Russ Kittleson President
Marianne Barry Vice President
Marty Makinen Treasurer

Holly Angileri Secretary
Greg Adams
Jan Antalis
John Fettig

Bob Flynn
Mary Ellen Geist
Laurel McAteer
George Peck
Tom Saeli
Mary Ann Smith
Haley Breniser Executive Director
Eden Haven
Associate Director
Kenzie Boesen
Membership and Communications Coordinator
Skylar MacNaughton
Preserve Maintenance Technician
Tanner Yurk
Conservation Programs Manager
Klepadlo Winnell Nuorala, PC
As a member and donor of the Walloon Lake Association and Conservancy, we want to thank you for your support and dedication! Without you, we would not be able to protect and preserve Walloon Lake and its watershed, a place we all hold near and dear to our hearts, for future generations to come. Here are some of the projects you helped make possible in 2023:
The purchase of 65 acres of critical wetlands on Old State Road in Melrose Township.
The purchase and installation of boat cleaning stations at the Walloon Village and Towsend Road boat launches.
The treatment of 11 acres of Eurasian Watermilfoil, an aquatic invasive species, on Walloon Lake.
The installation of pollinator gardens at the Wildwood Harbor Nature Area and Voran Family Preserve.
Marty Makinen Finance
Bob Flynn
Fund Development
Mary Ann Smith
Government Affairs
Mary Pat Goldich
Land Protection
Marianne Barry Land Stewardship
Jan Antalis & Pam Roudi
Membership & Outreach
Tom Saeli Safety
Russ Kittleson Water Quality

Educate the local community through hikes, workshops, publications and more.
Your donation to the Guardian Fund supports the protection of Walloon Lake and the preservation of its surrounding critical lands. Give annually, monthly, or pledge to become a Primary Guardian - a minimum of $7,500 over three years.
Support the future of Walloon Lake and its watershed by making a lasting gift. This can include bequests through a will, naming WLAC as a life insurance beneficiary, or through charitable gift annuities. Please speak with your trusted advisors to find out what options are best suited for you.
Donate in memory or honor of a friend or loved one while protecting the land and water of Walloon Lake, a special place held near and dear to them.
Donations to our endowment provide a sustaining gift for the future protection of Walloon Lake and its watershed. These funds support the daily operations of the WLAC and capital projects.
These gifts fund targeted initiatives such as the acquisition of a land parcel containing critically endangered wetlands or the purchase and installation of boat wash stations.
Give the gift of time by volunteering with WLAC in our efforts to protect and preserve Walloon Lake and its watershed. Find out ways to get involved on the following page.

Preserve our lands by participating in preserve monitoring, Walloon Warrior work days, pollinator garden workshops, and vernal pool monitoring, in partnership with Little Traverse Conservancy.
Protect our water by partaking in lake and stream monitoring and boat wash blitzes, in partnership with Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council, and the Northern MI Clean Water Challenge.
Support the WLAC by joining one of our many committees or becoming a Board Member. For the future generations of Wallooners, join our Junior Membership and for our furry friends, become a Walloon Pawtector.
To become a volunteer or for more information, scan the following QR code.

Boater s Safety Course
Boater’s Safety Course
Melrose Township Hall , 9am-3pm
Melrose Township Hall , 9am-3pm
Mobile Boat Wash Day with Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council
Mobile Boat Wash Day with Tip of the Mitt Watershed
Pawtector Hike
Native Plant Sale

6 24WLAC Office Lawn , 9am-12pm Lauren Macintyre The Fascinating History of Walloon Village: Boats, Beaches, and Businesses”
Lauren Macintyre “The Fascinating History of Walloon Village: Boats, Beaches, and Businesses”
Jones Landing, 9am-12pm Petoskey Library 7pm Fields Preserve , 9:30am
Independence Day WLAC Office Closed
Wander Walloon: Mill Pond Paddle
Pawtector Hike
Pollinator Workshop: Monarch Release Stolt Road Launch , 5:30pm Wildwood Harbor Nature Area 9:30am 7 4-5
Spooky Hike
Wander Walloon: Spooky Hike Postle Farm Preserve , 5-7pm 10 25 -
Walloon Village Tree Lighting & Cookie Decorating WLAC Office 5-8pm
Walloon Village Tree Lighting & Cookie Decorating WLAC Office , 5-8pm
Mobile Boat Wash Day with Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council Jones Landing, 9am-12pm Walloon Woodies
Annual Meeting & Appreciation Cocktail Hour Village of Walloon 10am Postle
Mobile Boat Wash Day with Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council Jones Landing, 9am-12pm Walloon Woodies Annual Meeting & Appreciation Cocktail Hour Village of Walloon , 10am Postle Farm Preserve , 9:30am
Birdhouse Building Workshop Postle Farm Preserve 2-4pm
Mobile Boat Wash Day with Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council Jones Landing, 9am-12pm
For more information, scan the QR code
For more information, scan the QR code.

Annual Guardian Fund
Thank you to all who donated to the Annual Guardian Fund. It is because of these donations that we are able to protect and preserve Walloon Lake and its watershed for future generations.
Charter Primary and Primary Guardians are donors who have pledged to give no less than $2,500 to the Annual Guardian Fund for at least three consecutive years.
Listed below are the donors who made contributions in 2023.
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Alexandrowski
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Boutell
Mr. John Bunge & Ms. Cyndi Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Coleman
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cullman
Dr. & Mrs. Wayne Derkac
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Eberhart
Mrs. Kathleen Glass
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gross
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hatch
Mr. & Mrs. John Hayden
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hayes
The Hingst Family
Mr. & Mrs. John Holder
The Hollar-Schulingkamp Family
Mr. & Mrs. John Jaqua
Mr. & Mrs. James Keller
Mr. & Mrs. Russel Kittleson
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Klopcic, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Johannes Kurd
Mrs. Ernest Mainland
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Manchester
Dr. & Mrs. Mark McMurray
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Miesel
Mrs. William Norcross
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Norcross
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Parrish
Mrs. Richard Pohl
Mr. & Mrs. William Sarran
The Shuert Family
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Kenza VanAssenderp
Mrs. Brice Voran
Mr. Robert Wilson & Ms. Sandy Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bessette
Mr. & Mrs. Michael DeAscentis
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. John Hastings
Mr. Mitch Kaeser
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Kircher
Mr. & Mrs. John Lane
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lenter
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Malenfant
Mr. Robert Meek
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Mullaney
Mr. Burnell Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ross
Ms. Cheryl Sedestrom
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Wellings
($5,000 AND OVER)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Eaton
Mr. Reynold Klages, III
Mr. & Mrs. Gunnar Klarr
Mr. & Mrs. Lippert
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Lowe
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Shuffield
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Thatcher
Lunghamer Foundation
Malloure Family Foundation
Mr. Mark Ayres
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Colleran
Mrs. Robert Charlton
Mr. & Mrs. James Daniels
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Donaldson
Mr. & Mrs. John Eggemeyer
Mr. & Mrs. David Egger
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Feldkamp
Ms. Dina Fera
Dr. & Mrs. William Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Frankel
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Frentz
Dr. Susan Galbraith & Dr. Jeffrey Weinstein
Mr. & Mrs. Hilton Garner
Mrs. Rosemary Geist
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Goldich
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Grace
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Harkaway
Mr. Brock Hastie
Mr. K. Larry Hastie
Mr. & Mrs. John Hillenbrand, II
Ms. Miriam Hollar & Mr. Thomas Schulingkamp
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Howe
Drs. Andrew & Mary Jo Keller
Mr. & Mrs. Derek Kerr
Mr. Christian Krimendahl
Ms. Liz Krimendahl
Mr. & Mrs. James Macintyre
Mrs. Stephen Marcum
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mardigian
Mr. & Mrs. John Marklewitz
Ms. Laurel McAteer
Mr. & Mrs. Eric O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Perry
Mr. & Mrs. Borge Reimer
Ms. Rachel Schulingkamp
Mr. Joseph Seka & Mrs. Sarah Murchison
Mr. & Mrs. James Shaheen
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Shields
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Smith
Mr. & Mrs. William Swanson
Mrs. Howard Ternes
Ms. Anne Castleberry
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Woodhouse
Drs. Patrick Alguire & Barbara Mathes
Mr. & Mrs. George Biltz
Ms. Catherine Call & Mr. Glenn Olson
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Cendrowski
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Conover
Mr. & Mrs. R. Scott Croswell, III
Dr. & Mrs. Allen Damschroder
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Darnell
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Dietsch
Drs. Matthew Ewend & Lisa Carey
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas French
Ms. Dawn Garber
Mr. & Mrs. George Googasian
Mr. & Mrs. William Goshorn
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Gutow
Mr. Christopher Hanley
Ms. Katie Hicks
Mr. & Mrs. John Hillenbrand, II
Mr. & Mrs. Barton LaBelle
Mr. & Mrs. Brendy Lange
Mr. William Makinen & Ms. Holly Wong
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Malloure
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Mann
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mayer
Mr. James Monton
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Muhlhauser
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Newman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nystrom
Mr. Mark Peppel & Ms. Marybeth Barr
Mr. & Mrs. John Rohe
Mr. & Mrs. W. Sidney Smith
Ms. Jean Sullivan & Mr. David Nassif
Mr. Christopher Swanson
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Thornton
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Twyman
Ms. Sharon Walsh & Ms. Sarah Pohl
Mr. & Mrs. Stephan Weitzel
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Wright
continued from previous page
STEWARD ($250-$499)
Mr. & Mrs. David Atchison
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Balames
Ms. Deborah Barron
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Battoclette
Ms. Elizabeth Bishop
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Bogo
Mr. & Mrs. James Bonahoom
Mr. & Mrs. William Bray
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Budden
Mr. & Mrs. Stan Burt
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Cavell
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Dobson
Drost Landscape
Mr. & Mrs. Morgan Edwards
Ms. Barbara Ewend
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Ferrara J. Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Fieger
Mrs. Andrea Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Franks
Mrs. Ann Gentile
Mr. & Mrs. George Googasian
Mr. Michael Gordon & Ms. Candace White
Mr. & Mrs. David Graham
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Grove
Dr. Gary Gutow
Mrs. Cotton Hanley
Mr. & Mrs. John Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Hoganson
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Holton
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Hubacker
Dr. Charles Huebner & Dr. Melanie Manary
Mr. Jay Hunter
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Ibele
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Kallman
Mr. & Mrs. Hunter Korth
Ms. Mary Krausse
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Love
Mr. & Mrs. Evan Lyall
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Martin
Mr. & Mrs. E. Curtis Matthews, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Mayfield
Mr. Kevin McKinney
Dr. Scott Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Mulligan
Mr. & Mrs. John Mundy
Mr. Scott Nelson & Dr. Susan Kindel
Mr. & Mrs. John Parker
Mr. & Mrs. James Pohl
Mr. & Mrs. John Proffitt
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Rahaim
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Ned Swift
The Quiet Moose
Brad and Katie Toothaker
Ms. Marguerite Trixler
Mrs. Nancy B. Vacanti
Mrs. Brenda Veltman
Mrs. John Wolf
PROTECTOR ($100-$249)
Lashley Schulingkamp
Mrs. Cynthia Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Anderson
Mr. Thomas Anton
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Atesian
Mrs. Dale Bachelor
Mrs. Janet Basford
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Biggs
Ms. Janice Blizzard
Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas Bosch
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bosco
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Brieden
Mr. & Mrs. J. Steven Brown
Mrs. Bernadette Burkhardt
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Byrnes
Mr. & Mrs. William Clark
Ms. Martha Coscina
Mr. & Mrs. William Crothers
Mr. & Mrs. John Crowe
Mr. & Mrs. Alton Doody
Mr. & Mrs. William Dornfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Michael DuBay
Mrs. Barbara Dundon
Mr. Michael Elledge
Mr. Jack Engledow
Mrs. Audrey Fick
Mr. & Mrs. James Fields
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fischer
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Fitzgerald
Mr. & Mrs. H. Richard Fruehauf
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Gedge
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Goecker
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hagan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hand
Mrs. Cotton Hanley
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Harrell
Ms. Heidi Heisel
Mr. & Mrs. J. Stephen Herbert
Dr. & Mrs. Gene Hoerr
Mrs. Ruth Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Hopping
Hurand Family
Mrs. Richard Ice
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Junk
Mr. Brad Kaeser & Ms. Jess Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Kasle
Mrs. Jo Ann Kellogg
Mr. & Mrs. David Kishler
Ms. Terri Klochko & Mr. John Bull
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Kowynia
Mr. Marc and Mrs. Maureen Labadie
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Limbocker
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lohman
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Longo
Mrs. Bunny Marquardt
Mr. & Mrs. John Mathy
Dr. & Mrs. Ben Mayne, II
Mrs. Joseph Merritt
Ms. Elizabeth Minor
Mitchell Graphics, Inc.
Mrs. Leslie Morris
Mr. & Dr. Jeff Murray
Mr. & Mrs. William Newman
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O’Keefe
Dr. James O’Neal and Mrs. Teri Wiegand-O’Neal
Mrs. Cynthia Ottaway
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Parrott
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Pearsall
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Perry
Petoskey Area Visitors Bureau
Ms. Elizabeth Pride
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Radom
Ms. MaryAnn Ralph
Mr. & Mrs. James Rand
Mr. & Mrs. James Reinhart
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rosewall
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Saeli
Mr. & Mrs. John Santeiu
Dr. Franziska Schoenfeld
Dr. David Scoggin & Ms. Hilary Soller
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Shaheen
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Smith
Mrs. Nell Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Storms
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tibaldi
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Tunison
Mr. John and Mrs. Catherine Van Hulle
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Vigi
Mrs. Cynthia Walker & Mrs. Dana Woodburn
Mr. Jim Whitfield and Mrs. Marilyn Wollenweber
Ms. Janet Wingenroth
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Wudyka
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Zimmer
Ms. Margaret Ahlness
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Ainslie
Mr. & Mrs. John Barker
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Barrat
Barrel Back
Bearcub Outfitters
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Bock
Mr. Jared Buckley & Ms. Patricia Kolowich
Mr. Michael and Linda Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Clarke
Mr. John Conners
Mr. & Mrs. Denny Cortez
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Deery
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Drobot
Catherine Dronsejko
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Easley
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Hardenbergh
Mr. David and Mrs. Kitty Hendrix
Mr. Erik and Mrs. Kerri Herberholz
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Hicks
Mrs. Helen Imbs
Mr. & Mrs. John Lowell
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lunghamer
Mr. Timothy Manganello
Mr. & Mrs. John Mathy
Mr. & Mrs. Sean McKibben
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Nash
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Reimer
Mr. & Mrs. John Rimas
Ms. Joan Schock
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Shepherd
Mrs. Gail Shulman
Mr. & Mrs. William Stone
Mr. Ralph and Mrs. Mary Sustar
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vellenga
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Veurink
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Volkman
Walloon Lake Inn
Ms. Linda Wetherbee
Ms. Kristin Wingenroth
Gifts of Lasting Tribute
The WLAC greatly acknowledges the following gifts made in memory or honor of those with a special place in their hearts for Walloon.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Veryser
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Parker
Ever Loved, Inc.
Ms. Cynthia Cohen
Ms. Holly Cooper
Ms. Deborah Barron
Mr. & Mrs. Denny Cortez
Ms. Barbara Cullman
Mr. & Mrs. Josh Goldman
Mr. William Makinen & Ms. Holly Wong
Ms. Monica McGowan
Ms. Susan Russell
Ms. Maura Whelan
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Whelan
Mr. & Mrs. Ward Young
Global Product Marketing Team
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Beno
Mr. & Mrs. J. Steven Brown
Mrs. Bernadette Burkhardt
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Cook
Mr. & Mrs. James Daniels
Mr. & Mrs. John Degroot
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Emmons
Mr. & Mrs. William Graham
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hatch
Mr. Dale Jordan
Ms. Sarah Kemppainen
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kievit
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Lancaster
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Lollo
Mrs. Edward Loniewski
Mr. & Mrs. James Macintyre
Mrs. Ernest Mainland
Ms. Colleen Mauk
Mrs. Nancy Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Morrow
Mr. Mark Mulka
Mr. & Mrs. John Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Max Putters
Ms. Mary Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rosenbaum
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sanback
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Snyder
Ms. Donna Thompson
Mr & Mrs. Barry Wagner
Ms. Bridget Waldvogel
Mr. Ken Williams
Mr. & Mrs. James Macintyre
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Trimble
Mr. & Mrs. James Macintyre
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Goldich
Ms. Sheila Bettendorf
Ms. Catherine Dronsejko
Ms. Deb Stern
Drost Landscape
Jensen’s Animal Hospital
Lincoln Elementary School
Ms. Dorothy Beyer
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Cross
Mr. & Mrs. James Macintyre
Mr. Raymond Maritz & Ms. Frances Rice
Ms. Valerie Meyerson
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Starks
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Parker
Mrs. Cotton Hanley
Mr. & Mrs. John Jaqua
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sanback
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Sullivan
Dr. & Mrs. Edward Stokel
Evening Star Joinery
Ms. Deb Stern
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lange
Mrs. Patricia Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Baxter
Ms. Elizabeth Bishop
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Brieden
Mrs. Ann Burr
Ms. Natalie DeBoer
Ms. Susie Frost
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Goldich
Mr. & Mrs. David Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. James Keller
Mrs. Martha Krimendahl
Dr. Arnold Morawa
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Morrow
Mrs. Lucia Scully Oelz
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sanback
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Thornton
Ms. Stephanie Whisler
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sanback
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Berry
Ms. Lisa Marshall
Ms. Noreen Rabe
Ms. Cindy Rust
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Moore
Evening Star Joinery
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Austin
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Balbach
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Brimacombe
Mrs. Ann Burr
Mr. & Mrs. Chapman
Ms. Bonnie Dawson
Ms. Christine Harvey
Ms. Kathleen Head
Mr. & Mrs. James Keller
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Miesel
Mr. Robert Millard
Ms. Elizabeth Minor
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Morrow
Ms. Martha Olsen
Ms. Diane Orvis
Mr. Donald Owen
Ms. Suzanne Van Appledorn
Ms. Margaret Ahlness
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Ainslie
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Alexandrowski
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Goldich
Ms. Elizabeth Bishop
Mr. & Mrs. James Keller
Mrs. Dana Lapekas
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Sullivan
Muriel Fenn
Candace and William Powers
Jennifer and Steve Cavendish
Evening Star Joinery
In Honor of Sonja Perkins
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Goldich
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Jacobsen, III
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Duval
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Harris
Ms. Sherry Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. David Herbert
Mr. & Mrs. William Kasch
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lange
Mr. Scott Manzler
Mr. & Mrs. Ronney Mereness
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Parrish
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Setzer
Mr. & Mrs. Adam Smith
Ms. Marguerite Smith
H. Hanley
Houchens Insurance: Alex Rechtin
Mr. Daniel Angus
Mr. & Mrs. J. Keith Ausbrook
Ms. Gaby Batshoun
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Bogo
Ms. Rita Cramton
Mrs. Paul Everhart
Mrs. Andrea Fisher
Ms. Jackie Gray
Mrs. Cotton Hanley
Ms. Linda Hoffsis
Mr. Bryan Holland
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Keighley
Kidd & Leavy Real Estate
Mr. Christian Krimendahl
Mr. & Mrs. John Laihinen
Mr & Mrs. John Lillis
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Lowe
Mr. & Mrs. John Lowell
Ms. Jill Martin &. Mr. Mark Dorfman
The Murphy Family
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Parrish
Mr. Adam Rentschler
Mr. David Rentschler
Mr. & Mrs. David Schmitt
Ms. Deb Stern
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. James Weyhrauch
Mr. Peter Worcester
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Zimmer
Woman’s Art Club of Cincinnati
Mrs. Edward Lapekas
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Lowe
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sanback
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lange
Ms. Barbara Cullman
Mr. & Mrs. Johannes Kurd
Mrs. Dana Lapekas
Mr. & Mrs. Denny Cortez
Ms. Cynthia Jose
Ms. Deb Stern
Land Preservation
Historical contributors to the 54 preserves protected by the Walloon Lake Association and Conservancy.
Mr. & Mrs. Vaughn Adams
Muriel & Joseph Alexandrowski
Renee & Steve Alexandrowski
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Anthony
Cherri & Robert Anthony
Tatiana Anthony
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Arno
William Aten
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Ayres
Mrs. Maureen S. Babcock
Mr. & Mrs. Dale W. Bachelor
Katherine A. Baker
Lauren & Tom Balames
Barrel Back
Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Barringer
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Barringer
Ms. Deborah Durfee Barron
Mr. & Mrs. Jon D. Bartell
Jim Bartlett
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Bartlett
Daniel Bates
Gail Bates
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Bauerle
Mary & Syd Baxter
Cathy & David Beier
Catherine Belknap
Mary Irene Bell
Janice & John Bennish
Mr. & Mrs. James I. Bernardin
Mary & Bob Bessette
Bill Bettman
Katherine & Stephen Biggs
Mr. & Mrs. Ray H. Billsby
Barnie Bishop
Sylvia & Jack Bock
Mr. William D. Booth
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan L. Borisch
Mary Jane Borowski & Mike Buday
Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas C. Bosch
Mrs. John R. Bowers
Boyne Area Chamber of Commerce
Andrew Bray
Kathy & Bill Bray
Polly & Tom Bredt
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Brice
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Brieden
Dr. & Mrs. M. Arthur Budden
Pam Bufe
Denise & William Bull
Mike Calabrese
The Carls Foundation
Amy Carpenter & Aaron Sherk
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Carpenter
Mrs. C. Robert Carr
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Carson
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Caveney, Jr.
The Challoon
Charlevoix County Community Foundation
Maggie & Bob Charlton
Mrs. Marion Church
Clark Properties
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Clark
Mary Margaret & John Clark
Mr. Benjamin Cohen
Mary Ida Compton
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Cooley
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Cooper
Carolyn Corbin
Kathryn & Dennis Cortez
Michelle & Rod Cortright
Mike Cortright
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Crouse
Ms. Barbara Cullman
Barbara Cullman & Robert Packus
Karen & Peter Cullman
Dr. & Mrs. James R. Cumming
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Currier
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Dahl
Robyn & John Daley
Dr. & Mrs. Allen D. Damschroder
Greg Danforth
Mr. & Mrs. David H. Deal
Dr. & Mrs. Hugh G. Deery, II
Dan Deloof
Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm L. Denise
Kristen & Connor Dennis
Austin DePottey
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. DePrekel
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. DeWeese
Kevin DeWitt
Bevin & Heath Deyo
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard C. Diller
Jenny & James Dilworth
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Dinius
Aurora Dobbs
Judy & Stephen Dobson
Drs. James & Maureen Doull
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Drimalla
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Duval
Mr. & Mrs. W. Jeter Eason
Connie & Bob Eaton
Mark Eckstein
Mr. & Mrs. Morgan H. Edwards
Sherri & Doug Engler
Jim Evans
Mr. William M. Fairhurst
Sarah & Keith Faller
Dr. & Mrs. Richard J. Ferrara
Audrey Fick
Mr. & Mrs. David Fick
Mr. Earl H. Fields
Kerri Finlayson
Mr. & Mrs. Leon Fish
Dr. & Mrs. John E. Fisher
Courtney & Matt Font
Tim Fortier
Susan & Richard Fox
Ms. Kathryn M. Frech
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Freese
Todd Freidinger
Katie & Matt Frentz
Mr. & Mrs. Randall D. Furgeson
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Furgeson, Sr.
Rosemary Geist
Mr. & Mrs. Wood Geist
Travis Gibbs
Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Glass
Mary Pat & Geoffrey Goldich
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert B. Gottlieb
Sally & Lawrence Grace
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Graham
Tracy Gravlin
Andrew Green
Donna & Rick Gross
Stephanie Grozner
Elizabeth & Justin Gusick
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Gutow
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Gutow
Mr. & Mrs. Russell E. Hammond
Mr. & Mrs. Otis S. Hardy
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Hargreaves
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Harley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Harrington
Sarah & John, Jr. Hastings
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Hatch
Ellen & Michael Hatch
Dr. & Mrs. Raymond C. Hausbeck
Carrie & John Hayden
Cindy & Andy Hayes
Heidi Heisel
Dr. & Mrs. William A. Heisel
Calvin Hendricks
Cynthia B. Hermann
Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hermann
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick C. Hershey
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Hertzler
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Hess, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Hillenbrand, II
Sally & Gene Hoerr
Mrs. Hazel Reycraft Hoffman
Cheryl Hofweber
Brian Van Horn
Charles Hoven & Margy Bray
Mr. & Mrs. Roger L. Howe
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Howell
Jay Hunter
Philip Huyghe
Mr. & Mrs. G. William Ince
Brendan Ingalls
Maria Ivaniec & Mark Sibel
Hugh Jacob
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Janssen
Margaret & John Jaqua
Mrs. Lyn Jenks
Lynne & Broc Johnson
Michael Johnson
Mr. A. Martin Johnson
V. Sandy & Connie Jose
Mr. & Mrs. William Junk
Mrs. Ida Edith Keenley
Mr. & Mrs. Clark W. Keller
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Keller, Sr.
Marilyn & James Keller
Mandy & Cindy Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kendell
Jodie & Thomas Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Kerr
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Kidd
Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Kidd
Mary Ellen King
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Kirk
Louise & Gunnar Klarr
Maggie & Jason Kromm
Ken Kruzel
Mr. & Mrs. John Kuhnle
Ladyhawke, LLC
Allison & Philo Lange
Lee Lange & Ted Planje
Linda & Erik Larsen
Dr. & Mrs. Patrick G. Latcham
Latitude 45
Marie & Greg Law
Cacia Lesh
Mr. & Mrs. B. Albert Lieberman, II
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin B. Limbocker
Barbara Maher Lincoln
Mr. Theodore Lincoln
Little Traverse Conservancy
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Lohrman
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar H. Lotspeich
Cammie & Jeff Lowe
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Lunghamer
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Lunghamer
Dr. & Mrs. Charles F. Lydy
Mr. & Mrs. James Macintyre
Dr. & Mrs. Albert J. Macksood
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Magee
Mr. & Mrs. Hans W. Maier
Judy & Ernest Mainland
Kathryn Makinen
Marty Makinen & Holly Wong
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Maldegen
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Manchester
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Manchester
Mr. & Mrs. C. Keith Manglos
Karen & Terry Mann
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Manthei
Mr. Raymond E. Maritz, Jr.
John Marklewitz
Mr. & Mrs. William Marklewitz
Bunny Marquardt
Marilyn Banks Martin
continued from previous page
Mark Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Martin, Jr.
Dr. T. B. Martin
Linda & Gary Marx
Mr. & Mrs. E. Curtis Matthews
Mr. & Mrs. E. Curtis Matthews, Jr.
The Maus Family
Lynn & Glen Mayfield
Dr. Ben R. Mayne, III
James & Sherry McAuliffe
Kristy McBride
Meriwether & John McCloney
Mr. & Mrs. Ian McEwan
Stephanie McGreevy
Shelley & Robert McKinney
Kirk McMurray & Gail Martin
Dr. & Mrs. Mark McMurray
Jane McNamara
Mr. & Mrs. James Meathe
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Miesel
Hugh Melling
Mr. & Mrs. James Millen
Dr. & Mrs. William J. Millikan
Dr. Thomas S. Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O. Morrow
Elizabeth J. Mudd
Patrick Mullally
Karen & Jerry Mulligan
John Nagle & Cheryl Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Nash
Carolyn B. Nelson
Anne & Dan Nemes
Mr. & Mrs. George T. Nickey
Steve Niehaus
Jim Rand & Irma Noel
Becky & Don Nohel
William & Julia Norcross
Norcross Foundation Inc.
Mrs. Norris
Mr. J. Douglas North
Mr. & Mrs. James E. North North Country Cycle Sport
North Country Property Management
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Oldham
Sarah & Wallace Oliver
Mrs. Cynthia Ottaway
Mrs. Victoria H. Otten
Mr. & Mrs. Roger K. Paquette
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Parker
Maureen & James Parker
Dr. & Mrs. Burt Parliament
Jackie & Lee Parrish
Elizabeth Pascoe
Petoskey-Harbor Springs Area Community Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pattengale
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Perkins
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur S. Pohl
Mr. Louis Pohl
Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Pohl, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Jack Postle
Cathy & Mark Pumford
Mr. & Mrs. J. Thomas Pustell
Mr. & Mrs. Max R. Putters
Caroline & Michael Pyle
Rabbit Properties II, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Borge Reimer
Mr. & Mrs. Lemont A. Renterghem
David N. Rentschler
Judy & Wally Reynolds
Pamela & Bruce Rhoades
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Rhoades
Archer & Shepherd Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis L. Roudi
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Rowlands
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Saddler
Amy & Mark Sanford
Judy & John Jr. Santeiu
Harriette Schach
Betsy & Steve Schnell
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Schreiber
Ms. Jean S. Schwier
Cheryl Sedestrom
Bill Seguin
Sarah Murchison & Joseph Seka
Michael Sheean
Kelly Sheets
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Shefferly
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Shifrin
Mrs. Roberta L. Shifrin
Sarah & Mickey Shuffield
Davey Simon
Ann Cuddohy Slawnik
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Sloan
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Sloneker, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William Sloneker
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Smith
Debbie & Don Smith
Dibby & Scott Smith
Flo & Thomas Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Smith
Jinny & Rusty Smith
Marguerite Smith
Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Smith
Theresa & Adam Smith
Mr. & Mrs. B. Thomas M. Smith, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Snyder
Mrs. Elizabeth L. Sohngen
Beverly & Joseph Stanley
Robin & Bill Stanley
Ginny & John Starkel
Mr. & Mrs. Rex E. Starks
Ms. Peggy Ann Steig
Deb Stern
Harrison Stern
Parker Stern
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Stofflet
Dr. & Mrs. James D. Stroud
Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Sullivan
Sally & Bill Swanson
Sally Randall Swanson
Sweetgrass LLC
Karen & Ned Swift
Mr. & Mrs. Keith D. Takasawa
Tanglewood Cottage
Mr. & Mrs. Howard A. Ternes
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Terrell
Jon Terry
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Thornton
Julie Tokar
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Tollar
Top of Michigan Mountain Bike Association
Marguerite Trixler
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Turland
Mr. & Mrs. Gary B. Underwood
Nancy Baird Vacanti
Van Dam Custom Boats
Patricia A. Verhelle
Diane & Marvin Veurink
Daniel T. Van Voorhis
Chris & Brice Voran
Carla & Kevin Vrondran
Mr. & Mrs. Fred R. Waidelich
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Walenta
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Walker
Walloon Lake Country Club
Walloon Lake Trust & Conservancy
Judith A. Ward
Richard & Marni McKinney Waterfield
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. Waterman
Waterman Associates
Thomas Welch
Mr. & Mrs. David Williams, III
Ms. Louise Williams
Mr. Asa E. Wilson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Wilson, Jr.
Diane & John Winchell
Windermere Cottage
Todd Winnell
WLTC Purchase from land protection funds
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Wolf
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Worcester
Dan Wortman
Karen & Kevin Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Wright
Andrea & Wayne Wudyka
Cynthia & John Young
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Young, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Zimmerman
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond E. Zimmerman
Conservation Easements
Historical contributors to the 20 Conservation Easements held by the Walloon Lake Association and Conservancy
Mrs. Ralph Appleton
Mary & Bob Bessette Camp Daggett
Carolyn B. Diltz
Dr. & Mrs. Richard J. Ferrara
Mr. Earl H. Fields
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Fitton, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Frederick
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Frentz
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Hanley, Jr.
Jane Maus Hearne
Dr. & Mrs. William A. Heisel
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Hillenbrand, II
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Hoganson
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Hopple
Susan S. Houseman
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Howell
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Hubacker
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Imbs, II
Marion Krausse
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Kurtz
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Lunghamer
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Marcum
Barbara E. Margolis
Mr. Frederick E. Margolis
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Margolis
Judith A. Margolis
Mr. & Mrs. E. Curtis Matthews, Jr.
Mr. John G. Maus
Mr. Thomas B. Maus
Mr. William H. Maus, Jr.
Dr. Harold McCaughrin
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O. Morrow
Julia Maus Norcross
Mr. John P. Ottaway, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Jack Postle
Mr. & Mrs. E. Lawrence Rellinger
Mrs. Julia Schildt
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Seeley
Mrs. Kristin M. Skornia
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip R. Thornton
Mr. & Mrs. Guy T. Warfield, III
Mr. David I. Weisblat
Mr. & Mrs. David P. William, III
Mr. James C. Zeman
In 1997, the Walloon Lake Trust received $400,000 from the Mary K. Peabody Foundation to start the Trust’s Endowment Fund. We continue to welcome gifts to this endowment from any donor whose preference is to invest in the perpetuity of the operation of the Walloon Lake Association and Conservancy. The Endowment Fund principal is invested to generate income used to help fund capital projects, land stewardship, land acquisition, and operations. We wish to thank the following donors who have contributed so generously to our endowment over the years.
($50,000 AND OVER)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Eaton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Frederick
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Hillenbrand, II
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Howell
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Marcum
Mrs. Lucille W. Matthews
Mr. & Mrs. Burnell R. Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Sargent
Mr. Edward A. Sobleskey
Mr. & Mrs. Howard A. Ternes
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Wilson, Jr.
($25,000 - $49,999)
Mrs. Ralph L. Appleton
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Carson
Mrs. Virginia G. Crouse
Mr. & Mrs. Alton F. Doody
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Fairhurst
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Graham
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Hanley, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hermann
Mr. John S. Hopple
Mr. Joseph E. Lunghamer
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Miesel
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred B. Moran
Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Pohl, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James Seeley
Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. Sloneker, III
Mrs. Edward A. Sobleskey
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Wirtz
($20,000 - $24,999)
Mrs. Maureen Belknap Babcock
Ms. Elizabeth Bishop
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Bowman
Dr. & Mrs. M. Arthur Budden
Mrs. Pat Weber Carpenter
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Castleberry
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. David Crouse
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Cullman
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley T. Ferger
Mr. Donald W. Fitton, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Albert H. Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Ghesquiere, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. D. J. Goff
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Gross
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Klopcic, Klopcic Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick G. Koehler
Miss Marjorie Kroeger
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Lapekas
Mr. Newell H. McCuen
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Meathe
Mr. & Mrs. Herrick F. Norcross, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Ottaway, Jr.
Mrs. Joanne T. Otterbein
Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. Fred G. Secrest
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Swanson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Terrell
Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Thornton
Mr. & Mrs. William Wentworth
Mr. & Mrs. David P. Williams, III
Mrs. Joyce M. Wilson
($5,000 - $9,999)
Mr. Pierce Bray
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Brieden
Mr. Joe C. Burgin, Jr.
The Chamberlain Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Culbertson, Jr.
Mrs. Cecila S. Cullman
Dr. & Mrs. Allen D. Damschroder
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Dorman
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Fick
Frenzel/Bookwalter Families
Mr. & Mrs. Wood M. Geist
Mr. & Mrs. Lee H. Gery
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Hamby
Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Harlan
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Herbert
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Hermann
Mr. William Heyburn, II
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur A. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Keller
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Kidd
Mrs. Marion E. Krausse
Mr. Julian G. Lange
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin B. Limbocker
Mrs. Barbara Mahar Lincoln
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Maher
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Maldegen
Mr. & Mrs. William Marklewitz
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Marx
Mr. & Mrs. David T. McLaughlin
Dr. & Mrs. Richard J. McMurray
Mr. George T. Nickey
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Borge R. Reimer
Mrs. Betty Beadell Richardson
Mrs. Elizabeth Sohngen
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Sullivan
Dr. & Mrs. D. Eugene Thompson
Dr. Thomas G. Varbedian
Mr. & Mrs. Brice T. Voran
Mr. & Mrs. Guy T. Warfield, III
Mrs. Martha Artz Warren
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Worcester
(UP TO $5,000)
Dr. & Mrs. Patrick C. Alguire
Mr. Hira D. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Armstrong
Mrs. LaVerne H. Artz
Mr. & Mrs. J. Keith Ausbrook
Mr. & Mrs. Jon D. Bartell
Marjorie Barto
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Bessette
Mr. & Mrs. Ted J. Black
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond F. Blanz
Mr. & Mrs. Charles V. Booth, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Boutell
Mrs. Nancy H. Bowers
Mr. Robert M. Briede
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Brubaker
Mr. & Mrs. Hans W. Bruehl
Mr. & Mrs. Vaughn Bryson
Mrs. Lena T. Carlile
Mrs. C. Robert Carr
Mr. & Mrs. George R. Cavell
Bob & Maggie Charlton
Mr. James E. Commons
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Cooke
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis T. Currier
Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Dinius
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Egger
Mr. Michael S. Elledge
Ewend Family
Mr. & Mrs. Hal Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Frankel
Mr. & Mrs. Tom French
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Frentz
Mrs. Robert Gatzert
Carol George
Mr. James A. Giantoni
Mr. Richard C. Glowacki
Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Hackett
Mr. John O. Hastings
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Hayward
Dr. & Mrs. William A. Heisel
Mr. & Mrs. John Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome L. Hoganson
Mr. Marvin E. Howell
Ms. Julie D. Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Hunting, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Dana S. Hushak
Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Hyatt
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Jacobson
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Jones
Mr. Victor Jose
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Kasischke
Mr. Willard P. Kerr
Mr. & Mrs. C. G. King, Jr.
June K. Klages
Dr. & Mrs. Reynold E. Klages, Jr.
Frederick G. and Joyce G. Koehler
Fund of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lenter
Miss Bonnie Cullen Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar H. Lotspeich
Dr. & Mrs. Charles F. Lydy
Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. MacArthur
Dr. & Mrs. Albert J. Macksood
Mr. Timothy E. Magee
Mr. & Mrs. William Makinen
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Masters
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin E. McCrone
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. McKinney
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. McNally
Mrs. Margret M. Meek
Mrs. Nancy Ann Morris
Mr. Robert M. Murdock
Dr. & Mrs. E. Grant Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Dale E. Nelson
Mrs. Mary Anne Newman
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Nickelson
Mrs. Irma Kathleen Noel
Mrs. Louise Noel
Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. O’Brien
Mrs. Lucia Scully Oelz
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace L. Oliver
Mr. & Mrs. Roger K. Paquette
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Pattengale
Mrs. Joseph Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Pietrangeli
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pizzi
Mr. Louis G. Pohl
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pritchard
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Raney
Mr. & Mrs. Carlton Rasmussen
Mrs. Priscilla D. Rasmussen
Mr. David N. Rentschler
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Rohe
Mrs. Jean Hanley Sager
Mr. & Mrs. John N. Santeiu, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William Sarran
Glen Seaman & Janet Sofy
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Shifrin
Mr. Robert A. Sloan & Ellen M. Byerlein
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Sloneker
Mr. & Mrs. David Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Spence, III
Mr. & Mrs. Weden O. Spence
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Stetson
Mr. Timothy V. Swanson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Sweeney
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Thornbury
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Tollar
Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Volkman
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Walenta
Mrs. Dolores B. Wehrenberg
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Williams, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Woods
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Young
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Zimmerman
2024 Property Owner Resources
The Walloon Lake Association and Conservancy is not an enforcing body, but we do support the strict enforcement and following of all Township/County ordinances affecting the lake and its watershed. Listed below are some of the pertinent names and telephone numbers you will find helpful if you would like to:
• Build or modify a house
• Put in or repair a septic system
• Move earth within 500 feet of the lake
• Place fill/structures in, excavate or drain a wetland
Office Phone 231-535-6112
Email wlac@walloon.org
Ron Van Zee 231-497-4701
Tammy Dornenburg 231-439-8998
Bonnie Shunatona 231-582-0337
Ken Lane 231-535-2310
Ken Lane 231-347-7915
Terry Amick 231-547-7221
Martin VanBerlo 231-348-1735
Russ Smith 231-547-7236
Nancy Salar 231-439-8996
• Modify your shoreline
• Drill a well
• Change the use of a property
• Install an impervious surface (driveway, path, etc.)
Erin Emington 989-731-4920
Russ Kittleson 248-756-4242
Some ordinances govern how you may modify your land or buildings, others are designed to maintain and improve water quality; for example, establishing and maintaining a greenbelt is the single most important thing you can do as a lakefront property owner to protect the quality of the lake. Please make yourself aware of your Township’s ordinances and strive to abide by them.
Boat Launch
Gas Stop
Wake Sports
Paddling Areas
Safety Buoy

Recommended Areas for Wake Sports
(Both 400+ft from shore and 15+ft depth)
Not Recommended
In 2020, the University of Minnesota College of Science & Engineering researched the wave height, power and energy of wakes from wakesurf boats and ski boats at four different distances from the shoreline (225, 325, 425, and 625 feet). This research was designed/performed as an unbiased response to “citizen concerns,” including environmental impact, property damage, and safety. In line with this study, Endicott Fay also studied the impact of waves in relation to water depth.
All boats tested in the Minnesota study produced the smallest wakes when operating under higher, “planing” speeds (20MPH) and produced the largest wakes when operating under slower, “non-planing” speeds (10MPH). When comparing typical operating conditions (wakesurf vs. ski), it was found that wakesurf boats produced wave heights that were 2-3 times larger and wave powers that were 6-12 times larger when closer to shore. The research performed by Endicott Fay found that wakesurfing in a depth of 10 feet or more minimized the wave impact.
These studies prompted the WLAC Safety Committee and Board of Trustees to put forth a new recommendation: while actively wakesurfing/boarding, please maintain a minimum distance of 425 feet from the shoreline AND a minimum depth of 15 feet. Although this is not an enforceable policy, we hope that Wallooners will choose areas on the water that are more appropriate for use out of respect for one another and the health of the lake. Please join us in pledging to Move Your Wake, Respect the Lake!
1 2 3
Marine Manners & Regulations
Consideration of others, common sense and adherence to the following marine regulations will permit everyone to have fun on the water safely.
Power boats, including PWCs, must avoid all other boats, including sailboats, fishing boats, and boats towing skiers. Sailboats not under power always have right-of-way over boats under power. Powerboats should stay well clear and not rock fishing boats or sailboats with their wake.
2 The following right-of-way rules apply to power boats:
A On crossing courses, the boat to the right (starboard) has the right-of-way.
B A boat overtaking and passing a slower boat must stay clear until well ahead.
C When power boats are meeting head-on, or nearly so, each boat should turn to its starboard (right) and pass with the other boat on its port (left) side.

Rafts, buoys and moored boats should not be so far from shore as to be hazards to boats. Rafts and buoys should be white or light colored to be easily seen at night. 1 2 3 4
3 Speed should be dictated by water, visibility and traffic conditions. It is recommended that speed not exceed 35 mph; it must never exceed 55 mph. Speed should be reduced when passing through any areas controlled by navigational buoys. At night, speed should be reduced and extra attention should be given to locating other boats, both moving and moored.
Personal Watercraft (“PWC”) are powerboats and must follow the same rules of the road as a runabout or large yacht. This includes observing swimming areas, “no wake” zones and other restrictions.
The following laws control their use:
1) All people on or towed by a PWC must wear a PFD.
2) Legal operating hours are 8:00 AM until sunset.
3) No wake jumping, weaving in heavy boat traffic, coming unreasonably close to other boats.
4) No carrying more people than the PWC was designed to carry.
5) Must observe 100’ rule and not jump wakes closer than 150’ from the boat making the wake.
6) Young people must be at least 16 and in possession of a boaters’ safety certificate to operate a watercraft in Michigan. People aged 14 or 15 may operate if they are either with a parent or guardian, or within 100 feet of a parent or guardian, and have completed a boaters’ safety course with their parent. The owner of the watercraft is responsible to ensure that the watercraft is operated in compliance with these rules.
7) Anyone born AFTER December 31, 1978 needs a BSC to operate.
8) When a Boating Safety Certificate is required, it must be carried at all times when operating a PWC.
9) The PWC Registration must be carried on board at all times.
10) Kill switch lanyard must be used if PWC has the system.
11) Person owning or in charge of PWC cannot allow anyone to operate illegally.
12) Any child under 7 on board a PWC or being towed MUST be in the company of his or her parent or a designee of the parent.
13) Operation of the PWC may not disturb aquatic vegetation or harass wildlife.
In addition, it is recommended that PWCs ride quietly away from the shore and enjoy their ride, tricks, spin-outs, etc., in the middle of the lake and away from other boating traffic. PWCs should change their mid-lake location often and return to the shore quietly.
It is suggested we voluntarily limit PWC operation to the hours of 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM.
The line of ramps, buoys, docks and moored boats must be cleared by at least 100’ by power boats moving faster than slow, no-wake speed; fast boats should clear by at least 300’. (For reference the typical water ski line is 75’.)
Boats approaching or leaving docks should go through the line of ramps, etc., at approximately right angles to the shore at no more than 5 MPH with no wake.
Swimmers should not swim outside the line of rafts, buoys and moored boats unless accompanied by a boat. All boats must be very alert for swimmers, especially near the shore.
Water skiing pick-ups and drops should not be made in congested areas. Ski boats must be occupied by two qualified persons, one to operate the boat and the other to observe the skier. Water skiing is prohibited from one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise. Persons being towed require a personal floatation device type 1, 2 or 3. Inflatable PFDs are not sufficient.
Running lights are required to be on between sunset and sunrise; a red and green bow light and a 360˚ white light at the stern; one white light for nonpowered rowboats, canoes and sailboats under 26’.
All boats with motors, jet skis and sailboats of any length and rowboats over 16’, must be registered. Canoes and kayaks need not be registered. Boat numbers must be displayed on the forward part of the boat, in contrasting color, as far above the water line as possible, along with a current Michigan decal.

Scuba diving operations must be identified with a red
flag with white diagonal stripe, on a buoy or boat. Boats should not operate within 200 feet of this flag, and divers must not go beyond 100 feet of it.
No one under the influence of intoxicating beverages or a controlled substance may operate a boat. The same laws apply on the water as on the highway, and strong penalties apply.
12 It is recommended that anchor lights (360 degrees, white) be displayed by anchored, unoccupied boats between sunset and sunrise. This does not apply to boats at a dock.

All boats must have a Type I, II or III Coast Guard approved, wearable Personal Flotation Device (“PFD”) for each person aboard; Powerboats, 16’ to 26’, also must carry an approved Type IV throwable device which should be immediately available.
Everyone skiing or on PWCs must wear an approved Type I, II or III PFD.
Children age 6 and under must always wear a Type I or II PFD when riding in the open deck area of any boat, including a pontoon boat.
PFD’s must also be in good and serviceable condition and appropriately sized for the individual intended. PFD’s must be readily accessible and immediately available.
A fully charged fire extinguisher (Coast Guard Type B-1) is required on all powerboats (except outboard motor boats less than 26’, which are of open construction and have no permanent gas tanks installed). They are, however, highly recommended for all powerboats and should be checked regularly.

15 Motorboats may be operated by individuals over
16 years of age who have a boaters’ safety certificate in their possession. A person from ages 12-15 may operate a motorboat with a boaters’ safety certificate in their possession, or if they are with a person over 16 who has their certificate. Children under 12 can operate a motorboat if they have taken a boaters’ safety course (and have the certificate) and are under the direct supervision of someone on board who is 16 or older, and the vessel motor totals no more than 35 hp.
(If the motor totals fewer than 6 hp, this rule does not apply.)
If you plan to hold a regatta, parade or other organized event, you must contact the DNR at least 30 days in advance.
Navigation buoys are installed for safety; vessels may not be moored to these devices (Persons may not hang on or obstruct the view of these buoys.)
Responsible citizens will report violations of marine safety rules and accidents to the Sheriff’s Office or DNR. Please call 911 to reach the Sheriff with marine safety concerns.
Services Directory
June 1 7 - August 9
June 1 7 - August 9
June 1 7 - August 9

June 26
June 26
June 26
WSI/WYC Fun Race 2pm
WSI/WYC Fun Race 2pm
WSI/WYC Fun Race 2pm
July 11 17 day
July 11 17 day
July 11 17 day
July 22 - July 26
July 22 - July 26
Walloon Cup
July 22 - July 26
Walloon Cup
Walloon Cup
July 29
July 29
July 29
Parent/Child Race
Parent/Child Race
Parent/Child Race
August 6
August 6
August 6
Youth Mon - Fri 10am - 12:30pm
Youth Mon - Fri 10am - 12:30pm
Adult-Family-Private July 9 - July 25 Tues and Thur 2pm - 4pm
Youth Mon - Fri 10am - 12:30pm Adult-Family-Private July 9 - July 25 Tues and Thur 2pm - 4pm
July 9 - July 25 Tues and Thur 2pm - 4pm
Peabody Novice Race A prepaid seasonal rate of $800 covers sailing lessons for eight weeks for one sailor.
Peabody Novice Race A
seasonal rate of $800 covers sailing lessons for eight weeks for one sailor.
Peabody Novice Race A prepaid seasonal rate of $800 covers sailing lessons for eight weeks for one sailor.
At Walloon Central Marine we have everything you need to relax on and around the water. Stop in to see our newest Bennington pontoons for sale or choose from one of our seven Bennington rental boats to experience our beautiful Walloon Lake.
We have you covered with our many marine services:
• New/Used Sales
• Storage
• Factory Trained Service
• Rentals

• Docks
• Headhouses
• Restoration
• Boat Lifts
• Boat Detailing
• Boat Transport
• Shrink Wrapping
• Ship Store
Authorized dealers of:

For registration questions, contact Emily LeFevers at 513-529-1497 or email RSVP@MiamiOH.edu
For general event questions, contact Kathy Schmitt ’85 at 513-518-2048 or email KathyDSchmitt@gmail.com

AAdams, Greg & Phyllis T 6430 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 c/o Croswell & Adams 8 W. Ninth Street Cincinnati, OH 45202 513/259-8111 513/382-0254 gadams@croswelladams.com phyllis@phyllisadams.com
Adams, Gregory C. & Susan E. 3803 M-75, N. Boyne City, MI 49712 1140 Greenwood Avenue Wilmette, IL 60091 773/490-9905 847/532-4442 gregory.adams@eartlink.net suzhai@earthlink.net
Adele Legacy Family Cottage 3011 St. Louis Club Road Petoskey, MI. 49770 8223 New Haven Way Canton, MI. 48187-82190
Adgate, Betty L 08066 Thumb Lake Road Boyne Falls, MI 49713
Adgate, Cary & Jody L 08066 Thumb Lake Road Boyne Falls, MI 49713
Ahlness, Margaret “Peg” 1000 W. Century Avenue, Apt. 349 Bismark, ND 58503 701/523-6715 pahlness@ndsupernet.com
Aiello, Steve & Smith, Joann 6004 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 248/540-4774 sjaiello@aol.com joannmsmithmd@aol.com
Ainslie, Patrick & Sandy 7632 Valley Brook Avenue Boyne City, MI 49712 5605 Schooner Drive Lady Lake, FL 32159 248/505-4922 psainslie@yahoo.com
Alexandrowski, Steve & Renee 6995 Indian Garden Point Petoskey, MI 49770 1470 Woodland Place Plymouth, MI 48170 734/658-3983 (Steve) 734/674-8769 (Renee) steve@gemasset.net renee.a@me.com
Alguire, Dr. Patrick C. (Barbara Mathes) 6106 East Bay Drive Boyne City, MI 49712 267/414-4854 215/534-1969 patrickalguire@gmail.com barbara.mathes@gmail.com
Allen, Cynthia 636 W. Clute Road Boyne City, MI 49712 941/916-3727 cindy.allen636@gmail.com
Alpine Realty Group P.O. Box 452 Petoskey, MI 49770 231/622-6282 www.Alpine45.com Kurt.Jacobs@Alpine45.com
Anderson, Tim & Christine 5186 Jones Landing Road Petoskey, MI 49770 419 9th Street Wilmette, IL 60091 646/379-7877 847/804-5512 historichouse@comcast.net andersontr6@comcast.net
Anderton, James F., IV & Denise 02555 Eagle Island Road Boyne City, MI 49712-9330 19 Caloosa Court Key Largo, FL 33037 517/214-1300 (Jim Cell) 305/509-9000 (Denise Cell) jfandertoniv@gmail.com (Jim) anderto1@msu.edu (Denise)
Angileri, Mike & Holly 6380 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/881-6277 hollyangileri@gmail.com
Anolick, Mr. & Mrs. David 01061 Sweet Pea Lane P. O. Box 537 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 248/348-3395 231/758-2718 dranolick@gmail.com marylouanolick@gmail.com
Antalis, Jan & Alex 5085 Sand Point Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 260/255-8967 (Alex’s Cell) 260/433-7749 (Jan’s Cell) aantalisg@gmail.com jantalis@comcast.net
Armstrong, Julie Hayward & Jim 3770 Lake Grove Road #3 Petoskey, MI 49770 93 Broadbent Way Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 804/467-1464 juliehayarmstrong@comcast.net
Ash, George & Valerie 6775 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 809 West Chapel Road Sedona, AZ 86336 313/318-4153 313/622-2735 busterash@aol.com valvash@aol.com
Asuma, Lauren & Tommy 08635 Curtis Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 2204 Flambeau Drive Naperville, IL 60564 770/329-7563 ljasuma@hotmail.com
Atchison, David & Laura 6268 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 61 Briarwood Lane Oak Brook, IL 60523 312/286-0106 (Dave Cell) 630/710-1079 (Laura Cell) latchison@comcast.net atch1951@gmail.com
Atesian, Howard & Cathy 6820 Hilltop Lane Boyne City, MI 49712 226 Norcliff Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 248/417-1201 248/417-1203 231/582-1856 hatesian@hotmail.com catesian@aol.com
Ausbrook, J. Keith (Kate Rentschler) 220 Little Falls Street Falls Church, VA 22046 202/255-3360 kateausbrook@gmail.com jkeithausbrook@gmail.com
Austin, Don A. & Margaret 02268 Eagle Island Road Boyne City, MI 49712 P.O. Box 1441 Lees Summit, MO 64063 816/550-2992 don@austinhardware.com
Ayers, Timothy & Jennifer 14444 Cherry Tree Road Carmel, IN 46033 317/573-9383
BBachelor, Nancy 02601 Eagle Island Road Boyne City, MI 49712 231/582-0506 2107 Palma Sola Boulevard, #2 Bradenton, FL 34209-4837 941/896-4026
MEMBERS continued from previous page
Bade, John E., Jr. (Emme) 1183 S. Shore Drive
P. O. Box 607
Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/535-2557 jbade55@aol.com
Baker, Lorenzo P., III & Jan 5551 Country Club Shores Petoskey, MI 49770 231/535-2308
P. O. Box 4097 Portland, ME 04101 207/824-2488 lorenzobakerthree@gmail.com janbakertoo@gmail.com
Baker, Patricia “Patty” 4225 Balsam Lane Boyne City, MI 49712
P. O. Box 159 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 2035 Forest Club Drive Orlando, FL 32804 407/435-3112 pookapoona@gmail.com
Balames, Lauren & Tom 6518 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 320 Dunston Road Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 248/613-7601 248/613-7600 lbalames@gmail.com tom@balames.com
Banks, Stephen & Donna 1956 North Shore Drive P. O. Box 425 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/535-2006 6 Cahaba Court Destin, FL 32541 850/598-4870 850/974-2100 sbanks@stephenrbanks.com donnabanks1013@cox.net
Barker, John R. & Jill Tanglewood Cottage Wildwod Harbor 01187 Forest Lane Boyne City, MI 49712 2620 Hickory Road Ann Arbor, MI 48301 734/846-1485 734/972-9523 jrbarker@umich.edu jillrbarjer@sbcglobal.net
Barringer, Daniel & Holly 01381 Forest Lane
Boyne City, MI 49712 2007 Franklin Street, NE Washington, DC 20018 202/744-8877 barringer.daniel@gmail.com barringer.holly@gmail.com
Barringer, Erin 01381 Forest Lane Boyne City, MI 49712 1639 V Street Northwest Washington, District of Columbia, 20009 202/412-4032 erin.barringer@gmail.com
Barron, Deborah Durfee 01575 Sunterra Trail
Boyne City, MI 49712 582-3693 (cottage) 2528 Island Grove Boulevard Frederick, MD 21701 973/534-0203 (cell) barrond47@gmail.com
Barry, Thom & Marianne 02377 Eagle Island Road
Boyne City, MI 49712 239 High Street Northville, MI 48167 734/637-1573 248/521-2839 mgbarry1020@gmail.com thomfbarry@gmail.com
Bartell, Jon D. 1244 North Shore Drive P.O. Box 413 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 4581 SW Parkgate Boulevard Palm City, FL 34990 937/654-1980 (cell)
Bartell, Louis & Sandra Louie & Ansel P. O. Box 983 Moab, UT 84532 435/655-1389 P. O. Box 494 100 Fourth Street Placerville, CO 81430
Bartlett, Bob & Wanda 04515 Ellis Road Boyne City, MI 49712 231/582-7404 1025 Forest Road Ann Arbor, MI 48105 734/649-3747 robbar@umich.edu
Basford, Janet 3128 Townsend Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/487-1070
Bates, Gail
07018 Meadowoods Lane Boyne City, MI 49712 14711 Walnut Creek Drive Fort Wayne, IN 46814 812/325-5298 (cell) gailabates@aol.com
Battoclette, Michael & Amy 02816 Park Lane Boyne City, MI 49712 5811 Glenview Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45224 513/608-6174 (Mike cell) 513/324-1968 (Amy cell) poche2@fuse.net (Mike) poche2@gmail.com (Amy)
Bauer, Kathy, M.D. 01250 Forest Lane Boyne City, MI 49712 14330 Venice Dr. Sterling Heights, MI 48313 586/737-7518 kmbauer429@gmail.com
Baxter, Richard & Deborah 1758 N. Shore Drive P. O. Box 515 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/535-6050 4975 N. LaLomita Tucson, AZ 85719 520/250-4464 richardbaxter1@mac.com
Bear Cove Marina
Wayne Hilton 3052 Hilton Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-1994 wayne@bearcovemarina.com
Bear Creek Township 373 N. Division Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-2455 clerk@bearcreektownship.com supervisor@bearcreektownship.com
Bearcub Outfitters 321 E. Lake Street Petoskey, MI 49770 231/439-9500 sales@bearcuboutfitters.com
Beasley, Cheri & Wayne 1183 Linwood Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 2325 Williamston Road Williamston, MI 48895 517/490-8108 cheribeasley15@gmail.com
Beaudoin, Jeffrey B., M.D. (Deanna M.) 5372 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/838-7282 beaudoindeanna@gmail.com
Becker, Scott & Jennifer 204 N. Elm Avenue Elmhurst, IL 60126 773/425-3057 jenbecker@gmail.com
Beehler, Lance & Christine 7700 Fox Run Petoskey, MI 49770 317/716-1851 pencebee@yahoo.com
Beier, David & Cathy 4208 West Street P. O. Box 459 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/838-6321 csj520@sbcglobal.net
Bellware, Michael & Lindsay 1937 Killarney Shores Drive Petoskey, MI 49770 2923 Birch Harbor Lane West Bloomfield, MI 48324 248/549-9288 248/752-2893 michael.bellware@morganstanley.com lindsaybellware@yahoo.com
Benkert Family, The Gerald & Pauline Benkert 01311 S. Shore Drive
Walloon Lake, MI 49796 824 E. Second Street Royal Oak, MI 48067 248/545-3857 pbenkert@aol.com
Bennett, Dorothy M. 00533 Shadow Trails Road, E. Boyne City, MI P. O. Box 429 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 4136 Golf Ridge Drive, E. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 248/935-5590 scotdot@aol.com
Beno, Linda 1725 Killarney Shores Drive Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-7926 jimandlindabeno@chartermi.net
Berschback, Bob and Terri 3050 Hilton Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 1109 Grayton Road Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230 313/310-3636 313/410-9910 bberschback@gmail.com berschback@att.net
Bessette, Bob & Mary T P.O. Box 41 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 12797 Oneida Woods Trail Grand Ledge, MI 48837 517/712-1193 517/528-5486 mclarkb@aol.com robbessette@aol.com
Beynon, David & Debra 07930 Ruffed Grouse Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 317/502-5046 dbeynon@sbcglobal.net
Bieker, Mike & Sue 6325 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 539 5th Ave S. Suite 216 Naples, FL 34102 858/945-8940 616/813-6406 mike@biekercapital.com suebieker97@gmail.com
Biltz, George J. (Bev) 4490 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 6609 Ridgewood Drive Naples, FL 34108 989/430-0128 989/980-3346 gjbiltz@mac.com bevbiltz@mac.com
Birnholtz, Paula & Mark 1845 Killarney Shores Drive Petoskey, MI 49770 6681 Boxwood Court W. Bloomfield, MI 48322 248/891-9891 248/330-0234 toothgod@aol.com mysweet2th@aol.com
Bishoff, Lisa & David 862 W. Bear River Road Petoskey, MI 49770 99 S. Columbia Avenue Columbus, OH 43209 614/252-3536 lisabish@sbcglobal.net
Blaha, Robert & Susan 6114 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 14335 Roller Coaster Road Colorado Springs, CO 80921 blahasusan@yahoo.com rblaha@hca-leadership.com
Blandford, Matthew & Nancy 06115 Zenith Heights Road Boyne City, MI 49712 231/675-6892 231/675-1632 nancy@builtindesign.net mblan@umich.edu
Blank, Kurt S. & Robin 06170 Red Pine Road Boyne City, MI 49712 231/582-8222 2065 Sandover Court Columbus, OH 43220 614/371-2225 614/581-2225 (RB) ksblank@icloud.com rrblank@icloud.com
Bliznik, Thomas, Theresa and Alexandra R3190 1735 Killarney Shores Drive Petoskey, MI 49770 832/953-9034 231/881-3198 tbliznik@aim.com tomjr@blizniksales.com
Bliznik, Tom & Lynda 1731 Killarney Shores Drive Petoskey, MI 49770
734/834-5606 (Tom cell) 734/416-1772 (Lynda cell) tomsr@blizniksales.com
Bloch, Jed G. (Robin) L 1284 N. Shore Drive P. O. Box 431 Walloon Lake, MI 49796-0431 231/535-2541
Blunden, Douglas P. & Mary Ann 1548 Pebble Creek Drive Rochester, MI 48307
doug52blunden@gmail.com maryannblunden@gmail.com
Bock, Russel H. & Jane M. 4440 Resort Pike Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/392-4217
231/881-3993 jbockdesigns@charter.net
Boesen, Kenzie & Struble, Jordan 76 Sheba Court Boyne City, MI 49712 989/370-6142 boesenkenzie@gmail.com
Bogo, Daniel I. (Elizabeth) 1039 Sweet Pea Lane
Walloon Lake, MI 49796 1628 Pontiac Road, SE Grand Rapids, MI 49506 616/516-0624 616/581-8127 ebogo@comcast.net dbogo@icloud.com
Bommarito, Jane 5856 Howard Road Petoskey, MI 49770 989/798-6064 bommaritojane@gmail.com
Bonahoom, Jim & Marcia 03007 Church Road Petoskey, MI 49770 175 Country Club Drive Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 313/550-6779
Bontrager, Wilbur L. & Sarah 1755 Killarney Shores Drive Petoskey, MI 49770 54907 County Road 12 Middlebury, IN 46540 574/536-6148 574/536-8656 (Wilbur cell) bontrawl@gmail.com sbonmom12@yahoo.com
Borisch, Jonathan & Mary Kay 07596 Valley Brook Road Boyne City, MI 49712 5200 Dayenu Drive, SE Grand Rapids, MI 49512 616/901-9004 JBorisch@SCI-Advisors.com
Bosch, Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas C. (Paulajean “Pj”) 4008 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/348-3451 pjbosch14@gmail.com
Bosco, Don & Gina 02132 Eagle Island Boyne City, MI 49712 7641 N. Territorial Road Plymouth, MI 48170-5041 810/602-1838 dab@boscobuilding.com
Boundy, Pamela & Dick 04017 M-75, N. PO Box 357 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 906 W. Sugnet Road Midland, MI 48640 989/430-5637 pamelaboundy@gmail.com
Boutell Family, The 08928 Deer Run Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-3887 989/798-7000 tboutell1958@hotmail.com
Bowers, Joanie & Chris 5145 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 4701 Pecan Chase Austin, TX 78738 512/791-2539 joanieandchris@gmail.com
MEMBERS continued from previous page
Bowman, Barbara 1041 Hamilton Road P. O. Box 208 Burt Lake, MI 49717 41150 Woodward Ave 100W Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 248/225-6838 babsbow@comcast.net
Boyd, James P. & Wendy B. 6678 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 339 Casalino Drive North Venice, FL 34275 248/342-1946 248/920-4631 wendyboothboyd@gmail.com jwjboyd@gmail.com
Braddock, Keith & Betony 6168 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/330-0935 bfurgeso@gmail.com
Brady, Brian & Jeannette 6199 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 3303 Greenleaf Boulevard Elkhart, IN 46514 574/370-5727 jbrady262@aol.com
Bray, Andrew P. 1924 N. Shore Drive 1934 N. Shore Drive P. O. Box 365 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/535-6115 417 Eagle Trace Mayfield Heights, OH 44124 336/575-5106 andrewpbray9@gmail.com
Bray, Bill & Kathy 1914 N. Shore Drive P. O. Box 365 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 47 Webb Creek Place The Woodlands, TX 77382 832/702-6227 bill.bray@sbcglobal.net bill.bray@sbcglobal.net
Breidenstein, Walter P.O. Box 640 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/535-2914 walterb@gastechno.com
Brieden, Christopher & Karen 6211 S. Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/348-3591 700 N. Riverside Avenue St. Clair, MI 48079 810/434-3041 chris@drcbrieden.com
Brock, Marina & Mike 6134 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 565 Westchester Way Birmingham, MI 48009 248/802-7632 marinelli_marina@yahoo.com
Brown, J. Steven & Holly 1859 Killarney Shores Drive Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-1325 231/881-4373 hmbrown53@hotmail.com
Brown, Joe & Susan 5307 W. 101st Terrace Overland Park, KS 66207 913/219-3124 913/269-3715 jebrownjr53@gmail.com jsbrwn4@netscape.net
Brown, Maltbie S. (Ruth) 5278 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-9087 1935 Meander Drive Columbus, OH 43229 614/891-1712 maltbrown@prodigy.net mooredoctom@aol.com
Buckley, Jared & Kolowich, Patricia, M.D. 2765 Eagle Island Road Boyne City, MI 49712 20570 Woodcreek Boulevard Northville, MI 48167 248/444-6298 (Jared) 248/444-6263 (Patricia) jprattbuck@aol.com pkolowich@gmail.com
Buescher, Brian & Pavorsky, Michael 1532 N. Shore Drive P. O. Box 52 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 4065 Kilmartin Drive Tallahassee, FL 32309 954/328-7953 954/232-9444
brianbuescher@bellsouth.net mwcuisine@bellsouth.net
Bufe, Rex G. 4618 Birch Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 231/ 347-7337 r.g.bufe@gmail.com
Bull, Bill & Denise 7969 S. Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/348-7074 100 Beachside Drive, Apt 103 Vero Beach, FL 32963 248/505-4511 248/608-0768 (fax) wdbull@comcast.net
Bunge, John & Nelson, Cyndi 1093 Sweet Pea Lane P. O. Box 236 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 248/231-9007 cyndi111@mac.com
Burgess, Jerry & Pamela 06218 East Bay Drive Boyne City, MI 49712 4848 Rambling Drive Troy, MI 48098 313/549-9434
Burggraaf, Steve & Katie Roudi 2164 New Town Drive NE Grand Rapids, MI 49525 616/885-8270 rooburg2164@gmail.com
Burkhardt, Bernadette 6500 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/ 487-1946 djburk1944@gmail.com
Burkhardt, Dr. James S & Cheryl 04127 Windsor Street Walloon Lake, MI 49796 1003 Westview Drive Piqua, OH 45356 937/409-4849 jcburkhardt@hotmail.com
Burns, Roger A. & Karin 5160 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-9335 2100 Kings Highway, #238 Port Charlotte, FL 33980 231/838-1973 231/838-5412 burnsie@charter.net
Burr, Ann 1048 N. Shore Drive P. O. Box 517 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 1201 Front Avenue, Unit #505 Columbus, GA 31901 706/315-8016 annpburr@gmail.com
Burr, Meredith A. 1048 N. Shore Drive P. O. Box 517 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 8350 Lakeview Drive Ypsilanti, MI 48198 734/646-6753 meredithburr@att.net
Burt, Stan & Juli 776 Whitfield View P. O. Box 54 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 22707 State Road 120 Elkhart, IN 46516 574/596-5441 574/612-1288 scjburt@gmail.com jkburt1607@gmail.com
Burton, Matt & Jayne 4153 M-75 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 123 Doeskin Drive Boerne, TX 78006 210/667-3051 burtonma@gmail.com
Buse, J.B., Jr. & Leigh 4700 Willow Hills Lane Cincinnati, OH 45243 513/608-6133 513/375-5933 jbuse@lothinc.com lbuse6317@gmail.com
Byram, Scott
5495 Country Club Shores
Walloon Lake, MI 49796 1333 Winchester Court Naperville, IL 60563 708/829-5480
Byrnes, Steve (Cathy) 4141 Windsor Walloon Lake, MI 49796 513/476-4756
7686 Coldstream Drive Cincinnati, OH 45255-3932 chbyrnes@yahoo.com
CCall, Catherine & Olson, Glenn 5571 Country Club Shores Petoskey, MI 49770 6771 Lauden Circle Anchorage, AK 99502 907/727-3185 907/351-5074 catherine@callbluesky.com golson47@yahoo.com
Camilleri, David 6577 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 33611 Heirloom Circle Farmington Hills, MI 48311-1557 586/212-3939 camfam92@aol.com
Camp Daggett
03001 Church Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-9742 camp.info@campdaggett.org
Campisi, James & AnnMarie 6467 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 315 E. New England Avenue, Unit 29 Winter Park, FL 32789
Carlen, Mike & Betsy 4220 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/881-9809 h2oski1@comcast.net
Carlile, Huntington “Hunter” & Tara 1880 N. Shore Drive P. O. Box 434 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 1428 Freedom Parkway Winona Lake, IN 46590 574/551-8283 ahcarlile@outlook.com
Carr, James & Diane 4380 Cottage Grove Petoskey, MI 49770 517/775-9904 (Diane) 517/282-7072 (Jim) 1270 Osprey Court Marco Island, FL 34145 carr.clan@me.com
Carroll, Beth & Bill 5500 Graydon Meadow Lane Cincinnati, OH 45243 513/309-4950 (Bill’s Cell) bethcarroll14@gmail.com
Carson, Dr. Joan 484 Broyles Street Atlanta, GA 30312 404/849-2235 jgcarson@gsu.edu
Carson, JoAnne L 7249 Indian Garden Point Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-1414 1013 Spyglass Lane Naples, FL 34102 239/263-1518
Casey, Damian & Mary Janis (Molly) MacEachern 1763 N. Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 2259 Wilshire Drive, SE Grand Rapids, MI 49506 616/822-6511 616/915-2898 moliter@sbcglobal.net damian.casey1@sbcglobal.net
Cavell, Scott & Susan 07188 Kurtz Crossing Boyne City, MI 49712 5882 Amy’s Way Harbor Springs, MI 49740 231/838-3276 scavell@att.net
Caveney, Andrew & Cheryl 3410 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 34 Oxford Avenue Clarendon Hills, IL 60514 708/275-7443 630/379-2025 caveney6@yahoo.com
Cendrowski, Harry & Nulty, Maureen 07756 Zenith Heights Road Boyne City, MI 49712 1536 Ashford Lane Birmingham, MI 48009-4842 248/765-5179 hc@cendsel.com
Chaika, David & Nicole 5133 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 3665 Oakleaf Drive W. Bloomfield, MI 48324 248/961-0574 nchaika@att.net
Charlton, Maggie 4508 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770-8507 15667 W Earll Drive Goodyear, AZ 85395 989/859-1224 231/348-1089 charlton.maggie@gmail.com mcharl4709@aol.com
Christy, Dane & Julie P.O. Box 40 02009 N. Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 248/330-0204 313/670-8704 weezdog1@aol.com
Chronowski, John & Peg 775 Bagley Avenue SE Grand Rapids, MI 49506 616/915-9864 jchronow63@gmail.com
Clark, James & Nancy 3984 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 2622 English Oak Ann Arbor, MI 48103 734/323-5712 734/845-0377 nkjanz@umuch.edu
Clark, Joan Vellenga & Robert P.O. Box 393 04305 Jarrett Lane Walloon Lake, MI 49796 2481 N. Royston Road Charlotte, MI 48813 517/202-6737 (cell) jvellenga@sbcglobal.net
Clark, John M. & Mary Margaret A 3360 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/348-0955 10785 W. Clark Road Eagle, MI 48822 517/881-3400 (John) jclark@clarkcc.com clarkeagle@hotmail.com
Clark, Michael & Linda 2381 Eagle Island Road Boyne City, MI 49712 6798 Treeridge Drive Cincinnati, OH 45244 513/503-3768 513/519-9697 mcclark@cassadyschiller.com lmclark6798@gmail.com
Clark, Paul & Kay 11620 Murano Drive Dewitt, MI 48820 517/282-7299 517/614-9429 pclark@clarkcc.com kayclark@comcast.net
Clark, Sam & Kristin Keiswetter 719 State Street Petoskey, MI 49770 528 East Oakwood Drive East Lansing, MI 48823 517/582-1580 517/614-5536 kristin@gaslightgp.com sclark@clarkcc.com
Clarke, Tim & Sue 5200 Jones Landing Road Petoskey, MI 49770 7850 Given Road Cincinnati, OH 45243 513/604-8660
Clements, John W., III & Linda 1716 N. Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 629 Misty Harbour Court Mishawaka, IN 46544 574/286-2821 walloon1730@earthlink.net
Cline, Randy & Patty 5440 Lake Grove Trail Petoskey, MI 49770 317/413-7983 317/418-8013 randy.s.cline@gmail.com clinepm@gmail.com
MEMBERS continued from previous page
Coleman, Katie & Gordy
00385 Burns Farm Road
Boyne City, MI 49712 3535 Wooddale Court Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301 248/640-8784 k8coleman@me.com coleman.gordon@comcast.net
Colleran, Dennis
3910 Wildwood Dr, Unit 28
Boyne City, MI 49712 131 Ocean Grande Blvd, Unit 203 Jupiter, FL 33477 630/ 476-0270 collerand@comcast.net
Collins, Mark & Deb 4628 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 315 Pilgrim Avenue Birmingham, MI 48009 mpcollins1234@gmail.com dfcollins76@gmail.com
Compton, Mary Ida & Marshal 03661 M-75, N. Walloon Lake, MI 49796 4980 Miami Road Cincinnati, OH 45243 513/325-6039 maryida@cinci.rr.com
Comstock, Jody & Frank 4836 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 2160 E. Desert Garden Drive Tucson, AZ 85718 520/990-4804 520/661-5800 fcommd@gmail.com jcommd@gmail.com
Conners, Charles F. & Family 00895 S. Shore Drive P. O. Box 32 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 C/O Adrienne Crew 2702 Saddleback Drive Cincinnati, OH 45244 513/226-4224 crewac@gmail.com
Conners, John 00471 Shadow Trails Road Boyne City, MI 49712 714 Mannington Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45226 513/658-5244 jconners@connersinvestment.com
Conners, P. Ryan and Margy 00917 S. Shore Drive P. O. Box 32 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/535-2200 3435 Golden Avenue, Apt. 702 Cincinnati, OH 45226 513/827-0651 p.r.conners@gmail.com
Conover, Suzanne, D. S. & Philip L. 5752 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-2206 8218 Cypress Hollow Drive Sarasota, FL 34238 941/221-9576 plcono@aol.com
Cook, David, Jill, & Christopher Ice 5480 Lake Grove Trail Petoskey, MI 49770 5569 S. State Road 109 Knightstown, IN 46148 765/520-8423 jcook5657@gmail.com
Cooper, John R. (Tina) 03841 M-75, N. P. O. Box 430 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/535-2008 6132 E. Sage Drive Scottsdale, AZ 85253 602/391-7086
Cooper, Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. (Ruth-Anne) 5426 Village Courtway Lane St. Louis, MO 63128-3847 314/200-9138 ruthanne5@aol.com
Corbin, Sally 6146 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 517/243-3160 slycorbin@aol.com
Cortez, Kitty Makinen (Denny) 01045 Forest Lane Boyne City, MI 49712-1498 7818 154th Drive, NE Lake Stevens, WA 98258 425/346-5821 425/345-8311 walloongirl@hotmail.com
Coscina, Martha H. 1861 N. Shore Drive P. O. Box 476 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/675-1633 sarducci99@aol.com
Coughlin, James G. & Becky 5600 Howard Road Petoskey, MI 49770 5102 Kensington High Street Naples, FL 34105 937/286-5657 (Jim) 937/231-5657 (Becky) jgcoughlin77@gmail.com (Jim) beckyc5657@gmail.com (Becky)
Coulter, Brad & Anna 2909 Depew Petoskey, MI 49770 498 Wimbleton Drive Birmingham, MI 48009 248/792-1230 bradcoulter@gmail.com
Crall, Colby & Mary 06150 Red Pine Road Boyne City, MI 49712 5 Sessions Drive Columbus, OH 43209 614/361-4000 614/361-6222 mwcrall@aol.com colbycrall@aol.com
Craven, Dan & Karla 1980 N. Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 4696 Waters Edge Way Greenwood, IN 46143 317/409-6272 317/408-4285 dancraven@aol.com
Craver, Catherine Carlile & Tony 3614 Larson Lane Roanoke, VA 24018 919/604-5289 919/606-0618 catherinecraver1@gmail.com tonycraver@gmail.com
Crossland, Karen McKee 1412 N. Shore Drive P. O. Box 589 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 8522 Olde Mill Circle East Drive Indianapolis, IN 46260-2367 317/753-7136 kmcrossland@comcast.net
Croswell, R. Scott, III (Stephanie) 4932 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 1107 Center Street Milford, OH 45150 516/608-7980 (R. Scott) 513/237-3408 (Stephanie) rscroswell@gmail.com
Croswell, Robby & Maris 4932 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 403 Miami Ave Terrace Park, OH 45174 513/237-3408 robert.croswell@gmail.com
Crothers, David Ralph (Richard Threet) 1302 E. South Street South Bend, IN 46615 574/360-0011 574/274-4969 westarm2@gmail.com rathreet@gmail.com
Crothers, William J. & Theresa 5200 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 7835 Mapleridge Drive Northville, MI 48168 248/207-0013 crothers@charter.net
Crouse, David & Teresa 5783 Country Club Shores Petoskey, MI 49770 231/838-9302 231/838-9304 david@crouseentertainment.com teresabcrouse@gmail.com
Crowe, John & Susan 03595 M-75, N.
Walloon Lake, MI 49796 1015 W. 54th Street Kansas City, MO 64112 816/668-9971 816/669-9970 susancrowe@me.com johncrowe@me.com
Cuddohy, Eileen
01415 S. Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 2830 Bembridge Road Royal Oak, MI 48073-2989 248/705-8173 eileencuddohy@gmail.com
Culbertson, Carol 1006 N. Shore Drive
Walloon Lake, MI 49796 9559 Summer Hollow Drive Fishers, IN 46037 317/679-5203 indycoach@earthlink.net
Culbertson, Hal 1006 N. Shore Drive
Walloon Lake, MI 49796 52974 Parker Drive South Bend, IN 46635 574/387-1656 halculbertson@gmail.com
Cullman, Art 00465 S. Shore Drive Boyne City, MI 49712 5231/35-2436 6766 Birchton Point Dr, Apt #300 Dublin, OH 43017-7643 614/596-9837 (Art Cell) artcullman@gmail.com
Cullman, Barbara L. 1003 Forest Avenue Boyne City, MI 49712 1655 Manchester Ct Naples, FL 34109 248/778-5304 barbaraluckycullman@icloud.com
Cullman, Dylan, Nicole & Lauren 2442 Kensington Drive Columbus, OH 43221
Cullman, Peter & Karen 561 S. Shore Drive Boyne City, MI 49712 156 Moorings Park Drive, Apt. 301 Naples, FL 34105 239/398-5505 petercullman@att.net
Cumming, Susan B. 6245 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 8121 N. Illinois Street Indianapolis, IN 46260 317/697-4450 sbcumming@mac.com
Czechowski, Melvin & Mary Ann 6717 Nine Mile Point Dr. Charlevoix, MI 49720 mhczechow@aol.com
DDabaldo, Thomas A. & Laura 06055 Walloon Hills Drive Boyne City, MI 49712 1405 Villa Road Birmingham, MI 48009 248/672-7572 (Tom) 248/705-8206 (Laura) tdabaldo@filterengineering.com lauradabaldo@comcast.net
Dalton, Joe & Laura 4205 West Street Walloon Lake, MI 49796 2001 Windmill Run Wimberley, TX 78676 512/796-3110 joe.dalton.austin@gmail.com
Damschroder, Allen D., M.D. (Jane) L 7737 S. Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-6440 aljaned@chartermi.net
Daniel, Len & Diane 5346 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-0283 248/613-8430 ladthe1st@aol.com ladydiwiattitude@aol.com
Daniels, Harvey & Elaine 31 Camino Loma Seco Santa Fe, NM 87540 505/466-2644 505/629-9360 hdanielsnm@gmail.com elainebdaniels@gmail.com
Daniels, Jim and Mary 6012 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/487-1893 jimjoed@aol.com
Darnell, Steve & Tracy 6126 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 1620 N. Harrison Road East Lansing, MI 48823 517/881-1333 517/242-2690 popinsyoga@outlook.com
Datema, Richard & Stine, Donna 2360 Rosewood Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 231/753-2833 ddatema5@gmail.com dstine53@gmail.com
Deal, David H. (Debbie) C 4064 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770
248/763-0301 3020 N. 148th Drive Goodyear, AZ 85395 dhdeal53@gmail.com
Dean, Craig & Kelly 1339 S. Shore Drive Boyne City, MI 49712 2625 N. Greenview Ave Chicago, IL 60614 312/307-5033 773/368-6336 kellydean1101@me.com cdeanhockey@gmail.com
de Bree, Hannah & Jordan 831 S. Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 4863 Harbord Drive Oakland, CA 94618 510/484-6149 jordan@heistprojects.com
de Bree, Malise 831 South Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 5434 S. Hoyt Street Littleton, CO 80123 303/979-8550 malise4@gmail.com
Decker, Brian M. & Jeanne 6545 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/348-2660 1275 S. Water Street Marine City, MI 48039 586/215-6672 briandecker@comcast.net
Deery, Gunner 8038 Rabbit Hill Drive Anchorage, AK 99516 gunnerdeery@hotmail.com 307/690-6153
Deery, Hugh G., II, M.D. (JoAnne) L 7889 S. Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/838-3484 231/838-1547 joanndeery@gmail.com hgdeery@gmail.com
DeHaan, Dr. James A. (Tammy S.) 4556 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 616/248-0721 1704 Pontiac Road, SE E. Grand Rapids, MI 49506 jadehaan1@comcast.net tsdehaan@comcast.net
DeLater, Richard & Jessica 6172 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 901 Via Lugano Winter Park, FL 32789 407/496-2847 (Jessica) jdelater54@gmail.com
Derkac, Dr. & Mrs. Wayne (Nanette) 00651 S. Shore Drive P. O. Box 418 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 757/439-0491 757/617-7407 231/535-6005 naderkac@mac.com wmd1305@yahoo.com
MEMBERS continued from previous page
Devine, John, Jr. 7481 Indian Garden Point Petoskey, MI 49770 300 Russell, #14 Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 989/773-3333 jdevinelaw@spectrum.net
Deyo, Bevin & Heath 2851 Camp Daggett Road Petoskey, MI 49770 1406 North Lasalle Chicago, IL 60610 773/988-6284 773/592-8470 bevin.desmond@morningstar.com heath.deyo@gmail.com
Dietsch, Kari & Ryan 1911 Killarney Shores Drive Petoskey, MI 49770 7191 Deacon Ct Dublin, OH 43017 614/207-0238 614/207-3271 mrskdietsch@gmail.com ryandietsch1@gmail.com
Dils, Timothy M. & Paula 5160 Jones Landing Petoskey, MI 49770 675 Maple Crest Drive Frankenmuth, MI 48734 989/652-6552 (Timothy) 989/280-5236 (Paula) tapdils@hotmail.com
Dobson, Steve & Judy 01836 N. Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 3350 Geddes Road Ann Arbor, MI 48105 734/604-2355 jdobson763@gmail.com
Donaldson, Jeannie & Rick 759 S. Shore Drive P. O. Box 308 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 607 Old County Road Pemaquid, ME 04558 513/315-9287 jeanzdonaldson@icloud.com
Doneth, Matthew 72 Barrow Street, Apt 6F New York, NY 10014 810/938-2277 matthew.d.doneth@gmail.com
Doneth, Pete & Sally 6880 Hilltop Lane P. O. Box 862 Boyne City, MI 49712 810/691-9111 ddoneth@aol.com
Doody, Elizabeth H. “Betsy” P. O. Box 411 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 425 Medley Street Watersound, FL 32461 504/343-3647 betsydoody@canineart.com
Doran, Bill & Bednar, Andrea 4781 Ellis Road Boyne City, MI 49712 6404 Bordeaux Park Colleyville, TX 76034 817/874-0364 817/908-8693 bill.doran@alcon.com a.bednar1@gmail.com
Doull, Maureen & James Angus 4492 Timberlake Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/838-7289 231/838-4140 jimreendoull@gmail.com
Drake, Douglas doug_drake@yahoo.com
Drobot, Joe & Judy 02172 Eagle Island Road Boyne City, MI 49712 1050 Trailwood Pass Apt. B Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301 248/770-3516 248/770-2159 jdrobs10@gmail.com
Dronsejko, Catherine 39805 Scottsdale Drive Canton, MI 48188 734/564-0013 dronsejko@gmail.com
Drost Landscaping 2010 Cedar Valley Road P.O. Box 696 Petoskey, MI 49770 231/348-2624 info@drostlandscape.com www.drostlandscape.com
Dryden, Daniel & Genrose 06535 Walloon Hills Drive Boyne City, MI 49712 231/313-3363 drphoton@yahoo.com
Duiven, Frank K., DDS (Lois L.) Hills of Walloon, Lot #16 02780 Ridge Top Road Boyne City, MI 49712 231/582-9006 lois.duiven@gmail.com
Dundon, Barbara J. 02144 Eagle Island Road Boyne City, MI 49712 248/227-8751 bdundon42@gmail.com
Dunstan, Bill and Cindy 1743 Killarney Shores Petoskey, MI 49770 3765 Lookout Ridge Trail Petoskey, MI 49770 231/758-9329 billdunstan252@gmail.com
Dutton, Molly & Steve 07860 Ruffed Grouse Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 250 Civic Center Drive Columbus, OH 43209 614/332-8827 614/582-3400 sdutton@castoinfo.com molly_dutton@hotmail.com
Dykhouse, Robin M. & VanOpynen, Jayne A. 08698 Curtis Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 127 Jasmine Creek Drive Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 714/357-7855 jvanopynen@hotmail.com
EEasley, Steve & Janice 5232 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 4587 Manitou Drive Okemos, MI 4886 517/256-1231 517/420-6180 steve.easleys.net@gmail.com janeasley@gmail.com
Eaton, Robert & Connie 5215 Sand Point Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 156 Moorings Park Drive, Unit R306 Naples, FL 34105 239/248-2746 231/535-2422 rje1821@me.com conniecaeeaton@me.com
Eberhart, Mike & Cheryl 1069 Linwood Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 231/838-1588 231/838-0196 mde89@icloud.com cheryleberhart@icloud.com
Ebert, Dr. & Mrs. John & Marlene P.O. Box 310 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 11 Loomis Ferry Road Hilton Head Island, SC 29928 704/236-6907 (Marlene) 704/236-6906 (John) marleneebe@aol.com drjebert@aol.com
Eckstein, Norm & Bobbie 5501 Tall Trees Dayton, OH 45429 4096 Spring Island Okatie, SC 29909 937/545-6071 937/371-6071 norm.eckstein@outlook.com bobbieeckstein190@gmail.com
Edward, Morgan & Sally 01217 Forest Lane
Boyne City, MI 49712 231/582-2745
807 Asa Gray Drive, Apt 408 Ann Arbor, MI 48105 734/665-7299 morganedw@gmail.com sallyedward@gmail.com
Egger, David L. & Julie Cullman
501 S. Shore Drive Boyne City, MI 49712 231/535-2888 2622 Arboretum Lane Madison, WI 53713 608/251-7862 david.walloon@gmail.com bacullman@gmail.com
Ehinger, Lee & Anne 2073 North Shore Dr Walloon Lake, MI 49796 8219 Chacapeta Pass Fort Wayne, IN 46825 260/705-0484 260/760-6075 lee.ehinger@gmail.com aehinger007@yahoo.com
Ehmke, Elizabeth & Fred 4141 Windsor “Cozy Nook” Walloon Lake, MI 49796 307 W. Concord Place Chicago, IL 60614 312/720-6370 efe801@comcast.net ehmkefred5@gmail.com
Elkind, Michael & Patricia 03899 M-75, N. P. O. Box 372 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 555 14th Avenue S. Naples, FL 34102 614/226-0684 614/571-9735 trishelkind@gmail.com melkind53@gmail.com
Elledge, Michael 022783-A Ridge Top Road Boyne City, MI 49712 231/582-3816 22225 Nottingham Drive Beverly Hills, MI 48025 melledge@yahoo.com
Ellis, Brian & JoAnn 07815 Zenith Heights Road Boyne City, MI 49712 4080 Camelot Ridge Drive SE Grand Rapids, MI 49546 616/774-3159 brian@brooktreecapital.com
Emmet Brick & Block Co. 8737 Hwy M-119 P.O. Box 306 Petoskey, MI 49770 231/348-5959 gary@emmetbrick.com
Engledow, Elaine 12815 West Road Zionsville, IN 46077 317/344-0423
Engledow, Jack 1819 Wood Valley Drive Carmel, IN 46032 317/403-5033 jackengledow@sbcglobal.net
Ericks, David L. 5426 Howard Road Petoskey, MI 49770 1072 Seminole Drive Tallahassee, FL 32301 850/591-7550 ericksdave@aol.com
Ervine, Dr. Susan & Mr. Thomas, Jr. 06240 Red Pine Road Boyne City, MI 49712 822 Barkentine Drive Holland, MI 49424 616/990-7418 (Susan cell) 616/990-7413 slmervine@gmail.com tgervine@gmail.com
Ewend, Barbara N. 1010 N. Shore Drive P. O. Box 422 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 3000 Galloway Ridge, J107 Pittsboro, NC 27312 231/838-1919 barbewend@gmail.com
Ewend, Matthew & Carey, Lisa 1010 N. Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 2100 N. Lakeshore Drive Chapel Hill, NC 27514 919/883-7328 919/260-9792 mattewend@gmail.com
Ewend, Peter & Jill M0281 1015 N. Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 3850 Mannion Road Saginaw, MI 48603 989/239-9180 peterewend@outlook.com
FFabiano, Joseph & Michelle 3134 Townsend Road Petoskey, MI 49770
989/928-4804 3670 East Felicia Drive Midland, MI 48642 989/621-3655 jrfabiano@fabianobrothers.com mfabiano@fabianobrothers.com
Faller, Keith R. & Sarah 04141-10 Wildwood Drive Boyne City, MI 49712 12232 Montcalm Street Carmel, IN 46032 317/645-3660
krfaller@aol.com sarahf209@gmail.com
Fansler, Bobsey & Davis 4350 Lake Grove Road
Petoskey, MI 49770 1750 Wewatta Street Unit #1731 Denver, CO 80202 20 Alisal Road, Unit 1731 Santa Barbara, CA 93103 970/708-1490 970/209-6986
bobseyfansler@gmail.com dfansler7@gmail.com
Farmer, Daniel H. P. O. Box 141241 Orlando. FL 32814 407/491-3707 dfarmer@farmerarchitecture.com
Feldkamp, Frederick L. (Judy) 06174 E. Bay Drive Boyne City, MI 49712-9243 231/582-6826 18170 Creekside View Drive Fort Myers, FL 33908 312/953-1450 frudy999@gmail.com ffeldkamp@gmail.com
Fellin, Danny & Kathy 02304 Eagle Island Road Boyne City, MI 49712 1090 Puritan Avenue Birmingham, MI 48009 248/760-2328 248/990-1737 kathyfellin@gmail.com dannyfellin@gmail.com
Fenstermaker, David & Deane’ 5332 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-1427 8258 Colling Ridge Court Alexandria, VA 22308 703/768-0360 fenstermakerd@gmail.com
Fenton, Patrick (Laura) 6355 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 151 Martell Drive Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 248/763-8495 (Patrick) 248/763-8494 (Laura) pfenton@fdgcapital.com lfenton@fdgcapital.com
Fera, Dina 6247 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 135 E 71st Street, Apt. 8A New York, NY 10021-5209 917/620-8696 dinacfera@gmail.com
Ferguson, Neil E. & Nancy 06330 Red Pine Road Boyne City, MI 49712 231/582-2994 248/514-9553 nnferguson@comcast.net
Ferrara, Dr. Richard J. Jr. & Alexandra 06310 Red Pine Road Boyne City, MI 49712 1035 Berkshire Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230 313/824-0772 313/570-3529 richardjferrara@gmail.com
MEMBERS continued from previous page
Ferrara, Joan L 6955 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-3047
870 Trombley, #1 Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230 313/823-0110 banjo123@aol.com
Ferrara, Judy 796 Whitfield View Walloon Lake, MI 49796 104 S. Niles Avenue South Bend, IN 46617 574/276-6001 judyferrara@gmail.com
Ferrel, Timothy & Catherine 03500 Hamilton Court Boyne City, MI 49712 231/535-2220 7350 Old Mill Road Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301 248/330-9629 248/417-0968 twferrel@aol.com
Fettig, John
2503 Hunters Ridge Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/675-8915 jfettig@glenergy.com
Fick, Audrey M. 01171 Forest Avenue Boyne City, MI 49712 231/582-7705 428 Poplar Royal Oak, MI 48073 248/585-0955
Fieger, Geoffrey & Keenie 02094 Eagle Island Boyne City, MI 49712 1781 Rathmor Road Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 248/877-8111 g.fieger@fiegerlaw.com keenie@comcast.net
Field, Leonard & Joyce 219 Isoco Beach Road East Tawas, MI 48730 248/520-6345 ljfield43@msn.com
Fields, James & Kiley 1885 Killarney Shores Petoskey, MI 49770 740 Lincoln St. Downers Grove, IL 60515 630/697-3197
jim.fields@oliverwyman.com kileyfields123@gmail.com
Fischer, Mike & Diane 02415 Eagle Island Road Boyne City, MI 49712 248/941-1627 mfisch0727@comcast.net
Fish, Mrs. Leon “Toni” L 56 Sierra Rosa Loop Santa Fe, NM 87501 505/986-5075 505/986-9126 (fax)
Fisher, Bill & Terri 5472 Lake Grove Trail Petoskey, MI 49770 3201 Brenwick Lane Muncie, IN 47304
Fisher, Brian J. (Janie) 110 Arlington Avenue Petoskey, MI 49770-2571 231/348-3488
Fisher, Frances H. 00353 Shadow Trails Road P. O. Box 637 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/582-7575 5035 Chaucer Road Fort Wayne, IN 46835 260/485-9480
Fisher, II, Mrs. William A. 5073 Sand Point Lane P. O. Box 340 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/535-2274
250 Water Street, #105 Petoskey, MI 49770 231/487-0053 grandyandy@charter.net
Fitzgerald, Mr. & . Mrs. Frank (Donna) 1925 Killarney Shores Drive Petoskey, MI 49770 280 Ridge Road Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 313/300-7914 313/300-7594 fmf@lawoptions.com dafitzgerald21@yahoo.com
Fleury, Gail & William 08774 Deer Run Petoskey, MI 49770 4240 NE Joe’s Pt Stuart, MI 34996 248/701-3813 313/320-2911 fleurygail@gmail.com Williamfleury71@gmail.com
Flom, Bill & Pamela 483 Shadow Trails E Boyne City, MI 49712 313/882-3472 313/702-1984 billflom@comcast.net pkflom@comcast.net
Flynn, Bob & Sandy 01371 S. Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 15221 N. Clubgate Drive, #2143 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 248/763-2460 robtcflynn@gmail.com
Flynn, Eric 5723 Whitfield Drive Troy, MI 48098 248/535-9060 ericwalloon@gmail.com
Forkin, George
600 South Pear Orchard Rd, Apt. 25 Ridgeland, MS 39157 601/954-5620
Fox, Richard & Susan 01073 Sweet Pea Lane P. O. Box 33 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 1320 Westover Road Ft. Wayne, IN 46807 260/450-3947 n46papa@aol.com ref@barrettlaw.com
Frank, Connie E1186 03940 Wildwood Drive, #23 Boyne City, MI 49712 1900 W. Courtside Drive Peoria, IL 61614 309/657-8559 cfrank1432@yahoo.com
Frank, Sidney & Alice 4700 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 4616 Maura Lane W. Bloomfield, MI 48323 248/388-8996 slf@wwwrplaw.com
Frankel, Bruce (Dale) 4908 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-2120 700 Ardmoor Bloomfield Village, MI 48301 248/646-6360
Franks, Rick & Robin 3190 Townsend Road Petoskey, MI 49770 8231 Bay Colony Drive, #603 Naples, FL 34108 248/640-2671 (Robin) 248/345-4488 (Rick) rbgfranks@gmail.com rickfranks@livenation.com
Freehan, Patricia R2772 6999 Indian Garden Point Petoskey, MI 49770 231/740-5494 pbfreehan@charter.net
Freemyer, Windsor Laing & Allen 1042 North Shore Drive P.O. Box 458 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 2015 48th Street, NW Washington, DC 20007 202/262-1697 windsor@adfpc.com
French, Tom (Carla) 901 Linwood Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 5905 E. Mabury Avenue Orange, CA 92867 714/292-7170 (Tom cell) 714/321-0516 (Carla cell) tfrench@sbcglobal.net
Frentz, Arthur “Chip” (Jean) 4268 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-6804 517/881-9115 (Jean Cell) walloonchip@aol.com frentzje@gmail.com
Frentz, Chris & Natalie 4268 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 70450 Brittany Glen Drive Edwardsburg, MI 49112 269/663-2142 574/850-8705 cfrentz@sbcglobal.net twinrocks2010@gmail.com
Frentz, Matt & Katie 615 Michigan Street Petoskey, MI 49770 231/838-4016 matt@rtccpas.com
Frenzel, Otto N., IV 01011 Sweet Pea Lane Walloon Lake, MI 49796 10714 Ditch Road Carmel, IN 46032 317/697-8347 ofrenzel@msn.com
Frondorf, John & Vickie 5544 Lake Grove Trail Petoskey, MI 49770 322 Conestoga Road Wayne, PA 19087 231/347-4834 215/327-9174 610/308-1275 jrfrondorf@gmail.com vfrondorf@gmail.com
Fruehauf, Mr. & Mrs. H. Richard, Jr. (Janet) 2996 Townsend Road Petoskey, MI 49770 718 Notre Dame Street, #100 Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48230 313/885-1200 313/885-1779 (fax) h.richard@HRFantrim.com
Furgeson, Ronald D., Sr. 5070 N. Indian Garden Road P. O. Box 661 Petoskey, MI 49770 231/838-3075
Furlo, Paul & Clare 4212 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 12 West Hannum Saginaw, MI 48602 989/737-1131 clarefurlo@gmail.com
GGarber, Dawn 3300 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/489-8100 7 Rust Lane Saginaw, MI 48602 989/326-1111 cametrue2@icloud.com
Garner, Hilton & Lisa 6614 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 3281 Bay Colony Drive, Unit 304 Naples, FL 34108 937/477-7552 (Lisa cell) 937/477-6696 (Hilton cell) hiltongarner1@gmail.com lisabgarner@gmail.com
Gates, Robert & Lisa 03940 Wildwood Drive, #23 Boyne City, MI 49712 3820 N. Bigelow Peoria, IL 61614 773/710-2232 (Bob) 773/844-2024 (Lisa) bob.c.gates@gmail.com lisa.gates@sbcglobal.net
Gedge, Jack & Dolores 5601 Country Club Shores Petoskey, MI 49770 305 Linden Avenue Wilmette, IL 60091-2842 231/535-2358 jack.gedge16@gmail.com
Geist, Mary Ellen & van Laar, Timothy 04395 Wildwood Harbor Road Boyne City, MI 49712 447 Madison Street Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 231/622-2536 217/390-3722 maryellengeist@gmail.com tvanlaar@illinois.edu
Geist, Rosemary Frehse 04395 Wildwood Harbor Road Boyne City, MI 49712 1401 N. Rochester Road, Apt. 218 Rochester, MI 48307 248/651-3508 231/582-9391 rfgeist@aol.com
Gentile, Ann S. 01327 S. Shore Drive P. O. Box 620 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 9350 Cunningham Road Cincinnati, OH 45243 agent32144@aol.com
George, Christian & Paige 6496 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 88 Lewiston Road Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 248/943-1635 248/840-5378 christiangeorge@comcast.net paigegeorge@comcast.net
George, Christina Lovio & John 02403 Eagle Island Road Boyne City, MI 49712 2555 Coldspring Drive Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302-1118 248/335-4989 (Christina) 313/701-2439 (John) cloviogeorge@loviogeorge.com
George, Nick & Sharon 04803 Ellis Road
Boyne City, MI 49712
231/582-9775 411 6th Street S. Naples, FL 34102 411 Sixth Street, S. Naples, FL 34102 586/295-9500 (Nick cell) 810/241-4200 (Sharon cell) ngeorge242@aol.com
George & Phyllis Googasian Family 500 North Shore Drive P. O. Box 334 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 3750 Orion Road Oakland, MI 48363 248/755-4020 pgoogasian@gmail.com
Gersdorff Family 03005 St. Louis Club Road Petoskey, MI 49770 22835 Ennishore Drive Novi, MI 48375 231/347-6769 248/756-8555
Ghesquiere, Barbara L 6166 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-5395 1290 Orchard Ridge Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 bwg1@comcast.net
Ghesquiere, C. J., III & Patty 04405 Wildwood Harbor Road Boyne City, MI 49712 1340 Pembroke Drive Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 248/420-9290 (Patty) 248/709-5100 (CJ) pghesquiere@comcast.net cjg@comcast.net
Ghesquiere, Lee B. & Jennifer 7689 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 297 Barden Road Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 248/821-9595 lee@mbbloomfield.com
Giantoni, James A. 5032 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 6032 Montecito Drive, Unit #3 Palm Springs, CA 92264 760/409-2774 jgiantoni@aol.com
Gibbs, Kaitlyn & Colin 1842 S. Yuma Street Salt Lake City, UT 84108-2927 425/343-5820 801/680-3595 kaitgibbs1@gmail.com cmckgibbs@gmail.com
Gilligan, John & Lisa 6084 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 307 Millridge Drive Carmel, IN 46290 317/370-6360 jtgilly@aol.com
MEMBERS continued from previous page
Glass, Kathleen S. 3450 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-6566
8171 Bay Colony Drive, # 601 Naples, FL 34108-7563 937/902-6134 ksglass52@yahoo.com
Goecker, Louis F. (Carol) 02195 Eagle Island Road Boyne City, MI 49712 231/582-1316 Lceagle50@gmail.com
Goeman, Don & Bev 6273 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 1490 Waukazoo Drive Holland, MI 49424 616/994-0030 dgoeman@charter.net
Goldberg, Danny & Adrea 5124 Jones Landing Petoskey, MI 49770 143 Esperanza Street Tiburon, CA 94920 415/748-7054 adreagoldberg@gmail.com
Goldich, Mary Pat & Geoffrey S. L 1700 North Shore Drive P. O. Box 176 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/535-2225
Gordon, Guy & Gale Ghesquiere 6102 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 1415 Epping Lane Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 248/320-3675 galeggor@gmail.com guy.gordon58@gmail.com
Goshorn, Sally Waddell & Bill 4588 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 3 Castlecombe Court Pinehurst, NC 28374 231/881-0681 248/921-5818 billsal4@gmail.com
Gottlieb, Gilbert & Jody 3850 Lake Grove Road P. O. Box 206 Petoskey, MI 49770 248/515-0147 404/510-3418 gzellyg@aol.com gottliebjs@gmail.com
Grace, Larry & Sally 03910 Wildwood Drive, #26 Boyne City, MI 49712 2841 Provincial Ann Arbor, MI 48104
734/649-0178 larrygrace22@gmail.com
Graden, Scot P.O. Box 145 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/590-1263 734/358-3448 scot.graden@gmail.com
Graessle, Terry & Cindy 886 N. Shore Drive P.O. Box 184 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 4052-B Quail Ridge Drive Boynton Beach, FL 33436 248/770-2943 (Cindy Cell) 248/227-7640 (Terry Cell) cindygraessle@gmail.com tgraessle@comcast.net
Graham, David & Laurie 1563 Sunterra Trail Boyne City, MI 49712 4038 Thornoaks Drive Ann Arbor, MI 48104 248/824-5387 248/561-4468 dgraham624@yahoo.com lgraham142@yahoo.com
Graham, Dean & Nancy 6577 Indian Garden Rd Petoskey, MI 49770 231/838-7753 nanagram01@yahoo.com
Graham, William A. 13 Shadow Trails Road Walloon Lake, MI 49712 P.O. Box 650 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 910/297-0008 bglittlecottage@gmail.com
Gray, Jack & Jamie 7641 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 111 Kenwood Avenue Ann Arbor, MI 48103 313/244-3826 jpgrayjr@gmail.com jamiebgray713@gmail.com
Gray, Jackie D. 7641 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 701 State Street Petoskey, MI 49770 313/505-3007 jdgray07@gmail.com
Great Lakes Center for the Arts 800 Bay Harbor Drive Bay Harbor, MI 49770 231/439-2606 info@greatlakescfa.org csmith@greatlakescfa.org
Griffin, Dwayne & Carole 665 Arrowhead Shores Drive Petoskey, MI 49770 231/838-4977 carole@caroleupnorth.com
Groselak, Glenn R. & Laurie 02607 Eagle Island Road Boyne City, MI 49712 5 West Custer Street Lemont, IL 60439 630/207-0638 144lak@sbcglobal.net
Gross, Donna & Rick T 4370 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/330-3235 (Cell) r144walloon@me.com donnawalloon@gmail.com
Gross, Jeffrey & Lisa 2810 Ridgetop Road Boyne City, MI 49712 549 Harding Avenue Rochester Hills, MI 48307 248/408-1087 jff144@gmail.com
Grove, Andrew & Rebecca 01485 Forest Avenue Boyne City, MI 49712 242 Aspen Drive Birmingham, MI 48009 248/971-9345 jg@h2law.com
Groves, Bruce & Julie Spencer 504 Waterview Place New Hope, PA 18938 1017 Barcarmil Way Naples, FL 34110 732/215-6401 973/615-4215 juliespencergroves@gmail.com brucedgroves@gmail.com
Gutow, Dr. Richard & Susan 4040 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 4126 High Ridge Ann Arbor, MI 48105 615/419-3181 rgutow@aol.com
Gutow, Gary S., M.D. 4024 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 433 Royal Oaks Drive c/o Viner Nashville, TN 37205 615/429-4871 gsgutow@aol.com
HHagan, Michael & Nancy 06068 Walloon Hills Drive Boyne City, MI 49712 4064 Baywood Drive, SE Grand Rapids, MI 49546 616/260-0138 616/291-7685 nshagan@comcast.net
Haladik, Jeff & Sheree
6150 N. Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 945 Corbin Road Rochester Hills, MI 48307 248/766-9532 shereehaladik@outlook.com jeffhaladik@outlook.com
Hamlin Construction PO Box 305 Walloon Lake, MI 49786 231/330-9203 hamlinconstruction1@aol.com
Hammond, Anne & Ed 3770 Lake Grove Road #3 Petoskey, MI 49770 32848 White Oaks Trail Beverly Hills, MI 48025 248/225-8214 248/563-1426 eham48025@aol.com
Hance, Valerie J. 5354 Lake Grove Road P. O. Box 682 Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-4325 val.hance@gmail.com
Hand, Robert & Kathleen 01549 Sunterra Trail Boyne City, MI 49712 5509 18th Avenue Court Moline, IL 61265 309/781-7964 309/781-9262 handb123@gmail.com handk5509@gmail.com
Hanley, “Cotton” (Mrs. Wm. A., Sr.) P. O. Box 549 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 P. O. Box 1123 Boca Grande, FL 33921 941/759-0000 (cell) 941/964-2468 (home) cottonhanleybg@gmail.com
Hanley, Christopher L. 6360 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 8101 Bramwood Court Indianapolis, IN 46250 317/439-8777 (cell) topbroker@comcast.net
Hardenbergh, Jim & Mary 1898 N. Shore Drive 4438 2nd Street Walloon Lake, MI 49796 20210 Westview Drive Northville, MI 48167 313/492-6547 hardenmk@gmail.com
Harkaway, Paul & Lee 3770 Lake Grove Road, #2 Petoskey, MI 49770 2438 Bunker Hill Road Ann Arbor, MI 48105 734/761-8229 lehar624@aol.com catshe@aol.com
Harley, Mrs. Robert L. “Joyce” L 07877 Zenith Heights Road
Boyne City, MI 49712 21305 Prestwick Avenue Harper Woods, MI 48225 rlhharley@gmail.com
Harrington, Michael & Michelle 1208 E Mitchell Street Petoskey, MI 49770 231/838-6962 michael@tenurgy.com mharrington@petoskeynews.com
Harrington, Mike & Claudia 8262 Bear Cove Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 231/330-1789 231/347-6937 mike@theharringtongroup.net claudia6154@gmail.com
Harrington, Mike & Jacque 07820 Fox Run Petoskey, MI 49770 155 W. Main Street, Apt. 306 Columbus, OH 43215-5061 614/580-3538 (Jacque) 614/306-3509 (Mike) jharri7415@gmail.com mharri4555@gmail.com
Harrison, Scott & Corrine 02835 Park Lane
Boyne City, MI 49712 811 Seddon Cove Way Tampa, FL 33602 248/632-2149 248/761-6627
Haskell, Jen & Dave 6118 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 145 Hidden Valley Lane San Anselmo, CA 94960 415/517-4000 415/225-6740 jenmhaskell@gmail.com davehaskell@gmail.com
Hasson, Jessica & Brendan 5480 Jones Landing Road Petoskey, MI 49770 3746 Honors Way Howell, MI 48843 734/748-7108 jhasson3746@gmail.com
Hastie, K. Larry 4284 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 4600 All Seasons Circle, Apt. 210 Ann Arbor, MI 48105-3153 734/355-5513 klhastie@aol.com
Hastings, Mr. & Mrs. John (Sarah) 6318 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 3661 Wickersham Lane Houston, TX 77027
johnhastings09@gmail.com gohastings@aol.com
Hatch, Michael & Ellen C 6443 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-6047 755 South Oakland Avenue Pasadena, CA 91106 626/388-3456 (Ellen) 626/484-7515 (Michael) ehatch1@gmail.com mph484@gmail.com
Hausbeck, Dr. Raymond C. (Bridget) L 04631 Boyne City Road Boyne City, MI 49712 231/582-3758 18121 Parkside Greens Drive Ft. Myers, FL 33908 989/980-4122 (cell) raydds@hotmail.com
Haven, Eden & Ian 3490 River Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/330-8895 231/881-2922 eden@walloon.org
Hay, Dr. Marshall B. & Ms. Lori Coates 5378 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/838-7220 llch22@pm.me
Hayden, John & Carrie 03889 M-75, N. Walloon Lake, MI 49796 P. O. Box 774258 Steamboat Springs, CO 80477 513/708-1009 513/967-5847 carrie.hayden@cjhco.com john.hayden@cjhco.com
Hayes, Hubert, D.D.S. 4684 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 965 Hager Drive, Unit 302 Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-6789
Hayes, Michael & Ann 7801 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 P. O. Box 1706 E. Lansing, MI 48823 517/927-8633 q7mike@gmail.com
Hegener, John & Jane Warner 4812 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 45 S. Mayflower Road Lake Forest, IL 60045 248/613-9597 (John cell) 248/877-4667 (Jane cell) john@jphegener.com jane@janelwarner.com
Heilala, M.D., Dr. Mark & Amy 4236 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 248/214-1461 amyheilala@gmail.com
Heisel, Heidi A. 576 Shadow Trails Road, E Boyne City, MI 49712 231/459-9660 haheisel@gmail.com heidicrimmins@mac.com
MEMBERS continued from previous page
Hellings, Harry & Suzanne 5064 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 21 Arcadia Avenue Lakeside Park, KY 41017 859/431-7200 hhellings@fuse.net
Hemmelgarn, Ken & Terri 3116 Townsend Road Petoskey, MI 49770 1800 Ridgeway Road Dayton, OH 45419 937/272-9608 themmelgarn@gmail.com
Henderson, Libby (Bochnovic, Andrew & James)
1308 North Shore Drive P.O. Box 512 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 1401 Swinton Court Elburn, IL 60119 630/287-0266 libbyhenderson@comcast.net andrewbochnovic@comcast.net jamesbochnovic@comcast.net
Herberholz, Erik & Kerri 43514 Lotus Canton, MI 48188 kerriherb21@gmail.com 734/788-7039
Herbert, David & Nancy 5485 Country Club Shores Walloon Lake, MI 49796 755 Reef Road Vero Beach, FL 32963 203/536-6159 the4herbs@aol.com
Hermann, Cynthia B. 818 Whitfield View P. O. Box 39 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/535-2811 wlnsailor@aol.com
Hermann, Dr. Robert (Polly) 1 Bratenahl Place, #1403 Bratenahl, OH 44108-1156 216/570-0611 pollywoql2@aol.com
Herrmann, Adria & David 00949 S. Shore Drive P. O. Box 395 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 811 Laurel Road Townsend, TN 37882 865/207-5042 865/599-7647 231/535-2339 davidherrmann0702@comcast.net adria900@yahoo.com
Hess, Gary & Sandra 4418 Cottage Grove Petoskey, MI 49770
734/395-5747 734/476-7134 garyandsandyhess@gmail.com
Heydenburg & Scheffler Families 4215 West Street Walloon Lake, MI 49796 5945 12 Mile Road Rockford, MI 49341 616/822-3958 616/822-8835 jheydenburg1@gmail.com kascheffler@gmail.com
Hicks, Dean & Susan Hills of Walloon, Lot #SW23 02930 Camp Lane Boyne City, MI 49712 231/675-6497 dean@walloonvillagemarina.com
Hicks, Katie 6865 Walloon Hills Dr Boyne City, MI 49712 231/675-7984 katiehicks864@gmail.com
Hill, Anne & Jeff 8321 Kingsthorpe Terrace Richmond, VA 23229 804/304-2536 jeffhill72911@gmail.com
Hillenbrand, John, II & Joan L
6929 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-7280 6901 Murray Avenue, #206 Cincinnati, OH 45227 hjohntwo@aol.com
Hillenbrand, Peter 857 Six Pine Road Batesville, IN 47006 812/345-0341 walhillfarm@yahoo.com
Hingst, Bill (Ginny) 1777 South Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 1414 Kingston Road Kokomo, IN 46901 765/437-8527 ghingst@yahoo.com
Hingst, Bob & Mary 03829 M-75, N. P.O. Box 115 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 3402 Woodhaven Trail Kokomo, IN 46902 765/210-9463 765/513-5133 rhingst@midambev.com hingstmary@gmail.com
Hingst, Jack & Monica 03833 N. M75 Boyne City, MI 49712 3321 Timber Valley Drive Kokomo, IN 46902 jackhingst@midambev.com 765/437-8598
Hingst, Ted 1830 S. Plate Street Kokomo, IN 46902 765/426-5070 thingst@midambev.com
Hobey, Jack & Vicki 02124 Eagle Island Road Boyne City, MI 49712-9267 517/881-8652 vickihobey@gmail.com
Hoel, Unni & Lester 287 East Shadow Trail Boyne City, MI 49712 1661 Pine St Apt 313 San Francisco, CA 94109 707/260-4581 unnihoel@gmail.com
Hoerr, Gene O., M.D. (Sally) 01595 Sunterra Trail P. O. Box 2 Boyne City, MI 49712 515 Giles Lane Peoria, IL 61614 309/691-0256 gosshoe@hotmail.com
Hoffman, John E. (Judy) 1142 Charlevoix Ave. Unit 6 Petoskey, MI 49770 1215 Edington Place, Apt 68 Villa de Marco Marco Island, FL 34145 231/838-9008 231/838-9006 johnjudy1040@gmail.com
Hoffman, Mark & Mary Hramiec 6915 M119 Harbor Springs, MI 49740 231/838-9002 (Mark) 231/838-9001 hramiechoffman@gmail.com
Hoffman, Ruth R2420, R2452 4350 E. Mitchell Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-6823
Hoganson, Barbara & Jerome 5464 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-3091 3800 Fairfax Drive, #904 Arlington, VA 22203 703/522-1183 barbnjerry@earthlink.net
Holder, John & Julie 8520 Curtis Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 5060 Groveland Terrace Naples, FL 34119 989/430-8363 jwholder@me.com
Holland, Bryan and Julie 9855 Old Chimney Court Cincinnati, OH 45241 513/378-4452 jcholland44@gmail.com
Hollar, Miriam A. (Thomas S. Shulingkamp) 4326 Ellis Road Boyne City, MI 49712 (231) 330-5754 schulling@aol.com
Holton, C. Michael & Sara Frederick
7909 Indian Garden Road & 7915 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 9061 State Route 124 Sherman, IL 62684 781/812-6194 781/974-9924 sararfrederick@gmail.com
Holton, Mrs. Campbell, III “Jo Ann” L 7915 S. Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-4025 P. O. Box 6 Williamsville, IL 62693 217/566-3684
Honey, Patrick & Amy 4041 Renwick Lane, Unit 4 P.O. Box 336 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 772/563-8940 772/563-8938 patrickhoney@me.com amyhoney@me.com
Hopcraft, David & Carol Cawthra 03984 M-75, N. P. O. Box 521 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/373-3693 P. O. Box 30181 Muthaiga Country Club Nairobi, Kenya 00110 254/733-333-383 ccdooms@gmail.com
Hopkins, Michael B. & Patricia 890 N. Shore Drive
P. O. Box 88 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 440/991-6401 440/991-6588 nofishinthelake@aol.com
Hopping, Andrew (Alicia) 6080 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 16951 Cortile Drive Naples, FL 34110 517/449-9895 (Andrew) 517/256-9080 (Alicia) ab.hopping@gmail.com hoppinga@aol.com
Horning, Julie & Dan 02375 Eagle Island Rd Boyne City, MI 49712 P. O. Box 1336
Boca Grande, FL 33921 616/291-0102 juliehorning6@icloud.com
Hotel Walloon 4127 M-75
P.O. Box 129 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/535-5000 ejensen@hotelwalloon.com
Howe, David & Cathy 900 N. Shore Drive
P.O. Box 164 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 31463 Lost Hollow Beverly Hills, MI 48025 248/219-6866 248/367-4693 dhowe89@yahoo.com chowe924@comcast.net
Howe, Roger & Joyce
6833 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/348-9662
6100 Redbird Hollow Lane Cincinnati, OH 45243 513/561-1144
P. O. Box 9 Boca Grande, FL 33921 941/964-0984 joycelhowe35@gmail.com
Howell, JoAnn 743 S. Shore Drive
P. O. Box 86 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 2741 Stonebridge Troy, OH 45373 9378/573-9157 howelljo122@hotmail.com
Hubacker, Fred & Margie 5267 Sand Point Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 1273 Indian Mound, W Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301 248/505-9451 hubackerfh@aol.com
Hubbard, Mark & Linda 633 S. Shore Drive Boyne City, MI 49712 680 Vinewood Avenue Birmingham, MI 48009 hubbard860@gmail.com
Hubers, Dr. & Mrs. Michael (Beverly) 7977 S. Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/622-8182 1554 Heatherwood Troy, MI 48098 248/310-7765 (Mike’s Cell) 248/310-4265 (Bev’s Cell) mjhtha@aol.com bahubers@aol.com
Huebner, Charles & Manary, Melanie 4509 Timberlake Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/348-8301 charles.huebner@att.net
Hunter, Jay F. 2048 N. Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 45 Edgemere Road Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 586/354-8344 jay@jfhunter.net
Hunting, Fritz & Barbara P. O. Box 386 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 P. O. Box 1790 New London, NH 03257 603/748-9663 wfhunting@gmail.com
Hurand Family, The 04611 Ellis Road Boyne City, MI 49712 P. O. Box 310289 Flint, MI 48531 810/733-0762 jeffh@mgidiv.com
Hussey, Molly Minor & Martin 215 Cherry Street Chattanooga, TN 37403 901/270-4181 mchussey1@me.com mollyminorhussey@icloud.com
Hutchens Family 1514 N. Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 514 Round Hill Road Indianapolis, IN 46260 317/319-0403 jhutchens@general-data.com
Hutchinson, Scott W. & Kristy 2104 N. Shore Drive P. O. Box 12 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 1433 Riverview Run Lane Suwanee, GA 30024 203/807-0737 678/622-2475 scotthutchinson@hotmail.com hutchinson.kristy@gmail.com
Hutchison, Randy & Carolyn P. O. Box 787 265 Maple View Drive Westfield, IN 46074 317/847-3556 qchutch@hotmail.com
Hydeout LLC M0519 MH Coscina 1906 N. Shore Drive P.O. Box 476 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/675-1633 sarducci99@aol.com
IIbele, Dan & Erin 3211 Townsend Road Petoskey, MI 49770 419/350-8868
Ice, Joe & Betty Ann 5480 Lake Grove Trail Petoskey, MI 49770 1574 W. Jordan Drive Greensburg, IN 47240-8269 812/662-6316 812/525-6369 (cell) jbice812@gmail.com
Imbs, Mrs. Helen 7465 S. Indian Garden Point Petoskey, MI 49770 49 Conway Close St. Louis, MO 63124 314/623-5656 colemotor1919@aol.com
Imhof, Fred G. (Barb) 819 S. Shore Drive P. O. Box 175 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/881-4703 imhof714@gmail.com imhof.barb@gmail.com
MEMBERS continued from previous page
JJacob, Denise & James 5380 Jones Landing Road Petoskey, MI 49770 26800 Irving Franklin, MI 48025 248/514-8259 djacob@ameritech.net
Janovsky, Jim & Jody 02945 Eagle Island Road Boyne City, MI 49712 4699 Treeline Drive Allison Park, PA 15101 412/486-6692 janovskys@verizon.net
Jaqua, Margo & John 1614 N. Shore Drive P. O. Box 487 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/535-6008 166 Barnegat Road Pound Ridge, NY 10576 317/371-2306 jjaquajr@msn.com mmjaqua@msn.com
Jarjosa, Jason 1078 Puritan Ave Birmingham, MI 48009 248/736-8200 jarjosa@hotmail.com
Jay, John 6287 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770-8703 231/881-1757 3523 SW 92nd Way Gainesville, FL 32608 jotisjay2@aol.com
Jeakle, Jim & Rebecca 4882 Sequanota Drive Charlevoix, MI 49720 231/547-3588 jeakle7@gmail.com
Johnson, Broc & Lynne 01319 S. Shore Drive P. O. Box 100 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 3260 South Shore Drive, Apt 64B Punta Gorda, FL 33955 517/927-6713 (Broc) 517/927-3991 (Lynne) bjun13@aol.com ljohnson1319@gmail.com
Johnson, David (Sally) 07656 Valley Brook Road Boyne City, MI 49712 6125 Landings Boulevard Lady Lake, FL 32159 859/221-7729 shjwalloon@gmail.com
Johnson, David C. & Linda M. 5358 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 239/595-4252 2020 Isla Vista Lane Naples, FL 34105 dcj1205@me.com lmj5358@me.com
Johnson, Donald & Mary 08970 Deer Run Road Petoskey, MI 49770 1726 Morningside Way Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 248/672-5556 248/672-8228 djohn334@aol.com maryjo203@aol.com
Johnson, Joanne & Tom 1933 North Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 8151 Cool Ridge Drive Byron Center, MI 49315 616/366-8930 616/366-8918 jonsjol@icloud.com
Johnson, Mrs. Margaret 4668 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-4455 fletchmarg@gmail.com
Johnson, Ray (Mary M.) 07638 Valley Brook Road Boyne City, MI 49712 6050 Landing Boulevard Lady Lake, FL 32159-5938 231/347-4017 mmjohn@earthlink.net
Jose, Cynthia 1798 N. Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 2019 Barbara Drive Palo Alto, CA 94303 650/328-8230 cindyjose@gmail.com
Jose, Victor Stewart “Sandy” & Constance L. 1798 N. Shore Drive P.O. Box 297 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 1302 Alameda Boulevard Troy, MI 48085 248/766-3455 248/613-2910 sjose48@yahoo.com conchessie@yahoo.comn
Joseph, Ron & Caroline 5314 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 2777 Walsh Road Cincinnati, OH 45208 513/235-3805 ron@josephauto.com caroline_charles_joseph@yahoo.com
Julie & Dennis Burk 6423 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 3253 Thornhill Drive Valparaiso, IN 46385 219/916-8139 219/916-6211 jburknp@gmail.com burkdennis611@gmail.com
Junk, Bill & Leslie 6590 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 1946 Marblecliff Crossing Court Columbus, OH 43204 614/205-3500 lesliejunk9@gmail.com
KKaeser, Brad & Williams, Jess 8480 Bear Cove Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 5520 Sugar Camp Road Milford, OH 45150 513/417-0000 270/823-2506 bkaeser@kaeser-blair.com willoblue18@gmail.com
Kaeser, Liz & Kurt B1840 3007 St. Louis Club Drive Petoskey, MI 49770 221 Miami Avenue Terrace Park, OH 45174 513/460-6186 513/417-7233 kkaeser@kaeser-blair.com lizardtp@gmail.com
Kallman, Todd & Sarah 4320 Cottage Grove Petoskey, MI 49770 231/348-2866 860/830-9700 sskallman@aol.com
Karn, Jennifer & Shaun 6166 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 3923 Honors Bluff Howell, MI 48843 937/248-3963 937/214-1011 jkarn14@gmail.com skarn@comcast.net
Kasle, Frank & Judy 5160 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-0956 1204 Rocky Ridge Trail Flint, MI 48532 810/576-7957 judyleiterkasle@gmail.com
Kasselman, Ellen & Geoff 6195 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 847/401-4336 312/543-2900 kasselkids@comcast.net gkasselman@comcast.net
Keighley, Bob & Sherrie 829 Timberlake Court Dayton, OH 45429 419/305-2882 419/394-7837 sherrie.keighley@gmail.com
Keller, Drs. Andy & Mary Jo 5089 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/881-0770 (Andy) 231/881-0484 (Mary Jo) akeller@triwestgroup.net mjflaherty4@gmail.com
Keller, Marilyn & Jim 1166 N. Shore Drive P.O. Box 388 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 1325 7th Street, Apt. 2D Naples, FL 34102 312/307-5008 312/307-2838 jimkeller05@gmail.com rmmwck@aol.com
Kellogg, Jo Ann W. 610 Whitfield View P. O. Box 326 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 2052 Crystal Lake Drive Miramar Beach, FL 32550 318/308-4086 jwkellogg@aol.com
Kelly, Julie & James 882 N. Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 3326 Stettinius Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45208 513/703-7959 (Jim Cell) 513/706-3402 (Julie Cell) jimkellyjr@yahoo.com julieskelly@yahoo.com
Kennedy, Thomas & Mary Ann L 04777 Ellis Road Boyne City, MI 49712 231/459-4117 169 Kirkwood Court Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304-2927 248/642-5056
Kennedy/Carroll Family 7315 Indian Garden Point Petoskey, MI 49770 3298 E Breckenridge Lane Bloomfield Hills, MI 49301 231/347-9497
Kenny, Cecily 5069 Sand Point Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 100 Sarasota Road Belleair, FL 33756 727/243-2469 ceckenny61@gmail.com
Kenny, Cynthia & Greg 421 Shadow Trails E. Boyne City, MI 49712 7756 Tecumseh Trail Cincinnati, OH 45243 513/236-7041 859/760-8650 cbwalker@me.com gregorybkenny@gmail.com
Kent, David L. 4555 Ellis Road
P. O. Box 634 Boyne City, MI 49712
248/302-5124 3604 Gillsland Road Bargersville, IN 46106 248/318-4013 ka2david@aol.com gatefulshirley@aol.com
Kepic, Peter E. (Pamela) 3976 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 248/330-5464 248/330-5353 (Cell) fumakepic@gmail.com
Kerr, Carolyn & Derek 920 North Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 3621 Dartmouth Avenue Dallas, TX 75205 480/703-3117 carolynkerr920@gmail.com
Kesner, Abigail & Julian 865 S. Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 2037 Dahlia Drive Denver, CO 80207 917/750-2272 abigail.kesner@gmail.com
Kidd, John C. “Jack” Jr. & Doris E1136 04561 Ellis Road Boyne City, MI 49712 182 Dumbarton Road Baltimore, MD 21212 410/299-5837 (Jack) 410/299-6347 (Doris) lake12@aol.com dkidd2020@aol.com
Kidd, Wally & Margy 00320 Shadow Trails (Mailing Address) Boyne City, MI 49712 231/582-5801 04561 Ellis Road Boyne City, MI 49712 231/838-2700 (Wally Cell) wkidd@kiddleavy.com margykidd@gmail.com
Kiernan, Donald & Patricia 6285 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 3075 Rum Row Naples, FL 34102 239/248-6078 239/261-8282 kiernand@swbell.net
Kilian, Steve & Shan 04930 Longfield Farm Trail Boyne City, MI 49712 6056 Mad River Road Dayton, OH 45459 937/272-5867 (Shan) 937/286-1418 (Steve) shan.kilian@gmail.com sdkilian@aol.com
Kircher, Stephen & Molly P. O. Box 9 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/535-2411
Kishler, Dave & Lynne 5340 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 327 West Elm Street Granville, OH 43023 740/587-2942 dkishler@gmail.com lkishler@hotmail.com
Kittleson, Bryan & Kari Lynn 15562 Provincial Lane Fishers, IN 46040 502/727-6156 bryan.kittleson@kroger.com
Kittleson, Russel & Kathleen 08535 Curtis Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 8223 New Haven Way Canton, MI 48187 248/756-4242 rkittleson12@gmail.com
Kittleson, Terry & Katy 08630 Curtis Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 7051 Orchid Lane Dallas, TX 75230 214/707-3390 terry@inthecityforgood.org
Klages, Bob & Lyn 5711 Country Club Shores Petoskey, MI 49770 1575 Seymour Lake Road Oxford, MI 48371-4342 440/759-1491 lbklages@yahoo.com
Klages, Reynold Edward 7529 S. Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 614/301-7648 rek003@gmail.com
Klarr, Louise & Gunnar 1645 W. Kimmel Road Jackson, MI 49201 248/417-5781 (Gunnar) gk@jacksonoaks.farm lsk@jacksonoaks.farm
Klepadlo, Dennis 2301 Mitchell Park Drive Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-3963 dklepadlo@kwncpa.com
Klochko, Terri & Bull, John 3999 La Playa Lane Orchard Lake, MI 48324 313/670-0455 248/640-4596 tmklochko@comcast.net john.bull@eagleindinc.com
Klopcic, Brooke 2032 Celadon Drive Grand Rapids, MI 49525 616/780-8999 brooke.klopcic@gmail.com
Klopcic, Don & Jan 3640 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 1488 Briarcliff Drive SE Grand Rapids, MI 49546 616/490-9090 616/706-6257
jklopcic@aol.com dklopcic@westsidebeer.com
MEMBERS continued from previous page
Knudson, Melissa & Jim 1906 N. Shore Drive
Walloon Lake, MI 49796 3026 S. Clermont Drive Denver, CO 80222 248/302-0352 melissahknudson@gmail.com
Kobren, Ben & Mary de Bree 00831 South Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 1712 Allison Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20002 914/262-0824 303/520-8616 benkobren@gmail.com debreem@gmail.com
Konsza, Gary & Peggy 06702 Zenith Heights Road P.O. Box 203 Boyne City, MI 49712 810/240-2100 garykonsza@rocketmail.com peggylynn8@gmail.com
Korth, Hunter & Kristy 4748 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 1157 Lake Park Birmingham, MI 48009 248/321-5855 (Kristy) k248/854-5340 (Hunter) kristyakelly@yahoo.com 4748lakegrove@gmail.com
Kowynia, Wendy & Ken 5771 Country Club Shores Petoskey, MI 49770 P.O. Box 770665 Steamboat Springs, CO 80477 970/819-9587 wkowynia@hotmail.com
Krausse, Mary E. 4652 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 2846 Brandywine Drive Ann Arbor, MI 48104 734/971-3355
Krimendahl, Chris 1854 N. Shore Drive P. O. Box 95 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 4730 W. Lake Drive Holland, MI 49423 616/283-1794 chris@macpackaging.net
Krimendahl, Liz P. O. Box 95 1808 N. Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 510 Dylan Drive Carmel, IN 46032 616/403-1135 lizkrim@gmail.com
Krimendahl, Martha 1854 N. Shore Drive P. O. Box 95 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 2460 Glebe Street #321 Carmel, IN 46032 317/797-0117 mlkrim@indy.rr.com
Kromm, Roger E. (Barbara) 5480 Jones Landing Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/838-7527 (Roger) 231/838-5430 (Barbara) rekromm@gmail.com barbkromm@gmail.com
Kuhn, Dorothy 5621 Country Club Shores Petoskey, MI 49770 2511 Lynx Road Sun City Center, FL 33573 813/938-4605 727/253-9862 dkuhn003@tampabay.rr.com kuhndorothy3@gmail.com
Kuhnle, John 1584 N. Shore Drive P. O. Box 178 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 5705 Frankenmuth Road Vassar, MI 48768 989/860-1226 jekuhnle@gmail.com
Kurd, Jos & Deborah 00739 S. Shore Drive P.O. Box 126 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/535-2218 dhhowellkurd@yahoo.com debjos69@gmail.com
LLabadie, Marc & Maureen 4472 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 6401 Four Mile Road Bay City, MI 48706 989/239-1080 323/428-4248 marc@labadieauto.com maureen@labadieauto.com
LaBelle, Barton W. & Sarah B. 00870 N. Shore Drive P. O. Box 28 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 9820 E. Thompson Peak Parkway, Lot 627 Scottsdale, AZ 85255 989/205-2591 bart.labelle@gmail.com sarah@sarahlabelle.com
Lackey, Elizabeth & Blake 10783 Pine Needle Court Fishers, IN 46037 317/626-5587 betsylackey3@gmail.com
LaFave, Robert P. & Melanie 07624 Valley Brook Road Boyne City, MI 49712 248/935-6115 mrbob5112@yahoo.com
Lambert, Holly Wingenroth 5262 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 7251 Edgewater Place Indianapolis, IN 46240 317/371-7644 hollywlambert@yahoo.com
Lambrecht, Jeffrey & Deborah 678 Whitifield View Walloon Lake, MI 49796 3480 Balfour Drive Troy, MI 48084 6010 Boca Grande Causeway, C36 Boca Grande, FL 33921 248/514-3200 jeffl@wideopenwest.com
Lange, Allison & Philo 689 South Bay Lane P.O. Box 85 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 317/752-6320 allisonflange@mac.com pbl@philolange.com
Lange, Brendy & Anne Eleanor, Vivienne and Stella 04027 M-75, N, Unit 5 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 2639 East Iron Woods Pass Midland, MI 48642 513/309-2619 schutte.anne@gmail.com
Lange, Lee & Planje, Ted 1848 N. Shore Drive P.O. Box 397 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 6980 Washington Boulevard Indianapolis, IN 46220 317/259-4334 langelee09@gmail.com t.planje@yahoo.com
Lange, Rich & Kitty 6272 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 7 Elmcourt San Antonio, TX 78209 201/288-8300 (Kitty) 210/288-8301 (Rich) kittylange@satx.rr.com acornlange@gmail.com
Lantz, Rick and Linda 786 Whitfield View Walloon Lake, MI 49796 55 Huddlestone Circle Roseville, CA 95661 916/412-3833 lindalantzca@gmail.com
Latcham, Dr. Patrick G. (Linda) 4257 Wildwood Harbor Road Boyne City, MI 49712 231/582-5354 28 Warner Road Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 313/590-6688 313/303-5939 patricklatcham@gmail.com
Latcham, Eric & Sarah
Mary Jane & Elizabeth Rose 4436 Wildwood Harbor Road Boyne City, MI 49712 313/404-1612 walloonprivatedining@gmail.com
Leach, Laura 705 2nd Avenue SW Tumwater, WA 98513 360/528-1424 olywa64@mac.com
Leidall, Jessica & Dennis 1094 N. Shore Drive
Walloon Lake, MI 49796 2121 Townline Road Petoskey, MI 49770 805/245-5910 hailingsun@msn.com
Lenss, Valdis & Katie 2901 49th Street NW Washington, DC 20016 248/890-0989 valdis.lens@gmail.com
Lenter, Kathryn & Richard 4908 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-2120 4260 Carey Lane Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301 248/626-7143 kandrlenter@aol.com rlenter@aol.com
Lenz, Bob & Kristin 6238 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 1106 Marywood Drive Royal Oak, MI 48067 248/417-2342 248/444-7686 kristinbartleylenz@gmail.com bob@peak-management.com
Leslie Banks and Thomas Bryan 7665 S. Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-2125 lesliewbanks@gmail.com tbbryan@me.com
Lewis, Jennifer & Schlotterbeck, Andy 3787 M-75 Walloon Lake, MI 49712 8997 Lilly Drive Loveland, OH 45140 513/484-8803 drjelewis@gmail.com
Limbocker, Franklin B. (Diane) 7545 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-3076 140 E. Fountain Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45246 513/771-0632 dibocker@aol.com
Lincoln, Barbara Mahar L 00681 S. Bay Lane P. O. Box 491 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 4243 N. River Road Freeland, MI 48623 989/239-8202 barbl@mahartool.com
Lippert, Christine & Wayne 00693 Southbay Lane
Boyne City, MI 49712 8 Far Hills Drive Cincinnati, OH 45208 513/403-3734 513/535-8009 chrisclippert@gmail.com w.lippert@truepointinc.com
Lipps, Randall H. (Margaret C. “Peggy”) 01403 Forest Lane Boyne City, MI 49712 1823 Leer Drive Elkhart, IN 46514 574/707-0200 574/621-9283 rhlipps@gmail.com peggy.lipps@gmail.com
Loesel, Michael & Lisa 02900 Camp Lane Boyne City, MI 49712 116 Park Avenue Wilmette, IL 60091 312/259-3397 773/330-6366 michael_d_loesel@yahoo.com lisakaegi@hotmail.com
Lohman, Bob & Nancy 03522 Hamilton Court Boyne City, MI 49712 2716 Riverwood Trail Fort Worth, TX 76109 817/917-2603 rhl@rlohman.com
Lohman, Eric & Beth 03522 Hamilton Court Boyne City, MI 49712 204 State Street Petoskey, MI 49770 970/331-1320 ehlohman@gmail.com
Lollo, Jesse & Janette 1807 Killarney Shores Petoskey, MI 49770 25684 Cheyenne Drive Novi, MI 48374 248/505-5022 248/763-8735 janettelollo@gmail.com
Longo, Joseph & Linda 1000 N. Shore Drive P. O. Box 473 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 4664 Oakhurst Ridge Road Clarkston, MI 48348 248/391-4664 (Joe) 248/705-9044(Linda) joseph.longo@lpl.com lindalee4664@gmail.com
Longworth, R. Roy & Linda 800 Maple Leaf Lane, #6 Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-1874 231/675-4134 lclribbon@hotmail.com
Lowe, Catharine & Jeff 7867 Indian Garden Road P. O. Box 490 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 513/907-1045 (Catherine Cell) 513/317-5559 (Jeff Cell) cam.lowe1945@gmail.com birdiegorilla@gmail.com
Lowrance, Laurie 5521 Country Club Shores Petoskey, MI 49770 231/535-2316 2836 Earlysville Road Earlysville, VA 22936 434/973-6033 917/596-0671 (cell) lsnowpants@aol.com
Lozelle, James R. & Gail 02198 Eagle Island Road Boyne City, MI 49712 678 3rd Street, N. Naples, FL 34102 231/582-3477 loz6656@msn.com gglozelle@msn.com
Lunghamer, Joseph L., (Jeanine) L 6889 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/439-3275 3823 Miller Way S Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301 248/343-8710 248/683-4072 (fax) joe@lunghamer.com jeanine@lunghamer.com
Lunghamer, Mandy L 6869 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 798 Redding Road Birmingham, MI 48009 248/646-7011 mandy@lunghamer.com
Lyall, Evan & Laurie 5250 Jones Landing Road Petoskey, MI 49770 507 W. Main Street Northville, MI 48167 248/756-3983 734/679-0919 laurielyall17@gmail.com lyallevan@gmail.com
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MMacArthur, Paul & Lisa 6523 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 3440 Bradway Boulevard Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301 248/838-8670 pmac1964@yahoo.com lmfmacarthur@yahoo.com
MacDonald, Kenneth H., Jr. (Deirdre) 5190 Jones Landing Road Petoskey, MI 49770 44 W. Hannum Boulevard Saginaw, MI 48602 989/860-2794 989/798-8092 deirdrehmacd@gmail.com khmamfm@gmail.com
MacEachern, Duncan & Peggy 02900 Ridge Top Road Boyne City, MI 49712 1227 Romney Road Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 313/506-9942 (Duncan) 313/930-1470 (Peggy) duncangmac@yahoo.com
MacEachern, Stephen A. & Teresa 3122 Townsend Road Petoskey, MI 49770 5510 Osprey Isle Lane Orlando, FL 32819 321/431-7273 321/432-2212 steve@inlandplywood.com tmaceachern61@gmail.com
Macintyre, Jim & Lauren A 6110 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 1915 Marsh Oak Lane Seabrook Island, SC 29455 231/838-3999 (Lauren) 231/838-6088 (Jim) laurimacintyre@yahoo.com jim.macintyre@yahoo.com
MacLean, Neal & Cindy 02371 Red Pine Road Boyne City, MI 49712 47795 Bellagio Drive Northville, MI 48167 313/506-0534 248/613-7727 nealmaclean@gmail.com cmmac7727@gmail.com
MacPhail, Dr. & Mrs. Blair S. 1864 N. Shore Drive P. O. Box 216 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 2727 E. 86th Street #302 Indianapolis, IN 46240 317/402-1424 asmacphail@aol.com
Maier, Hans & Jackie
01354 N. Shore Drive
P. O. Box 583
Walloon Lake, MI 49796
705 Halcyon Court Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Mainland, Judy
6502 Lake Grove Road-”No Mail” Petoskey, MI 49770
231/347-4758 (At Lake) 810 Harbor Watch Drive, #64 Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-9057 jmainland46@gmail.com
Mainland, Ken & Megan
6502 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770
282 Lincoln Place Petoskey, MI 49770
kenmainland@gmail.com meganmainland@gmail.com
Makinen, Marty & Holly Wong
01045 Forest Lane Boyne City, MI 49712
7000 Barkwater Court Bethesda, MD 20817
martymakinen@aol.com hollywong7000@gmail.com
Malenfant, Suzanne & Mike
5584 Howard Road Petoskey, MI 49770 5740 Brookstone Drive Cincinnati, OH 45230 513/659-6901
suzanneemalenfant@gmail.com malenfant.ma@gmail.com
Malloure, Paul & Barb
3187 Townsend Road
Petoskey, MI 49770
P. O. Box 1705
Boca Grande, FL 33921
pmalloure@gmail.com malloure12@gmail.com
Manchester, Dr. Michael L. & Christy 530 N. Shore Drive
P. O. Box 313 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 539 Eagle Circle Dayton, OH 45429
msaymoi@gmail.com longballbird@gmail.com
Manganello, Tim
7677 Indian Garden Road
Petoskey, MI 49770
P.O. Box 41 Lewiston, MI 49756
3051 Woodcreek Way
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304
Mann, Curtis & Karen 5216 Lake Grove Road
Petoskey, MI 49770 65 Boulder Lane Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 248/797-6135 (Curt) 249/219-2168 (Karen) cujoma@outlook.com bkarenjune@gmail.com
Manthei, Timothy A. & Pam 5353 Manthei Road Petoskey, MI 49770 74711 Dillon Road, Spc 432 Desert Hot Springs, CA 92241 760/835-4250 tim@skyvalleyresort.com
Mardigian, Edward & Janet 08800 Deer Run Petoskey, MI 49770 1325 Pembroke Drive Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 248/977-7077 248/766-5580 emardigian@att.net jmardigian@att.net
Margolis, Jim & Vicki 205 S. Shore Drive Boyne City, MI 49712 4825 Essex Avenue Chevy Chase, MD 20815 202/494-1800 jim@gmmb.com
Markey, Jennifer 7230 M-119 Harbor Springs, MI 49740 518 Commons Drive Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 231/622-3773 tbeargolfergal@comcast.net
Marklewitz, John W. & Libby 01345 Forest Lane Boyne City, MI 49712 704/576-4816 989/295-2809 jwmwitz@aol.com washwitz2019@gmail.com
Marquardt, Bunny 2016 N. Shore Drive P. O. Box 130 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/675-1279 walloonbunny@gmail.com
Marrs, Terry & Laurie A 08670 Curtis Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 231/348-2739 29121 Brendisi Way, #101 Naples, FL 34110 248/444-1745 (Laurie) 248/231-5380 (Terry) lauriemarrs@hotmail.com terrymarrs@hotmail.com
Martin, Bob and Susan 137 E Shadow Trail Boyne City, MI 49712 3675 NW 89th Avenue Ocala, FL 34482 989/621-7559 989/621-0211 robertmmartin52@gmail.com sqmartin3@gmail.com
MEMBERS continued from previous page
Martin, Jill & Dorfman, Mark 6203 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 6321 Waterway Drive Falls Church, VA 22041 202/744-9889 jillme3801@gmail.com mdorfman88@gmail.com
Martin, Jim & Paula 48975 Hillcrest Court Plymouth, MI 48170 734/455-1839 jum42@wowway.com
Martin, Pam & Ted 6217 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 1 Canterbury Court Wilmette, IL 60091 312/848-9387 (Ted cell) 847/721-9384 (Pam cell) ted@martinpartners.com pmartin759@gmail.com
Martin, Sarah Moran & Tom 4252 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 1020 Radley Drive West Chester, PA 19382 484/883-0884 (Sarah cell) 484/354-7877 (Tom cell) semoran219@gmail.com tmartin294007@gmail.com
Martindale, Brian & Sharon 3936 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 40022 N. 111th Place Scottsdale, AZ 85262 989/860-9315 (Sharon) 989/860-6023 (Brian) martindale.sharon@gmail.com brianmartindale1@gmail.com
Marty Maugh & Steve Edwards 3910 Wildwood Drive, Unit 24 Boyne City, MI 49712 1414 W. Wrightwood Ave. Unit L Chicago, IL 60614 630/363-2866 sedwards@jmi-usa.com chicago2125@gmail.com
Masi, Michelle & Exelby, Kyle 2188 Walloon Street Walloon Lake, MI 49796 4885 Menominee Lane Clarkston, MI 48348 248/310-9585 248/709-5116 michellemasi33@gmail.com kexelby@schomerteam.com
Mathy, John & Courtney 03841 M-75, N. P.O. Box 430 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 986 Private Road Winnetka, IL 60093 773/294-6154 312/961-7332 courtneymathy@yahoo.com
Matthews, Curt & Linda
345 Burns Farm Road P.O. Box 483 Boyne City, MI 49712 1420 Davis Street Evanston, IL 60201 847/868-6945 847/868-5534 lindahmatthews11@gmail.com curtmatthews4@gmail.com
Matthews, Robert W. & Julie 4038 Conkle Road Boyne City, MI 49712 1875 Old Willow Road, #115 Northfield, IL 60093 312/735-4461 robert@thebluewatercompanies.com
Maus, Mary & Daniel 543 Forest Glen Drive Fontana, WI 53125 262/215-3626 dm67@me.com
Maximiuk, Gary & Kathy P.O. Box 478 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 4920 Longman Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 616/340-4759 616/293-6802 garymaximiuk@gmail.com kmax4920LL@gmail.com
Mayfield, Glen & Lynn 470 N. Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 3240 Columbia Parkway Cincinnati, OH 45208 513/295-0459 lynnmayfield62@gmail.com
Mayne, Ben R. III & Carolyn 5324 Howard Road Petoskey, MI 49770 2008 Terra Drive Midland, MI 48640 989/600-0806 brmayne3@mac.com
McAteer, Laurel, Emily & Abby PO Box 605 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 00749 S. Shore Drive Boyne City, MI 49712 415/846-7887 laurel.mcateer@gmail.com
McAuliffe, Jim & Sherry 04475 Ellis Road Boyne City, MI 49712 13838 Goodman Overland Park, KS 66223 913/681-6824 913/957-6418 jmcauliffe@everestkc.net
McBride Construction, Inc.
David McBride 2125 M-119 Petoskey, MI 49770 231/348-2749 info@mcbrideremodeling.com
McFarland, Patrick (Julie) 6740 Zenith Heights Boyne City, MI 49712 10048 Hart Avenue Huntington Woods, MI 48070 313/410-6819 248/320-1855 p.j.mcfarland@sbcglobal.net
McIlvenna, Anthony & Donna 01163 South Shore Drive P.O. Box 266 Boyne City, MI 49712 6514 Foxchase Lane Cincinnati, OH 45243 513/404-9792 513/236-3602
tonymccinci@gmail.com donnamccinci@gmail.com
McKay, R.J. & Figgins, Todd 3450 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 3778 Southview Avenue Beavercreek, OH 45432 937/286-0181 rjmckay98@yahoo.com
McKee, Jim & Kelly 1412 N. Shore Drive P.O. Box 589 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 7 Sandpiper Cove Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 336/339-3651 (Kelly’s Cell) 336/339-3356 (Jim’s Cell) kmckee8008@gmail.com jmckee8008@gmail.com
McKennney, Steve and Shawnee 8715 Curtis Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 231/330-3047
McKeon, Stephen & Parker-McKeon, Gemma 7961 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 55 E. Erie Street, Apt. #3501 Chicago, IL 60611 773/ 490-6787 773/490-8646 mckeon@gemmaparkerdesign.com mckeonst@gmail.com
McKibben, Sean & Cindy JT, Katie, Sarah & Ella 1500 N. Shore Drive P. O. Box 218 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 7947 Tartan Fields Drive Dublin, OH 43017 614/420-1012 440/708-3036 mckibbben108@gmail.com cmckibben@mckibbenandmonte.com
McKinney, Bob & Shelley 01289 S. Shore Drive P. O. Box 67 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 P. O. Box 104 Boca Grande, FL 33931 647 Somerset Drive, W. Indianapolis, IN 46260 317/294-2604 rhm647@comcast.net
McKinney, Kevin 1289 S. Shore Drive P. O. Box 67
Walloon Lake, MI 49796 7501 Central Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46240 317/709-6634 kmckinney@nuvo.net
McLellan, Robert & Nancy 5342 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/881-4140 231/838-3531 nancym@northwestmechanical.net robm@northwestmechanical.net
McMurray, Mark & Laurie 6977 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/838-2466 231/838-0282 mcmurray.laurie@gmail.com markr.mcmurray@gmail.com
McMurray-Martin Cottage 01403 S. Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 1110 Webster Avenue Wheaton, IL 60187 630/667-5721 269/267-2710 cageym@comcast.net gmartha5@gmail.com
Meek, Robert Jr. 5665 Country Club Shores Petoskey, MI 49770 1234 Woodcrest Circle Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 248/761-3302 rdm@rdmeekco.com
Meek, William & Mary 5665 Country Club Shores Petoskey, MI 49770 5129 Echo Road Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 248/538-8606 248/761-2683 (cell) wmeek@cmpgrp.com
Meengs, Dr. William & Janet 1224 Autumn Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 5150 Jones Landing Petoskey, MI 49770 231/330-1464 wmeengs1224@charter.net
Melrose Township 04289 M-75, N. P. O. Box 189 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/535-2310 melrose@melrosetwp.org
Merten, Harold A. “Skip”, III (Lane) 6008 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/439-6008 (phone & fax) 716 Lexington Avenue Terrace Park, OH 45174 513/703-6378 skip.merten@fuse.net
Meyer, Chuck & Sandy 5488 Jones Landing Road Petoskey, MI 49770
231/881-4157 231/838-8224 chuckmeyer5488@hotmail.com chuck_sandy_meyer@yahoo.com
Meyer, Putter & John 1426 N. Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 794 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka, IL 60093 847/881-2646 puttermeyer@gmail.com
Michelini, Ken & Barb 01351 S. Shore Drive Boyne City, MI 49712 5253 Woodrun Drive W. Bloomfield, MI 48323 248/613-1712
barb@resultadvertising.net ken@resultadvertising.net
Miesel, Ralph & Patricia 7933 S. Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 1385 Great Egret Trail Naples, FL 34105 239/719-0043 678/575-1211 remiesel@gmail.com patriciamiesel@gmail.com
Mikesell, Eric & Zora Johnson 5248 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 1466 North Glengarry Road Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301 313/590-4336 grakemom@gmail.com
Miller, Anna & Michael 5155 Sand Point Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 4251 Hulett Road Okemos, MI 48864 4501 E Calle Tuberia Phoenix, AZ 85018 517/281-6477 517/281-6476 annamiller6@comcast.net mikem@tricktitanium.com
Miller, Ernest E. “Bud” & Kathy A 3001 St. Louis Club Road Petoskey, MI 49770 606 N. Mobile Street Fairhope, AL 36532 231/348-2759 231/838-1756 mfpbud64@yahoo.com kjjocmiller51@yahoo.com
Miller, Scott A. 1376 N. Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 12207 Aboite Center Road Fort Wayne, IN 46814 260/433-5917 dadocmiller@gmail.com
Minor, Elizabeth “Liz” 1474 N. Shore Drive P. O. Box 217 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 185 Macon Avenue, Apt. B3 Asheville, NC 28804 904/945-1248 lizminor2@gmail.com
Mitchell, Michael R. & Jill 275 Greenwood Lane Peachtree City, GA 30269 678/294-0277 jmitchellhome@gmail.com
Mitchell, Sherry A. 4128 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 5545 Lake George Road Dryden, MI 48428 989/245-4717 sherry@mitchellwool.com mitchellsmakingthemost@gmail.com
Mitchell Graphics, Inc. 2363 Mitchell Park Drive Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-4635 info@mitchellgraphics.com
Mitrione, Jim & Cammie 03787 M-75, N. Walloon Lake, MI 49796 2305 Stalheber Road Hamilton, OH 45013 513/300-3675 cjlmit1@gmail.com
Molina, Charles and Daisy 4505 Watersedge Drive PO Box 566 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 702/378-0161
Monton, James & Susan 1130 N. Shore Drive P. O. Box 182 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 11489 Grandstone Lane Montgomery, OH 45249 513/382-8987 (Jim Cell) 513/218-0847 (Susan Cell) jimmonton@gmail.com scmonton@gmail.com
Mooradian, Annie (Rademacher) & Paul 08330 Bear Cove Lane Petoskey, MI 49712 3258 Quick Road P. O. Box 534 Harbor Springs, MI 49740 231/838-7955 armooradian@gmail.com
Moore, Sheila & Thomas 06260 Red Pine Road Boyne City, MI 49712 2128 Woodfield Road Okemos, MI 48864 517/290-7664 moore.sheila3@gmail.com mooretk@att.net
Moore, Thomas S., M.D. (Martha) L 7721 S. Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-4209 10417 Spring Highland Drive Indianapolis, IN 46290 317/691-6712 8665 Bay Colony Drive, Apt. #1403 Naples, FL 34108 239/566-2922
MEMBERS continued from previous page
Morawa, Arnold 6666 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-5478 1335 Laurel View Drive Ann Arbor, MI 48105 18011 Verano Drive San Diego, CA 92128 734/904-7593 apmorawa@yahoo.com
Morin, Joan M. 6531 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 2139 Anderson Drive, SE East Grand Rapids, MI 49506 616/485-3277 morin.joan@att.net
Morris, Nancy Ann 1654 N. Shore Drive P. O. Box 366 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/535-2762 379 Millridge Drive Carmel, IN 46290 317/696-0049 nsmorris65@gmail.com
Morrison, Ken & Donna 1895 Bear Foot Lane P. O. Box 207 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 313/938-0007 212 Moran Road Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 313/938-0007 kenwmorrison@hotmail.com
Morrow, Tom & Merilyn P. O. Box 218 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/535-2503 535 Covington Lane Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 412/877-2629 (t. cell) 440/289-7372 (m. cell) t.o.morrow@att.net
Motley, Helen Lowe, Niki & Chris 7867 Indian Garden Road Walloon Lake, MI 49796 475 Oakwood Drive Hamilton, OH 45013 513/560-3077 513/658-3077 helenlmotley@gmail.com chris.motley@gmail.com
Mott, Dick & Tina 02575 Eagle Island Road Boyne City, MI 49712 4176 Summerwood Lane Saginaw, MI 48603 989/798-0131 rjmott18@gmail.com dick.mott@morleynet.com
Mott, Gary & Sandy 06800 Hilltop Lane Boyne City, MI 49712 989/859-3156 (Sandy Cell) 989/600-0982 (Gary Cell) samott64@yahoo.com gbmott53@gmail.com
Moyers, Marty & Decoteau, Frank 07774 Zenith Heights Road Boyne City, MI 49712 802 Cypress Drive Boulder, CO 80303 303/817-1639 303/817-1980 martymoyers@walloon.us
Muenk, Donald B., M.D. (Kathy) 4020 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 583 Rudgate Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 248/709-0702 muenk583@yahoo.com
Muhlhauser, Scott & Barb 5448 Lake Grove Trail Petoskey, MI 49770 7297 Treeridge Drive Cincinnati, OH 45244 513/604-8004 513/675-7043 smuhlhauser@mac.com
Mullally, Patrick & Alissa 181 S. Shore Drive Boyne City, MI 49712 19175 Elizabeth Court Spring Lake, MI 49456 231/571-3038 mullallypatrick@gmail.com
Mulligan, Karen & Jerry 2036 N. Shore Drive P.O. Box 417 Walloon Lake, MI 49796
7775 SE Loblolly Bay Drive Hobe Sound, FL 33455
248/550-2281 jerome.mulligan@gmail.com jmulli8416@aol.com
Murdock, Bruce & Judie 18442 Beverly Road Beverly Hills, MI 48025 248/882-5958 brucemurdock77@gmail.com
Murray, Ann 3770 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 22523 N. Nottingham Beverly Hills, MI 48025
248/798-0986 annmurray14@comcast.net
Murray, Jeff & Yujing
3009 St. Louis Club Road Petoskey, MI 49770 1064 Beech Plymouth, MI 48170
734/546-0286 jeffrobmurr@gmail.com
Murray, Robert & Jeanne
3009 St. Louis Club Road Petoskey, MI 49770
3980 NW 46th Terrace Ocala, FL 34482
734/546-6902 (Robert cell) 734/747-9393 (Jeanne cell) rmurray@empowerfin.com
NNash, Dennis & Elizabeth
6333 Indian Garden Rd Petoskey, MI 49770
5340 South Island Dr, NW Canton, OH 44718
330/904-2150 dennis.nash@thekag.com e.nash@hotmail.com
Nelson, Gregory M. & Debbie 9924 South Channel Drive Harsens Island, MI 48028 66 Lothrop Road Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 313/460-5693 gregnelson3566@gmail.com
Nelson, Kristine L. & Stein, David E. 6168 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/330-2467 231/330-0934 destein1@gmail.com knelly182000@gmail.com
Nelson, Leslie & Mike 8635 Curtis Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 1911 Planters Row Byron Center, MI 49315 616/481-7588 leslienelson0527@gmail.com
Nelson, Scott & Kindel, Dr. Susan 00395 Burns Farm Road Walloon Lake, MI 49796 2499 Observatory Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45208 513/226-6138 513/295-4516 snelson@comey.com
Nepa, Tom & Shelley 02144 North Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 25414 Tweed Drive Franklin, MI 48025 248/212-8881 248/212-4823 snepa@comcast.net tnepa01@gmail.com
Nestell, Jack & Kathleen 6025 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 574/520-9303 nestelljg@gmail.com
Newman, Bruce & Laurel 6207 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 610/937-0124 610/513-4544 bnewman@afinsight.com lnewman@articulatespeech.com
Newman Family Newman, Mike & Debbie
04760 Longfield Farm Trail Boyne City, MI 49712 351 Wyngate Drive Rochester Hills, MI 48307 248/930-2284 deborahn@comcast.net mike@securityandnetworks.com
Nichols, Jon & Diane 08635 Curtis Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 30525 Brookview Livonia, MI 48152 734/261-6376
Nichols, Ms. Cathy & Burnett, Mr. Michael 03062 Hilton Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 24595 Wild Blosson Court E. Lansing, MI 48823 517/285-9579 (Cathy) 517/ 899-9602 (Michael) cathyjnichols@aol.com (Cathy) mbcakes69@gmail.com (Michael)
Nield, Martha & Jim 5678 Howard Road Petoskey, MI 49770 18234 Arselot Drive Northville, MI 48167 586/918-7000 marthanield@comcast.net
Nikkel, Chuck & Judy 1833 Killarney Shores Petoskey, MI 49770 251/769-6229 chucknikkel@yahoo.com
Noel, Carol C. & Lohman, David 3515 Hamilton Court Boyne City, MI 49712 P. O. Box 246 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 1372 Zink Road Boyne City, MI 49712 231/838-2447 260/437-2684 carolnoel3@gmail.com djlohman@hotmail.com
Noel, Irma & Rand, Jim 4495 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/881-4762 5109 Venetian Boulevard St. Petersburg, FL 33703 iknoel4@gmail.com jrand4495@gmail.com
Norcross, Gary & Amy 00219 Shadow Trails Road Boyne City, MI 49712 P.O. Box 233 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 4548 Ortega Island Drive, N. Jacksonville, FL 32210 407/718-1411 amn1066@aol.com
Norcross, Herrick F., III & Lucy 1440 N. Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 P. O. Box 490 Tyronza, AR 72386 870/636-3312 (Lucy) 870/636-7308(Herrick) lunorcross@gmail.com
Norcross, Jeanie 760 Harbor Bend Road, #102 Memphis, TN 38103 407/491-3545 jenorcross@aol.com
North, J. Douglas & Gwen 04952 Longfield Farm Trail Boyne City, MI 49712 6900 Oakhills Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301 248/705-2156 gnorth@drivenorth.net jdn@northbros.com
Northern Michigan Hardwoods 5151 Manthei Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-4575
Nosek, Jeffrey & Ashley 04040-9 Wildwood Dr. Boyne City, MI 49712 655 Balfour Street Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230 734/717-0057 abowerma@gmail.com
O1Senior Home Care Inc. 03820 N. Sanderson Road East Jordan, MI 49727 231/547-5818 313/247-4875 1seniorhomecare@gmail.com www.1seniorhomecare.com
O’Keefe, Carol (Patrick) 5246 Jones Landing Petoskey, MI 49770 6418 Shagbark Drive Troy, MI 48098 248/302-2686 586/940-6596 cokeefe@okeefellc.com pokeefe@okeefellc.com
Oelz, Lucia Scully 1108 N. Shore Drive P. O. Box 66 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 858/382-5153 lucia4444@aol.com
Oliver, Wallace & Sarah 01019 Sweet Pea Lane P. O. Box 44 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 110 Broadway Wilmette, IL 60091 847/256-4894 wloliver@sbcglobal.net
Osterling, Gary J. (Chris) 3206 Blue Rock Road Cincinnati, OH 45239 513/741-8397 goster@fuse.net
Ostlund Pest Control, LLC P.O. Box 700 Indian River, MI 49749 231/238-0899
Ottaway, Cynthia L 04140 Conkle Road
P. O. Box 160 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/582-9605 231/582-6417 (fax) 7 Peacock Lane Village of Golf, FL 33436 561/523-0585 561/738-1617 (fax)
Otten, Vicki 1381 Forest Lane Boyne City, MI 49712 3900a Watson Place NW, 3-D Washington, DC 20016 202/253-2878 votten48@gmail.com
Overbey Daley, Robyn 1556 N. Shore Drive P. O. Box 547 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 313/804-3247 robyndaley@gmail.com
Overmyer, Edwin & Mary Jane 5218 Jones Landing Petoskey, MI 49770 2480 Stonehaven Place Columbus, OH 43220 614/325-6442 614/325-1020 overmyered@gmail.com overmyermj@gmail.com
Overmyer, Greg & Alicia 5210 Jones Landing Petoskey, MI 49770 2667 Sandover Road Columbus, OH 43220 614/633-9305 govermyer@oh-ins.com aliciaovermyer@gmail.com
Overshiner, Ken & Julie 04040 Wildwood Drive, #7 Boyne City, MI 49712 1140 Fries Road Houston, TX 77055 713/385-1315 kloshiner@gmail.com
Owen, Donald 4860 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-6689 2430 Partridge Lane Northbrook, IL 60062 dcornowen@gmail.com
PPalm, Kelli & Michael 4060 Wildwood Drive Boyne City, MI 49712 2126 San Lu Rae Drive SE Grand Rapids, MI 49506 574/621-3562
kelli.palm@gmail.com mikejpalm@gmail.com
MEMBERS continued from previous page
Pariseau, Don & Tammy 5358 N. Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-3819 284 Cayuga Road Lake Orion, MI 48362 248/814-0284 don.pariseau@comcast.net tammy.pariseau@comcast.net
Parker, Jim B1576 06692 Walloon Hills Drive Boyne City, MI 49712 walloonjim@gmail.com
Parker, John H. (Mary Jo) 7609 S. Indian Garden Road P. O. Box 298 Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-8879 pmfdad@charter.net
Parker, Mike & Noreen 7961 Indian Garden Rd Petoskey, MI 49770 P. O. Box 648 Midland, MI 48640 989/906-7813 989/948-2838 parkernor@aol.com mikedparker@aol.com
Parker, Philip C. & Marilyn K. 07090 Meadowoods Lane Boyne City, MI 49712 2675 Andover Road Columbus, OH 43221 614/404-2120 614/404-3754 philipcparker@gmail.com marilynkparker@gmail.com
Parkin, George & Sally 5270 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 31 Shade Tree Irvine, CA 92603 714/225-9833 (George) 714/225-2756 (Sally) gcparkin@aol.com slparkin@aol.com
Parrish, Lee & Jackie T 03539 Hamilton Court P. O. Box 361 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 12 Independence Crescent Hamilton, OH 45013 513/856-9504 513/543-5374 jackieparrish@gmail.com lhp@parrishattys.com
Parrott, Lawrence N. & Marnie C. 06338 Walloon Hills Drive Boyne City, MI 49712 231/582-6225 marnieparrott@hotmail.com larry52046@gmail.com
Pattengale, Robert & Alice 6016 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-1548 rpatt6016@charter.net
Pawlik, Sheri 5176 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770
30306 Georgetown Drive Beverly Hills, MI 48025 586/995-3127 spawlik@b2bcfo.com sheri.pawlik@gmail.com
Peabody, Mary Jane L. L 05683 Country Club Shores Petoskey, MI 49770 231/535-2608 6808 Transylvania Avenue Harrods Creek, KY 40027 502/228-1236
Peck, George (Andrea) 4400 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 21 Beresford Court Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 313/530-1116
Pendell, Dick (Karen) 3960 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/348-0735 1408 Bayberry Lane Midland, MI 48640 989/835-8102 richard.pendell@icloud.com
Peppel, Mark & Barr, Marybeth 7614 Valley Brook Avenue Boyne City, MI 49712 262/617-1201 262/620-4978 mrpeppel@me.com mbbasch@yahoo.com
Perkins, Sonja & Jon 287 East Shadow Trail Boyne City, MI 49712 415/385-2643 415/812-5444 sonjahperkins@gmail.com jonathancperkins@gmail.com
Perry, Joddy & Matt 5432 Lake Grove Trail Petoskey, MI 49770
7788 Oyster Bay Lane Cincinnati, OH 45244 513/658-3032 513/235-0904 joddyp@gmail.com
Person, Terry McKenney & John 6769 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770
3692 Golfview Drive Williamston, MI 48895
517/518-6167 tmperson117@gmail.com (Terry) personjw@gmail.com (John)
Peterson, Kerrie & Blewett, William 01103 S. Shore Drive
P. O. Box 374 Walloon Lake, MI 49796
P. O. Box 1682 Driggs, ID 83422
313/418-1856 734/3470154 kerrie1130@gmail.com wtb7515@yahoo.com
Petoskey Area Visitors Bureau 401 E. Mitchell Street Petoskey, MI 49770 231/348-2755 jim@petoskeyarea.com
Pickering, John L. & Anneke 7953 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/348-0005 231/881-0343 annekeleenen@hotmail.com jlpickering07@gmail.com
Pickl, Margo 998 N. Shore Drive P.O. Box 594 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 1435 Odette Hartland, MI 48357 248/343-3930 mpickl@aol.com
Piereson, Scott & Tricia 5168 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 6716 Walden Park Lane Richland, MI 49083 269/998-8214 269/998-8205 tpiereson@comcast.net spierson@aol.com
Piersa, Michael and Bebhin 5865 Winterthur Drive Atlanta, GA 30328 513/910-9919 720/235-4822 bebhimpiersa@gmail.com mpiersa5@gmail.com
Pietrangeli, Joseph J. & Hutcheson, Nancy 02545 Eagle Island Road Boyne City, MI 49712 931 Fairfax Birmingham, MI 48009 248/515-8237 j.j.pietrangeli@att.net
Pilnick, Gary & Helene 02519 Eagle Island Road Boyne City, MI 49712 1719 N. Burling Street Unit 4 South Chicago, IL 60614 269/209-5971 269/209-5531 gpilnick@sbcglobal.net
Pohl, Arthur S. (Melinda) L P. O. Box 392 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 2764 Cedar Crest Drive Southport, NC 28461
Pohl, Jim & Mary 851 S. Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 43 Rockview Drive Rockford, MI 49341 616/915-2397 616/866-9770 (fax) jimpohl@hotmail.com
Polleys, Will (Karkosak, Julie)
4060 Wildwood Drive Unit 1 Boyne City, MI 49712 429 Whitehills Drive E. Lansing, MI 48823 517/614-9548 Wpolleys@att.net
Postle, Linda 22 Looking Glass Lane Asheville, NC 28805 512/740-7105 goingpostle2@gmail.com
Presley, Gregory & Lois 5332 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 735 Randolph, No. 122 Northville, MI 48167 248/320-0785 248/320-5088 greg@presleyarchitecture.com loisapresley@gmail.com
Preston Feather Building Centers Troy Bamberg 900 Spring Street Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-2501 tbamberg@prestonfeather.com
Pricco, Mark & Colleen 6595 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 10731 Knockaderry Drive Grand Ledge, MI 48837-8168 517/420-8436 517/420-5909 mark@atomanager.com 25priccogabrielle@lansingcatholic.org
Prior, Kevin P. 04033 N. M-75 Walloon Lake Village, MI 49796 1212 Helen Street Midland, MI 48640 989/513-8650 kpprior1212@yahoo.com
Pritchard, Lesley P.O. Box 10 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/459-5699 wildwoodwoman@yahoo.com
Pritchett, Jerry & Christy 04110 Conkle Road Boyne City, MI 49712 1403 Foxwood Drive Midland, MI 48642 248/225-1770 989/488-2907 pritchett@charter.net
Proffitt, John & Katrina 5554 Howard Road Petoskey, MI 49770 586/665-1910 katielproffitt@gmail.com
Pulick, Mike & Liz 4300 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 15150 Brolio Lane Naples, FL 34100 847/687-7177 847/875-9650 lizpulick@icloud.com mikepulick@icloud.com
Pulte, Mark & Julie
7529 Indian Garden Rd Petoskey, MI 49770 3749 Darlington Road S Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301 561/289-6909 561/213-5956 markpulte@aol.com juliepulte@gmail.com
Pustell, J. Thomas (Kathleen) 01473 Forest Lane Boyne City, MI 49712 231/582-2238 3907 Waldenwood Ann Arbor, MI 48105 734/994-4607 kpustell@comcast.net
Putters, Max & Mary 5292 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-7931 mputters@yahoo.com
Pyle, Michael & Caroline A 04040 Wildwood Drive, Unit #6 Boyne City, MI 49712 13580 Brentwood Lane Carmel, IN 46033 317/755-7536 carepyle@att.net
QQueller, David & Penny 6619 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 404/788-6360 (Penny Cell) 404/788-8518 (Dave Cell) pennyqueller@gmail.com daqueller@gmail.com
RRader, Marilyn & Jock 03430 Reycraft Road Boyne City, MI 49712 231/347-4042 doverrover42@gmail.com
Radom, Thomas (Kathy) 5979 Tamarack Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 2924 Long Winter Lane Oakland, MI 48363 248/535-7766 tbradom@gmail.com
Rahaim, Douglas & Margaret 3189 Townsend Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/348-2636 682 Sunningdale Drive Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236
313/530-0877 mmrahaim@aol.com drahaim62@aol.com
Ralph, MaryAnn
Nick & Kylie Ralph 5250 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 248/420-4223 maryannralph56@gmail.com
Reed, Clark & Anne 4748 Waters Edge Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 915 Morehouse Lane University City, MO 63130 314/807-6905 314/807-6906 clarkr@reedrubber.com clarkareed@att.net clarkareed@att.net
Reimer, Glenn & Heidi 6221 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 1731 Hollow Creek Court Ft. Wayne, IN 46814 260/415-2819 260/415-1930 heidiglenn@icloud.com glennheidi@hotmail.com
Reinbold, Dennis & Jennifer 07590 Valley Brook Road Boyne City, MI 49712 231/347-6842 10435 Hussey Lane Carmel, IN 46032 317/509-6866 mundelreinbold@aol.com
Reining, Jim & Camille (Alexander) 6625 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 202/590-5311 camillemenasco@gmail.com
Rembiesa, David & Sarah 4020-14 Wildwood Drive Boyne City, MI 49712 847 McDonald Drive Northville, MI 48167 248/763-3656 248/444-1751 rembiesa@gmail.com sarah.rembiesa@gmail.com
Rentschler, Carol 7530 Kirtley Drive Cincinnati, OH 45236 513/325-3763 carolhrentschler@gmail.com
Rentschler, David N. 00449 Shadow Trails Road P. O. Box 339 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/535-5142 1269 Ida Street Cincinnati, OH 45202 davidnrentschler@aol.com
Rentschler, Peter R., Jr., (Beth) 75 Grosse Pointe Blvd. Grosse Pointe, MI 48236-3712 313/617-0172 rentschlerp10@gmail.com
Reynolds, Judy 41320 Fox Run Road, #T19 Novi, MI 48377 248/225-5767 jwreynolds@mac.com
MEMBERS continued from previous page
Rhoades, Pamela and Bruce 1683 Killarney Shores Drive Petoskey, MI 49770 937/216-8735 brhoades@protonmail.com pkrhoades@protonmail.com
Rhoades, Peter & Amy 01171 Forest Lane
Boyne City, MI 49712 20195 Lichfield Detroit, MI 48221 313/282-2056 amy.rhoades1@gmail.com
Rice, Chris & Frederic 5318 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-8684 frice1@charter.net
Rice, Fred, III & Kristan 04170 Conkle Road Boyne City, MI 49712 21776 Masters Circle Estero, FL 33928 312/953-9139 847/778-6144 fred.rice@comcast.net kristan.rice@comcast.net
Rich, Dave & Kalush, Kristin 5350 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 7329 Island Circle Boulder, CO 80301 303/886-2516 303/809-1717 drichco@gmail.com kkalush@gmail.com
Rimas, John & Melissa 509 Shadow Trails, E. Boyne City, MI 49712 54465 Edgemont Key Macomb Township, MI 48042 586/489-1208 RimasIV@comcast.net
Ringer, Jean Bippus 01027 Sweet Pea Lane P.O. Box 202 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 8140 Township Line Road #3109 Indianapolis, IN 46260 317/417-9200 twringer@att.net
Roberts, Justin & Josephine Archer & Shepherd P.O. Box 369 04497 Fourth Street Walloon Lake, MI 49796 313/247-5247 (Josephine) 231/675-3789 (Justin) josephine@walloon.org justin@blackbirchdesignbuild.com
Robinson, Charles & Cheryl 05406 West Road Boyne City, MI 49712 231/582-2150 crobinsonrln@hotmail.com
Robinson, Scott & Peggy 04015 M-75, N. Walloon Lake, MI 49796
400 S. Franklin Street Saginaw, MI 48607-1110 989/753-7933 989/992-3600 lgehrke@us-imaging.com 1peggy@chartermi.net
Rohe, John & Deborah 08730 Curtis Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 412/862-0259 (Deb Cell) 412/862-0260 (John Cell) debbie.rohe@yahoo.com john.rohe@yahoo.com
Rose Cottage
Cindy Rose, Corrine Harrison, Cathy Graszl, & Carol Judy 7800 Fox Run Petoskey, MI 49770 1011 Clark Street Birmingham, MI 48009 248/632-2149 248/752-2667 sthrosegirl@gmail.com
Rosewall, Ellen & Michael 5232 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 800 East River Drive, Apt. A DePere, WI 54115 920/264-2511 920/264-2509 erosewall5232@gmail.com michael.rosewall@gmail.com
Roszak, John A. 5475 Country Club Shores Petoskey, MI 49770 4146 Stoneleigh Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 248/877-8339 j.a.roszak@comcast.net
Roudi, Dennis L. & Pamela C 00303 Shadow Trails Road Boyne City, MI 49712 616/450-5528 616/450-2571 roudipam@gmail.com dennis976@comcast.net
Rowlands, Mark & Phyllis 04687 Ellis Road Boyne City, MI 49712 248/227-1033 rowlandsdet@gmail.com phylrow@gmail.com
Royer, Mrs. Mary Belle 815 S. Shore Drive P. O. Box 282 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 733 S. Ridge Road Cedar City, UT 84720 435/590-7000 marybelle.royer@gmail.com
Russell, Susan 1294 Forest Avenue Boyne City, MI 49712 4451 Del Sol Boulevard South Sarasota, FL 34243 231/459-4284 703/946-0223 susanrussell2002@aol.com
Ryan, Ellen 3138 Townsend Road Petoskey, MI 49770 8930 Bay Colony Drive, #1601 Naples, FL 34108 614/506-0125 ryanfarmer2@aol.com
SSaeli, Thomas & Molly 6222 Lake Grove Rd Petoskey, MI 49770 7 Vaughan Crossing Bloomfield Hills, MI 4830 248/877-8026 (Molly) 248/877-7891 (Thomas) walloon6@comcast.net (Molly) walloon7@comcast.net (Thomas)
Sager, Christopher 5720 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 15613 Alderbrook Drive Haymarket, VA 20169 571/405-8332 cpsager@yahoo.com
Sahara, Andrew and Jo 03280 Reycraft Rd Boyne City, MI 49712 231/675-4848 sahara03280@gmail.com
Samani, John & Miriam 06360 Red Pine Road Boyne City, MI 49712 2739 Turtle Lake Drive Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 248/444-2453 (Miriam) 248/444-2452 (John) jsamani@comcast.net
Sanback, Chuck (Carolyn) 6366 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 100 Glenview Place Unit #507 Naples, FL 34108 231/347-2772 231/340-1894 (cell) sanback@sbcglobal.net
Sandler, Matthew & Jessica 5435 Country Club Shores Petoskey, MI 49770 312/535-6002 832/236-8785 sandman59@msn.com jess.sandler@gmail.com
Sanford, Marian R2556 6294 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-3066 jmswalloon@gmail.com
Santeiu, John, Jr. & Judy 02230 Eagle Island Road Boyne City, MI 49712 1139 Inkster Road Garden City, MI 48135 734/522-6892 mosujohn@sbcglobal.net
Sarran, William & Janet A 06210 Red Pine Road Boyne City, MI 49712 231/582-8990 3901 West Street, #111 Cincinnati, OH 45227 513/659-6761 513/476-7557 wrsarran@gmail.com greatescape@cinci.rr.com
Satterfield, Brian & Donna 1660 N. Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 591 St. Clair Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230 313/739-6420 donnadennis.satterfield@gmail.com
Schach, Connie M0768 01259 S. Shore Drive P. O. Box 82 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 142 Hickory Lane Chagrin Falls, OH 44022 216/973-1573 cschach@att.net
Scheineson, Cathy & Marc
299 S. Shore Drive Boyne City, MI 49712 1016 Gelston Circle Mclean, VA 22102 703/509-7521 202/344-5848 cscheineson@gmail.com marc.scheineson@alston.com
Scherer, JF & Luann 28331 Terrazza Lane Naples, FL 34110 513/505-2222 513/404-3550 jfscherer@mac.com
Schildt, Julie & Joe 1306 Bellewood Road Anchorage, KY 40223 502/262-5855 julia.h.schildt@gmail.com
Schlehuber, James “Russ” & Alicia 4600 Waters Edge Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/622-3077 231/622-1604 aliciaschlehuber@gmail.com russ.schlehuber@gmail.com
Schmidt, Fred & Yvonne 06280 Red Pine Road Boyne City, MI 49712 231/290-6299 (home) yvonne.schmidt@gmail.com fredschmidt.derf@gmail.com
Schmitt, Dave & Kathy 5688 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/622-4903 6655 Wyman Lane Cincinnati, OH 45243 513/518-2048 (Kathy cell) 513/518-2049 (Dave cell) kathydschmitt@gmail.com dschmitt@thearmorgroup.com
Schock, Joan 2746 N. Larkspur Circle Pearland, TX 77584 713/436-5434
Schoenfeld, Dr. Franziska 07875 Zenith Heights Road Boyne City, MI 49712 1194 Fairfax Street Birmingham, MI 48009 586/242-7853 (cell) franziskaisbell@gmail.com
Schultz, Fred & Sharon 5222 Jones Landing Road Petoskey, MI 49770 16234 Winchester Northville, MI 48168 248/349-6578 jamisonschultz@sbcglobal.net
Scoggin, David & Soller, Hilary 3270 Old Mill Road NE Lancaster, OH 43130 740/654-7930 dmscoggin@att.net
Scriven, Ron (Cathy) 07720 Fox Run Petoskey, MI 49770 231/838-9040 rscriv@aol.com cathscriv@aol.com
Sears, Michael & Debbie 4705 Ellis Road Boyne City, MI 49712 2201 Wilshire Drive Durham, NC 27707 231/330-8964 familysears4705@gmail.com mmsears@sprynet.com
Sebald, Cale P.O. Box 429 4488 Third Street Walloon Lake, MI 49796 616/581-4637 caleseb@gmail.com
Sedestrom, Arthur Charles, Jr. 1575 Konle Road Petoskey, MI 49770 775/360-8070 asedestrom@gmail.com
Sedestrom, Cheryl 01053 Sweet Pea Lane P. O. Box 118 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 340 River Bend Drive Reno, NV 89523
Seitz, Suzanne & Dr. Corey 6144 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 800 Hidden Ravines Drive Birmingham, MI 48009 937/309-0197 seitz123@mac.com
Severn, Mike & Laurie 4601 Birch Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 231/881-3013 231/838-4343 l.severn@hotmail.com mike.severn@hotmail.com
Shaheen, Sam & Holly 4204 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 1100 S. Washington Avenue Saginaw, MI 48601 989/239-3667 (Sam) 989/928-2355 (Holly) sam@shaheendevelopment.com shaheenholly@gmail.com
Shepherd, Anne & Ron 5674 Howard Road Petoskey, MI 49770 2479 S. Rookwood Court Cincinnati, OH 45208 513/236-0246 anneshepherd11@yahoo.com
Shepherd, Mr. & Mrs. Larry (Joy) 5604 Basswood Court Petoskey, MI 49770 231/373-0396 lshep231@gmail.com
Sherk, Aaron and Amy Carpenter 1258 South Shore Drive P.O. Box 249 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/675-1601 989/280-3756 asherk73@aol.com jeep4u98@aol.com
Shields, Pete & Margaret “Suzy” 1227 S. Shore Drive P.O. Box 120 Boyne City, MI 49712 231/535-2495 peteshields1@me.com hugs4suzy@me.com
Short, Winthrop & Jeanne 5152 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 1366 N. Dearborn Parkway 12A Chicago, IL 60610 312/404-9669 (Jeanne cell) 312/493-0862 (Winthrop cell) jeanne.short@gmail.com wshort@gmail.com
Shuert, Kelly & Matthew 3880 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 1111 Pembroke Drive Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 248/765-1618 248/765-1619 mshuert@shuert.com kshuert@shuert.com
Shuert Family, The 5995 Tamarack Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 1111 Pembroke Drive Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 248/765-1619 kshuert@shuert.com
MEMBERS continued from previous page
Shuffield, Jenny & Micky 560 N. Shore Drive P. O. Box 462 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 6265 Wilchester Lane Beaumont, TX 77706 409/658-0335 sarmil78@gmail.com
Silverman, Jim & Judi 06690 Zenith Heights Road Boyne City, MI 49712 734/660-2566 231/383-2908 jas2131@msn.com judisilverman@hotmail.com
Silveus, Tyler M0436 1636 N. Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 2303 Western Drive Winona Lake, IN 46590 547/527-0994 trslvs@gmail.com
Simonte, Jimmy & Aviva 02497 Eagle Island Boyne City, MI 49712 5611 Cedar Ridge Ann Arbor, MI 48103 734/358-0095 jimmy.simonte@gmail.com
Simonte, Michael & Maria 08660 Curtis Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 22526 Autumn Park Boulevard Novi, MI 48374 313/671-4175 simontemk@aol.com mfsimonte@gmail.com
Slawnik, Ann Cuddohy 01415 S. Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 1363 Knollcrest Circle Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 313/802-6045 ann.slawnik@wayne.edu
Sloan, Robert A. & Byerlein, Ellen M. 6102 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/881-4523 (Robert cell) 734/707-6299 (Ellen cell) r.sloan@charter.net ellen.m.byerlein@gmail.com
Sluhan, William A. & Carol B. 19337 Tontogany Creek Road Bowling Green, OH 43402 419/575-2284 419/575-2283 wasluhan@aol.com cbsluhan@gmail.com
Smith, Adam & Theresa 1906 N. Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 7835 Hillside Drive Traverse City, MI 49685 734/347-2229 734/604-3260 smithac@comcast.net theresasmith0878@gmail.com
Smith, Bob & Marilyn 4650 Birch Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 231/348-3802 rsmith4268@hotmail.com mksmith11.1143@yahoo.com
Smith, Daniel B. & Diana 860 W. Bear River Road Petoskey, MI 49770 960 McDonald Drive Northville, MI 48167 313/801-7800 smithbear@aol.com smithbunny@aol.com
Smith, David & Nancy 7457 Indian Garden Point Petoskey, MI 49770 3801 Hope Valley Road Durham, NC 27707 919/296-0770 Dave@TheEndOfTheDock.com N_I_Smith@hotmail.com
Smith, Jill & Steve 5496 Lake Grove Trail Petoskey, MI 49770 319 Miami Lakes Drive Milford, OH 45150 513/658-5420 (Steve cell) 513/560-5420 (Jill cell) 4spsmith@gmail.com 4jillsmith@gmail.com
Smith, Marguerite Hyde 1906 N. Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 827 Asa Gray Drive, #454 Ann Arbor, MI 48105 313/330-5439 mhsmith927@gmail.com
Smith, Michael and Mary Ann 6645 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 626/485-1854 626/485-4981 mike1160@gmail.com maryannLsmith@gmail.com
Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Michael (Nancy) 4892 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49077 12 Vaughan Crossing Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 248/229-5732 nfs4892@gmail.com msmithssx@gmail.com
Smith, Nell C3268 3268 5146 Jones Landing Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-3617 231/373-0957 nelloakleysmith@gmail.com
Smith, Scott & Dibby 5500 Lake Grove Trail Petoskey, MI 49770 231/881-6018 (cell) ssmith49770@gmail.com
Smith, Susan K. 4000 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 857 Santa Barbara Drive, SE Grand Rapids, MI 49506 616/293-6767 susankellersmith@gmail.com
Smith, W. Sidney & Judith 5016 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-7659
730 E. Blue Grass Road Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 989/615-4392 989/615-4391 jfs@frenchsmith.net wsidneysmith@smith-equities.com
Snyder, Norman 1536 N. Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 315 Wortman Road Evansville, IN 47725 812/457-0131 snydchembroker@yahoo.com
Spangler, Robert & Susan 7851 S. Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 86 Manor Road Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 248/225-6493 spanglerfamily@me.com
Spangler, Rodney E., II (Rebecca) 1426 N. Shore Drive P. O. Box 486 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/535-2452 5912 N. Placita Del Conde Tucson, AZ 85718 520/237-5749 (cell) rodneyspanglerii@yahoo.com
Spence, M.J., III (Joanne) 4422 Cottage Grove Petoskey, MI 49770 231/348-3368 4399 El Monte Street Saginaw, MI 48638 989/793-3300 mjsks@aol.com
Spence, Weden O. L 853 Nautilus Trail Aurora, OH 44202 216/831-8524
Spina, Tim & Elizabeth 02731 Eagle Island Road Boyne City, MI 49712 233 Lothrop Road Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 586/771-8080 313/882-3965 tspina@spinaelectric.com elizabethspina@comcast.net
Stakoe, Joseph C. 1869 Killarney Shores Drive Petoskey, MI 49770 231/590-4096 jstakoe@nappraisal.net
Starkel, John & Ginny
03943 M 75, N. P. O. Box 504
Walloon Lake, MI 49796
3002 S.E. Fairway West Stuart, FL 34997 248/705-5185 248/766-8389 johndstarkel@cs.com ginnystarkel@me.com
Starks, Tom & Starks, Kathy 5366 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 248/770-7842 248/555-1212 thomas_starks@hotmail.com
Stern, Deb Odom 00135 Shadow Trails Road P. O. Box 8 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/582-6120 1237 Olivia Avenue Ann Arbor, MI 48104 734/998-1152 (home) 734/330-2467 (fax) deb.odom.stern@stanfordalumni.org
Stern, Harrison 1237 Olivia Avenue Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Stern, Parker 1237 Olivia Avenue Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Stewart, Kristine & Rob 6628 Fox Path Canton, MI 48187 734/453-5972 klstewart05@hotmail.com
Stewart, Thomas & Missy 4469 Timber Lake Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-9433 231/675-2244 tstew78@hotmail.com
Stokel, Edward & Karla 6505 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/348-6499 estokel@icloud.com
Stone, Bill & Jane 3280 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 205 Park Shore Drive, #413 Naples, FL 34103 231/347-6988 wstone003@loose-stones.com
Stone, William (Bill) & Kathleen Blondin 4235 S. US 131 Petoskey, MI 49770 3 Rust Lane Saginaw, MI 48602 989/798-8412 wmpstone@aol.com
Stout, Nancy P.O. Box 65 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 01920 Country Club Road Boyne Falls, MI 49713 231/330-0907 nancystout3256@yahoo.com
Strickland, Margaret “Margo” 7505 S. Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 684 Waddington Road Bloomfield Village, MI 48301 248/644-5795
Strickland, Tom 2546 Indian Mound Road
Bloomfield, MI 48301 248/535-3113 thomas.e.strickland@gmail.com
Sturgeon River Pottery 3031 Charlevoix Ave Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-0590 Danaa@sturgeonriver.com
Sturt, Michele 5399 Jones Landing Petoskey, MI . 49770 231/881-0567 msturt4@gmail.com
Sugnet, Ryan 367 Little Cedar Drive Petoskey, MI 49770 989/430-9481 suggy14@gmail.com
Sullivan, Jean & Nassif, David. 5067 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 7900 Corte Penca Carlsbad, CA 92009 760/845-8892 858/361-7833 jsulnas@gmail.com davidnassif@icloud.com
Sullivan, Julie Heisel (Hugh) 6849 Indian Garden Road Petosky, MI 49770 P. O. Box 144 400 4th Street West Boca Grande, FL 33921 julie.sullivan@live.com
Sumpter, JL & Courtney 5025 Church Road Boyne City, MI 49712 231/881-5590 231/881-2275 jsump@gmail.com c2angell@gmail.com
Susan Keller B1920 8946 Deer Run Petoskey, MI 49770 10542 Mackenzie Way Dublin, OH 43017 614/799-0737 sskeller@aol.com
Sustar, Ralph & Mary 6333 Walloon Hills Drive Boyne City, MI 49712 728 Bryn Mawr Avenue Wickliffe, OH 44092 440/725-0246 440/724-5389 rsustar@gmail.com marysong53@gmail.com
Swanson, Chris 4756 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 3539 N. Washington Road Ft. Wayne, IN 46854 260/312-4566 chris@simple-auto.com
Swanson, Sally & Bill 71 W. Shadow Trails Boyne City, MI 49712 231/582-6120 sally@swansonmail.net bill@swansonmail.net
Sweet, William L., Jr., (Nancy) 01019 South Shore Drive P.O. Box 44 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 10650 Old Morgan Trail Traverse City, MI 49684 260/437-2774 william.sweet@mac.com
Sweetwater Catering Co. Matthew & Linda Waterman 6563 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-5998 (business) lmsweetwater@charter.net
Swift, Ned (Karen Morrow) 1500 N. Shore Drive P. O. Box 218 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/535-2503 2900 Plymouth Road Pepper Pike, OH 44124 216/464-6101 knswift@roadrunner.com
Switala, Mark & Carolyn 1750 North Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 530 S. Evergreen Street Plymouth, MI 48170 734/748-8112 734/748-7736 mark.s.switala@gmail.com swit28@comcast.net
Sznewajs, David & Katie 02172 Eagle Island Road Boyne City, MI 49712 4427 Derry Road Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 248/855-8796 teamsnev@gmail.com
TT. Chalmers & Lloyan Curtis, III 2944 Townsend Road Petoskey, MI 49770 240 Artesian Way Harbor Springs, MI 49740 417/230-7513 chal@arbbs.net
Tait, Emily & Stephen 1873 Bear Foot Lane Walloon Lake, MI 49796 412 Fairfax Street Birmingham, MI 48009 734/717-1601 (summer & winter) 248/259-4262 stevetait@me.com emilyjz@gmail.com
MEMBERS continued from previous page
Takasawa, Keith & Julie Rosen
7593 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 734/604-5034 734/604-4695 julierosen@comcast.net ktakasawa@comcast.net
Talbot, Jennifer & Brian 06210 Red Pine Road Boyne City, MI 49712 814 Princeton Drive Terrace Park, OH 45174 513/382-2491 jennifer.sarran@gmail.com
Tallant, Brian 5128 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 2230 S. Hill Road Milford, MI 48381 248/672-8234 betallant@hotmail.com
Targosz Cottage Stanley, Marie, Cindy, & Sylvia 06230 Red Pine Road Boyne City, MI 4972 14235 Flanders Avenue Southgate, MI 48195 313/268-5102 mtargoszsemco@sbcglobal.net lepageent@aol.com
Tarquini, Franklin D. (Noreen) 7561 S. Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-4376 tarquinif@gmail.com
Taylor, Gregory & Suzanne 5148 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 33649 Woodleigh Road Pepper Pike, OH 44124 216/406-3744 440/715-3459 greg56@me.com suzy56@me.com
Taylor, Marilyn & Gordon, T.J. & Nikki 1996 N. Shore Drive P.O. Box 306 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 7536 S. Rosemary Circle Centennial, CO 80112 303/946-3744 303/507-8170 hecknana@gmail.com gordonprop@comcast.net
Tebeau, Tim & Carrie 172 Vantage View Drive Petoskey, MI 49770 734/395-3010 tim.tebeau@gmail.com
Tebo, Arthur L. (Joan) L 01580 N. Shore Drive P. O. Box 519 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/535-2664 altebo@charter.net jdtebo@hotmail.com
Terrell, Richard W. L T 7641 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-1611 rwterrell@comcast.net
The Berg Family 08900 Deer Run Petoskey, MI 49770 565 Wooddale Road Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301 248/808-4731 mcberg111@gmail.com
The Castleberry Family Anne Castleberry, Elizabeth Driscoll, & Christine Lippert 00693 Southbay Lane Boyne City, MI 49712 1302 Cryer Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45208 513/675-8875 513/307-9039 annecastleberry1@gmail.com
The Cottage Company 272 E. Main Street Harbor Springs, MI 49740 231/526-2537 joel@cottage-company.com
The Jose Brothers 1696 N. Shore Drive P. O. Box 134 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 9976 Cottoncreek Drive Highlands Ranch, CO 80130-3824 303/748-7842 shjose@comcast.net
The Marx Family Dick & Gary 07608 Valley Brook Road Boyne City, MI 49712 1319 Red Leaf Lane East Lansing, MI 48823 517/898-4187 (Gary) 248/928-6441 (Dick) marxwetlands@gmail.com (Gary) rlmarx49@gmail.com (Dick)
The Morawa Family 6666 Lake Grove Road Petoksey, MI 49770 917/817-0636 matt.morawa@gmail.com
The Quiet Moose/Compass Interiors LLC 300 E Mitchell Street Petoskey, MI 49770 231/348-5353 accounting@quietmoose.com
Theut, Peter & Lisa 3910 Wildwood Drive, Unit #27 Boyne City, MI 49712 315 Gracewood Drive, SE Grand Rapids, MI 49506 616/813-7445 pcthuet@gmail.com
Thompson, Wendy & Joel 3980 Wildwood Drive, #31 Boyne City, MI 49721 4166 Gratiot Avenue Port Huron, MI 48060 810/650-7961 wthompson66@comcast.net
Thornton, Phil & Rachel 01359 Forest Avenue Boyne City, MI 49712 800 Maple Leaf Lane, Apartment 8 Petoskey, MI 49770 231/582-9456 pthornton1@roadrunner.com
Thornton, Tim 1401 Mitchel Field Way Garden City, NY 11530 516/987-6263 tht1658@gmail.com
Tibaldi, Joseph & Patti 02837 Eagle Island Road P. O. Box 109 Petoskey, MI 49770 231/620-9378 231/218-3453 tibaldijo@gmail.com tibaldipa@gmail.com
Todd, Mickey & Sue 1525 Sunterra Trail Boyne City, MI 49712 15872 Trumbull Macomb, MI 48044 313/410-0469 313/881-5328 mdtodd75@gmail.com todds@libcoop.net
Tolles, Bryan & Lauren 1355 Shipman Birmingham, MI 48009 313/701-7735 248/310-5111 bryantolles@gmail.com laurentolles@gmail.com
Toothaker, Brad & Katie 1001 Linwood Lane P.O. Box 370 Petoskey, MI 49770 574/220-8474 574/340-3333 ktoothaker@tangodesign.co btoothaker@bradleyco.com
Tremper, Dr. Christine 6995 Resort Pike Road Petoskey, MI 49770 2831 Sheridan Place Evanston, IL 60201 260/312-5023 catremper@comcast.net
Tripp, Debbie & Boesen, Marti 1292 N Abbe Rd Fairview, MI 48621 231/590-8469 231/590-2515 trippqrd@yahoo.com martiboesen@gmail.com
Trippel, Dave & Shawn
4870 Autumn Grove Court
Noblesville, IN 46062 303/909-2976 303/883-0662 dptrippel@me.com sgtrippel@me.com
Trixler, Dennis and Liz 01237 S. Shore Drive
Walloon Lake, MI 49796 3105 Sunset Terrace San Mateo, CA 94403 231/535-2468 etrixler@gmail.com dgtgolf@gmail.com
Tunison, Paul & Tracy 4783 Ellis Road Boyne City, MI 49712 231/330-3843 (Paul) nosinut@hotmail.com tttunison@hotmail.com
Tweddle, Bobbie 7441 Indian Garden Point Petoskey, MI 49770 929 N Glengarry Road Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301 248/229-3237 bobbietweddle@gmail.com
Twyman, Jeffrey & Carol 4161 Balsam Lane
Boyne City, MI 49796 225 Sago Palm Road Vero Beach, FL 32963 419/308-6066 twyman.carol@gmail.com
Twyman, Ted & Rachel 2738 Baker Place Cincinnati, OH 45206 216/618-5387 ted.twyman@gmail.com
UUrban, Kris & Denise 08340 Bear Cove Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 810/599-2663 kurb987@comcast.net
VVacanti, Nancy 00865 S. Shore Drive P. O. Box 384 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 2820 Hedgerow Pass Ft. Wayne, IN 46804 260/414-3151 231/535-2394 421nancyb@gmail.com
Vacation Properties of Northern Michigan Jacquelline Garborg 215 Howard Street Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-7300 jacqulline@gaslightgp.com rentupnorthmi@gmail.com
VanAssenderp, Kenza & Bishoff, Ken
858 W. Bear River Road
Petoskey, MI 49770
300 S. Duval Street, Unit 1005 Tallahassee, FL 32301-1742 614/946-6683 kbertucci@hotmail.com
Van Tol, Todd & Heather 5948 Tamarack Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 50520 Amberley Boulevard Canton, MI 48187 312/339-0064 773/771-0170
todd.vantol@gmail.com sarkozyh@yahoo.com
Varbedian, Thomas G., M.D. L P.O. Box 343 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 1860 Rathmor Road Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 248/647-0895 tvarbedian@comcast.net
Vellenga, Peter & Connie 04295 Jarrett Lane Boyne City, MI 49712 5746 Tebo School Road Boyne City, MI 49712 231/675-6586 vellengapeter1@gmail.com
Veltman, Brenda 1150 N. Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 6658 Old Darby Trail NE Ada, MI 49301 616/822-9444 brendav49301@yahoo.com
Veurink, Mr. & Mrs. Marvin (Diane) 3140 Townsend Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-6831
Vigi, Jon & Betsy 4324 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 5945 Golfview Drive Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301 248/561-7442 248/515-1491 jvigi1717@gmail.com thevo5@aol.com
Viner, Jessica & Daniel 4024 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 433 Royal Oaks Drive Nashville, TN 37205 615/429-4871 ddviner@yahoo.com
Virostek, Kevin C. & Mary Anne 04990 Longfield Farm Trail Boyne City, MI 49712 8032 Herb Farm Drive Bethesda, MD 20817
240/731-3172 (Mary Anne cell) 301/332-2722 (Kevin cell) macvirostek@gmail.com kcvirostek1@gmail.com
Volkman Family
Michael, Denise, Sage, and Avery 08585 Curtis Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 20 Vista Sandia Court Placitas, NM 87043 505/238-5034 averyvolkman@aol.com
Voran, Chris C. 707 S. Shore Drive P. O. Box 296 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/535-2834 cvoran67@charter.net
Vyas, Amit and Ann 1636 North Winchester Avenue Chicago, IL 60622
Vyletel, Marshall (Leslie) 7851 Zenith Heights Road Boyne City, MI 49712 45 Christine Drive Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 313/613-9495 marshall@vyletel.com
WWagner, Jan & Tim 03895 Wildwood Drive, #34 Boyne City, MI 49712 231/582-4622 609/744-8006 twagner0315@mac.com janet1019@mac.com
Walloon Central Marine Scot Graden 04730 US Highway 131 N. P. O. Box 145 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/535-2166 scot@wallooncentral.com
Walloon Group, LLC 1390 W. 141st Street Carmel, IN 46032
Walloon Lake Country Club 05995 Country Club Shores P. O. Box 801 Petoskey, MI 49770 231/535-2799 office@walloonlakecc.com
Walsh, Sharon & Ben & Pohl, Sarah 6695 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 3623 N. Bosworth Avenue Chicago, IL 60613 773/307-1919 773/952-5232 sharonwalsh70@gmail.com
Ward, Michael & Jane 3225 Townsend Road Petoskey, MI 49770 616/822-9898 (Jane) 616/304-6557(Michael) janesward@gmail.com mward@wardlawattorneys.com
MEMBERS continued from previous page
Ward, Sara Jo 5322 Indian Garden Road
Petoksey, MI 49770 8952 Carson Street Culver City, CA 90232 310/717-0690 sarajorealtor@gmail.com
Warfield, Ann
5400 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/342-4012
1055 W. Joppa Road, #252 Towson, MD 21204 410/825-6344 annwarfield@gmail.com
Waterfield, Dick & McKinney, Marni 03571 M-75, N. P.O. Box 608 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 8433 Bay Colony Drive Indianapolis, IN 46234 317/709-4835 (Marni’s cell) 317/670-5718 (Dick’s cell) 317/908-3022 marni.mckinney@yahoo.com
Wehrenberg, Jeannine & Michael 3545 Hamilton Court Boyne City, MI 49712 865/389-9914 269/569-0219 wehrenberg@comcast.net
Weitzel, Stephan E. (Jeanne) 746 Whitfield View P. O. Box 746 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 10620 Old Plantation Drive Evansville, IN 47725 812/455-5016 (Stephan) 812/455-0056 (Jeanne) sweitzel@zsws.com jeanneciweitzel@gmail.com
Weixler, Andy & Jennifer 1663 O’Bara Court Carmel, IN 46003 765/717-5823 jweixler@gmail.com
Wellings, Doug 7955 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 58 N. Waterview Drive Palm Coast, FL 32137 734/645-1678 dougwellings@gmail.com
Wellman, Jeffrey 214 Brown Street Boyne City, MI 49712 231/675-9892 jeff@walloonlake.com
Wendt, Craig & Pat 1190 W. Gruler Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/330-2897 patwendt57@netscape.net
Wetherbee, Linda L. 5232 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 94 S. LaVista Boulevard Battle Creek, MI 49015 269/213-9634 lindawetherbee@aol.com
Weyhrauch, Amy & Jim 6929-6921 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 64A Pinon Jay Trail Santa Fe, NM 87505 505/470-3117 amy64a@gmail.com
Wezerek, Kurt & Nancy 04475 Ellis Road Boyne City, MI 49712 2039 N. 78th Avenue Elmwood Park, IL 60707 312/613-2930 kwezerek@gmail.com nwezerek@gmail.com
Wezerek, Steve 4475 Ellis Road Boyne City, MI 49712 271 Woodland Road Highland Park, IL 60035 847/778-3876 swezerek@aol.com
Whalen, Jim and Tami 5416 Lake Grove Trail Petoskey, MI 49770 944 E. Schantz Avenue Dayton, OH 45419 937/414-6957 jamesdwhalen@gmail.com tami.whalen@gmail.com
Whelan, Sean & Kerie 4848 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 1385 Park Place Plymouth, MI 48170
734/255-0665 734/972-5192 swhelan101@gmail.com kerie.whelan@gmail.com
Whitaker, Roger & Sue Malloure 6763 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 1071 Denman Court Westerville, OH 43081
614/266-0677 614/736-0243 susanlwhitaker@gmail.com rtwhitaker1@gmail.com
White, Neil, Jr. & Jill P. O. Box 148 Walloon Lake, MI 49796
4640 South Lake Drive Tupelo, MS 38801
662/687-1810 (cell) 662/687-1811 neilwarew@aol.com jillave@yahoo.com
White, Shirley 5596 S. Howard Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/348-3080 60 Nicoll Avenue #341 Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 231/348-3080 630/858-4041 bswhite55@mac.com
White and Liebler Architects 117 Howard Street, #A Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-6870 nliebler@white-liebler.com
Whitfield, Jim & Wollenweber, Marilyn 807 Eberhardt Clayton, CA 94517 925/322-9980 925/672-2250 jimwhitfield64@gmail.com mwollenweber126@gmail.com
Whitman, Michael W. (Laura E.) 1118 Salisbury Drive Cincinnati, OH 45226 513/321-3898 mwhitman1@cinci.rr.com llewhitman@gmail.com
Wiegand, Dr. Mark & Mrs. Julie 7100 Meadowoods Lane Boyne City, MI 49712 21001 N. Tatum Boulevard, #1630-54 Phoenix, AZ 85050 928/606-0604 928/606-4734 drmark76@icloud.com lakejewel55@gmail.com
Wiktorski, Patrick D. (Suzanne) 5374 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 231/347-3459 wiksts@msn.com
Wilkins-Billeaud, Kaitlyn & Mitch 02950 Camp Lane Boyne City, MI 49712 708 Windsong Trail West Lake Hills, TX 78746 512/578-8956 kaitlyn.wilkins@gmail.com mbilleaud@gmail.com
Williams, Camille & Scott-Hansen, Peter 04128 M-75 N., #9 P. O. Box 25 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 P. O. Box 1208 Boca Grande, FL 33921 941/759-0011 (Camille) 914/589-4014 (Peter) camilleswilliams@comcast.net
Williams, Thomas E., Jr. (Margie) L 5883 Tamarack Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 1947 Marble Cliff Crossing Court Columbus, OH 43204 614/488-7755 614/620-2801 margiegolf@aol.com
Wilson, Bob & Smith, Sandy
00119 Shadow Trails Road
Boyne City, MI 49712 P. O. Box 998 Birmingham, MI 48012
Winch, David & Julie 7650 Fox Run Petoskey, MI 49770 937/776-3321 28 Forrer Road Oakwood, OH 45419 937/776-3321 davidwinch@me.com
Wingenroth, Jan 5262 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 1417 S. Jefferson Street Spokane, WA 99203 509/863-8054 jan_dennis@msn.com
Wingenroth, Kris 5262 Lake Grove Road Petoskey, MI 49770 3830 Drummond Street Houston, TX 77025 713/302-6784 kwingenroth@hotmail.com
Witt, Laurie & Mike 750 Whitfield View P.O. Box 253
Walloon Lake, MI 49796 3911 Lorcom Lane Arlington, VA 22207 989/492-1115 lauriewitt3@gmail.com
Wolf, Marilyn L
00675 South Bay Lane Boyne City, MI 49712 231/582-2694 4335 El Monte Street Saginaw, MI 48603 989/793-7115 14 Somerset Street, Apt. 602 Clearwater, FL 33767 727/442-4306
Wood, Heidi & Joseph 02373 Eagle Island Road Boyne City, MI 49712 4020 Clausen Avenue Western Springs, IL 60558 708/205-9338 708/791-3528 woodcrew5@yahoo.com
Woodhouse, Douglas & Laurie 4236 West Street Walloon Lake, MI 49796 2033 E. Gramercy Park Drive Bloomington, IN 47408 231/373-3578 woodhousedouglas@gmail.com
Wright, Jeanna 2125 Eagle Island Road Boyne City, MI 49712 281/814-8114 jeanna422@yahoo.com
Wright, Ron & Nancy L 00699 South Bay Lane Boyne City, MI 49712 231/582-9450 231/582-5981 (fax) rwright9450@charter.net
Wright, Stephen & Kelly 4328 Cottage Grove Petoskey, MI 49770
4823 W. Hamilton Road, S. Fort Wayne, IN 46814 260/602-1210 kellyw5@me.com sawright5@me.com
Wroblewski, Alfred & Kimberly 02840 Reycraft Road Boyne City, MI 49712 231/582-1711
231/838-0529 kgwroblewski@gmail.com
Wujciak, Mike & Garmel, Sara 6158 Indian Garden Road Petoskey, MI 49770 1055 Yarmouth Road Bloomfield, MI 48301 248/890-1222 mw@myticas.com
YYoung, Cynthia & John 1906 N. Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 03757 Kent Road Boyne City, MI 49712 231/675-7486 231/675-8386 enchantedforest2@hotmail.com enchantedforestdweller@hotmail.com
Young, Michael & Natasha P. O. Box 126 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/535-2218 10038 S. Blackbird Place Highlands Ranch, CO 80130 303/471-7470 fortheyoungs@yahoo.com 4nkyoung@gmail.com
ZZaring, Lisa & Lockwood 06210 Red Pine Road Boyne City, MI 49712 1281 Crestwood Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45208 513/508-0477 lisazaring@gmail.com
Zaunbrecher, Don and Susan 7800 Tecumseh Trail Cincinnati, OH 45243 513/604-0668
513/603-0667 susan.zaunbrecher@icloud.com dzaunbrecher@cinci.rr.com
Zelenock, Gerald “Jay” & Christine 07630 Fox Run
Petoskey, MI 49770 4140 High Ridge Ann Arbor, MI 48105
248/885-1502 gzelenock@hotmail.com czambricki@yahoo.com
Zelenock, Kathy 08475 Bear Cove Lane Petoskey, MI 49770 2233 Fairway Drive Birmingham, MI 48009 248/225-8323 kzelenock@dickinsonwright.com
Zent Family Trust 1788 North Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 25644 Lay Trail North Liberty, IN 46554 574/232-5644 574/214-9232 czsnipe@aol.com
Ziegel, Frederick & Pamela P.O. Box 280 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 231/881-6882 231/881-0829
fdziegel@gmail.com pamziegel@gmail.com
Zimmer, Charley & Gail 2045 Riverside Avenue Jacksonville, FL 32204 904/860-3166 (Gail) 904/860-3196 (Charley) cfzimmer@att.net gszimmer12@gmail.com
Zimmer, David & Jane P.O. Box 87 1526 N. Shore Drive Walloon Lake, MI 49796 79500 Citrus La Quinta, CA 92253 847/533-4573 zcd1@comcast.net
Be considerate. Lower the volume.


Stop the Transport of Invasive Species:
1.CLEAN boots, gear, boat, trailer & vehicle of plants, fish, animals & mud.
2.DRAIN bilge, ballast, wells & buckets before you leave the area.
3.DRY equipment before launching watercraft into another body of water.

Top 10 Ways to Be a Good Septic Owner
Have your system inspected every three years by a qualified professional or according to your state/ local health department’s recommendations
Have your septic tank pumped, when necessary, generally every three to five years
Avoid pouring harsh products (e.g., oils, grease, chemicals, paint, medications) down the drain
Discard non-degradable products in the trash (e.g., floss, disposable wipes, cat litter) instead of flushing them
Keep cars and heavy vehicles parked away from the drainfield and tank
Follow the system manufacturer’s directions when using septic tank cleaners and additives
Repair leaks and use water efficient fixtures to avoid overloading the system

Maintain plants and vegetation near the system to ensure roots do not block drains
Use soaps and detergents that are low-suds, biodegradable, and low- or phosphate-free
Prevent system freezing during cold weather by inspecting and insulating vulnerable system parts (e.g., the inspection pipe and soil treatment area)

The Do’s and Don’ts of Your Septic System
Learn these simple steps to protect your home, health, environment and property value:
Protect It and Inspect It:
• Have your system inspected (in general) every three years by a licensed contractor and have the tank pumped, when necessary, generally every three to five years.
Think at the Sink:
• Pour cooking grease or oil down the sink or toilet.
• Rinse coffee grounds into the sink.
• Pour household chemicals down the sink or flush them.
• Eliminate or limit the use of a garbage disposal.
• Properly dispose of coffee grounds & food.
• Put grease in a container to harden before discarding in the trash.
Don’t Overload the Commode:
• Flush non-degradable products or chemicals, such as feminine hygiene products, condoms, dental floss, diapers, cigarette butts, cat litter, paper towels, pharmaceuticals.
Shield Your Field:
• Park or drive on your drainfield. The weight can damage the drain lines.
• Plant trees or shrubs too close to your drainfield, roots can grow into your system and clog it.
Don’t Strain Your Drain:
• Concentrate your water use by using your dishwasher, shower, washing machine, and toilet at the same time. All that extra water can really strain your septic system.
• Dispose of these items in the trash can!
• Consult a septic service professional to advise you of the proper distance for planting trees and shrubs, depending on your septic tank location.
• Stagger the use of water-generating appliances. This can be helpful especially if your system has not been pumped in a long time.
• Become more water efficient by fixing plumbing leaks and consider installing bathroom and kitchen faucet aerators and water-efficient products.


Highlight your natural beauty at Cosmetic Skin & Laser Center
At Cosmetic Skin & Laser Center, your look and feel doesn’t describe something you can hold in your hand. It’s an ultimate expression of self-care and we’re here to help.
With 23 years of experience, state-of-the-art technology, and advanced techniques, we offer something unique: a compass to guide you during any decade of life in the search for refreshed, natural beauty.
Natural is our niche. From a nagging wrinkle to a total refresh, we’ve got you covered. And you don’t have to decide which treatment on your own – our consultations are always complimentary.
When you look better, you feel better.
Botox / Dysport / Xeomin
Dermal Fillers
Thread Lift
Foundation Trio
PRF/PRP Microneedling
Laser Hair Removal
Morpheus Body
Intense Pulsed Light
VI Peel
Signature Facial
mi: 231.347.7395 • fl: 239.367.7353
complimentary consultations

Courtney Lo, CEO & Founder

Lo, MD Medical Director

Extend your healthspan at RegenCen
What’s the ultimate investment? Having a body that functions optimally. RegenCen treatments extend your healthspan, not just your lifespan.
With hormone optimization and regenerative treatments, we improve your vitality, mental clarity, energy, weight, sexual enjoyment, bladder control, and joint pain – just a few of the proven benefits of regenerative medicine.
Clinically proven regenerative treatments decrease the likelihood of Alzheimer’s and osteoporosis. They improve quality of life and help with brain fog from hormonal imbalances or diagnosed conditions.
When you feel better, you live better.
Prescription Weight Loss
Bioidentical Hormones
IV Therapy
NAD+ Infusions
Booster Shots
Hair Restoration
Skinny Shot
Arthritic Pain Relief
PRF Joint Injections
Menopausal Treatments
Biote Testosterone Pellets
Feminine Rejuvenation
Bladder Control
Pelvic Floor Retraining
Oh! Shot / O-Shot
ED Treatment
E2 Shot / P-Shot

Petoskey - Bay View Country Club
PBVCC prides itself on delivering a down-to-earth, family-friendly atmosphere that creates a fun, pleasurable experience for new and long standing members.
• Petoskey - Bay View was founded in 1915 and designed by the renowned architectural team of Willie Watson and Tom Bendelow. Willie Watson was selected to design Belvedere Golf Course shortly after his work on PBVCC.
• The historic clubhouse overlooks Little Traverse Bay where members and guests can enjoy a relaxing dining experience 7 days a week or unwind in the lounge after a round of golf.
• Best wine selection of any club in Northern Michigan. Consistently offering new wines from around the country throughout the season.
• PBVCC is a walkable GAM Championship host course.