Welcome to an evoca,ve collec,on of freedom themed photographs, a generous visual response by over two hundred talented photographers.
Individually the images illustrate personal no, ons of freedom, collec,vely they ar,culate the nuance of freedom itself from mul,ple perspec,ves. A compelling mix of peace, nature, play and love have been captured, alongside urban pa>erns, portraits, and images ar,cula,ng iden,ty and the need for equality.
As you move through the gallery, you'll hear sounds playing, pausing, overlapping, and hal,ng. Musician Juga-Naut responded to visual moments in the photographs to produce ‘Fragments of Freedom’. A collage of recorded sounds and voices, gently connec,ng us to the photographs and each other in new ways.
In a ,me of societal challenge, enabling people to contribute to something collec,vely and freely is an inten,onal moment of solidarity, openness, and crea,ve joy. Thank you to everyone who joined our very first open call exhibi,on, to our award selec,on panel Brian Griffin, Ofilaye and Amanda Sinclair, and the Arts Council England for suppor,ng this project.