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Reuben Jones

Centre for Heritage and Preservation of France My graduation project has two specific goals - The first is to engage the general public with the processes and complexities of architectural preservation, by reframing and redefining how we physically interact with historic buildings, and how we understand the process that are so essential to their survival. The second is to rework and redesign the spaces around Notre Dame, to improve tourist and Parisian interaction, and ensure that one does not overwhelm the other. My design utilises a steel frame based upon scaffold design, that surrounds the cathedral linking the various different aspects of my project, forming a continuous public circulation route. This frame defines the physical spaces of the island and the Centre for Heritage and Preservation, and provides tourists with a new perspective in the restoration of the cathedral, and the city as a whole. This route links museums under Notre Dame’s square, with the cathedral itself, the tourist walkways and finally the research and education centre that make up the Centre for Heritage and Preservation.


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