The Real Vampyre Lexicon Real VampyreNampire community references and terminology found in the subculture. Some terms are specific to a particular order, while others are general usage through out the vamp subculture. These terms have been compiled from many resources and group contributions. Many of these terms were written and compiled by Father Sebastian, Lady Melanie, Michelle Belanger, Damien Daville, Layil and Sanguinarius.
Abani (a'ban-e) - An honorable term meaning "Of the family of.." For example: "Angel, abani Sahjaza" or "Stephen, abani Omallie".
Abbon (ab'ohn) - A special given to honorary members of the family who might be either Ronin or members of other Houses or Orders. The title of Abbon is useful for related Households or Orders to make alliances and show respect for each other and for select individuals not interested in making a formal commitment to join the family. Related term "Kithal".
Adra (odd-ra) - A term for a sponsor or mentor who teaches ordeals. The Adra is responsible for teaching their Nadja (apprentice) the traditions of the Strigoi Vii. This relationship can be defined as those involved see fit, ranging from a dom/sub, brother/sister sire/childe, etc. or a multitude of other options. Related term "Sponsor". Amber Swan - Pranic and sanguine donor.
Ancients - Those vampyric entities who act as guides and tools of magickal working to Strigoi Vii. These can manifest as whatever the individual wishes ranging from ancients gods to totems such as wolves, bats or hawks to archetypes like the Dragon or Griffen. This word also refers to the mythical/historical predecessors of vampirism such as Lilith, Cain, Kali, Set, or Nyx. The word Ancients is a generic term to cover any form of these concepts. Related term 'Elorath".
Ardetha (are-death.a) - Vampyres who have been awakened through sympathetic Vampyrism, a magickal system or by the rare occurrence of an epiphany or near-death experience. The ability to do this is questionable, as most adra are only known to be able to help someone come to terms with their vampyric condition, Ardetha are rare case, as the ability to turn another is a great gift or a rare ritual. Also refer red to as made vampyres.
Auto vampirism - The drinking of one's own blood.
Awakening - This occurs when an individual realizes their vampyric condition and experience. The awakening typically occurs during or shortly after the onset of puberty, but in some individuals may take years
to manifest. Those undergoing the awakening, undergo various psychological changes. These changes often include an increased sensitivity to light (particularly to sunlight), a growing affinity for night and darkness, switching to a diurnal sleeping schedule, and experiencing the first symptoms of the thirst. Many experience acute feelings of isolation and alienation during this process, as their changing nature distances them increasingly from their "normal"family and friends. Many seek out organizations or groups to help understand their desires and newfound feelings. Related terms "Becoming" "Turning".
Azra (az-rah) - The head of a caste/road within a household.
Azralim (az-rah'leem) - A term used by the Sahjaza to mean "the old-ones". A term for the old-school vampires that predate the modern vampire/vampyre scene as a whole. Many Azralim have ties to the Old Covens of New York City, and it is they who have passed on the greater Community their collective traditions, philosophies and teachings via Sanguinarium and represented in the Strigoi Vii books.
Beacon - A particular feeling or energy signature generated by vampyres that can be easily perceived by other vampyres. In latent or unawakened, this beacon attracts others so that they may instigate the awakening process. Beast, The - The primal, instinctive, animalistic, bestial nature of a frustrated or desperate vampire, where he or she gets really evil-minded and aggressive and wants to just go berzerk, rip people and things apart for the pure "fun" of it, and feed violently. It's destructive and cold, and if you don't control it, then you will be under its control. This is different from just "vamping out" but that is when it's most likely to manifest.
Becoming - A process akin to awakening; it is the actual embrace or acceptance of one's vampyric nature. Many individuals awaken to their true nature, only to end up hiding from it for the rest of the ri lives. The process of Becoming is often marked with a rite of passage, such as an exchange of energy or blood with a mentor or undergoing a ritual of death and rebirth. See also Awakening and Turning. Bellah (bel-lah)- The second Strigoi Vii Ordeal in which the individual chooses to apply and accept Strigoi Vii as a workable philosophy in their lives through personal application. Also refers to the individual who has completed this Ordeal.
Black Swan - Those who enjoy the vampyre aesthetic but are not posers, nor are they vampyres. They are often donors, friends, companions, lovers, dayside family or those of other subcultures who usually understand, appreciate and respect the vampyre lifestyle. Black Veil, The - A code of vampyre ethics and common sense widely accepted by the vamp subculture, akin to the Strigoi Vii Covenant. Please see other blog Blood and Roses - The Strigoi Vii wedding ritual. Blood-Bars - Underground Vampyre havens, which have a members-only and very secretive policy, being only open to certain members of the vampyric community. It is said they serve stored blood and/or have willing donors who provide blood.
Blood Bond - 1.) A strong, sometimes undesired, bond or attraction which can develop in a donor towards the
vampire s/he is feeding; this bond can be a mutual thing between both the vampire and his/her donor, but often is felt only by the donor. 2.) A rite, ritual or ceremony marking a commitment to a coven or an individual. It is also a term to reflect a vampire/vampyre mar riage. Related term "Blood and Roses". Blood Doll - An individual who donates blood to vampyres in hopes of having erotic des ri es fulfilled by being fed upon. Related term "Donor". Blood-drinker - An individual who drinks blood, regardless of motivation. Related terms 'Sanguine" 'Bloodist". Blood-Fetishist - Someone who is erotically attracted to the sight, taste or smell of blood; they generally have no physical need to consume it, and will usually be happy with small amounts (see also, "haematophilia", "haematomania", and "haematodipsia"). Blood-fetishism is often accompanied by other sexual fetishes, including sadism and masochism, and the blood is usually taken during sexual or fetish play, as in a bondage or domination situation. Blood-junkie - A derogatory term for someone who experiences the physical need to consume blood. Particularly refers to a sanguine vamp that has no control over their thirst and feeds indiscriminately. Related terms "Thirst", "Sanguine". Blood-play - The act of using blood in a sexual or fetish situations for pleasure and eroticism. Bloodist - Someone who is erotically attracted to the sight, taste or smell of blood; or the process in which it is extracted. Other sexual fetishes, including sadism and masochism, often accompany blood-fetishism. Bloodfetishists generally have no physical need to consume blood. The blood is usually drawn during sexual or fetish-play, as in a bondage or domination situation. Bloodletting - The physical act of cutting or piercing the flesh in order to extract blood This is commonly used for blood-play, fetishism and feeding. Cainites - An order or movement within the vampyre community, which advocates that the Ancient, Cain, first son od Adam was the father of vampyres. Devout Cainites maintain that their tradition long predated VAM, which also depicts Caine. In general, the belief hinges upon the fact that Caine was the first murderer and that God cursed him with immortality. In some traditions Cain is often linked with Lilith who catalyzed his becoming. Cainites are a branch of a much larger and older sect of pre-Christian Cain worshippers; where scholars dedicate their life-work to the pursuit and exploration of Cain throughout the ages. [M8] Most Cainites drink blood, although they also supplement this with life-energy. Related term "Ancients".
Cainus Lupus (ka'nus loo-pus) - The largest group of the Therian Tribe. Some consider this a tradition of Vampyrism, which is shamanistic or tribal in nature; while others look at it as something completely different from the vampyric condition. Cainus Lupus experience a strong intrinsic connection, often physical and spiritual, with the wolf expanding upon the Dragon with philosophies pertaining to the ecology of the wolf. Calmae (kal-may)- Meaning "quiet" or "keeper of secrets", it is the third Strigoi Vii Ordeal, in which the individual being adept in the Outer Teachings of Strigoi Vii can now become a full member of a Household. This term also refers to the individual who has completed this Ordeal. They have usually mastered at least one Strigoi Vii road and undergone the Rite of Transformation. Calmae are not yet Magisters or Elders but exceptional individuals may be selected by the Synod or their household to learn Inner Teachings. Calmae should be at least 21 years of age.
Castes - Also known as Roads within the Strigoi Vii, Castes were introduced to Strigoi Vii by the Kheperian Order. Castes are committed focal paths recommended to those who pass the third Ordeal, or Calmae. This system helps create a strong and organized Order, with all member fulfilling their various roles within the community and contributing to the whole. Chi (kee -or- t'shee) - The Chinese term for life-energy. It is also often referred to as pranic energy or life force. Chi is the bioelectric energy that runs through our bodies on a subtle level. Energy/Pranic Vampyres and many psi-vamps can manipulate this life energy and draw upon it to state their hunger. To a certain extent, sanguine vampyres also feed on Chi, since a great deal of this subtle energy is concentrated in blood. Related terms "Prana". Clutch - A branch of a Household, Order or Family also referred to by some as Coven. Usually a clutch is geographically centered and has 3-13 members. Coming Out of the Coffin - Similar to the term used for gays (except the "come out of the closet"). Coming Out of the Coffin refers to being open or frank with others about being a Vampyre, drinking blood, feeding upon energy, etc. Those who have Come Out in this way do not hide their lifestyle at all, not even in their daily lives. Many in the vampyre scene choose to be in the coffin and are not public about their lifestyle outside of the scene.
Communion - Often referred to as feeding. It is a systematic form of karmatically balanced and safe feeding. There are many forms of communion including unconcious, ambient, sympathetic, astral, tactile, visual, temporal and sanguine. There are also different levels of feeding including deep and surface. Related terms "Prank" 'Sanguine".
Councilor - Also known as Kitra, Councilors serve a multitude of vital functions within the community as they are more than mere advisors and confidants. Related term "Kitra".
Court - An experimental system of geographically based "chapters" of the Sangunarium. They were intended to be a monthly social meeting ground for members of the Sanguinarium with an organization seperate from Households and Orders. The Community evolves and Quabals are becoming more popular the need for Courts is dwindling. The first official court was the Court of Gotham, founded by Father Sebastian in Fall 1997 as he saw the need for a social gathering outside his nightclub Long Black Veil. Coven - Groups of individual vampires or vampyres, usually but not always located within a certain geographic area, who have banded together under a specific theme, set of ideals, traditions, common Sigil, havens, membership requirements, hierarchy and/or rites. Covens range in size from as few as three members to as many as hundreds. The organization and purpose of each Coven varies from fraternal: House Sahjaza; religious: Church of the Vampire (not to be confused with the Vampire Church); or familial: Clan of Lilith. Some titles given to leaders of Covens include Elder, High Priest, Patriarch, Matriarch or Coven Master. There are no requirements for forming a Coven other than a group of people getting together, choosing a sigil, name and theme. COVICA - The Council of Elders drawn from many different traditions whose purpose is to help network the community, standardize language and terminology, and encourage cooperation, if not outright unification between the diverse aspects of the Sanguinarium and vampire/vampyre community. COVICA stands for
Council Of Vampyric International Community Affairs. Crimson Dance - The vampyre festival held on Valentine's Day (February 14th) which reflects the romance and erotica of the vamp archetype and subculture. Crimson Swan - A blood donor. Crystal Swan - A pranic donor. Dayside - The material side of the twilight balance; i.e.: paying taxes, rent, going to work, birth family, etc... Dhampyr (d'um'pyr) - Individual born with the vampyric condition. They grow up aware of theft needs and knowing they are "different". This condition is extremely rare and if not mentored by those who understand and experience the vampyre condition, many dhampyr end up being solitaries. Donor Swans - Someone who shares his or her blood or life energy without obligation. Many donors enter into partnerships with vampyres. These partnerships may often be sexual in nature, although they do not have to be so. Many donors prefer to be monogamous, offering themselves to just one vampyre at a time. Some donors will offer themselves to entire Households or Orders, provided their offerings are appreciated and not abused. There are several types of donor swans, these include: Crystal Swans (pranic), Crimson Swans (sanguine) and Amber Swans (pranic and sanguine). Related terms "Kitra" "Source". Dragon - The inner light or higher self and can be mastered with development of the Will, meditation, dreamwalking, and balancing Twilight. The Dragon within is our true self, our creative fire, our power, and our potential to be super-human. Dream Festival - A Strigoi Vii holiday, which falls on the summer solstice (June 21st) and celebrates the dayside, birth family and donors. Elder - A prominent member of the vampyre community who is honored and respected for their experience, accomplishments and dedication to the Community. Elders are often those individuals who have helped establish a community, organize courts or havens, or coordinate the networking of the scene. Related term 'Magister". Elorath (el-or-wrath) - The great vampyric essence and vampyric astral spirits. This is an Inner Teaching of Strigoi Vii. Embrace - Also known as becoming, the embrace is the welcome acceptance or adoption of the vampyric nature, condition, experience and in Strigoi Vii philosophy. Embrace does not mean "turning a la Dracula/Christopher Lee," but it is an incredibly romantic word for such, which, in a lot of people's minds, is extremely pseudosexual and erotic. Related terms "Turning" 'Awakening". Emotional Vampyre - Those that feed from strong feelings or emotional surges. Uneducated, these individuals often resort to histrionic or narcissistic behaviors, constantly thawing attention to themselves, which they feed on. Some feel that there is nothing metaphysical or spiritual in their condition, it is a simple psychological disorder that is irreversible. Others feel that these vamps resort to emotional draw simply because they know no other way to access needed energy. With understanding, tolerance and proper training, these emotional vamps can be assets to the community by learning how to balance hyperactive individuals and
overly charged environments. Related terms "Psychic Vampyre" Psychological Vampirism".
Energy Signature; The pattern of energy or energy 'fingerprint' that is unique to each individual and is often left behind long after a person has gone. This can be sensed not only in the material/real world as a subtle body emanation, but also in the astral plane. Vampyres have a particular kind of energy signature, and those who can pick up on this can identify them as vampyres. Related term "Beacon".
Excommunicated - Those who have been ostracized from the scene because of committing a serious crime in the eyes of the community. The crimes punishable by excommunication are those that jeopardize other's safety and disregard the Black Veil. Those who have been excommunicated are no longer allowed to associate themselves with the rest of vampyre culture. Related terms 'Ravass Bhavatan'; '7nvisibles", "Sin Nomine".
Family - A term used to describe a nightside adopted family, Household or Order of vampyres and friends. The Family is also, a general term for all members of the vampyre community. Related term "Household".
Family Dentist -The fangsmith who caters to a particular Household or Order. Related term "Fangsmith".
Fangsmith - A trained fang maker for members of the vampyre scene. They are commonly referred to as "father" or "mother" as the intricate and ritualistic process of acqu ri ing costume made fangs often acts as a catalyst in the awakening.
Fashion Vamp - Someone who just dresses the part of a Vampyre. Also known as Gaja, fashion vamps are only into the aesthetics (fangs, contacts, fashion) and not the philosophy or spirituality of the lifestyle. Related term "Gaja".
Feeders - Another, although less charming term, for vampyres, which distinguishes them by their need to feed upon blood. Feeding Circle - A group of donors, usually from four to seven, who feed a specific vampyre or family. Related term "Golden Circle".
Fledgling - Someone who is inexperienced with the lifestyle and is new to the scene. In general a fledgling is an apprentice to a more experienced vampyre who acts as a mentor. Usually refers to someone who has not past the frst/Jahira ordeal
Fruit bat - A humorous term for a nutty vampyre. This indicates a vampyre who's "not all there". The demands of the lifestyle can be too much for some, and in some cases, their mental and emotional states clearly suffer. This can also refer to a vampyre who has a babit of acting wild and crazy, kind of like a court jester or class clown, mostly for attention and entertainment purposes.
Gaia (ga-jah) - A formal term for a fashion vampyre or someone who is in the vampyre scene, portrays the archetype of a vampyre but does not feed.
Gly p h (gl'f) - A rune-like symbol used by the Strigoi Vii embedded with a specific meaning.
Golden Circle - A sacred and protected group of donors dedicated to a particular Order or Household, usually looked after by the Matriarch or Kitra. Grazing - This is a type of hunting, which is looked down upon by the rest of the vampyre community in which a vampyre randomly feeds upon unscreened donors typically picked up in nightclubs or bars. Related terms "Feeding" "Communion".
Haematodipsia -A fetish or erotic attraction to the taste, sight or smell of blood. Haematodipsia is a stronger form or pathological disorder of Haematodipsia.
Haematomania - A strong psychological craving for blood.
Homosexuality -A term related to those with the vampyric condition who have a sexual relation with blood, including but not limited to fetishism.
Harvesting - The act of going out and collecting pranic energy. Related term "Hunting".
Haven - A vampyre nightclub or gathering place. These are considered sacred grounds and often times they are blessed by an acolyte. The haven serves as the hub of a given community, providing a place where all the community can gather and socialize. The local haven will often host special functions arranged by the vampyre community. Related term "Sanctuary".
Households - Also referred to as Orders, Households are fraternal or family-like organizations within the vampyre community. These organizations are groups of individuals who share common philosophies, ceremonies, membership requ ri ements, traditions, belief system, sigil, hierarchy and theme. The organization and purpose of each household varies from fraternal to spiritual. There are no requirements for forming a household, however becoming recognized in the community is the challenge, as a reputation, respect and name must be built and earned. Households range in size from as few as three members to as many as a hundred. Some large houses have clutches, which represent a branch of the family tree and are usually organized into inner and outer circles; with the Dedicants, Pledges, Swans, and Affiliates in the Outer Circle, and full members and Elders in the Inner Circle. The term Household was coined by Father Sebastian insp ri ed by the Society for Creative Anachronisms (SCA).
Hunger - The desire to feed also identifies as the Thirst. The Hunger is both a psychological and physical sensation. Physically, it manifests as an intense hunger or thirst- but remains unquenched by food or drink. Psychologically, a vampyre in the throes of the Hunger feels agitated and empowered at the same time. Pulse, heart rate, blood pressure, and sometimes even body temperature, increase in anticipation of the act of
feeding. Related term "Thirst".
Hunter - A person, who stalks, threatens or causes harm to those involved in the vampyre community, or to those who they believe are vampires. Hunters are not only conservative Christians; there are others who are self-proclaimed hunters, as their religious systems view vampires as negative or evil. The term Hunter applies to seriously unbalanced people who are on some sort of Holy hate crusade and intend to follow through with violence or action. Hunters do not have to actively attack or physically harm their victims; often the emotional and mental distress of having someone like this hounding you is damaging enough. Hunters may also be those who stalk vampyres in order to gather information on them, presumably with the intent of using this information to bring them harm sometime down the line. Related term "Slayer".
Hunting - Actively going out and seeking donors in havens or in public (some even go to the mall!) with the intent of bringing them home to feed or to eventually screen them. With the existence of HIV and AIDS, hunting indiscriminately is considered irresponsible and etremely dangerous; there still must be a period of screening time. Vampyres who feed irresponsibly are shunned; many are even excommunicated by their Elders for this offense.
lm Kheperu (im'kep'r)- The ritual of transformation used by the Kheprian Order to fully recognize a mature member into the community (most often completing the MorRoii Ordeal). lm Kheper usually takes place on the Twilight Festival and is also known as the Night of Transformation.
Immortal - One not subject to death. Term commonly used to refer to or describe vampires. Today, this term is used much more loosely implying that Vampires are not subject to aging, are impervious to disease and injury, etc., and that they are above and superior to humans or mortals. Some vampires claim immortality of the soul, through reincarnation while others maintain that vamps experience improved health, less noticeable signs of aging and a prolonged lifespan. However, note that vampires are not impervious to death, and furthermore, it has not been incontrovertibly proven that vampires experience an extended lifespan.
Inner Teachings - Philosophical education beyond the Calmae Ordeal which is not made public and is not published. They must be learned either by being taught by members of the greater households.
Inheritors - A belief within the vampyre community that the vampyric condition is brought about through a genetic inheritance or mutation. Those who espouse this belief take a very scientific view of Vampyrism and feel that every aspect of the condition could feasibly be quantified and explained if given enough serious scientific study. Those who believe in vampyric inheritance feel that the mutation is passed along from parent to child and look upon it as something, which makes vampires distinctly different from ordinary humans. Those who believe in the inheritance theory suggest that "true vampires" existed at some point in our distant past, and that they interbred with humanity. With this paradigm, however, it can be deduced that as the line gets more and more watered down, the characteristics of Vampyrism will become weaker and weaker until they are lost altogether. Inheritors feed upon blood, life-energy, or both.
Jhatyet (Jah't-yey or jah't-yet) - Domain of eternity, also the council of spiritual beings that presides over a city. In our terminology, a Jhatyet (badly anglicanized version of an Egyptian word) is a council of elders. These are the most benevolent and spiritually advanced individuals who guide and watch over a given
community. *See also COVICA*
Jahira - The first Ordeal of Strigoi Vii, in which the newly introduced individual has learned the elementary Outer Teachings of Strigoi Vii. Also refers to the individual who has completed this Ordeal.
Kali - Terrifying Indian Goddess of conception of death. Partoness of many bloodthirsty cults such as the "Thugs", Kali is revered by some as one of the Ancients as well as the patron-goddess of vampirism. Kali is depicted as a dark-skinned woman with a blood-red pointed tongue and elongated fangs. She typically wears a necklace of severed heads and a skirt of severed anus and little else. She revels in carnage and is widely believed to drink blood; her statues are venerated with libations of fresh blood. She is a personification of lust and fecundity as well as death and destruction. Her consort is the god Shiva, an equally complex deity associated with destruction as well as regeneration. Most vampyres who look to Kali as their goddess, like her, drink human blood.
Keeper of the Scrolls - Is the Second Age Term for a secretary of a Household, Order of similar organization . They are responsible for the safe-keeping and maintaining of historical records, bylaws and lists of members. In the First Age, this job was known as a Loremaster or Scribe.
Keeper of the Veil - An individual within a household or court who is responsible for enforcing the Black Veil and security of the community. Most often this roll is filled by a high level Mradu who is a Magister or a member of the leading Triumvirate.
Kharrus - An ordained Strigoi Vii priest or priestess which is recognized by the Synod.
Kheper - Coined by Michelle Belanger of House Kheperu. Kheper translates to mean birth, rebirth, metamorphosis, becoming, awakening, transforming, changing and changing into something new. It's a many layered word of power derived from the name of a god. This comes from the same root and meaning as the Temple of Set's word Xeper.
Khlysty (k'lis-tee) - An order or tradition within the vampyre community that traces the origin of the vampyre back to Biblical or pre-Biblical times.
Kijira (K'jee-rah)- A term for an individual taking a passive or submissive role in Korvan Pakt with a Raja as the active participant.
Kithal (KEE'THOL) - Those who belong to or have been initiated into the Inner Circle of more than one household or Order.
Kitra (key-traa) - Serve a multitude of functions within the community. They are lovers and donors, counselors and confidants. In ritual, they often serve as altars, acting as the fulcrum of power between a Mradu and a Ramkht when rites are performed. Most (but not all) Kitra are submissive, offering themselves in spirit and flesh to their Mradu or Ramkht. Kitra are also often skilled donors and keep their energy in top form to feed members of their household, and often are the keepers of a household's "golden circle". They
are often very sensual people, trained in the arts of lovemaking and entertainment for the pleasure of the household, thus highly sexually charged. This road is modeled from the example temple concubines, young men and women pledged to their temples, who offered service through their flesh. These concubines were highly valued and cherished by the priests and warriors they served.
Klavasi (KLAV'VAH'SEE) -This is a formal term for latent vampyrism; sometimes or never manifests, depending on environment and circumstances. See Latent Vampyrism.
Korvan Pakt (kor'vahn pakt)- A relationship and system similar to BDSM and dominance/submission in with a Raja as the active partner making a pakt or agreement of ownership and collaring a Kijira as a passive/submissive partner to symbolize and demonstrate the relationship. The limits and details of the agreement are written on a contractual basis with renewal and/or expiration date.
Latent Vampire - Someone who is already naturally a vampire, but whose vampiric tendencies have not yet manifested. Apparently, some latent vampires may need to be turned; or ;awakened;, while others may have their tendencies activated by indeterminate causes. Latent vampires sometimes seem to stand out to other, already established vampires through a phenomenon known as the Beacon
Nightside - The primal nature, the AKA the dragon" which includes the side of oneself which is awakened during ritual, sexual arousal, artistic creation,
Of the Blood - A term often used to refer to someone who is Vampyric
Order - Another term for Household
Order of the Dragon - A sect of the vampyre community who espouse a belief in vampyric supremacy. The beliefs of the Order of the Dragon are complex and hard to render in a short form, but in general include ties to the bloodline of the Holy Grail, the Merovingian kings of France, and an older tradition of spiritual supremacy which either goes back to or pre-dates ancient Egypt Akadians. The Order of the Dragon sees vampyrism as both a genetically inherited condition as well as a condition of the soul, so that various incarnations of the soul seek out a genetically pure body for the maximum realization of the vampyric potential. It is possible that the Order of the Dragon feed primarily upon blood, life energy, or both.
Otherkin -Someone who identifies with something other than their human side, such as a particular animal, mythological or fantastical being. He or she takes on the astral form of the animal or being when they are in the astral plane. Often, otherkin have physical attributes, mannerisms or thought-patterns identified with their particular being, such as fae having an elfm appearance, or wolfkin having a pack mentality. Types of otherkin include therians (were-beings), fae or faeries, dragons, elves, angelics, and so forth. Some consider vampires to be otherkin, while others do not.
Pandemonium - Pandemonium is a term for a generally unpleasant experience which includes but is not limited to an acute heightening of all of a vampyre's sensitivities, a change in the person's manner, alterations
in breathing, pulse rate, and thought patterns, as their body gears up to go out and attempt to satisfy the thirst. This phenomenon is when the "beast" or "darkside" is very definitely felt as a real force within the vampyre's psyche and the vampyre's self-control teeters on a razor-edge. This particular phenomenon is experienced by both sanguines and psi-vamps alike, and it serves as a distinguishing factor between those who are real vampyres and those who are simply blood fetishists.
Parasite - A completely insulting and derogatory term to refer to or call a psi-vamp or emotional vampire, implying that they are thieves and have no honor.
Patriarch -The Male head of a Household or Order
Polyamory - Refers to multi-person committed relationships, which are not uncommon among covens in the vampyre community. Although multiple partners are involved, there is still an element of fidelity in polyamorous relationships. Generally, partners are expected not to be promiscuous but to focus their attentions on members of the already established group. A very typical polyamorous relationship to be encountered in the vampyre community usually involves two vampires and a donor who is committed to them both
Porphyria (por'fee-ree'a) - An acute medical condition which has been postulated by some scholars to have inspired the vamp ri e myths of the past. Sufferers of porphyria have pale, flaky skin and are very sensitive to sunlight. Their gums often recede excessively, giving their teeth an elongated and possibly fang-like appearance. Porphyria is caused by a deficiency in the enzyme which helps produce heme, a constituent of the blood which helps carry oxygen through the body. Dr. David Dolphin was the first to suggest that porphyria was the inspiration for at least some of the Mediaeval vampire myths, contending that some of the sufferers may have been driven to drinking blood in order to relieve their symptoms. As a result, the condition has come to be known in modern times as "the Vampire Disease". This appellation is very misleading, however, as porphyria only superficially resembles the vampirism of folklore and there is no supporting evidence to Dr. Dolphin's assertion that porphyria sufferers have been driven to drinking blood by theft disease.
Prana - The subtle energy or life-force, akin to Chi or Mana, which is found within all living things. Prana is a Hindu term, strongly associated with the breath as well as life.
Prospectus - A scroll, which sets the traditions, organization, philosophy and creed of a household, court, guild or council. A prospectus is usually presented to a pledging member.
Psi - A general term for the life-energy which is found within and throughout all living things. Also called prana, chi, pranic energy, psychic energy, etc. The life-force that surrounds and is contained in living things. This is the life-force that energy and psychic vampires feed upon. This energy is also contained in the blood and is believed by some to be an integral part of the transfer which occurs between a donor and a sanguinarian.
Psychic Attack - Any type of unwelcome paranormal or ethereal intrusion intended to cause harm or disruption to the recipient. Psychic vampire attacks are considered a form of psychic attack, especially when forced upon an unwilling victim
Psychic Ener gy - Chi, life force, prana
Psychic Vampyre Attack - An uninvited and unwelcome draining of one's vital energy, or chi or pranic energy. A psychic vampire attack occurs when a psi-vamp ri e targets someone and feeds or attempts to feed. This can be done from casual contact, from across a room, or even through dreams. These attacks are not always just for draining; they can also be an attack on the mind itself, causing the target to hear, see, and feel things. Attacks of this nature can range from mild to very severe, sometimes leaving the victim despondent or even physically sick from being drained so. It's debated whether one can become a psychic vampire from repeated severe psi-vampire attacks. In general, though, this seems only to produce a condition known as sympathetic vampirism.
Psychic Vampvre - Someone who "drains" life-energy (prana, chi, life-force, whatever) rather than blood from others. Psi-vampires may or may not consume blood as a means of extracting pranic energy. Though the two terms refer to the same being, they do so with different meanings in mind. Some insist on calling psychic vampires "psi-vampires", and insist that "psychic vampire" is incorrect, and then proceed to "prove it" by splitting etymological hairs. I disagree. There is a distinction which needs to be made between the two terms. "Psychic vampires" are called such because they feed psychically, as opposed to physically. However, it could be argued that psi is the auric or life-energy where as "psychic" is actually now thought to be shared thoughtwaves from a collective consciousness. So "psi-vampire" refers to what they feed upon, whereas "psychic vampire" refers to how they feed. Not infrequently, psi-vamps may also experience the Thirst in varying degrees of intensity, and in fact, there are many similarities in condition between the psi-vamps and the sanguinarians, with the main difference being, so far as I can see, the psi-vamps ' need to drain pranic energy, and ability to do so. A psychic vampire, in psychiatric terms, is someone who drains emotional energy without giving anything back, and can make the other person very tired, depressed, emotionally unbalanced, or worse, if too much is drained; an emotional vampire. Katharine Ramsland discusses this in depth in her book, Piercing the Darkness, (Harper Prism, 1998), pp. 190-196, referred to as "covert vampire"
Psychological Vampyrism - These individuals often have a histrionic or narcissistic personality disorder and they are constantly drawing attention to themselves. They usually create dramatic situations and then demand emotional support from those around them. These individuals are emotional vampires. There is nothing metaphysical or spiritual in their condition, it is a simple psychological disorder. Yet it leaves the victims of these clingy, whiny people emotionally and mentally drained after dealing with them. These individuals are not to be confused with psychic, psi or energy vampires.
Puppy - A somewhat derogatory term for one who has developed an undue fascination, obsession or bond with a vampire and follows him or her around, trying to gain the vampire's attention or approval, and fawning over him or her, in a manner not unlike a puppy dog follows his or her master around.
Ramkht (rahm-kut) - Within the vampyric caste system it is the formal term for the community organizers, catalysts and ritual leaders. It is their responsibility to lead, teach, remember, and guide the community with as much wisdom as they are able to command. With the Kitra and the Mradu, they are the most unstable of the triad, they rely on the Kitra to care for them and the Mradu to keep them safe
RAVASSBHAVATAN (rah'vas bah'vah'th'ahn) - A ritualized name for someone cast out of a particular
household or the entire community in general. Also called the Sin Nomine (Latin for "without name") or Excommunicated, Ravass Bhavatan are the nameless, whose name, status, and social acceptance within the community has been formally stripped away. One is not made Sin Nomine lightly, usually the ordeal occurs before the entire community to which the Ravass previously belonged. The name is not only stripped from them, but it is also stricken from any of the community's records and never to be uttered by members of the community again. This is the greatest punishment that can be meted out to someone in the community. Once someone has merited this, the word is spread through the whole vampyre network, and the Ravass Bhavatan are not allowed to associate with the scene in any city. The actions that inspire such a rite of ostricization are indeed severe, and usually include a complete disregard for The Black Veil and other people's safety. See also The Black Veil, Excommunicated, or Sin Nomine.
Real Vampvre - An individual that truly feeds upon blood or prana. A real vampyre has a particular condition, which includes but is not limited to the following characteristics: a real need for blood or life energy, heightened sensitivities, light sensitivity and who are nocturnal. The need for blood or life energy is not expressed as strictly erotic urge and often is sated outside of sexual situations. Related terms "Pranic Vampyre", "Sanguine Vampyre". The heightened sesitivities are believed by many to include a number of psychic abilities such as empathy, astral projection, clairvoyance, and subtle energy abilities. Although they are not in danger of bursting into flames at the touch of sunlight, many report that they burn very easily and tend to suffer sunstroke and heat stroke. Longivity has not been incontrovertibly proven, although many vampyres maintain a youthful twenty-something-look well into their thirties. Note! Real vampyres do not shape shift into bats or other small furry animals. They cannot fly or rise from the dead (without perhaps the help of a defibrillator!), they do not possess phenomenally super-human strength or speed, and they are in no way physically undead or immortal.
Real Vampvre/vampire - Someone who has a condition which includes but is not limited to a physical thirst or driving need for blood (which is non-erotic in nature; and in more significant quantity than is generally required or desired by other blood-drinkers, such as blood fetishists) or psi energy; increased physical and/or psychic sensitivities; sensitivity to light or sunlight and a nocturnal circadian rhythm; amplification and/or alteration of emotional states and feelings, etc.; and perhaps the (unsubstantiated*) potential for an indefinitely extended lifespan (which is not to be confused with "immortality"), although many vamp ri es do maintain a youthful twenty-something look well into their thirties or even forties. It does NOT include the abilities to change shape, fly, command others' wills, heal instantaneously, accomplish superhuman feats of strength or speed, etc. *Some vampires believe the condition does include the potential for an indefmitely long lifespan, but this belief has not been incontrovertibly proven, to the best of my knowledge.
Renegade - 1.) A vampire/blood-drinker's former source who parts company on hostile terms and causes trouble; 2.) A vampire who can't handle things and becomes violent and/or irresponsible, posing a threat to both him/herself and others
Renfield's Syndrome - "Some attention has been given to a condition named 'Renfield's Syndrome' in psychological literature, based on the fly-eating character Renfield Bram Stoker's Dracula. Renfield's Syndrome is described as having four stages: a trauma or 'critical incident' in childhood in which the patient discovers that the taste and sight of blood is 'exciting' or attractive; 'autovampirism', the drinking of one's own blood (autohemophagia); 'zoophagia', or the consumption of blood from animals; and fmally 'true vampirism', in which the patient must have human blood, and may resort to stealing blood from medical facilities, or serial
murder." -- Vyrdolak. (Apologies to Vyrdolak, whose site is the only site I could find with any information regarding this.) So far as I know, this is not an officially recognized mental disorder.
Ritual - Is a magickal working or ceremony, which is aimed at achieving a specific goal. Vampyric magickal traditions such as Sangomancy or Vampyrecrafte have various rituals which range in form and nature according to the tradition from which they derive. *See also Sangomancy, Vampyrecrafte. Road - A term for the different paths of Kitra, Ramkht and Mradu. Rogue - A vampire or blood-drinker's former donor or source who parts company on hostile terms and causes trouble; 2.) A vampire who can't handle things and becomes violent and/or irresponsible, posing a danger and threat to both him or herself and others.
Role Player - 1.) Someone who engages in role playing games (RPGs). 2.) This is often used as a derogatory term for those who play Vampire: The Masquerade or similar vampire RPGs and/or who pretend to be a vampire in their free time when they are not. RPGers are also associated with posers and other fakes who dress the part and pretend to be something they are not. Related terms "Wannabe", "Poser".
Ronin - A vampyre who is not a member of a coven or household. In the Japanese feudal system, ronin were Samurai who lacked allegiance to a particular house, but who were nonetheless honorable and skilled as samurai.
Rosette - Mark left behind when a vampyre feeds. Rosettes are often small and round in shape and range from red to purplish in color. They look somewhat like hickies, but are usually lighter in color and more consistent in shape. The rosettes left by blood vampyres will typically have the small cut made in the donor's skin located somewhere in their center. Energy and Psi-Vamps sometimes leave these marks behind as well, although there is no obvious cut located within the mark. Safari - A form of play hunting when a vampyre or coven of vampyres goes out to find donors but does not bring them home; maybe a little nibbling, but never feeding. This was used in the late 1970s to teach fledglings how to hunt in discos.
Sangomancy - A form of vampyrecrafte, or vampiric magick, which specifically involves the use of blood in the rituals. Sanguinary - Someone who has a physical thirst, need, craving for blood (which is non-erotic in nature) in more significant quantity than is generally required or desired by other blood-drinkers. Sanguinarians (a word from the Latin root "sanguinarius", meaning "bloodthirsty") apparently do not get the benefits from pranic energy, or else they are unable to feed psychically like psi and energy vampires, for whom blood and pranic energy are apparently interchangeable
Sanguine - A Vampyre that feeds on blood; a better term for blood drinker. In old tongue Sanguine refers to someone "of the blood". Sanguines have a physical thirst, need, or craving for blood. This need is generally non-erotic in nature and distinguishable by the greater quantity required from the minimal amount consumed by blood fetishist. Many Energy Vampyres are able to sustain themselves on pranic energy or chi alone, while
Sanguines need to combine this with actual, physical blood seems to be the only real factor, which distinguishes sanguine vampyres from pranic vampyres, as both experience the throes of hunger. Most serious Sanguines are not public about their practices and only practice such activities within committed monogamous relationships, primarily due to the high risk of infection and contracting blood born diseases. Sanguivore (Written by LadyBlak) - "A term that I am seeing more frequently, used to define sanguinarians, but which I feel is inaccurate, as sanguinarians do consume more than just blood. I would strongly recommend using the term to refer to those who consume only blood, and nothing else, as their main source of sustenance. I have not encountered any tangible proof that such individuals do exist, and I feel that this is highly unlikely."
Seeker - Someone who is seeking after vampires, or knowledge of vampires, usually desiring to become one him/herself. Unlike a wannabe, the seeker has a more thoughtful approach to vampirism and is willing to learn all he or she can about the condition before jumping head-first into it.
Setian - A belief within the vampyre community that links vampirism back to the Egyptian God Set. Egyptologists have recently suggested that Set is just a deification of an Egyptian high priest from very early times, and that the rivalry between Set and Osiris represents a rivalry between competing temples. In the Setians' view, Set was a high priest of a temple who developed a ritual of death and rebirth that allowed the ' soul to achieve immortality. The Setians believe that the rites described in the Egyptian Book of the Dead are only improperly recollected versions of this ritual. Set chose 72 associates to undergo this ritual with him and to travel eternity as undying sp ri its, which were eternally renewed. The vampyric condition was a side effect of this ritual. The Setians believe then that vampirism is a spiritual condition, and it represents immortality in as much as the soul is immortal and capable of recollecting itself throughout every rebirth. Setians feed primarily upon life energy and generally abstain from the physical drinking of blood.
Sexual Vampyrism - A form of psi-vampirism where feeding is done primarily from sexual energy, or energy generated during sexual activity, with or without the exchange of blood. The feeding can be done intentionally or unconsciously / unintentionally. A common term for female vampires who feed exclusively through sex is "Succubus", a word which originally denoted a Mediaeval demon which was believed to visit the dreams of men and tempt them into sexual misconduct; the male version of the word, although not as widespread, is "Incubus". Sigil - The identifying symbol of a house, haven, or individual. The sigil often has ritual or symbolic significance for the members of the household and is like a "coat of arms". For example, the Sanguinarium Ankh represents members of the Sanguinarium. Sin Nomine (sin no'mee-ne') - Latin for "without name". The Sin Nomine is an individual who having once been part of the vampyre community is now stripped of their name and recognition within the scene for severe violation of The Black Veil. See also Excommunicated
Sire - A term used for a mentor or adra who has trained a fledgling in the ways of the community. Although this term predates the Vampire: the Masquerade to mean father or progenitor, it was used by them to infer sponsor and mentor, having now become so widespread that it has become integrated into the common parlance of the scene. See also Adra
Slaver - A loud-mouthed dumbass that makes public and obnoxious claims of killing people who are (or who the slayer thinks are) vampires. Just like hit-men for the mafia, those who may be real vampire hunters or
slayers are NOT going to publically announce what they do, as that's a surefire way to the Big House, or the Happy Hotel. At any rate, they'll get investigated. If they are posers, then they will continue to remain free and flap their lips a lot; if they are real, then the Law will deal with them accordingly. Whatever the case may be, Sanguinarius urges you to report these individuals to the proper authorities. Maybe being investigated will put a reality check in their miserable lives and cause them to tone down theft racist shitspeak. (See also, "hunter") Whether they are harming or killing people, or desecrating graves and corpses, or conducting illegal interstate commerce (ex., a site on the net, offering vampire hunting or slaying services in exchange for money or goods) -- even if they have had no takers!, -- they are doing or offering to do illegal things, and should be reported. I believe conducting illegal interstate commerce is a felony--? It's one thing to be a fan of Huffy, or Blade, or Jack Crow, or whoever, and ifs one thing to have a ROLEPLAYING persona of a vampire hunter, but if that's the case, then those who do need to put some sort of indication that this is the case!
Solitary - A vampyre without a household. See also Ronin
Somnusium - Putting one's nightside to rest or taking a break from the scene and Sanguinarium. Usually those who go into Somnusium try to suppress their vampyric tendencies in favor of leading a more "normal" lifestyle Source - Someone from whom a vampire will get blood. This is a neutral term that I prefer to use; I feel that it's more accurate than "donor", as the blood's not always a donation. Related terms "Donor" "Vessel", "Swan".
Sponsor - Someone who takes on the responsibility of helping someone get initiated to a household. Their job is to teach them the ways of that particular coven and to make sure they are prepared to be.initiated properly. Related term 'Adra". Starseed Vampires - A tradition or movement within the vampyre community, which asserts the extraterrestrial origins of the vampyre race. According to the Starseeds, three individuals came to our world from elsewhere. These were immensely powerful beings known as the Originals. One of the Originals was male, one was female, and the third was hermaphroditic. It is not clear whether the Originals reproduced sexually or if they "turned" humans in order to increase the ranks of their race. It would seem from conversations with members of this order that they did both, and it is from unions between these original three as well as subsequent unions between the "turned" members of humanity, that all vampyres are descended. In the Starseed philosophy, vampirism is a condition of both body and soul, and once one has been "turned", they continue a vampyric existence through subsequent incarnations. Often, these incarnations are remembered and the vampyric individual looks upon him or herself as immortal in the sense that he or she is aware of this lifetime as well as being aware of lifetimes lived far into the distant past. Starseed vampyres feed mainly upon life energy, although they incorporate the thinking of a small quantity of blood into theft rituals.
Strigoi Vii - Is a term which translates from Romanian to refer to "living vampires" and refers to the teachings, traditions, and philosophies of the Strigoi Vii teachings as part of their life. Succubus - The plural is succubi. A female sexual vampire. See "sexual vampirism". Historically, the term was used to describe a reason for the sexual dreams a person sometimes experiences, and were thought to be caused by a demonic spirit which took the form of a female in order to drain a person of his or her energy and
lead the defenseless person into sexual sin while they slept. Supplier - Someone from whom a vampire will get blood. This is a neutral term; I feel that it's more accurate than "donor", as the blood's not always a donation... Swoon/ The Rapture - The rush of ecstasy experienced by a donor during the feeding process. Often this rush is of a sexual nature, although it also has strong psychological euphoric effects. The vampyre also experiences a similar psycho-sexual rush. This rush can be experienced in explicitly sexual situations but may sometimes be brought about through casual contact between the vampyre and donor. In other systems this is referred to simply as "the Rush"
Sympathic Vampyrism - A condition which sometimes occurs in individuals who have been fed from too frequently. This most often occurs in the donors or sources of energy vampires but can manifest itself among the sources used by sanguinarians as well. In general, the victim's resources become so depleted that they have to resort to vamp ri ism themselves in order to replenish them. In addition to a need to feed, the sufferer of sympathetic vampirism may manifest symptoms commonly associated with real vampirism, such as heightened sensitivities and sensitivity to sunlight. Often, this condition causes some real vampires to mistakenly assume that their donors, -- or the donors thinking that they, themselves, -- have somehow been turned or awakened. But the condition is hardly permanent. This condition may last for a few weeks, although sometimes it can be drawn out for months or years. The best course of action is for the vampire or vampires who feed from the person to stop completely. Without the constant depletion of resources, the person's system should gradually correct itself over time.
Tantra - Hindu/Buddhist philosophy concerned with mysticism, alchemy,magic and the power of sexual or kundalini energy; also known as tantric sex
The Long Night - The name for the festival celebrated on the Winter Solstice. Occurring in mid-December, this night is the longest night of the year, and many households and covens gather together to celebrate this. It is a festival of community where everyone relaxes and socializes. It is also the traditional night to recognize new members of the community or a coven or to perform rites of passage. The Need- The need to feed. When experiencing the Hunger, one is said to be in Need. Very strong feelings of the Hunger are referred to as deep Need
The Nephilim - A rather widespread belief within the vampyric community, which asserts that vampyres are the descendants of the Nephilim. The Nephilim are demi-human beings that were sired by angels, as related in Enoch I, a book that was dropped from the Bible in the early stages of its canonization. Some Nephilists believe that the vampyric condition is genetically traceable to these otherworldly fathers. Others are content to suggest that the Nephilim simply represent a higher kind of being which came down and intermingled with humanity. As far as the beliefs of the second order of Nephilists are concerned, vampyres experience the r i condition because they are more spiritual than most beings, with a higher "vibration" or "frequency" to the r i spirit which somehow bums their bodies out quicker and makes it necessary to feed. Some Nephilists feed upon blood, while many others feed primarily upon life-energy. Most seem to incorporate blood into their magick and ritual.
The scene/ The Vampvric Scene - The "scene" is a general term for the social aspects of the vampire subculture including nightclubs, havens, events, businesses, societies, and even the online part of the
subculture. Many vampires and vampyre lifestylers are a part of the vampiric community, but do not go out and socialize. Most of the current scene revolves around the Sanguinarium.
The Thirst - The craving, need, desire, urge to drink blood, experienced as an intense thirst-sensation and withdrawal-like symptoms. To say the least. This manifests not unlike an addiction, and is very difficult and annoying to have to deal with. Thrall - also known as Kijira, it is a term for slave in the BDSM scene Tradition - A Specific set of values, customs, philosophies, spirituality, outlooks and beliefs. Many Covens. Household or Orders center around one specific tradition; as do the temple of the Vampire, the Kheprian order, the Coven of Sahjaza, and the Vampire Church. Each tradition typically answers the following in it's own unique way: tthe nature and purpose of vampirism; the origin of vampyres; and the goals of the vampyric community.
Turned - Another term for becoming a vampire. Some groups believe that ordinary people can be turned into vampires, but this is most likely a misinterpretation of the awakening process. The method for this turning varies from group to group, but generally involves a rite of blood or energy exchange between the vampire and the person to be turned. If someone appears to have been tamed, he or she was most likely a latent vampire to begin with. Twilight - Twilight: to maintain a consistant balance between the Dayside and the Nightside. Twoofing - An alternate, less blatant, and less cheesy-sounding, term created as an alternative for the phrase "vamping out " . Vamping out - Experiencing an acute flare-up of the thirst. This also involves a change in the person's manner, breathing, pulse rate, thought patterns, etc., as the ri body gears up to go out and attempt to satisfy the thirst. Vampire Aesthetics - The art and style associated with the vampire. This includes figures with long, slender limbs and pale or bone-white skin, androgynous beauty, Victorian or Mediaeval styles and themes, trappings of lace and velvet, funerary decor, and overall dark and melancholy themes. Scenes of crypts, abandoned castles, and shadowy landscapes abound in artwork that appeals to the vampire aesthetic. The work of Gothic artist Joe Vargo of Monolith Graphics, which can be found on the Web at, is an excellent example of this. Vampire Bait - A poser or wannabe who is just screaming for a vampire to come after them. (What they get may be an entirely different situation than what they hope for or expect...)
VampireNampvre - A much-disputed term with many meanings, depending upon whom you're talking to. See also the definitions of'sanguinarian""blood-drinker""blood fetishist""psychic vampire" "Vampyre Lifestyler"and "Vampiric Community"Here, it is used to encompass all of the above-listed groups into a general category. Also, here, it is not used to define any of those as some sort of supernatural or superhuman beings or someone who has returned from the dead (excluding being revived by medical procedures), and so