Portfolio Animation by Neer Mistry mistryneer@gmail.com
01 The Last Sacrifice 3D Animation
02 Learn Analytics 3D Animation
City Shor 2D Animation
The Clean Crab 3D Animation
Palladio Kid’s Tour Info Graphics
Ryu & Ren Character Design
The Last Sacrifice Animated short film A man is hired by a village to hunt down a terrorising demon... but he soon uncovers inscideous plans in motion by the village high priest.
Confronting the demon at the lair entrance!
The moment the demon was defeated and the spirits were set free!
The high priest takes another innocent soul for scacrifice!
The journey into the dark forest!
modeling, rigging & texturing
Neer Mistry & Rohan SM
Lighting & animation
Neer Mistry & Rohan SM
Direction & Lead
Arjun Gupte
The Last Sacrifice
Jigsaw Academy Info-graphic animation A short explainer for Jigsaw Academy to showcase their courses, analytic teachings, online classes and quality education.
Scenes from the Analytics video.
modeling, rigging & texturing Neer Mistry & Venkataram
Lighting & animation
Neer Mistry & Venkataram
Direction & Lead
Arjun Gupte
Jigsaw Academy
City Shor!
Episodic animation A short animated series about the only uncorrupted police officers trying to maintain law and order in their city.
The Shot of the constable inspecting the cargo for illegal items.
City Shor!
sponsored by National Institute of Design
Character Design Neer Mistry
Backgrounds & animation
Neer Mistry
Direction & Guide Ajay Tiwari
The Clean Crab 3D animation
A short animated clip explaining the harmful effects of waste & trash on Marine life and an effective cleaning solution for this problem.
Neer Mistry
sponsored by National Innovation Foundation, India
Palladio Museum Kid’s Tour animation
A short animated clip introducing children and tourists visiting the Palladio museum in Vicenza, Italty to history of Andrea Palladio and Architecture.
Neer Mistry
sponsored by Palladio Museum, Vicenza, Italy
Ryu & Ren
Character and figurine design 3D print ready figurine design and study of characters named Ryu and Ren.
Additional 2D +3D Artworks
contact +16476140802 mistryneer@gmail.com