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Potential Approaches

Explanation of approach The use of precedents is an approach this SPD will take in order to better inform our proposals in Section 2. We seek to first analyse how applicable the precedents are as tools, how they compare with Woolwich Town Centre in terms of similarity of context and objectives, how successful they have been and if modifications would need to be made to be more applicable to Woolwich. Precedents refer to proposals such as “PR1.1 Public Realm and Open Space Aims for Woolwich.” These proposals will be explained in more detail in “Section 2, Proposals.”


Precedent Name

Movement and Connectivity

MC1 To create connectivity to Woolwich Town Centre from peripheral residential areas.

MC2 To create high quality connectivity into and through Woolwich town centre.

MC3 To create high quality connectivity between the riverside and Woolwich Town Centre.

MC4 To improve and prioritise sustainable and integrated modes of transport.

MC5 To prevent and reduce severance within Woolwich Town Centre, in particular from the A205 and A206.

Greater Manchester wayfinding

Love your laneway and Green your laneway projects, Melbourne Australia

City of London Riverside Walk enhancement strategy

London Borough of Enfield, “Cycle Enfield”, Cycle Hubs

Southwark / Elephant and Castle

40% - wayfinding strategy implemented by Transport for Greater Manchester, focused on major transport nodes and key cultural and social destinations and aimed at visitors.

40% - precedent focused on rejuvinating the city centre rather than enhancing permeability, but many of the opportunities and urban context are similar.

40% - City of London riverside has a very different demographic of users and use patterns, however faced similar issues to Woolwich such as connecting the riverside to further inland and creating a permeable and pleasant environment.

40% - the scale of projects and change in Enflied is much larger than may be possible in Woolwich, oweing to the amount of funding made available for Enfield. However, the aspiration is the same and many elements of the Cycle Enfield Mini Holland Project are transferable to Woolwich context.

50% - The roads being addressed are TfL red routes - busy, high movement roads. Elephant and Castle are central locations with higher levels of pedestrian, cycle and vehicle movements. Woolwich routes have high levels of vehicle movements but at present has less multi modal conflict.

80% - to improve transport by sustinable means through and into the city centre.

Yes, extremely successful. More than 30 laneways transformed into 60% - sought to improve the user envi- 80% - Objectives are the same, though the culutral and social hotspots and ronment and ensure that the route was scale of funding required to deliver the same now there is a movement towards continuous, well used and accessible. outcomes as Enfield may not be possible. greening laneways as part of climate resilience.


Colourful crossings appear to be successful, The strategy was a success, although attracting users to cross at these locations, reYes, extremely successful. More is could be seen that much of the ducing collisions. Anecdotal evidence suggests than 30 laneways transformed into The strategy is still ongoing but appears sucriverside environment was already at a users think they enhance the built environment. culutral and social hotspots and cessful. Two awards have been given to Enfield high quality and changes were mostly The Elephant and Castle roundabout project now there is a movement towards Council for their projects. The Cycle Hubs they superficial. Key successes were ensurhas been immensely contraversial, but appears greening laneways as part of have delivered are successful. ing continuity of the riverside walking to have delivered some improvements in enviclimate resilience. route and increasing legibility. ronemtn to pedestrians and cyclists. The issues of severance still exists but is reduced.

This was focused on the Manchester region, applying this in the Woolwich context means looking at a different geographic scale.

Project success was aided by More of a focus on linking the riverside strong community contribution and with Woolwich town centre, rather than ownership, which would need to be improving riverside environment. replicated for Woolwich.


Similarity of Context

Similarity of Objectives


Improvements/ challenges to applying?


Delivery of funding is a challenge in applying this intervention to Woolwich, though creative thinking and public-privte partnerships mean delivery is still viable.

70% - Elephant and Castle rounadabout project and Southwark Colourful Crossings were each seeking to address severance and rebalance the importance of “place value” against “movement value”.

Ensuring that bold steps are taken to reduce the severance, and firmly delivering on the aspiration that streets should be for people as well as vehicles.

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