JANUARY 2008 VOL. 69, NO. 1
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Armchair Quarterbacks his time of year, too much of my time finds me parked in the recliner intently watching the performance of talented athletes attempting the impossible. They make a valiant effort to perfectly execute every play, to score on each possession and to win every game. Even though perfection is absolutely unattainable, they play and play and play. Their efforts are not inhibited much by imperfection. They play to win, and ideally, they play to improve. A psychologist will tell you that of all the ways to motivate anyone to attempt anything, a random reward system is the most effective. Reward the prospect every time they attempt anything…and they will deliver progressively poorer performances. Never reward anyone for anything…and they will eventually quit, convinced of the futility of their best efforts. Reward them at regular intervals, and they will soon figure out the pattern and invest their efforts accordingly. Reward them occasionally, at random intervals, and they will zealously challenge themselves to unimaginable achievement. We anglers make many a cast in eager anticipation of the next bite. We hunters sit quietly for long hours, certain that the next moment will herald the arrival of our quarry. We trappers anticipate the catch in our next trap. Our optimism, apparently, knows no bounds…or at least our optimism usually lasts longer than the amount of time we have to invest outside. We Missourians are well into a deadly serious game involving pigskins right
now. Feral hogs are steadily spreading in distribution and increasing in numbers across our state. They wreak havoc on the landscape with their rooting and wallowing. They compact soil and destroy seedlings, devastating the forest. They carry many diseases harmful to domestic hogs, other livestock, wildlife and, rarely, to humans. They are much more prolific than deer: two litters per year with 5 or 6 piglets per litter. They are very capable of vicious attacks on pets and people. These invasive creatures are no more wildlife than are feral cats, and will likely be just as difficult to eradicate. They consume great quantities of acorns and other mast making it unavailable to our native wildlife. They eagerly devour corn and other agricultural crops. They create huge, challenging, very expensive, long term problems in many other states. Why would anyone bring feral hogs to Missouri? For short term, selfish financial gain, in my opinion. Governor Blunt has recognized the seriousness of the threats connected to feral hogs, and put together a task force of leaders from all aspects of Missouri’s citizenry. By Executive Order, he has challenged us to address the problem immediately. At our first meeting, we learned that feral hogs do over $52 million in damages in Texas each year, where “there are two kinds of ranches, those with feral hogs and those which will one day have them.” At this point, our best information indicates most feral hogs in Missouri have been illegally released on and are living on or near our public lands, though they appear to be steadily spreading out from
January 2008 Vol. 69, No. 1
OFFICERS Glenn Chambers President Mike Schallon First Vice President Vacant Second Vice President Duane Addleman Secretary Randy Washburn Treasurer
there. Most of our public lands in Missouri are federal; either US Forest Service, US Army Corps of Engineers, or US Fish and Wildlife Service properties. Jurisdiction gets complicated…enforcement has many challenges. Like the ambitious athletes heralded in the first paragraphs, our task force will play to win. Although the game has already begun, we may yet rub out feral hogs from the Missouri landscape. This is very, very serious. This may well require federal funding assistance beyond the budgets of state and local agencies or private organizations. This may well require appropriations of funds by our Missouri General Assembly. This will definitely require each of us to bring our best. This will require unprecedented cooperation among industries, businesses, agencies and private organizations. All of us have a stake in the challenges connected with a potentially statewide infestation of feral hogs. Perhaps we will be able to transform this great problem into a great opportunity for concerted action benefiting all. As always, it is up to us. Dave Murphy CFM Executive Director
STAFF Dave Murphy Executive Director/Editor Lynne Jensen Lampe Design & Production Laurie Coleman Admin. Associate/ Membership and Managing Editor Leigh Love Admin. Associate/ Accounting Amy Buechler Teaming With Wildlife Coordinator Missouri Wildlife is the official publication of the Conservation Federation of Missouri, Affiliate of the National Wildlife Federation. ISSN 1082-8591
728 W. Main Jefferson City, MO 65101-1559 Phone • 573-634-2322 Fax • 573-634-8205 Email • dmurphy@confedmo.org Online • http://www.confedmo.org
MISSOURI WILDLIFE (USPS 012868) is published bimonthly in January, March, May, July, September and November for subscribers and members of the Conservation Federation of Missouri, 728 W. Main, Jefferson City, MO 65101-1559. Of each member’s dues ($20 minimum) $2.00 shall be for a year’s subscription to Missouri Wildlife. Periodical postage paid at Jefferson City, MO. and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to MISSOURI WILDLIFE, 728 W. Main, Jefferson City, MO 65101-1559. COVER: Eager beagles equal good rabbit hunting. By Glenn D. Chambers©
Applications Now Being Accepted For The Charles P. Bell Conservation Scholarship The Conservation Foundation of Missouri Charitable Trust and the Conservation Federation of Missouri are pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for the 2008 Charles Bell Conservation Scholarships. In the 2008 Bell Scholarship Program, eight scholarships will be awarded: one graduate ($600), one undergraduate ($500) and six for elementary, high school or youth groups ($250 each). In this latter category, CFM members who work with
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Boy Scouts, 4-H, environmental clubs or youth chapters of their affiliate are eligible and encouraged to apply. Graduate applicants must be enrolled in a field of study related to conservation, natural science or earth resources at an accredited college or university. Undergraduate applicants must have 60 credit hours or more and should have enrolled in an area related to conservation. Preference in all cases will be given to applicants enrolled in Missouri schools. The deadline
for applications is January 15, 2008. These scholarships are named in memory of CFM past-president Charles P. Bell, whose family provided major funding for this program. For an application form write to: Conservation Federation of Missouri Bell Scholarships 728 West Main Street Jefferson City, MO 65101 or call (573) 634-2322 or (800) 575-2322
Times Are Exciting And Busy For Me As Your President was just looking over the new member list which was published in the November issue of Missouri Wildlife. I recognized the names of several people whom have recently joined or re-joined the ranks of CFM. I am impressed by the number of new members whom I have known and been associated with during the years. Some are colleagues that I have worked with in the past, one is a legislator, another was a past Conservation Commissioner, and some were volunteers when I was employed by Ducks Unlimited. I am very appreciative of all of those folks and I thank you for joining CFM. As this issue goes to press, I am busy putting together the list of names of persons for appointment to our Resource Committees. Our Resource Committees are a significant portion of CFM operations and it is important that we have strong leadership in those positions. The 2007 deer seasons are quickly coming to a close and combined har-
vest numbers will be a little lower than some of the record numbers of deer taken in the past. Our “Share the Harvest” CAP (the amount of money budgeted for allocation to participating deer processors) currently stands at about 70 percent of budget. We have committed money for processing just over 4,000 animals at this point. Today I had a nice visit with Jim Low, MDC’s News Services Coordinator about the 2007 deer season. Following the opening weekend, it looked as though the total harvest for this year was going to be off substantially from other recent seasons. But Jim created a more optimistic picture with the following numbers: The November portion of the firearms season yielded a harvest of 214,494 animals (down 9% from last year). Youth hunters took another 12,267 animals. The muzzle loaders had a record kill of 13,372 deer and the urban deer harvest was 554 animals. Those numbers total a harvest of 240,687 deer and as this article goes to
press, the final segment of the deer season, the 9 day antlerless deer portion is just beginning, with SNOW ON THE GROUND. For the past several years, the harvest during the antlerless portion of the season has been about 20,000 animals. At present our total harvest numbers for 2007 are just 7% below last year’s numbers and 2006 was a record
year for deer harvest in Missouri. Our Strategic Planning Committee has been working hard in an effort to keep us oriented toward the long-term goals of CFM. A report will appear shortly outlining the direction for our future actions. Check it out in this issue of Missouri Wildlife. In closing I hope that each of you enjoyed a Happy Holiday Season. I wish you and yours the very best and a prosperous NEW YEAR. During this season we call WINTER, make an effort to take a walk in fresh-fallen snow or enjoy (if you can) the glitter of an ice-covered landscape at sunrise. Our charge is to be good stewards of the fish, forests, and wildlife of our state. So get out there and enjoy them !!! Participate at whatever your comfort level dictates - and YES, take a young person with you!!! Glenn D. Chambers President
Missouri Teaming With Wildlife Coalition Hits Milestone Ozarks Chapter Of The Missouri Master Naturalists Is 200th Member he Missouri Teaming With Wildlife Coalition has reached a milestone with over 200 organizations and businesses now signed on in support of additional funding for fish, forest and wildlife conservation, education and outdoor recreation. The Ozarks Chapter of the Missouri Master Naturalists became the 200th group to join Missouri’s Coalition. The Missouri Master Naturalist program is an adult community-based natural resource education and volunteer service program with a mission to engage Missourians in the stewardship of natural resources. The Ozarks Chapter is located in West Plains and has approximately 60 members. Missouri’s Teaming With Wildlife Coalition is made up of a wide variety of organizations and businesses. Other recently added members include the
Missouri Forest Products Association, Central Missouri Chapter of Safari Club International, Missouri Farmland Preservation Trust, Eleven Point River
Conservancy and Midland Empire Audubon Society. To learn more about Missouri’s Teaming With Wildlife Coalition and to
add your organization to the coalition, visit http://statewildlife.nwf.org/MO or contact Amy Buechler (800-575-2322; abuechler@confedmo.org).
Forest From The Trees A Missouri Tree Farm Is Born n October, 2007, our farm became a Missouri Tree Farm. This year, in Missouri Wildlife, we will run a series of articles recounting why and how this came about. Others have suggested several times that details of this living history may prove useful to some folks and interesting to many more. Our 376-acre farm in Northeast Missouri has 240 acres of forest. A sizeable tract for Clark County, but a miniscule part of Missouri’s over 14 million acres of forest. I am always amazed by the fact that although most of Missouri’s forest is in private ownership, a mere 5% or so is under planned management. One reason for this maybe that we may have as many as 300,000 forest landowners in Missouri. Doing the math works out to less than 50 acres of forest per landowner. Not what most of us would consider “worth fooling with” as an enterprise, I suppose. There is also the consideration that some folks think anything to do with forest management won’t pay or that timber harvest is bad. It further appears to me that many folks simply are not aware that options exist and are readily available to landowners in Missouri who want to better manage their forests. To my family and me, this farm is a very, very special place. It was my Grandfather’s farm. My Dad was raised there. It is where we learned to hunt. For generations, this land has provided fuel for heating, lumber for building, game for food and recreation, a garden for family food and agricultural crops for income. With the passing of my Grandparents, Dad wound up with responsibility for this farm as well as the farm he and Mom own and operate. Eventually, desires of our extended family required us to take action. My wife and I followed through with a long series of negotiations and transactions to buy the farm. We are not a family of exceptional wealth, so owning the farm as a purely recreational property was not, for us, an option. We dived right into ownership, then, fully aware that responsible financial management of all parts of the farm was mandatory. Where to begin? We began by seeking the best advice available to us. Such advice is available to all, by the way. We began with a complete inventory of the forest, which served as the foundation upon which our
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forest management plan is based. We hired consulting foresters to conduct the inventory, map the stands by soil type, aspect and species composition, and to draw up the management plan. We decided on the objective of a productive, healthy and sustainable forest. We decided to emphasize both quality of timber production and abundance of wild turkeys as guiding considerations for the plan. Amazingly to me, this inventory and plan development was accomplished in weeks, not months. The investment we made in planning has proven many times over to be our second best investment so far. Second best, that is, to buying the farm in the first place. So we began with a plan. If you are about to buy land, you should do the same. If you already own forest, but have no formal plan, we encourage you to get one developed. If you are among that tiny minority who already own forest and have a plan…well, dust it off, reread it and see how things are progressing. Any plan is only as effective as its implementation. The estimates of the positive benefits of bringing more of Missouri’s forests under management are staggering. BILLIONS in revenue every year. THOUSANDS of additional jobs statewide. Our forest industry already pumps over $4 billion each year into the Missouri economy. Imagine the huge benefits of bringing best management practices to more of our forests. Imagine the increased food and cover available to wildlife. Imagine the improved quality and quantity of timber production. Imagine the enhanced protection of watersheds and water supplies. Imagine the benefits of protection from invasive plants, animals, diseases and insects. These are just a few of my reasons for bringing our forest under management…find your own and get a plan! Dave Murphy CFM Executive Director
The health of America’s private forests depends on you
American Tree Farm System ® promotes the sustainable management of forests through education and outreach to family forest landowners. For information about how you can become a part of the Tree Farm program contact the Missouri State Tree Farm Committee @ 573-634-3252 or visit www.treefarmsystem.org
Missouri Woodland Owners Conference February 22-23, Columbia, MO
Joel LeMaster Receives Certificate of Appreciation CFM board member Joel LeMaster, of Fulton, recently received a Certificate of Appreciation for his efforts in 2006 assisting the Central Missouri Chapter of Safari Club International Sportsmen Against Hunger and Share the Harvest programs. This Certificate was from Safari Club International Foundation, headquartered in Tucson, AZ. Joel transported over 6,200 pounds of venison from meat processors to charities in central Missouri last year. He received the recognition at the Chapter’s banquet and auction held in Columbia. Thanks Joel for all you do to support Share the Harvest.
Views From The Back Forty This book, by James P. Jackson, is a first person account about rural living on what had been the back forty of a family farm. When James Jackson and his wife purchased the acreage, largely for benefit of two growing sons, it gave the impression of worn-out land. After they lived there 30 years and learned to appreciate its inherent worth, they viewed it in much better light: as a trove of geological and natural history, a repository of human history, and one families revelations about the enduring values of establishing a home on Amer-
ica’s rural landscape. After a brief introduction, Jackson guides readers through 23 chapters that blend 15% personal memoir, 15% regional history, and 70% natural history emphasizing ecology which extends well beyond the back forty’s geographical location in east-central Missouri. James P. Jackson has authored three other books: The Biography of a Tree, Pulse of the Forest, and Passages of a Stream – Chronicles of the Meramec. This book is available by direct purchase from the author, James P. Jackson, at 13129 Loop Road, Marthasville, MO 63357. Jackson’s email address is: jjackson@yhti.net.
Welcome CFM New Members Don Antweiler, Monroe City Joseph Attardi, Peculiar Jason Bartlett, Lamar Richard Baskett, Columbia Robert Bass, Leasburg Mary Rae Bayless, Independence LaDonna Beisley, Liberal Brian Bernskoetter, Columbia Tim Besancenez, Pacific Suzanne Bier, Palmyra Dudley Billings, Lawson Barbara Bingaman, Vienna Jay Blair, Orrick Sam & Etta Bonney, Washington Linda Bourg, Ozark Don Brasher, Chesterfield Sandra Brumfield, Columbia Suzanne Burkhardt, Saint Charles Thomas Burns, Saint Louis
Thomas Byrd, Charleston Gene Campbell, Monett H. B. Campbell, Sikeston Robert Carter, Joplin Tom Centorbi, Saint Charles Larry Chamberlain, Louisiana Gerald Clary, Springfield Richard Coles, Eureka Don Corrigan, Saint Louis Wesley Cravens, Independence Bill Crossland, Richland Tamara Crowell, Lees Summit James Currall, Kansas City Richard Dawson, Kansas City Joan Domke, New Bloomfield Tom Draper, West Plains Sister Marianne Dwyer, Saint Louis Donna Estes, Lincoln Bryce Evans, Concordia Darrell Fender, Fair Grove Roy Fortner, Lees Summit Frank’s Plumbing & Electric, Rolla Shirley Gans, Raymore James Garoutte, Carl Junction John George, Columbia Mel Gerber, Versailles Mark Gerling, Columbia Tim Gibilterra, Saint Peters Gary & Lillian Giessow, Saint Louis Preston Gilson, Lebanon Ray Glassey, Sainte Genevieve Arthur Goodall, Lake Saint Louis Darrell Greenwood, Carthage Doug Hagedorn, Washington Dean Hahne, Gerald Justina Halley, Saint Louis Brian Hammons, Stockton Jeffrey Barnes Hanes, Shawnee Mission, KS Ira Harris, Saint Ann Patsy Hausner, Rolla Bill Hellebusch, Glasgow Doris Henry, Springfield David Herreid, Kirkwood Terri Hoffman, Springfield Barrett Hoffstetter, Ballwin Geraldine Holt, Lees Summit Ideaman Inc., Union Patricia Janovsky, Florissant Rod Jetton, Marble Hill Betty Johnson, Kansas City Lynne Johnson, Columbia Frank Julian, Columbia Arvil Kappelmann, Washington Bill Keck, Cosby Edward Kemp, Hillsboro Larry King, Lees Summit Aaron Kinsler, Elsberry Theodore Kranitz, Saint Joseph Rick Kreitner, Saint Louis John Kunz, Saint Louis William Lampros, Chesterfield Kenneth Laune, Ballwin Irwin Levitan, Ballwin Don Light, Perryville Maurice Lonsway, Wentzville Bill & Joanne Lowe, West Plains Gloria Maguire, Saint Louis
Steve Maritz, Saint Louis Rebecca Matthews, Springfield George McCleary, Truxton Bill McGuire, Jefferson City Dennie Meeker, Saint Louis Michael Menner, O’Fallon Dolores Meyer, Ballwin Gerald Meyer, Wentzville Steven Miller, Florissant Anton Monroe, Kansas City Selah Moore, Perryville Steve Mowry, Trimble Kenneth Murphy, Salem Bobbie Neufeld, Springfield John & Anita O’Connell, Saint Louis Paul Ohlendorf, Saint Louis Gary Oliver, Saint Louis Charlie O’Reilly, Springfield Kyle Ouzts, Dexter Richard Pedroley, Fulton David Percifull, Saint Louis Anna Peterson, Saint Joseph Barbara Pickett, Columbia Becky Plattner, Malta Bend Mike Pollakowski, Odessa Dennis Poole, Patton Paul & Mary Potthoff, Springfield Mike Purcell, Ashland Purina Mills Inc., Saint Joseph Gopinath Rao, Columbia Susan Reed, Saint Louis Kenneth Riney, Chesterfield Earl Ross, Chesterfield B. H. Rucker, Jefferson City Saint Louis Post Dispatch, Saint Louis Earl Samel, Saint Louis Jim Schiller, Saint Louis Dale Schott, DeSoto Pam Sebastian, Slater Donna Setterberg, Hannibal Seth Slocum, Washington Mary Jo Smith, Saint Charles Linda Stratman, Liberty Donald Streett, Saint Louis Kathi Streiler, Florissant Robert Strickler, Kansas City Suzanne Stringer, Republic Dede Supino, Kansas City Rose Swadley, Ballwin Wesley Swift Jr., Sedalia Lloyd Tanner, Joplin John Taylor, Kansas City C. W. Tindall, Fayette William Trunko, Saint Louis Wayne Turner, Eldon Tim Viebrock, Rogersville Annis Wallis, Poplar Bluff James Wanstreet, Saint Louis William Warnecker, Grandview Robert Wehnert, Fenton Joe Werth, Jefferson City Albert Whitacre, Columbia John White, Excelsior Springs Leonard White, Camdenton Mark Williams, Independence Marjorie Yates, Liberty Stephen Yates, Luray Robert Zagar, Saint Louis
Conservation Federation of Missouri 2008 Resource Committee Meetings
The Lodge of Four Seasons
Saturday, February 23
Plenary Session 8:00 - 8:45
Natural Resource Committee Meetings 9:00 - 10:30
Natural Resource Committee Meetings 11:00 - 12:30
Camping, Hiking Trails & Water Sports
Chair: Tom Dickerson
“Scoop” Peery
Vice Chair: Linda Hanley
Conservation Education, Youth Activities, Public Information & Wildlife Week Chair:
Diana Mulick
Eldo Meyer
Vice Chair: Mark Stuppy
Burt Stewart
Vice Chair: Mark Van Patten
Vice Chair: Norman Leppo
Vice Chair: Bruce Schuette
Bill Hilgeman
Tom Lampe
Chair: Ron Coleman
Vice Chair: Bill Truebe
Chair: Robert Wilson
Vice Chair: Jerry Hamilton
Sportsmen’s Rights, Firearms & Hunter Safety Vice Chair: Elsa Gallagher
Chair: Marvin Behnke
Solid Waste, Hazardous Waste & Recycling
Global Warming
Chair: Cara Stuckel
Matt Gaunt
Vice Chair: Richard Ash
Small Game & Furbearers
Quail & Quail Habitat Chair:
Chair: Tom Russell
Waterfowl & Wetlands Chair:
Vice Chair: Duane Kelly
Fisheries & Water Resources
Chair: Herman Hanley
John Knudsen
Rivers & Streams Chair:
Chair: Gary Baclesse
Natural History & Wildlands
Forestry Chair:
Ecology, Environment & Energy
Vice Chair: Al Vogt
Deer, Wild Turkey & Ruffed Grouse Chair:
Vice Chair: Jeff Friedman
Vice Chair: Sara Parker
Vice Chair: Orlin Browning
* Please call the Conservation Federation of Missouri at (800) 575-2322 if you have any questions concerning the committee meetings. 6
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Come Home To Conservation 72nd CFM Annual Conference - REGISTER NOW! CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS Annual Conservation Awards Ceremony Natural Resource Committee Reports Teaming With Wildlife Rally
Policy Discussions Meet Conservation & Natural Resource Leaders Banquet Auction
1:00 - 7:00 pm Registration Open
12:30 - 1:30 pm Lunch break (on your own)
7:30 - 8:30 am Breakfast (on your own)
3:00 - 5:00 pm Board Meeting
1:30 - 2:30 pm Resolutions Committee Meeting Missouri Legislative Caucus Panel 1:30 - 2:30 pm Discussion Operation Game Thief Committee 2:30 - 3:30 pm Meeting Annual Business Meeting of 4:00 - 5:00 pm Delegates
8:30 am
Resolutions General Session
12:00 pm
5:00 - 7:30 pm Dinner Break (on your own) Annual Conservation Awards 7:30 - 9:00 pm Ceremony
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23 7:00 - 8:00 am Breakfast (on your own) 8:00 - 8:45 am Plenary Session 9:00 - 12:30 pm Resource Committee Meetings
5:30 - 7:00 pm Social Hour & Silent Auction 7:00 - 8:00 pm Banquet 8:30 pm
Live Auction
Subject to change
Mail Registration To: CFM 728 West Main Street Jefferson City, MO 65101
REGISTRATION FORM (clip & mail) REGISTRATION PACKAGES (#1) Member Pkg - All sessions, Awards Ceremony, Access to silent auction. (#2) One-day Member Pkg - All Daily Sessions, Access to silent auction. (#3) Non Member Pkg - All sessions, Awards Ceremony, Access to silent auction, One-year CFM Membership. (#4) Non Member One-Day Pkg All Daily Sessions, Access to silent auction, and One-year CFM Membership.
ACCOMMODATIONS Lodging arrangements must be made directly with the Lodge of Four Seasons (573) 365-3000 or (800) 843-5253. Room rates are $74/night for single or double occupancy while room block lasts.
2008 Awards Ceremony is sponsored by Bass Pro Shops
______________________________________________ Telephone:
Credit Card #: __________________________________ Expiration Date: ________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________
Registration Packages
Pre-Registration (by February 9)
Registration Fee
(#1) Member
(#2) One-day Member
(#3) Non Member
(#4) One-day Non Member
Total Registration:
Special Needs (i.e. access, dietary): ________________ ______________________________________________
CFM Strategic Planning Committee Summary Of Discussions And Recommendations • December 4, 2007, Meeting he CFM Strategic Planning Committee met at the CFM office on December 4, 2007, with all committee members plus CFM President Glenn Chambers, CFM 1st Vice President Mike Schallon and CFM Executive Director Dave Murphy present. The agenda centered around how CFM should look in 2013, or about five years down the road. Following is a summary of key items discussed: Discussed was CFM’s success in past times as an innovator. We have had great success in initiating new programs and either spinning them off or carrying them forward in CFM’s name. There was lengthy discussion of the proposed conservation summit and general agreement that we should urge the convening committee to consider a follow-up. There was some discussion as to whether the summit should be held every year or every few years on some kind of schedule. The summit should be
given high priority in 2008. Purpose of the summit is to see where conservation is going in Missouri and it should involve many diverse organizations. Discussed was the Conservation Leadership Corps and ways to involve younger people in the conservation effort. We propose that CFM should make very clear that we address issues and not individuals. We have a very large and diverse membership and represent all areas of the state. While we are very active supporting or opposing legislation that impacts conservation we engage in issues of conservation and rarely or not at all the individuals that are involved. It should be stated in the CFM brochure that we are a non-partisan organization. We believe that the state’s many educational institutions are a rare resource that we need to improve our association with as much as possible. At the same time we need to improve in every
way possible our association with the Legislature and Executive Department of the state. The Sportsmen’s Caucus in the Legislature is a case in point. This organization is all important to the CFM and should be cultivated and supported as much as possible. There was a long and serious discussion of our resource committees. We probably are not supporting them enough. The CFM is bound in many ways to the output of these all important groups. We believe that the CFM leadership should move in several ways to improve the environment they work in. Probably needed are fewer committees and a system of sub-committees where special interests are involved. This should make for an easier selection of committee personnel and resource personnel. Success of each resource committee depends on the committee having stable leadership. The guide for committee chairpersons recently prepared by John Knudsen
should be very helpful to each committee. Having the resource sub-committees meet before the regular resource committee meetings are held at the CFM annual convention may be worthwhile. One suggestion was that the sub-committees might meet in someone’s hotel room on Friday evening. Depending on the issues it could be that some sub-committees might find it desirable to meet various times throughout the year. We need to put the CFM video on DVD and get more board members showing it at meetings in their areas. The “Go Fish” program in St. Louis needs to be reviewed and may need to be inaugurated in other areas of the state as a method for recruiting more anglers and getting more people involved in conservation and conservation related outdoor activities. We need to get more major businesses and foundations involved in supporting CFM with donations.
CFM Bylaws As Amended By The Board Of Directors October 14, 2007 trategic Planning Committee Article 6 Section 2 (f) The duty of this committee is to make recommendations to the President and the Board of Directors for future actions or positions of the Federation. The members of the Strategic Planning Committee shall be appointed by the President who shall also designate the chairman of the committee. There shall be a minimum of five members on
the committee all of whom must be Federation members in good standing. Article 6 Section 2 (g) Committees on Resources and Activities shall develop and recommend policies and programs called for on their titled subjects, as listed hereafter—being The Committee on: • Conservation Education, Youth Activities, Public Information, and Wildlife Week • Ecology, Environment, and Energy
• • • • • • • •
Parks Forestry Deer, Wild Turkey, and Ruffed Grouse Small Game and Furbearers Fisheries and Water Resources Waterfowl and Wetlands Natural History and Wildlands Camping, Hiking Trails, and Water Sports • Sportsman’s Rights, Firearms, and Hunter Safety
• Archery • Rivers and Streams • Solid Waste, Hazardous Waste, and Recycling • Quail and Quail Habitat • Global Warming Said committees shall give attention to their clotted responsibilities and shall cooperate with each other to help overcome the diverse and interconnected problems of natural resources.
Conserve Life: SLOW DOWN More than 1,100 people die on Missouri highways each year. Don’t become a statistic. Conserve life by slowing down and by always making sure your seatbelt is buckled.
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he Third Annual Missouri Wildlife Art Festival was held in historic downtown St. Charles, Missouri, at the Foundry Arts Centre November 3 and 4, 2007. Visitors from around the state attended the festival which featured more than 30 top-notch wildlife artists from Missouri and across the nation. The event featured paintings, photography, bronzes and carvings. In addition to the array of artwork, a duck call and retriever demonstration took place Saturday morning. Gerry Boehm and his award-winning golden retrievers demonstrated their skills for the crowd. This special demonstration was a great kick off to the weekend’s festivities. The festival also featured local
collector, Paul Mydler’s antique duck decoy exhibit as well as a display of the Junior Duck Stamp Competition. Crown Valley Winery treated the visitors with a special wine tasting on Saturday. This unique event was sponsored by the Conservation Federation of Missouri (CFM) in partnership with the Missouri Wildlife Artist Society and two St. Louis Area conservation groups, the Greenway Network and the Open Space Council for the St. Louis Region. Proceeds from the festival went towards scholarship money for students pursuing conservation related degrees and also benefited area conservation projects for the Greenway Network and the Open Space Council for the St. Louis Region.
Conservationists For Life ($1,000 Contribution) Charles Abele, Saint Louis Duane and Nancy Addleman, Springfield Richard Ash, Saint Charles Dane Balsman, Perryville Jim Tom Blair, Saint Louis Stephen Bradford, Cape Girardeau Ron Coleman, Saint Albans Mark Corio, Columbia John Enderle, Kelso Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Fleming, Columbia Howard & Sara Fleming, Moberly Mr. & Mrs. Matt Fleming, Moberly Dave Kolb Grading, Saint Charles Gray Manufacturing Company, Saint Joseph Gery Gremmelsbacher, Saint Louis Allan Hoover, Pleasant Hill Larry & Joan Hummel, Glencoe Don Johnson, Festus Roger & Debbie Johnson, Humansville Duane & Cosette Kelly, Independence Sara Knight, Charlotte, NC Carl Kurz, Leawood, KS Jay Law, Saint James
Gerald Lee, Kansas City Joel LeMaster, Fulton Norman Leppo, Saint Louis Leroy Logan, Arnold Chip McGeehan, Marshfield Cynthia Metcalfe, Saint Louis David Murphy, Columbia Dean Murphy, Jefferson City Abe Phillips, Saint Louis Gerald Ross, Jefferson City Mike Schallon, Ballwin Timothy Schwent, Jackson Charles & Winnie Stribling, Mexico Mark Sullivan, Jefferson CityTim Thompson, Saint Charles Barbara VanBenschoten, Kansas City Lee Vogel, Kansas City Al Vogt, Columbia Randy Washburn, Jefferson City Stephen Wilson, Hartsburg Dick Wood, Saint Louis Howard Wood, Bonne Terre Robert Ziehmer, California
When will you add your name to the list? CFM Life Membership Application
Yearly Missouri Wildlife Art Festival Successful Again
Bill Miles explains canoe safety to participants.
“Meramec River: Miracles And Milestones” To Premier new documentary commemorating 40 years of Meramec River restoration will premier March 11, 2008, at 7:00 PM at the Sheldon Concert Hall in downtown St. Louis, Missouri. The film, “Meramec River: Miracles and Milestones,” is a product of two events held in 2007 that celebrated the river’s renaissance. These events were the 6-day, 108-mile Meramec River Media Float and the Meramec River Basin Summit. Professionally produced by awardwinning videographers John Baker and Jim Karpowitz, the film will cover such
topics as river history, conservation, outdoor recreation and the economic value of the Meramec Basin to the region and State of Missouri. An admission of $10.00 includes the viewing of the film, a keynote speaker, live music and refreshments. The film is presented by the Open Space Council for the St. Louis Region in support of Meramec River Tributary Alliance initiatives. If you are interested in attending or for more information, please contact the Open Space Council at 636-4516090 or by email at info@openspacecouncilstl.org.
There are many experienced hunters, boaters and conservationists. There are many award-winning video and TV producers. Very few are all of the above.
Name: _____________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________Email:_____________________________
MEDIA PRODUCTIONS Specializing in Wildlife Conservation Education
Payment Method (circle one):
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Public Invited To Shape Future Deer Management unters and others who enjoy Missouri’s deer herd have an opportunity to influence the future of deer management. A series of 16 public forums are scheduled in January and February to get public input. Missouri’s deer herd is estimated at 1 to 1.5 million and supports an annual harvest of nearly 300,000. Deer hunting expenditures now impact the state economy by almost $500 million each year. Over the past few years, hunting regulations focused upon the desire to achieve sustainable deer numbers. One goal of the state’s deer-management program is to ensure that deer hunting opportunities meet hunters’ expectations for quality and quantity. Another important goal is to keep the negative impacts of human-deer interactions, such as crop damage and vehicle incidents, from reaching unacceptable levels. To ensure that it can meet these goals in the future, the Conservation Department continually considers and tests hunting regulation changes that enable it to regulate the number of does— female deer—taken by hunters each year. “Doe harvest is the key to controlling deer numbers,” said Conservation Department Resource Scientist Lonnie Hansen. “It takes only a small number of bucks to mate with female deer and keep a population growing. Taking does out of the population is the only effective way to prevent a herd from growing or reduce its size when necessary.” For the past four years, the Conservation Department tested a regulation designed to increase the percentage of
does in the harvest each year. The goal is to develop a method of shifting the sex ratio of the deer herd permanently toward a decreased percentage of does. Then, should there ever be a decline in the deer harvest; the population should remain in check. The regulation currently being tested prohibits hunters in 29 counties from shooting bucks that do not have at least four 1-inch points on one side of their antlers. The idea is to force hunters in the test area to pass up shots at some antlered deer and increase the odds that they will see and shoot antlerless deer, most of which are female. “The regulation has not shifted as much harvest pressure onto does as we had hoped,” said Hansen. “It has increased the doe harvest a little in some counties, and it is having the secondary effect of producing more large-antlered deer in the pilot area. A lot of hunters are very happy about that. In fact, a lot of hunters in other areas say they would like to see the four-point rule in their areas. But we need to keep fine-tuning our regulations to ensure that hunting remains an effective deer-management tool.” Whether to continue or expand the four-point rule is one of several questions the Conservation Department wants Missourians to answer in the upcoming public meetings. Also under consideration is a shift in some of the five deer hunting segments—youth, urban, November firearms, muzzleloader and antlerless—to other times in the fall. Again, the goal would be to
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increase doe harvest and meet growing hunter interest in managing for older bucks. “We are considering moving the antlerless portion of the firearms deer season into October,” said Hansen, “setting the opening of the November portion on the weekend before Thanksgiving and moving the muzzleloader portion to late December.” He said these changes could increase the number of deer taken by hunters before the rut, when many deer are most active near roadways. It also could allow more breeding to occur before large numbers of bucks are harvested. That would allow big bucks to pass on their traits to the next generation of deer before they were removed from the gene pool. “These changes provide benefits for all deer hunting groups,” said Hansen. “Firearms hunters would still get to hunt the rut and would have the Thanksgiving holidays to hunt. Many could hunt deer in October, when weather is milder. Archers would get an extra week of hunting in mid-November, and muzzleloader hunters would have a better
opportunity because deer would have time to settle down after the November portion.” Presenting alternative season timing options during public meetings will help the Conservation Department gauge public support or opposition. Should any changes become final, they would not go into effect until 2009 to give hunters enough advance notice to set vacations. “The final decision about changes to deer hunting regulations will be made by the Conservation Commission based on citizen preferences and scientific data,” said Hansen.“We consider these meetings an extremely important part of the process. No hunting regulation can succeed unless it has widespread popular support, so we need to find out what people will support and what they won’t.” A schedule of deer management meetings and a video clip of the Department’s proposal can be found at mdc.mo.gov/16184. Missourians can also express their thoughts about deer management in writing by sending mail to Missouri Department of Conservation, “Deer Management,” Resource Science Division, 1110 S. College Ave., Columbia, MO 65201.
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t’s been just a little more than two years since the worst man-made disaster in the history of Missouri. On Dec. 14, 2005, a breach at Ameren’s Taum Sauk reservoir sent 1.3 billion gallons of water through the main use area of Johnson’s Shut-Ins State Park. This breach injured the park superintendent and his family, damaged much of the park and affected the East Fork of the Black River and the lower Taum Sauk Reservoir. In addition to the immediate damage caused by this devastating event, the Taum Sauk breach cost local business owners valuable tourism dollars, and Missouri’s economy and the state park system were affected as a result of damage to Johnson’s Shut-Ins State Park. Now, thanks to a settlement recently reached
between the State of Missouri and Ameren, we may begin to tackle the significant amount of work that lies ahead. According to the agreement, Ameren is required to restore and rebuild the area in and around Johnson’s Shut-Ins State Park at an estimated value of $52 million. The park will be rebuilt according to a master plan that received public review before being approved. Ameren also is required to compensate the state for expenses incurred as we have worked to repair water quality along the Black River. This work has already begun and parts of Johnson’s Shut-Ins State Park were opened during the summer months. To help offset the loss to Missouri citizens of recreational opportunities and natural resources that occurred as a result of the breach, Gov. Blunt, the state agencies and the Attorney General negotiated for the right-of-way to connect the Katy Trail to Kansas City, and Gov. Blunt
Scott Meyers, DNR
Taum Sauk Settlement Boosts Missouri State Parks
Department Director Doyle Childers signs the Tom Sauk consent judgment with Division of State Parks Director Doug Eiken.
recently asked the departments of Natural Resources and Conservation to create a new state park on the Current River. Ameren also is required to pay $11.8 million to the Department of Natural Resources’ State Parks Earnings Fund. Gov. Matt Blunt recently announced that this money will be used, in part, to help build a new state park on the Current River in Shannon County. It is our hope
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Your membership dues include a one-year subscription to Missouri Wildlife, logo sticker, and membership card.
Please mail this application with your membership dues to: Conservation Federation of Missouri 728 West Main Jefferson City, MO 65101-1559 If you have any questions, call us at 1-800-575-2322 or visit us at www.confedmo.com.
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that this will help compensate the citizens of Missouri for the loss we all suffered as a result of the reservoir breach. The new park will be located on the site of the former Alton Club/Jerry J. Presley Conservation Education Center, which is currently owned by the Missouri Department of Conservation. The Alton Club was constructed in the 1930s as a corporate retreat for the Alton Box Board Co. The buildings at the site reflect the influence of rustic architecture popular in camp and park buildings in the first half of the 20th century. Gov. Blunt has asked us, and we have agreed, to continue to provide hunting opportunities, including special hunts for youth hunters and for hunters with disabilities, within the park. The property will be transferred to the Department of Natural Resources in 2008. In addition to funding this new state park, the Taum Sauk settlement also will enable the Department of Natural Resources to connect Katy Trail State Park to the Kansas City area. Through the settlement, the department will receive a perpetual license to build a biking and hiking trail parallel to the Rock Island Railroad from Windsor to Pleasant Hill. This new trail will link Katy Trail State Park at Windsor to the Kansas City area. Other highlights of the settlement include the establishment of a local Tourism and Economic Development Trust Fund to promote tourism in the area and evaluate the need for a wastewater treatment facility for the town of Lesterville; compensation for the Reynolds County School Fund; establishment of a Reynolds County Educational Enrichment Fund; creation of a fish habitat and recreational opportunities in the Lower Reservoir; development of a more natural flow schedule for the East Fork of the Black River; compensation to the Missouri Conservation Commission Fund for natural resource damages; and a guarantee that no costs associated with the breach will be passed on to Ameren rate paying customers. While the events that took place on that cold morning in December can never be erased from Missouri history, we believe this is an important step to correcting some of the damage that has been done.
Signature of cardholder ____________________________________________________
Doyle Childers Director, DNR M I S S O U R I
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Earth Share of Missouri: Working for Conservation Foundation of Missouri Charitable Trust for 12 Years ince 1994, the Conservation Foundation of Missouri Charitable Trust (CFMCT) has been a part of Earth Share of Missouri, an organization that enables more people to support environmental causes in an easy, highly efficient way. Donations to Earth Share of Missouri have totaled more than $1 million, with $46,900 of that going to CFMCT to date. At this time, CFMCT receives an average of $5,000 every year. CFMCT was a founding affiliate when Earth Share began as the Missouri Environmental Fund. Today, Earth Share of Missouri is a federation that represents 72 local, regional, national and international non-profit environmental organizations. In addition to the CFMCT, Earth Share of Missouri represents familiar names such as The Nature Conservancy, World Wildlife Fund, Missouri Parks Association, Missouri Botanical Garden, National Audubon Society, Ozark Regional Land Trust, and many
more worthy organizations and institutions. Please visit Earth Share’s Web site www.earthsharemo.org for a complete list. Earth Share’s principal mission is fundraising via workplace-giving campaigns on behalf of these organizations. An important secondary accomplishment is general awareness building of important environmental work. The federation enables employees to make a single donation that benefits a full spectrum of environmental causes, addressing issues from protecting the Mississippi and Amazon rivers to Missouri prairies and Brazilian rainforests. Parks, trails, clean air, clean water, recycling, conservation, preservation of plants, wild animals, natural habitat, and environmental education are all accomplishments of Earth Share organizations. All of the Earth Share-affiliated organizations are doing something that works to improve the health of ecosystems on planet earth, and thereby is beneficial to
the health and welfare of human beings. Federation members are well aware of CFMCT’s programs. The Foundation manages the Turner Katy Trail Shelter in Tebbetts, Missouri on the Katy Trail, provides funding for the Federation’s Conservation Leadership Corps and the Conservationist of the Year Awards, gives
conservation education grants and scholarships and tailors special programs for donors who want to do something special for conservation. Earth Share of Missouri and all of the affiliated organizations are classified as 501(c)3 organizations, and contributions are tax-deductible as defined by the IRS. Contributions may be shared with all of the Earth Share organizations, or donors may specify that their gift go to their favorite environmental organization(s). Currently Earth Share is offered in many workplaces, including federal employees’ Combined Federal Campaign (CFMCT is CFC# 67305); Missouri State employees (MSECC #8407), a number of cities and counties, HOK Architects, UnitedHealth Care, Bass Pro Shops, American Airlines, and others. Please visit Earth Share’s Web site or call (314) 621-6182 ext. 1 for more details or contact Charlie Davidson, the Foundation’s Earth Share representative, at 573-496-3986.
2008 Natural Events Calendar from the Missouri Department of Conservation MDC's ever-popular calendar keeps you in touch with the year's seasonal changes. Thanks to the splendid talents of MDC contributing nature photographers, you'll be able to enjoy wild Missouri indoors when you can't get outdoors. You'll find monthly reminders of the state's natural treasures. Daily notes keep you posted on what's blooming or nesting and myriad other natural phenomena.
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Missouri’s State Parks: Maintaining Excellence n August 2006, Missouri voters demonstrated their continued appreciation of Missouri’s awardwinning system of state parks and state historic sites by once again giving overwhelming approval to the parks, soil and water tax. Our state park users continue to provide positive feedback through comment cards and surveys. Volunteers show their enthusiasm with their helping hands. And every year, hundreds of thousands of Missourians demonstrate their excitement for this system by routinely visiting one of our 83 state parks or state historic sites. So now, we face an important challenge: Finding ways to maintain this level of interest well into the future. In response to Gov. Blunt’s challenge to use our resources efficiently, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources
We hope this visioning process will garner ideas that will help us lure people back outside to enjoy camping, fishing, picnicking, swimming, birdwatching and strolling in Missouri’s state parks and historic sites. recently launched a visioning project to help ensure that it’s able to continue to maintain this level of support for Missouri’s 83 state parks and historic sites. Employees in the department’s Division of State Parks have already started this process by brainstorming a range of innovative ideas to maintain and improve this system. Now we need your help. I encourage you to take a few minutes to visit our Web site at www.mostateparks.com/visioning.htm and see some of the many ideas that have already been gathered. While the
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department may not be able to use all of them right now, as additional funding or other opportunities become available down the road, we will revisit many of these suggestions. Our goal for the visioning process is to gather a pool of creative ideas from which to draw in the future. Public input is critical to this process. Some of the most successful programs we’ve implemented in recent years have come from public comment. Our campground reservation system, for example, is a direct result of feedback from state park visitors who wanted a system in place that would ensure a campsite would be available to them when planning an overnight visit. We hope this visioning process will garner more ideas that will help us better tailor our parks to the needs of Missouri’s citizens. Missouri’s award-winning state park system recently celebrated its 90th anniversary. Though this system has consistently provided inexpensive, fun and educational opportunities for the past nine decades, the world around us has changed considerably. Keeping up with the many trends that affect state park attendance requires a great deal of adaptability. One of the greatest challenges we’ve noticed recently is a shift toward staying
indoors. It’s much more difficult now to draw people out of their homes than it once was. We hope this visioning process will garner ideas that will help us lure people back outside to enjoy camping, fishing, picnicking, swimming, birdwatching and strolling in Missouri’s state parks and historic sites. Maintaining a state park system that attracts users helps ensure that Missouri’s citizens stay active and healthy. The tourism these parks and historic sites generate also injects hundreds of millions of dollars into our state’s economy. Helping people reconnect with our natural resources is also crucial to the continued protection of our natural resources. Those who have had the sheer joy of the blazing fall colors along the banks of the Missouri River, a quiet, snowy stream in winter or trout fishing in early spring understand why it’s so important to protect Missouri’s air, land and water quality. If today’s youth lose touch with the outdoors, where will tomorrow’s environmental leaders come from? The benefits of maintaining enthusiasm for Missouri’s state parks and historic sites are numerous. If you’ve ever visited a state park or state historic site, chances are you’ve got great ideas for improvements that will help us do that. Use the feedback form on our Web site to submit your suggestions. I encourage you to get involved and help us shape the future of our parks system. Doug Eiken Missouri Department of Natural Resources Division of State Parks Director
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Honorariums and memorials are donations made to the Conservation Federation of Missouri to mark special occasions or show tribute to someone you care about. They are a thoughtful way to mark an occasion or to show respect to friends and loved ones who have passed away. In future issues of Missouri Wildlife we will list honorariums and memorials in this area. To make such a gift, please fill out this form and mail it to CFM. We gladly accept cash, check or credit card.
A Gift To CFM Your gift to the Conservation Federation of Missouri could help in so many ways. You could benefit our Share the Harvest Program, the Conservation Leadership Corps, our publications or website, our building fund or help fund our day-to-day operations. You could also honor loved ones for birthdays, anniversaries or other special events.
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Conservation Federation of Missouri • 728 West Main Street • Jefferson City, MO 65101
CONSERVATION FEDERATION OF MISSOURI AFFILIATES Anglers of Missouri Archery Big Bucks of Missouri Big Game Hunters Bridlespur Hunt Club Capital City Fly Fishers Central Missouri Chapter Safari Club Coldwater Outing & Game Preserve Eastern MO Chapter Pheasants Forever Festus/Crystal City Conservation Club Forest Releaf of Missouri Franklin County Wildlife Club Friends of Rockbridge Memorial State Park Greenway Network Heaven’s Anglers Jefferson County Coonhunters Kansas City Chapter Safari Club Kansas City Woodcarvers Lambert Field Rod & Gun Club Mark Twain Area Quail Unlimited 1 4
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Mid Missouri Trout Unlimited Midwest Diving Council Mississippi County Conservation Society Mississippi Valley Duck Hunters Mississippi Valley Gun Club Missouri Association of Meat Processors Missouri Bass Federation Missouri Bow Hunters Missouri Conservation Agents Association Missouri Consulting Foresters Association Missouri Department of Agriculture Missouri Ducks Unlimited State Council Missouri Forest Products Association Missouri Parks & Recreation Association Missouri Parks Association Missouri Prairie Foundation Missouri Smallmouth Alliance Missouri Sport Shooting Association Missouri State Campers Association
Missouri State Council Quail Unlimited Missouri Taxidermist Association Missouri Trappers Association Missouri Trout Fisherman’s Association Missouri Waterfowl Association Missouri Whitetails Unlimited Missouri Wild Turkey Federation Missourians Outdoors MO Chapter American Fisheries Society MO Chapter of the Wildlife Society MO Chapter Soil & Water Conservation MO Hunter Education Instructor’s Association MO State University Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society Monett Sportsman League Northeast Missouri Coonhunters Northside Conservation Federation Open Space Council Owensville HS Hunting & Fishing Club
Ozark Fly Fishers Ozark Mountain Paddlers Ozark Wilderness Waterways Perry County Sportsman Club Pomme De Terre Chapter Muskies River Relief, Inc. Saint James Civic Club Show-Me Clean Streams Show-Me Missouri Back Country Horsemen South Side Division Southwest Missouri Fly Fishers Tipton Farmers & Sportsman Club United Bow Hunters of Missouri Wecomo Sportsman Club Wild Elk Institute of Missouri Windsor Lake Rod & Gun Club
Show, Holiday Inn Select, Columbia
CAPITAL CITY FLY FISHERS JAN 3: Teach a Vet to Tie, Veterans Hospital – Conference Room C201, Columbia (3:00pm) JAN 3: Winter Fly Tying Session 1, Runge Nature Center – Forest Room, Jefferson City (6:00pm – 8:00pm) JAN 8: Club Meeting, Runge Nature Center, Jefferson City JAN 10: Winter Fly Tying Session 2, Runge Nature Center – Forest Room, Jefferson City (6:00pm – 8:00pm) JAN 15: Banquet Planning Meeting, Panera Bread, Jefferson City (6:30pm) JAN 17: Teach a Vet to Tie, Veterans Hospital – Conference Room C201, Columbia (3:00pm) JAN 17: Winter Fly Tying Session 3, Runge Nature Center – Forest Room, Jefferson City (6:00pm – 8:00pm) JAN 24: Winter Fly Tying Session 4, Runge Nature Center – Forest Room, Jefferson City (6:00pm – 8:00pm) JAN 30: Hooked on Fly Fishing Not Drugs, South Callaway RII Middle School, Mokane (3:00pm) JAN 31: Winter Fly Tying Session 5, Runge Nature Center – Forest Room, Jefferson City (6:00pm – 8:00pm) FEB 1: Winter Trout Catch and Keep Season Opens, McKay Park Lake, Jefferson City FEB 2: Hooked on Fly Fishing Not Drugs Outing, McKay Park Lake, Jefferson City (9:00am – 12:00pm) FEB 7: Teach a Vet to Tie, Veterans Hospital – Conference Room C201, Columbia (3:00pm) FEB 7: Winter Fly Tying Session 6, Runge Nature Center – Forest Room, Jefferson City (6:00pm – 8:00pm) FEB 11: End of No-Creel Trout Season in Missouri State Parks FEB 12: Club Meeting, Runge Nature Center, Jefferson City (7:00pm – 9:00pm) FEB 14: Winter Fly Tying Session 7, Runge Nature Center – Forest Room, Jefferson City (6:00pm – 8:00pm) FEB 16: Stream Team 760 Outing, Saline Valley Wildlife Area FEB 21: Teach a Vet to Tie, Veterans Hospital – Conference Room C201, Columbia (3:00pm) FEB 21: Winter Fly Tying Session 8, Runge Nature Center – Forest Room, Jefferson City (6:00pm – 8:00pm) FEB 27: Hooked o Fly Fishing Not Drugs, South Callaway RII Middle School, Mokane (3:00pm) FEB 28: Winter Fly Tying Session 9, Runge Nature Center – Forest Room, Jefferson City (6:00pm – 8:00pm) FEB 29: TU Banquet, Marriott Inn, Columbia
MISSOURI BASS FEDERATION JAN 26: Directors Meeting, Columbia (9:00am)
GREENWAY NETWORK JAN 7: Monthly Board Meeting (7:00pm – 9:00pm) FEB 4: Monthly Board Meeting (7:00pm – 9:00pm) MISSOURI ASSOCIATION OF MEAT PROCESSORS FEB 29 – MAR 2: Convention and Trade
MISSOURI DUCKS UNLIMITED JAN 26: Lathrop/Plattsburg Dinner; Tom Macomber (816) 200-8842 JAN 26: Warrenton Dinner, American Legion Hall, Warrenton; Mike Molitor (636) 456-9633 JAN 26: Lexington Dinner, Adkins Auction Center; Brian West (660) 259-3582 FEB 2: Higginsville Banquet, American Legion Hall; Shawn Davenport (660) 5847376 FEB 2: Bootheel Waterfowl Hunter Party, Elks Lodge, Dexter; Mike Sprick (573) 429-8827 FEB 9: Longview Dinner, Ararat Shrine Temple; Tony Berter (816) 763-8289 FEB 9: Kearney Dinner, Knights of Columbus Hall; Jon Shinneman (816) 903-4243 FEB 9: Southern Boone County Dinner, Ashland Optimist Building; Price Nichols (573) 489-8421 FEB 16: Blackwater Dinner, Johnson County Fairgrounds, Warrensburg; Kevin Raynes (660) 864-3499 FEB 23: Odessa Dinner, Odessa Community Center; Adam Harvey (816) 263-0324 FEB 23: Sainte Genevieve Chapter Dinner, Knights of Columbus Hall, Bloomsdale; Don Tinnin (800) 323-2584 MISSOURI NATIONAL WILD TURKEY FEDERATION FUNDRAISER BANQUETS JAN 11: Crowleys Ridge Limbhangers, Elks Lodge, Dexter; Kyle Ouzts (573) 6245505 JAN 11: Grindstone Gobblers Spring, Lake Viking Club House, Gallatin; Clint Vanatta (660) 663-2141 JAN 18: Bayou Strutters, Top of Town Banquet Hall, East Prairie; Tim Kavan (573823-6366 JAN 19: Current River Callers, Winona High School, Winona; Troy McAfee (573) 3254930 JAN 19: Lincoln Hill, Lincoln Hill Fairgrounds, Troy; Bruce Wilcockson (636) 462-2095 JAN 19: Union Covered Bridge Gobblers, American Legion Hall, Paris; Bruce Mills (573) 685-2374 JAN 24: Mid-State, Bass Pro Shops, Columbia; Bernard Grice (573) 445-6967 JAN 25: Ozark Greenway Thunderin Gobblers, Willard Community Building, Willard; Jason Bussard (417) 830-1535 JAN 25: Southern Ozark Longbeards, National Guard Armory, Doniphan; Alan Slayton (573) 857-2119 JAN 26: Benton County Thunderin Gobblers, Knights of Columbus Hall, Warsaw; Josh Young (660) 547-2535 JAN 26: Delta Bootheel Gobblers, Eagles Hall, Kennett; Lynn Smith (573) 8880054 JAN 26: Ray County Shortspurs, Ray County Veterans Memorial Building, Richmond; Mark McCorkendale (660) 398-4785
JAN 26: Tick Ridge, Expo Center, Macon; Jamie Barton (660) 395-9541 FEB 1: Hocomo Big Beards, Saint Joseph Hall, Fayette; Gene Smith (660) 2485191 FEB 1: Lost Creek Longbeards, Innsbrook Resort, Wright City; Gary Janes (636) 2908310 FEB 1: Rogersville Strutters, First Baptist Church, Rogersville; Clay Robinson (417) 753-5035 FEB 2: Chariton River Full Strutters, Knight of Columbus Hall, Salisbury; George Schupback (660) 288-3168 FEB 2: Clearwater Longbeards, Patterson Community Center, Patterson; Richie Ayers (573) 223-2356 FEB 2: Cooper County Limbhangers, Knights of Columbus Hall, Boonville; Sabe Caton (573) 450-1048 FEB 2: Gateway Long Spurs, Knights of Columbus Hall, Saint Paul; Dan Zerr (636) 625-1608 FEB 7: Shaky Ground Gobblers, Sharps Banquet Hall, New Madrid; Bud Henry (573) 748-5999 FEB 8: Indian Creek Chapter, Newton County Fairgrounds 4H Building, Neosho; Danny Bailey (417) 529-9666 FEB 9: Bootheel Boss Gobblers, Bavarian Hall, Jackson; Bronson Senn (573) 2642470 FEB 9: Truman Lake Chapter, Benson Convention Center, Clinton; Danny Bailey (660) 477-3566 FEB 9: Twin Lake Longspurs, Smith’s Restaurant, Bolivar; Justin Hunt (417) 282-5298 FEB 9: Young’s Creek Strutters, Holy Spirit Multi Purpose Building, Centralia; Eddie Schultz (573) 682-1900 FEB 15: Kingdom of Callaway Limbhangers, Saint Peter’s Catholic Church, Fulton; John Burk (573) 676-5994 FEB 15: Meramec Valley Strutters, Eagles Hall, Sullivan; Melinda Twyman (573) 468-5010 FEB 15: Ozark County Hootin & Gobblin, Vaughts Family Restaurant, Gainsville; John Phillips (417) 256-9141 FEB 16: Black Mountain Longbeards, Fredericktown Middle School, Fredericktown; Russ Parker (573) 783-6876 FEB 16: Dent County Thundering Toms, Indian Trail Archery, Salem; Cheryl Smith (573) 729-7563 FEB 16: Grand River Gobblers, American Legion Hall, Bethany; Ronnie Graham (660) 425-8126 FEB 16: South Grand River, Cass County Lodge 2791, Harrisonville; Roger Benson (816) 380-2266 FEB 22: Sand Burr Strutters, Elks Lodge, Sikeston; Tony Beeson (573) 380-5433 FEB 23: Little Platte Longbeards, Lathrop Community Center, Lathrop; Eric Dennis (816) 539-3558 FEB 26: Summit Ridge Longbeards, Saint Andrews Catholic Church, Holts Summit; Jeff Demand (573) 596-5608 FEB 29: Fountain City Strutters, Elks Lodge, DeSoto; Patrick Gant (636) 9310054 FEB 29: Lake of the Ozarks Chapter, TriCounty Convention Center, Versailles; Mark Stafford (573) 378-0435 FEB 29: Tabo Creek Thunderin Toms, American Legion Hall, Higginsville; Mark Lamphier (660) 584-6397
CALLING CONTESTS JAN 19: MO/KA Riverbend Open, Saint Joseph; Ryan Smith (816) 248-4790 JAN 27: Quad Lakes; Brent Billings (417) 644-0021 FEB 9: Ozark Regional Championship, Greater Ozark Region Outdoor Adventure Sports Show, West Plains Civic Center, West Plains; Rick Shaddox (417) 3720143 FEB 21-24: Grand National Championships, Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, GA; Tammy Condrey (800) 843-6983 x: 3742 WHEELIN SPORTSMEN BENEFITS JAN 5: Show Me Awards, Lake Ozark; Bernard Grice (573) 445-6967 MISSOURI PARKS AND RECREATION ASSOCIATION JAN 23: Legislative Day, Jefferson City FEB 26-29: Conference, Lodge of Four Seasons, Lake Ozark MISSOURI PARKS ASSOCIATION FEB 5: Wildcat Glades Program, Wildcat Glades Conservation and Nature Center, Joplin; Kevin Badgley (417) 629-3423 MISSOURI SMALLMOUTH ALLIANCE JAN 18: An Evening with Stacey King, Powder Valley Conservation Nature Center, Kirkwood JAN 23: Monthly Meeting; Les Anderhub (314) 894-8945 or Matt Wier (314) 6471679 FEB 6-10: 54th Annual Saint Louis Boat and Sports Show, America’s Center and Edward Jones Dome, Saint Louis; David Pins (314) 846-4251 FEB 20: Monthly Meeting; Les Anderhub (314) 894-8945 or Matt Wier (314) 6471679 OZARK FLY FISHERS JAN 1: Membership Dues Deadline JAN 26: Annual Banquet FEB 23: All Day Meeting POMME DE TERRE CHAPTER MUSKIES JAN 9-13: Kansas City Sports Show JAN 11-13: Chicago Muskie Show JAN 25-27: Columbia Sports Show FEB 6-10: Saint Louis Sport Show SOUTHWEST MISSOURI FLY FISHERS JAN 10: Monthly Meeting, Springfield Nature Center, Springfield (6:00pm – 9:00pm) FEB 11: Close of Catch and Release Fishing, Missouri Trout Parks FEB 14: Monthly Meeting, Springfield Nature Center, Springfield (6:00pm – 9:00pm) FEB 23: 6th Annual Tri Lakes Fishing Expo, Assembly of God Church, Bridgeton (9:00am – 6:00pm)
CFM EVENTS JAN 12: CFM Board Meeting, Big Cedar Lodge, Branson FEB 22-24: CFM Annual Convention, Lodge of Four Seasons, Lake Ozark
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There’s so much happening, we needed more room! See page 15 for event listings.
From Rooftops To Roads: Shingle Recycling or the average recycler, tossing paper into the assigned bin or rinsing out the aluminum can for its next journey is an everyday thing. Many businesses, though, have literally tons of less common materials that can be diverted from the waste stream and recycled. Recycling these can be a bit more complicated, but can have a huge impact. One among them is roofing material. For more than two years, the Missouri Department of Transportation has been allowing contractors to put used tear-off shingles in the mix to create better asphalt for Missouri roads. The resulting product is stronger, more durable, rut resistant, cracks less, no effect on moisture sensitivity and cheaper than traditional asphalt mixes. Missouri and Minnesota lead the country in this effort. According to statistics provided by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, roofing materials account for
nearly 150,000 tons of the waste going to landfills each year. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates nearly 11 million tons of waste shingles will be generated annually in the United States. Primarily, tear-off shingles are used in the process of creating asphalt. Crews go through the tons of shingles and pull out wood bits and nails that cannot go into the mix. The shingles are then ground down and screened before being added to the asphalt. Using shingles in asphalt also helps lower costs. The savings can be anywhere from $3 to $5 a ton. This may not seem like a lot, but when you are purchasing 10,000 tons of asphalt, you are saving $30,000 to $50,000. The amount of liquid asphalt is also decreased by 20 to 50 percent, reducing the use of oil. This is just one more example of how recycling saves landfill space, natural resources and money. For more infor-
The state’s Department of Transportation allows tear-off shingles to be recycled into road asphalt.
mation about rooftop shingle recycling, visit the Web site www.shinglerecycling.org or visit www.modot.mo.gov. For more information about recycling,
Reduce • Reuse • Recycle
If there are any errors in your name and address, if you’ve moved from this address, or if you plan to move, please notify us at Missouri Wildlife, 728 W. Main, Jefferson City, MO 65101 or call (800) 575-2322.
please visit the Missouri Department of Natural Resources Web site at www.dnr.mo.gov/swmp or call 1-800361-4827.