INITIATIVES AND ACHIEVEMENTS In the area of applications development, energies have been focused on critical business areas within Government, such as VAT, Inland Revenue and Customs, Health and Social Security, the Common Database, Vehicle Registration Application (VERA) and Local Government. MITTS Ltd is aiming at concentrating its key resources on its strategic business portfolio and contracting out other resourceconsuming projects under its own project management. The Company has been instrumental in the devolution of systems from Government Departments to Local Councils to render government services more accessible to the public. Last year, development was carried out on the Local Councils Field Services System. This will eventually enable the Local Councils Department to estimate the maintenance needs for each public garden and allocate the necessary funds to the respective Local Council. Using the latest web technology, through the Rent Devolution System, Local Councils are now able to collect rent on behalf of the Lands Department. A Customer Care System was also launched at the Trade Fair as a pilot project, where 750 complaints were registered. These were followed up by the Local Councils, which were connected through the MAGNET to the various corporations, allowing for any complaints to be automatically passed on to the relevant entities and providing a more efficient service to the public. Among the initiatives in the field of Local Councils is the Licence Agency System (LAS), which, when fully developed, is specifically designed to cater for the management of licences from each authority and department through Local Councils. On the health front, software applications included the implementation of the Cardiac Investigation and Patient Records. The aim of this system is to create an electronic record of patients admitted in any of the cardiology clinics at the hospital. With regard to the Patient Administration System (PAS), the Implementation of the File Tracking module enables users to track the location of a patient’s
medical file electronically, while the Outpatients System Implementation provides users with the facility to book patient appointments and record patient attendance registrations electronically. During 2000, the system was implemented in 60 outpatient clinics, St Luke's Hospital, and at the Health Centres of Qormi, Gzira and Rabat. The Accident and Emergency Specifications for the computerisation of the Accident and Emergency Department, as well as the Patient Billing System Specifications were also completed last year. The latter allows for non-Maltese nationals, making use of government health services, to be billed through the PAS. A Drug Control System, used to automate the distribution of the drug control cards to control drug output, has also been added to the list of implemented systems within the Health Division. As regards revenue collection and, more specifically, Social Security Contributions, MITTS Ltd has developed new software modules for the enforcement by the Inland Revenue Department of Social Security Class 2 Contributions. The Provisional Tax System was also upgraded to incorporate Social Security amounts due by payers for each current year. On behalf of the VAT Department, MITTS Ltd worked at enhancing the VAT core system, implementing no less than six new applications. Two studies, aimed at providing enhanced information to the client, were also carried out. The Law Courts computerisation process continued with the introduction of the new Magistrate Criminal Case Management System. Utilising the latest technology and interfaces with the Common Database and e-mail, the following applications were developed: The Police Report Application; the Magisterial Inquiry Application; the Primary Investigation Application; and the Magistrates Duty Roster Application. Two additional applications were developed as an integral part of the core system to provide facilities to enter and