, looking for answers. Then they start answering back. Rated PG-13. Stars Will Smith, Edward Norton and Helen Mirren. Playing at the Carmike 12.

SING The best way for a broke koala to save his failing theater is to host a local singing competition. Too bad his assistant offered $100,000 in prize money they don’t have. Rated PG. Stars the voice talents of Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon and Nick Kroll. Playing at the Carmike 12 and the Pharaohplex.

DIE HARD Yippee Ki Yay, festive revelers! You think spending the holiday with your family is rough, this cop is trapped in a skyscraper with an army of terrorists. Rated R. Stars Bruce Willis, Alan Rickman and Reginald VelJohnson. Playing Thu., Dec 22 at 7 PM at the Roxy.

WHY HIM? Don’t you hate it when your daughter introduces you to her new shirtless, drug-using, foulmouthed boyfriend? At least this one is a millionaire. Rated R. Stars Bryan Cranston, James Franco and Megan Mullally. Playing at the Carmike 12 and the Pharaohplex.


FANTASTIC BEASTS AND WHERE TO FIND THEM Newt Scamander explores New York’s secret community of witches and wizards 70 years before Harry Potter reads about the adventures in a Hogwarts textbook. Rated PG-13. Stars Eddie Redmayne, Katherine Waterston and Jon Voight. Playing at the Carmike 12 and the Pharaohplex.

[24] Missoula Independent • December 22–December 29, 2016

IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE (1946) George Bailey never thought about how many lives he’d impacted until he wanted to end it all. Luckily a wingless angel is there to show him how important just one life is. Rated PG. Stars Jimmy Stewart, Lionel Barrymore and Donna Reed. Playing Fri., Dec. 23 at 7 PM and Sun., Dec. 25 at 3 PM and 6 PM at the Roxy. LOVING Based on the true story of Richard and Mildred Loving. This couple fell in love and were married, which is great. Except it’s 1958 and interracial marriage is still illegal in their home state of Virginia. Rated PG-13. Stars Joel Edgerton, Ruth Negga and Marton Csokas. Playing at the Roxy through Dec. 22. MANCHESTER BY THE SEA Returning to your hometown is always tough, especially when you’re returning to raise your orphaned nephew. Rated R. Stars Casey Affleck, Michelle Williams and Lucas Hedges. Playing at the Roxy. MOANA An adventurous teenager sails out on a daring mission to save her people with a little help

from a demi-god. Rated PG. Walt Disney’s computer-animated musical stars the voices of Auli’i Cravalho, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Alan Tudyk. Playing at the Carmike 12 and the Pharaohplex. ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY A long time ago in a galaxy far far away a band of rebels must steal the designs for the Galactic Empire’s new super weapon, a moon-sized, planet-destroying Death Star. Rated PG-13. Stars Felicity Jones, Diego Luna and Mads Mikkelsen. Playing at the Carmike 12 and the Pharaohplex. Capsule reviews by Charley Macorn. Planning your outing to the cinema? Visit the arts section of missoulanews.com to find up-to-date movie times for theaters in the area. You can also contact theaters to spare yourself any grief and/or parking lot profanities. Theater phone numbers: Carmike 12 at 5417469; The Roxy at 728-9380; Pharaohplex in Hamilton at 961-FILM; Showboat in Polson and Entertainer in Ronan at 883-5603.


Spicy sweet potato latkes by Gabi Moskowitz When it comes to traditional Jewish food, people love to grouse about how it’s really only worth eating when it’s made traditionally. These are the same people who wax poetic about how it’s impossible to find a good bagel outside of New York. “It’s the water,” they’ll tell you. “You can’t replicate New York City water.” Well I live in San Francisco and my water comes from the Hetch Hetchy dam, and it somehow produces Marla Bakery’s bagels, which are the best I’ve ever had, in or outside of New York City. And speaking of defying tradition, I also happen to prefer sweet potato latkes to traditional potato ones. I bring the heat to these latkes with straight-up sriracha (though you could use your favorite hot sauce) and my new favorite ingredient: sweet-hot chilies, also known as peppadews. I also add in one Russet potato, for extra starch, which helps make for crispy latkes. It’s also important to fry the latkes in a decent amount of oil. Like, more oil than you think you need. It’s not deep-frying, exactly, but it’s not not deep-frying. Medium-heat oil is best. It cooks the latkes evenly and thoroughly. Draining the latkes well helps make for an even crispier exterior. Keeping them warm in the oven encourages even more crispness, so these can even be made ahead of time. Just make sure you don't stack them. Stacking leads to sogginess. Then just plate ’em up, put out bowls of applesauce and sour cream (see recipe for details), and crank up your favorite Hanukkah tunes. Happy Hanukkah! Serves 6-8. Ingredients 2 medium orange-fleshed sweet potatoes, shredded (leave the skin on) 1 medium Russet potato, shredded (skin on) 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon ground black pepper 1 tablespoon sriracha (or more to taste) 5 green onions, chopped (green and white parts) about 8 sweet-hot chilies (also known as peppadews), chopped 2 eggs, lightly beaten 2/3 cup all-purpose flour vegetable, peanut, grapeseed, or coconut oil, for frying

BROKEASS GOURMET Directions Preheat the oven to 200 degrees F. Spread the shredded potato and sweet potato on a clean dish towel. Sprinkle with the salt, and let sit for 10 minutes (this helps release the moisture in the potatoes, which yields a crisper latke). Gather up the corners of the dish towel, hold over a sink, and twist to squeeze as much liquid as possible out of the potatoes. Transfer the potatoes to a mixing bowl. Add the pepper, sriracha, green onions, and chilies and mix well with your hands or a wooden spoon. Stir in the eggs and mix well. Stir in the flour and mix well. Cover a couple of large baking sheets with paper towels, newspaper or parchment paper. Set near the stove. Pour 1/2 inch of oil into a large nonstick or castiron frying pan (or 2, if you are cooking a large batch and want to speed things up). I know it seems like a lot, but you’ll need it. Heat the oil over medium heat until it reaches 350 degrees (if you don’t have a thermometer, let the oil heat up until you think it’s hot enough, then make a little test latke. If it browns nicely, it’s ready). Wet your hands with cool water, then form a little patty, using about 1/4 cup latke batter. Press it together in your palm to make sure it’s cohesive. Carefully slide the patty into the bubbling oil. Working in small batches (you don’t want to overcrowd the pan), repeat with the remaining batter. Depending on the size of your pan, you’ll likely cook 5-6 latkes at a time. Cook the latkes for 2-3 minutes per side, or until they are golden-brown and crispy. Don’t be tempted to turn up the heat and rush the process—you’ll get latkes that are burnt on the outside and raw inside. Add more oil as necessary. Once the latkes have finished cooking, transfer them with a spatula to the prepared baking sheets. Once the sheets have filled up, transfer them to the oven to keep them hot. Serve the latkes hot with applesauce and sour cream.

missoulanews.com • December 22–December 29, 2016 [25]


Season Greetings from Asahi Have a great holiday! 406-829-8989 1901 Stephens Ave Order online at asahimissoula.com. Delicious dining or carryout. Chinese & Japanese menus.


Yuletide Blend $10.95/lb. Coffees, Teas & the Unusual




Bernice’s Bakery 190 South 3rd West 728-1358 It’s the little things we do together. Bernice’s takes these moments to heart. This Christmas when you want “just the right size” gift or party package, think about stopping by Bernice’s having us prepare you a personalized cookie plate, or pick up frosted Christmas trees (Yep! Those famous sugar cookies.) Packaged Bernice’s Hot Cocoa, Mini Macaroons, Gingerbread Coffeecake, and loaves of Poundcake, also make great gifts! Have you checked out Bernice’s wearables lately? Downright smart. Gift Cards? Oh, yeah. Bernice’s wishes you a Merry Little Christmas. xoxo Bernice. $-$$

Biga Pizza 241 W. Main Street 728-2579 Biga Pizza offers a modern, downtown dining environment combined with traditional brick oven pizza, calzones, salads, sandwiches, specials and desserts. All dough is made using a “biga” (pronounced bee-ga) which is a timehonored Italian method of bread making. Biga Pizza uses local products, the freshest produce as well as artisan meats and cheeses. Featuring seasonal menus. Lunch and dinner, Mon-Sat. Beer & Wine available. $-$$



Asahi 1901 Stephens Ave 829-8989 asahimissoula.com Exquisite Chinese and Japanese cuisine. Try our new Menu! Order online for pickup or express dine in. Pleasant prices. Fresh ingredients. Artistic presentation. Voted top 3 People’s Choice two years in a row. Open Tue-Sun: 11am-10pm. $-$$$


Bridge Pizza 600 S Higgins Ave. 542-0002 bridgepizza.com A popular local eatery on Missoula's Hip Strip. Featuring handcrafted artisan brick oven pizza, pasta, sandwiches, soups, & salads made with fresh, seasonal ingredients. Missoula's place for pizza by the slice. A unique selection of regional microbrews and gourmet sodas. Dine-in, drive-thru, & delivery. Open everyday 11am - 10:30pm. $-$$



Burns Street Bistro 1500 Burns St. 543-0719 burnsstbistro.com We cook the freshest local ingredients as a matter of pride. Our relationship with local farmers, ranchers and other businesses allows us to bring quality, scratch cooking and fresh-brewed Black Coffee Roasting Co. coffee and espresso to Missoula’s Historic Westside neighborhood. Handmade breads & pastries, soups, salads & sandwiches change with the seasons, but our commitment to delicious food does not. Mon-Fri 7am - 2pm. Sat/Sun Brunch 9am - 2pm. $-$$

Butterfly Herbs 232 N. Higgins 728-8780 Celebrating 44 years of great coffees and teas. Truly the “essence of Missoula.” Offering fresh coffees, teas (Evening in Missoula), bulk spices and botanicals, fine toiletries & gifts. Our cafe features homemade soups, fresh salads, and coffee ice cream specialties. In the heart of historic downtown, we are Missoula’s first and favorite Espresso Bar. Open 7 Days. $ Doc’s Gourmet Sandwiches 214 N. Higgins Ave. 542-7414 Doc’s is an extremely popular gathering spot for diners who appreciate the great ambiance, personal service and generous sandwiches made with the freshest ingredients. Whether you’re heading out for a power lunch, meeting friends or family or just grabbing a quick takeout, Doc’s is always an excellent choice. Delivery in the greater Missoula area. We also offer custom catering!...everything from gourmet appetizers to all of our menu items. $-$$ Good Food Store 1600 S. 3rd West 541-FOOD The GFS Deli features made-to-order sandwiches, Fire Deck pizza & calzones, rice & noodle wok bowls, an award-winning salad bar, an olive & antipasto bar and a self-serve hot bar offering a variety of housemade breakfast, lunch and dinner entrées. A seasonally-changing selection of deli salads and rotisserie-roasted chickens are also available. Locallyroasted coffee/espresso drinks and an extensive fresh juice and smoothie menu complement bakery goods from the GFS ovens and Missoula’s favorite bakeries. Indoor and patio seating. Open every day 7am-10pm $-$$ Grizzly Liquor 110 W Spruce St. 549-7723 grizzlyliquor.com Voted Missoula’s Best Liquor Store! Largest selection of spirits in the Northwest, including all Montana micro-distilleries. Your headquarters for unique spirits and wines! Free customer parking. Open Monday-Saturday 9-7:30 $-$$$ Hob Nob on Higgins 531 S. Higgins • 541-4622 hobnobonhiggins.com Come visit our friendly staff & experience Missoula’s best little breakfast & lunch spot. All our food is made from scratch, we feature homemade corn beef hash, sourdough pancakes, sandwiches, salads, espresso & desserts. MC/V $-$$ Iron Horse Brew Pub 501 N. Higgins 728-8866 ironhorsebrewpub.com We’re the perfect place for lunch, appetizers, or dinner. Enjoy nightly specials, our fantastic beverage selection and friendly, attentive service. Stop by & stay awhile! No matter what you are looking for, we’ll give you something to smile about. $$-$$$

Not available for To-Go orders

[26] Missoula Independent • December 22–December 29, 2016

$…Under $5 $–$$…$5–$15 $$–$$$…$15 and over

[dish] Iza 529 S. Higgins 830-3237 izarestaurant.com Local Asian cuisine feature SE Asian, Japanese, Korean and Indian dishes. Gluten Free and Vegetarian no problem. Full Beer, Wine, Sake and Tea menu. We have scratch made bubble teas. Come in for lunch, dinner, drinks or just a pot of awesome tea. Open Mon-Fri: Lunch 11:30-3pm, Happy Hour 3-6pm, Dinner M-Sat 3pm-close. $-$$ Liquid Planet 223 N. Higgins 541-4541 Whether it’s coffee or cocoa, water, beer or wine, or even a tea pot, French press or mobile mug, Liquid Planet offers the best beverage offerings this side of Neptune. Missoula’s largest espresso and beverage bar, along with fresh and delicious breakfast and lunch options from breakfast burritos and pastries to paninis and soups. Peruse our global selection of 1,000 wines, 400 beers and sodas, 150 teas, 30 locally roasted coffees, and a myriad of super cool beverage accessories and gifts. Find us on facebook at /BestofBeverage. Open daily 7:30am to 9pm. Liquid Planet Grille 540 Daly 540-4209 (corner of Arthur & Daly across from the U of M) MisSOULa’s BEST new restaurant of 2015, the Liquid Planet Grille, offers the same unique Liquid Planet espresso and beverage bar you’ve come to expect, with breakfast served all day long! Sit outside and try the stuffed french toast or our handmade granola or a delicious Montana Melt, accompanied with MisSOULa’s best fries and wings, with over 20 salts, seasonings and sauces! Open 7am-8pm daily. Find us on Facebook at /LiquidPlanetGrille. $-$$ Missoula Senior Center 705 S. Higgins Ave. (on the hip strip) 543-7154 themissoulaseniorcenter.org Did you know the Missoula Senior Center serves delicious hearty lunches every week day for only $4 for those on the Nutrition Program, $5 for U of M Students with a valid student ID and $6 for all others. Children under 10 eat free. Join us from 11:30 - 12:30 M-F for delicious food and great conversation. $ The Mustard Seed Asian Cafe Southgate Mall 542-7333 Contemporary Asian fusion cuisine. Original recipes and fresh ingredients combine the best of Japanese, Chinese, Polynesian, and Southeast Asian influences. Full menu available at the bar. Award winning desserts made fresh daily , local and regional micro brews, fine wines & signature cocktails. Vegetarian and Gluten free menu available. Takeout & delivery. $$-$$$ Korean Bar-B-Que & Sushi 3075 N. Reserve 327-0731 We invite you to visit our contemporary KoreanJapanese restaurant and enjoy it’s warm atmosphere. Full Sushi Bar. Korean bar-b-que at your table. Beer and Wine. $$-$$$

Orange Street Food Farm 701 S. Orange St. 543-3188 orangestreetfoodfarm.com Experience The Farm today!!! Voted number one Supermarket & Retail Beer Selection. Fried chicken, fresh meat, great produce, vegan, gluten free, all natural, a HUGE beer and wine selection, and ROCKIN’ music. What deal will you find today? $-$$$

Beer and Wine Run


Pearl Cafe 231 E. Front St. 541-0231 pearlcafe.us Country French meets the Northwest. Idaho Trout with King Crab, Rabbit with Wild Mushroom Ragout, Garden City Beef Ribeye, Fresh Seafood Specials Daily. House Made Charcuterie, Sourdough Bread & Delectable Desserts. Extensive wine list; 18 wines by the glass and local beers on draft. Reservations recommended for the intimate dining areas. Visit our website Pearlcafe.us to check out our nightly specials, make reservations, or buy gift certificates. Open Mon-Sat at 5:00. $$-$$$ Pita Pit 130 N Higgins 541-7482 pitapitusa.com Fresh Thinking Healthy Eating. Enjoy a pita rolled just for you. Hot meat and cool fresh veggies topped with your favorite sauce. Try our Chicken Caesar, Gyro, Philly Steak, Breakfast Pita, or Vegetarian Falafel to name just a few. For your convenience we are open until 3am 7 nights a week. Call if you need us to deliver! $-$$ Sushi Hana 403 N. Higgins 549-7979 SushiMissoula.com Montana’s Original Sushi Bar. We Offer the Best Sushi and Japanese Cuisine in Town. Casual atmosphere. Plenty of options for non-sushi eaters including daily special items you won’t find anywhere else. $1 Specials Mon & Wed. Lunch Mon–Sat; Dinner Daily. Sake, Beer, & Wine. Visit SushiMissoula.com for full menu. $$-$$$

Taco Sano Two Locations: 115 1/2 S. 4th Street West 1515 Fairview Ave inside City Life 541-7570 • tacosano.net Home of Missoula’s Best BREAKFAST BURRITO. 99 cent TOTS every Tuesday. Once you find us you’ll keep coming back. Breakfast Burritos served all day, Quesadillas, Burritos and Tacos. Let us dress up your food with our unique selection of toppings, salsas, and sauces. Open 10am-9pm 7 days a week. WE DELIVER. $-$$

What it is: Run Wild Missoula, the local nonprofit promoting all kinds of running and walking, hosts “beer runs” on the last Wednesday of every month. The runs typically begin and end at a local brewery, but on Dec. 28 the group is posting up at the Red Bird. Why you’re running: To shake off holiday sloth—or take a Christmas victory lap. Organizers promise courses will comprise a sightseeing sampler of holiday decorations. There are 3-mile and 5-mile options, both of which are open to runners and walkers of all abilities.

What you’re drinking: Cool down with an imported brew from Red Bird’s beer lineup, or explore one of Missoula’s most extensive wine lists. Anyone interested in adding dinner to the menu is encouraged to make a reservation. The details: The group run begins at 6 p.m. in the Red Bird lobby. The event is free— no Run Wild membership required. For dinner reservations, call 406-549-2906. Happiest Hour celebrates western Montana watering holes. To recommend a bar, bartender or beverage for Happiest Hour, email editor@missoulanews.com.

Westside Lanes 1615 Wyoming 721-5263 Visit us for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner served 8 AM to 9 PM. Try our homemade soups, pizzas, and specials. We serve 100% Angus beef and use fryer oil with zero trans fats, so visit us any time for great food and good fun. $-$$

$…Under $5 $–$$…$5–$15 $$–$$$…$15 and over

missoulanews.com • December 22–December 29, 2016 [27]

FRI | 9 PM | TOP HAT The Cold Hard Cash Show pays tribute to the man in black at the Top Hat Fri., Dec 23. Doors at 8 PM, show at 9. $10.

THU | 12/22 | 9 PM | BADLANDER The Dead Hipster Dance Party graces the Badlander one final time. Allegedly. Thu., Dec 22. 9 PM. $3.

[28] Missoula Independent • December 22–December 29, 2016

FRI | 6 PM | TEN SPOON Venture up the Rattlesnake for the live music of Larry Hirshberg at Ten Spoon Winery Fri., Dec 23. 6 PM. Free.

THU | 12/29 | 10 PM | TOP HAT Idle Ranch Hands play the Top Hat Thu., Dec. 29. Doors at 9 PM, show at 10. Free.

FRI | 9 PM | VFW Pale People celebrate the season at a holiday party at the VFW Fri., Dec. 23. 9 PM. Free.

missoulanews.com • December 22–December 29, 2016 [29]

[30] Missoula Independent • December 22–December 29, 2016


12-2 2

12-2 3

Thursday Greg Boyd’s House of Fine Instruments’ Open House features snacks, beverages and chairs for pickin’. 1 PM–6 PM. Free. 311 Knowles St.

nightlife I recommend pairing the music of Andre Floyd with a Clothing Optional Pale Ale at Draught Works. 6 PM–8 PM. Free. Bring your unwrapped Christmas gifts to Red’s Bar where a team of box and bow experts will wrap them in exchange for a donation to help with the medical costs of a family fighting leukemia. 6 PM. Stop by Environment Montana’s Ugly Sweater party at Imagine Nation Brewing to learn more about working for the environment in the new year. 6 PM. Unleash your cogent understanding of the trivium at Brooks and Browns Big Brains Trivia Night. Get cash toward your bar tab for first place,


plus specials on beer. Holiday Inn Downtown. 7:30–10 PM.

Santa Claus is coming to town on a Zamboni! Come skate with Santa at Glacier Ice Rink. $6 Adults/$3 children. 3 PM– 5:30 PM.

Bring an instrument or just kick back and enjoy the tunes at the Irish Music Session every Friday at the Union Club from 6–9 PM. No cover.

The Women in Black stand in mourning of international violence every Friday on the Higgins bridge from 12:15–12:45 PM. Visit jrpc.org/calendar to learn more.

Bring your unwrapped Christmas gifts to Red’s Bar where a team of box and bow experts will wrap them in exchange for a donation to help with the medical costs of a family fighting leukemia. 6 PM.

Mellon Painting, Cory Fay, Nate Biehl and Ryan Bundy are making your holiday merry and bright with A Very Camp Daze Christmas. 9 PM. Free, but donations would be peachy.

Venture up the Rattlesnake and enjoy the music of Larry Hirshberg at the Ten Spoon Winery. 6 PM. Free.

This could be the last Dead Hipster Dance Party at the Badlander ever. I mean, we’ve heard that before, so who knows? 9 PM. $3.

The Missoula Rotoract Club carols downtown for the benefit of Missoula Ronald McDonald House. Downtown Missoula 5:45 PM–7:30 PM.

The Top Hat presents FamilyFriendly Friday, a time where parents and their kids can socialize, listen to music, eat great food and have fun. This week join the Awesome Possums for a Christmas singalong. Free.

The basketball team from Utah? Every Thursday Plonk hosts live jazz. 8 PM–11 PM. Free. Want some karaoke with a country twang? Rocking Country Karaoke let’s you live out your rhinestone cowboy dreams at the Sunrise Saloon. 8:30 PM.

Start spreading the news! There’s karaoke today! You don’t need to be a veteran of the Great White Way to sing your heart out at the Broadway Bar. 9:30 PM. Free. Ir8prim8, 3DHR and Tayln Lang host Escape dance party at Monk’s. 10 PM. 21-plus. Free.

airing out

Festivus, the non-denominational holiday celebrated by those wanting to get away from the commercialism and pressure of the holiday season, has enjoyed a boom in recent years. The traditional aluminum pole, airing of grievances and feats of strength have all entered our popular writer's meeting for Seinfeld. culture and lexicon. But those lookThis year celebrates the 50th ing back to “The Strike,” a 1997 anniversary of Festivus—“a holiepisode of the sitcom Seinfeld, as the origin of this secular holiday day season for the rest of us”— with a winter dinner at the Burns aren't looking back far enough. Festivus was created and first St. Bistro featuring classical French celebrated by editor and author country fare, an airing of grievDaniel O'Keefe during the winter ances and the traditional Festivus of 1966. This small family tradition pole. was quite different from today's —Charley Macorn Festivus. Instead of an aluminum pole acting as WHAT: Festivus Dinner the centerpiece for the day, the O'Keefe family WHERE: Burns St. Bistro would put a clock in a bag and nail it to a wall. WHEN: Fri., Dec. 23, from 6 PM–9 PM. The holiday entered pop- HOW MUCH: $45 per person ular consciousness when Dan O'Keefe Jr., a noted MORE INFO: RSVP by calling writer himself, pitched his 406-543-0719. father's holiday during a


Yeehaw! Texas Tom mixes some holiday favorites into his regular set at the Rustic Hut. 6 PM– 9 PM. Free.

Join Tom Catmull at the Missoula Brewing Company for the live music from a local favorite. 6 PM– 8 PM. Free. Got some grievances you wanna air around the holiday table? Burns St. Bistro hosts a Festivus for the rest of us with a winter dinner

featuring French fare and a Festivus pole. 6 PM–9 PM. $45. Away, away, away rode the Cold Hard Cash Show. Now the tribute to the Man in Black returns for a night of music at the Top Hat. Doors at 8 PM, show at 9. $10. Have you been good this year? Santa’s got a big bag of music for you waiting under the Christmas tree at the VFW. Pale People, Dusklight Meadow, Sam Waldorf and Botanicals 3 play a free holiday show. 9 PM. They don’t even stop for the holidays! Band in Motion plays the Union Club. 9:30 PM. Free. Paydirt performs at the Sunrise Saloon. 9:30 PM. Free. Foxy Friday brings a rotating cast of local DJs specializing in house and techno to the Badlander. Doors at 9 PM, show at 10. Free. 21-plus

Saturday 12-2 4

Dear Readers: With the Christmas holiday upon us, please make sure to confirm events with the venue.

You’ll be bright-eyed and bushytailed after Run Wild Missoula’s Saturday Breakfast Club Runs, which start at 8 AM every Saturday at Runner’s Edge, 325 N. Higgins Ave. Free to run. Visit runwildmissoula.org.

sandwiches. Imagine Nation and Ninja Mike’s food truck present the inaugural Kegs and Eggs. Fill your growlers and enjoy a locally sourced breakfast. 10 AM–2 PM.

Get your fresh produce and farmdirect goodies when Stage 112 hosts the Missoula Valley Winter Market from 9 AM–1 PM.

Yoga and Beer: The two cornerstones of Missoula. The Yoga Spot and the Sweat Shop host yoga every Saturday morning at Imagine Nation Brewing. Class and a beer for $8. 10:45 AM.

I primarily gain weight during the holiday season due to all the egg

Instead of waiting around for Santa, Travis Yost comes to the

Missoula Brewing Co. taproom to play his tunes. 3 PM–5 PM.

nightlife Tango Missoula hosts an introductory class and milonga social dance on the fourth Saturday of each month. The beginner lesson starts at 8 PM followed by dancing from 9 PM to midnight. No experience or partner necessary! Potluck food and refreshments. $8/$6 for students.

missoulanews.com • December 22–December 29, 2016 [31]

12-2 5

Sunday It’s Christmas. Go to the movies or something.

nightlife Need to get away from your family today? - West Paw Designs - Soda Pup dog toys - H2 4 K9 water bottles

Monday 12-2 6

- EzyDog Adventure Lights - Dog is Good gear

Open mic at Lolo Hot Springs’ Bear Cave Bar and Grill offers cool prizes like cabin stays, bar tabs and hot springs passes, plus drink specials, starting at 7 PM. Call 406-273-2297 to sign up. No cover.

The third annual Yuletide Stroll takes you around churches in the University District. Hear seasonal music, see decorations and enjoy special treats! Caroling ends the afternoon at Holy Spirit Church at 4:40 PM. Maps are available at each church; visit the churches in any order. 2 PM–5 PM.

nightlife Prepare a couple of songs and bring your talent to Open Mic Night at Imagine Nation Brewing. Sign up when you get there. Every Monday from 6–8 PM. Potluck, poetry, positive energy and performances by Emily Goodmorning, Turner for Breakfast, June West and Cassandra Rabe fill Real Good Art Space. Doors at 6 PM, show at 8. Bring a dish!

Spotlight Christmas lists get boring the older you get. When you're a child, you write to Santa trying to explain how everything bad you did this year wasn't technically your fault, how all those broken windows shouldn't get in the way of you getting a new Sega Genesis. Christmas lists at this time can be a weird balance between shame and greed. As you age, become disillusioned with capitalism, and just try to get through the holidays, the list often becomes a catalog of things you need— socks, a toaster—not things you want. And while I'm still waiting for my Sega Genesis (just like how the school is still waiting for me

Bingo at the VFW: The easiest way to make rent since keno. 245 W. Main. 6:30 PM. $12 buy-in. Get mindful at Be Here Now, a mindfulness meditation group that meets Mondays from 7:30–8:45 PM at the Open Way Mindfulness Center. Visit openway.org. Aaron “B-Rocks” Broxterman hosts karaoke night at the Dark Horse Bar. 9 PM. Free. Every Monday DJ Sol spins funk, soul, reggae and hip-hop. Doors at 9 PM, show at 10. Free. 21-plus. Live in SIN at the Service Industry Night at Plonk, with DJ Amory spinning and a special menu. 322 N. Higgins Ave. 10 PM to close. Just ask a server for the SIN menu. No cover.

wish list WHAT: Kegs and Eggs WHO: Imagine Nation Brewing and Ninja Mike's WHERE: Imagine Nation WHEN: Sat., Dec. 24. 10 AM–2 PM. MORE INFO: imaginenationbrewing.com

to apologize for those windows) it is still important to remember that sometimes it's okay to really want something for Christmas just because it makes you feel good. From my own experiences, having a growler of beer on hand during Christmas makes everything better. Imagine Nation Brewery and Ninja Mike’s food truck are joining forces for the inaugural (in-eggural?) Kegs and Eggs events. From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. you can make your holiday merry and bright with locally sourced breakfast and craft beer. Fill a growler and receive one free beer and one dollar off breakfast from Ninja Mike's. To sweeten the deal, all growler fills are $1.50 off. This Christmas don’t just feed your stomach: Feed your wants. Do something nice for yourself. —Charley Macorn

[32] Missoula Independent • December 22–December 29, 2016

12-2 7

Tuesday Shootin’ the Bull Toastmasters help you improve your public speaking skills with weekly meetings at ALPS in the Florence Building, noon–1 PM. Free and open to the public. Visit shootinthebull.info for details. It’s Mule-Tastic Tuesday, which means the Montana Distillery will donate $1 from every cocktail sold to a local nonprofit organization. 12–8 PM.

nightlife Dust off that banjolin and join in the Top Hat’s picking circle, 6–8 PM every Tuesday. All ages. Learn the two-step and more at country dance lessons at the Hamilton Senior Center, Tuesdays from 7–9 PM. $5. Bring a partner. Call 381-1392 for more info.

Take down the Athenian hegemony but pass on the hemlock tea at the Socrates Cafe, in which facilitator Kris Bayer encourages philosophical discussion. Bitterroot Public Library. 7–9 PM. Show off your big brain at Quizzoula trivia night, every Tuesday at the VFW. Current events, picture round and more. 8:30 PM. Free. Our trivia question for this week: Which holiday film is based on the short story “The Greatest Gift” by Philip Van Doren Stern? Answer in tomorrow’s Nightlife. Mike Avery hosts the Music Showcase every Tuesday, featuring some of Missoula’s finest musical talent at the Badlander, 9 PM–1 AM. To sign up, email michael.avery@live.com.

12-2 8

Wednesday nightlife At the Phish Happy Hour at 4:30 PM. But I know you’ll show up at 4:20. Free. Draught Works Brewery gets you a free ski or board wax with the purchase of any beer. 5 PM–8 PM. First come, first serve.

Win big bucks off your bar tab at Brains on Broadway Trivia Night at the Broadway Sports Bar and Grill, 1609 W. Broadway Ave. 7 PM. Trivia answer: It’s a Wonderful Life. Get up onstage at VFW’s open mic, with a different host each week. 8 PM. Free.

Wednesday Night Brewery Jam invites all musicians to bring an instrument and join in. Hosted by Geoffrey Taylor at Imagine Nation Brewing Co., 6–8 PM. Free.

Show your Press Box buddies you know more than sports and compete in Trivial Beersuit starting at 8:30.

This open mic is truly open. The Starving Artist Café and Art Gallery, 3020 S. Reserve St. Every Wed., 6–8 PM. Free.

Make the move from singing in the shower to a live audience at the Eagles Lodge karaoke night. $50 to the best singer. 8:30–10:30 PM. No cover.

Celebrate your creative side at Art on Tap. Try your hand at painting while enjoying an adult beverage. Brooks and Browns. 6 PM–9 PM. $30.

Get your yodel polished up for rockin’ country karaoke night, every Wed. at the Sunrise Saloon. 9 PM. Free.

12-2 9

Thursday nightlife Tom Catmull provides the soundtrack at Draught Works Brewery. 5 PM–8 PM. Free. Unleash your cogent understanding of the trivium at Brooks and Browns Big Brains Trivia Night. Holiday Inn Downtown. 7:30–10 PM. Start spreading the news! There’s karaoke today! Broadway Bar. 9:30 PM. Free. Idle Ranch Hands play the Top Hat instead of helping me brand my cattle. Doors at 9 PM, show at 10. Free.

SHHHHHHHHH WA-WA-WA-WA-WA WUB-WUB-WUB. Monk’s hosts dubstep night. 21-plus. Free. We want to know about your event! Submit to calendar@missoulanews.com at least two weeks in advance of the event. Don’t forget to include the date, time, venue and cost. Send snail mail to Caleesi, Mother of Calendars c/o the Independent, 317 S. Orange St., Missoula, MT 59801. Or submit your events online at missoulanews.com. Turns out you all got me as your secret Santa. I take cash and booze.

missoulanews.com • December 22–December 29, 2016 [33]


THURSDAY DECEMBER 22 Bring your unwrapped Christmas gifts to Red’s Bar where a team of box and bow experts will wrap them in exchange for a donation to help with the medical costs of a family fighting leukemia. 6 PM. Stop by Environment Montana’s Ugly Sweater party at Imagine Nation Brewing to learn more about working for the environment in the new year. 6 PM. Want to work up a sweat for a good cause? On Center Performing Arts hosts an hour-long AKT class. All of the proceeds will go to support Girls on the Run, a program that integrates life skills and running. 6 PM. 1521 Cooper St. Email tucker@aktinmotion.com for registration. $20.

FRIDAY DECEMBER 23 Last year my sister-in-law—my 5-foot-tall, pregnant-with-twins sister-in-law—began to have contractions after only five months of pregnancy. She was rushed over 100 miles from her home in Anaconda to the nearest hospital with the facilities to handle her situation. This brought her to Missoula. There, the contractions stopped, but bad news followed. Because of the weight of two gestating humans on her small frame, the babies’ time of arrival was uncertain but imminent. The doctors told her that she needed to stay within 10 minutes of the hospital at all times. And so, until my niece and nephew were born, healthy and at a full nine months, my sister-in-law stayed at Ronald McDonald House. Being the only relative on either side of the family living closer than Deer Lodge, I spent many months there with her, seeing firsthand how the

comfort of having a nice place to stay, with a kitchen, library and playroom, can mean the difference in the lives of stressed-out families. This year, during this season of generosity and love, the Rotoract Club of Missoula carols throughout downtown Missoula, starting at Caras Park and ending at Liquid Planet, raising funds for Ronald McDonald House and spreading holiday cheer. The Rotoract invites locals to join in on its holiday trek in support of an invaluable family service. —Charley Macorn Missoula Rotoract's Caroling for a Cause starts at 3 PM at Caras Park before making its way through downtown Missoula. It ends at Liquid Planet with singing from 5:45 PM to 7:30 PM.

These are the good old days. Good times, great people, deep snow. Welcome to Whitefish.

FREQUENT SKIER CARD PURCHASE DEADLINE: DEC. 24 It’s the gift that keeps on giving all season long! $50 to purchase, Adults then ski for just $48/day.* Buy online or on the mountain through December 24. *Other ages ski for less per day with a Frequent Skier Card.


Partially Located on National Forest Lands Photo © GlacierWorld.com

[34] Missoula Independent • December 22–December 29, 2016

The Women in Black stand in mourning of international violence every Friday on the Higgins bridge from 12:15–12:45 PM. Visit jrpc.org/calendar to learn more. Bring your unwrapped Christmas gifts to Red’s Bar where a team of box and bow experts will wrap them in exchange for a donation to help with the medical costs of a family fighting leukemia. 6 PM.

MONDAY DECEMBER 26 Sip a fancy cocktail for a cause at Moscow Monday at the Montgomery Distillery. A dollar from every drink sold is donated to Missoula Medical Aid. 12 PM–8 PM.

Find out how the Garden City grows at the weekly Missoula City Council meeting, where you can no doubt expect ranting public commenters, PowerPoint presentations and subtle wit from Mayor Engen. Missoula council chambers, 140 W. Pine St. Meetings are the first four Mondays of every month at 7 PM, except for holidays.

TUESDAY DECEMBER 27 Shootin’ the Bull Toastmasters help you improve your public speaking skills with weekly meetings at ALPS in the Florence Building, noon–1 PM. Free and open to the public. Visit shootinthebull.info for details. It’s Mule-Tastic Tuesday, which means the Montana Distillery will donate $1 from every cocktail sold to a local nonprofit organization. 12–8 PM.

WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 28 Nonviolent Communication Practice Group facilitated by Patrick Marsolek every Wednesday at Jeannette Rankin Peace Center. 12–1 PM. Email info@patrickmarsolek.com or 406-443-3439 for more information. NAMI Missoula hosts a free arts and crafts group for adults living with mental illness every Wednesday at 2 PM. Every Wednesday is Community UNite at KettleHouse Brewing Company’s Northside taproom. A portion of every pint sold goes to support local Missoula causes. This week help defray the costs of training a service dog for a local family. 5 PM–8 PM.

AGENDA is dedicated to upcoming events embodying activism, outreach and public participation. Send your who/what/when/where and why to AGENDA, c/o the Independent, 317 S. Orange, Missoula, MT 59801. You can also email entries to calendar@missoulanews.com or send a fax to (406) 543-4367. AGENDA’s deadline for editorial consideration is 10 days prior to the issue in which you’d like your information to be included. When possible, please include appropriate photos/artwork.



hen two pieces of glass get stuck together—like two microscope slides—a thin layer of water can get stuck between them. This same effect could slowly be ruining your skis. Without regular maintenance, the bottoms of skis and snowboards develop a course texture. These rough patches not only slow you down, like those two pieces of glass, but also create a bumpy, harsh ride. And all it takes is regular waxing of your skis to prevent this. That's it. The California Ski Company (because clearly California is a place that breeds ski experts) recommends not going longer than 10 ski days between waxing to preserve the quality of your skis. And while paying for a full waxing can be kind

of pricey, doing basic regular maintenance is much cheaper and efficient, and safeguards the life of your skis. Basic options are not more expensive than ordering a beer. Speaking of which, Draught Works and LB Snow offer a free ski or board wax with purchase of a beer. It's first come, first serve for the waxing, but who cares? You've got a beer! As you hit the slopes this holiday don't be like those chumps who never wax their boards. . —Ednor Therriault The purchase of a beer gets you a free ski or board wax at Draught Works Brewery. Co-hosted by LB Snow. 5 PM–8 PM.

photo by Chad Harder

THURSDAY DECEMBER 22 Tip #1: A snowy mountain is no place to practice your tuba. North Valley Public Library hosts the West Center MT Avalanche Foundation for a free Avalanche Safety Class. Stay safe this winter. 6 PM. Free.

FRIDAY DECEMBER 23 I don’t know about you, but wrapping up my work week by watching some poor cricket getting devoured by a large Chilean tarantula is somehow very satisfying. Tarantula feeding at the Missoula Butterfly House and Insectarium, every Friday at 4 PM. $4 admission.

SATURDAY DECEMBER 24 You’ll be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed after Run Wild Missoula’s Saturday Breakfast Club Runs,

which start at 8 AM every Saturday at Runner’s Edge, 325 N. Higgins Ave. Free to run. Visit runwildmissoula.org.

WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 28 Draught Works Brewery gets you a free ski or board wax with the purchase of any beer. 5 PM– 8 PM. First come, first serve. The Missoula Marathon running class is designed for beginning to advanced runners. Every Wednesday at 6 PM, Run Wild Missoula in the basement of the Runner’s Edge, 304 N. Higgins. $100. The last Wednesday of every month you can join a few dozen other thirsty road warriors for Run Wild Missoula’s Last Wednesday Beer Run. This month’s starts at the Red Bird. 6 PM. Free.

missoulanews.com • December 22–December 29, 2016 [35]



December 22 - December 29, 2016

www.missoulanews.com TABLE OF CONTENTS

COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD Basset Rescue of Montana. Senior bassets needing homes. 406-207-0765. Please like us on Facebook... facebook.com/bassethoundrescue Birth Mama Doula Training - January 2017 chardoula@msn.com


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ship issues? You’re not alone. Call or email to schedule an appointment today. Most insurance policies accepted, including Medicaid and Medicare. Andrew S. Hill, LCSW, CBIS Phone: (406) 2152225 Email: andrew@miss o u l a t h e r a p y. c o m

http://www.missoulatherapy.com Free support group for family and friends of loved ones who are incarcerated or returned citizens, Mondays, 5:30-6:30 p.m., 1610 3rd St., Ste 201. Call Janelle 207-3134. www.pfrmt.org

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"The joy of brightening other lives, bearing each others’ burdens, easing other’s loads and supplanting empty hearts and lives with generous gifts becomes for us the magic of the Holidays." W. C. Jones

Place your classified ad at 317 S. Orange, by phone 543-6609x115 or via email: classified@missoulanews.com




By Amy Alkon PRESENT TENSE Women are really cuckoo when it comes to gifts. If my lady didn’t get me a present on my birthday, I wouldn’t really care. But if I didn’t buy her something for hers or if I chose badly, brace yourself! Don’t get me wrong; I love my girlfriend. I just wish I understood how to avoid the minefield here. —Lost In Santa’s Wonderland Unfortunately, you can’t just tell her that your relationship was “a gift from God.” So was the plague of locusts. Gift-getting generally is a bigger deal to women than it is to men (like, if you miss the mark on her birthday, you might have to call in the U.N. Peace negotiators). To understand why, consider that our emotions aren’t just feelings; they’re motivational mechanisms that evolved to guard our survival and help us pass on our genes. For example, you feel jealousy when you sense a threat to your relationship—like that your girlfriend’s compleeeetely platonic male BFF sees the friend zone as the dugout for the sex friend zone. Of course, both men and women feel jealous and are deeply hurt by both sexual infidelity (“Did you have sex with him/her?!”) and emotional infidelity (“Do you love him/her?!”). However, evolutionary psychologist David Buss finds that men and women differ in which type they find more distressing. Because men experience “paternity uncertainty” (“Mama’s baby, Papa’s maybe”), they’re more distressed by sexual infidelity, which could chump them into raising a kid who’ll pass on some other dude’s genes. There’s no such thing as “maternity uncertainty” because babies are delivered not by storks but by obstetricians—who coach screaming, profanity-spewing mothers-to-be to push a bowling ball-sized human out a very small opening. Accordingly, Buss finds that women are more distressed by the prospect that a man might be emotionally elsewhere, leading him to divert his investment in their children into diamond-encrusted loot for that hussy he’s been stepping out with. In light of this, it makes sense that a woman puts more weight on a male partner’s displays of love and commitment— which is ultimately what gifts to your girlfriend are. Maybe understanding that can help you convert gift-giving from a perilous chore to a way to tell your girlfriend that you love her, that you don’t take her for granted and that it means something to give her a little burst of happy. Unfortunately, this may not make your shopping any easier on Official Girlfriend Holidays (Christmas, Valentine’s Day, your

anniversary and her birthday).What might is asking for advice from women close to her—her mom, her sister, her BFF. As a bonus, they’re likely to gab about what a loving, thoughtful boo you are. As a secondary bonus, if some gift is a bust, they’re also handy targets for blame. However, there’s a way to minimize the effects of any big-gift fails, and it’s with semi-frequent little gifts—like picking up her favorite overpriced smoothie or that special cheese she raves about. Doing this tells her something very important: that you love her enough to pay attention— uh, to more than the game scores from a hidden earpiece while she’s telling you about all the intrigue at Book Club.

POOR YOUR HEART OUT I’m a struggling musician (singer/songwriter), so let’s just say I’m not swimming in cash. I adore my girl, but I don’t have money to spend on her like her previous rich ex (who’d buy her expensive jewelry and designer handbags), so I feel weird buying her anything at all. What can I get her that shows my love without breaking the bank? —Underfunded It probably hasn’t escaped her that you sometimes prepare for dates by visiting the Coinstar machine. Money—even just a little bit of money—actually can buy happiness, but it helps to know what to spend it on. Research by psychologist Thomas Gilovich finds that money spent on experiences tends to make people happier than money spent on material stuff. That’s because we quickly acclimate to the new things in our lives and they stop giving us the same happiness bump they did at first. But an “experiential gift”—like writing a song for your girlfriend and singing it to her in a romantic location—is what we might call “reusable happiness.” Experiences are a renewable resource because we re-enjoy them as we reflect on them and talk about them. They also become part of a shared relationship history, and that’s very bonding. Who knew? It seems there’s an upside to not having a bunch of money to spend: your girlfriend looking back fondly on a day with you in a way she never could with all those romantic afternoons she spent with her Ford Fiesta-priced Prada purse.

Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave, #280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or e-mail AdviceAmy@aol.com.

[C2] Missoula Independent • December 22–December 29, 2016

Administrative Assistant/ Bookkeeper Seeking a fulltime/long-term Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper in a social services environment. Basic accounting practices, work with community programs, case managers, compile reports, maintain accurate & orderly files, use Quicken & Outlook. Will service approximately 50 clients, Knowledge of public benefits preferred. VA fiduciary role. We work with a variety of clients that have special needs. We also work with all of the assisted living, nursing home, group home, and community agencies. Confidentiality is a must. $13.00-$15.00 D.O.E. Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/Disability/Veteran. Full job listing online at lcstaffing.com Job ID# 28909 Customer Care Consultant (CCC) Location: Missoula, MT Blackfoot Telecommunications Group, an innovative communications, broadband & IT solutions provider in Western Montana & Idaho is seeking a CSR that will bring that will bring a positive and enthusiastic attitude toward customer care. Successful candidate will bring proficiency in customer consultation in order to match services to needs, undaunted by business agility & have a desire to foster positive experiences. Must love multi-tasking, work well in a team, be very organized, detail oriented, have exceptional communication skills, have the ability to learn & use complex software packages, & thrive in a fast paced environment. Need previous cus-

tomer service experience, ideally in the telecom industry. Competitive Pay and Benefits. Apply ASAP with a cover letter, resume, typing test results (within last 6 months), and Application for Employment on blackfoot.com . EOE Delivery Driver Delivery driving position for automotive glass company.Will be delivering to Spokane every night. Additional duties will include warehouse work picking orders and loading truck for deliveries. 30 + hours a week. Temporary position that has the potential to become long term. Must have 2 years driving experience, and a current valid driver’s license with a clean driving record. Must be able to lift 50#. Sunday night through Thursday night starting 5:30 pm, home every night. Wage $10/hour. Full job listing online at lcstaffing.com Job ID# 28310 Dental Receptionist/ Administrative Assistant Orthodontics Dental Clinic seeking a Temp-toHire Administrative Assistant to provide courteous communication with patients and to provide effective office administration.This is a fast-paced environment and requires strong multi-tasking and organizational skills. $11.00 $12.00/DOE. Experience with insurance verification and scheduling preferred. Excellent verbal and written skills. Will assist with insurance billing, trouble shooting, communication with doctor, clinic and Office Manager. Must have the ability to follow protocol and procedure. Willing to train for the right candidate. Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/Disability/Veteran. Full job listing online at lcstaffing.com Job ID# 28912

Mail Order Packaging Local bakery has an opening for Mail Order Packaging. Prepping for wrapping, gift wrapping, hand writing gift messages, packaging for shipment. Attention to detail, ability to work independently, prior food service experience helpful. Full-time seasonal position for December. Shifts vary but are typically Mondays-Saturdays 8am-5pm. Full job description at Missoula Job Service. employmissoula.com Job #10253652 NEED A JOB? Let NELSON PERSONNEL help in your job search! Fill out an application and schedule an interview. Call Us at 543-6033 Nelson Personnel is in search for CONSTRUCTION/CONCRETE workers $13/HR. Must have construction experience, reliable transportation, and clean record. Call 543-6033 NELSON PERSONNEL is looking to fill PRODUCTION SUPPORT, JANITORIAL, & WAREHOUSE positions for a manufacturing company. $11/hr – Full-Time. Call Us at 543-6033 Tire Tech Local tire shop needs a full-time TIRE TECHNICIAN. Must have valid driver’s license and be able to pass a drug screening test! Must be able to physically do the job and keep up in a fast-paced environment. Experience is preferred, but not required! Will change and repair light truck and passenger tires. Work is full time & scheduled Monday-Friday 7:30am - 6:00pm, Saturday’s 8:00am - 1:00pm. $11.00 per hour or more DOE. Full job description at Missoula Job Service. employmissoula.com Job #10253643 UPS Helpers UPS is hiring temporary Driver Helpers. Physical, fast-paced, outdoor position that involves continual lifting, lowering and carrying packages that typically weigh 25 - 35 lbs. and may weigh up to 70 lbs. Requires excellent customer contact skills and lots of walking. Full job description at Missoula Job Service. employmissoula.com Job #10245067 WORK FOR MISSOULA COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS! Nelson Personnel needs people to help fill-in for various shifts for the school cafeterias. $8.05/HR Call Us at 543-6033 WORK OUTSIDE! NELSON PERSONNEL is looking to fill a Maintenance position for a property management company. $10/hr. Full-time. Call Us at 5436033

EMPLOYMENT POSITIONS AVAILABLESEE WEBSITE FOR MORE INFO Must Have: Valid driver license, No history of neglect, abuse or exploitation Applications available at OPPORTUNITY RESOURCES, INC., 2821 S. Russell, Missoula, MT. 59801 or online at www.orimt.org. Extensive background checks will be completed. NO RESUMES. EEO/AA-M/F/disability/ protected veteran status.

PROFESSIONAL Secretary/Administrative Assistant Needed to be a Customer Care Rep in our company a in well-organized and timely manner. Experience not required. $860 per week for a start, send your CV/Resume to aliciaje92@yahoo.com or call:(406) 234-2197 Victim Witness Coordinator Missoula County is seeking a fulltime VICTIM WITNESS COORDINATOR. Requires a Bachelor’s Degree preferably in criminology, sociology, psychology or social work. Requires two years of work experience working in the criminal justice system or providing victim and witness assistance. Will require passing an extensive criminal history and background investigation. Provides support and liaison services to victims, with focus on victims of sexual assault and witnesses. Full job description at Missoula Job Service. employmissoula.com Job #10252299

SKILLED Drafter Full-time opportunity for a Solidworks drafter with extensive knowledge of the software using design properties and strong communication skills. Will assist engineering with design and development of new products and improvement of existing products. Must be proficient in product specifications and design; AS in Drafting or 4 years’ experience drafting in a manufacturing environment. Strong proficiency in Solidworks and MS Office Suite. Excellent benefits, vibrant team environment. $17.00/hr/non-exempt. Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/Disability/Veteran Apply online and see full job listing at www.lcstaffing.com. Job ID# 28855 HVAC Duties will include performing fabrication work, parts running to job sites and general labor as required. Will be bending, stooping, kneeling and lifting. Carrying various items up flights of stairs. Must be motivated and willing to learn. Willing to train the right candidate. Must be able to lift 50 pounds. Appropriate PPE to be provided. Monday - Friday roughly 7AM-5PM Experience in construction or HVAC preferred. $12D.O.E. Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/Disability/Veteran. Full job listing online at lcstaffing.com Job ID# 28902 HVAC – Entry Level Heating and air conditioning company is look-

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EMPLOYMENT ing for a full-time, temporary HVAC entry level position. Must have good communication skills, be able to pay attention to details and work independently in a timely manner. Job duties include: HVAC duct cleaning. HVAC air conditioning & furnace tune-ups. Preventative maintenance and inspections. Valid driver’s license with a clean driving record. Must be able to lift up to 80 lbs; be able to maneuver heavy items; work from heights and small crawl spaces. $9-$10/hour, DOE. Apply online and see full job listing at www.lcstaffing.com. Job ID# 28438 Lumber Grader Lumber Company seeking a Temp-to-Hire Grader Operator. Will turn boards from 6 - 20’ in length, 4 15” in width, and up to 2” thick, turning 5000 to 10000, per day Must be able to grade to within 5% average. Must be able to stand 8 hours a day, lift up to 50#’s repetitively, twist, turn and set up a grade stamper and lug loader.

Mechanic / Driver Full-time position with Paid Vacation, 401k and Health Insurance. Inquire at Beach Trans. 825 Mount Ave, Missoula, MT 59804 www.beachtrans.com 406-549-6121

Light computer work required. Will have proven work history, reliability, excellent work ethics and be team oriented. Upon satisfactory completion of 500 hours, the company offers a benefit package including: Medical Insurance, 401K, profit sharing, paid time off and more! Pre-employment screening required. $14.00-$18.00 DOE. Apply online at www.lcstaffing.com. Job ID# 27171 Planer Worker Local Lumber Company seeking a Planer Worker. Responsible for all dry chain tasks in a planer mill. Must be able to lift 50 to 75 lbs. Bending and lifting continually. This is a physically demanding job. Ideal candidate is looking for a long term job and has strong work ethic with a desire to work effectively within a team. Monday-Friday. Training and PPE provided. Upon satisfactory completion of 500 hours as a Temp-to-Hire, the Client Company offers a benefit package including: Medical Insurance, 401K, profit sharing, paid time off and more! Pre-employment screening required. $11.00/hr. Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/Disability/Veteran. Full job listing online at lcstaffing.com Job ID# 28847 Skilled Labor Local construction company is accepting resumes for a SKILLED LABORER in general

construction techniques and demolition. Must have a valid driver’s license. Pay is dependent on experience. Starts immediately. Full job description at Missoula Job Service. employmissoula.com Job #10235132 Water/Mold Technician Must be able to read and follow directions. Must have valid Driver’s License and clean driving record. Be comfortable in crawl spaces and other confined spaces. Be comfortable working near insects such as spiders.Typical schedule is Monday-Friday 8:30AM-5:00PM. $11.00 /hour and up DOE. Apply online and see full job listing at www.lcstaffing.com. Job ID# 28421

TRAINING Lead Preschool Teacher Accepting applications for a FT LEAD PRESCHOOL TEACHER Program is supported by a team of 3 FT/1 PT. Hourly pay ($12-$13), yearround position. Full job description at Missoula Job Service.


at Missoula Job Service. employmissoula.com Job #10250230

Para Educators Employer is hiring Extended Resource and Structured Learning Program Para Educators at various elementary schools to provide support to teachers and help children needing extra support with academic and behavioral skills. High school diploma or GED required, experience working with school age children is preferred. Full job description at Missoula Job Service. employmissoula.com Job #10248393

Travel RNs Providing nursing care to a diverse group of patients. Wonderful opportunity for Registered Nurses who desire travel opportunities throughout Montana and Idaho. Great way to make additional money on weekends, nights and days off. FT & PT available. Current unrestricted MT RN License Current ACLS and BLS certifications Current immunizations Clean driving record Preferred Qualifications: Graduate of accredited school of nursing Recent Acute Care, ER and/or Medical/Surgical RN experience. Duties include: Assess, plan, implement and evaluate nursing care needs for patients with a variety

employmissoula.com #10251258

HEALTH RN Missoula County is seeking a full-time REGISTERED NURSE CLINIC. Requires current license to practice as a registered nurse in Montana. Requires a current Healthcare Professional BLS Certification. Works with PHC medical providers to develop strategies to manage complex medical needs for clients with chronic illness. Full job description

of medical or surgical conditions. Full job description at Missoula Job Service. employmissoula.com Job #10240931Sales Account Representative Growing international surety agency providing customs bonds, marine cargo insurance, and other trade-related products direct to companies that import into the United States. Be part of a large sales team generating leads, educating prospects about our benefits and products. Self-motivated with extraordinary written and verbal skills. Ability to secure a resident Montana Property, Casualty and Surety license. Utilize advanced cross-selling techniques. Best Shot Sales Training Program, Inside sales, no traveling, Group

Health, Dental and Vision plans. $15.38/hr. Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/Disability/Veteran. Apply online at www.lcstaffing.com Job ID# 28810

Customer Care Consultant (CCC) Location: Missoula, MT Blackfoot Telecommunications Group, an innovative communications, broadband & IT solutions provider in Western Montana & Idaho is seeking a CSR that will bring that will bring a positive and enthusiastic attitude toward customer care. Successful candidate will bring proficiency in customer consultation in order to match services to needs, undaunted by business agility & have a desire to foster positive experiences. Must love multi-tasking, work well in a team, be very organized, detail oriented, have exceptional communication skills, have the ability to learn & use complex software packages, & thrive in a fast paced environment. Need previous customer service experience, ideally in the telecom industry. Competitive Pay and Benefits. Apply ASAP with a cover letter, resume, typing test results (within last 6 months), and Application for Employment on blackfoot.com . EOE

missoulanews.com • December 22–December 29, 2016 [C3]

FREE WILL ASTROLOGY By Rob Brezsny ARIES (March 21-April 19): NPR’s Scott Simon interviewed jazz pianist and songwriter Robert Glasper, who has created nine albums, won a Grammy and collaborated with a range of great musicians. Simon asked him if he had any frustrations—“grand ambitions” that people discouraged him from pursuing. Glasper said yes. He’d really like to compose and sing hip-hop rhymes. But his bandmates just won’t go along with him when he tries that stuff. I hope that Glasper, who’s an Aries, will read this horoscope and take heart from what I’m about to predict: In 2017, you may finally get a “Yes!” from people who have previously said “No!” to your grand ambitions. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Humans have drunk hot tea for over two millennia. Chinese emperors were enjoying it as far back as the second century B.C. And yet it wasn’t until the 20th century that anyone dreamed up the idea of enclosing tea leaves in convenient one-serving bags to be efficiently brewed. I foresee you either generating or stumbling upon comparable breakthroughs in 2017, Taurus. Long-running traditions or customs will undergo simple but dramatic transformations that streamline your life.

BODY, MIND, SPIRIT Affordable, quality addiction counseling in a confidential, comfortable atmosphere. Stepping Stones Counseling, PLLC. Shari Rigg, LAC • 406-926-1453 • shari@steppingstonesmissoula.co m. Skype sessions available. ANIYSA Middle Eastern Dance Classes and Supplies. Call 2730368. www.aniysa.com


CANCER (June 21-July 22): During the campaign for U.S. President in 1896, Democratic candidate William Jennings Bryan traveled 18,000 miles as he made speeches all over the country. But the Republican candidate, William McKinley, never left his hometown of Canton, Ohio. He urged people to visit him if they wanted to hear what he had to say. The strategy worked. The speeches he delivered from the front porch of his house drew 750,000 attendees and played an important role in his election. I recommend a comparable approach for you in the coming months, Cancerian. Invoke all your attractive power as you invite interested parties to come see you and deal with you on your home turf.


LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): “Poetry is a way of knowledge, but most poetry tells us what we already know,” writes poet Charles Simic. I would say the same thing about a lot of art, theater, film, music and fiction: Too often it presents well-crafted repetitions of ideas we have heard before. In my astrological opinion, Leo, 2017 will be a time when you’ll need to rebel against that limitation.You will thrive by searching for sources that provide you with novel information and unique understandings. Simic says: “The poem I want to write is impossible: a stone that floats.” I say: Be on the lookout for stones that float.

million in bills, he or she would have to use eight briefcases. Sadly, after evaluating your astrological c $10 omens for 2017, I’ve determined that you won’t ever have a need for that many. If you find yourself in VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): The Economist magazine reports that if someone wanted to transport

a situation where you must carry bundles of money from one place to another, one suitcase will always be sufficient. But I also want to note that a sizable stash of cash can fit into a single suitcase. And it’s not out of the question that such a scenario could transpire for you in the coming months. In fact, I foresee a better chance for you to get richer quicker than I’ve seen in years.


LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): For a bald eagle in flight, feathers are crucial in maintaining balance. If it inadvertently loses a feather on one wing, it will purposely shed a comparable feather on the other wing. According to my analysis of the astrological omens, this strategy has metaphorical meaning for your life in 2017. Do you want to soar with maximum grace and power? Would you like to ascend and dive, explore and scout, with ease and exuberance? Learn from the eagle’s instinctual wisdom. After a while, they noticed that a fellow traveler was missing. Guides organized a search party, which e land. worked well into the night trying to track down the lost woman. At 3 a.m., one of the searchers suddenly reSCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): In August 2012, a group of tourists visited the Eldgja volcanic region in Ice-

alized that she herself was the missing person everyone was looking for. The misunderstanding had occurred many hours earlier because she had slipped away to change her clothes, and no one recognized her in her new garb.This is a good teaching story for you to meditate on in 2017, Scorpio. I’d love to see you change so much that you’re almost unrecognizable. And I’d love to see you help people go searching for the new you.


SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): In 2017, you will be at the peak of your ability to forge new alliances and deepen existing alliances.You’ll have a sixth sense for cultivating professional connections that can serve your noble ambitions for years to come. I encourage you to be alert for new possibilities that might be both useful for your career and invigorating for your social life. The words “work” and “fun” will belong together! To achieve the best results, formulate a clear vision of the community and support system you want.

His work appears on many “must-read” lists of 19th-century American literature. But during g influence. the time he was alive, his best-selling book was not his famous poem “The Raven,” nor his short story CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Capricorn writer Edgar Allan Poe has been an important cultural

“The Gold-Bug,” nor his novel The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket. Rather, it was The Conchologist’s First Book, a textbook about mollusk shells, which he didn’t actually write, but merely translated and edited. If I’m reading the astrological omens correctly, 2017 will bring events to help ensure that your fate is different from Poe’s. I see the coming months as a time when your best talents will be seen and appreciated better than ever before.


AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): “My goal is to create a life that I don’t need a vacation from,” says motivational author Rob Hill Sr.That’s an implausible dream for most people. But in 2017, it will be less implausible than it has ever been for you Aquarians. I don’t guarantee that it will happen. But there is a decent chance you’ll build a robust foundation for it, and thereby give yourself a head start that enables you to accomplish it by 2019. Here’s a tip on how to arouse and cultivate your motivation: Set an intention to drum up and seek out benevolent “shocks” that expand your concepts of who you are and what your life is about.


PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): The birds known as winter wrens live in the Puget Sound area of Washington. They weigh barely half an ounce, and their plain brown coloring makes their appearance unremarkable. Yet they are the avian equivalents of the opera star Pavarotti. If they weighed as much as roosters, their call would be ten times as strong as the rooster’s cock-a-doodle-doo. Their melodies are rich and complex; one song may have more than 300 notes. When in peak form, the birds can unleash cascades at the rate of 36 notes per second. I propose that we make the winter wren your spirit animal in 2017, Pisces. To a casual observer, you may not look like you can generate so much virtuosity and lyrical power. But according to my analysis, you can.

Go to RealAstrology.com to check out Rob Brezsny’s EXPANDED WEEKLY AUDIO HOROSCOPES and DAILY TEXT MESSAGE HOROSCOPES. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-7700.

[C4] Missoula Independent • December 22–December 29, 2016

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GEMINI (May 21-June 20): “What you do is what counts and not what you had the intention of doing,” said Pablo Picasso. If I had to choose a single piece of advice to serve as your steady flame in 2017, it might be that quote. If you agree, I invite you to conduct this experiment: On the first day of each month, take a piece of paper and write down three key promises you’re making to yourself. Add a brief analysis of how well you have lived up to those promises in the previous four weeks.Then describe in strong language how you plan to better fulfill those promises in the coming four weeks.


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PUBLIC NOTICES IN THE JUSTICE COURT, MISSOULA COUNTY, MONTANA MISSOULA COUNTY COURTHOUSE, ROOM 302, 200 WEST BROADWAY, MISSOULA, MT 59802 Civil Case: CV-16-2737 SUMMONS (Amended) POSSESSIONS OF PREMISES Heather H. Leipham, 330 SW 43rd Street, Ste. K-303, Renton,WA 98057 Plaintiff(s), vs. Michelle Christmas, PO Box 1484, Lolo, MT 59847 Defendant(s). THE STATE OF MONTANA TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANT(S), GREETINGS: You are hereby summoned to answer the Complaint in this action which is filed in the office of the above-entitled Justice of the Peace, a copy of which is herewith served upon you. In the event that you deny any or all of the material facts stated in the complaint, you must file your written answer together with a $30.00 answer fee for each Defendant with the above-entitled Court, and serve a copy of your answer upon the Plaintiff or attorney at the address as shown on the Complaint. The answer must contain a denial of any or all of the material facts stated in the Complaint that the Defendant believes to be untrue,

and also a statement, in plain or direct manner, of other facts constituting a defense. Any matter not denied shall be deemed admitted. If you fail to answer or assert a counterclaim with ten (10) days after service of the Complaint and Summons, the Plaintiff may request entry of default judgment against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. GIVEN under my hand this 23rd day of November 2016. /s/ Landee N. Holloway, Justice of the Peace, Dept. I/II By: /s/ Rae Lynn Roadhouse, Clerk of Justice Court Montana Fourth Judicial District Court Missoula County Cause No.: DV-16-1059 Dept. No.: 1 Notice of Hearing on Name Change In the Matter of the Name Change of Jonathan Arthur Pauley, Petitioner.This is notice that Petitioner has asked the District Court for a change of name from Jonathan Arthur Pauley to Lukea Anthony Johnson. The hearing will be on 01/25/2017 at 1:30 p.m. The hearing will be at the Courthouse in Missoula County. Date: December 6, 2016. /s/ Shirley E. Faust, Clerk of District Court By: /s/ Cady

Sowre, Deputy Clerk of Court MONTANA FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, MISSOULA COUNTY Cause No. DP-16-229 Dept. No. 2 NOTICE OF CREDITORS IN RE THE ESTATE OF JEAN F. GUENTHER, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named estate. All persons having claims against the said deceased are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be mailed to LORETTA BOHNEN, the Personal Representative, return receipt requested, c/o REEP, BELL, LAIRD, SIMPSON & JASPER, P.C., P.O. Box 16960, Missoula, Montana 59808-6960, or filed with the Clerk of the aboveentitled Court. DATED this 30th day of November, 2016. REEP BELL LAIRD SIMPSON & JASPER, P.C.. /s/ Richard A. Reep, Attorneys for Personal Representative MONTANA FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT,

MISSOULA COUNTY Cause No.: DP-16-227 Dept. No. 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: PATRICIA A. ANDERSON, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named estate. All persons having claims against the said deceased are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be mailed to Susan A. Miller, the Personal Representative, returned receipt requested, at P. Mars Scott Law Offices, P.O. Box 5988, Missoula, Montana 59806 or filed with the Clerk of the above Court. DATED this 6th day of December, 2016. /s/ Susan A. Miller, Personal Representative MONTANA FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, MISSOULA COUNTY DEPT. NO. 4 PROBATE NO. DP-16232 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JACK E. LOVELL, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been ap-

missoulanews.com • December 22–December 29, 2016 [C5]

PUBLIC NOTICES pointed Personal Representative of the above-named estate. All persons having claims against the decedent are required to present their claim within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be mailed to JAMI MARIE IDDINGS, the Personal Representative, return receipt requested, at c/o Worden Thane P.C., P.O. Box 4747, Missoula, MT 59806, or filed with the Clerk of the above Court. DATED this 28th day of November, 2016. /s/ JAMI MARIE IDDINGS c/o Worden Thane P.C. P.O. Box 4747, Missoula, Montana 59806-4747 WORDEN THANE P.C. Attorneys for Personal Representative By: /s/ Gail M. Haviland, Esq. MONTANA FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, MISSOULA COUNTY Dept. No. 4 Probate No. DP-16-182 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: DONNAL DWAYNE ROSKE, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed personal representative of the above-named estate. All persons having claims against the said decedent are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be mailed to Evonne Smith Wells, attorney for the Personal Representative, return receipt requested, at PO Box 9410, Missoula, Montana 59807 or filed with the Clerk of the above-entitled Court. DATED this 21st day of November, 2016.WELLS & McKITTRICK, P.C. /s/ Evonne Smith Wells, Attorneys for Personal Representative MONTANA FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, MISSOULA COUNTY Dept. No.: 4 Cause No.: DP-16-233 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: DEBORAH I. JANIKOWSKI, a/k/a Deborah Janikowski, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named estate. All persons having claims against the decedent are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred.

Claims must either be mailed to DARRELL L. BROWN, the Personal Representative, return receipt requested, at c/o Bjornson Jones Mungas, PLLC, 2809 Great Northern Loop, Suite 100, Missoula, MT 59808, or filed with the Clerk of the above Court. DATED this 15th day of November, 2016. /s/ Darrell L. Brown, Personal Representative Bjornson Jones Mungas, PLLC By: /s/ R. Nick Jones,Attorneys for Darrell L. Brown, Personal Representative MONTANA FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, MISSOULA COUNTY Probate No. DP-16-173 Dept. No. 3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Margaret A. Carson, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named estate. All persons having claims against the decedent are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be mailed to Heather Torgenrud, the Personal Representative, return receipt requested, at PO Box 655, Arlee, MT 59821, or filed with the Clerk of the above Court. Dated this 5th day of December, 2016. /s/ Heather Torgenrud, Personal Representative, PO Box 655, Arlee, MT 59821 MONTANA FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, MISSOULA COUNTY Probate No. DP-16-224 Dept. No. 4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: MARJORIE LOIS HAGAN, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named estate. All persons having claims against the said deceased are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be mailed to DIANNA N. FITCH, Personal Representative, return receipt requested, in care of Douglas Harris, Attorney at Law, PO Box 7937, Missoula, Montana 59807-7937 or filed with the Clerk of the abovenamed Court. DATED this 6th day of December, 2016. /s/ Dianna N. Fitch, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE

MONTANA FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, MISSOULA COUNTY Probate No. DP-16-228 Dept. No. 2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: KENNETH ALLEN SHATTO, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named estate. All persons having claims against the said deceased are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be mailed to MONICA KAY SHATTO, Personal Representative, return receipt requested, in care of Douglas Harris, Attorney at Law, PO Box 7937, Missoula, Montana 59807-7937 or filed with the Clerk of the abovenamed Court. DATED this 6th day of December, 2016. /s/ Monica Kay Shatto, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE MONTANA FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, MISSOULA COUNTY Probate No. DP-16-231 Dept. No. 1 Leslie Halligan NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ROBERT L. PORCH, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that VALERIE E. PUMNEA, has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named estate. All persons having claims against the decedent are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be mailed to VALERIE

E. PUMNEA, the Personal Representative, return receipt requested c/o Victor F. Valgenti, Attorney at Law, Ste. 200 University Plaza, 100 Ryman Street, Missoula, Montana, 59802, or filed with the Clerk of the above entitled Court. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. /s/ Valerie E. Pumnea, Personal Representative NOTICE OF TRUSTEE SALE Pursuant to § 71-1-301, et seq., of the Montana Code Annotated, the undersigned hereby gives notice of simultaneous Trustee Sales to be held concurrently on Wednesday, March 29, 2017, at 11:00 a.m., at the Missoula County Courthouse, 200 West Broadway, Missoula, Montana 59802, and at the Lake County Courthouse, 106 Fourth Avenue East, Polson, Montana 59860, the following described properties located in Missoula County, Montana, and Lake County, Montana, respectively, as follows: Lot 59 of GRANTLAND NINE, a platted subdivision in Missoula County, Montana, according to the official recorded plat thereof. Portions of Government Lot-1, Section 32 and Government Lot-3, Section 33,Township 23 North, Range 19 West, P.M.M., Lake County, Montana, further shown and described as being Amended Lot A on Certificate of Survey No. 5720, on file in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Lake County, Montana. Douglas B. Woodahl conveyed the above described Missoula County property, and improvements situated thereon,

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[C6] Missoula Independent • December 22–December 29, 2016

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Company of Montana, Inc., as Trustee, to secure an obligation owed to First Security Bank of Missoula, Division of Glacier Bank, which was designated as beneficiary in a Deed of Trust dated July 2, 2004, and recorded April 25, 2005 in Book 751 at page 389, Document No. 200509458, records of Missoula County, Montana. Douglas B.Woodahl also conveyed the above described Lake County property, and improvements situated thereon, if any, to First American Title Company of Montana, Inc., as Trustee, to secure an obligation owed to First Security Bank of Missoula, Division of Glacier Bank, which was designated as beneficiary in a Deed of Trust dated July 2, 2004, and recorded April 22, 2005 under Microfile No. 457745, records of Lake County, Montana. The obligations secured by the aforementioned Deeds of Trust are now in default and the required payments on the Promissory Note secured by the Deeds of Trust have not been made as required, and have been accelerated. As of October 26, 2016, the sum of $720,276.03 was past due. The principal balance as of that date was the sum of $696,159.60, with related late fees and interest accruing thereon at a rate of 5.25% per annum, with a daily interest accrual of $99.85. In accordance with the provisions of the Deeds of Trust, the beneficiary has elected to accelerate the full remaining balance due under the terms of the Deeds of Trust and note and elected to sell the interest of Douglas Woodahl, Grantor, the original Grantors, their

successors and assigns, in and to the afore described properties, subject to all easements, restrictions, encumbrances, or covenants existing of record or evident on the properties at the time of sale to satisfy the remaining obligation owed. Beneficiary has directed David J. Steele II of Geiszler Steele, PC, a licensed Montana attorney, as successor Trustee to commence such sale proceedings. The sale noticed herein may be terminated and the Deeds of Trust and note obligation be reinstated by the tender to the successor Trustee of all amounts in arrears to the date of payment, together with all fees, costs and expenses of sale as incurred. Trustee is unaware of any party in possession or claiming right to possession of the subject properties other than those persons noticed herein. DATE this 22nd day of November, 2016. GEISZLER STEELE, PC By:/s/ David J. Steele II Successor Trustee STATE OF MONTANA County of Missoula. This instrument was acknowledged before me on the 22 day of November, 2016, by David J. Steele II, Successor Trustee. /s/ Katie M. Neagle, Notary Public for the State of Montana Residing at Missoula, Montana My Commission Expires July 28, 2019 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Reference is hereby made to that certain trust indenture/deed of trust (“Deed of Trust”) dated 08/31/12, recorded as Instrument No. 201217220 B: 899 P: 1297, mortgage records of MIS-

SOULA County, Montana in which Anatoly A.Vasilenko and Laura M. Vasilenko, as joint tenants with rights or survivorship husband and wife was Grantor, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. was Beneficiary and Alliance Title & Escrow Corp. was Trustee. First American Title Insurance Company has succeeded Alliance Title & Escrow Corp. as Successor Trustee.The Deed of Trust encumbers real property (“Property”) located in MISSOULA County, Montana, more particularly described as follows: Lot 7 in Block 5 of El Mar Estates Phase I, a platted subdivision in Missoula County, Montana, according to the Official recorded Plat thereof. Subject to Rural Special Improvement District No. 474. Subject to Rural Special Improvement District No. 916. Subject to Rural Special Improvement District No. 923. Subject to Easements, Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions or Record or Apparent. Beneficiary has declared the Grantor in default of the terms of the Deed of Trust and the promissory note (“Note”) secured by the Deed of Trust because of Grantor’s failure timely to pay all monthly installments of principal, interest and, if applicable, escrow reserves for taxes and/or insurance as required by the Note and Deed of Trust. According to the Beneficiary, the obligation evidenced by the Note (“Loan”) is now due for the 05/01/16 installment payment and all monthly installment payments due thereafter. As of October 21, 2016, the amount necessary to fully satisfy the Loan was $143,430.10.This amount includes the outstanding principal balance of $139,691.23, plus accrued interest, accrued late charges, accrued escrow installments for insurance and/or taxes (if any) and advances for the protection of beneficiary’s security interest (if any). Because of the defaults stated above, Beneficiary has elected to sell the Property to satisfy the Loan and has instructed Successor Trustee to commence sale proceedings. Successor Trustee will sell the Property at public auction on the front steps of the Missoula County Courthouse, 200 West Broadway, Missoula, MT 59802, City of Missoula on March 3, 2017 at 11:00 AM, Mountain Time. The sale is a public sale and any person, including Beneficiary and excepting only Suc-

PUBLIC NOTICES cessor Trustee, may bid at the sale. The bid price must be paid immediately upon the close of bidding at the sale location in cash or cash equivalents (valid money orders, certified checks or cashier’s checks). The conveyance will be made by trustee’s deed without any representation or warranty, express or implied, as the sale is made strictly on an as-is, where-is basis. Grantor, successor in interest to Grantor or any other person having an interest in the Property may, at any time prior to the trustee’s sale, pay to Beneficiary the entire amount then due on the Loan (including foreclosure costs and expenses actually incurred and trustee’s and attorney’s fees) other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred. Tender of these sums shall effect a cure of the defaults stated above (if all non-monetary defaults are also cured) and shall result in Trustee’s termination of the foreclosure and cancellation of the foreclosure sale. The trustee’s rules of auction may be accessed at www.northwesttrustee.com and are incorporated by the reference. You may also access sale status at www.Northwesttrustee.com or USA-Foreclosure .com. Vasilenko, Anatoly A. and Laura M. (TS# 7023.117323) 1002.289231-File No.

County Courthouse, 200 West Broadway, Missoula, MT 59802 John A. “Joe” Solseng, a member of the Montana state bar, of Robinson Tait, P.S. is the duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to the Deed of Trust in which SARA LERBACK, as joint tenants with rights of survivorship and ANTHONY LERBACK, as joints tenants with rights of survivorship. as Grantor(s), conveyed said real property to WESTERN TITLE & ESCROW as Trustee, to secure an obligation owed to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR MOUNTAIN WEST BANK, N.A., Beneficiary of the security instrument, said Deed of Trust which is dated July 7, 2008 and recorded on July 7, 2008 as in Book 822 of Micro Records at Page 658, and rerecorded July 11 2008 in Book 822 of Micro Records at Page 984, of official records in the Office of the Recorder of Missoula County, Montana. The Deed of Trust encumbers real property (“Property”) located at 2045 CHICKADEE DRIVE, MISSOULA, MT 59808 and being more fully described as follows: LOT 9, BLOCK 4, EL MAR ESTATES PHASE 3,A PLATTED SUBDIVISION OF MISSOULA COUNTY, MONTANA, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL RECORDED PLAT

THEREOF. The beneficial interest under said Deed of Trust and the obligations secured thereby are presently held by BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP fka Countrywide Home Loans Servicing LP.The Beneficiary has declared the Grantor in default of the terms of the Deed of Trust and the Promissory Note (“Note”) secured by said Deed of Trust due to Grantor’s failure to timely pay all monthly installments of principal, interest and if applicable, escrow reserves for taxes and/or insurance as required by the Note and Deed of Trust. The default for which foreclosure is made is grantors’ failure to pay when due the following sums: monthly payments totaling $73,660.58 beginning March 1, 2012; plus corporate advances of $465.00; plus expense advances of $5,172.86; less unapplied funds credit of $847.04; together with title expense, costs, trustee’s fees and attorney’s fees incurred herein by reason of said default; any further sums advanced by the beneficiary for the protection of the above described real property and its interest therein; and prepayment penalties/premiums, if applicable. By reason of said default, the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation secured by said trust deed immediately due

and payable, said sums being the following, to wit: $163,792.95 with interest thereon at the rate of 6.37500 percent per annum beginning February 1, 2012; plus corporate advances of $465.00; plus expense advances of $5,172.86; less a suspense balance of $847.04; plus other fees and costs in the amount of $50.00; together with title expense, costs, trustee’s fees and attorney’s fees incurred herein by reason of said default; any further sums advanced by the beneficiary for the protection of the above described property and its interest therein; and prepayment penalties/premiums, if applicable. Due to the defaults stated above, the Beneficiary has elected and has directed the Trustee to sell the abovedescribed property to satisfy the obligation. Notice is further given that any person named has the right, at any time prior to the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the Deed of Trust reinstated by making payment to the Beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligation

or to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and Deed of Trust, together with Successor Trustee’s and attorney’s fees. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Successor Trustee and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. Dated: November 7, 2016 /s/ John A. “Joe” Solseng John A. “Joe” Solseng, a member of the Montana state bar, Attorney of Robinson Tait, P.S., MSB #11800 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE To be sold for cash at a Trustee’s Sale on February 13, 2017, 9:00 AM at the main entrance of Missoula County Courthouse located at 200 West Broadway Street, Missoula, MT 59802, the following described real property situated in Missoula County, State of Montana: Lot 11 of CHAPPELLE ADDITION, a Platted Subdivision in Missoula County, Montana, according to the Official Recorded Plat thereof. Parcel ID 3255403 More commonly known as 3000 Saint Thomas Drive, Missoula, MT 59803. William R. Nooney and Anna M. Nooney, as Grantors, conveyed said real property to First Ameri-

can Title Company, as Trustee, to secure an obligation owed to Mountain West Bank, N.A., by Deed of Trust on April 13, 2004, and filed for record in the records of the County Clerk and Recorder in Missoula County, State of Montana, on April 19, 2004 as Entry No. 200410393, in Book 729, at Page 1754, of Official Records. The Deed of Trust was assigned for value as follows:Assignor: Mountain West Bank, N.A. Assignee: Countrywide Document Custody Services, a Division of Treasury Bank, N.A. Assignment Dated: April 13, 2004 Assignment Recorded:April 19, 2004 Assignment Recording Information: as Entry No. 200410394, in Book 729, at Page 1755 Assignor: Countrywide Document Custody Services, a Division of Treasury Bank, N.A Assignee: Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. Assignment Dated: November 19, 2004 Assignment Recorded: December 13, 2004 Assignment Recording Information: as Entry No. 200434492, in Book 744, at Page 1311 Assignor: Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. Assignee: BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP FKA Countrywide Home Loans Servicing LP Assignment Dated: December 11, 2009 Assignment Recorded: December 15, 2009 Assignment Recording Information: as Entry No.

200929497, in Book 852, at Page 548 Benjamin J. Mann is the Successor Trustee pursuant to a Substitution of Trustee recorded in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Missoula County, State of Montana, on October 4, 2016 as Entry No. 201618223, in Book 968, at Page 1251, of Official Records.The Beneficiary has declared a default in the terms of said Deed of Trust due to Grantor’s failure to make monthly payments beginning January 1, 2009, and each month subsequent, which monthly installments would have been applied on the principal and interest due on said obligation and other charges against the property or loan. By reason of said default, the Beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation secured by said Trust Deed immediately due and payable. The total amount due on this obligation is the principal sum of $491,768.64, interest in the sum of $227,737.17, escrow advances of $90,589.73, other amounts due and payable in the amount of $5,804.04, for a total amount owing of $815,899.58, plus accruing interest, late charges, and other fees and costs that may be incurred or advanced. The Beneficiary anticipates and may disburse such amounts as may be required to preserve and protect the property and for

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE THE FOLLOWING LEGALLY DESCRIBED TRUST PROPERTY TO BE SOLD FOR CASH AT TRUSTEE’S SALE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Successor Trustee will, on March 10, 2017 at the hour of 11:00 AM, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the interest in the following described real property which the Grantor has or had power to convey at the time of execution by him of the said Deed of Trust, together with any interest which the Grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said Deed of Trust, to satisfy the obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including reasonable charges by the Successor Trustee, at the following place: Missoula County Courthouse, on the front steps of the Missoula

missoulanews.com • December 22–December 29, 2016 [C7]



By Matt Jones

“Four on the Floor” –putting your order down. ACROSS DOWN 1 Pound cake ingredients 5 Like apples ready to bake 10 Torre pendente di ___ (European landmark, to locals) 14 Short pants? 15 Speed skater ___ Anton Ohno 16 "SVU" part 17 Diamond's diametric opposite on the Mohs scale 18 Former Orange Bowl site 19 Walk back and forth 20 Cut ties with, on social media 22 I'd be lion if I said it 24 Lane who sang with Xavier 25 Title for several Trump cabinet pic 28 Musical miscellany 31 Indeterminate quantity 32 Corp.'s stock market debut 33 Nondairy dairy case item 34 Buccaneers' ba 36 Pack away 37 1040 filers 38 Cheri once of "SNL" 39 Olympic vehicle 40 Find loathsome 41 Clip joint? 42 Like eight 43 Pokemon protagonist 44 Like some trees or tales 45 Like old rawhide bones 47 Pacific salmon variety 49 Cutty ___ (Scotch whisky) 50 Keystone's place 51 Wendi ___-Covey of "The Goldbergs" 55 Benjamin Netanyahu's nickname 57 Non-literal expression 59 Christmas lights location 60 Menaces to hobbits 61 Bourne of "The Bourne Ultimatum" 62 It has its points 63 Hotel counts 64 1997 environmental treaty site 65 "Note to ___ ..."

11 Caesar's "And you?" 2 "___ Torino" (Clint Eastwood film) 3 Strange sport? 4 Splenda, mainly 5 "I'm here so I can greet you ... not!"? 6 Declare one's view 7 It may have a fork 8 Shade caster 9 "You really think zen master is on my list of attributes?!"? 10 Chrysalides 11 "Birdman" director's Beetle, e.g.? 12 "Attack, dog!” 13 Finished off 21 "May ___ excused?" 23 "Lit" binary digit 25 Camera used in extreme sports 26 Farthest orbital point from earth 27 Bottom-of-the-line 28 Coffee orders 29 Ciudad Juarez neighbor 30 Item that plays "Soul Meets Body," for short? 31 Catch a whiff of 35 "___ of Two Cities" 36 Smooth quality 44 Clue hunter, informally 46 Political org. from 962 to 1806 48 Mr. Kringle 49 "Get outta here!" 51 Soybean soup 52 3/5, for example 53 Avocado shape 54 Soft toy substance 55 Literature Nobelist Dylan 56 Burning anger 58 Box on a calendar

©2016 Jonesin’ Crosswords editor@jonesincrosswords.com

real property taxes that may become due or delinquent, unless such amounts of taxes are paid by the Grantor. If such amounts are paid by the Beneficiary, the amounts or taxes will be added to the obligations secured by the Deed of Trust. Other expenses to be charged against the proceeds of this sale include the Trustee’s fees and attorney’s fees, costs and expenses of the sale, and late charges, if any. Beneficiary has elected, and has directed the Trustee to sell the above described property to satisfy the obligation. The sale is a public sale and any person, including the Beneficiary, excepting only the Trustee, may bid at the sale. The bid price must be paid immediately upon the close of bidding in cash or cash equivalents (valid money orders, certified checks or cashier’s checks). The conveyance will be made by Trustee’s Deed, without any representation or warranty, including warranty of title, express or implied, as the sale is made strictly on an as-is, where-is basis, without limitation, the sale is being made subject to all existing conditions, if any, of lead paint, mold or other environmental or health hazards. The sale purchaser shall be entitled to possession of the property on the 10th day following the sale. The Grantor, successor in interest to the Grantor, or any other person having an interest in the property, has the right, at any time prior to the Trustee’s Sale, to pay to the Beneficiary, or the successor in interest to the Beneficiary, the entire amount then due under the Deed of Trust and the obligation secured thereby (including costs and expenses actually incurred and attorney’s fees) other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligation or to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and Deed of Trust with Successor Trustee’s and attorney’s fees. In the event that all defaults are cured the foreclosure will be dismissed and the foreclosure sale will be cancelled. The scheduled Trustee’s Sale may be post-

[C8] Missoula Independent • December 22–December 29, 2016

poned by public proclamation up to 15 days for any reason. In the event of a bankruptcy filing, the sale may be postponed by the Trustee for up to 120 days by public proclamation at least every 30 days. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Successor Trustee and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Dated this 11th day of October, 2016. /s/ Benjamin J. Mann Substitute Trustee 376 East 400 South, Suite 300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Telephone: 801-355-2886 Office Hours: Mon.-Fri., 8AM-5PM (MST) File No. 47580 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TO BE SOLD FOR CASH AT TRUSTEE’S SALE on March 30, 2017, at 11:00 AM at the Main Door of the Missoula County Courthouse located at 200 West Broadway in Missoula, MT 59802, the following described real property situated in Missoula County, Montana: LOT 2 IN BLOCK 3 OF WEST VIEW, A PLATTED SUBDIVISION IN MISSOULA COUNTY, MONTANA, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL RECORDED PLAT THEREOF LEON P KAVIS, as Grantor, conveyed said real property to First American Title Company of Montana, A Montana Corporation, as Trustee, to secure an obligation owed to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. (“MERS”) as designated nominee for Universal American Mortgage Company, LLC, beneficiary of the security instrument, its successors and assigns, as Beneficiary, by Deed of Trust on November 4, 2015, and recorded on November 9, 2015 as Book 953 Page 945 Document No. 201521262. The beneficial interest is currently held by Pingora Loan Servicing, LLC. First American Title Company of Montana, Inc., is the Successor Trustee pursuant to a Substitution of Trustee recorded in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Missoula County, Montana. The beneficiary has declared a default

in the terms of said Deed of Trust by failing to make the monthly payments beginning May 1, 2016, and each month subsequent, which monthly installments would have been applied on the principal and interest due on said obligation and other charges against the property or loan. The total amount due on this obligation as of August 31, 2016 is $224,403.29 principal, interest totaling $3,380.12 late charges in the amount of $237.32, pro rate MIP/PMI in the amount of $155.87 and other fees and expenses advanced of $117.00, plus accruing interest, late charges, and other costs and fees that may be advanced. The Beneficiary anticipates and may disburse such amounts as may be required to preserve and protect the property and for real property taxes that may become due or delinquent, unless such amounts of taxes are paid by the Grantors. If such amounts are paid by the Beneficiary, the amounts or taxes will be added to the obligations secured by the Deed of Trust. Other expenses to be charged against the proceeds of this sale include the Trustee’s fees and attorney’s fees, costs and expenses of the sale and late charges, if any. Beneficiary has elected, and has directed the Trustee to sell the above described property to satisfy the obligation. The sale is a public sale and any person, including the beneficiary, excepting only the Trustee, may bid at the sale. The bid price must be paid immediately upon the close of bidding in cash or cash equivalents (valid money orders, certified checks or cashier’s checks). The conveyance will be made by Trustee’s Deed without any representation or warranty, including warranty of Title, express or implied, as the sale is made strictly on an as-is, where-is basis, without limitation, the sale is being made subject to all existing conditions, if any, of lead paint, mold or other environmental or health hazards. The sale purchaser shall be entitled to possession of the property on the 10th day following the sale. The grantor, successor in interest to the grantor or any other person having an interest in the property, at any time prior to the trustee’s sale, may pay to the beneficiary or the successor in inter-

est to the beneficiary the entire amount then due under the deed of trust and the obligation secured thereby (including costs and expenses actually incurred and attorney’s fees) other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred and thereby cure the default. The scheduled Trustee’s Sale may be postponed by public proclamation up to 15 days for any reason, and in the event of a bankruptcy filing, the sale may be postponed by the trustee for up to 120 days by public proclamation at least every 30 days. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Dated: November 10, 2016 /s/ Kaitlin Ann Gotch Assistant Secretary, First American Title Company of Montana, Inc. Successor Trustee Title Financial Specialty Services PO Box 339 Blackfoot ID 83221 STATE OF Idaho)) ss. County of Bingham ) On this 10th day of November, 2016, before me, a notary public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Kaitlin Ann Gotch, know to me to be the Assistant Secretary of First American Title Company of Montana, Inc. , Successor

Trustee, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. /s/ Shannon Gavin Notary Public Bingham County, Idaho Commission expires: 01/19/2018 Cenlar Bank, FSB vs LEON P KAVIS 102048-1\ Montana Fourth Judicial District Court, Missoula County Cause No.: DV-16-1028 Dept. No.: 3 NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED NAME CHANGE In the Matter of the Name Change of Ronald Lee Cox, Petitioner. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT Petitioner has petitioned the District Court for the Fourth Judicial District for a change of name from Ronald Lee Cox to Lee Cox, and the petition for name change will be heard by a District Court Judge on the 29th day of December, 2016 at 10:00am, in the Missoula County located at 200 W. Broadway, in courtroom number 3. At any time before the hearing, objections may be filed by any person who can demonstrate good reasons against the change of name. Dated this: 25th day of November, 2016 /s/ Shirley E. Faust, Clerk of District Court By: /s/ Casie Jenks, Deputy Clerk of Court

RENTALS 1502 Ernest Ave. #3. 1 bed/1 bath, central Missoula, W/D hookups, storage. $625. Grizzly Property Management 542-2060


EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal and State Fair Housing Acts, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, marital status, age, and/or creed or intention to make any such preferences, limitations, or discrimination. Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, and pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate that is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To report discrimination in housing call HUD at toll-free at 1-800-8777353 or Montana Fair Housing toll-free at 1-800-929-2611

2 bed, 1 bath, $650, near Southgate Mall, DW, W/D hookups, offstreet/carport parking, storage, W/S/G paid. Cat Upon Approval, NO SMOKING. Gatewest 728-7333 2 bed, 1 bath, $850, S. Russell,W/D hookups, DW, wood laminate flooring, storage, off-street parking. W/S/G paid. NO PETS, NO SMOKING. Gatewest 728-7333 2329 Fairview Ave. #2. 2 bed/1 bath, shared yard, close to shopping. $725. Grizzly Property Management 542-2060 3 bed, 2 bath, $1175, by Southgate Mall, W/D hookups, DW, wood laminate flooring, storage, offstreet parking. W/S/G paid. NO PETS, NO SMOKING. Gatewest 728-7333 Garden City Property Management. Voted Best Property Management Company in Missoula for the past 9 years. 406-549-6106 www.gcpm-mt.com

MOBILE HOMES Lolo RV Park. Spaces available to rent. W/S/G/Electric included. $495/month. 406-273-6034

DUPLEXES APARTMENTS 1 bed, 1 bath, $635, near Good Food Store, DW, coin-op laundry, off-street parking, HEAT paid. NO PETS, NO SMOKING. Gatewest 728-7333 1 bed, 1 bath, $650-$675, Ronald & Connell, Microwave, 62 & older community, coin-op laundry, onstreet parking, storage, basic cable, HEAT paid. NO PETS, NO SMOKING. Gatewest 728-7333 1 bed, 1 bath, $675, newer complex, DW, wood laminate flooring, storage, off-street parking. W/S/G paid. NO PETS, NO SMOKING. Gatewest 728-7333 1024 Stephens Ave. #2. 2 bed/1 bath, central location, coin-ops, shared yard, cat? $750. Grizzly Property Management 542-2060 1324 S. 2nd Street West “B”. 3 bed/2 bath, central location, single garage, W/D. $1100. Grizzly Property Management 542-2060 1400 Burns St. #8. 2 bed/1.5 bath, Westside, W/D hookups, patio, pet? $1050 Grizzly Property Management 542-2060

1269 S. 1st St. West “A”. 2 bed/1 bath, W/D, DW, central location, all utilities included. $1100. Grizzly Property Management 542-2060 1706 Scott Street “B’ 1 bed/1 bath, Northside, all utilities paid, pet? $700. Grizzly Property Management 542-2060


524 S. 5th Street E. “A”. 3 bed/2 bath, two blocks to U., W/D, yard $1300. Grizzly Property Management 5422060

level, carport parking space, no pets $1200.00 + NW Energy/call 406-880-4942


Clean 1bd, 1ba, downstairs apartment. newly painted, new flooring, with W/D. B&D Property Management, MT. Call Betty (406) 3690609


210 South 3rd West. Lease space available by the Hip Strip near Bernice’s Bakery. Shannon Hilliard, Ink Realty Group. 239-8350 shannonhilliard5@gmail.com

ROOMMATES 212 ½ S. 5th Street East. 1 bed/1 bath, University area, recently remodeled. $800. Grizzly Property Management 542-2060 3 bed, 1.5 bath house, $1200, off S. Reserve, W/D in unit, DW, microwave, garage. W/S/G paid. NO PETS, NO SMOKING. Gatewest 728-7333

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650 South Avenue East. 3 bed/1 bath, blocks to U, W/D hook-ups, double garage, fenced yard $1400. Grizzly Property Management 542-2060

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missoulanews.com • December 22–December 29, 2016 [C9]


3 Bdr, 2 Bath, East Missoula home. $200,000. BHHSMT Properties. For more info call Mindy @ 2396696, or visit mindypalmer.com

1001 Medicine Man Cluster. Stunning custom-built 3 bed, 3.5 bath with 3 car garage. $950,000. Shannon Hilliard, Ink Realty Group. 239-8350 shannonhilliard5 @gmail.com

3 Bdr, 2 Bath, Huson home on 5.5 acres. $425,500. BHHSMT Properties. For more info call Mindy Palmer @ 239-6696, or visit www.mindypalmer.com

1520 Big Flat Road. Wonderful 3 bed, 2 bath on 5.57 fenced acres with orchard and great northern views. $550,000. Rochelle Glasgow, Ink Realty Group. 728-8270 glasgow@montana.com

More than 35 years of Sales & Marketing experience. JAY GETZ • @ HOME Montana Properties • (406) 214-4016 • Jay.Getz@Outlook.com • www.HOMEMTP.com


18.6 acre building lot in Sleeman Creek, Lolo. $129,900. BHHS Montana Properties. For more info call Mindy Palmer @ 2396696, or visit www.mindypalmer.com

Pinnacle Townhomes. Modern 3 bed, 2.5 bath with private fenced yard & double garage on Charlo Street. $289,900. Shannon Hilliard, Ink Realty Group 239-8350 shannonhilliard5@gmail.com

1845 South 9th West. Updated triplex with 4 bed, 2 bath upper unit and two 1 bed apartments in basement. $470,000. Shannon Hilliard, Ink Realty Group. 2398350 shannonhilliard5@gmail.com


2 Bdr, 2 Bath, Rose Park home. $270,000. BHHSMT Properties. For more info call Mindy Palmer @ 239-6696, or visit www.mindypalmer.com

NHN Weber Butte Trail. 60 acre ranch in Corvallis with sweeping Bitterroot views. $800,000. Shannon Hilliard, Ink Realty Group 239-8350. shannonhilliard5@ gmail.com

1201 South 6th Street, Missoula Modern Condo Unit #204

$259,900 • MLS # 20157047

2 Bedroom 3 Bathroom Unit, 1,496 sq ft. The Factory Condos Complex is possibly the ''Greenest'' Building in Missoula. High Efficiency Lighting and Energy Efficient Gas Boiler with H2O Baseboard Heat. Unit consists of 2 levels with 10 Foot Ceilings on Main Floor and 9 Foot Ceilings on the upper floor. Bamboo Floors throughout the Main Floor Highlight the Open Kitchen which has Butcher-Block Counter Tops. Fresh Interior, Brand New Appliances with Natural Gas Range. Living Area has a New Gas Fireplace Master Bath with Tiled Floors and Counter Tops.

Tylor Trenary Main Street Realty (406) 544-3310 tylor@mainstreetmissoula.com

[C10] Missoula Independent • December 22–December 29, 2016


COMMERCIAL Holland Lake Lodge. Lodge with restaurant, gift shop & Montana liquor license on 12 acres of USFS land. $5,000,000. Shannon Hilliard, Ink Realty Group 239-8350. shannonhilliard5@gmail.com

OUT OF TOWN 122 Ranch Creek Road. 3294 sq.ft. home on 37+ acres in Rock Creek. Bordered by Lolo National Forest on 3 sides. $1,400,000. Shannon Hilliard, Ink Realty Group. 239-8350

shannonhilliard5@gmail.com 3 Bdr, 2 Bath, River Road home. $304,900. BHHSMT Properties. For more info call Mindy Palmer @ 239-6696, or visit www.mindypalmer.com

acres. $300,000. BHHSMT Properties. For more info call Mindy Palmer @ 239-6696, or visit www.mindypalmer.com

mon Creek Rd. $99,000. BHHS Montana Properties. For more info call Mindy @ 239-6696, or visit www.mindypalmer.com

4.6 acre building lot in the woods with views and privacy. Lolo, Mor-

Hot Springs 215 Spring Street, Hot Springs. Don’t miss this

one! A short walk from downtown and healing mineral springs with more than an acre of bountiful gardens and attached greenhouse!! $145,000 KD 240-5227 porticorealestate.com

4 Bdr, 2 Bath, Clinton home on 1.5


Under contract

1545 South 8th West • $212,500 Super cute 2 bed, 1 bath with unfinished basement, hardwood floors, tiled bath, in-floor radiant heat & single garage.

Pat McCormick Real Estate Broker Real Estate With Real Experience

pat@properties2000.com 406-240-SOLD (7653)

This ranch style home has a fully finished basement and features 4 bedrooms and 2 baths. The kitchen has been updated with baker's style cabinetry, a center island, built in storage, and a spacious dining area. The deck has a pergola that overlooks the fully landscaped and fenced back yard w/ garden spot. $250,000

Call Matt Rosbarsky @ 360-9023 for more information


Rochelle Glasgow Cell:(406) 544-7507 glasgow@montana.com www.rochelleglasgow.com


missoulanews.com • December 22–December 29, 2016 [C11]

ACLU • American Cancer Society • American Heart Association Bernie Sanders • Big Sky Doc Film Fest • Bike Walk Alliance • Butterfly House • Child Development Center • Children’s Medical Center • Children’s Oncology Camp • Clark Fork Coalition • Clay Studio • Comm Food & Ag Coalition • David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust • Ecology Project International • Footloose Montana • Freecycles • Garden City Ballet • Garden City Harvest • Gay Men’s Chorus • Goodwill • Habitat For Humanity • Home Resource • Homeword • Humane Society • Jeannette Rankin Peace Center • Lighthouse Missoula • Love Front Porch • MBN • MCT • MDA • Missoula Art Museum • Missoula Community School • Missoula Cultural Council • Missoula Economic Partnership • Missoula Food Bank • Missoula International School • Missoula Symphony • MOR 4Kids • MT Down Syndrome Assoc. • MT Human Rights Network • MT Public Radio • MT Special Olympics • MT Women’s Chorus • Mountain Home • MUD • NCBI • Ninepipes Museum • NMCDC • Opportunity Resources • Paxson School • Pride Foundation • Rebuild a School Nepal • SBC • Suzuki Institute of the Rockies • UM Excellence Fund • Unitarian Universalist Fellowship • Watson’s Children’s Shelter • Wilderness Watch • WVE • YWCA • ZACC













[C12] Missoula Independent • December 22–December 29, 2016







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