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Farms & Orchards (#7
East Jordan Garden Club Farmers’ Market
May 13 - September 30
Thursdays 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. East Jordan Tourist Park Jackie Drenth: 231-675-9493
Sponsored by the East Jordan Garden Club, this long-running Farmer’s Market is an important part of the East Jordan Community. Vendors of all kinds gather with their baked goods, locally-grown freshpicked fruits & vegetables, crafts, honey, pure maple syrup and much more. These are fun family events! Royal Farms Farm Market & Winery
Wagbo Farm & Education Center
5745 N. M-66, East Jordan
Providing an inspirational place for people to connect with each other and the land. 212-acre homestead. Farming ventures include: pastured poultry, maple syrup, vegetable gardens, permaculture greenhouse, laying hens, ducks, pigs, milk cows, draft horses, honey bees, fruit trees & rough cut lumber. Sleigh or Wagon Rides. Snowshoe, Ski & Hiking Trails. Farm Tours. CSA Veg. Farm products for sale. www.facebook.com/ marthawagbofarm/
U.S. 31 in Atwood
Fresh fruits and vegetables. U-Pick or we pick. Fresh baked pies & pastries. Meat pasties. Ice cream & smoothies. Greenhouse. Gift shop. Fall cider mill, corn maze and hayrides. Our own wine and cider tasting room. www.royalfarmsinc.com
Valley View Farm
5018 S. Waterman Rd.
A family farm that's still kickin'! Specializing in growing malting barley. And now a wedding/event venue. www.facebook.com/valleyviewfarmmichigan/