1 minute read
[1] Lucchesi, Annita, Fisher, Aron, and Gali, Jennifer. “Zuya Wicayuoniha: Honoring Warrior
Women. ” published by Sovereign Bodies Institute.
[2] Lucchesi, Annita, and Abigail Echo-Hawk. n.d.
“Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women & Girls. A Snapshot of Data from 71 Urban Cities in the United States. ” Our Bodies, Our Stories. Seattle, Washington: Urban Indian Health Institute A Division of the Seattle Indian Health Board.
[3] Public Hearing On Draft Env. Impact Statement for Enbridge's Proposed Line 5 Relocation Project. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTljIAY6yJs
[4] Welch, K. (2022, February 18). Missing and murdered. ArcGIS StoryMaps. Retrieved April 17, 2022, from https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/da680b91fbf8413095643172d4e358c9
[5] Waking Women’s Healing Institute. About us. Retrieved April 17, 2022, from https://www.wakingwomenhealingint.org/page-18053
[6] Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Draft Environmental Impact Statement: Proposed Enbridge Line 5 Relocation Project. Vol I: Draft EIS. December 2021.