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This Document
This document is an alternative Area Action Plan (AAP) to the existing Area Action Plan for Colindale, produced in 2010 by the London Borough of Barnet. This document presents a revised vision for the area. It provides an alternative development framework for Colindale which better meets the needs of the existing and growing communities, the local economy and the natural environment.
First, the document summarises and critiques the existing Colindale AAP. Noting strengths and weaknesses of the original vision for redevelopment in Colindale, it proposes an alternative understanding of the area’s boundary and a new vision for future sustainable development.
Second, this document will present alternative policies to achieve this vision through four policy chapters.
Finally, conclusions and recommendations will be presented, including a timeline for how these policy measures will be implemented and a final reflection on the project’s development.
Summary of Existing AAP
Published by the London Borough of Barnet in 2010, the Colindale Area Action Plan (AAP) is a statutory planning document that sets out the framework and strategy for development in Colindale over a 10-15-year period.
The aim of the 2010 AAP was to provide ‘a comprehensive but flexible long term strategy to manage change and deliver high quality sustainable development in Colindale’.
The original document was a response to the area’s designation as an opportunity area under the Mayor’s London Plan which projected 10,000 new homes and 500 new jobs for Colindale.
The AAP guides the policy and tools used to enable these ambitious targets to be met under four corridors of change, identified as development boundaries within the document.
The 2010 AAP is organised as follows:
-Introduction and Local Context - Vision - Connecting Colindale - Corridors of Change - A High Quality Environment in Colindale - A Green Future for Colindale - Colindale-wide Policies - Delivery and Monitoring
Existing AAP Policy Tools
General guidelines for development
Rewarding specific development patterns
Hard-line measures which govern key developmental practices
The 2010 AAP: The policies within the existing AAP are heavily guidance focused. A distinct lack of incentive and control tools has resulted in weak policy adoption on vital measures for achieving key parts of the AAP vision. This is particularly evident in policies concerning climate change mitigation, local environmental protection and enhancement, showcasing Colindale’s identity through design, and developing neighbourhood centres.
Whilst the existing AAP’s use of guidance policy tools has allowed for fast residential development to meet local and London-wide housing targets, it is clear that this has come at a cost.
The New AAP This new AAP’s approach to policy tools is to adopt the appropriate tool according to how each policy responds to the vision for Colindale. For instance, if the policy concerns architectural styles of new buildings, the policy tool adopted will be guidance, to reflect the flexibility for interpretation and creativity on the matter. However, if the policy concerns integrated green infrastructure, it will be necessary to create incentives as a policy tool to encourage developers to adopt environmentally sustainable practices. Where pressing concerns have a bearing effect on social and environmental justice, for example, a control measure may be put in place to ensure truly sustainable develop-ment in line with the wider guidelines and ethics of the London Plan.