Background study
Floating wetland
Site context
Building concept
Greywater recycling system
Ground floor
First floor
Second floor
Third floor
Development work
Structural strategy
Reference Amended New
Marshland is an ecology that depends on both mankind and natural forces which in itself is an Oikos for many other species. Venice lagoon is the largest wetland in Italy and one of the most important coastal ecosystem in the whole Mediterranean basin. Considering the place’s rich history, art, architecture together with economical and trading aspects that takes place in the lagoon of Venice, it is recognised of international importance. Marshland formation has decrease drastically with the presence of the large harbour port and the development of manufacturing industry. Runoffs from local farms and other activities contributes to the increase in pollutants in the lagoon. Besides, Venice does not have a modern sewer system, direct discharge of sewage and untreated household wastewater has further disrupt the water content which encourage toxic algae growth especially during summer months. Waste released over time causes detrimental effect on the surrounding ecosystem. Excess salt affects the overall soil health, reducing productivity and kills plants, leaving bare soil that is prone to erosion. Besides salinization of water has direct effect on aquatic life and consequently affecting the wider ecosystem. Rising sea levels causes acqua alta events to happen more frequently than ever. The floodgates designed to resist flooding in the historic center, however it disturbs the original flow of seawater entering the lagoon which subsequently affects the water quality and temperature. Meaning that waste stays longer in the canals when the gates are up and breaks the lagoon’s natural structure. Saltmarsh restoration is one of the measures currently taken by several groups to restore the health of the lagoon. Research has shown that marsh plants has filtering properties by trapping metal pollutant from sediments taking it out from the rest of the ecosystem. Through restoring the surrounding ml, it aims to reduce the impact that has been previously made. Considering our current lifestyle is one of the major reasons contributing to the global environmental issue, it becomes clear that we have to reconstruct the hierarchy within the oikos. Further developing the idea of ‘de-humancentric’ from semester one, the world I am constructing is to prioritize and empower the non-human citizens within the lagoon. In a wider context, to facilitate their growth by providing suitable habitats for them to take roots and flourish. Increased habitable area meaning it is able to accommodate a richer biodiversity which in return they perform tasks that unintentionally helps to recover the bigger world. There is a series of exchange between humans and non-humans promoting a mutually beneficial relationship. Through intentionally involving people into the process of regeneration of the world, it aims to regain the harmony between different oikos. Raising awareness to the idea of resources are limited and we have to be more mindful of our way of living. And in this case, water is the life giving matter to all living beings, however it is often overlooked. Greywater recycling system is a simplified version of the ecosystem we are in, demonstrating the entanglement of various worlds. Greywater is collected and cleaned with the help of microbes. With the intention of residents in the ghetto take care of the marsh plants. Microbes then hang onto the roots, taking up residence and multiply. While they live on the waste we produce and in return cleans the water, which this method results in less sludge than the regular centralised water treatment plant.
Tam Wing Yung Janet / 150008538 Oikos Transformed
Aerial view of Venitian lagoon and marshland
VENICE WETLAND OF INTERNATIONAL IMPORTANCE Venice lagoon is the largest wetland in Italy and has one of the most complex and rich costal ecosystem in the whole Mediterranean basin. It is classified as one of the primary migratory bird refuges in Europe. Looking back in history, the lagoon has always been crucial to the city. It served as protection during war, provided resources from marine and bird life and the route to bring in wealth through dominating the trading between Europe and Asia. Considering the Venetian history, culture, ecology along with many economical activities that all take place within the Venetian lagoon, there is no doubt that the lagoon is of international importance. There is a need to maintain the delicate ecological balance between human and nonhuman.
LIFE ALONG THE SOFT EDGES MARSHLAND EROSION Venice does not have a modern sewer system, sewage, greywater from homes, along with pollution from industrial areas and runoffs from local farms ends up in the lagoon. Waste disrupt the salinity level of the lagoon which affects the surrounding ecosystem that are particularly sensitive to changes. Excess salt affects the overall soil health, reducing productivity and kills plants, leaving bare soil that is prone to erosion. Besides salinization of water has direct effect on aquatic life and consequently affecting the wider ecosystem. The MOSE floodgates are designed to resist flooding in the historic center, however it disturbs the original flow of seawater entering the lagoon which consequently affects the water quality and temperature. With the rising sea level at the rate of 3.4mm per year, acqua alta will happen more frequently than ever. Meaning the gates are up and waste stays longer in the canals and further destroys the lagoons natural structure and its natural defence. Therefore, canals are dredged regularly, waste discharge in industrial area is controlled and saltmarsh restoration is one of the measures taken to restore the health of the lagoon.
MARSH BOARDER HIGH MARSH Flooded periodically during acqua alta months by high tide and storm
LOW MARSH TIDAL FLAT Flooded twice a day during high tide
The presence of a large harbour, technological center and manufacturing industry in Mestre has impose anthropogenic threats to the coastal ecosystem. In the last century (1900-2000), marshland formations decreased dramatically, from 13.2% to 4.6%. The lagoon is subjected to nitrogen pollution from urban run-offs that are associated to the application of synthetic fertilizers in agriculture. Moreover, the lack of efficient waste water treatment facilities and household chemicals discharge has become a serious problem. Aquaculture itself is another significant source of pollution, with nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P)from manure and feed as important pollutants. Nitrogen level impacts plant productivity and biomass. Excess nutrients into the lagoon can alter the biogeochemical cycles which can lead to algae bloom and further disrupts the lagoon environment. It can cause drastic change in food webs and biodiversity and partially anoxic ocean regions.
Floating treatment wetlands houses aquatic emergent plants in areas that are otherwise too deep to grow. Dense roots extend into the water below the floating island maximising surface area for microbes to attach and grow forming a biofilm. The biofilm is where nutrient uptake and degradation of contaminants take place.
Salt marshes are inter-tidal habitats with a range of salt-tolerant plants and shrubs that supports both marine and wildlife beings. Salt marshes stores carbon in their root systems and filters pollutants and pathogens from water. Along with increasing amount of organic material in soil, it provides an ideal place for plants to grow. Healthy salt marshes slows down erosion as their roots binds the sediments together, stabilizes the ground forming a stronger edge, so that the soil is less likely to be washed away by the rising and falling tides and wave by motorised boats.
APPLICATION IN VENICE The idea is to maximise saltmarsh in the historic center, since these floating wetlands are compact in size and it doesn’t require a solid ground which made it very flexible in application. It can be located all around the edge of the lagoon where there’s less traffic involved. As for my design, sections of the existing ground is excavated to allow water to get in, spaces occupied are moved to the floors above avoiding acqua alta. It is commonly observed that Venetians kept their ground level as circulation/ foyer space where possible and kept living space above. Area for saltmarsh plantation is maximised in the undercroft of my building. Columns extruded from the foundation creates a soft edge to prevent boats from entering the floating wetland area. And with the wetlands in between, forces from motors are mitigated and bricks are less likely to be disintegrated.
Marshplants filters pollutants(herbicides, pesticides and heavy metals) ,excess sediemtns and nutrients from water
Pollutants and excess nutrients enters the saltmarsh from land
POLLUTION CONCENTRATION IN THE VENETIAN LAGOON Total N and P input into the lagoon are 6.4 × 103 metric tons/year of N and 4.5 × 102 metric tons of P. Phosphate in surface water: 0.01 - 0.03mg/L and should not exceed 0.05mg/L The natural level of phosphate: 0.005 - 0.05 mg/L. “Nitrogen to phosphorus ratio in the Venice (Italy) Lagoon (2001–2010) and its relation to macroalgae”
The traditional natural method of cleaning the canals with tidal change twice a day from the city is proofed no longer sufficient to handle the volume of waste discharge. Along with the direct release of untreated household wastewater has further encourage toxic algae to grow especially during the summer. Therefore greywater recycling is looked as part of the whole picture within marshland ecology since the way we inhabit, our behaviour will impact our environment. Through integrating the onsite greywater recycling system, the idea is to allow residents to take care of the plants, which in return produces clean water for the ghetto neighbourhood. This involvement ties in human with the seemingly unrelated marshland ecology together, demonstrating the symbiotic relationship between the human and non human species. It enables people to engage with the issue and take responsibility of their Oikos through the act of care while providing cities with a new way of living. Less waste is directly released into the canal, reducing one of the source contributing to the problem. It might not necessarily a direct impact but a chain effect that initially disturbs the water nutrient balance which then affects aquatic life. According to the green world hypothesis, imbalance in the lower food chain impacts the survival of other higher level organisms. Beside pollutant in water passes up the food chain which end up affecting us. Therefore there is a need to educate people about the current issues of the general lagoon health and the idea of marshland ecology and that we play a role within. The output of the program goes beyond just the lagoon of Venice, reaching out to other places of the world dealing with similar problems. Venice being one of the first major cities to have to go against the problem of rising sea level. Solution develop to combat this issue is something that other cities around the world is interested to learn from particularly because of its unique situation of having a combination of active human activities on the islands alongside with a fragile marshland on the other. There is a very delicate balance in between and it is something people is interested in seeing how Venetians would approach on this issue. Besides Venice has its global reputation that attracts lots of people from around the world and its lagoon is one of the UNESCO world heritage site which it is naturally a place that gathers attention. With the lib located in the ghetto, it enables the urgent issue to be reflected upon especially Venice being a place that is dramatically affected by the forces of nature. Besides with its close proximity to the largest wetland in Italy, people who are interested in topics related to marshes can simply take a boat trip to the surrounding lagoon to learn and experience in person, therefore I have chosen to design a library themed around marshland ecology located in the ghetto. Experts from all over the world, in fields ranging from marine ecology, biology, geology to engineering can come visit and use the resources in the archive as a background study for their new research or the technology they are developing.
Tam Wing Yung Janet / 150008538 Oikos Transformed
GREYWATER RECYCLING ROUTE SOLUTION TOWARDS POLLUTED LAGOON 0: Pre-treatment unit 1-6: Greywater treatment tank 7: Disinfection unit 8: Existing sand filtration (a combination of new and old technology) 9: Drinking fountain OR water playscape Reclaimed effluent can be used as drinking water with further treatment such as reverse osmosis filtration and disinfection. Otherwise, it can be used for irrigation, toilet flushing, industrial applications.
Drinking water dristribution
8. Disinfection
7. Phase separation
8. Sludge disposal Influent
Pre-treatment Minimum area that can be covered by greywater plant
Plants are supported on mesh structure
roots as fixed film carrier
Engineered support media
Tidal creek
Bubble aeration
Onsite greywater recycling system water flow
A person generates 20-45 gallon(0.17m3) of greywater per person per day 4
Organica wastewater plant(WWP) in Verulam: 1000 people served (12000m3/day) Size of WWP: approx. 200m2 34 m2 per tank Area per tank onsite: 31-35m2 , 5m deep
3 2
3 1
Dash lines and arrows indicate movement
0-58 58-154 164-323 323-572 572-1136 Tam Wing Yung Janet / 150008538 Oikos Transformed
Marsh plant from left to right: Salicornia europeae 6-8cm Sea milkort 3-25cm Plantago maritima 30cm Artemisia maritima 45cm Triglochin maritima 45cm Elymus athericus 50cm Sea oats 60cm Aster tripolium 60cm Atriplex potulacoides 80cm Puccinellia maritima 80cm Sea Lavender 80-90cm Schizachyrium scoparium 100cm Switchgrass 100cm Low bulrush 150-200cm Smooth cordgrass 200cm
GREYWATER RECYCLING Water flow sequence plan on previous page. Saltmarsh plants located above filtering tanks.
Roots takes up excess nutrients and traps metal pollutants then degraded by endophytic bacteria. Microbes that attach to the roots breaks down organic matter forming a layer of biofilm. Introduction of plants within urban space increases habitat diversity which supports the growth of microbes to maximize the efficiency in phytoremediation process. Both birds and aquatic creatures can find ideal habitat and protection from predators.
Terrestrial habitat
Glasswort (Salicornia)
Pollutant uptake
Microbes (Biofilm) Urban runoff
Sedimentation Acquatic habitat
Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum)
VISITOR BASEMENT ENTRANCE Collage standing direction
Visitor enters from the middle of the square, the journey begins a trip from the basement exploring Venice’s subterranean space which one sees and feels along the entrance. Glittering water is visible at both sides of the walkway with light reflected on the ceiling. Sound of the moving water emphasis the preception of closure, stimulating different senses as you walk through the space. Roots related information is projected on the walls. In terms of material quality, the strata pattern of the wall further suggest the feeling of going underground, seeing a cross section through the ground of venice, revealing the obscure layer of the city which then leads into a large circular space that exhibits roots with a concrete structure to hold the planter with roots dangling down.
2 1
BASEMENT ROOTS EXHIBITION CONCEPT COLLAGE Roots are kept alive through a combination of aeroponics and drip system. Deep water culture is used in water filtering tanks.
STRUCTURE Ground floor
1. AEROPONICS Aeroponic system consist of a reservoir that holds water and nutrients with a raised planter bed above where the plants grow. The roots dangle down into the reservoir with a pump connected to spray nutrient solution directly to the planter bed. The mist blankets the root system. Excess water will drain back down into the reservoir. Liquids are exchanged continuously between the two levels. This method of allows roots to be exposed to oxygen, maximising aeration and nutrients to be directly applied to the roots for absorption. Besides water used is kept to a minimum and recycled continuously during the process.
Concrete structure with a column that slowly curve up connects towards the ground level. Load is carried on the left side allowing overhang on the right.
2. DRIP SYSTEM For areas higher up that couldn’t be covered by the mist uses the drip system. Drip pipeline is installed to supply water over plants. Excess water drips back down into the reservoir.
3. DEEP WATER CULTURE As for the filtration tanks, plants are kept alive by using the deep water culture method. Plants are placed into tanks with nutrient solution which is the greywater with an air pump to provide constant oxygen supply.
Steel frame structure with corrugated metal sheet to give curved form. Sand filled within and mesh underneath to hold fine particles from falling.
Archive collection
Open topic (Changes periodically)
Sounds from filtering tanks below (Permanent interactive display)
Swamp radio project
1 Oil paintings (Permanent exhibits)
This library consist of an archive which stores precious historic books and map on one side of the building with restricted access, and on the other side is the main library that serves the public. Considering that there will be tourists and scholars visiting the building, which these two groups of people visits with quite different purpose. With scholars that come and stay for at least half a day to read in a quite environment to focus on the reading material and the tourists who come and go after viewing the exhibits which in comparison there is a lot more movement and noise involved in those places. There are 4 exhibition space with one at the basement showing roots, one on first floor that exhibit paintings which is the earliest record of the general life of people and the lagoon. Exhibition space on the second floor is updated every few months with different topics for example to showcase the latest research finding or an exhibition of things made with biomaterial, or it could be photographs of birds that inhabits in ml or a display of the archive collection about marsh plants etc. Exhibition on the second floor exterior atrium space have panels explaining what is happening in the onsite greywater recycling system below the atrium saltmarsh by connecting sound transmission program to visualize the invisible things happening underneath our feet. It is presented in a more tangible way through listening to the weird noises of the underground world of microbes and sludge, the bubbling sound of moving liquids. So that the whole visitor route beginning from the basement covers topics from ground, soil, roots, plantsÂŹ, water, and finally ties back to the theme of ecology and reminds people that we are part of the ecosystem and our personal behaviour directly or indirectly affects other living species so we need to be mindful of our current way of living. Since technology can only help to a certain extent, and Venice is in need of immediate action in lifestyle changes in order to be sustainable in the long run.
G A Exhibition about biomaterial and its application
B 16th century landscape paintings by Canaletto
GROUND FLOOR A2 1:200 Ground floor plan on page 54 Building in relation to site and bridges
PARALLEL PROJECTION VIEW FROM LAGOON INTO SITE External cafe seating on 1/F Red concrete at the top of rammed earth wall
saltmarsh in atrium with greywater recycling tanks below
GROUND FLOOR ENTRANCE The building’s structural grid is dictated by the filtration tanks located at the basement connecting from the foundation upwards. The position of the filtration tank partitions dictates where the load bearing walls above is located. And the curved building form is derived from the central circular piece of saltmarsh with the amphitheatre sink downwards. Clean water from the tanks are visible on both the ground level drinking fountain by the main entrance and a stream of water that flows through the amphitheatre and on both sides of the visitor basement entrance.
Pigeons, Redshank , white heron, bees, Pieridae butterflies and moth Floating marshalnd
Salicornia virginica Armeria maritima
Limonium vulgare
Marram grass
Atriplex verrucifera
Bird on left: White heron Bird on right: Seagull
FIRST FLOOR LIFT ENTRANCE ONTO FIRST FLOOR Stairs on the right connects directly from the ground floor to the second floor main library. Indicated in orange on plan.
SECTION B 1:20 RAMMED EARTH WALL TO CLT 1. Concrete stiffener with red pigment 2. Reinforced rammed earth wall 250mm each side sandwiching rigid insulation 100 with damp proof membrane 3. Lintel 4. Double glazed window 5. CLT floor panel 6. Glulam beam 300mm
SECTION A 1:20 RAMMED EARTH WALL TO GROUND LEVEL 7. Ground line (exterior) 8. Concrete base with recess 100mm 9. Reinforced rammed earth wall 250mm 10. Rigid insulation 100mm 11. Terrazzo flooring 20mm 12. Mortar 40mm 13.Leveling screed 50mm 14. Concrete slab 200mm supported by concrete beam below
Archival material are available upon request within specialist reading room.
Main library Archive
1 26
Exterior Interior Collage standing direction
SECOND FLOOR ARCHIVE Terrazzo flooring mixed with recycled fragments and brass channel divider strips with desk number embedded on the floor. Glulam is used on higher levels to have a lighter structure and keeping the heavier material of concrete at the lower levels. Shelfs on this section is 700mm deep, where parchment documents are stored. Oversized documents that can’t fit on regular shelfs are rolled up with bespoke box storage.
Tam Wing Yung Janet / 150008538 Oikos Transformed
1. Rigid insulation 100mm with damp proof membrane 2. Reinforced rammed earth wall 250mm on each side 3. Door header 4. Glass door to balcony 5. brick balustrade 1100mm 6. Concrete slab 200mm 7. Concrete beam 250mm 8. CLT floor panel 200mm 9. Glulam beam 300mm
Roof: 1. CLT strctural panel 200mm with fire retardant coating 2. Insulation 150mm with vapour control barrier 3. Plywood 4. Waterproof membrane 5. Timber batten 6. Clay roof tile cladding 7. Gutter Wall: 8. Glulam beam 300mm(depth)x120mm(width) 9. CLT structural panel 200mm 10. Insulation 150mm with water proof membrane 11. Aluminum frame bolted to grid panel with cut recycled bricks slotted in 12. Brass window frame 13. Double glazed window Floor: 14. Cove base with brass capping 15. Terrazzo flooring finish 20mm 16. Brass divider strip 17. Underbed mortar 40mm 18. Fireproofing concrete screed 50mm 19. CLT floor panel 250mm 20. Tie beam
Exterior Interior
THIRD FLOOR SPATIAL ARRANGEMENT The space is divided into three main section, archive, main lib and exhibition all connected to the atrium with the main circulation at the center. And right below the atrium there is saltmarsh plants located at the ground level creating a direct visual connection and right below that is the greywater recycling tanks. The exhibition space on the second floor explains how the onsite recycling system works with a sound transmission program connected to the sludge world. The collage above shows the main library on the third floor. The light at the atrium uses crown glass pieces to create droplet-like shadows on ground floor. (refer to the idea of converting the value of waste, page 35)
Tam Wing Yung Janet / 150008538 Oikos Transformed
1. Terrazzo skirting 2. CLT panel 200mm 3. Insulation 120mm 4. Damp proof membrane 5. Timber clad 6. Glulam column 300mm 7. Concrete wall 300mm 8. Timber finish 9. Tie beam 10. Glulam beam 500mm 11. CLT structural floor 250mm
SECTION F 1:200 34
The precedent below shows an idea of how it would look. Every brick has a slightly different age appearance in color and textured surface depends on the height it is on originally on the existing building and what it is exposed to. Weathered bricks are collected and sliced and slotted into the aluminium frame on the facade like a patchwork.
Marble was the material of choice at the time for upscale jobs. Venetian construction workers mixed the leftover marble with clay and cement to create inexpensive flooring material for their own home. In a way that it could be understand as a kind of sustainable construction as a reaction against waste similarly with the use of crown glass below. It celebrates the beauty of the material that is otherwise disposed. Each new brick made from the collected material holds bits and pieces of history around the historic city of Venice. The facade reflects the idea of a library being a place that holds and exhibits a range of collective pieces, bringing in people of similar interest and passing on knowledge to further create progress in the field.
A Dutch designer created a series of bricks made with recycled composite by crushing and mixing material from old buildings which includes bricks, roof tiles, glass and even nails. Then cement is added as the binder to create new building material.
Waste wood cutoff pieces such as oak, plane, walnut from joinery industry and plaster waste from foundry industry is collected. The new material below is made up of 84% of recycled material. Meanwhile the binder is composed of plaster waste, wood dust, pigment and 0% VOC bio-based epoxy resin. (VOC: gas compound that is release from burning fuel, wood preservatives, disinfectants, adhesives, paints and thinners etc.)
Crown Glass pieces was commonly used for window glass until the 19th century. These pieces are the ‘byproduct’ during the process of hand-blown glass making process.
50% Roof tiles
Reduce consumption of natural resources by extended the life of an existing object. In order for bricks to be reclaimed, it has to meet a standard that could be reused. Only 5% if the bricks from demolition is reclaimed and 50% is crushed and use in hardcore and fill. With the bricks being purely cladding, it wouldn’t matter as much of the condition it is in. It could have a tumbled edge or irregularly sized due to prolonged weathering, the process of demolition and handling. For a more complete brick wall, the wall is cut and hold together with a steel frame in panels are then mounted on the rail on the facade which can be disassembled at the end of the building life for further reuse or recycle. So that whether it is slotted in individually or mounted as a panel, it will not end up looking repetitive from afar like faux brick does.
20% Metal and glass
The image below shows different combinations of binder colour, sizes and types of wood chips. It is then painted with a lacquer finish that can handle high traffic environment. It can be used for furniture, wall panels and floor finish. Panels are available with a tongue and groove in custom sizes and shapes for easy application.
30% Cement
70% Bricks
10% Bricks
20% Cement
Bricks that are recycled from various demolished building in Venice is collected and the new bricks made with old material are marked with the house number of where it originally came from. Street in Venice doesn’t have official names like many other cities does. The only fixed marks were the parish boundaries and the six districts. Buildings are later numbered in 1801 by the government which this system is still in use today.
Circular design: reused materials and the future reuse of building elements in architecture. Process, challenges and case studies / Urszula Kozminska
Considering the transportation aspect of construction has led to the direction of reusing what is ready onsite. This construction method uses natural raw materials including sand, gravel, clay and lime to create a subsoil that is then poured into a formwork. Soil and clay for example can be directly source from the bits that are dug up from the existing site. The subsoil is added in batches and compacted repeatedly with tampers till it reaches the top. The formwork can be removed immediately when the wall is complete. Texture can be further applied on with wire brushing, carving or mould impression if it is left exposed. The structure gains compressive strength as it dries. The strength varies with the mixture quality which includes the particle size, distribution, moisture content, amount and proportion. Rebars can provide additional reinforcement to the wall. This traditional technique has been used for constructing foundation, floors and walls dated back in ancient archaeological sites. A properly rammed earth building can stand for centuries. Rammed earth has a high thermal mass reducing the need of heating and cooling of internal space. Besides it can effectively regulate humidity to approx. between 40-60% if the clay wall is exposed to an internal space. The recommended relative humidity level for archive storage condition is 35-60% which rammed earth construction is suitable for this project.
FLOORING MATERIAL Terrazzo slabs are poured in place over a concrete base then sealant is applied for waterproofing purpose. Traditionally Italians mixed in marble fragments as aggregate. Recycled glass, porcelain and concrete is commonly used nowadays to also lower the price apart from the skilled labour aspect of it being comparatively expensive. Cement based terrazzo can only span 0.5m2 before cracking whereas epoxy-based terrazzo can go up to 9m. Divider channel strips are typically zinc, occasionally brass or aluminium. It is commonly used in commercial space due to its durability. The choice of color and mix of aggregates can camouflage minor wear and chips over years of use. There is a wide range from color to chip size to choose from. Another reason that it terrazzo flooring is used in the basement is that it has a non-porous surface unlike concrete, hardwood or masonry that holds moisture and create ideal condition for bacteria to linger on. The high amount of microbial activity on these floorings get kicked up and dispersed in the air then potentially end up breathed in. Considering the basement is constantly under high level of moisture, its property of being anti-microbial reduces the amount of bacteria to multiply and its smooth surface reduces water accumulating on circulation spaces to minimises unwanted accidents.
Surface of a wall shows texture from the wooden formwork if left untouched. Horizontal strata is visible due to the slight difference in content of each batch of subsoil mixture. The color of it can be left as it is which could come off as a range of earth toned shades or by adding colored powder to give off a more reddish finish. The patterns on the wall further suggest the feeling of seeing a cross section into the grounds of Venice, revealing the obscured layers of the city. Water recycling tanks at the basement dictates where the structure is located. Walls above that are continuous on the same position from basement will be one single monolithic structure to create a direct connection to the marshland located on the ground level, tying back to the main theme of the library.
Micro (top), Standard (middle), Venetian (bottom)
EARTHENED FLOOR SECTION 4-6 coats of oil finish to seal the top 60mm floor finish (clay with pigment) 20mm Clay (2 part sand, 1 part soil, chopped straw) 75mm Roadbase(rock, soil, silt) 50-200mm Pumice or rigid insulation vapour barrier 80-250mm drainage rock
Layers are intentionally not levelled perfectly while compacted leaving interesting patterns that can be as dramatic (top row) or subtle (middle left) for both internal and external wall.
Slot drain can easily be integrated as divider strips
Divider that links to counter top and details
Tam Wing Yung Janet / 150008538 Oikos Transformed
SOFTENING EDGES LESS DEFINED INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL SPACE Basement is designed with the intention to be flooded when acqua alta happens. According to the topography analysis(semester 1, page 15-16) the site is comparatively higher than st marco area. Only tides higher than 145 will completely flood the square. However acqua alta is happening more frequently with the rising of sea level, uses of ground level needs to be reconsidered. Taking the advantage of the constant threat of flooding interior, the basement is roofless allowing water to flood in. Since it is an unavoidable event and affecting spaces at ground level. I thought it can be an opportunity to make it as part of the experience, which aims to reminds people about the forces of nature. The basement only consist of the roots exhibition and the auditorium. If it floods, visitors can enter via the ramp on the ground floor passing through the arches into an exhibition space. The building is designed to have bridge-like walkways to connect individual enclosed volumes. The main circulation is designed around the saltmarsh at the center.
REFLECTION Plans being overly complicated. Routes of visitor and staff needs to be separated. More generous entrance is needed. Utilise spaces under arches otherwise feels leftover.
IDEA DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION In order to maximise sunlight reaching to marshplants on ground level, both east and west side of the building (middle part) is kept to 4m internally. The building is moved backwards to minimise shadow from the adjacent building from the south. So that theoretically, it receives sunlight all day long. The greywater recycling tanks are scattered around the site under the arches. With two tanks by the visitor entrance. The plant bed is designed to slope upwards so that it visually emphasises the feeling of going underground. Sketches on the right: considering spatial experience and material
DEVELOPMENT REFLECTION Spatial arrangement of previous set of plans is rather unfeasible with certain spaces too narrow to work with. Entry space is repositioned to the right on this page and on the left in the next page as I struggled to create a sense of arrival from the ground level to the first floor.
Tam Wing Yung Janet / 150008538 Oikos Transformed
DEVELOPMENT INTEGRATION OF STRUCTURE WITH SPACE Main library on the left, and archive on the right. Restricted access into and out of archive due to security reasons on first floor only. Triple height space in specialist reading space. Bookshelf integrated with structure at the center. The column structure is designed to be 2m by 2m which allows the rest of the space to be column free.
STRUCTURAL STRATEGY CONTRASTING GEOMETRY The greywater recycling tanks feels isolated on its own in the previous designs. In order to integrate the system within the building, the idea is to locate the tanks in a linear route where water flows from one tank to another. The building’s structural grid is dictated by the filtration tanks located at the basement connecting from the foundation upwards. The position of the filtration tank partitions dictates where the load bearing walls above is located. Concrete is used in lower level and a lighter clt structure above.
REFLECTION Circulation space is fitted within the curved walls which creates a defined main circulation through the building. However the idea is taken to an extreme where previously considered elements are lost. Development of idea is required.
PALAFOLLS PUBLIC LIBRARY / MIRALLES TAGLIABUE Landscape that forms the main strucutre & walls.
Concrete lift core Concrete walls extruded from basement
Free standing concrete structure as ceiling.
Huge south facing windows are minimized to prevent over heating in the library. Meanwhile allowing sufficient daylight to penetrate to the marshplant. Concrete and rammed earth has a high thermal mass to reduce the reliance on mechanical ventilation. In my final design, windows are on both sides to allow cross ventilation.
Aluminium caping gutter
water proof membrane 120 insulation on vapour barrier 170 clt panel 50 insulation timber finish
Pushing the edge of the building out into the canal to increase interior space. The church on the other side of the canal is further back so it wasn’t a problem looking in elevation. However the space below might not be ideal for the plants.
column: 170x250
aluminium flashing double glazing with timber frame steel sheet that holds brick cladding vapour barrier 110 insulation 140 CLT panel
concrete with carpet finish on top 170 CLT panel 400x190 glulam beam
Concave ‘planter box’ for root exhibition at the basement.
Archive basement storage (Doesn’t exist in final design)
1: 500 MODEL 1:30 SECTION ON A2
View from lagoon into the central piece of saltmarsh. 300x 600 glulam column 16 dia. x 140 long threaded rod glued into glulam column steel plate 300x300x25 hollow structural steel 160 steel plate 300x300x25 leveling nuts 19 dia anchor bolt with washer nut at base
roots hanging down
greywater recycling tank
WASTE AS MATERIAL LIVING PIPES Hair are considered useless and troublesome to deal with in household drains. It accumulates in large amounts and block the drainage system. It takes several years to decompose into carbon, nitrogen and sulphur. Due to its slow degradation process, solids in urban centralised waste water drains are burnt. The idea is to identify ‘waste’ as a resource since hair is readily available and biodegradable. Hair are trapped in the outer layer of the tube while water passes through in the middle. When water is present, the stretchy latex tube expands like a living organism that grows. Hydraulic pressure of the water pushes the tube to expand. Flexibility of the pipe allow it to expand and adapt to the fluctuation of water. Its shape and size isn’t static. Grease from greywater is trapped by the hair due to its unique property with oil. The external layer is designed to be removable in separate sections for easy maintenance when there is too much hair stuck in the tube causing blockage. With this design, pipes are no longer just leading water from point A to B. It act like intestines that ‘digest’ waste along the way it travels, which reduces the organic load in water upon arrival to prevent overloading the pre-treatment unit. It seamlessly integrated as part of the onsite greywater recycle system.
Aerial view of Venice lagoon: http://scenes-for-sharing.co.uk/galleries/italy/italy-venetian-lagoon/ Vertical drone view of saltmarsh: http://www.dronestagr.am/marshland-of-venice-lagoon/
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Elevation view: https://66.media.tumblr.com/080c5f786a0ccb4587313145eb18f7bb/tumblr_inline_o7hft2neaX1qm4s7k_1280.jpg Eroding edge: https://www.bu.edu/bostonia/fall14/lessons-from-venice/ Bird: http://www.veniceandlagoon.net/web/progetti_in_corso/progetti_piano_di_gestione/recupero_valorizzazione_paesaggi_cultura_lagunare/-
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Saltmarsh plant species: https://www.asla.org/2010studentawards/images/largescale/062_12.jpg https://flaglerlive.com/wp-content/uploads/wetlands-restoration-presentation.pdf Water purification coefficient: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Water-purification-coefficient-WPC-of-three-salt-marsh-plants_tbl2_236185851 N & P level in water: Flint river green notebook. 2011. [online] Available at: <http://msdisantis.weebly.com/uploads/2/1/8/9/21896518/fr-green-notebook-041511-phosphorous.pdf> [Accessed 15 June 2020].
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Floating wetland: http://iisd.org/story/floating-treatment-wetlands/
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Semester 1 group work page 10-11
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Relay in saltmarsh aquatic food web: Tayloy, Peter H. 2008. Saltmarshes in the gulf of marine: Human impacts, habitats restoration, and long -term change analysis.
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Organica water: https://www.organicawater.com/
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Archive marsh plant collection : https://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/eflora/eflora_display.php?tid=40307 Archive insects collection: https://66.media.tumblr.com/5821b9a922777af12a552e7092be51e6/eccb5044b758fe96-bb/s1280x1920/f3e31a107abe000fba806ef0b859636c11482998.png Archive anatomy of plants: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/344103227772590013/?nic_v1=1am0Kx%2FYv94qTE1JDi%2FENsqz1x0nHRz%2F%2FIi%2FnbcpF64PA8s642qZbloPmezOiEeW42 Swamp radio: http://rixc.org/en/home___/0/614/ Making furniture from fungi: https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/guest-blog/making-furniture-from-fungi/ Biomaterial: https://inhabitat.com/biomaterials-archive-debuts-at-dutch-design-week-2019/ Landscape paintings: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canaletto#/media/File:Canaletto_-_The_Entrance_to_the_Grand_Canal,_Venice_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg Roots section: https://www.economist.com/science-and-technology/2020/02/20/knowing-how-plants-and-microbes-work-together-can-boost-cropyields
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Crown glass: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/c9/13/11/c913118cdfe12675983a4914487bd9ec.jpg
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Dave hakkens: https://davehakkens.nl/ Timber terrazzo using recycled material: https://www.dezeen.com/2020/01/26/foresso-timber-terrazzo-design/
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Giardin residential: https://www.architonic.com/en/project/mierta-kurt-lazzarini-architekten-wohnuberbauung-giardin/5100734 Visitor center at Swiss: https://www.archdaily.com/769013/visitor-centre-at-the-swiss-ornithological-institute-mlzd
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Terrazzos: https://terrazzco.com/terrazzo-specification-how-to-guide-for-architects/ Drain integrated: https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/specifiedbypro/40916/64654/component-developments-com_symmetrical-slot-drain_photo_0_5b0e907546f0b-type3603.jpg&w=800 Brass divider: https://www.profilpas.com/sites/default/files/products/ZN.jpg
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Organica water: https://www.organicawater.com/ Aeroponics system: https://somegardeningtips.com/building-an-aeroponics-system-step-by-step-illustrated-guide/ Aeroponics advantage: http://web.colby.edu/st297-global18/2018/11/26/aeroponics-a-compliment-to-hydroponics-and-the-food-system-of-space/
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V&A libarian: https://www.vam.ac.uk/__data/assets/image/0012/161013/hdr-VandA-RIBA-partner.jpg British library: https://www.bl.uk/britishlibrary/~/media/bl/global/visit/socialsciences04-s.jpg?crop=1&cropX=10&cropY=93&cropW=1989&cropH=1120&cropcachekey=1109319891120&w=1248&h=702&dispW=1248&dispH=702&hash=9349D7788FB311B4055A8CBEE84DAFEA Biblioteca Angelica: https://bluesyemre.com/2017/06/30/palaces-of-self-discovery-a-series-on-libraries-by-thibaud-poirier-thibaud_poirier/biblioteca-angelica-rome/ http://www.mirallestagliabue.com/project/palafolls-public-library/ https://miesarch.com/work/2970 Semester 1 portfolio page 6-7 ; Studio swine: https://www.studioswine.com/work/hair-highway/ Tam Wing Yung Janet / 150008538
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Oikos Transformed
Lit and phil society