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the site, I aim to encourage circulation, diversity,


sustainability, and improve facilities in order to create a more integrated neighbourhood expansion that offers

Undeniably, adequate housing is a basic need required

an abundance of amenities for both its residents and

throughout society - the quality of which, is a key to a

the surrounding neighbourhood.

magnitude of societal issues. ‘Over a century after the Garden City Movement began, the nation is still dealing

Concepts and ideas for the theoretical design elements

with inadequate housing and huge social inequalities’

are translated from precedential studies and

[Henderson, Et, al: 2017]. Across the UK, challenges lie

architectural spatial theories, explored through

both in providing sufficient quantity of new housing and

academic readings and research. I concluded that in

regenerating pre-existing communities. Now, more than

order to appeal to mass and varying demographics, the

ever in a society amidst a global pandemic, we

proposal must be, above anything else, adaptable. I

recognise the importance of creating a space that can

wanted to create a design that was modular, yet also

be adaptable and accommodating of even the most

offered space and possibility for variation. In addition to

unexpected demands.

this, the surrounding area and its ecology had to be cohesive within the development in order to integrate

The design project focuses on a demographically

the wider community.

declining site in Elswick, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. Cruddas Park hosts both residential units and

Having also recently completed a dissertation that

commercial public facilities, however, many of the

explores how student housing has been adapted to fit

spaces are either neglected, run down, or entirely

the residential requirements of an evolving student

empty. Integration was an overarching issue that linked

demographic; I have developed a particular interest in

to many further problems within the existing housing

how architecture and space are created as a product of


society and culture, and am keen to develop this within practice.

After research into new housing developments in the North-East, and theoretical exploration into design

Email: sarahbushnell25@gmail.com

strategy; I concluded several strategic approaches that


could be applied in coherence with the existing


opportunities within the site. Through redevelopment of

[CV and portfolio available on request]

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