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communicates with teach ers if additional support is needed.

News Buzzing around the Hornet’s Nest

 The CAJ Football Team welcome Mr. Scotty Dean, Head Football Coach and the new assistant coaches. Our CAJ Football team is off to a great start. The entire team and coaches deserves recognition for their hard work.


 “Fist-Bumps” to the CAJ Varsity and Junior Varsity Volleyball Teams and CAJ Tennis Team on their successful start this season.

 Kudos to Ms. Nicole Irby, Assistant Principal a nd Ms. Margie Lee, SC Department of Education for t he g rea t professiona l development cla sses being off ered t o t he CAJ fa cult y.  Congratulations to Ms. Campbell’ s physica l educa t ion st udent s who ha ve recent ly been engaged in baseline Fitnessgram assessments to include body composition, sit & reach, pushups, curlups, trunk lift and PACER. For nearly three decades, the Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run (PACER) Test has been used as part of the Fitnessgram assessment in thousands of

P.E. classes in all 50 states. It is arguably the most-talked-about component of Fitnessgram among many current and former physical education students. We are pleased with the competitive spirit that many of Ms. Campbell’s students demonstrated as they performed. Many congratulations to the students and all of our students who did their very best during all of the assessments. Keep up the good work.  Congratulations to 2021 - 2022, Teacher of the Year, Harry Williams, Art Teacher and Dept. Chair and 2021-2022 Classified Staff of the Year, Jamaal Williams, Inst ruct iona l Assist a nt a nd Assistant Football and Wrestling Coach.  “Fist-Bumps” to the Fine Arts Department and their students on the opportunity to attend the

Vanessa Williams Master Class on Thursday, September 9th at Dreher High School. They reported it as a wonderful opportunity to learn from the talented artists who spoke at the event.  Sending much love to ou r CAJ AFROTC Cadets . Friday, Septem ber 1 7, 2021 , was n atio n al

POW/MIA (Prisoner of War/Missing in Action) recognition day. Our CAJ AFROTC Cadets, raised the POW/MIA flag in place of the state flag to honor those brave men and women who were either captured in war or who never returned.  Congratulations to Mr. Sim Fogle, Inst ructiona l Assist a nt , on being induct ed into the 2021 Johnson C. Smith Athletic Hall of Fame. Mr. Fog le st a t ed it is like a “dream come true.” Mr. Fogle was a 1974 graduate of Booker T. Washington

High School (He was in the last class to graduate from Booker T. Washington before it closed.) He was an outstanding track and cross country runner during his high school years. He received a track and cross country scholarship to attend Johnson

C. Smith University, located in Charlotte, NC, where he excelled in track and cross country. While at Johnson C. Smith University, he received the Pettis Norman Award in 1975-1976 for the most outstanding athlete, made all-conference for four consecutive years in the CIAA and was the District 26 NAIA Champion in track and cross country. Congratulations again to Mr. Sim

Fogle for being selected to the Johnson C. Smith Athletic Hall of Fame.

C.A. Johnson High. It is an AVID place to be. Join Us!

Mrs. Cindy Andre-Noel, cin d y.a n d re-noel@richlandone.org

Hi, Hornet Family, I am Mrs. Andre-Noel, Parent and Family Engagement Specialist with Richland One. I have had the pleasure of working in the C. A. Johnson Cluster with amazing families and schools for the last four (4) years. I am excited about this upcoming school year and the great things that the community, parents, and faculty within this excellent cluster will do for our students. My goal is to continue to work closely with parents and families in understanding ways to support the academic achievement of their students. I look forward to getting to know each of you.

Tips to support your child:

 Know your teen’s teachers: Septem ber u sh ers in a ch ance to m eet yo u r child’s new teacher. Use open house or back-to-school night to introduce yourself. Find out how you might help the school, perhaps by donating supplies or chaperoning a class field trip.  Worth quoting: “Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and out” by Robert Collier.  Expect the best: Wh at’s one the best ways to help your teens succeed in school? Expect a lot from them! If you make your expectations clear from the start, they will work harder to meet them. Try these strategies: —Be Clear. Thin k abo ut wh at you want yo u r teen agers to acco m plish th is year. Fo r exam ple, you probably expect them to attend school every day, complete all assignments, and do their best. Be sure to set expectations that are high – but doable. (Anticipating all, for instance, could set them up for failure.) Then, clearly communicate your expectations to them. —Mention regularly. Weave yo u r expectation s in to daily con versatio n s. Exam ple: “Do you want to watch a movie when you finish studying?” rather than “Do you want to watch a movie?” Also, don’t give in if they beg for “exceptions” like staying home from school to catch up on sleep. You might respond, “You can sleep in this weekend, but you have to go to school every day unless you’ re sick.” —Follow Through. Su ppo rt yo ur teen s in ways th at will h elp th em m eet yo u r expectation s. If a teen has a big project due Monday, ask about his/her weekend plans and mention that you know he/ she needs time to work. Then, before he/she leaves for a talent show or a party, check on his/her progress. Discuss whether his/her plan for finishing the project is visible. Finally, when your teen meets your expectations, let him/her knows you’ve noticed.

Social Worker Corner

Mrs. Sharlee Dixon, sharlee.dixon@richlandone.org Greetings Hornet Family!! I am Sharlee R. Dixon, LMSW, School Social Worker at C. A. Johnson this year. I am excited to be back in the Hornet’s Nest after working at Hyatt Park Elementary for the last few years! One of my main focuses is school attendance because students cannot learn if they are not here! I am also available to provide resources and referrals for resources in the community, so if you have needs, please see me or give me a call! I have school supplies and a host of other items in-house to ensure that students have what they need in order to succeed! September is Attendance Awareness Month, so we will be rewarding students weekly who have made an effort to attend school daily without any class cuts or tardies. Students are considered truant when they have either 3 days in a row or 5 days total, but we also accept written excuses from parents and medical notes. If you or your child are having difficulty coming to school, please see me that I can assist in that process. I am also starting to receive information for holiday assistance for both Thanksgiving and Christmas, so please contact me as soon as possible so that I can connect you to resources in the community.

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