3 minute read

Building Your Brand �������������������������

Trusting Your Gut While Building Your Brand




Creating the foundation for your business is akin to putting your heart on your sleeve� It is scary, vulnerable and some folks may not agree or relate with your style of branding� What if people don’t like my business? What if I can’t get enough clients to keep my business open? What if I turn away clients because my brand is too focused? Raise your hand if you asked yourself one or more of these questions when starting your entrepreneurial journey� Welcome to the club�

Some people won’t like or want your

product, brand or business. Yep, I said it, but don’t stop reading here� There’s a reason you want to market your business to one specific client� You found a need in the market, an idea to which people can resonate� Free your mind of all the “what ifs,” because they will do more harm than good when it comes to making progress with your business� For all the people who don't like your ideas, there are many who will resonate with them, who do need your expertise and will pay for your services

What if clients realize I don’t know what I’m doing (as a business owner)?

This is called imposter syndrome

Check out NEdpg�org for the latest webinar on Imposter Syndrome in the CPE Library!

It is okay to question whether you can support yourself and/or a family when opening or building a business. While that is a valid concern, do not let yourself stop there� There is inherent risk associated with entrepreneurship� Times can be tough, and the past two years are a great example� For many NE RDs, the pandemic created a shift in the needs of their clients, which allowed their businesses to grow and flourish in stressful times� Did it require ingenuity, grace, hard work and consistency? Yes! And your commitment and courage to step into the unknown will be challenged and sharpened along the way� Surround yourself with fellow NE RDs who can empathize, share and encourage you to stay true to yourself and your original message�

What if I turn away clients because

my brand is too focused? Good. That is the purpose of focused branding� You might have heard the saying, “if you speak to everyone, you’re speaking to no one�” You cannot be everything to everyone� For example, if you know you love working with Health At Every Size (HAES), then invest deeply and do not neglect your ethos to take a weight-loss client when you don’t agree with the principle� Clients want personalization and to work with someone who specializes in the topic at hand� And don’t forget, there was and is a reason you are leaning towards a specific niche� Perhaps you have your own experiences which helped you gain the knowledge you have or you recognize the value in working with a specific population� When you know the population you desire to work with, you will find that marketing and reaching your audience comes naturally and easy� So trust yourself and trust your gut in building your business and brand� Lastly, surround yourself with fellow NE RDs - there is someone in this group who was in your shoes and would love to help you along the way� Don’t hesitate to find a mentor and share your ideas or concerns� It is in the collaboration of our community where our strength as professionals will grow�

Kate Ragsdale, MS, RDN, LDN, CNSC, is the owner of Kate Ragsdale RDN, LLC, and adjunct professor at Appalachian State University and a GI oncology dietitian at Duke Cancer Institute� Outside of work she’s learning to sew, researching minimalism or watching a movie series with her husband�

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