Maths and nature - Milly

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Maths and Nature By Amelia R 6S

Maths and Nature “The laws of nature are but the mathematical thoughts of God� - Euclid

3D Shapes - Sphere

1. 3D shapes - Sphere The shape of the Earth is a sphere. A sphere is a 3D shape like a ball. It is perfectly symmetrical and has no edges or corners. All points on the surface are the same distance from the centre. Geometry is the branch of maths that describes shapes such as spheres.

1. 3D shapes - Sphere The Earth’s spherical shape is perfect for minimising the pull of gravity on its outer edges. For small objects, the force of gravity is tiny. But when you have millions of tonnes of mass, the effect of gravity builds up. All of the mass pulls on all the other mass, and it tries to create the most efficient shape‌ a sphere. An interesting fact: the Earth is not actually a perfect sphere. It is an oblate spheroid. This means that it is slightly squashed at the top and bottom because it spins on its axis.

Fibonacci sequence – Nautilus shell

2. Fibonacci Sequence Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci was born in Pisa, Italy, in 1170. He travelled widely and learned a lot about mathematics. When he came back to Pisa, he came upon a series of numbers which we call the Fibonacci sequence. It is obtained by adding together the previous 2 numbers in the sequence: 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89‌..

2. Fibonacci sequence There are numerous examples of the Fibonacci sequence of numbers in nature. The Nautilus shell represents this sequence in its spiral. This ‘golden spiral’ is a way for information to flow in a very efficient manner. A hurricane energy system in the shape of a fibonacci loses very little energy. A pine cone’s scales are arranged in a fibonacci spiral, as this design provides strength against outside forces.

Bilateral Symmetry - Butterfly

3. Bilateral symmetry Bilateral symmetry (also called mirror symmetry) is when the shape or object has the same pattern on each side. Animals with bilateral symmetry have their body divided into left and right halves, with one of each sense organ (such as eyes and ears) and limb pair (such as arms and legs) on each side.

3. Bilateral symmetry Symmetry can be in nature wherever you look. It can be in butterflies, dogs, rabbits‌ Symmetry is on people as well. If you look at yourself in a mirror and draw an imaginary line down the middle of your face, you will find that it is the same on both sides. Bilateral symmetry means that creatures have the same number of legs on both sides which enables them to walk forwards. It also permits streamlining.

Tessellations - Turtle shell

4. Tessellations A tessellation is when you use a series of shapes so that they fit together in a continuous pattern so that there are no gaps or overlaps whatsoever. You can use one type of shape or you can use lots of different shapes so long as they fit together with no gaps. Tessellations are found almost everywhere in nature. You can find tessellations on turtle shells, snake skin and leaf structures.

4. Tessellations Turtle shells are covered with tessellations which are hexagons, rectangles and other shapes, and the tiles cover the whole surface of the shell. The individual tiles are actually made of the ribs and vertebrae of the turtle, which is why turtles cannot leave their shells. It also means that the tiles must butt firmly against each other which gives the shell its strength. Without such tessellations, the shell would collapse and the turtle would be left defenseless.

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