Name: Jacob Botting
Title: The Data Cathedral
Description: The Data Cathedral is a project designed for readily accessible, energy-passive, and virtually indestructible data storage. By utilising the emerging technology of laser-etched Silica Glass, panes of Glass can hold hundreds of thousands of Gigabytes, perfect for archiving or for Artificial Intelligence training. The Data Cathedral serves as a celebratory and a functional monument to humanity’s knowledge and dedication to the act of recording information, a roman-concrete mass timelessly expresses the functions of the space, where the often-obfuscated world of Data collection, recording, and use becomes visible, accessible and tangible to the public. An overhead rail system allows the building’s users to move Silica Glass panes freely throughout the building, providing a ritualised, tangible interaction with data. Companies, councils and citizens alike can use and access this data, and do so in ‘pods’ slotted into the framework around the permanent monument – serving as a temporal, cultural and economic hub to integrate all walks of life in their interaction with ‘big data’. By architecturally confronting issues with permanence and temporality, the Data Cathedral is designed to adapt to future societies’ needs and desires, whilst creating a useful monument built upon the knowledge, means and ability of our current society. The Design process embodied this approach, where technological and conceptual revelations informed any formal moves, and the Data Cathedral has therefore evolved guided by its key concepts: Permanence + Temporality + Accessibility + Monumentality + Adaptability With my Architecture I wish to express my architectural philosophy, concepts and a sense of enjoyment in my design work, and the Data Cathedral shows an optimistic and playful - yet greatly considered - approach to design.
Contact Details: Email: Instagram: @botti_ng