3 minute read
The Power of Partnerships
Harnessing the power of partnerships can really lead to great success in many walks of life. When we stop and think about it, we must work together in many ways with others in our daily lives. When we bring our strengths, are able to compromise, and collaborate together, many wonderful things will be the result. Success comes from ‘we’, not ‘I’, and it’s an important trait in strong groups and organizations.
As it relates to CFM and in various areas recently, several powerful partnerships come to mind where we have banded together to see the common good. Bringing these people and organizations together lies at the root of our mission, and I am proud of our recent proven successes and want to share a few of those with you.
The 2023 Governors Youth Turkey Hunt marked the 14th year of this very special event. The youth started the weekend off on the day before the season opened by attending an informational session on turkeys and turkey calling. They learned the basics of calling, woods etiquette, and other things to be aware of when pursuing wild turkeys, and had an opportunity to pattern their shotguns and learn about hunter safety.
The hunt serves as a recognition by our government, of the importance of natural resources and outdoor recreation to the Missouri citizenry. It is also a celebration of Missouri’s leading role in recruiting, retaining, and reactivating hunters. The hunt is a cooperative effort between the Governor’s office and other elected officials, the Conservation Federation of Missouri, the National Wild Turkey Federation, the Missouri Department of Conservation, Friends of the NRA, and private landowners.
Another strong partnership and collaborative effort is underway an effort to update our soon-to-expire strategic plan. This plan will help set the direction of the Federation starting in 2024. Work has already begun with the group gaining important input from our Board, Committee, staff and other members. I am excited to see how this will shape our future together, and keep CFM strong, relevant and viable for the future.
The sheer strength of our numbers as we tackled the legislative session again this year is another great example of power in numbers. Our members and affiliated organizations answered the call to step up again and defeat all the harmful legislation proposed in Missouri. Our force in the Capitol continues to grow, and we appreciate the strong work of our lobbyist, Kyna Iman, our Legislative Action Center guru, Steve Jones, the Legislative Committee, and so many more.
One final strong partnership that CFM helped with was the Wetlands Summit. This three-day event brought conservationists in from across the Midwest to listen, learn, engage and support each other in so many ways. Our next magazine will be dedicated to Wetlands in Missouri, so stayed tuned for this special edition. Also note that the 2024 Grasslands Summit is being planned for April 9-11, 2024. Be sure to save the date and join us for this great joint venture with NRCS, CFM, and MDC and many other groups and partners.
Lastly, CFM has several opportunities to get out and support our organization, and to enjoy our conservation friends these next few months. Our Columbia event inside the Bass Pro Shops store is on Thursday, July 13th. I hope you have made plans to join us. Also, on August 12th is our Annual Sporting Clay Shoot. Come shoot, or better yet, come out and volunteer for the morning, and meet members and supporters from all over the state. Check out the flyer on page 13 for more information.
Yours in Conservation,
Tyler Schwartze CFM Executive Director, Editor
Zach Morris - President
Bill Kirgan - President Elect
Ginny Wallace -Vice President
Benjamin Runge - Secretary
Bill Lockwood - Treasurer
Tyler Schwartze - Executive Director, Editor
Micaela Haymaker - Director of Operations
Michelle Gabelsberger - Membership Manager
Nick Darling - Education and Communications Coordinator
Tricia Ely - Development & Events Coordinator
Joan VanderFeltz - Administrative Assistant
Emma Kessinger - Creative Director
About The Magazine
CFM Mission: To ensure conservation of Missouri’s wildlife and natural resources, and preservation of our state’s rich outdoor heritage through advocacy, education and partnerships.
Conservation Federation is the publication of the Conservation Federation of Missouri (ISSN 1082-8591). Conservation Federation (USPS 012868) is published bi-monthly in January, March, May, July, September and November for subscribers and members.
Of each member’s dues, $10 shall be for a year’s subscription to Conservation Federation Periodical postage paid in Jefferson City, MO and additional mailing offices.
Send address changes to:
Conservation Federation of Missouri 728 West Main Jefferson City, MO 65101