3 minute read
How to Expand Your Writing Skills ������
As an aspiring blogger, I have started - and stopped - several different blogs� Each time, I learned more about who I am as a writer, who my intended audience is, and how I want to serve them� Although these attempts did not result in money in my pocket, they helped me find my voice, and they increased my confidence in putting my work out there� Here are some realistic strategies to use to help you come into your own as a writer�
If we want to get better at writing, we actually need to spend time doing it� Sounds obvious, right? However, in my life, making the time to write has proven to be one of those things that is simple but not easy�
What has worked for me is a tweak on the typical advice of setting a daily writing target� I choose a few days when I know I will have time to write, and then I set a Pomodoro timer and get to it� Real life being what it is, some days go really well and others don’t� But those days balance each other out and I eventually arrive at the finished product I was striving for�
This tip is a little different than the usual, but hear me out� Try writing something completely new and different, even fiction, poetry or just journaling� There is something magical about this, because it can
help move us out of our comfort zone
and into a more creative space�
I came by this strategy inadvertently when I started writing a children’s book for my son� I realized that, even though I am still writing, fiction requires something totally different from my brain� If I need a break from my blog, I work on the book� I can then return to my original work with fresh eyes and new ideas�
It is easier to thrive when you are part of a supportive community� To that end, I recommend finding a writing group that suits you, whether virtual or in-person� The group members can help improve your craft by providing answers, advice or even moral support�
I have been a member of NE DPG since I became an RD, and during that time, I have found this group to be incredibly encouraging and supportive� If you are not doing so already, consider utilizing the resources of the NE community, from connecting with other writers on the NE Hub, to requesting a mentor, to exploring the Author’s Toolkit�
One way to practice writing while simultaneously building your resume and brand is to try freelance writing� This does not have to mean pitching to The New York Times; what I am referring to here is just volunteering to write something, anything, for someone who would benefit from your work and expertise�
As a dietitian, you are already qualified to do this type of writing, or to write for publications such as Ventures, Today’s Dietitian or Food & Nutrition Magazine� Another benefit of putting yourself out there this way is that it will give you a deadline, which can often do wonders for productivity�
The beauty of writing is that it can provide us with more than just income� It can also allow us to reach, teach and heal a much wider audience than we would otherwise be able to� Wherever you may be on your writing journey, keep at it� The more that you write, the more you will learn about yourself and your craft�
Helena Ramadan, MS, RDN, is a mother of two spirited boys, an avid reader and a fitness enthusiast� A second-career dietitian, she also holds a B�A� in English from the University of Virginia� When she is not blogging you can find her exploring the redwood groves of Northern California with her sons�