Childhood Obesity Campaign
Marie Laveau’s Voodoo Lounge
Toys for Tots
HotMess Jess
Sea Witch
Castle Crew
CHILDHOOD OBESITY AWARENESS ADVERTISEMENT CAMPAIGN DESIGN STATEMENT In today’s world it is so easy for people to blame things in society and their surroundings for their actions. This campaign’s main objective is to raise awareness for childhood obesity through the National Institute of Children’s Health Quality. The main focus for audience is to parents, who are concerned about their children’s well being , but lack to take initiative when their children start to have poor health and nutrition. Instead of bettering their children’s health, these parents blame junk food for being offered to their kids and still let them consume it. This campaign features print advertisements that cause parents to be more aware of their children’s health and better the cause to make them more healthy and active.
DESIGN SOLUTION To create a pointing-finger type visual to the parents, the print advertisements play off the concept of iconic characters that we know as advocates of unhealthy food. Using Ronald McDonald, the Cookie Monster, and the Pillsbury Doughboy to be lined up in a jail mugshot. The purpose is so parents know these well known characters in society aren’t to blame for these childrens unhealthy habits, even though they provide the unhealthy food. Mockups : Eugene-design , kenoric
MARIE LAVEAU’S V O O D O O L O U N G E IDENTITY REBRAND | CHARACTER STUDY DESIGN STATEMENT The main objective was to design a character for Marie Laveau’s Voodoo Lounge, that could be used as the lounge’s new iconic symbol and be carried out through out the resturaunts logo, menu, decoration, and more. The character was to be based off of New Orlean’s most famous Voodoo Queen of the French Quarter, Marie Laveau. The main target audience would be 25-35 year olds, mostly women, that are either locals or tourists of the French Quarter and would enjoy a dim lit, laid back, lounge. She was to be recreated and illustrated to be more modern, exciting and elegant, and inviting, but still keep an eerie and witch-like feel.
DESIGN SOLUTION The illustration of the recreated Marie Laveau was handled with thick, flowing lines, with an overall monotone scheme of various purples and vivid hints of yellow and green. The purple is dominant to keep an eerie feel, but still be inviting and fun and feminine. Mockups : , Ayashi
TOYS FOR TOTS POSTER | WEB INTERFACE | MAILER DESIGN STATEMENT Toys for Tots is a seasonal non-profit orginization that donates used toys to unpriviledged children in different countries that need them. To gain more contributers, the company needs to raise more awareness of the program through a promotional poster, website, and mailer to parents who have older childrent that have out grown their toys. Most of the audience is familiar with Toys for Tots and if they are just given the step by step information to donate then they will be more than willing to contribute and give back to children for the holiday season.
DESIGN SOLUTION The three components, a poster, mailer, and web were all meant to serve different purposes in raising awareness for people to donate toys to Toys For Tots. Since the audience would already be familiar with the program, the style of the illustrations that is carried through out the poster, mailer, and web is new and refreshing, but still keep some recognizable elements from the programs previous call to action posters. The mailer acts as a pop up present, staying cohesive with the same toy characters, but the pop up helps gain interest to audience and show that Toys For Tots cares about its supporters. Both the poster and mailer give a call to action to visit Toys For Tots website, where they can learnhow to parcipate in donating old toys and even how to donate from their computer at home. Mockups : GrafAs
WAVELINKED MOBILE APPLICATION | PROTOTYPE DESIGN STATEMENT There are many social media and surfing mobile applications that are currently popular in today’s world. After a case study on a mobile user, the need to create a social media app that is based around surfing was established. The user for this app surfs for a hobby, is very social and is very curious to see what is going around in the area locally. These types of users frequently use social media apps to see what is going on in the area and connect with friends. The tasks for this app are to create a profile page for a user, have a live feed that shows the users what is going around them locally and with friends, and to connect with friends and other people in the area that share the same hobby of surfing.
DESIGN SOLUTION The mobile app has a montone color scheme of blue-green with plain simple white to look like a social media app. The app shows pictures of the users to make the app more socially interactive and the users can posts live things on a feed. The live feed shows the time of posts so that curious users can see how recent things are happening in the area. Features such as messaging, image galleries, and linking with friends are in the app to create a more social interactive feature for the surfers. Mockup : mesmeriseme
HOTMESS JESS BRAND IDENTITY | PACKAGING | BIRTHDAY CARDS DESIGN STATEMENT Spencer’s gift store needs a new gag gift for young adult women that puts a comical twist on the classic Barbie doll. It’s supposed to have a humourous approach that plays of how intoxicated women can be portrayed after a night out. The main consumers of the product would be young women who typically shop in malls , and enjoy stopping in Spencers to buy comical gifts for special occassions such as a best girl friend’s birthday or bachelorette party. They are able to find the humor and relate to a Barbie that is messy, sloppy, and drunk.
DESIGN SOLUTION The name HotMess Jess was created for this, not only because the rhyme, but HotMess, relates to the character’s personality, of being sloppy and drunken and viewers would be able to pick up the concept quickly. She is spoofed off of the classic Barbie doll because Barbie is percieved to be kid friendly and perfect and putting an adult twist on such an innocent toy is what adds the comical element. Since HotMess Jess has an almost tacky approach, features such as the hot pink gradient, cheetah print box pattern, and red solo cup were added to display that. The box was to resemble a Barbie doll box to quickly pick up the concept and so the viewer could see the details such as the trashy dress, sloppy hair bun, big hoop earings, toliet paper on the heel, and running make-up on her face. Since the idea was to be giving this gift to close best friends on special occassions for young female adults, the additional components of the project were birthday and bachlorette cards, to compliment the doll. Mockup : Kotulsky
SEA WITCH GRAPHIC NOVEL ILLUSTRATION DESIGN STATEMENT To illustrate a graphic novel based on the history of the famous Disney villian Ursula and tell the story on how Ursula became evil. This would be a graphic novel for teenage girls between the ages of 13-17 that frequently go to big book stores, and are Disney fanatics.
DESIGN SOLUTION The cover and pages were designed to be in a gesture like style to break away from the current Disney style. The plot of the story is that in Ursula’s younger years, she was intially a human, falling for Triton, a young merman. They want to be able to live in the same world together so he goes under water to get her a potion to turn her into a mermaid. Ursula willingly takes it, but ends up turning into an octopus instead. Terrified by this, Triton leaves Ursula and goes to be with a beautiful mermaid instead. Causing Ursula to be enraged and jealous, this sets up for her motive in The Little Mermaid to seek wrath on King Triton for being banished and left. The illustrations come out of the frames in the panels to cause a more dynamic layout, and the colors of the panels gradually get more dark and less vibrant to relate to themood of the story. Mockups : Muchait Gayiran,
MARIE LAVEAU’S IDENTITY REBRAND | CHARACTER STUDY DESIGN STATEMENT The main objective was to design a character for Marie Laveau’s Voodoo Lounge, that could be used as the lounge’s new iconic symbol and be carried out through out the resturaunts logo, menu, decoration, and more. The character was to be based off of New Orlean’s most famous Voodoo Queen of the French Quarter, Marie Laveau. The main target audience would be 25-35 year olds, mostly women, that are either locals or tourists of the French Quarter and would enjoy a dim lit, laid back, lounge. She was to be recreated and illustrated to be more modern, exciting and elegant, and inviting, but still keep an eerie and witch-like feel.
DESIGN SOLUTION The illustration of the recreated Marie Laveau was handled with thick, flowing lines, with an overall monotone scheme of various purples and vivid hints of yellow and green. The purple is dominant to keep an eerie feel, but still be inviting and fun and feminine.
CATVIAR BRANDING ELEMENTS DESIGN STATEMENT To create a brand identity for a new packaged product of high end, healthy cat food, that would appeal to the upperclass target audience. This would apply to mostly women in their mid 30’s to 50’s who have a high income and a passionate love for their domestic felines. These women tend to have and seek luxrious things and want nothing, but the best for their cats too. Some competitors are ones such as Friskies, Meow Mix, but Catviar takes on a more elegant, and fancy approach on top of being all natural as well.
DESIGN SOLUTION The logo is a combination of a serif mixed with a whismical cat outline to initially display the elegant brand. To give off the sophisticated and fancy feel, their are vector illustrations of each of the flavors, Shrimp, Tuna, and Salmon. Fancy-like background from each of the vectors were used to create patterns for the packaging labels. Mockup : ForGraphicTM
CASTLE CREW EDUTAINMENT IPAD APPLICATION | PROTOTYPE DESIGN STATEMENT Edutainment mobile applications are significantly used by teachers and parents to help teach children neccesary educational skills in a fun and creative way. A Speech Language Pathologist located in Jacksonville sought out for new ipad games that will help children with autism expand their vocabulary. By using techniques such as memory, spelling, and matching, this will help the children improve with their vocabulary. The game will also have funcitons to benefit the speech therapist and parents such as viewing the children’s improvement and stats.
DESIGN SOLUTION The game has a fun, vivid, fantasy theme, including characters such as a dragon, princess, and knight. The kids help the characters scale the stones of the castle by putting words together or matching words to images to help expand their vocab. The stats for their speech therapist are broken down in the cateogories of matching, spelling, and memory so she can easily tell what the children’s strengths and weaknesses are and to see where they are improving or need to improve. The game has vibrant and simple icons for the therapist and the kids to easily navigate through the application.