Mermaid Type Tarot GUIDEBOOK

Guidebookby M.Cline
The Mermaid Type Project and tarot cards are inspired by the beauty of relationships and depth psychology . The deck is a collection of 78 artworks that include photos, ai, sculptures, paintings, digital art, and drawings The complete type set has numbers 0-9, uppercase and lowercase a-z, and basic punctuation . The PARTY Edition features full images while the original deck hides some of the pictures in the letter and number silhouettes .
Tarot has five suites, and they are divided into four minor arcana and one major arcana The guidebook offers suggested interpretations and instructions Interpreting tarot cards is a creative form of reading, self-reflection, and entertainment . As you look at each card, any element can potentially spark meaning . A color, for example, can be read as blue water in the ocean or blue air in the sky . The goal is to find what feels right to you .
Many people use tarot to go deeper into their own psyche and enjoy the practice of sharing their Truth together with this popular tool . Everything you need is already inside, but intuitive sparks ignite from the images, facial expressions, postures, colors, and materials present in tarot cards .
The practice is to activate your imagination and gain insight with subtle energy signals through color, symbol, and pure intention Explore and identify ideas about your past, present, and future Reflect assimilate and integrate associations with the frequency of colors and the whispers of the mermaid language . Remember your associations with numbers and letters and watch for patterns of information . This is about knowing your Truth .
I encourage you to follow your intuition and research on what inspires you to want to learn more You can follow Mermaid Type Tarot on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest . There are recommended resources and virtual workshops at www . mermaidtype xyz . Please check out the videos on the history of tarot and beyond online if you want to explore reading with the mermaids in depth
If you seek to know who you are, tarot is a tool to help you on a psychological journey of individuation The word individuation comes from Swiss psychologist Carl Jung . It means to become an ‘in-dividual,’ and to embrace incomparable uniqueness . Individuation is about ‘coming into selfhood’ or ‘self-realization ’ In this sense, the Self needs a capital S as it resembles a wholeness that is like the concept of God . All people travel the road of Self-discovery and individuation, and each path is unique . I can share with you part of my journey .
My first encounter with tarot happened in college, around 2002 . Inspired by a class project with Carl Jung’s book, Man and His Symbols, I memorized the tarot cards and started reading fortunes . Within a year, I was reading regularly at house parties and special events . I love reading cards because it is emotionally and creatively magical for myself and others .
A tarot reading can reveal secrets and offer meaningful insights. Success is about discovering many new and desirable possibilities, not about having to find one right answer.
In addition to this guidebook, other spiritual traditions can be useful when reading cards . Calendar dates can be significant because of their connection to events . For example, one memorable event is a day we are born . Imagine you pull a card with the number 17 on it, and you were born on the 17th . How might this card reading be something extra special for you?
Names are also meaningful If I pull an M card from the deck, I might associate it with myself, Mitra, or mythology . It’s in the power of the individual to make meaning My name comes from ancient mythology The Mitra-Veruna twin deities are individual yet complementary as solar-lunar deities . The day is of Mitra, and the night is of Varuna . My name calls attention to the deeper pattern in my creative life purpose . I
The Mermaid Type is a balance of my artistic strengths and vulnerabilities as a dyslexic person . Mermaids are powerful in their watery element . However, out of their element, they are immobilized . Likewise, my experience with words is one of feeling extreme opposites . Many people can relate to feeling unbalanced .
A psychologist told me, as a child, that art was my best option because I would not be able to do anything else in life . It was devastating news, and ironically my career has proved the opposite to be true . Dyslexia has not held me back from achieving my goals I now see vulnerabilities as a source of strength as they teach us resilience and patience, which are practical life skills .
Finding balance is an art that all people must learn . The challenge of creative individuals living today is to balance . Over the years of reading, I noticed how many people come to tarot with questions about love and relationships . I struggle to keep a healthy balance in my close ties too One day, while talking to my then-crush about mermaid sightings, I found an old black and white print of a mermaid couple that seemed to be arguing online . The image captured my attention, and I decided to work with the image in my art .
I was in a depth psychology MA program at the time and wanted to try a therapeutic technique called, sticking to the image I understand that when people are stuck in limiting patterns, it can be helpful to expand the vision with this method . I started by drawing the same mermaid couple in different letter shapes, and more diversity emerged as the alphabet developed into numbers and special characters
Mermaid Type is my image of balance, interconnection, and wholeness . I see this deck as a holographic image with repeating patters from the micro to macro level . Each letter card is a complete character, and together they make a language tool open to infinite possibility .
I believe these mermaids have new stories to tell and that they want to collaborate with you Let the letters come alive . They can move and dance as you look within to read the cards . It is my sincere wish that this tarot deck is a tool to help you balance and explore your infinite potential in a safe space . Thank you to all who supported the first edition print of the Mermaid Type Tarot project, and that is you too! - Mitra
Mermaid Type Decks are available in limited edition print series, print on demand, and digital decks.
Kickstarter Editions (60)
Fan the deck out into a, ocean wave, face down .
Ask your question, write it .
Pick one card at random or feel for the right card
Look closely, hold the card up, and read the details.
Notice the colors, materials, letters, and numbers.
Look up the card in the guidebook .
Write down your interpretations of the answer .
If not clear, adjust the question and pull another card .
Stop when your answer is clear
Stack the cards into five piles, one for each suite
Ask a question, write it down .
Choose one card from each pile .
Look up the card for help interpreting the message
Reflect on the aspects of each card to find your answer
Major Arcana: Universal and Impersonal Energies
Wands: Fire and Creative Passions
Cups: Water and Emotional Feelings
Swords: Air and Mental Thoughts
Pentacles: Earth and Physical Materials
Write the answer .
If not clear, adjust the question and repeat the process
Stop when your answer is clear
Numbers 0-21
The major arcana suite deals with universal and impersonal energies.
Each card is a powerful life force and represents significant transformational potential.
The cycle starts with 0, the Fool, and ends with 21, the World.
New beginnings, spontaneity, and taking risks with the mermaid couple Melody and Oceanus.
This energy is all about adventure! Now is an excellent time to take a risk at being the Fool. The Fool reminds us that we are both wise enough and foolish enough to begin again. Try meditation to find a surprising new adventure calling to you. The fun fact is that one person can perform as a court jester and religious head of state. The Fool card is the number zero in the major arcana tarot suite.
Signifies intuition, mystery, and hidden knowledge, embodied by Luna and Neptune.
Intuition is the second of the major arcana card. She holds the power of both energies of the seen and unseen worlds. Her message is to trust in the unfolding of life as we can only see what we are capable of understanding. Today is a good day to practice mediation and connect to your inner knowing. Is there someplace you can go be alone with spirit? The Priestess is a reminder that there is more to life as it is unfolding in surprising ways.
Symbolizes power, manifestation, and the ability to create with Seraphina and Triton.
This card asks us to think about the tools and skills that are available to us in this moment. What tools do you have to make manifestation magic in your life? The traditional tools on this magician’s table are a coin, cup, sword, and wand.
Represents fertility, nurturing, and abundance, personified by Coraline and Seamus
This card is about nature’s creative power that comes from the earth. If you wish for someone to nurture and support you today, know you are not alone. This card indicates that the most natural support system might be mother nature if no people can provide the support you need to thrive. Today, this card asks us to learn from the spirit of spring and fall to notice the abundance cycles. It is an excellent time to relax.
Symbolizes authority, structure, and leadership, depi cted by Marina and Poseidon.
Divine Masculine energy, in its wholeness of both positive and negative traits. What side of the Emperor are you experiencing? On the positive side, the Emperor brings the energy of authority, independence, power, stability, and leadership. The shadow side is controlling behavior that might be self-serving, narcissistic, or dominating and out of touch with the dependents in their life.
Represents love, harmony, and choices, showcasing Arielle and Nereus as the symbol of romance.
This card is about attraction, longing, twins, choice and self-love. If you need love today, know you are not alone. This card indicates that the most abundant resource is to love yourself and those closest to you. Now, this card asks us to find a way to observe if there are any choices we can make to increase the love frequency. It is an excellent time to treat yourself, like watch a movie you enjoy.
Signifies tradition, spirituality, and guidance with Pearlina and Cetus.
This card is about mastery over the challenges of loss, strife, trouble, and struggle. If you wish for someone to help you today, know you are not alone. This card indicates that the most natural support system might be a traditional institution. Today, this card asks us to learn from the difficulties of life so that we may reach past them to achieve worthy goals. It is an excellent time to read about history.
Symbolizes determination, willpower, and victory, with Mariana and Aquilon driving forward.
The number seven and associated with cancer’s zodiac sign. This Chariot is all about forward momentum. Like a wild ride in a race, this energy is unstoppable, youthful, and confident. You might not be sure what lay in wait around the next corner, but you dare to face anything! Today you can explore this energy in a quick meditation exercise, such as clapping your hard three times fast!
Signifies inner strength, courage, and resilience, as portrayed by Sirelia and Leviathan.
This card is major arcana, meaning it signifies something big in your life. Strength is also said to be the only card that overcomes the Devil. You can control your wild instincts and make friends with animals in nature. It could be that you face something scary today. But, sometimes, we only need a small challenge to remind us of our epic strength. Be sure you do not use this power to overcome things you want in your life.
Symbolizes destiny, cycles, and change, with Calypso and Zephyrus.
This card is about cycles of manifestation, change in fortune, wishes, and chance. If you experience lucky encounters today, know you are not alone. This card indicates that the cycle is moving along at a natural pace. Today, this card asks us to respect the process and look at the signs of the time and its cycles. It is an excellent day to adjust to the new normal.
Introspection, solitude, and inner guidance, with Nerissa and Okeanos embodying wisdom.
This card concerns introverts, prosperity, pausing, admiration, and the spirit. If you wish for some alone time today, know you are not alone. This card indicates that the most natural solution is to spend time with nature outside of everyday distractions. Today, this card asks us to find a way to observe what is happening inside our hearts and minds. It is an excellent time to plan stargazing.
It signifies fairness, balance, and legal matters, as represented by Thalassa and Proteus.
This card is all about making judgments. How many choices do you make every day? Now, we are reminded of our power to determine our fate with each decision. Also, with humility, we recognize forces greater than ourselves. We can never know the full story or complete truth of a circumstance, yet we must make decisions to the best of our ability.
Surrender, letting go, and gaining a new perspective, depicted by Serenade and Abyssus.
This card is about seeing things from a different perspective. It’s also true that this card represents delay and even punishment. We might find that a significant event does not happen fast enough. The Hanged Man is in a situation that is outside of our control. If you relate to feeling powerless, take a tip from this card and will find a new solution. When we can detach from a point of view, we see possibilities. In a safe space, meditation. Let go and trust.
It signifies balance, moderation, and patience, as embodied by Delphine and Eurus.
This card is about balance and patience. An angel stands between you and unworthy causes. Is something in your life-threatening to overwhelm and upset the balance? Perhaps you are the type that jumps in to help others solve problems. What sacrifices in life are made for those we care for, and we must not forget to care for ourselves. Make an effort to practice awareness of balance in your breath.
Symbolizes transformation, endings, and rebirth with Co ral and Vortex.
The number 13 is considered lucky and unlucky. To find more good, identify opportunities because you stay present in each moment. If you see the number 13, this might be a sign. The death card in a reading is a warning of radical change. Like the night and day difference between life and death, this card asks us to be on the lookout for big opportunit ies for change.
It represents materialism, temptation, and bondage, as Sirena and Maelstrom portray.
This energy is all about drunkenness-on the bliss of life’s greatest sensual pleasure. Now is an excellent time to let loose and try coloring outside the lines because you like how it feels to scribble on the page. Now is a fantastic time to celebrate life with yummy food and drinks. Explore the boundary between what feels right and what feels entrapping. The Devil warns us that too much of one thing can turn everything rotten. He reminds us of the importance of being responsible for our earthly life. It is a major arcana card, the number 15, associated with the Capricorn zodiac sign.
Symbolizes sudden change, upheaval, and revelation, with Marina and Whirlpool in a tumultuous situation.
The hand of God that destroys suddenly and unexpectedly. Despite the shock of the new situation, this card suggests you are in the best possible situation. Sometimes, we don’t get the hint from the spirit asking us to move on to something new. This tower is a last-call kind of energy that is forcing change. You may need to comfort someone going through a significant transformation. Trust in the process. Support at this time would be ideal.
Intuition, emotions, and the subconscious are embodied by Selene and Tidal.
This card is Divine Feminine energy as the moon changes from a new to a full month. It reminds us that we are all influenced by the larger forces in nature. What is changing in your life today? Because the moon is seen at night, it is associated with illusions and danger. This card asks you to consider hidden factors in your day. Consider the cycles and phases of change in your life and the world around you. The moon can remind us of the beauty in the mystery.
Signifies hope, inspiration, and spiri tual guidance, as depict ed by Stellina and Lumos.
Faith, healing, inspiration, and magic. Sometimes, we set the course of our lives by the stars. This is because we believe the destination will be the best possible outcome for our lives. This sense of trust in the possibility of reaching a far-off goal can motivate us daily, too. The stars have inspired great minds to achieve impossible dreams in reality. What is your north star, and are you heading toward it now? You might be the star in someone else’s life. Allow yourself to shine and inspire others ar ound you today.
Symbolizes joy, vitality, and success, with Aurora and Radiant as the radiant couple.
This card is Divine Masculine energy, as the sun constantly shines bright. The ego is associated with the sun, representing that part of our personality that is everpresent in our lifetimes. What is the brilliant, reliable energy in your life today? Because the sun is seen in the summer, it is also associated with children and pleasant weather. This card is considered the best omen in the deck. It is also a reminder that the sun can burn with too much exposure. Take a moment to contemplate how much the perfect amount of sunshine is in your day.
It signifies inner calling, rebirth, and spiritual awakening, as showcased by Serenova and Cascade.
This card is about rebirth, change in fortune, balance, and supernatural assistance. If you experience radical changes today beyond your control, know you are not alone. This card indicates that rebirth is possible. Today, this card asks us to respect the new phase and let the past fade into memories. It is an excellent day to make a clear decision.
Represents completion, fulfillment, and wholeness, with Oceana and Elysiun embracing their connection.
The World is the final of the major arcana cards. This card is associated with significant life changes and travel. It is not just the completion of a chapter but the end of a book. Today’s card asks you to reflect on endings and new beginnings. There are opportunities between when one thing ends and the other begins. What accomplishments do you have to celebrate today? Where would you like to go next?
Four Suites: Wands, Cups, Swords, Pentacles
One – Ten, Page, Knight, Queen, King
Wands: Fire and Creative Passions
Cups: Water and Emotional Feelings
Swords: Air and Mental Thoughts
Pentacles: Earth and Physical Materials
Serena and Aiden represent the spark of inspiration and the birth of new ventures. The Ace of Wands signifies creativity, potential, and the energy of new beginnings. Their love ignites passion and the desire to embark on exciting adventures together.
Unity, Magician, Justice, Wish, Force, Riches, Creation
Coral and Dylan celebrate their accomplishments and look toward expansion. The Three of Wands signifies progress, foresight, and the anticipation of growth. Their love fuels their ambition to manifest their dreams.
Natural, Empress, Death, Healing, Sorrow, Skill, Manifest
Luna and Kai stand at a crossroads, contemplating their next steps. The Two of Wands signifies decisionmaking and planning for the future. Together, they embrace their shared vision and confidently chart their course.
Keywords Duality, Priestess, Hooked, Passion, Balance, Worry, Noble
Maya and Ocean create a harmonious and celebratory atmosphere. The Four of Wands signifies joy, community, and a sense of accomplishment. Together, they build a foundation of love and unity.
Keywords Conquest, Emperor, Temperance, Isolated, Res t, Greed, Peace
Isabella and Finn navigate challenges and competition. The Five of Wands signifies conflict, diversity of opinions, and the need for collaboration. Their love encourages open communication and finding common ground.
Keywords Mastery, Hierophant, Devil, Loss, Strife, Trouble, Struggle
Aurora and Orion defend their beliefs and stand their ground. The Seven of Wands signifies courage, determination, and resilience. Together, they embody strength and steadfastness in the face of opposition.
Momentum, Chariot, Star, Decide, Prudence, Finish, Victory
Ava and River triumph over adversity and celebrate victory. The Six of Wands signifies recognition, success, and public acknowledgment. Their love empowers them to rise above challenges and achieve greatness.
Attraction, Lovers, Tower, Longing, Travel, Charity, Hope, War
Selene and Triton experience swift changes and progress. The Eight of Wands signifies movement, expansion, and the acceleration of plans. Their love propels them forward on a dynamic journey.
Keywords Unity, Magician, Justice, Wish, Force, Riches, Creation, Infinite, Strength, Moon, Change, Crisis, Effort, Act
Mia and Cove gather strength and resilience to face challenges. The Nine of Wands signifies perseverance, determination, and inner fortitude. Together, they overcome obstacles with unwavering determination.
Introverted, Hermit, Sun, Admired, Miserable, Prosper, Pause
Willow and Asher embody youthful enthusiasm and creative potential. The Page of Wands signifies curiosity, inspiration, and eagerness to explore. Their love encourages them to embrace new ideas and adventures.
Power, Magician, Justice, Wish, Force, Riches, Creation, Infinite, Strength, Moon, Change, Crisis, Effort, Act
Celeste and Phoenix pursue their passions with vigor. The Knight of Wands signifies boldness, adventure, and a spirited approach. Together, they fearlessly chase their dreams and bring them to life.
Undecided, Magician, Justice, Wish, Force, Riches, Creation, Duality, Priestess, Hooked, Passion, Balance, Worry, Noble
Luna and Nova exude confidence and leadership. The Queen of Wands signifies warmth, charisma, and the ability to inspire others. Their love radiates strength and empowers those around them.
Change, Magician, Justice, Wish, Force, Riches, Creation, Natural, Empress, Death, Healing, Sorrow, Skill, Manifest
Marina and Kaius embody visionary leadership and determination. The King of Wands signifies passion, authority, and the ability to manifest their goals. Their love creates a powerful force for change and innovation.
Keywords Balance, Magician, Justice, Wish, Force, Riches, Creation, Mastery, Hierophant, Devil, Loss, Strife, Trouble, Struggle
Serena and Aiden embody the purest form of love and emotional connection. The Ace of Cups signifies new beginnings and emotional fulfillment. Their love flows like a boundless ocean, bringing joy and harmony to their lives.
Unity, Magician, Justice, Wish, Force, Riches, Creation
Luna and Kai share a deep and soulful connection. The Two of Cups represents a strong bond and emotional union between two souls. Their love is a reflection of balance and mutual understanding.
Duality, Priestess, Hooked, Passion, Balance, Worry, Noble
Coral and Dylan celebrate their friendship and shared joy. The Three of Cups symbolizes joyful gatherings, creativity, and community. Their friendship inspires happiness and abundance in their lives.
Keywords Natural, Empress, Death, Healing, Sorrow, Skill, Manifest
Isabella and Finn confront loss and sorrow together. The Five of Cups signifies emotional challenges and disappointment. Yet, their support for one another helps them find solace and hope amidst difficult times.
Mastery, Hierophant, Devil, Loss, Strife, Trouble, Struggle
Maya and Ocean contemplate their emotions and inner world. The Four of Cups represents introspection and soulsearching. Their bond encourages them to reflect on their feelings and discover deeper truths.
Conquest, Emperor, Temperance, Isolated, Rest, Greed, Peace
Ava and River embrace nostalgia and innocent joy. The Six of Cups represents fond memories, nostalgia, and reconnecting with the past. Their love sparks childhood-like happiness and warm reminiscences.
Attraction, Lovers, Tower, Longing, Travel, Charity, Hope, War
Aurora and Orion navigate through their dreams and illusions. The Seven of Cups signifies choices and possibilities, often accompanied by a sense of fantasy. Their bond encourages them to be discerning and focus on their true desires.
Momentum, Chariot, Star, Decide, Prudence, Finish, Victory
Mia and Cove celebrate fulfillment and emotional abundance. The Nine of Cups signifies emotional satisfaction and contentment. Their love creates a harmonious and joyful atmosphere in their lives.
Introverted, Hermit, Sun, Admired, Miserable, Prosper, Pause
Selene and Triton embark on a journey of self-discovery. The Eight of Cups represents the need for soul-searching and leaving behind what no longer serves them. Together, they find the courage to embrace new paths.
Unity, Magician, Justice, Wish, Force, Riches, Creation, Infinite, Strength, Moon, Change, Crisis, Effort, Act
Luna and Ocean experience harmonious and loving relationships. The Ten of Cups represents joy, emotional fulfillment, and harmony in their union. Their love overflows and touches the lives of those around them.
Chance, Judgment, Happy, Pain, Security, Stress, Unity, Magician, Justice, Wish, Force, Riches, Creation
Willow and Asher represent youthful creativity and emotional openness. The Page of Cups signifies a willingness to explore and express their emotions, bringing fresh perspectives and imaginative ideas to their relationship.
Keywords Power, Magician, Justice, Wish, Force, Riches, Creation, Infinite, Strength, Moon, Change, Crisis, Effort, Act
Celeste and Phoenix embody the romantic and chivalrous aspects of love. The Knight of Cups represents a passionate and adventurous spirit, inspiring them to express their emotions fearlessly and embark on thrilling journeys together.
Undecided, Magician, Justice, Wish, Force, Riches, Creation, Duality, Priestess, Hooked, Passion, Balance, Worry, Noble
Luna and Nova epitomize empathy, nurturing, and emotional intelligence. The Queen of Cups signifies their ability to provide unwavering support and compassion, making their relationship a safe and loving haven.
Change, Magician, Justice, Wish, Force, Riches, Creation, Natural, Empress, Death, Healing, Sorrow, Skill, Manifest
Marina and Kaius embody emotional maturity and wisdom. The King of Cups represents their ability to make sound decisions based on compassion and understanding. Their love is a beacon of emotional stability and guidance for others.
Balance, Magician, Justice, Wish, Force, Riches, Creation, Mastery, Hierophant, Devil, Loss, Strife, Trouble, Struggle
Serena and Aiden possess a sharp and intellectual bond. The Ace of Swords signifies clarity, truth, and the power of communication. Their connection allows them to cut through obstacles and gain mental clarity in their journey together.
Unity, Magician, Justice, Wish, Force, Riches, Creation
Coral and Dylan grapple with heartache and emotional challenges. The Three of Swords represents pain and healing. Their love provides support and comfort as they mend emotional wounds together.
Natural, Empress, Death, Healing, Sorrow, Skill, Manifest
Luna and Kai face decisions and inner conflicts. The Two of Swords represents the need for balance and careful consideration. Their love helps them navigate through difficult choices with wisdom and poise.
Duality, Priestess, Hooked, Passion, Balanc e, Worry, Noble
Maya and Ocean seek solace and inner peace. The Four of Swords signifies rest, introspection, and selfreflection. Together, they find moments of tranquility amid the storm.
Conquest, Emperor, Temperance, Isolated, Rest, Greed, Peace
Isabella and Finn confront conflicts and power struggles. The Five of Swords represents the need for resolution and learning from past battles. Their love encourages them to seek compromise and find common ground.
Mastery, Hierophant, Devil, Loss, Strife, Trouble, Struggle
Aurora and Orion navigate through challenges and deception. The Seven of Swords signifies the need for caution and strategic thinking. Their bond empowers them to be perceptive and avoid hidden pitfalls.
Momentum, Chariot, Star, Decide, Prudence, Finish, Victory
Ava and River embark on a journey of transition and progress. The Six of Swords represents moving forward and leaving the past behind. Their love supports them in embracing change and growth.
Attraction, Lovers, Tower, Longing, Travel, Charity, Hope, War
Selene and Triton face feelings of restriction and limitation. The Eight of Swords represents the need to break free from mental constraints. Together, they encourage each other to challenge self-imposed barriers.
Unity, Magician, Justice, Wish, Force, Riches, Creation, Infinite, Strength, Moon, Change, Crisis, Effort, Act
Mia and Cove confront anxiety and worry. The Nine of Swords signifies overthinking and fear. Their love provides comfort and reassurance, easing their minds during challenging times.
Introverted, Hermit, Sun, Admired, Miserable, Prosper, Pause
Willow and Asher embody curiosity and mental exploration. The Page of Swords signifies a thirst for knowledge and new perspectives. Their love ignites a sense of wonder and a desire to learn together.
Keywords Power, Magician, Justice, Wish, Force, Riches, Creation, Infinite, Strength, Moon, Change, Crisis, Effort, Act
Luna and Ocean experience a period of transformation and endings. The Ten of Swords represents closure and the beginning of a new chapter. Their love helps them find strength in times of adversity.
Keywords Chance, Judgment, Happy, Pain, Security, Stress, Unity, Magician, Justice, Wish, Force, Riches, Creation
Celeste and Phoenix embrace courage and determination. The Knight of Swords represents swift action and bold decisions. Together, they fearlessly face challenges, moving forward with confidence.
Undecided, Magician, Justice, Wish, Force, Riches, Creation, Duality, Priestess, Hooked, Passion, Balance, Worry, Noble
Luna and Nova exemplify intellect and clear judgment. The Queen of Swords signifies wisdom and independence. Their love fosters open communication and understanding, making their bond a source of strength.
Keywords Change, Magician, Justice, Wish, Force, Riches, Creation, Natural, Empress, Death, Healing, Sorrow, Skill, Manifest
Marina and Kaius represent authority and rationality. The King of Swords signifies leadership and analytical thinking. Their love inspires wise decision-making and a harmonious balance of intellect and emotion.
Keywords Balance, Magician, Justice, Wish, Force, Riches, Creation, Mastery, Hierophant, Devil, Loss, Strife, Trouble, Struggle
Serena and Aiden embrace prosperity and abundance. The Ace of Pentacles signifies new opportunities and material blessings. Their love creates a solid foundation for growth and success in their lives.
Unity, Magician, Justice, Wish, Force, Riches, Creation
Luna and Kai maintain balance and adaptability. The Two of Pentacles represents juggling priorities and resources. Together, they navigate life’s challenges with grace and harmony.
Duality, Priestess, Hooked, Passion, Balance, Worry, Noble
Coral and Dylan collaborate on shared goals and projects. The Three of Pentacles signifies teamwork and skilled craftsmanship. Their love enhances their creative endeavors and brings fruitful outcomes.
Natural, Empress, Death, Healing, Sorrow, Skill, Manifest
Isabella and Finn confront financial struggles and setbacks. The Five of Pentacles signifies facing challenges and seeking support. Their love offers comfort and reassurance during times of difficulty.
Mastery, Hierophant, Devil, Loss, Strife, Trouble, Struggle
Maya and Ocean find security and stability. The Four of Pentacles represent financial prudence and holding on to what matters most. Together, they build a strong and secure future.
Conquest, Emperor, Temperance, Isolated, Rest, Greed, Peace
Ava and River embrace generosity and abundance. The Six of Pentacles represents sharing wealth and giving back to others. Their love inspires acts of kindness and philanthropy.
Attraction, Lovers, Tower, Longing, Travel, Charity, Hope, War
Aurora and Orion invest in their long-term goals and aspirations. The Seven of Pentacles signifies patience and nurturing growth. Together, they sow the seeds of success and await bountiful rewards.
Momentum, Chariot, Star, Decide, Prudence, Finish, Victory
Mia and Cove enjoy the fruits of their labor and personal achievements. The Nine of Pentacles signifies independence and selfsufficiency. Together, they revel in the pleasures of their success.
Introverted, Hermit, Sun, Admired, Miserable, Prosper, Pause
Selene and Triton dedicate themselves to skill development and mastery. The Eight of Pentacles represents hard work and diligence. Their love fuels their pursuit of excellence.
Keywords Unity, Magician, Justice, Wish, Force, Riches, Creation, Infinite, Strength, Moon, Change, Crisis, Effort, Act
Luna and Ocean celebrate a sense of heritage and family. The Ten of Pentacles represents generational wealth and the joy of family ties. Their love creates a sense of belonging and legacy.
Chance, Judgment, Happy, Pain, Security, Stress, Unity, Magician, Justice, Wish, Force, Riches, Creation
Willow and Asher embody curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. The Page of Pentacles signifies a love for learning and new opportunities. Their love encourages growth and exploration.
Keywords Power, Magician, Justice, Wish, Force, Riches, Creation, Infinite, Strength, Moon, Change, Crisis, Effort, Act
Celeste and Phoenix embody practicality and responsibility. The Knight of Pentacles represents a steady and dedicated approach. Together, they forge a path of reliability and achievement.
Undecided, Magician, Justice, Wish, Force, Riches, Creation, Duality, Priestess, Hooked, Passion, Balance, Worry, Noble
Luna and Nova epitomize nurturing and abundance. The Queen of Pentacles signifies a love for home and family. Their love brings warmth and security to their lives.
Change, Magician, Justice, Wish, Force, Riches, Creation, Natural, Empress, Death, Healing, Sorrow, Skill, Manifest
Marina and Kaius represent wealth and financial wisdom. The King of Pentacles signifies success and leadership. Their love creates a prosperous and harmonious realm.
Balance, Magician, Justice, Wish, Force, Riches, Creation, Mastery, Hierophant, Devil, Loss, Strife, Trouble, Struggle
She earned her MA in Humanities with an emphasis in Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute and her BFA with a focus in painting from the Kansas City Art Institute . She is the founder of Foreverbird Studio
“I am finding a unique path in this creative life, which includes a studio art practice, teaching, public art, and commercial design projects . My art speaks to people living in a global culture who value intuition and creative work . I invite you on a journey of Self-discovery to find more things to love with Mermaid Type project . The cards were created to open doorways into the unconscious mind, and it’s vital life energy . ”
– M Clinewww . mermaidtype . xyz