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Gown Preservation
Wedding Gown Preservation

After the countless hours spent picking out the prefect dress for your wedding, not to mention the money, you may not want to let it go quite so easily. If you want to keep your dress – and keep it in good condition – you’ll have to get it cleaned and preserved, which is the process for cleaning and properly packaging your dress for storage. Perhaps you want to keep your dress as an heirloom to be passed down to your daughter on her wedding day or you might want to resell it. Preserved gowns are kept for multiple reasons, some being as a keepsake for you or can be made into a Christening outfit or baby bedding for your children and grandchildren. Wedding gown preservation costs anywhere from $150 to $500, depending on the level of service you require and the type of dress you purchased. Usually, you bring or ship your dress to a wedding gown preservation company or dry cleaner that provides this service. When you purchase your dress ask how the gown should be cleaned and if the trim should be cleaned the same way. Get the cleaning instructions in writing if possible. The cleaning process often begins with the hem because it is usually the most soiled. When it comes to stains the biggest culprits are grass, mud, perspiration and body oils, make-up, and sugar (from wedding cake or wine). Some stains may be invisible at first, but overtime will start to darken and become permanent. Keep in mind that if you wait a while to have your gown preserved, certain materials, such as silk, will be harder to treat, as will particular stains such as red wine and mud. It is best if you are able to get your dress to the cleaner or preservation company within six weeks after the wedding. Reputation is everything when it comes to finding the best preservation company for your wedding dress. Make sure to send your gown to dry cleaners that have experience with bridal gowns and handle the dresses in house, rather than shipping them somewhere else. Correct packaging materials are imperative for guaranteeing the life of your gown. To protect your gown, many professionals recommend it be placed in an acid-free or pH-neutral box, such as sturdy paperboard box which allows the gown to breathe and adjust with changing temperatures. Most preservationists agree that white acid-free tissue paper or unbleached muslin is the ideal packaging materials. Sometimes, accessories, such as veils and garters are cleaned and preserved as well. a

Gown Preservation Gown Preservation
Traverse City, Michigan 725 E. Eighth Street • (231) 946-5620 2434 Holiday Road • (231) 938-0024