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2022–23 Impact Report
2022–23 Impact Report
Miss Porter’s School: Built by women to shape a changing world

Miss Porter’s School
Since its founding in 1843, Miss Porter’s School (MPS) has been recognized as the school of consequence for women and girls. From the time our students arrive in Farmington, they are expected to make a difference in shaping a changing world. The support we receive from our volunteers and donors ensures that MPS is able to provide the education and support to make our mission our reality.
The difference between good schools and great schools is bold philanthropy.
“Miss Porter’s School thrives because women and their families have made giving to MPS a priority. Generations of donors have shown their confidence in this 180-year-old institution by making gifts of all sizes. Those contributions are essential to preparing our students. On behalf of the entire Porter’s community, thank you.”
Christine Pina Chief Advancement Officer

Impact on Faculty and Staff
71% of teaching faculty live on campus. Because of generous donors, MPS was able to acquire a new property at 113 Garden Street that will provide additional faculty housing.
41 hours of dedicated internal faculty development time was provided to each faculty member, including professional days, a weekly professional development (PD) slot and faculty meetings.
2 faculty members receive a grant each year from the endowed Cravens Fund for Teachers’ Summer Sabbatical to travel abroad. Miao Hwang traveled to Taipei, Taiwan, and Kelly Woodbury took an educational trip to France.
82% of faculty hold advanced degrees. Endowed funds for faculty support provide a critical resource to underwrite salaries and support professional development, which helps ensure Miss Porter’s School is able to attract and retain world-class faculty.
“We know that great teaching doesn’t just happen without collaboration, training and reflection, and while other schools maybe have 1–2 PD days per year, at Miss Porter’s we set aside time every day for faculty to work together on their curricula and on their craft. Ultimately, this investment of time pays dividends for student learning.”
Timothy Quinn Chief Academic Officer and Dean of Faculty & Ellen Stuart Poole ’26 Academic Chair

Miss Porter’s School
Impact on Ancients
1,200+ 13
Ancients participated in 42 virtual and in-person events.
Ancients shared their “path after Porter’s” with seniors at this year’s Obidimma Olga Ibimina Okobi ’94 (Obi): Imagining Life, an annual event made possible through an endowed fund established by Obi’s family and friends.
“It was a joy to be back on campus with fellow Ancients for Imagining Life and sharing with students all the possibilities and paths after graduating from Miss Porter’s School.”
Juliana Garcia-Uribe ’99, P’26
“The value of an MPS education is lifelong. It begins with New Girls, progresses to Old Girls, and becomes complete when our graduates are welcomed as Ancients. Our remarkable alumnae constantly strengthen the network and shape our changing world from backyards to boardrooms.”
Kate Windsor Head of School & Virginia Durand Shelden ’39 Chair

In October, a new $1M endowed scholarship fund was established through the bequest of Vera van Marx Metcalf ’43. This named endowed scholarship will ensure her legacy in perpetuity, giving future generations of girls access to the incredible education and opportunities offered here in Farmington. A gift to the endowment is a vote of confidence in the leadership of Miss Porter’s School and an investment in the school’s long-term sustainability.
Moonbeams Circle members

Impact on Student Life
Students and 11 faculty/ staff traveled abroad for the Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies global intensive.
All-school sit-down dinners centering on cultural and religious celebrations.
Events hosted by the Office of Equity and Inclusion for students and adults to support the school’s goals of becoming an anti-racist institution.
16 Students receive need-based financial aid.
Annual endowment draw to support nearly 90 student scholarships.
Impact on the Performing Arts
4 full theater productions
4 on-campus dance performances
2 local community-based performances
Students each received $10K+ in financial aid through donornamed Immediate Impact Scholarships from Annual Fund donations.
3 large ensemble concerts
9 music lesson workshop performances
7 student recitals, festivals and competitions
21% Current parents 50% Faculty and staff
Investing in the Present
Raised to support the MPS Annual Fund. $2.6M
First-time donors.
Annual Fund donors gave gifts of $500 or less.
Raised for current-use financial aid scholarships through the Annual Fund.
FY23 Sources of Funding
The number of Ancient donors needed to move our participation rate 1 percentage point
Investing in the Future
Endowment Total Market Value— 83% restricted vs. 17% unrestricted.
Raised in endowed scholarship dollars.
The approximate market value of documented planned gifts that include gifts through a will or beneficiary designation.
FY23 Endowment Spending