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Portland, Maine
Medium Toolkit Case Study – Urban Plaza
In a slight departure from the other case studies, which implement the toolkits for a city downtown, this case study is for a unique urban condition. Spanning from Monument Square to Lobsterman Plaza, this portion of Portland’s downtown is reimagined as one continuous plaza. Currently, this portion of downtown is three different plazas, which fails to capitalize on the opportunities that one, more unified space can provide.
The use of rolled curbs and raised crosswalks – what was once the street separating these plazas, is now the connection for pedestrians to feel comfortable navigating through the unified plaza. The addition of a bike place helps delineate between walking space for shoppers and respite areas for people to enjoy their food and beverages. More trees and stormwater retention areas help break up the monotony of brick pavers. Furthermore, the addition of substantive plantings at the edge of Lobsterman Plaza creates a terminus that protects pedestrians from vehicular traffic.
Building upon successful lighting already in place elsewhere downtown, the new string lights and lighting installations create an environment that can be enjoyed at nighttime as well as daytime.