December 2015 Mitcham Community News

Page 1


Carols by the Creek 6 December 2015 Soldiers Memorial Gardens Belair Road, Hawthorn 5 pm to 6.30 pm BBQ Community Choirs Free Face Painting Camel and Pony Rides 6.45 pm to 9 pm Community Carols Featuring: The Flaming Sambucas Christmas Pageant Royal Family Brian Gilbertson MITCHAM COMMUNITY NEWS DECEMBER 2015 Also in this issue

The Bushfire Season for the Mount Lofty Fire Ban District begins on 17 November 2015. Are you Bushfire Ready? Page 6-7

This summer get outside and explore nature by visiting one of the many trails located in Mitcham’s bushland reserves. Page 14

Celebrate Australia Day on Tuesday 26 January 2016 at Carrick Hill, Carrick Hill Drive, Springfield. Page 16


Councils Finalise Flood Plan for Brown Hill Keswick Creek


Christmas Hours for Mitcham Council Services


Fire Safety Refuges


Are you Prepared for the Heat this Summer

10 Community Calendar 11 How would you spend the City of Mitcham's 2016/2017 budget? 12 Your Elected Members 14 Are we Recycling Right?


mitcham community news

December 2015

December 2015 Publication Details Mitcham Community News is published bi-monthly by and for the City of Mitcham. Editorial Communications Department, City of Mitcham Design + Production Sarah Bennett Design Reprographics + Printing Graphic Print Group Paperstock Printed on paper made in Australia from elemental chlorine free pulp derived from sustainable plantation forests. Distribution Salmat Mediaforce and Australia Post Delivered to 29,850 homes, PO boxes and businesses within the Mitcham Council area. Advertising KRL Media Services Telephone: 8231 5433 PO Box 131 Unley, SA 5061 Contributing Articles Community groups and organisations submitting items for the February 2016 issue of this publication should ensure they reach Business Partner Communication and Marketing Julie Lamond no later than Friday 9 January 2016. Telephone: 8372 8871 or email Good quality colour/high resolution colour photographs/image files can be submitted although publication will depend on space availability.

Councils Finalise Flood Plan for Brown Hill Keswick Creek The Cities of Mitcham, Unley, Adelaide, Burnside and West Torrens have agreed to a major stormwater management plan to mitigate flood risks within the Brown Hill Keswick Creek catchment.

Listen to the Mitcham Community News

The plan is designed to improve the standard of flood protection for more than 2,000 homes across the catchment, and has been developed by the Brown Hill Keswick Stormwater Project, which is a collaboration between Mitcham, Unley, Adelaide, Burnside and West Torrens councils.

Audio copies of the Mitcham Community News are available on compact disc at both Mitcham and Blackwood Libraries, on Council’s website or by arrangement from the Community Information Service.

The plan, which can now be finalised for the Stormwater Management Authority’s approval following unanimous agreement reached in September between the five catchment councils, includes two key sections:


Telephone: 8372 8812. Council Meetings The Development Assessment Panel meets on the first Thursday of the month at 6.30 pm. Full Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 pm. Council Civic Centre Open weekdays 9 am to 5 pm. 131 Belair Road, Torrens Park or PO Box 21, Mitcham Shopping Centre, Torrens Park, South Australia 5062 Telephone: 8372 8888 The views and opinions expressed in articles and advertisements submitted by contributors, other than the City of Mitcham, do not necessarily reflect the views of the Council as a body, nor as individual members. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy in published articles submitted by contributors other than Council, no responsibility is accepted for any errors that they may contain.

Part A works, which comprise about 80% of the program, to mitigate flooding risks generated from the mainly urban sub-catchments of lower Brown Hill Creek and Keswick, Glen Osmond and Parklands Creeks; and Part B works, which comprise the remaining 20% of the program, to mitigate flooding risks in upper Brown Hill Creek. The Part B works were the subject of an extensive community consultation process earlier this year. The six-week consultation process focused on the project’s Part B Report, released in September 2014, which comprised eight flood mitigation options to consider for upper Brown Hill Creek. All eight options involved, to varying extents, increasing the capacity of upper Brown Hill Creek in critical sections by widening the creek bed and/or modifying creek banks, as well as creek rehabilitation works to assist high stormwater flows and to reduce the risk of flooding by selectively removing invasive vegetation and other obstructions. The results of the consultation process – which was undertaken in May and June 2015 – indicated

that 85% of respondents supported the project’s preferred Option D for proposed stormwater management works. The five catchment councils subsequently backed Option D as well. Option D includes upgrading the capacity of upper Brown Hill Creek at key sections, as well as upgrading specific choke points such as bridges. It has been identified as the preferred option as it is the most cost effective way of achieving the necessary flood mitigation, and does not require the construction of a dam in upper Brown Hill Creek or high flow bypass culverts through suburban streets – one or both of which would have been required in the other options presented in the Part B Report. The stormwater management plan is currently being finalised for approval by the Stormwater Management Authority. Full implementation of the plan is subject to approval from the Stormwater Management Authority and funding assistance from the State and potentially Federal Governments. Part A works along lower Brown Hill Creek will be completed over a number of years before Part B works are carried out along upper Brown Hill Creek. The project, including the five catchment councils, looks forward to working with the State Government and the Stormwater Management Authority to progress the implementation of these critical flood mitigation works.

For more information about the Brown Hill Keswick Creek Stormwater Project, visit or

mitcham community news

December 2015


2015 City of Mitcham Carols by the Creek Council and local Churches are delighted to present one of the highlights of the Mitcham calendar, the annual City of Mitcham Christmas Carols by the Creek.

The City of Mitcham would like to thank Silver Sponsors

Sunday 6 December

Bronze Sponsors Celebrate Christmas at this joyful free family event with lots of singing and family entertainment. A delicious feast awaits you with a sausage sizzle by Mitcham Lions and pancakes, tea and coffee by Centennial Park Sea Scouts available for purchase as well other stalls to keep you entertained. The kids will love the free face painting and the popular camel and pony rides. The ever popular Christmas Pageant Royal Family will be joining us to perform at Carols by the Creek this year. The Royals can’t wait to sing and dance with the children of Mitcham and spread the Christmas cheer. Channel 9 presenter Will McDonald will compere the carols which feature some of Adelaide’s most popular stars including International Tenor Brian Gilbertson, Flaming Sambucas and our own Mitcham City Band. Local talent will also join in as well as the Australian Girls Choir and the Scotch Pipes and Drums.

5 pm to 6.30 pm BBQ, food stalls, community choirs and free face painting, camel and pony rides 6.45 pm to 9 pm Community Carols Soldiers Memorial Gardens Belair Road, Hawthorn Community and school choirs will begin the entertainment at 5.30 pm and community singing will commence at 6.45 pm. There will be plenty of carol singing during the evening, with candles and songbooks available for purchase on the night from parishioners of local churches with proceeds going to local chaplaincy programs. Performers drawn from local churches and schools will again stage a nativity scene, complete with live animals.


mitcham community news

December 2015

Christmas Hours for Mitcham Council Services Council Civic Centre

Council Depot

Mitcham Cultural Village

Normal opening hours 9 am to 5 pm weekdays

Normal opening hours 8 am to 4 pm weekdays.

Friday 18 December

Friday 18 December

Friday 25 December Christmas Day


Friday 25 December Christmas Day


Monday 28 December Proclamation Day Public Holiday


Monday 28 December Proclamation Day Public Holiday


Tuesday 29 December


Tuesday 29 December


The Mitcham Village Institute, the Mitcham Cultural Village Community Shed and the Mitcham Heritage Research Centre will be closed from 3.30 pm on Wednesday 23 December to Sunday 3 January 2016 inclusive. The Mitcham Cultural Village Institute, Mitcham Cultural Village Community Shed and the Mitcham Heritage Research Centre will reopen on Monday 4 January 2016.

Wednesday 30 December


Wednesday 30 December


Thursday 31 December


Thursday 31 December


Community Centres

Friday 1 January 2016 New Year’s Day


Friday 1 January 2016 New Year’s Day


9 am to 12.30 pm

Thursday 24 December Christmas Eve

9 am to 3 pm

Normal opening hours resume on Monday 4 January 2016.

8 am to 12.30 pm

Thursday 24 December Christmas Eve

8 am to 3 pm

Normal opening hours resume on Monday 4 January 2014.

Council will respond to emergencies throughout the Christmas and New Year period. Call the Customer Service Centre on 8372 8888 for more information.

The Mitcham Community Centre, the Blackwood Community Centre, the Cumberland Park Community Centre and the Hawthorn Community Centre will be closed from 3.30 pm on Wednesday 23 December until Sunday 3 January 2016. The Community Centres will reopen on Monday 4 January 2016.

Community Bus The Community Bus service will not operate from 4 pm on Friday 18 December until Sunday 3 January 2016 inclusive. Services will resume on Monday 4 January 2016.

Council Emergency after hour’s phone number is 7111 3588.

Council’s Immunisation Service Clinics No evening Immunisation Clinic will be held on Wednesday 16 December 2015 at the Mitcham Community Centre and no evening clinic will be held on Wednesday 6 January 2016 at the Blackwood Community Centre.

Merry Christmas to Our Volunteers The Mayor, Elected Members and Staff would like to thank our dedicated volunteers for their work on Council programs through the year and wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and health and happiness for the New Year. Council has over 350 dedicated volunteers who work tirelessly to assist Council to provide a range of services for our community including: Driving and helping on our community buses

Immunisation Service Clinics will be held on:

Driving residents to social or wellbeing appointments

Wednesday 16 December 2015 at the Blackwood Community Centre from 11.30 am to 12.30 pm.

Providing a Justice of the Peace service

Wednesday 6 January 2016 at the Mitcham Community Centre from 11.30 am to 1 pm. Full details about Council’s public immunisation clinics at Mitcham and Blackwood can be obtained from or by contacting the Environmental Health Unit on 8372 8816.

Assisting in our Libraries and Toy Libraries Selecting and delivering library material to housebound residents Building and maintaining trails Caring for our gardens, open space reserves and wetlands

Removing graffiti Researching and collating historical records Assisting at the Heritage Research Centre Providing information to the public Deliver programs at the Mitcham Cultural Village Sharing skills within a learning environment in the Community Shed Reading the Mitcham Community News onto audio tape for visually impaired residents Providing transport, support and friendship in our social programs and Community Connections Assisting staff in community events

Leading walking and keep fit groups If you would like to become a Council Volunteer and help in your community phone Lynne on 8372 8860.

mitcham community news

December 2015


On behalf of the Mayor, Elected Members and staff of the City of Mitcham, we wish you all the joys of the Festive Season and our very best wishes for a Happy New Year. We look forward to being of continued service to our local residents, businesses and community groups in 2016.

Christmas Hours for Mitcham Council Services Domestic Waste Collections Christmas/New Year Christmas Day Rubbish due for collection on Christmas Day will be collected one day later as follows: Friday 25 December will be collected on Saturday 26 December. New Year’s Day 2016 Rubbish due for collection on New Year's Day will be collected one day later as follows:

Mitcham Library Friday 18 December

Blackwood Library 10 am to 12.30 pm

Saturday 19 December

10 am to 4 pm

10 am to 12.30 pm

Saturday 19 December

10 am to 4 pm

Sunday 20 December

2 pm to 5 pm

Sunday 20 December

2 pm to 5 pm

Monday 21 December

10 am to 5.30 pm

Monday 21 December

10 am to 5.30 pm

Tuesday 22 December

10 am to 5.30 pm

Wednesday 23 December Thursday 24 December Christmas Eve

Tuesday 22 December

10 am to 5.30 pm

10 am to 8 pm

Wednesday 23 December

10 am to 5.30 pm

10 am to 3 pm

Thursday 24 December Christmas Eve

10 am to 3 pm

Friday 25 December Christmas Day


Friday 25 December Christmas Day


Saturday 26 December


Saturday 26 December


Sunday 27 December


Sunday 27 December



Monday 28 December Proclamation Day Public Holiday


Tuesday 29 December


Wednesday 30 December


Thursday 31 December


Friday 1 January 2016 New Year’s Day


Saturday 2 January 2016


Sunday 3 January 2016


Friday 1 January will be collected on Saturday 2 January.

Monday 28 December Proclamation Day Public Holiday

Lynton Green Organics Dropoff Facility

Tuesday 29 December

The Lynton Green Organics Drop-off Facility will be closed from Sunday 20 December to Friday 15 January 2016. The facility will reopen on Saturday 16 January 2016.

Friday 18 December

10 am to 5.30 pm

Wednesday 30 December Thursday 31 December

10 am to 8 pm 10 am to 5.30 pm

Friday 1 January 2016 New Year’s Day


Normal opening hours resume on Saturday 2 January 2016.

Normal opening hours resume on Monday 4 January 2016.

To contact the Mitcham Library call on 8372 8244 or Blackwood Library on 8372 8255. Library items can be returned at both libraries via the after-hours returns chutes. When the return chute is full it will automatically close. Please do not leave items outside the libraries if the chutes are closed. Preschool story time will take a longer break from 4 December to 25 January 2016.

Mitcham Toy Library

Blackwood Toy Library

Will be closed from 5 pm on Wednesday 23 December until Tuesday 5 January 2016 inclusive. The Mitcham Toy Library will reopen on Wednesday 6 January 2016.

Will be closed from 11.45 am on Wednesday 23 December until Monday 4 January 2016 inclusive. The Blackwood Toy Library will reopen on Tuesday 5 January 2016.

No toys will be due for return during the closure period. You can contact the Mitcham Toy Library on 8274 1351 or the Blackwood Toy Library on 8278 6779.


mitcham community news

December 2015

Are you Bushfire Ready?

The Bushfire Season for the Mount Lofty Fire Ban District begins on 17 November 2015. Are you Bushfire Ready?

BUSHFIRE READY July August September October

BUSHFIRE PREVENTION STARTS NOW Prepare fire breaks. Remove dead branches, fallen leaves and undergrowth. Prune lower tree limbs. Cut long grass within 20 metres of a residential dwelling while on slopes a fuel-reduced zone of 30 metres to 40 metres is recommended. On properties over half a hectare, prepare and maintain a five metre fuel break around fence lines, buildings and equipment sheds. Move bark, heavy mulch, woodpiles and other flammable materials away from the home and other buildings.


COUNCIL INSPECTION OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES Hazard reduction notices sent to land owners. Check all equipment. Prepare and review Bushfire Emergency Plans. Fire Danger Season begins 17 November 2015.

December January February March April

FIRE DANGER SEASON 17 November 2015 to 30 April 2016 Maintain fuel reduction practices throughout summer. Check all equipment. Monitor fire restrictions. Keep flammable materials clear of buildings. Rehearse your bushfire survival plan. Remember permits are required to light fires during the Fire Danger Season.

May June

REVIEW YOUR PLAN Review annual clean up program. Remove undergrowth and dead vegetation.

Bushfire prevention is a year round responsibility and necessity. It is far more than a weekend cleanup just prior to the bushfire season. The best time to fight a bushfire is when there is no bushfire around because the best way of protecting your home, property and family from the dangers of bushfires is preparation.

It is essential to prepare your home to withstand a bushfire. If you ignore the need for fuel reduction prior to and during the Fire Danger Season, you may endanger both your own property and the lives and property of your neighbours.


mitcham community news

December 2015


Think Before You Park in the Hills


Take care when you park your vehicle on a narrow road in the hills.


The parking of cars in many hills’ streets may potentially create serious problems for the local CFS. If access to a fire track or a nearby fire is blocked by cars parked on the side of the road, lives and homes could be put at risk. It is a legal requirement under the Australian Road Rules that a road clearance of at least three metres is provided alongside parked vehicles to enable other vehicles to pass.


So be aware when you park your vehicle on the road make sure that you allow at least three metres clearance. You may save a life!


Hills Community Can Take Refuge this Summer! Are you looking for somewhere to go on a Catastrophic or Extreme Fire Risk Day? While many families who live in the fire risk area visit friends, go shopping or to the movies during a Catastrophic or Extreme Fire Risk Day, for those that can’t there is now a fire safety refuge available. The Fire Safety Refuge Group supported by the Blackwood/Belair and District Community Association and the City of Mitcham are inviting you to spend the day at a community centre on the plains during a Catastrophic or Extreme Fire Risk Day. What you need to do! To receive details of which community centre will be open as a fire safety refuge residents can: Pre-register by calling 8278 2150 or 8278 5130 or email

Residents will receive an email providing details of which community centre will be available on the Catastrophic or Extreme Fire Risk Day. This email will be sent during the evening before every Catastrophic or Extreme Fire Risk Day (except 25 December Christmas Day) Or Phone the City of Mitcham on 8372 8888 (any time after 6 pm) or visit A recorded message will indicate which Council community centre will be operating as a fire safety refuge. The community centre will be open as a fire safety refuge from 8 am until 8 pm (unless otherwise notified). Tea, coffee and water

will be available. The community centres are located close to shopping centres. Magazines, books, board games and cards will be available or those attending may wish to bring their own activity. Don’t forget you can also visit the Mitcham Library, which is fully air conditioned and offers books, CDs, audio books, videos, DVDs and magazines for loan. Personal computers with access to the Internet are available for public use, with specialist databases, multi-media CDROMS, word processing facilities and other MS Office applications. Everyone is welcome, even first timers! For more information call 8278 2150 or 8278 5130.


mitcham community news

December 2015

Council's Services on Catastrophic and Extreme Fire Risk Days Council services will be restricted in the Mitcham Council's high fire risk area during a declared fire danger rating of Catastrophic or Extreme Fire Danger Warning for the Mount Lofty Ranges District.






Services that will be affected are:


Library Services




To ensure the safety of staff and volunteers in response to the changes to the national fire danger warning system in the event of a Catastrophic and Extreme Fire Danger Warning services will be restricted in the high fire risk area (Mount Lofty Ranges).









Animal Management and Other General Compliance Attendance by Council concerning routine matters that have been reported will not occur. However, all matters should continue to be reported.

Community Bus and Personal Transport The Community Bus and Personal Transport services will not operate. These services will resume as soon as the fire danger rating is downgraded.

Home Maintenance and Social Programs Home Maintenance and Social Programs will not operate. These services will resume as soon as the fire danger rating is downgraded.








Waste Collection

If there are a number of Extreme or Catastrophic fire danger rating days forecast, or running one after the other, Council will assess the lowest risk time to collect waste.




Blackwood Library will be closed. Services will continue to be provided at Mitcham Library. Domestic waste collection service (blue lid bin), green organic bin (green lid) and the recyclables bin (yellow lid) will not occur. Residents should leave their bins out until collected as services will be re-scheduled as soon as appropriate.










Mitcham Council's High Fire Risk Area





Council Facilities Routine maintenance services for Council facilities will be re-scheduled.

Emergencies Emergency situations that require the attendance of Council will be assessed on an individual basis.

Appointments Appointments with Council officers will be rescheduled. Council will contact relevant parties as appropriate, or alternatively contact can be made with the relevant officer to re-schedule the service.

Other Matters All matters requiring the attendance of Council will be attended to as soon as appropriate once the fire danger rating has been downgraded. All matters that can be dealt with over the counter at the Civic Centre or by telephone or internet will occur as per usual. All the above services will continue to operate on days of Extreme and Catastrophic Fire Danger Warnings in those parts of the Council area which are outside the Mount Lofty Ranges Region. Council will continue to monitor the situation in relation to emergencies and/or essential services if the Fire Danger Warning extends over three days. Information and updates will be provided on Council's website and community service announcements.

mitcham community news

December 2015


Are you Prepared for the Heat this Summer? The City of Mitcham and the State Emergency Services are encouraging the community to take care during heatwaves this summer. Whilst many Australians have firsthand Dress For Summer experience of the impact and effects of extreme temperatures, there are many who are not aware that heatwaves can kill. Since the 1900s extreme heat has been responsible for over half of all natural hazard deaths in Australia. It is important that we prepare for heatwaves to ensure that we stay safe and well during these times. Here are some simple steps you can take to survive a heatwave:

Stay Hydrated You should drink two to three litres of water a day even if you don’t feel thirsty. Avoid ‘fizzy’, alcoholic and caffeinated drinks and do not take salt tablets (unless instructed to by a doctor).

Lightweight, light coloured clothing reflects heat and sunlight and helps your body maintain a normal temperature.

Check on those at Risk Visit at-risk individuals such as the sick and elderly at least twice a day and keep an eye on children. Watch for signs of heat-related illness.

Minimise Sun Exposure Keep out of the sun as much as possible. If you must be in the sun, wear a shirt, hat and sunglasses. Also make sure you wear sunscreen to prevent sunburn, which limits the body’s ability to cope with heat.

Prepare your Home Prepare your home early. Service or replace your air conditioner before you need it. Curtains, awnings and blinds can also help to keep the home cool.

Make use of Air Conditioning If you don’t have air conditioning, make use of public facilities such as shopping centres, art galleries, cinemas or other air-conditioned buildings. Portable fans are also useful in drawing in cool air, or exhausting warm air from a room.

Remember Your Pets Pets can be particularly vulnerable to the heat. Make sure they have shade and plenty of cool water to last the day.

Seek Medical Advice If Necessary For medical advice telephone Healthdirect Australia on 1800 022 222. For immediate medical assistance telephone 000.


Community Wellbeing Be independent! Be part of your community.

• • • •

Home maintenance Safety and security Domestic assistance Social and community participation • Personal transport • Community Bus

Funded by the Australian Government Department of Health. Visit Department of Health ( for more information.

Phone 8372 8888


mitcham community news

December 2015

Minnesota State Capitol Woodworkers Toolbox Historical

community groups

christmas activities

community events

Mitcham Community Calendar The South Australian Historical Tool Association

Seniors in Harmony

Gingerbread Houses

Are you interested in old tools and tool collecting? Want to lean more about tools and meet some great people who have the same interest? Come along to the South Australian Historical Tool Association meetings on the third Wednesday of each month at 7 pm at the Colonel Light Gardens RSL, 4 Prince George Parade, Colonel Light Gardens. The next meetings will be on 16 December and 20 January. Call 0437 933 301 or visit

Special Christmas performance on Tuesday December 1 from 1.30 pm to 3.15 pm at the Mitcham Cultural Village. Admission is free. Enjoy afternoon tea.

Tuesday 8 December at Edwardstown Primary School and Tuesday 15 December at Blackwood Hills Baptist Church, 72 Coromandel Parade, Blackwood at 7.30 pm. Cost $22.

Christmas Up-close with Westbourne Park Uniting Church

Unley High School Phoenix Exhibition

Belair Bike Shed Each Wednesday a group of retired men gathers together to refurbish bicycles for disadvantaged people. If you are interested in giving a couple of hours a week and doing a bit for the community (maybe learning new skills or brushing up on old ones) come along. The shed is behind the Belair Uniting Church, just turn up Wednesday morning or contact Mark on 8278 7542 or Frank on 8278 5435. Mitcham Kiwanis Help improve the community we live in by joining the Mitcham Kiwanis who meet on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at the Marion Sports Centre, Sturt Road, Marion. Call 8374 3694. Probus Club of Brownhill Creek – Mitcham If you are a retired male come along to enjoy morning tea, guest speakers, etc on the second Thursday of each month in the Uniting Church hall, 103a Princes Road at 10 am. Call 8357 3238 or visit St Marys Op shop Discover a wide range of men’s, women’s and children’s clothing, general household items and books at the St Marys Op Shop, 1167 South Road, St Marys. Open Monday 11 am to 2.30 pm, Thursday and Friday 10 am to 2.30 pm. Donations welcome. Come and Try the Probus Club of Blackwood If you are a retired or semi-retired man come along on the first Thursday of the month at 9.30 am in the rear hall of the Masonic Lodge, Main Road, Blackwood. Enjoy guest speakers, lunches, outings and meeting new people. On the fourth Thursday come along and play golf. Write to PO Box 504, Blackwood 5051 or call 8278 8485.

Children and families can explore the Christmas story on Saturday 12 December from 5 pm to 7.30 pm at 27 Sussex Terrace, Hawthorn. Discover the original story and get a feel of what Christmas might have been like while making craft and enjoying some food. Blackwood Hills Baptist Church Carols Christmas Eve Celebrate Christmas on Thursday 24 December at Hewett Oval, Coromandel Parade, Blackwood. Enjoy free Camel rides, live Nativity, sausage sizzle, bouncy castle and lots more from 6 pm to 8 pm. Carol singing, choir and a puppet show especially for the children from 8 pm to 9.15 pm. Be early and bring a rug. Messy Christmas @ Westbourne Park Uniting Church Celebrate Christmas on Saturday 12 December from 5 pm to 7.30 pm at Westbourne Park Uniting Church, 27 Sussex Terrace, Hawthorn. $7 per family. Call 8271 7066 or visit Village Church Carols Edwardstown Primary School Oval, Saturday 12 December. Entertainment and food from 6.30 pm, carols from 8 pm to 9.15 pm. Blackwood Pageant Enjoy the fun of Christmas at the Blackwood Pageant on Friday 4 December at 6.30 pm. The pageant will start from the corner of Main Road and Gulfview Road, from 6.30 pm and travel along Main Road to Waite Street Reserve. After, enjoy the Pageant Fair on Waite Street Reserve where the Pageant floats finish their journey with a variety of stalls and entertainment from 7 pm to 9 pm. City of Mitcham Carols by the Creek Celebrate Christmas on Sunday 6 December at the Soldiers Memorial Gardens, Belair Road, Hawthorn. 5 pm to 6.30 pm BBQ, food stalls, community choirs and free face painting, camel and pony rides. 6.45 pm to 9 pm Community Carols. Christmas Services Blackwood Hills Baptist Church, 9.30 am Christmas Day Village Church, 9.30 am Christmas Day Westbourne Park Uniting Church, 6 pm Christmas Eve Children’s Service, 11 pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service incl. Communion, 9 am Christmas Day and Sunday Services 27 December 9.15 am (Family), 11 am (Traditional), 6 pm (Youth)

Gallery One from 4 to 11 December, opening night 4 December at 6 pm. Open Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 December from 11 am to 3 pm. Refusee de Artiste Weekend Art Christmas Sale at Gallery One,1 Torrens Street, Mitcham Saturday 12 December from 2 pm to 6 pm and Sunday 13 December from 11 am to 3 pm. Galactic Blast Day Camp January 11 to 15, from 9 am to 3 pm at the Colonel Light Gardens Uniting Church, 560 Goodwood Road, Colonel Light Gardens. Enjoy a week full of fun, entertainment and activities for children from kindy to year 7. Call 0403 159 240 or e-mail Edwardstown Baptist Church Join in a range of social activities for all. If you are over 50 join the Friendship Club on Tuesday at 10 am, cost $2. Fancy yourself as crafty come along to Café Craft on Thursday at 9.30 am, cost $3. While young ones can make new friends at the Little Royal Playgroup on Tuesdays at 9.30 am cost $3. Call 8276 1949. Care and Share at Trinity If you are 65 years of age or older come along and enjoy activities, exercise, meals, and games as well as meet new people every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9.30 am to 2.30 pm. Call 8276 1144 or email Strength for Life If you are over 50 come along to Strength for Life classes held daily at the Blackwood Recreation Centre, 1 Northcote Road, Eden Hills and on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at Cumberland Park Community Centre, 390 Goodwood Road, Cumberland Park. Classes are led by qualified fitness professionals who tailor strength and fitness programs that suit individual needs and abilities. Call 8278 8833. West Mitcham Primitive Methodist Cemetery Open Day Enjoy an open day on Saturday 13 December from 2 pm to 4 pm at Belair Road, Torrens Park, just south Blythewood Road. View historical records of all burials of prominent families including Pinnegars, Blythmans, Chaplins, Creeks, Drefkes, Traegars and Staggs. Come and find out if you have an ancestor buried there? Call 8179 5714.

mitcham community news

December 2015

Upcoming Work In Your Street Road Works

Footpath Construction

Kerb and Watertable Works Kerb and Watertable recently completed in:

Roseberry Street, Daw Park

Belmont Street, Lower Mitcham Clovelly Avenue, Clarence Gardens (with Water Sensitive Urban Design Treenet Inlets - passive irrigation for street trees)

Road rehabilitation works completed:

Paving works recently completed:

Seafield Avenue, Kingswood

Belmont Street, Lower Mitcham

Tamar Street, Cumberland Park

Clayton Crescent, Melrose Park

Carlisle Road, Westbourne Park

Clovelly Avenue, Clarence Gardens

Clyde Avenue, Colonel Light Gardens

Walkway (Hawthorndene Reserve to Forest Avenue), Hawthorndene

Denman Terrace, Lower Mitcham

Dinwoodie Avenue, Clarence Gardens

Dunbar Avenue, Lower Mitcham

The Grove, Lower Mitcham Apex Park Reserve, Hawthorndene

Kooringa Street, Eden Hills Moore Street, Pasadena

Harrow Terrace, Kingswood

Beaconsfield Road, Eden Hills

Mead Crescent, Melrose Park

Keys Road, Lower Mitcham

Dudley Avenue, Daw Park

Panorama Drive, Panorama

Martlesham Crescent, Colonel Light Gardens

Hope Street, Daw Park

Walter Street, Melrose Park Wilpena Street, Eden Hills

Mersey Street, Cumberland Park

Wheaton Road, Melrose Park

Penang Avenue, Colonel Light Gardens

Road rehabilitation works planned:

Princes Road, Torrens Park

East Parkway, Colonel Light Gardens

Richmond Avenue, Colonel Light Gardens

Winston Avenue, Clarence Gardens

Richmond Road, Hawthorn

Dunbar Avenue, Lower Mitcham Fullarton Road, Netherby

Paving works underway:

Goodwood Road, Colonel Light Gardens

Grandview Drive, Pasadena


Ayliffes Road, Pasadena

Keys Road, Lower Mitcham Lyall Avenue, Panorama Princes Road, Torrens Park Kerb and Watertable planned: Grandview Avenue, Urrbrae

Light Place, Colonel Light Gardens Lyall Ave, Panorama Manson Oval, Bellevue Heights Rozells Avenue, Colonel Light Gardens Walkway between Trevilyn Court and Coromandel Valley Primary, Coromandel Valley

Pitcairn Avenue, Urrbrae Suffolk Road, Hawthorndene Tafquin Street, Panorama Waite Road, Netherby Winston Avenue, Clarence Gardens

Bus Shelters Installed Gloucester Avenue, Belair Grange Road, Westbourne Park Main Road, Blackwood

Further information about the infrastructure program is available at

Princes Road, Torrens Park Rosella Avenue, Glenalta Winston Avenue, Melrose Park

St Therese Presbytery and Community Garden The St Therese Presbytery in Colonel Light Gardens has recently been renovated by a group of unemployed tradesmen. During construction of the community garden volunteers discovered the presbytery was in need of urgent restoration. To help restore the home to its former glory a work- for-the-dole project was created by Training Prospect and MADEC, a not-forprofit training, employment and youth services. Tradesmen unable to find work have volunteered their time to refurbish the interior of the house, repairing cracks, painting and installing a new kitchen and hot water service. The team has also repaired the fence, upgraded the roofing as well as created garden beds with the aim to turn the Presbytery and garden into a community area. Renovations are expected to be completed early 2016 and members of the community, groups and local schools will be welcome to use the community garden.

How would you spend the City of Mitcham's 2016/2017 budget? Every year Mitcham Council considers how and where it should allocate its limited funding to provide vital services to the community. This year we have developed an online survey to give you the opportunity to inform Council about the services and programs that matter most to you by allocating budget funding across a range of services.

If you want to help inform Council’s spending and revenue priorities for 2016/2017, join us online at and use our online financial tool to show us what’s important to you before 31 December 2015.

The City of Mitcham delivers over 40 million dollars in services and infrastructure every year. Council, through its long term financial and strategic plans, has committed to a number of long-term projects as well as the required statutory and regulatory functions, however there are many areas where you can have input.

Your comments will be presented to Council to assist with informing budget priorities and decisions for the 2016/2017 budget. The City of Mitcham is committed to providing value for money and striking the right balance between meeting service demand and minimising service cost.

Your responses will help the City of Mitcham to meet the changing needs of the community!


mitcham community news

December 2015

Mayor Glenn Spear

Overton Ward Cr John Sanderson

Boorman Ward Cr Adriana Christopoulos

Telephone: 0438 221 762

Telephone: 0402 517 945

Telephone: 0433 999 121

It is nearly twelve months since I was elected Mayor of this wonderful city. As I reflect on the past year I realise how fortunate I am to represent the residents of Mitcham in this important role. Certainly there have been challenges and I have faced a steep learning curve. In many ways Council is similar to running a business, the ‘customers’ are, of course our residents. I am mindful of keeping an eye on expenditure and work closely with senior management to that effect.

Often we do not know how lucky we are in the Mitcham Council area, recently I had a wonderful holiday to the Mediterranean and in Italy there were mounds of household rubbish stacked up to a metre high on the footpaths. In Greece the rubbish was stacked along the country roadside in mounds for a considerable distance. Mitcham Council's waste service is exceptional.

It’s been a busy couple of months and Christmas is almost upon us! Recently we have considered a number of significant matters, one of which was the Brown Hill Keswick Creek Stormwater Project. Most of you are aware that Mitcham Council, together with the other four metropolitan Councils, the Cities of Adelaide, Burnside, Unley and West Torrens have all endorsed option D of the Creek Capacity upgrade. With a wide level of community support for option D from respondents to the community consultation process which was undertaken in May and June of year, option D has the lowest capital cost and the lowest annual maintenance costs and was deemed to be the best outcome. Personally I see this resolution as a fabulous outcome, as it shows unity and consistency with our neighbouring councils on achieving the best possible environmental outcome. Following this resolution, the project Councils will submit the Stormwater Management Plan to the Stormwater Management Authority for approval; however, we are still waiting for both State and Federal Government funding to get this project underway. Councils cannot fund this project without a commitment from both State and Federal Government. Having to declare a conflict of interest on this matter as it was discussed in the chamber was something I found difficult. Working for one of the four other Councils meant that if I was to stay in the chamber and vote on Brown Hill Creek it may have been perceived to be influencing the outcome. I left the debate in the safe hands of my Co Councillor Andrew Tilley who has always been very passionate about this matter and together with my Mitcham colleagues they resolved the best possible outcome. The Planning and Infrastructure Bill As an Elected Member I often receive many complaints and concerns about planning matters in the City of Mitcham. Some residents are incredibly happy with the planning process and others are very disappointed. This begs the question, does South Australia deserve a better planning system? I believe it, however, the reforms being proposed by the State Government in its Planning and Infrastructure Bill look to make many significant changes to development in this State and I am convinced that residents will be left with no say and no alternative. Reforms include the removal of Elected Members from Development Assessment Panels (DAP); currently DAPs have a mix of both elected and independent members. The new proposal will remove Elected Member representation and only independent experts will be making development assessment decisions on behalf the local community. Changes with respect to community engagement will also be reformed , with consultation being required in the early stages of when policy is being developed and not at the 'back end' when individual approvals are being considered – so basically you won’t get much of a say when it comes to individual development matters. All I can say is watch this space! Merry Christmas and I hope that 2016 greets you, your families and our community with much joy and happiness!

I was disappointed to be informed of the government’s decision to approve the Aldi development on the corner of Angas and Belair Roads. Council by strong majority felt that this particular site would not be a suitable location, due mainly to traffic and access problems. Council is a group of elected local people who are expected to reflect community interests and it causes me concern that a body outside of Mitcham totally disregarded the Council’s decision. I have made strong representation to senior Government members expressing our concerns of the proposed South Road interchange plan. It appears residents’ concerns re access and inclusion particularly in and around Bedford Park have not been addressed. We are going to be very pro-active in our attempt to be heard. Support for our elderly citizens is important to me. Tracey and I joined the volunteers on the Community Bus recently to see ‘first hand’ the service at work. Thank you to driver Peter and his assistant Keith, they and other volunteers provide a wonderful service. On behalf of the Council I would like to record a special thanks to the 350 Mitcham volunteers that work so hard for the community in a wide range of areas. I was also invited to spend some time in the call centre at Council and was able to listen to the incoming calls from residents. In some cases there were four or five people taking calls on a wide range of Council related matters. The Customer Service Officers answered all calls quickly and efficiently. My experience with most other organisations, particularly government, is to wait in a ‘hold queue’ for an eternity…Very frustrating. So on refection I love being your Mayor. I am strongly committed to make Mitcham a better place to be. Tracey and I have met many wonderful people at numerous functions in the past year and have been made to feel very welcome. Thank you. I enjoy the challenge of strong debate from an intelligent Council body. I have immensely enjoyed working with the Chief Executive Officer, directors and staff. I am confident that we are all working to the same objective and that we are a strong team. Tracey and I take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe and enjoyable Christmas and all the very best for 2016.

While the buildings have a remarkable history their footpaths are uneven and full of potholes. Our streets and footpaths are in great condition. We can never complain of some uneven footpaths. Luckily Council has a programme to repair and/or replace footpaths on a five year cycle. The budget for 2015/2016 has been completed and is operational with Council receiving its first quarterly update last meeting and all is looking well for this financial year after Council has cleared the deficit going back a few years. Considerable work has been done and will continue this financial year by administration on efficiencies to assist Council's future position again this year. Community Development Grants are available to Mitcham community organisations up to $1,500 for one only grant is permitted each two years. Grants are made available twice a year to authorised groups, churches, clubs that meet certain criteria. Community and cultural projects, health and safety, environmental improvement, recreation, community events, facility upgrade and equipment purchase. Must be a not for profit community organisation. Fundraising as we are well aware is very difficult. Full information is available on Council's website, the Community News or by contacting Community Development Grants staff or myself. Not many grant applications come from the Overton Ward, so this is an opportunity to check it out. Traffic is always a problem in our Ward as the last Council Agenda indicated just under half of the traffic problems currently on the staff work list appear in our area. We are assured that the limited staff are working through these issues. There could be another wave of traffic changing their travel pattern when the Darlington project is underway, we trust that Overton does not receive addition traffic like the overpass created on South Road. If Overton Ward residents have a Council problem please email my Council website or simply phone me so I may be of assistance. I wish you all the best safest Christmas and a Prosperous and Happy New Year.

mitcham community news

December 2015

Gault Ward Cr Stephen Fisher

Craigburn Ward Cr Karen Hockley

Babbage Ward Cr David Munro

Telephone: 0407 973 321

Telephone: 0423 919 080

Telephone: 0403 161 462

New Planning Bill to Damage Adelaide The Planning Minister and Deputy Premier, John Rau is presenting a new Planning and Infrastructure Bill to Parliament. This Bill has the potential to destroy the quality of residential amenity of the people of Adelaide. It removes all Elected Members from sitting on any Council's Development Assessment Panel, and only allows membership by Planners, Architects, Builders and Developers, so-called ‘experts in planning’ on the replacement ‘Planning Assessment’ bodies. This will remove the input of Councillors who have a far better grasp of local traffic problems and understanding of whether development proposals will ‘fit’ into the locality. Sham Two Year Public Consultation At a public meeting held last week at the Burnside Town Hall, coordinated by the Community Alliance, Mr Rau trumpeted the ‘Two - Year Public Consultation’, prior to the Bill's writing. However, instead of reflecting Councils', the Local Government Association's and Community Groups' concerns, the outcomes from this ‘Planning Review', have pandered to the various Development Lobby Groups' preferred outcomes. This is perhaps not surprising, given that the members of the review were all Planners led by a Planning Lawyer, all handpicked by the Minister. The proposals include a ‘one size fits all’ planning system, with little variation in desired outcomes across all of Adelaide's and the wider South Australian suburbs and towns. It is the ‘No-Rules-SetOf-Rules’, designed to rush through Development Proposals, with little concern for the long term consequences. Adelaide Regularly Listed in the Top 10 World Cities to Live in The Minister, Government MPs, and the Opposition and Cross-Bench MPs need to ask themselves whether SA's previous Planning Laws were ’so bad’ that Adelaide is often proclaimed as amongst the top 10 cities in the world to live. The quality of our various suburbs, across all price ranges, as great places to live, did not occur by accident, but resulted from a minimal set of rules, which required good setbacks from the road, side and rear boundaries. The rush to increased densification, packing more dwellings onto smaller and smaller allotments, and multi-storey units, generally degrades these qualities, but this is what the developers want for you, whilst they luxuriate in their large blocks. ALDI Development Gets Approval The State DAC has approved the Aldi Proposal on the corner of Angas and Belair Roads, over-riding your Council's concerns. The DAC has also approved the seven-storey units and shops development on Unley Road, opposite the Cremorne Hotel, against Unley Council's wishes, and despite the height limit in Unley's Development Plan being five-storeys. Adelaideans Do Not Want to Live in Sydney The mad rush by the State Government to increase the population by 500,000 is nuts and with the coming El Nino drought conditions, plainly unsustainable. The Planners and proponents of Urban Consolidation should recognise that ‘Vibrant’ is a weasel-word, meaning over-crowded, worse traffic jams, and a down-hill path to a much less pleasant Adelaide. Contact your MP and complain.

I love living in Mitcham and I love it even more now that winter is over and the days are warmer. I like the avenues of trees that reach out over the road, our reserves and open spaces and our proximity to everything. I love the sense of community and safety that we have. At this time of the year we are peppered with messages about how to protect our safety, from cleaning up the undergrowth and emptying the gutters to planning what to do on higher fire risk days. “Do you have a plan?” “Is it written down?” they ask. Writing down a plan seems hard when life is hectic and fluid, our plan is simple – leave. Then comes the harder part – where to? I like many others have found myself with this dilemma. I would miss some of my things and I would go backward financially if I lost my home but I am not willing to risk the safety of my beautiful little family. Still it can be difficult knowing where to go. Where can we go for a day, a day and a night or even two days on extreme and catastrophic fire days? Marion is fine for a few hours, the beach sounds ok but we would burn to a crisp and what about the dog? I know many in the community have similar impediments to leaving. Pets, kids, work commitments, lack of social supports, disability, age and transport issues cause many to stay. Council focusses its attention on minimising the risk by clearing fuel loads on its property and encouraging the community to do theirs. Council currently goes no further citing an individual’s responsibility to manage their own risk. What if Council were to take a more active role to support the community on extreme and catastrophic fire days, could it make a difference and maybe save lives? I would like Council to consult with the community to determine if there is a need for help. Council could liaise and co-ordinate with other local governments, not for profits and State Government to develop solutions that would assist people. Council could even provide direct services, such as providing safe places for people to go and assisting those without transport. I am keen to know your thoughts, do you have a plan and how could Council help? In the interim I would like to support and promote a trial being undertaken by the Blackwood/Belair and District Community Association (BBDCA). This involves opening a community centre in a safe area within Mitcham to provide additional choice to people and help answer the question “Leave – where to??” Thank you to BBDCA for giving us more options this year! If you would like more information about the trial or would like to discuss bushfires or anything else, I would love to hear from you. You can call me on 0423919080 or email me on I would also like to wish you and yours a safe and happy Christmas.

The Council's motto is Let us build posterity.


The Macquarie Dictionary defines posterity as succeeding generations collectively and a great example of posterity I witnessed recently was a group of local residents of the Babbage area coming together to conduct a think tank on what can be done in regard to the traffic on Springbank Road. The respect and appreciation of all parties including Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure was great to see. We are very fortunate to have residents who care enough to take the time to want to create a long term solution for all problems in our area. Although Springbank Road 'belongs' to the State, it is a road that impacts all of us and, by having a small group of dedicated residents, Council staff and State Government involved in the beginnings with the goal of creating a generational success, it will probably require some small additional funding from Council at some stage as the State budget just does not have sufficient money to fix all the problems. If Council has to make a small contribution to ensure a practical solution I think it is worth funding provided we get good value and an improvement in traffic flow. I would like to thank those that have volunteered their time and efforts to this project and look forward to our next meeting. Let’s hope we don’t miss this opportunity and make the most of it so the generations to come can say they did well. I recently rode a bike from the City to West Beach to Glenelg and back to the City all travelling on a bike track. What a great ride, travelling along the Torrens all the way to the beach and seeing the beach and then ride back. I felt very relaxed and safe probably because it is a sealed track, well signed with line markings and plenty of visibility. Our ‘Shared Trails’ are very different to the ones I experienced - unsealed, undulating terrain but beautiful bush surrounds that make you feel you are miles and miles from anywhere. One thing they both have in common is that the experience and rewards should be the same. Our trails that Council rates pay for need to ensure that we all feel relaxed and safe whilst using these trails. The trails should have the safety of the user in mind and we need to ensure that those that come and use it feel safe. I hope that the Council gets it right for future generations so that the trails are a place that all use and not a place where people cannot relax. Council’s challenge will be getting the balance right between designing good trails for all, a trail network that does not financially burden the Council for years to come and protects the work done by many in Bush For Life sites and other revegetation areas. Have a great Xmas and New Year.


mitcham community news

December 2015

Explore the Trails in Mitcham This summer get outside and explore nature by visiting one of the many trails located in Mitcham’s bushland reserves.

Enjoy three trail areas at:

your hike, walk or ride. Your safety is our concern but your responsibility. When entering the City of Mitcham’s bushland reserves remember to:

Lynton Reserve – located between Lynton and Belair.

Stay hydrated – avoid the hottest part of the day, carry water with you and take breaks.

Blackwood Hill Reserve – located near the Blackwood Oval (Craigburn Farm).

Let someone know where you're planning to go.

Come and visit Council’s trails to help recharge your batteries before the silly season!

Ashby, O’Deas and Saddle Hill Reserves – located between Panorama and Belair.

Dress for the occasion - wear appropriate footwear and clothing for the conditions and activity.

There are trails available for all ages and abilities, with maps available at

Check CFS website for fire bans – Council Reserves are closed on Extreme and/or Catastrophic Fire Ban Days.

Explore Safely

Snakes are common in bushland reserves – be aware.

As the weather improves Council’s bushland reserves are a popular place to visit. Trail users are reminded to be safe and ensure you plan

Council continues to manage and improve these trails and welcomes you to come and explore.

If you would like to find out more about Council’s trail network, call 8372 8888 or visit

Are we recycling right? Mitcham residents are diverting over 56% of waste from landfill by using the recycling and green organics bins. Council audited over 4,000 kg of materials from residents’ waste, recycling and green organics bins to understand how each bin is used to check if we are recycling right!

The results are in!

Blue Waste Bin Organics Recyclables Waste, Other

Green Organics Recycling Bin

Yellow Recycling Bin Contaminants



Organic Other


Food Garden Organics

When it comes to the recycling bin residents have embraced recycling. Almost 90% of the yellow recycling bin material was recyclable. The 10% of materials we found that didn’t belong in the yellow bin were items that often cause confusion such as plastic hoses, polystyrene, broken sheet glass, wood and electrical waste.

The green organics bin is well used by residents. 96% of waste in the green organic bin was organic material from the garden and kitchen. It was exciting to find compostable bags in amongst the garden material as more and more households recycle their food scraps.

Our next step is to develop waste and recycling initiatives to help the community increase resource recovery and divert the 60% of organic and recyclable materials out of the waste bin. After all, once those resources go in the waste bin, they are gone. If you would like more information about recycling right contact the Waste Management Officer on 8372 8888 or

The blue waste bin provides us with the greatest opportunity to reduce waste to landfill and increase resource recovery. 60% of materials in the blue waste bin could have been placed into the green organics or recycling bins. Organic material such as food scraps and uneaten food represented 47% of the blue waste bin. Putting food scraps and uneaten food into the green organics bin helps the environment as food scraps can be turned into compost and mulch, and reused as well as reducing greenhouse gas emissions. There was 133 kg of recyclable paper and food packaging including glass, steel, cardboard and plastic containers in the waste bin. Much of the food packaging was placed in the waste bin because it still contained food. Emptying out the food means these recyclable items can go into the recycling bin to be recycled.

mitcham community news

December 2015


Swim Safely and Enjoy Every year people enjoy cooling off in back yard swimming pools. With the weather getting warmer, now is the time for home owners to think about giving their pools a thorough cleaning. Starting the swimming season with a clean pool and safe, clean and sparkling water will make ongoing pool maintenance a good deal easier. Adequate testing and maintenance of swimming pool water is a health and safety issue and should be done regularly across the full swimming season. Swimmers introduce micro-organisms, body secretion, sunscreen lotions and other pollutants to the water. Pool water must be maintained at a high quality to prevent ear, eye, skin and intestinal infections. In the normal operation of swimming pools, water is collected by the filtration system which captures and contains pollutants in the filter. To work efficiently, swimming pool filters require regular backwashing to clear out all the contaminants. How Should You Dispose of Your Pool Water? Swimming pool backwash water must not be discharged or allowed to run-off into roadways, gutters, watercourses or neighbouring properties. Backwash from swimming pools must be directed to the sewer or used to irrigate your lawn or garden area. Don’t forget if you have a salt chlorinated pool you need to have salt tolerant plants and occasionally water with clean, good quality water. Please contact the Environmental Services Department on 8372 8816 for free information brochures on maintaining privately owned pools.

Reduce Mosquitoes this Summer! Mosquito activity is at its peak during summer and apart from being a biting, irritating nuisance, they can also carry disease. You can reduce the risk of being bitten by mosquitoes by getting rid of the potential mosquito breeding sites around your home. Mosquitoes breed in still water – fresh or salty. Rainwater tanks, swimming and wading pools and waste control systems should all be treated or screened to prevent them becoming breeding sites. Empty ornamental ponds, unused swimming pools or other water bodies or

stock with Australian native fish to eat any mosquito larvae. Empty pot plant drip trays once a week or fill them with sand. Dispose of all containers or rubbish that hold water, including tyres, bottles and cans. Maintain roof gutters and remove leaves and debris so that water does not pool. Empty and refill bird baths and pets drinking water containers every week.

Protect yourself from mosquitoes and enjoy your summer. For further information contact Council’s Environmental Services Department on 8372 8816.

Is your Pool or Spa Fenced Correctly? All pools and spas that are deeper than 300 mm with a filtration system must be fenced to meet pool and spa fencing legislation to ensure the safety of young children. If you are installing a pool or spa this summer make sure you receive the correct advice from a qualified building officer accredited with the Australian Institute of Building Surveyors. Council is required to inspect all swimming pools to ensure they meet State Government legislation. Many homeowners have been frustrated when they discover their pool is not compliant as a result of advice from an inexperienced contractor and are required to undertake additional corrective work. Barriers around pools and spas are required to meet strict regulations. These include: 1. When the boundary fence forms part of the pool enclosure it must be a minimum height of 1800 mm above finished ground level on the pool side. The fence also must have a 900 mm non climbable zone area located on the pool side measured from the top of the fence down. This area must be free of any foot or hand holds that may assist a young child to climb down into the pool enclosure. This means the fencing cannot have rails, landscaping, trees, raised garden beds, filtration equipment, water features and other attachments to the fence that could be used to climb the fence.

2. Pool gates must open away from the pool enclosure and self-close and latch from any position with a stationary start. This selfclosing latch must be capable of latching the gate at any position from fully open to resting on the latch. This latching device must be located out of reach of small children. Generally 1500 mm above finished ground level. 3. Openings or the gap under the fence cannot exceed 100 mm. 4. Internal pool fencing must be a minimum height of 1200 mm above finished ground level. The fence must also have a 900 mm non climbable zone area for the entire length of the fence where the distance between hand and foot holds must be not less than 900 mm apart. To ensure your fence is not climbable ensure protruding gate hinges are not installed closer than 900 mm apart, consider the placement of landscaping, benchtops of outdoor kitchens, barbeques; filtration equipment; garden furniture and plant pots. Council urges pool and spa owners to supervise children at all times when they are near a pool or spa. Please don’t rely on your pool or spa fence to stop children.

For further information please contact the City of Mitcham’s Building Department on 8372 8888 or visit


mitcham community news

December 2015

Christmas Comes to Blackwood

Australia Day Celebrations Celebrate Australia Day on Tuesday 26 January 2016 at Carrick Hill, Carrick Hill Drive, Springfield.

Don’t miss the Blackwood Christmas pageant, which attracts over 10,000 spectators, on Friday 4 December at 6.30 pm.

Come along to the beautiful grounds of Carrick Hill for our Australia Day Celebrations with a free ‘Aussie BBQ’ from 10.30 am by the Rotary Club of Mitcham and Rotary Club of Brownhill Creek. Enjoy musical entertainment by Mitcham City Brass Band and Angela Easson as well as free face painting and other activities for the kids.

For over 50 years the pageant has been entertaining families with more than 75 floats and 1,200 participants making this a highlight for children at Christmas time.

As part of the Australia Day Celebrations a citizenship ceremony will commence at 9 am for up to 100 candidates as well as presentations for the City of Mitcham’s Australia Day Awards at 11 am. The official Australia Day Ambassador – Phil Herreen will assist with the presentations.

The Blackwood Lions Club, in conjunction with the Parade Co-ordinator local MP Sam Duluk, are proud to bring the 2015 Christmas Parade to you. The pageant will start from the corner of Main Road and Gulfview Road from 6.30 pm and travel along Main Road to Waite Street Reserve.

For more information about Council’s Australia Day celebrations please contact Chris Bartlett on 8372 8805.

After, enjoy the Pageant Fair on Waite Street Reserve hosted by the Coromandel Rotary Club where the Pageant floats finish their journey with a variety of stalls and entertainment from 7 pm to 9 pm. Businesses, schools and clubs are invited to participate in the parade with a Christmas or children’s theme. For more information contact Helen Ronson at the office of Sam Duluk on 8278 5844.

Celebrate the End of the Year at Your Library Jingle all the way and celebrate Christmas with the Mitcham Library Service in December. Ticklish Allsorts will celebrate Christmas with songs and games at the Blackwood Library on Tuesday 8 December and at the Mitcham Library on Thursday 10 December at 6 pm. Cost $5. All ages welcome. Bookings with payment essential. For more information or to book your place contact the Mitcham Library on 8372 8244 or Blackwood Library on 8372 8255.

Craft a Gift for Christmas at the Library This Christmas make a gift for a friend or family member or even for yourself! Wooden Bangles

Felt Bird Mobile and Wooden Toy

Decorate a wooden bangle with yarns, spangles and beads at the Mitcham Library on Tuesday 15 December at 2 pm. For children 10 years or older. Cost $5. Some stitching may be required.

Make a felt bird mobile and wooden toy at the Blackwood Library on Tuesday 15 December or at the Mitcham Library on Thursday 17 December at 10.30 am. For children 3 years or older. Cost is $5 for both gifts.

Paper Marbling and Decoration

Bookings for all craft activities with payment are essential.

Decorate a notebook or other gift with beautiful paper you hand marbled yourself with colourful dyes and decorate with sequins and other decorations at the Blackwood Library on Wednesday 16 December at 2 pm. For children 10 years or older. Cost $5.

For more information phone the Mitcham Library on 8372 8244 or the Blackwood Library on 8372 8255.

9 am

Australia Day Citizenship Ceremony

10.30 am Musical Entertainment and Activities 11 am

Australia Day Awards

Summer Reading Challenge Join the Mitcham Library Service’s Summer Reading Challenge and you could win tickets to the movies. This summer we are inviting adults, children and young adults to enter our reading challenge to be in the draw to win a double gold pass or two family passes to the movies. Visit the library and challenge yourself by reading a book that you have always meant to read, a book set on a different continent, a funny book, a classic, a book of short stories or a book that scares you! To enter the draw all you have to do is read five books over summer between 4 and 31 January, write the titles and authors and complete the contact details. Then drop your entry form off to the Mitcham or Blackwood Library. You can enter as many times as you like. Just remember all entries must be returned by 5 pm Sunday 31 January 2016. Entry forms can be picked up from the Mitcham or Blackwood Library after 15 December. For more information call Mitcham Library on 8372 8244 or Blackwood Library 8372 8255.

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