Define your essay topic Do your research and gather sources Come up with a thesis Write the introduction Write the main body, organized into paragraphs.... .. ... There are three main stages to writing an essay preparation, writing and revision. In just minutes, this video will walk you through each.... STEPS OF A BASIC ESSAY. I. Introduction establishes the papers topic. A. Opening statements Sentences containing some general comments about the subject.... Step-By-Step Guide to Essay Writing Read the essay question carefully Finish any necessary reading or research as background to the essay Brainstorm ideas in.... .. ... How to write an essay A step-by-step guide for college students Step Understand the assignment Step Research the topic Step .... .. ... . Choose the Type of Essay. The first step to writing an essay is to decide which type of essay you need to write. . Pick a Topic . Choose.... .. ... The Step Essay Writing Process That Will Help You Write Better Papers Step Determine your p